Me & Mine Magazine Fall 2014

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Fall 2014

A Free Local Publication

Me & Mine Staff Cover Story: Introducing Victory Garden Kids ..... 1 Low Back and Pelvic Pain during Pregnancy ........ 3 What is the Sutter County Children & Families Commission? .............................................4 Flu Season........................................................................ 7

Jennifer Jaeger Traynham PUBLISHER


Fritzie Rhody

Digital Assets & Your Estate Plan.............................. 8


Lung Cancer: What You Need to Know ................ 10

Jessica Jaeger EDITOR

Understanding Breast Reconstruction ...................13 Pink October ..................................................................15

Let's Paint the Town Pink! ..........................................17 A Taste of Fall ................................................................19 Meet Amanda Hopper - Candidate for Sutter County DA......................................................................26 Meet Jennifer DuPre - Candidate for Sutter County DA......................................................................28

on the cover The Payne Family Jennifer, Jeff, Hannah and Ben

Me and Mine magazine is an LLC and its information, format and designs are protected by copyright laws. Any reproduction of content, photography or arrangement is not permitted unless written permission is granted by the publisher of the magazine. Contributing authors and photographers are responsible for content and accuracy in their submissions and Me and Mine Magazine, its founders or members assume no responsibility for errors or omissions. Me and Mine Magazine, LLC, © Copyright 2014

Cover Photography by Samantha Prather


Victory Garden Kids by Jennifer Payne Photography by Samantha Prather Photography

Our Story: Jeff asked me to marry him when I was 20 years old. He was 22. It wasn’t a complete surprise; we had fallen in love instantly, found very quickly that we had many of the same goals and dreams for our future, and knew our paths could easily merge because we were both headed in the same direction: we both wanted a family and we both knew we wanted to serve others in our careers. As we drew closer to our wedding, we took a day trip over to the coast. As we drove, we talked about our dreams for the future. That day, we dreamt up our first vision of Victory Garden Kids. We envisioned a family wellness center in an old Victorian house, where families would come to grow stronger, regardless of their situation. Jeff would council and guide the parents in one room, while I would nurture the children’s hearts in another room. We wanted our wellness center to be a place where families walked in with questions and concerns, but walked out with tools and solutions to help each other be the best they could be. We returned back to real life that evening, but with a changed perspective. We knew we couldn’t do anything about our dream without gaining experience, knowledge, and due diligence, so we made a long-term pact to do that. We spent the next several years of our marriage completing our educations and gaining hands-on experience. Jeff went to work in the mental health field and I finished school to be a teacher. During those first years, we purposefully created a road map to the kind of life we wanted for our future family, while ultimately paving the way for Victory Garden Kids to become a reality. In the winter of 1996, three years into our marriage, we were blessed with our first baby. This is where the real learning started! We discovered very quickly that no move we made could be out of sync with her best interests and well-being. That was our first lesson: to be a parent, the child always needs to come first. Jeff and I immediately knew we needed to rewrite our journey to encompass raising our children. Did that mean we had to give up our vision for Victory Garden Kids? No! We just realized that we needed a life full of experience and understanding to be able to honor the families that would come to us, while at the same time nurturing our own family.

We changed our path to look like this: Jeff would follow his personal career dreams to help the mentally ill and gain knowledge and experience as a business entrepreneur. I would also work so our family could thrive, even though my inclination was to stay home with our kids. In the midst of these first steps in our journey, our son was born, which drove us even harder to find a solution to the career/family balance dilemma. It took a few mistakes and a couple years of hardship, but we kept returning to our goals and stated priorities until we made it right. Our kids, who are now a freshman and a senior in high school, have either been in my class, been at the school where I teach, or have been home-schooled by me for the majority of their lives. We set this as a priority and lived our lives in a way to make it so. Sometimes this meant that Jeff built cabinets in the garage with a baby in a carrier on his chest while I was waiting tables to make ends meet. Sometimes this meant letting people down. We had to make those sacrifices to honor our commitment, never losing sight of our Victory Garden Kids dream. Sometimes our dream felt faded, sometimes it felt like we’d let it almost slip from our fingers, but we just couldn’t let it go. We still wanted to help families love deeper and nurture stronger, as we were learning to do day by day, moment by moment, situation by situation. Our journey with our own kids just made our desire to grow Victory Garden Kids even stronger. Through the school years, we took classes, read many books, and furthered our educations. To be a good parent, and a servant and expert to others, we must first and always be learners. There will never be a time when we can say, “We don’t need to learn anymore. We know everything there is to know.” We spent evenings and hours writing parenting plans, filling binder after binder with notes and thoughts and ideas for our wellness center, chronicling the evolution of this center with every year that passed. During these childhood years, we worked diligently to provide opportunities for our

children to flourish. Each of our kids found their passions very early in their lives, and we worked to arrange our lives so that they could pursue their dreams. We felt it was crucial to provide opportunity for the exploration of these dreams in their young lives. We received support for these decisions, but we also received criticism. We were told that we Super Parents, while in the same breath from someone else were being told we were creating unbalanced children who wouldn’t know how to function in the real world. We learned, and will strive to teach other parents, that what is right for one family may not be right for another, but what matters is that you make all decisions with the steadfast interest of your children’s well-being at the forefront. And then once you decide what is right, believe in it and stand by it with your whole hearts. We also felt it was important during these times of dream pursuit to find ways to teach our kids the value of others in the world around them. We sought out opportunities to teach our kids to be givers. We wanted to teach them that their gifts and their light can have a direct connection to others. We got intensely involved with an organization called Echoes of Hope, serving emancipated foster youth. Our children love and are loved in return by their Echoes of Hope “brothers and sisters,” and these relationships are ones they will continue to have for life. We are currently working with Samaritan Village Orphanage in Tanzania, Africa.


