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Saving for Home Heating Oil

Saving for home heating oil

Stay Warm Oil Stamp Scheme

The ‘Stay Warm Saving Scheme’, operated by the Society of Saint Vincent de Paul and supported by Mid and East Antrim Borough Council allows you to spread the cost of your home heating oil by buying oil stamps at local retailers. For more information visit:


Community Bulk Buying Oil Clubs

A number of local community groups operate community oil buying clubs. By coordinating orders for domestic heating oil in an area, the clubs are able to negotiate discounts with the oil suppliers by buying in bulk. The clubs are a great way of helping communities make home heating oil more affordable. The following clubs operate within MEA:

Braid Oil Club thebraidoilclub@gmail.com T: 07824 860 083 Glenravel Oil Club T: 07856 335 221 Larne Oil Club info@larneoilclub.co.uk www.larneoilclub.co.uk

NIHE NI Oil Buying Clubs

THE NI Oil Buying Network negotiates on behalf of behalf of clubs with savings made passed on to all members. Within MEA the following club operates:

Bannvale (Ahoghill, Bellaghy, Lavy, Portglenone Co Antrim / Co Derry)

For more information https://www.nihe.gov.uk/Community/NI-Energy-Advice/OilBuying-Clubs

Oil Price Comparison websites

Consumer Council – NI Home Heating Oil Price Checker www.consumercouncil.org.uk/homeheatingoilpricechecker/tool

Boiler Juice - www.boilerjuice.com/heating-oil-prices-northern-ireland/

Cheapest Oil - https://www.cheapestoil.co.uk/Heating-Oil-NI


The Northern Ireland Oil Federation has also partnered with PayPoint to introduce a pre-payment scheme for home heating oil.

The scheme allows customers to make regular payments throughout the year rather than pay a lump sum at time of delivery. Those participating in the scheme will receive a swipe card which can be used to make payments towards home heating oil at participating shops.

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