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Looking after Carers
Universal credit and have net household earnings not exceeding £14,000 per year
Applications can be made online by following the link - https://freeschoolmealsanduniforms.eani.org.uk/
For further information, parents can contact the Meals and Uniform Service – Phone: 02890418044 Website: www.eani.org.uk/financial-help/free-school-meals-uniform-grants/freeschool-meals-uniform-grant-eligibility
Email: mealsanduniform@eani.org.uk Monday - Friday 9am – 4:30pm
Useful Links
Support Funds for Students - Hardship funds provide financial help on a discretionary basis to students facing financial difficulties. You can apply if you’re a registered full-time or part-time higher education student, or if you’re doing a postgraduate course at a Northern Ireland higher education institution. For further information, visit - www.nidirect.gov.uk/articles/support-funds
Looking after Carers
Having caring responsibilities can lead to increased costs for an individual.
Carers Northern Ireland – provide an advice and information service for carers and professionals, dealing with a range of issues such as carers benefits, community care and services for carers.
58 Howard Street, Belfast, BT1 6PJ 02890439843 info@carersni.org
Carers Co-Ordinator – Northern Health & Social Care Trust – helps carers by providing information, advice and resources for carers. They provide information and support to carers in the Northern Trust area, promote training to empower and support carers, as well as gathering information about the needs of carers.
Route Complex, 8E Coleraine Road, Ballymoney, BT53 6BP 02827661210 Carers.coordinator@northerntrust.hscni.net
Crossroads Care NI – not for profit organisation dedicated to supporting, serving and strengthening carers and those with care needs.