One day five years ago, the full vision of what Victory Garden Kids could be was born. Working together with my husband, we created the true and current Victory Garden Kids. We knew that the best version of Victory Garden Kids would be created if we merged Jeff ’s mental health experience and knowledge with my understanding and experience with kids and their families in the learning environment. We created a new road map based on the priority of honoring our children through the rest of their academic journey and lives, and also providing Jeff the opportunity to continue in his career. He is the administrator and executive director of two mental health facilities that he feels a passion and a drive for that he did not want to sacrifice with this new VGK vision. Here is Victory Garden Kids: Our mission is to help families function in a healthy, loving, and respectful environment where both parent and child are valued and nurtured. We strive to help parents empower their children to live their lives with passion, strength, and purpose by providing simple and practical tools for effective parenting of these future world-changers. Academic wellness for children through: a. providing Skype tutoring as well as face to face tutoring for children of all ages and academic levels. b. providing classes/guidance for parents to help them help their own kids academically, both on an individual level and through organized group guidance. c. providing tools to help parents decide which schooling opportunities are best suited to their children’s needs and strengths. Helping parents grow empowered children through: a. providing one-on-one weekly Skype counseling sessions with parents.


b. providing parenting seminars on raising empowered kids and living “All Inâ€? for their well-being and growth. c. private mentorship group intensives that work to grow the emotional, spiritual, physical, and social empowerment of the child. d. provide male/female group sessions for moms and dads to address and grow needs such as health, fitness, scheduling, routines, career, etc. as it pertains to family roles and function. Sharing the message that all parents can be successful as their children’s biggest supporter by: sharing a plan that teaches parents how to nurture their child as a vital and deeply valuable part of this world, both as a member of a family and as a separate individual. Our book, available soon, is called Love Grows Here: The 30-Day Journey to Empowering Your &KLOG WR -XPS &RQĂ€GHQWO\ ,QWR /LIH DQG 'LVFRYHU WKHLU 3DVVLRQV *URZ WKHLU 6WUHQJWKV DQG )XOĂ€OO WKHLU Purpose. Also soon to be released: two apps for Empowered Parents: a. Same Page Parenting: This app is a great communication tool for parents and families. It provides an instant pop-up notification on the other parent’s phone when a discipline action or event has been given to keep parents always on the same page! The app stores these events for you in our database for you to use in the future for reward and growth evaluation. Also included in the app is an auto-share calendar that will let family and friends know through a phone notification when a recital or game or other kid event is coming up. b. Love Grows Here: This app provides a daily topic to your phone with a challenge or thought to help you nurture and empower your family.

You will receive one topic a day to share or talk with your kids about that will instill passion, strength, and purpose into their everyday thoughts. This app includes a storage of all past topics, as well as links to other blogs, ideas, and tools that we feel are useful in our parenting journey.

About us: Jeff Payne is a father of two teenagers, husband of 21 years, and guitar-playing lover of music. He has a Bachelor’s degree in Psychology and a Master’s in Business Administration, with 22 years of experience in the mental health field. He has a strong drive to be the best in his career field and a powerful leader in the home. Jeff believes that family is the first priority, and strongly supports the idea that fathers and husbands that are present leaders in their families will be happier and stronger in their careers. Jeff enjoys sports, hiking, and camping on the beach while telling his kids ghost stories. Jennifer Payne is a mom of two, a wife of 21 years, a teacher of 15 years, a writer, a runner, and a social media lover. Jennifer has a Bachelor’s Degree in Liberal Studies and will complete her Master’s in Education in 2015. Jennifer has a desire and drive to understand and nurture the hearts of children. She believes in the power of cultivating joy. She feels that it is our calling as humans to embrace happiness and strive to make other’s lives joyful.

For more information, please visit: Blog: Facebook: Instagram: victory_garden_kids Pinterest: VictoriousKids

Low Back and Pelvic Pain During Pregnancy by Chance Hendricks, DPT

The challenges and stresses that pregnancy can present to an expecting mother do not have to be exacerbated by persistent low back and pelvic pain.

s my wife and I anxiously await the arrival of our second child this fall, I am more aware than ever of the stress that pregnancy puts on the female body. There are many changes that the body of each expecting mother endures, but pregnancy can be more difficult to tolerate with persistent low back and pelvic pain. The purpose of this article is to briefly describe why low back pain (LBP) is a common complaint during pregnancy and how it is best treated. The prevalence of LBP in pregnant women is 24% to 90%, and one-third of those that suffer from pregnancy-related LBP will continue to have pain following birth1. The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists give three changes within the body that could be related to LBP. First, the increased weight that occurs during pregnancy will produce greater stress on the hips and knees during weightbearing exercise like running. Second, pregnant women typically develop increased curvature of the low back called lumbar lordosis, causing high prevalence of LBP. Finally, another change is laxity of the ligaments throughout the body possibly related to increased levels of estrogen and relaxin hormones2. This can cause decreased stability of the lumbar spine and pelvis, which could lead to greater risk for injury. By understanding these changes to the female body during pregnancy, we can provide treatments and knowledge on how to manage and relieve LBP. A recently published review of research indicated that exercise therapy can decrease pain, disability, and sick leave from work3. These exercises will most likely be targeted to strengthen specific lumbar spine and pelvic floor muscles in order to provide greater stability to the low back and pelvis. Other forms of treatment, including osteopathic manual therapy and material support (braces), can also be beneficial in reducing pregnancy-related LBP when applied in combination with exercise therapy3. Furthermore, aquatic exercise has been shown to be safe for expecting mothers by minimizing the risk of joint injuries during exercise and managing swelling2. The challenges and stresses that pregnancy can present to an expecting mother do not have to be exacerbated by persistent low back and pelvic pain. Instead, with proper treatment, LBP can be managed and relieved during and after pregnancy. At Integrated Physical Therapy, we provide evidence-based exercise and manual therapy, in conjunction with aquatic therapy as needed, in order to give patients the best chance for recovery.


Pregnancy and Low Back Pain: physical therapy can reduce back and pelvic pain during and after pregnancy. J Orthop Sports Phys Ther 2014;44(7):474.


Artal R, O’Toole M. Guidelines of the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists for exercise during the pregnancy and postpartum period. Br J Sports Med 2003;37:6-12.


Van Benten E, Pool J, Mens J, Pool-Goudzwaard A. Recommendations for physical therapists on the treatment of lumbopelvic pain during pregnancy: a systematic review. J Orthop Sports Phys Ther 2014;44(7):464-473.

Chance Hendricks is originally from Idaho Falls, Idaho. He attended Brigham Young University in Provo, UT where he received his Bachelor of Science in Exercise Science. Following BYU, he received his Doctorate of Physical Therapy at Rocky Mountain University of Health Professions also in Provo, UT.


What is the Sutter County Children & Families Commission? by Michele Blake

n 1998, voters in California approved Proposition 10, the Children and Families Act, affirming their support for a guaranteed revenue stream dedicated to the benefit of young children. The Children and Family Commissions across the state were charged with investing in local solutions to improve the lives of young children during the first five years, when 90% of brain development occurs. The value of investment in these early childhood years has been well-documented, for individuals as well as for society, in the form of better health outcomes, higher economic productivity, and reduced spending on foster care, special education, and crime. Professor James Heckman won the Nobel Prize with his research showing a return investment of $7 for every $1 spent on young children. Sutter County Children & Families Commission works every day to make these life-changing investments in support of the optimal development of all children. Sutter County Children & Families Commission established three priorities to support our youngest children and their families: children’s health, school readiness, and family support. As a result of these priorities, Sutter County Children & Families Commission has invested millions to create effective and essential services for Sutter’s youngest residents to ensure they grow up healthy, nurtured, and ready for school. Sutter County Children & Families Commission provides the following programs and services for children 0-5 years of age and their families: • Bright Futures – We provide a no-cost, monthly Health & Developmental Screening where together with professional partners, children are assessed and screened to ensure they are reaching developmental milestones and referred to local specialists if further assistance in needed. • Positive Discipline – Our Child Development Behavior Specialist will provide in-home behavioral screening and early intervention


for children who exhibit significant behavioral problems. • Free Immunizations – We work with public health to provide no-cost child immunizations for children who are uninsured, and stress the importance of immunizations through community campaigns. • Reunite Families – We offer parenting education classes for families who are on a reunification plan. • School Readiness Family Resource Centers – There are three family resource centers within the Yuba City and Live Oak communities. These centers help children and their families become ready for school and prepared for success in Kindergarten and beyond. • Smart Start – We offer a four-week Junior K/Kindergarten preparation class for children without preschool experience. • Special Needs Project – We provide education, support, and encouragement to young children with special needs and their families as a means to improve their quality of life. • Sutter Smiles – We deliver preventive and restorative dental services to children on our mobile dental clinic. • Quality Child Care – We oversee educators working with children ages 0-5 to increase teacher effectiveness by improving quality of interaction with children. Sutter County Children & Families Commission also delivers numerous programs and projects in our community, including: Sand Tray Therapy, Music Therapy, Baby Boot Camps, Tobacco Cessation, Teen Mom support groups, parent education workshops, literacy projects with the county library, family activities in Yuba City and Live Oak, and countless playground equipment, art supplies, and books at dozens of preschools and child-care centers across the county.

We also support trainings for pediatricians, community outreach workers, health advocates, child care staff, and preschool teachers, as well as technical assistance for their offices, agencies or employers. Sutter County Children & Families Commission is honored to collaborate with our many partners as we advocate for the health and well-being of our youngest community members. Our partners include public and private schools, non-profit service providers, faith-based and philanthropic leaders, and local businesses. As tobacco tax revenues decline, we continue to increase working on outreach and advocacy, building community partnerships and supporting the capacity of other community organizations to serve the children and families of Sutter. With one in four California children living in poverty, there is still much work to do. We look forward to continuing our work with the community to ensure that every child has the opportunity for good health, an exemplary education, and the full support of their family and community. Michele Blake is the executive director of Sutter County Children & Families Commission. For more information on any of the above programs or services, please visit and join us on Facebook at

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FFlu lu Se SSeason ea ason as son so by Colin b n McGlynn, c M MS, P PHN, CN CNS S

ooler weather is around the corner and that means flu season is almost here. Flu, which is also called influenza, is a contagious respiratory disease caused by different kinds of flu viruses. Depending on who gets it, the flu can cause moderate to severe illness in people. The best way to protect yourself and those around you from the flu is to get a flu vaccine every year. As you prepare for this year’s flu season, you should be aware of the following:

FLU IS SERIOUS: Although it may have similar symptoms, the flu is not the same thing as the common cold. Flu usually comes on suddenly and can cause fever, cough, sore throat, runny or stuffy nose, muscle or body aches, headaches, and tiredness. Even healthy people can be sick for 1-2 weeks with flu, but the very young and old, those with weakened immune systems, and those with certain chronic medical conditions are likely to get much sicker and stay sick for longer. These people are also more likely to suffer serious complications from the flu like hospitalization, pneumonia, and death. And make no mistake, flu can be lethal. The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) estimates that the flu can kill as many as 49,000 people in a single year. The flu is no laughing matter and should be taken seriously. ANYONE CAN GET THE FLU: The flu virus spreads through tiny droplets that come out of infected people’s mouth or nose when they cough, sneeze, or talk. These droplets can then get breathed in by other people or land on a surface. When someone else breathes in these droplets or touches these surfaces and then touches their face, they too can become infected. Most healthy people can spread the flu virus to others 1 day before they begin to feel sick and continue to spread the virus up to a week afterwards. This means that even though you might feel fine, you can still give the flu to FIGHT THE FLU other people.


EVERYONE SHOULD GET THEIR FLU VACCINE… NOW! Every person 6 months and older should get a flu vaccine every year. Very rarely, someone may have an allergy or a medical condition that prevents them from getting vaccinated, but this is not common. These people rely on others to get the flu vaccine so they are not exposed to the virus. Special attention needs to be paid to pregnant women and individuals over 65 years old who are at especially high risk of complications from the flu. People in these two groups should make a special effort to get the vaccine. Because the flu vaccine takes about 2 weeks to start protecting you, it is best to get it before people start to become sick. NOW is the best time!

Flu vaccine will be available, starting September 29th, 2014, at Sutter County Public Health Immunization Clinic located at 1445 Veterans Memorial Circle in Yuba City. Clinic hours are Mondays 1PM-4PM, Wednesdays 1PM-4PM, and Fridays 8AM-11AM. Patients will be seen on a first come, first served basis, until supplies are exhausted. Be aware of the following: · Injectable flu vaccine is available for people 6 months and older · Intranasal FluMist spray is available for healthy people 2-49 years of age · Wear clothing that quickly bares the upper arm near the shoulder in case an injection is needed · $5.00 donations accepted

THE FLU VACCINE IS SAFE AND WIDELY For more information, call Sutter County Public AVAILABLE: Despite what you may have heard, Health at 530-822-7215. scientific evidence and a long track record shows that the flu vaccine is very safe when given appropriately. Common myths, like that you can the flu from the flu vaccine or that the chemicals in the vaccine can harm you, are NOT true. There are several different kinds of flu vaccine available and you should be sure to ask your doctor which one is right for you. Flu vaccine is available at most doctors’ offices and clinics, pharmacies, and often at supermarkets or other places. Go to to view locations in your area that offer flu vaccines. With the flu vaccine available so many places, there is no excuse to put it off! Protect yourself, your family, and your community this flu season and get vaccinated! More information on the flu can be found at the CDC’s website You can Public an aalso ls call Sutter utter County yP u ub Health alth h aat 530-822-7215 822 72 with th aany questions. ion ns.


DIGITAL ASSETS & Your Estate Plan


As our lives become more data-driven, many of us wind up owning assets that “live” on the web. These could be photos that are stored on a website, social media profiles, PDF documents, e-mails and other types of intellectual property. Web-centric businesses — for example, an eBay storefront or a PayPal account — also carry monetary value. Many of those digital assets are password-protected, with the owner having exclusive access. However, these cyber assets may also be subject to the terms of service set forth by the company giving the user account access in the first place. Here’s what could happen if no contingency plan is in place for these digital possessions: A woman in her 40s dies unexpectedly in her sleep. Her computer is passwordprotected and no one knows the password to her computer or her user ID’s and the passwords for any of her personal accounts. In order to resolve the matter, the woman’s parents are appointed personal representatives of the estate and take her computer into a computer technical service so that it can be unlocked. Eight frustrating weeks later, her stillgrieving parents finally obtain the legal authority to access the contents of her computer so they can sort through their daughter’s online data. If only the woman had created an estate plan and included her digital legacy, including access to her computer and instructions on where the information was located and how to access it, valuable time would not have been wasted and an already complicated situation could have gone much smoother for those left to deal with her digital life. START WITH AN INVENTORY

Planning for digital assets begins with creating an inventory of all the relevant files and accounts and their related passwords. List this information in a consolidated document that is also password-protected. This document can also be a paper document stored in a safe deposit box. This information is treated like any other part of the estate plan. It needs to be updated and shared

by Paula Hyatt McIntire

only with the most trusted person—be it your spouse or your agent authorized under a Power of Attorney. Trust documents also need to be revised to let the Trustee take control of the digital assets in the event of your death. Language needs to be added to the documents to give the agent under Power of Attorney specific authorization to access and receive this information on the owner’s behalf. Estate planners also can use a Trust or a Will to spell out the disposition of personal property, including cyber assets. The advantage of using a Trust is the fact that Wills are public, while Trusts provide privacy. As mentioned, clients should create a secure list of online accounts and passwords and refer to it in their Will or Trust. Another advantage of the Trust over the Will: if the owner dies and has only a Will as the primary document over the digital assets, the beneficiary will need a court order to obtain the authorization to gather the digital assets. DON’T WAIT; PLAN NOW

