United Kingdom’s Voluntary National Review In 2019, NI contributed to the UK’s Voluntary National Review on progress towards the goals (HM Government, 2019). The report highlighted NI’s recent incorporation of the three dimensions of sustainable development - economic, social and environmental - into the Northern Ireland Civil Service (NICS) strategic plans (Khussamov, 2020), with the intention for the principles of sustainable development to be embedded in the NI Executive’s highest-level strategy, the draft Programme for Government (PfG) (European Sustainable Development Network, 2020). However, the report confirmed the underwhelming progress of NI, stating that “while progress has been made in many areas, there is still much to do and challenges to overcome”. Monitoring progress to the draft PfG is done through the Outcomes Delivery Plan which consists of 12 outcomes and 49 indicators in key areas of societal and economic wellbeing (Executive Office NI, 2019). The Voluntary National Review highlights that linkages established between the Outcomes Delivery Plan and the Global Goals may “provide focus moving forward” (HM Government, 2019). Regional Development Strategy 2035 The Regional Development Strategy (RDS) 2035, “Building a Better Future”, was published in 2012 and aims to protect and enhance the environment for the benefit of current and future generations (MEABC, 2019). The RDS acts as the government’s spatial strategy for NI up to 2035 and seeks to influence the future distribution of development in NI with the aim of achieving sustainable development and social cohesion. Sustainable Development Strategy The government’s Sustainable Development Strategy (SDS), “Everyone’s Involved”, was published in 2010 and aims to meet two overarching guiding principles: living within environmental limits and ensuring a strong, healthy, just and equal society. It states that these principles will be met through a sustainable economy, good governance, sound science and promoting opportunity and innovation (MEABC, 2019). The aim of the SDS is to identify and develop actions on the part of government that will steer development toward social, economic and environmental sustainability. Under section 25 of the Northern Ireland (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 2006, Government Departments and District Councils have a statutory duty to promote the achievement of sustainable development in the exercise of their functions
Local Context
MEABC’s vison for the borough is “a strong, vibrant, safe and inclusive community, where people work together to improve the quality of life for all” (MEABC, 2017). This section discusses existing local commitments to sustainable development and the SDGs, which are apparent in MEABC’s plans and policies: