2 minute read

Age Friendly

examples are ‘Tea and Newspaper’ and ‘Knit and Natter’. Find out more about the events offered at your local library offers using the contact details or links below.


5 Pats Brea, Ballymena, BT43 5AX Number : 028 2563 3950 Email : ballymena.library@librariesni.org.uk Website : Ballymena Central Library (librariesni.org.uk)

Larne Library

26 Pound Street, Larne, BT40 1SQ Number : 028 2827 7047 Email : larne.library@librariesni.org.uk Website : Larne Library (librariesni.org.uk)

Carrickfergus Library

2 Joymount, Carrickfergus, BT38 7DQ Number : 028 9336 2261 Email : carrickfergus.library@librariesni.org.uk Website : Carrickfergus Library (librariesni.org.uk)

Age Friendly

Mid and East Antrim Borough has been awarded membership of the World Health Organisation Global Network for Age Friendly Cities and Communities, strengthening our public commitment to being an Age Friendly Borough.

Representatives from community, voluntary and statutory organisations, as well as interested individuals will work together to help ensure that our older people are active, respected and supported in their community.

If you are interested in getting involved with Age Friendly MEA please get in touch by contacting Helen McClean, Age Friendly Co-ordinator Number : 028 2826 2353 Email : age.friendly@midandeastantrim.gov.uk

Mid and East Antrim Borough Council Leisure, Exercise & Activities

Being active can help to improve people’s physical and mental health. There are a number of different options throughout the Mid and East Antrim Borough Council that you can take advantage of –

Free Local Parks/Walks

Carnfunnock Country Park - 182A Coast Road, Larne, BT40 2QG

Carrickfergus Mill Ponds – Prince William Way, Carrickfergus, BT38 7HP

Diamond Jubilee Wood – Slaughterford Road, Whitehead, BT38 9JR

ECOS Centre Nature Park – Kernohans Lane, Broughshane Road, BT38 7QA

Oakfield Glen and Bashfordsland Wood – Red Fort Park, off Marshallstown Road, Carrickfergus, BT38 9TH

The Peoples Park - Doury Road, Ballymena, BT43 6JA

Local Playgrounds -

To see a full list of playgrounds located throughout Mid and East Antrim check out our council webpage. There are loads of free options for a fun day out Play | Mid and East Antrim Borough Council | Mid and East Antrim Borough Council

Leisure Centres –

Seven Towers Leisure Centre, Ballymena Number : 028 2563 3382 Email : STLC.Reception@midandeastantrim.gov.uk

Larne Leisure Centre Number : 028 2826 2497 Email : LarneLC.Enquiries@midandeastantrim.gov.uk

Amphitheatre Wellness Centre, Carrickfergus Number : 028 9335 8342 Email : amphitheatre@midandeastantrim.gov.uk

PARS (Physical Activity Referral Schemes)

Referral system onto the Scheme by a GP or Health Professional. A free 12-week fitness programme which offers a positive introduction to getting more active. It is designed to help participants develop the knowledge, skills and confidence they need to improve their health and wellbeing.

NI4KIDS – platform that focuses on parenting, health, education, family lifestyle, fantastic competitions and what’s on for families.

Unit 2 Channel Wharf, Old Channel Road, Belfast, BT3 9DE 02890020129 info@ni4kids.com / editor@ni4kids.com www.ni4kids.com/

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