Plan now and decide who will get your digital assets, including passwords and personal identification numbers, when you die. Contact your estate planning attorney and make sure your estate plan includes instructions for your agent on how to access to your digital life. If you move, life situations change, or your state passes new digital asset legislation, make sure your plan is up-to-date so your digital life will be properly transferred and protected. Paulla is a Certified Specialist in Estate Planning, Trust and Probate Law* and provides quality legal counsel for all levels of complexity in estate planning, trust administration, probate, special needs trusts, elder law, and business succession and tax planning. In addition to Paulla’s experience in law, she spent nine years as an elementary and middle school teacher for the Yuba City Unified and Franklin Elementary School Districts. Paulla is married to Brad McIntire and their family includes daughters Jackie and Katie and son Zach. *State Bar of California Board of Legal Specialization


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by Dr. Royce Calhoun

What you need to know

/XQJ FDQFHU LV WKH QXPEHU RQH FDQFHU NLOOHU RI PHQ DQG women in the United States, killing more people annually than breast, prostate, colon and pancreatic cancers combined. 85% of lung cancer is caused by tobacco smoke. 85% of people diagnosed with lung cancer will be dead of the disease within 5 years. %XW ZH FDQ FKDQJH WKLV Why is lung cancer such a lethal disease? There are two major reasons: 1. It is detected too late, only when patients have symptoms and it is very advanced and often incurable. 2. Many physicians, health care providers and hospitals are not knowledgeable about the current and best methods of early detection and treatment options for patients with lung cancer. A recent large U.S. trial involving thousands of patients conclusively showed that chest CT screening can detect lung cancer early, when there are no symptoms and the cancer is small and has not spread. Plain and simple, chest CT screening in at risk patients save lives.

career began at the UC Davis Medical Center where I was an Associate Professor of Surgery and Chief of General Thoracic Surgery from 2004-2012. While at UC Davis, I ushered in minimally invasive thoracic surgery as the new standard of care and was the first surgeon in Northern California to perform a thoracoscopic (minimally invasive using small incisions and a 5 mm camera and instruments) lobectomy for lung

Who is at risk? Anyone who is >55 years old, has a >30 pack-year (1 pack a day for 30 yrs) history of cigarette smoke. This applies to people currently smoking and to people who quit 15 years ago if they meet the criteria above. Yuba/Sutter counties have the highest rates of lung cancer in the state of California. There is a good chance that you may know someone that has lung cancer and is unaware. Chest CT screening can turn the prognosis of lung cancer from a 15% 5 year survival to 90% by finding it early and surgically removing it often minimally invasively. My name is Dr. Royce Calhoun. I am a General Thoracic Surgeon and a nationally and internationally recognized leader in the treatment of lung cancer. I have given many talks on the diagnosis, staging and treatment of Lung Cancer. I trained at the world famous Cleveland Clinic Foundation to become a cardiothoracic surgeon. My


cancer. With this cutting edge technique, patients can have life saving lung cancer surgery with significantly less pain, shorter hospital stays and a quicker return to full activity as compared to the traditional open thoracotomy approach that cuts ribs, muscles and spreads them apart. I came to Rideout in August, 2012 to establish a center of excellence in lung cancer treatment at Rideout Hospital. I am Currently the Chair of the Cancer Center Committee and the Director of Thoracic Surgery and Oncology at Rideout Health and I strive to turn the dismal lung cancer statistics on its head.

In the 2 years that I have worked at Rideout Health and the Rideout Cancer Center, I have brought cutting edge minimally invasive thoracic surgery to the community as well as launched a lung cancer CT screening program. In addition to this, Rideout now offers state of the art minimally invasive techniques such as navigational bronchoscopy and endobronchial ultrasound to diagnose and stage lung cancer. Furthermore, I have started a multidisciplinary tumor board at the Rideout Cancer Center so that patients with lung cancer and other thoracic malignancies can be discussed with all the relevant specialties (thoracic surgery, medical and radiation oncology, pathology, radiology and pulmonary medicine) involved in the evaluation and plan of the patient. In this fashion, the patient benefits from the collective expertise of the group and any clinical trials available to the patient are reviewed. Over the last two years I have performed over 300 thoracic operations at Rideout Hospital with excellent outcomes. The surgeries encompass all the latest minimally invasive techniques as well as open operations of the highest complexity. The average hospital length of stay for our patients is 3 days due to our emphasis on minimally invasive procedures whereas the national average is 7 days for these same procedures which are not performed minimally invasive. I have treated patients throughout Northern California from Sacramento to Tahoe to Santa Rosa and Southern Oregon and continue to do so here at Rideout. If you want to learn more about me, my team and lung cancer, visit or call 530-674-LUNG (5864).

All physicians and surgeons providing services at the Rideout Clinic are not employees, representatives, or agents of Rideout Hospital. They have contracted to provide services to their patients at the Clinic but are independent practitioners.

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by Kelly Gallego, MD, FACS Breast cancer is quite common in the United States. Much has been accomplished in promoting breast cancer awareness in recent years. In addition, many effective therapies continue to be developed. Unfortunately, some of the treatments for breast cancer can leave women feeling like they have lost some of their femininity. For those women who find themselves unsatisfied with their appearance after treatment, options such as breast reconstruction are available. Breast reconstruction is a term used to describe a group of procedures where the goal is to rebuild, reshape, or re-form a breast after a patient’s normal breast

appearance has been lost or severely altered. Most patients who undergo breast reconstruction have undergone surgical treatment of breast cancer which can include mastectomy, lumpectomy, and chest wall radiation. Appropriate candidates are in good overall health, have realistic expectations, and understand all of their options.

Women may choose to undergo breast reconstruction for a wide variety of reasons. These include restoring their sense of femininity, avoiding the use of an external prosthesis, or to improve their overall self-image. However, it is important to note that the decision to undergo breast reconstruction is an individual one. Each patient must evaluate her unique situation to determine if breast reconstruction is appropriate for her. The two major classes of breast reconstruction are tissue expander/ implant and flap reconstruction. Tissue expander/implant reconstructions typically involve the temporary placement of a tissue expander followed by the insertion of a permanent breast implant months later. Flap reconstructive procedures utilize the patient’s own tissues in the breast reconstruction. This may include excess abdominal tissue (TRAM flap), tissue from the back (Latissimus flap), or tissue from other distant sites like the flank or buttocks. As long as patient is in good overall health, there really isn’t a time limit on when breast reconstruction must be started. Often I meet patients who have undergone a previous mastectomy and had no interest in breast reconstruction at the time. Over the years, their opinions may have changed and they now are interested in pursuing breast reconstruction.

According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS), over 95,000 breast reconstruction procedures were performed in 2013. Although breast reconstruction remains a relatively common procedure in many plastic surgery practices, only 3 out of 10 women appear to have been adequately informed of their breast reconstruction options. According to some studies, only 20 percent of women who undergo mastectomy proceed with breast reconstruction. Although some confusion persists among the public, breast reconstruction is not cosmetic surgery, and is covered under all insurance plans that also reimburse for mastectomy. There are a number of helpful online resources that are readily available to those interested in learning more about breast reconstruction. Two of the more useful ones are and Of course, when considering plastic surgery of this nature, the most useful resource will be a local board-certified plastic surgeon. An experienced plastic surgeon should be able to help a woman decide if she is an appropriate candidate for breast reconstruction. To learn more, please call Sutter Medical Foundation Plastic Surgery Department at (530) 749-5850. Kelly Gallego, MD, FACS is a boardcertified plastic surgeon at Sutter North Medical Group with more than ten years of experience performing a wide range of plastic surgery procedures including abdominoplasty, breast augmentation, and breast reconstruction. He is a member of the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, and a Fellow of the American College of Surgeons. Learn more at


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ink October has been a part of our community since 1997 when Larry Geweke, along with some influential community leaders, decided that breast cancer awareness was needed in the Yuba-Sutter area. This was initially done through the Pink October Race for Awareness. Pink October now annually holds seven events in the community and raises over $100,000 each year. In 2013, fundraising efforts collected a total of $115,000. In addition, our medical partners hold low-cost mammograms and health screening days throughout the month for underinsured and uninsured women. In 2006, the Geweke’s Caring for Women Foundation was formed to assist local women going through breast cancer treatment with financial support. Since starting the Foundation, we have directly assisted 264 women with up to $2,000 in financial assistance each. We have been fortunate enough to also work with our non-profit medical partners towards the purchase of new imaging and breast technology to offer women in the community the best possible imaging technology on the market. Between these two focuses, the Foundation has given well over $500,000 in assistance and we plan to give a lot more! In 2013, we expanded our mission to also include financially assisting women with other forms of cancer, such as uterine, cervical, and ovarian. We are proud that our medical partners have also expanded their screening program to other regions in Northern California. We are the leader and example of breast cancer awareness, from mammograms to pink trash carts! The need certainly continues and we couldn’t be of service to the women in our community without the support of all those that give to our fundraising efforts. Thank you!


Let’s Paint the Town Pink! Photography by Brandi Schwartz Design & Photography

Race For Awareness Saturday, October 4th Harley Ride Saturday, October 4th Ride For Awareness Saturday, October 11th Scramble Fore a Cure Friday, October 17th Bowling For Breasts Saturday, October 18th Survivor Fashion Show Monday, October 27th Other Events that Benefit Pink October er

BRAvo Girls Night Out

Recology Yuba-Sutter and Pink October are partnering for a 2nd year! How would you like a (64 gallon) PINK GARBAGE CART?? Your donation for the cart will benefit the Geweke’s Caring for Women Foundation.

Visit for event details




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Photography by Brandi Schwartz Design & Photography


aryn Huntley and Tiffany Heryford, owners of Creative Interiors in Yuba City, not only have incredible taste in design, but they also have the talent of being able to create delicious meals in the kitchen. Karyn invited us into her home and shared one of their fall favorites with us. May you have a wonderful season filled with the sweet smells of pumpkin, and be comforted by the love that comes from the cozy encounters we share with our friends and family during this beautiful time of year.

Mom’s Pumpkin Soup Ingredients: 1 large yellow onion 3 tbsp butter 3 cups pumpkin puree 1/8 tsp nutmeg or mace (or both!) 1/4 tsp tumeric Salt & pepper to taste 6 cups chicken stock 1 cup Half & Half Sprinkle with parsley Directions: Chop onion and sautee in butter. Add all spices and pumpkin puree to pot. Add chicken stock a little at a time, stirring until smooth. Add half & half and then sprinkle with parsley.



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Brother’s Favorite Chicken Wings Ingredients: Frozen or fresh chicken drumettes & wings 1 can seasoned Italian bread crumbs Flour 4 tbsp. Old Bay Seasoning Lawry’s seasoned salt Eggs Milk Directions: Defrost chicken if frozen. Mix the eggs & milk to create a mixture in which to dip the chicken so the breading will stick. For the breading, mix the can of bread crumbs with DERXW DV PXFK ÁRXU DV WKHUH DUH EUHDG FUXPEV 6HDVRQ WKH mix with Old Bay Seasoning. Dip the chicken in the egg & milk mixture, then into the bread crumb mix, then put WKH FKLFNHQ VWUDLJKW LQWR D ÁDW SDQ IU\HU VHW DW GHJUHHV and coated with about an 1/8 inch of veggie oil. Cook chicken on all sides before serving.

Lil’s Spinach Salad Ingredients: Salad: 4 bunches of small spinach (rinsed and torn) 29 mushrooms – sliced thin 3 cooked eggs – crumbled 1/2 lb bacon – cooked and crumbled Dressing: 1/4 cup sugar 1 tsp dry mustard 1/3 cup apple cider vinegar 1 tsp salt 1 tsp onion juice 1 cup oil Directions:


Combine all of the ingredients in a large bowl. Sprinkle with Parmesan cheese, serve, and enjoy!

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Amanda Hopper

Candidate for Sutter County DA 7HOO XV DERXW \RX I’m a local girl, born and raised. I grew up in Yuba City with my parents, Steven and Susan Jones, and my three younger sisters, Alyssa, Stephanie, and Sara. I graduated from Yuba City High School, Utah State University and Brigham Young University Law School. My husband, Brian, is a Sheriff ’s Deputy for Yuba County. He grew up in Denver and we met when he was stationed at Beale AFB. Two months after we were married, he was deployed to the Middle East and was there for my last two years of law school. I’ve been an attorney in Sutter County for ten years, practicing in criminal and juvenile law. I spent over seven years as a prosecutor in the Sutter County District Attorney’s Office and three and a half years in private practice. I’ve taught at both BYU and Yuba College, and served as president of the Yuba Sutter Bar Association and on the PTA board for my children’s school. :K\ GLG \RX GHFLGH WR SXUVXH ODZ" I worked as a social worker after graduating from college and one of my assignments was attending court. I observed how the law can impact lives in both incredibly helpful, but also hurtful ways. I went to law school and became a lawyer so that I could be a strong voice for good, for justice, and for the people in my community. I am blessed to have a career where my entire focus is advocating for people and for what I believe in. %HVLGHV \RXU MRE ZKDW DUH \RX SDVVLRQDWH DERXW" My family. I have many hobbies including reading, crafting, and sports. Those interests all revolve around my family. I have an amazing husband and five gorgeous children. We love to go on adventures as a family, participate in sports and other activities, and most of my craft projects are for my kids or my home. I am both passionate and inspired by my family. I want to be the best mom, wife, and lawyer for them. I want to improve our community for them and for all of our children. +RZ ZRXOG \RX OLNH WR LQà XHQFH SHRSOH" Service is very important to me. I believe in giving. I encourage all of us to be more aware of the people around us, to serve them, help them, and uplift them. We are each blessed with talents and strengths. We should use our talents to bless others. I’ve long appreciated the women who enrich our community by pooling their talents to publish this magazine, Me and Mine. We can all share our strengths and give back in our own ways. :KR LV \RXU IDYRULWH ZRUOG OHDGHU" My favorite world leader from the past would be Abraham Lincoln, while my favorite current world leader is Thomas S. Monson. :KDW LV RQH WKLQJ DERXW OLYLQJ LQ WKLV FRXQWU\ WKDW \RX YDOXH" Opportunity. We are blessed to have the liberty to make our own


destinies. My parents raised me with the knowledge that I could be anything I wanted to be, do anything with my life. I give my children the same encouragement. We live in a country where we are free to pursue our dreams. I also teach my children that opportunity is nothing without responsibility. My husband and I make sure our children learn the value of hard work. ,I \RX FRXOG JLYH RQH SLHFH RI DGYLFH ZKDW ZRXOG LW EH" Don’t limit yourself. We tend to be our own worst enemies, whether from fear, insecurities, lack of resources, or a myriad of other inhibitors. As a child, whenever I was asked what I wanted to be when I grew up, my answer was always, “I don’t know, just not a lawyer.� My father is an attorney, and I watched how hard he worked and wanted something easier for myself. As I matured and learned about myself and the world around me, I realized what I really wanted in life, and I worked hard to achieve it. I have faith, a wonderful family, a career I love, and a great network of friends. Don’t limit yourself. Find your own happiness. Tell us why it is important to vote. When we vote, we have a say in our future, our government, our community. Democracy, our system of government, is the best in the world because of that very right. The people have a voice and the only way our voices can be heard is if we vote. I’m excited about this election. It is the first time in more than three decades that the people of Sutter County will choose a new District Attorney. And it’s even more historic because the new DA will be a woman. So make sure you are registered to vote and then make your voice heard!

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Jennifer DuprĂŠ

Candidate for Sutter County DA 7HOO 8V DERXW <RX I have been an attorney for 17 years. My husband Rick and I have a daughter, Angel, who is a senior at River Valley High School. I also care for my 82 year old father, who lives with us as well. I graduated from UC Davis with a BS in Fermentation Science and went to work at a winery. I had to follow my true passion though – law. I graduated from the University of San Francisco School of Law and later taught there as an adjunct professor. During college, I spent a lot of time in the Yuba Sutter area and fell in love with the community. After my mother passed away, I was fortunate enough to find a job at a DA’s office here 10 years ago, allowing me to move to the area. :K\ GLG \RX GHFLGH WR SXUVXH ODZ" As a sexual assault survivor in college, I went to law school to help protect those who are vulnerable. I believed then, and still do, that people should be held accountable for their actions. Lady Justice wears a blindfold because justice is supposed to be blind. As my current boss, the Butte County District Attorney says, “Nobody is above the law nor beneath its protection.â€? I live by that belief every day – everyone should be treated equally. %HVLGHV \RXU MRE ZKDW DUH \RX SDVVLRQDWH DERXW" I am passionate about my family, my pets, and helping others. I try to give back to my community any way that I can, from donating to local food banks and animal rescues to my service with the Yuba City Early Risers Kiwanis. I’m happiest when I’m with my family AND helping others at the same time. I am also a big sports fan! +RZ ZRXOG \RX OLNH WR LQĂ XHQFH SHRSOH" I would like to influence people by being an example of honesty and integrity, as well as hard work and dedication in everything I do. By


setting an example of honesty and integrity, I can look myself in the mirror every day and sleep well at night. I have also tried to instill this in my daughter. I teach my daughter that through hard work and dedication, you can achieve your dreams, and they’re that much sweeter when you work tirelessly for them! :KR LV \RXU IDYRULWH ZRUOG OHDGHU" My favorite world leader is Nelson Mandela. He fought for what was right, regardless of personal cost. He never compromised his values or his integrity, no matter the hardship. Instead, he persevered and emerged victorious. :KDW LV RQH WKLQJ DERXW OLYLQJ LQ WKLV FRXQWU\ WKDW \RX YDOXH" I value our Constitution, Bill of Rights, and our laws. I have seen firsthand what it is like in other countries without these. Our founding fathers wrote a brilliant document that has withstood the test of time. The objective was for all men to be treated equally and I try to uphold that every day! ,I \RX FRXOG JLYH RQH SLHFH RI DGYLFH ZKDW ZRXOG LW EH" Live an honest and ethical life. If you live by this motto, you will succeed and be satisfied. You will be confident in knowing that you are doing the right thing and making the world a better place as a result. Tell us why it is important to vote. So many have died for the right to vote – from soldiers to civil rights workers to suffragettes. We honor their memory by voting. And every vote truly does count. You can effect change in your community when you vote. Voting was a cornerstone of our country’s founding fathers – a government of the People, by the People and for the People.

John Buckland Incumbent - City Council, Yuba City An accomplished City Council member and past Mayor, John is a fiscal conservative and an d ta taxx figght hter er foc ocus used ed on a ba bala lanc nced ed bud udge g t. A ret ge etir ired ed law enf nfor orce ceme ment nt offic fficer er,, Jo J hn is a strong proponent of public safety and will continue to work to fund programs that keep Yuba City streets safe for our residents. A family man with strong family values, John Jo hn is ve very ry inv nvol olve ved d in sha hapi ping ng the you outh th of ou ourr co comm mmun unit ity y. FPP PPC# C#13 1331 3121 210 0

Preet Didbal Planning Commission Chair - City Council, Yuba City Our Children. Our Community. Our Future. A lifelong Sutter County resident who has served as a Planning Commissioner for ten years, Preet currently serves as Chairperson. Preet strives to provide a better quality of life for Yuba City residents and a brighter future for the next generation. A fiscal conservative, Preet will tenaciously and passionately represent the citizens of Yuba City. FPPC#1365036

Jim Reed Attorney/Advocate, Candidate for State Assembly - District 3 The candidate with the common sense we need in Sacramento, Jim Reed is a moderate who is focused on simplifying the tax system to make the system more fair without raising taxes. He defends a woman’s right to choose. Unlike his opponent, who can see the Sacramento Skyline from his house, Jim lives in the heart of the district and is focused on doing the right thing, not what’s popular. Bring common sense back to Sacramento. Vote Jim Reed for State Assembly. FPPC#1358057

Jennifer Dupré Prosecutor, Sutter County District Attorney An attorney for 17 years, Jennifer Dupré has learned how to effectively lead a DA's office from some of the best DAs in the north state. Her desire to protect the public and fight gangs and theft crimes here in her home county led her to run for Sutter County's top Prosecutor. Is she tough on crime? In just four years at the Butte County DA's office, Dupré has put criminals behind bars for more than 287 years and is the only candidate who has prosecuted a murder trial. Dupré... Tough Enough! FPPC#1360862

Measure W We Believe in Marysville A group of Marysville residents and business owners have joined together to improve quality of life through a 1% sales tax initiative. A YES vote on Measure W, is a vote for improved public safety with better emergency response times (40%), roadway and park improvements (25%) as well as the ability to pay down inherited debts and rebuild a rainy day fund (35%). The measure will generate $1.6 - $1.9 million annually to Marysville’s general fund for ten years. Transparency will come in the form of an annual report made available to all City residents. Concerned citizens believe in Marysville! FPPC#1368033 Paid for Political Advertisement. Candidates appearing in this advertisement do not necessarily endorse the other candidates or issues appearing in the advertisement.

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