Decom North Sea News 009

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August 2012

Image courtesy of Peterson SBS

Issue 9

Focus on Shetland See the inside story

Update on Industry Initiatives

Member News

Collaborating with EEEGR

Spotlight on New Members

See page 11

See page 4

See page 7

See page 17


Decom Media Pack Available NOW!

Director’s Foreword


reparations are well underway for our annual Offshore Decommissioning Conference (9th – 11th October) which Decom North Sea organises in partnership with Oil & Gas UK.

The conference will be bigger and better this year, hence the move to the Fairmont Hotel in St Andrews which can accommodate more delegates as well as offering more space for conference sessions and exhibitors. As I write this at the end of July we have sold over half of our delegate places for the conference so I recommend to book now in order to avoid disappointment! More information about the conference and how to book your place can be found on page 10. On the 9th October, ahead of the drinks reception to commence the start of the conference, we will be holding our Annual General Meeting (AGM), giving our members the opportunity to raise any issues and to vote new directors on to the board of Decom North Sea. There are currently 18 non-executive directors of Decom North Sea representing all sectors of the industry. They guide and advise the executive team ensuring that we meet the needs of the members within the sector they represent. A number of these positions will become vacant at this year’s AGM due to current directors coming to the end of their term or because of career changes. Members of Decom North Sea will be invited to nominate themselves or a colleague for the available positions by mid September with voting on the nominations undertaken at the AGM. As mentioned in the 8th edition of the newsletter one of our current directors, Nigel Lees has been undertaking a review of the sustainability of Decom North Sea as his final project for his MBA. Thank you very much to all of you who completed the online survey or participated in a one-to-one interview. Nigel has now completed his report and will present his key findings and recommendations at the AGM. We look forward to seeing you in St Andrews if not before. n

Brian Nixon | Chief Executive | Decom North Sea

Raise your profile within the offshore decommissioning industry ADVERTISE IN THE NEXT ISSUE OF DECOM NEWS n

Printed copies sent to all Decom North Sea members n Distributed at major UK and International exhibitions and conferences n Electronic copies sent to a growing database of over 500 key industry contacts with an interest in decommissioning n Available to be downloaded from n Also, don’t forget about advertising opportunities on our website Email SARAH HILLYEAR for rates and availability at

2 Decom North Sea News August 2012

Forthcoming DNS Events and Exhibitions Offshore Decommissioning Networking Reception, Radisson SAS Atlantic, Stavanger, 27th August In partnership with Norsk Industri we are hosting a networking reception on the eve of Offshore Northern Seas (ONS) to raise awareness of the huge opportunities in offshore decommissioning in the North Sea. This is an excellent opportunity to meet and network with some of the key players in the offshore decommissioning sector from the UK, Norway and The Netherlands.

Decom North Sea Lunch & Learn, Aberdeen, 12th September

This series of events allow the supply chain companies to have the opportunity to give 15–20 min presentations on their capabilities in offshore decommissioning to an audience of operators, major contractors and potential partners. This event will include presentations from Baker Hughes, Lucion Marine and OilMac.

Decom North Sea Annual General Meeting, Fairmont Hotel, St Andrews, 9th October

Opportunity for Decom North Sea members to hear an update on Decom North Sea activities, raise any issues and vote new directors on to the board.

Offshore Decommissioning Conference 2012, Fairmont Hotel, St Andrews, 9th - 11th October

The annual Offshore Decommissioning Conference organised by Decom North Sea in partnership with Oil & Gas UK will be held at the Fairmont Hotel in St Andrews this year. More information can be found on p10.

Decom North Sea Learning Journey to Holland and Denmark, 22nd - 26th October

The aim of this learning journey is to explore offshore decommissioning opportunities in the Dutch Continental Shelf, promote Decom North Sea members capabilities to the Dutch and Danish markets and explore opportunities for collaboration. We will be working with our partner organisations – IRO in Holland and The Danish Marine & Offshore Group (DMOG) in Denmark to organise this visit. For more information and to register your interest in participating in this learning journey contact

Decom North Sea Lunch & Learn, Aberdeen, 14th November

This series of events allow the supply chain companies to have the opportunity to give 15 – 20 min presentations on their capabilities in offshore decommissioning to an audience of operators, major contractors and potential partners. This event will include presentations from Fugro Subsea, Geoprober and Tracerco

Decom North Sea Learning Journey to Louisiana, 21st - 25th January

The decommissioning industry is well established in the Gulf of Mexico with thousands of structures already removed, the aim of this learning journey will be to gain an understanding of how decommissioning is undertaken in the Gulf and explore possible business opportunities for DNS members particularly for future deeper water decommissioning projects. For more information and to register your interest in participating in this learning journey contact

Future Decom North Sea Lunch & Learns

Each of these lunch & learn events will have 3 complimentary Decom North Sea members presenting on their capabilities and experience in the offshore decommissioning industry. The purpose of these events is to promote the supply chain capabilities to the operators and major contractors as well as to allow the rest of the supply chain to seek opportunities for collaboration. If you are interested in participating at one of these events, please contact Sarah Hillyear on 01224 452170 or Decom North Sea is keen to hear from other operators and major contractors who are willing to share their decommissioning plans, strategies and issues and would be interested in hosting an event for Decom North Sea members. To discuss this opportunity in more detail please contact Sarah Hillyear on 01224 452170 or

Please visit for details of future events and to book your place on any of the Decom North Sea events listed above. August 2012 Decom North Sea News 3

Update on Industry Initiative Initiatives Update on Industry Standard Decommissioning Programme Template


ecom North Sea (DNS) has been involved in an initiative over the last four months, to work in collaboration with the Department of Energy and Climate Change (DECC) and a workgroup of DNS member companies (BP, Talisman, CNRI, Marathon, Perenco, WoodGroup PSN, GP Decom and Optimus Projects) to create a draft template for standard format Decommissioning Programme(s). Having completed a series of facilitated workshops with the Workgroup members, DNS has finalised a draft version of the template, which has been ratified by DECC and the other Workgroup members. The template has been circulated via DECC to government departments and statutory consultees, and is being circulated to other interested parties for comment and feedback.

These comments will be incorporated into a final version of the template in Q3/Q4 2012 and then adopted by DECC by the end of 2012/early 2013. This will have the benefit of saving time and cost to produce and submit Decommissioning Programme(s). One Operator has estimated that the time to produce a Programme using the template would potentially reduce from 2 man-years, to 3 months for 1 person. This will therefore be of benefit across the oil and gas industry, reducing the time and costs involved during the decommissioning phase. Using the template will also result in a streamlined process for DECC in reviewing programme(s) and agreeing a final version with Section 29 Notice Holders. Ultimately this will reduce the cost to the UK tax-payer and therefore be of significant public benefit whilst at the same time maintaining the integrity and transparency of the decommissioning programme(s) process. n

DECC Publishes Guidance on Charging a Fee for Reviewing & Approving Offshore Oil & Gas Decommissioning Programmes


he Department of Energy & Climate Change (DECC) has recently published guidance on charging a fee in respect of offshore (oil and gas) installations and pipelines decommissioning programmes under the Petroleum Act 1998.

Following a consultation on DECC’s proposals to start charging a fee for reviewing and approving offshore oil & gas decommissioning programmes the majority of stakeholders indicated that; should such a charging scheme be adopted; their preferred charging method was one based on the type of facility. This was also DECC’s preferred charging method as it would be equitable, costs to the companies will reflect the use of Departmental resource, it minimises administrative costs, and would also be relatively simple to adopt. The table below summarises the indicative cost for each type of installation. If an Operator is submitting both an installation and pipeline decommissioning programme the total fee would therefore be; for example; Band A) plus Band B) - these are the most common scenarios received by DECC. The Department will however apply a higher fee for a large scale installation, multiple (two or more) large or small scale installations or a combination of installations within an installation decommissioning programme.

(1) Category of offshore installation or submarine pipeline

(2) Indicative Fee


Small scale offshore installation (any concrete or steel offshore platform or other installation including subsea with a weight of less than 10,000 tonnes)



Submarine pipeline



Multiple small scale offshore installation (two or more concrete or steel offshore platforms or other installations including subsea each with a weight of less than 10,000 tonnes)



Large scale offshore installation (any concrete gravity based structure or steel offshore platform or installation with a weight of 10,000 tonnes or more)



Combination of large and small scale offshore installation (two or more concrete gravity based structures or steel offshore platforms or installations including subsea at least one of which (but not all) has a weight of 10,000 tonnes or more)



Multiple large scale offshore installation (two or more concrete gravity based structures or steel offshore platforms or installations each with a weight of 10,000 tonnes or more)


Revision (Section 34)



The Secretary of State will be responsible for setting the fee. In calculating the fee the Secretary of State will take the following factors into account; • The number of days which the Offshore Decommissioning Unit estimates will be required to consider a decommissioning programme from initial discussions, through development of the programme to final programme approval (Section 29); • The number of officers which the Offshore Decommissioning Unit estimates will be required to consider the decommissioning programme from initial discussions, through development of the programme to final programme approval (Section 29). The fee will be payable on submission of a decommissioning programme. Before submission of the final version of the decommissioning programme (Stage 3) DECC will advise the operator to submit a final draft of the programme. When submitting the final draft the operator should at the same time request that DECC determines a fee. On receipt of the final draft programme and the request to determine a fee DECC will then make a written demand for payment (via electronic invoice)

Contact: Kevin Munro, Offshore Decommissioning Unit, Department of Energy & Climate Change. Email: Tel: 01224 254075 n

4 Decom North Sea News August 2012

Decommissioning delivered. As an expert provider of integrated plug and abandonment services, we supply a range of unique and innovative technology supported by specialists dedicated to meeting the challenges our customers face. By continuing to expand our service offering, we are able to provide our clients with the capability to reduce their contractor interfaces - as we become a dedicated single source provider of all plug and abandonment and decommissioning services. Archer delivers better wells.

Š Archer 2012 August 2012 Decom North Sea News 5

Decommissioning of platforms, tHe netHerlanDs.

meeting YoUr eVerY cHallenge

Boskalis is a leading global dredging and marine expert. With safety as a core value we provide innovative and competitive solutions for our clients in the Energy sector. From feasibility studies, design and execution to IRM and operational services.

Our solutions cover: Engineering, management and execution of offshore decommissioning projects services (FEED studies, jacket and topside removal & disposal, subsea inventory removal & disposal) Oil & LNG import/export facilities Drilling & Production facilities Pipelines & Cables Renewable Energy +31 10 454 99 11 (24/7) MaRInE.pROjEcts@sMIt.cOM

6 Decom North Sea News August 2012

Update on Industry Initiatives ctd. Decom North Sea Collaborating with EEEGR


n its drive to engage with companies around the North Sea, Decom North Sea has established a partnership with the East of England Energy Group (EEEGR) to help its industry members in the south east of England gain maximum advantage from the decommissioning market.

The organisations have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to create a strategic partnership designed to address both the opportunities and challenges specific to the Southern North Sea (SNS). The MoU was signed at the EEEGR 2012 Conference and launched at the first decommissioning Special Interest Group meeting in July at OrbisEnergy in Lowestoft. Forecasts for the SNS suggest that 23 oil & gas installations plus 29 pipelines may be removed in the next five years at an estimated expenditure of £374 million. Brian Nixon pointed out that this represents a notable increase in decommissioning activity, supporting the initiative to step up planning and preparation effort in the region. “The two partners see benefit in working together for a common cause, and share the potential in the SNS. Where possible, we will share knowledge, news, opportunities and market intelligence.” The first meeting of this Special Interest Group attracted nearly 60 delegates from across the industry, and took the form of a workshop facilitated by Decom North Sea’s Dorothy Burke. An analysis of the region’s strengths and weaknesses was initially considered, followed by an assessment of the opportunities and challenges facing the industry and a discussion on how the Group should operate in the future. n

Brian Nixon, CEO, Decom North Sea and Simon Gray, CEO of EEEGR

Reuse Initiative


n September 2011, Decom North Sea (DNS) held a member consultation workshop to identify industry topics that members believed could be developed to provide value-added efficiencies and to enable a common understanding across the supply chain. Following a prioritisation process, a topic was selected for further consideration which was endorsed at the DNS annual conference in October. This was to assess the market potential for re-use of equipment as part of the decommissioning process, and was taken forward following an event with Marathon Oil in November 2011 (in which Marathon Oil highlighted their commitment to a collaborative effort to drive reuse) and subsequent Reuse workshops in Aberdeen and Bergen during February 2012.

Following meetings between Marathon Oil, BP, Shell, CNRI and Department of Energy & Climate Change (DECC), agreement was reached to form a collaborative JIP with Decom North Sea as coordinator and project manager. In parallel, a supply chain Reuse Workgroup was formed, comprising individuals from DNS members Wood Group PSN, Stork, John Lawrie Group, URS and Bureau Veritas. The Workgroup will support the JIP and explore the reuse market via a range of complementary activities to run alongside the JIP.

Valve Reuse Pilot Project The JIP will comprise of a pilot study on the reuse of valves. Each of the operators involved will generate a valve inventory from their assets which are due to be decommissioned. Pre-qualification will be conducted to shortlist companies to determine their appetite and capability to: 1) work with the operators to select/refurbish/ resell an optimum subset of valves during the pilot project 2) market, refurbish and resell a full inventory of valves as part of future decommissioning activities 3) develop a commercially viable business model for the resale of valves and provide for revenue share with the operators where appropriate

A tender competition will then be run to select a suitable company who will work with the JIP operator companies and Decom North Sea (as agent) to • identify the optimum valve subset (For the pilot project only, this inventory subset will be ‘free-issued’ to the valve company) • market, sell and refurbish (to order) the pilot project valve inventory • provide details of costs, revenues and details of buyers/enquiries resulting from the pilot • document project outcomes against agreed success factors and use this to predict future market opportunities for the full valve inventory

Oil & Gas Reuse Study The February DNS workshop captured some actual reuse examples, but it was clear that many of these were one-off or adhoc instances. A commissioned study is therefore proposed to gather further data on reuse in the North Sea and other geographies to establish factors which could influence the wider adoption of reuse models. The study will be carried out under the guidance of the DNS Workgroup to identify examples

of successful reuse in oil and gas. This should establish both the current extent of reuse of oil and gas equipment and examine technology, financial, legal, tax and other factors which are restricting the reuse market in the UK.

Platform Inventory Reuse Valuation In addition to the Valve Pilot Study, it is important to gather additional data for the full range of equipment and modules on platforms to be decommissioned, and to establish potential demand and resale value. It is proposed to select a number of suitable organisations by Expressions of Interest and with appropriate NDAs in place, these organisations will be asked to provide a confidential, indicative valuation of oil and gas platform inventories. By carrying out this exercise through DNS, it will ensure the inventory items can remain un-attributable and an impartial indicative valuation can be provided by a suitable range of organisations. Companies who are interested in tendering for the Valve Reuse Pilot Project or submitting an Expression of Interest for the Platform Inventory Reuse Valuation should contact Dorothy Burke – or 01224 452174 n August 2012 Decom North Sea News 7

Focus on Shetland

Decom North Sea members during tour of Greenhead Base

Learning Journey to Shetland


n informative two day learning journey was held in May for Decom North Sea (DNS) members to explore future offshore decommissioning opportunities in Shetland. The visit was organised by DNS to help members understand what Shetland can offer the offshore decommissioning industry and to also identify opportunities for future collaborations and partnerships. Visits and meetings were organised with Lerwick Port Authority, Peterson SBS, Veolia Environmental Services, AF Decom, the Energy Recovery Plant, ZE1 Global and the NAFC Marine Centre. Shetland is likely to play a key role in future offshore decommissioning projects due to its location in the crossroads of the North Sea and the Atlantic. It is strategically located to service and support offshore decommissioning activity in the northern and central North Sea as well as to the West of Shetland. DNS Chief Executive Brian Nixon said: “Lerwick is positioning itself as a centre of excellence in decommissioning, marine support and logistics due to having a comprehensive portfolio of benefits such as proven capability, experienced contractors and workforce, sheltered very deep water and excellent shipping links with the mainland.” “Previous learning journeys have been highly beneficial and we have received positive feedback again from our members who attended the visit to Shetland- they were all able to gather useful knowledge about opportunities for their companies. This type of event has the 8 Decom North Sea News August 2012

added benefit of allowing the supply chain to seek opportunities for collaborations by giving them the chance to network and build valuable connections for the future.” On the final day of the visit DNS hosted a business breakfast, which was an excellent opportunity for local Shetland companies to gain an understanding of the opportunities in offshore decommissioning as well as network with some of the current key players in the industry. Presentations were given from Marathon Oil and CNR International on their forthcoming offshore decommissioning projects. Callum Falconer, Decommissioning Manager, Marathon Oil, said: “The DNS Learning Journey to Shetland gave me a first-hand opportunity to witness and understand the current and emerging decommissioning capabilities of Shetland. The interactions with all of the participating companies enabled a very clear insight to this and, as an operator, it was invaluable as Marathon continues to develop a decommissioning strategy. “As an operator who promotes the re-use of redundant equipment/facilities, I observed an almost ‘no-waste’ culture on Shetland, which I found as unexpected as it was refreshing. Furthermore, there was a genuine and active communal business support network, where I observed several examples of businesses always helping others while helping themselves, which was very profound.” Martin Bjerregaard, Demolition Consultant, D3 CONSULTING Ltd, said: “The DNS Shetland visit was very useful to gain a more in-depth understanding of the offshore decommissioning

capabilities of the Shetlands as a one stop service.” Ron Smith, Manager Oil and Gas Services at Nuvia SITA NORM, said: “We took part in the recent learning journey because we wanted to better understand the Shetland companies involved in the decommissioning market. Through the event we were able to gain contacts at local companies and it was highly beneficial to visit the facilities available in Shetland. We identified opportunities to do business with companies in Shetland and it has also helped to progress some existing business opportunities.” Decom North Sea is organising two further learning journeys in 2012, the first one to Peterhead on 15 August to learn about Peterhead’s offering to the offshore decommissioning market and to visit the new Smith Quay at Peterhead Port and Nuvia SITA NORM’s new multi-million pound NORM treatment facility. DNS will also being taking a group of companies to the Netherlands and Denmark w/c 22 October, to find out about decommissioning opportunities in the Dutch and Danish Continental Shelves and to explore opportunities for collaboration. In early 2013 two further learning journeys are planned to Louisiana and Norway. For more information on any of these visits please contact Sarah Hillyear, or 01224 452170 n

Peterson SBS and Veolia Environmental Service’s Decommissioning Facility at Greenhead in Lerwick

Peterson SBS Proposes Expansion of Greenhead Base to Meet Growing Demands of Decommissioning Sector


eterson SBS and Veolia Environmental Services have been operating the decommissioning facility at Greenhead, Lerwick since 2005. To meet the growing demands of the decommissioning sector, the company has proposed plans to develop the facilities, including a phased expansion of the existing decommissioning pad to double or triple its existing area of ~20,000m2. The site has great opportunity for expansion with additional areas available allowing a potential development area of up to 120,000m2. These latest proposals will increase the environmentally controlled area significantly and create one of the largest specialised and fitfor-purpose decommissioning facilities in the UK. This will further reinforce Shetland’s position as a leading force in the decommissioning sector, generating benefits for the local economy and creating jobs. This will be the second development to be undertaken by Peterson SBS at the site at Lerwick Harbour. In 2005/6, Peterson SBS invested £1 million to upgrade the extensive facilities in place at Greenhead, creating a fully bunded

licensed decommissioning pad. In partnership with Veolia Environmental Services, Peterson SBS has successfully completed several onshore decommissioning and disposal projects, including the Shell Inde contract, the largest offshore decommissioning projects to be delivered in the UK last year. Murdo MacIver, director of Peterson SBS, explains that development of the base will provide a cost effective solution for the industry. “Our proposal focuses on the ability to access the extensive deep water available in the surrounding Lerwick Harbour, without the need for major capital investment in new infrastructure. This would be a phased development in line with demand and will make best use of the available resources; such as the extensive quayside and water depths around Lerwick Harbour. It is also proposed to develop and invest in the onshore infrastructure required to accommodate barge load-ins of single-lift structures.” “Peterson SBS and Veolia Environmental Services have extensive experience in the marine, logistics, handling, demolition and waste management sectors. Two major projects have already been successfully delivered through barge transfers in the offshore environment and towed to shore for Peterson SBS to handle the inshore elements of the project.”

“Along with extension of the decommissioning pad, we propose the implementation of an inshore transfer capability using barges as a replacement for deep water quaysides. The cargo barge would become a floating pier enabling heavy lift vessels to transfer cargoes inshore in sheltered waters, allowing for significant savings to be made on barge grillage and seafastening arrangements.” “We have had discussions with industry to explore these solutions, talking with Operators, Heavy Lift contractors and Marine Warranty companies. The decommissioning market is evolving and there are immediate plans to remove over 75,000 te from the North Sea in the next five to 10 years. This presents a significant opportunity for the company and the Shetland area. The outlined expansion and development of our base at Greenhead would put us in an excellent position to tender for these contracts, generating further benefits for the local economy and creating more jobs. We have already successfully prequalified to bid for upcoming contracts with major oil and gas operators on the basis of our planned solutions and as a result of our established track record in the UK decommissioning market; and our strong links in the supply chain. This further underlines the importance of decommissioning as a major growth area for the business and Shetland.” More about Peterson SBS can be found at or by calling 01224 288100 n

Map of Onshore Disposal Yards and Ports for the Decommissioning of North Sea Facilities A new page on the Decom North Sea website has recently been launched to show the location and facilities of onshore disposal yards and ports which could be used for decommissioning of North Sea facilities.

It is hoped that this interactive map will be used by operators and major contractors when preparing their decommissioning plans and deciding the most appropriate yard(s)/ port(s) in which to dispose of their offshore assets. It will also be used by the Department of Energy and Climate Change (DECC) in their assessment of the decommissioning plans.

The opportunity to display information on this map is open to both members and non-members of Decom North Sea so if you are operating an onshore disposal yard or port and wish to benefit from the forthcoming £47.5 billion offshore decommissioning programme across the North Sea in the next 30 years please contact Sarah Hillyear, or 01224 452170 to find out more. n August 2012 Decom North Sea News 9

Progressing Deep-Water Decommissioning Centre in Shetland Lerwick Port Authority has initiated the procurement process in its project to develop a centre of excellence for decommissioning at Dales Voe where it has an exclusivity agreement with AF Decom Offshore UK to create a facility with a 24-metre deep quay. Following adverts in the Official Journal of Europe, the Authority is at the prequalification stage with interested potential contractors for two packages – Marine & Civil Engineering Works and Building & Associated External Works.

Government support Scotland’s First Minister, Alex Salmond, announced in May that the Scottish Government and Highlands and Islands Enterprise would each contribute up to £5 million to support the project. The announcement said the centre

would have a scale of capacity and environmental standard “currently unmatched in the UK”. The First Minister noted: “Decommissioning is an increasingly important activity…I’m determined that the Scottish Government and our enterprise agencies will do everything we can to support the continued success of the industry in Scotland.” Pal Egil Rønn, Chief Executive, of AF Group said: “AF wish to bring our experience…to develop a unique site when it comes to operational and environmental standard for the UK market.” Sandra Laurenson, Chief Executive of Lerwick Port Authority said: “The planned significant investment in new port infrastructure allows us to look forward to the next phase of Lerwick’s capability in meeting the needs of the oil and gas industry for many years to come. n

Decom North Sea and Oil & Gas UK Open Bookings for Annual Offshore Decommissioning Conference


ookings have officially opened for the annual Offshore Decommissioning Conference organised by Decom North Sea in partnership with Oil & Gas UK.

This year it is being held at a new venue, the Fairmont Hotel, St Andrews, on 9-11 October. With decommissioning North Sea oil and gas facilities projected to cost £30 billion or more over the next three decades, the focus for the interactive event will be on reflecting on the past and preparing for the future. The annual event follows on from two previous sell out conferences, with over 240 delegates from the UK, Norway, The Netherlands and the USA attending the 2011 conference. Across the two conference days, a full schedule of workshops and presentations will cover main themes including a market update, current and future projects, late life operations and preparation for decommissioning, management of platform well plugging and abandonment and an update on industry initiatives. The conference will be chaired jointly by Brian Nixon, Decom North Sea’s chief executive and David Ripley, Oil & Gas UK’s supply chain director. They will be joined by a line-up of industry experts, who will share their knowledge of decommissioning and encourage delegates to participate in a range of interactive discussions on topical issues including current and projected decommissioning levels, lessons learned from recent major projects and collaboration and re-use. 10 Decom North Sea News August 2012

Mr Nixon said: “We have already experienced a high level of interest for this year’s event from a wide variety of companies interested in decommissioning – this has included small supply chain companies, contractors and major operators who are all keen to be involved in informative, open dialogue about the market. The conference is the perfect opportunity to bring key players together to help every company understand how it can capitalise on the projected decommissioning opportunities and to encourage companies to work collaboratively to prepare for the challenges ahead.” David Ripley said: “While decommissioning may not be the primary activity on the UK continental shelf for the coming decade, Oil & Gas UK’s latest Decommissioning Insight report reveals that 51

decommissioning projects will take place over the next five years. We have more than twelve years’ experience of decommissioning installations in the North Sea to build on and it is clear that the sector represents a growing business opportunity for the supply chain. The conference provides the ideal opportunity for attendees to contribute to discussion and share knowledge as we look towards the future.” For further information and to register, please see n

Offshore Decommissioning Conference Organised by

Supporting sponsors

Member News

Tracerco Subsea Radiation Technology


racerco DiagnosticsTM gamma ray scanning technology has recently been used as part of a survey of a North Sea platform prior to decommissioning.

Gamma scanning technology enables the amount and density of material within subsea structures to be accurately measured. The equipment is operated via a ROV, and is typically used to scan platform members, subsea pipelines, and buoyancy tanks. In this case, it was initially used to confirm the location and density of grout within the platform legs, checking that the contents were as per the initial design. The scans confirmed which legs contained grout and which contained water.

The subsea detector was then used to carry out a radiation survey of the large number of installed grout density gauges. Each of the gauges, attached to the platform piles during the original installation over 30 years ago, contains a Caesium-137 radioactive source. It is imperative prior to decommissioning that the presence and integrity of each of these sources is known. The survey confirmed that each of the sources was still present in each gauge and had not become dislodged or damaged. The measurements will now aid in the preparation of the decommissioning procedures, and Tracerco’s Radiation Protection Advisers are available to ensure that the sources and any naturally occurring radioactive materials are removed and disposed of safely during the platform decommissioning. n

August 2012 Decom North Sea News 11

New Mastiff Rigless Intervention System from Baker Hughes


aker Hughes has introduced the new Mastiff Rigless Intervention System [RIS] aiming to provide a safe and efficient means to carry out well abandonments and workovers without the need for a rig to be present.

The Mastiff RIS has unique capabilities that enable it to perform offshore abandonment, workover and conductor pre-installation operations without a rig and more efficiently than methods using conventional casing jacks and workover rigs. Building on experience from our previous rigless intervention system, the new system’s modular design and light weight make it easy to deploy worldwide and ideal for operation on platforms with limited deck load capacity. The new Mastiff RIS incorporates a novel, self elevating and self-pinning design which eliminates the need for any riding belt operations, and is comprised of modular sections, none of which weighs more than 24,000lbs [10,896 kg] for overboard lifting. Each module can be transported in a standard 40ft open top container, making the system easy to transport to international locations. The system weighs only 100 tons, making it well suited for work on Spar and Tension Leg Platforms or any platform with a limited deck load capacity. The Mastiff RIS can operate in either of two configurations to perform a wide range of applications. • When configured with two intermediate sections, the system is rated at 352 tons [320 mt ] and has headroom below the hook of 63 ft [19.2 m]. This configuration enables the pulling of 50ft cut sections of conductor with all the inner casing strings and the cement. • The second configuration adds an additional two sections and has a rating of 110 tons [100 mt]. With headroom below the hook of 99 ft [30.17m], the system can pull doubles of casing

or tubing or extra length production risers as well as handle a pile driving hammer and joint of conductor. The new Mastiff system can be rigged up or rigged down in less than one day while working during daylight hours, an advantage in areas prone to hurricanes or tropical storms. With its sturdy mast, the unit can operate safely at wind speeds up to 43.5 knots [50 mph]. When working on a fixed platform, the RIS can be placed on the platform capping beams and utilises its own gripping system to skid from well to well on an XY axis. The system has its own power pack and can operate with a single crane alongside it. The system’s pinning and cutting system and its unique pulling capacity enables it to lift 50-ft sections of conductor with inner casing strings and cement securely, then lay the sections out using the deck crane. This capability makes the Mastiff system more efficient than jacking systems thus saving time and reducing risk on a platform abandonment schedule compared to conventional methods using casing jacks. The Mastiff RIS is also capable of pre-installing conductors on new platforms before the arrival of the drilling rig, reducing costs and shortening the time to production. The unit can save as much as 20 days of rig time by pre-installing conductors on a 12- slot platform.

Integrated abandonment and well reconditioning services The Mastiff RIS is an integral part of Baker Hughes’ broad scope of abandonment and well reconditioning capabilities. Safe and efficient

services can be delivered with a full package of capabilities including tubular services, cementing and coiled tubing services, multi-string cutting services, section milling,fishing, wireline services and a complete range of tools from bridge plugs to cement retainers.

Slot Recovery As an alternative to well abandonment, Baker Hughes can design and implement a slot recovery program to continue production of a field. Once the conductor is removed, Baker Hughes prepares the well slot for a new full-sized wellbore using a full complement of equipment including drive pipe whipstocks and specialized hammer services for driving the new conductor. With the rigless intervention system, this operation can be performed before the jack-up rig arrives to drill the well, saving valuable time.

Compliance The Mastiff RIS has been designed to fully comply with API 4F “Drilling and Well-servicing Structures“. The winch and the travelling block fully comply with the API 8C Specification for Drilling and Hoisting Equipment. This means that the Mastiff RIS is certified to work anywhere in the world from the North Sea to the Gulf of Mexico. The unit is now being prepared to go into operation in the North Sea. Baker Hughes will be presenting at the DNS Lunch & Learn on 12th September. More information contact: Paul G. Adams, P&A Operations Manager, 337.837.1181, n

InterAct Strengthens Capabilities with New Appointments and Aberdeen Office InterAct Activity Management Ltd, an Acteon company, continues it recruitment drive with the recent appointment of 3 experienced decommissioning engineers, to be based in Aberdeen. The new team will be based in Acteon’s Tern Place House facility, Bridge of Don – InterAct 12 Decom North Sea News August 2012

joins several other Acteon companies working together from the shared base. Commenting on the office opening and the new hires, Stuart Wordsworth, General Manager of InterAct Activity Management, said, “InterAct has been building its reputation and capabilities in the decommissioning market over recent years to enable it to be in a position to serve this emerging market. I am very pleased to be placing

competent, experienced engineers in Aberdeen so we can really show the market what we can do.” For further information, please contact: Stuart Wordsworth, General Manager T: +44 1603 679 786 W: E: n

NCIMB to Offer New Mercury Analysis Service


CIMB has purchased an inductively coupled plasma (ICP) mass spectrometer that will allow the Aberdeen-based company to offer a new mercury analysis service as well as providing lower detection limits for other trace metals than was possible with their previous equipment, and expanding their current elemental analysis range.

NCIMB’s Oilfield Services Manager Cheryl Richardson explains: “Up until now we have used an atomic absorption mass spectrometer for metals analysis, which didn’t have the capability to detect mercury. Our new ICP mass spectrometer not only allows us to detect mercury but also offers dramatically improved sensitivity with respect to other elements. Whereas in the past we could detect down to ppm levels, we are now able to offer our clients analysis to ppt or ppq levels, depending on the particular element being detected”. The machine is a Thermo Scientific iCAP Q ICP mass spectrometer, and NCIMB are one of the first companies in the UK to have acquired this new high-performance equipment. In addition to mercury, NCIMB offers analysis of wastes and effluents for a comprehensive suite of regulatory required elements including barium, manganese, cadmium, chromium, copper, lead and arsenic and the company also added polonium to its NORM testing capabilities earlier this year. For more information about NCIMB’s new mercury analysis service contact Cheryl Richardson; Tel +44 (0) 1224 711100 n


We have a solution to your problem

Norisol Look to the Future in New UK Premises


s an innovative and highly skilled Fabric Maintenance company, Norisol are proud to announce that, after successfully completing a host of works including insulation, asbestos surveying & removal and surface treatment over the past 24 months, the need for recruitment and procurement of new equipment have led to an office move to larger premises better allowing Norisol to meet the requirements of their clients. The move has allowed Norisol to set up workshops and warehouse space to support decommissioning campaigns both on and offshore. With storage and testing areas set up for industrial cleaning, high pressure/ultra-high pressure (HP/UHP) jetting, asbestos removal and cold-cutting equipment Norisol can now quickly respond to requests for decommissioning support or rapidly adapt to changes in large, planned campaigns. Also, in the 2nd quarter, Norisol, as part of its access solutions portfolio, began offering Rope Access with a probationary membership to IRATA and the recruitment of the Rope Access and Surface Treatment Manager, Paul Munro. The new premises have the facilities to allow for the development of the rope access business and the provision of a wide range of multi-discipline technicians to carry out a multitude of services at height or in hard to reach locations. Norisol now look forward to expanding their business from these new premises and further developing their service portfolio, including their Decommissioning Services department, to meet the ever-changing demands of our clients. n

WORLDWIDE SERVICE Call us now for CONTRACT OR HIRE OPTIONS on our proven machinery.

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August 2012 Decom North Sea News 13

Nuvia SITA NORM Agrees NORM Disposal Process with Stoneyhill Environmental Park


uvia SITA NORM has agreed arrangements with Stoneyhill Environmental Park for the disposal of NORM after SITA received its RSA authorisation from SEPA.

The agreement provides one of the options for the disposal of processed material which meets the site’s Waste Acceptance Criteria (WAC). Nuvia SITA NORM will be working closely with SITA, the operator of the Stoneyhill site, to provide a safe, cost effective and efficient process for the transfer and disposal of waste which meets all of the environmental requirements of the respective RSA authorisations. Waste steams that are not acceptable at the Stoneyhill site will be disposed of at facilities which have the relevant authorisations. For further information contact Ewan Hill, Nuvia SITA NORM Business Manager, n

The offshore lifting and removal of Q8b platform

Decommissioning Works SMIT


ollowing the successful completion of last year’s dismantling project for NAM (the removal of the subsea protection structure for the Dutch Shelf’s L13-FH gas well), SMIT Marine Projects was engaged in two more decommissioning assignments in the Dutch Sector, for our client Wintershall Noordzee B.V. The contract called for the removal of the Q8-A and Q8-B platforms. This involved two floating sheerlegs, ‘Taklift 7’ and ‘Taklift 4’.

‘Taklift 7’ mobilised for this project from the Waalhaven, Rotterdam. Its task was to perform two of the lifts. ‘Taklift 7’ was engaged on this project throughout May 2012. ‘Taklift 4’ was required for 10 days and mobilised from Rotterdam to remove the larger Q8-B platform (topsides and, jacket in one lift). The Ampelmann system A-XL was used for safe, direct access to the decks from the ‘Taklift 7’. The redundant structures were transported in the sheerlegs’ hooks to IJmuiden, where they were loaded onto a barge for onward transport to a scrap facility at Flushing, The Netherlands. n 14 Decom North Sea News August 2012

Nuvia Expands its Services to the Oil and Gas Industry With the growing success of Nuvia SITA NORM and the establishment of a radiation protection business in Aberdeen, Nuvia has appointed Ron Smith as Manager, Oil & Gas Services to lead its further expansion. Ron has been involved in the industry for many years and has extensive experience both in the UK and overseas. The current business portfolio consists of the Nuvia NORM facility in Dorset, the Nuvia SITA NORM joint venture near Peterhead, and the radiation protection services headquartered in Aberdeen. “In the near term I see my role as enabling the efficient delivery of all our services related to radiation issues in the industry from the provision of initial consultancy through to operations. This is the core of our current business but we have a lot more to offer and matching our capabilities to the industry’s requirements, especially in decommissioning, is my main objective.” Ron can be contacted at n

Optimus Enhances Decommissioning Scope to Meet Growing Global Demand


n order to meet growing demand for its decommissioning services, Optimus has formalised its expertise in the field with the formation of specialist subsidiary Optimus Decom, giving the expanding decommissioning team the boost to build on their successes and broaden their global reach.

The Optimus Decom experts will draw on the skills available in the wider Optimus organisation, including Process, Safety, Structural, Mechanical, Risk and Decision Analysis, E&I and Project Management, to offer an enhanced capability towards offering Late Life management solutions, alongside decommissioning solutions. Optimus Decom Managing Director Stuart Heggie believes this will meet a growing global drive to extend field life, maximise revenue and allow a planned cost effective approach towards final decommissioning, adding that “A more integrated approach to late life management and decommissioning would build on our holistic approach to decommissioning solutions.” Optimus recently shared their decommissioning experience at a DNS-led workgroup tasked with devising a template to streamline the decommissioning project approval process. This template will make obtaining approval for programmes more transparent, quicker and less costly. The company was the only engineering consultancy selected to join the workgroup and Stuart Heggie welcomed the chance to contribute to the discussion.

“Practically, there are likely to be significant costs savings arising from adopting the new template. Previous decommissioning programmes have entailed documents running into hundreds of pages; this standard format is significantly reduced, at the same time as being precise enough to fulfil the requirements of DECC.” Optimus Decom provide a comprehensive solution to all your decommissioning requirements, from Liabilities Estimating using a unique O&G UK aligned database system, Due Diligence in support of acquisitions and divestments, Decommissioning Options selection, preparation of DECC programme submissions to full decommissioning project management. Optimus Decom contact details are; Osborne House, 28 Carden Place, Aberdeen, AB10 1UP 01224-264516 n

OilMac Gains Power Developing new markets for reuse of oilfield equipment has not been an easy task, but the team at Oilfield Machinery have done just that.

Having started well with some major success in selling drilling equipment, OilMac is now riding the crest of a new wave of interest in cost saving, by reusing existing equipment and refurbishing power generating plant. Recent successes include finding a new home for two of our stock of 1.7MW gas engines and generators for a biomass renewable energy project. The current power challenge is to find a use for the unused 6MW medium voltage generating plant from the ill-fated “Power Buoy” currently being dismantled in Dundee. OilMac are happy to work closely with Dundee decommissioning contractors GRC. Greg Cosgrove of GRC is confident this show case dismantling operation will let the North Sea majors see just what Dundee contactors can achieve and hope this will lead the way to more module and package decommissioning with an eye on value recovery from reusable components. Future goals for OilMac include developing links with rebuilding and refurbishing contractors in Asia, Eastern Europe and India. Current investments include a valve and pump refurbishing venture for the petro chemical industry in Thailand. This will also form a base to serve the Indonesian reuse market. Other area targets include Romania and the Caspian to service the growing market for both on and offshore oilfield developments. The growth to being a major player in the reuse of power generating plant has enabled OilMac to open new doors but there still remains a major challenge to change the mindset of UK companies. “Reuse is cost effective and good for the environment” We see this step as just one of the many stepping stones to allow OilMac to reuse, refurbish and re-home up to 10% (or more) of the plant recovered from North Sea platforms. Developing our contacts and data base for clients wanting to reuse subsea and process equipment is the next target in OilMac’s busy schedule of market development. Getting the supporting paperwork for equipment from the operators remains the biggest hurdle to maximizing value in reuse. OilMac is actively campaigning to demonstrate the carbon savings and environmental advantages of reuse over remelting/recycling. We hope that coupling this with the economic common sense of reuse, we will convince the majors to support reuse and give access to their well organized and valuable documentation resource.

Franklin + Andrews Enjoys Repeat Success at Awards Aberdeen based Franklin + Andrews, Mott MacDonald’s specialist programme and commercial management business, has been named Quantity Surveyor of the Year at the 2012 Construction News Awards, held at the Grosvenor House Hotel in London on 10 July 2012. This is the second consecutive year that the consultancy has been successful in this category at the prestigious industry awards, up against strong competition from other top quantity surveying firms. Judges for the awards stated that Franklin + Andrews gave an absolutely outstanding presentation supported by strong evidence and facts, scored exceptionally high against the award criteria and is a company which is at the forefront of innovation in their sector. Franklin + Andrews is one of the world’s leading cost consultants working across the construction industry on major projects for some of the biggest clients in the world. Recent projects include providing project and programme controls and commercial management services to BAA Heathrow on their annual £150 million infrastructure programme, project and cost management services for a new Google office in London and cost consultancy services on the proposed new National Indoor Sports Arena and Sir Chris Hoy Velodrome which will be one of the main venues for the 2014 Commonwealth Games in Glasgow. The consultancy is also a key exponent of sustainability and has developed unique methodologies such as CapIT, an industry-first online cost and carbon estimating solution and LifeCYCLE, a whole-life cost and carbon modelling tool which again is a first for the construction sector. Duncan Chisholm from Franklin + Andrews said: “It’s fantastic to win this award for the second year running, which is great recognition for all our staff who work extremely hard to give our clients the best service we can.” “Over the past year, Franklin + Andrews has continued to effectively deliver a sustainable, strong business performance despite the ongoing economic difficulties experienced in the construction industry, while making a real impact by pioneering the use of the LEAN process improvement methodology as well as Building Information Modelling,” he added. August 2012 Decom North Sea News 15

Enviroco Strengthens Radiochemical Expertise


eading oil and gas waste management specialist, Enviroco, has strengthened its radiochemical expertise as four more employees qualify as Radiation Protection Supervisors (RPS).

The qualifications mean that Enviroco is able to handle difficult NORM (Naturally Occurring Radioactive Materials) waste enquiries and projects, ensuring that the wastes are handled in a professional, safe and environmentally compliant way. Howard Jonas, HSEQ & Compliance Director at Enviroco explained that the ongoing investment in training and qualifications was a vital reassurance to customers of the company’s experience, safety and efficiency. “We manage and dispose of large quantities of materials contaminated with Naturally Occurring

Radioactive Materials (NORM) and with our recently opened joint venture NORM Solutions’ descaling and decontamination plant in Aberdeen we expect to be handling more of this hazardous material in the future. These qualifications offer additional reassurance to our customers that we operate to the highest standards.” Dominic Travis, Enviroco’s UK Facilities Manager, one of the four staff who undertook the three day training and assessment course, said the qualification would help him provide reassurance to customers, colleagues, management and the public.

“The qualification shows that I and my colleagues have the expertise to handle difficult NORM wastes in a way that will not harm people or the environment and that Enviroco is able to meet the requirements of any permits, regulations and authorisations,” he said. An RPS is appointed by the company under the Ionising Radiations Regulations 1999, which is regulated by the HSE. n

ROMAR International Extends Product Range


berdeenshire-based oilfield service company ROMAR International has expanded its product range with the launch of a new swarf recovery unit, as a result of more than doubling investment in R&D.

16 Decom North Sea News August 2012

SS3000 is ROMAR’s newest swarf handling technology, offering increased safety performance by removing large quantities of swarf and harmful metal contaminants from fluid systems without the need for human intervention. As part of ROMAR’s efforts to deliver value-adding, innovative and efficient products for the oil and gas sector, it is set to commit a 150% increase in R&D investment this year. Last year the company put almost £100,000 into R&D and this year it has allocated £250,000 into expanding its range of magnetic separation technologies. SS3000 has been developed by ROMAR’s in-house engineering staff based on the experiences and successes of the company’s earlier swarf recovery units, the SS1000 and SS2000.

ROMAR International Commercial Director Robbie Gray said: “SS3000 was developed following requests from industry customers for a unit with a proven separation process and greater efficiency to clear larger volumes of metal debris returns from down-hole at higher flow-rates and within a reduced foot-print and weight. These are major considerations for system selection on many offshore platforms and rigs because of space, lifting and POB constraints on site.” ROMAR provides magnetic separation products and services to operators and drilling contractors globally. Visit n

Spotlight on New Members

UKPS Offshore


orum Subsea Technologies’ UKPS Offshore has been supplying resource solutions to the Offshore Industry since 1985. During this time, UKPS Offshore has provided qualified, skilled and experienced personnel across a range of disciplines. This is evident through strategic partnerships and cooperative relationships with major industry players across the globe. With offices in Great Yarmouth and Aberdeen, UKPS Offshore is strategically located for operations and projects in the North Sea including decommissioning. UKPS Offshore is a proven solution to staffing requirements; be they short, medium, long-term contracts, or permanent staff placements.

UKPS Offshore also provides engineering professionals for subsea offshore projects and engineering design offices in the UK and around the world. The Engineering and Subsea teams specialize in all core disciplines relevant to decommissioning: • Mechanical Engineering • Remote Handling • Civil, Structural, Architectural • Process Engineering • Electrical, Control, Instrumentation • Marine • Subsea • Geotechnics

We are inviting interested parties with a specific desire and history in the field of decommissioning to indicate their interest, in advance of major projects being undertaken. Utilize our expertise so that we can tailor a service to facilitate needs of your business and establish credible relationships within the industry. Advanced planning will ensure you have the personnel needed for your next project. For further information : Mike Jarvis Unit I, Eurocentre, North River Road, Great Yarmouth, NR30 1TE, n

We are now looking to develop bespoke services for those companies that will be leading and defining the strategies and methodologies for the essential decommissioning obligations of the industry. To this end we are now pleased to be associated with Decom North Sea and their member companies.

August 2012 Decom North Sea News 17

The Wel-lok M2M™ Bridge Plug from BiSN Technologies Ltd


iSN provides independent consultancy to the upstream oil and gas industry. Our field and laboratory based team provides innovative solutions using biological, chemical and mechanical techniques. These can be used to enhance recovery, production and reduce costs. BiSN have been at the forefront of developing tools for safe well abandonment, the Wel-lok M2M™ bridge plug uses an alloy that is melted in situ, creating a solid metal to metal seal which expands as it solidifies. Due to the slim design of the tool we are able to by-pass restrictions within casings that would normally restrict even high expansion bridge plugs. This new generation of bridge plugs are corrosion resistant and H2S resistant. They also have the capability of holding back extremely high pressures even in wells that have been affected by corrosion issues or where the casing has been damaged. The metal to metal seal have been designed to overcome severe restrictions within casings and still be capable of holding high pressure, which overcomes a major issue for the industry at the moment. The tool has been developed with the help of the Virtual Engineering Centre; a University of Liverpool led partnership established to advance the use of Virtual Engineering techniques to provide innovative solutions to industry challenges. Dr Anthony Robotham, Executive Director at the Virtual Engineering Centre commented: “The Virtual Engineering Centre has worked closely with BiSN Technologies Ltd to develop a numerical simulation of the installation process of the BiSN Bridge Plug™. This simulation shows how the alloy melts and solidifies in the well and demonstrates the integrity of the seal. The simulation has been validated with experimental data and is adaptable to both oil and gas applications.” Further information on the Wel-lok M2M™ bridge plug can be obtained by contacting Paul Carragher at or 01925 759111 n

Lucion Marine


ucion Marine is accredited by Lloyds Register for the provision of Inventory of Hazardous Materials (IHM) for vessels and platforms internationally. Our team of competent surveyors each has over 10 years experience in surveying for hazardous materials including asbestos. Lucion tailor this expert service to various vessel or platform requirements from new builds, refits and particularly end of life platforms. We also provide technical consultancy and hazard remediation management to assist in our clients ongoing commitment to Health and Safety.

Lucion Marine surveyors are able to mobilize quickly to reach all international destinations within the timeframe required by the client. We also have our own ISO/IEC 17025 accredited laboratory, which allows us to provide a swift report turnaround of any survey required. Our bespoke hazard management database allows data to be produced and recorded at any location and provides real-time survey updates to our clients. Platform managers internationally are now required to tighten their standards on hazard management. Commercial and production waste on board oil platforms is well understood. However, up until recently the less obvious structural hazards including asbestos, lead, CFC’s and heavy metals have been less of a concern.

18 Decom North Sea News August 2012

The pressure is now on to ensure your procedures do not overlook less obvious hazards. The professional service provided by Lucion allows you to rest assured that your platforms are compliant now. Owning a Lucion Marine hazard survey also ensures you are prepared for the future dismantling program. Lucion Marine will be presenting at the DNS Lunch & Learn on 12th September. n

Weatherford International Ltd


mploying more than 52,000 people worldwide Weatherford International Ltd is one of the largest global providers of products and services that span the drilling, evaluation, completion, production and intervention cycles of oil and natural gas wells. Weatherford are one of the world’s largest providers of well abandonment services calling on a regional and global team of experts – specialists who live and breathe abandonment. We handle everything: Mature-well revitalization, late-stage intervention and final abandonment. The Well Abandonment Group delivers to the client solutions involving: • Subsea Well Abandonment – MOST Tool® and M24 Cutting Systems • Rigless Services - Pulling & Jacking Units – Light Duty Work Decks & Jacks with Multi Discipline Services • Conductor Recovery Services – Recover, Bore, Pin & Section of Multi String Conductor • Cutting Solutions – Mechanical, Explosive, Abrasive, Saws and Shears • Tubular Recovery – Tubing and Casing Recovery and Handling Services • Plug Setting – Cement, Bridge, Mechanical & Retrievable. Swellable & Inflatable Packers • Wireline Services – Logging, Tubular Severance & Casing Integrity Evaluation • Cementing Solutions – Plugs & Packers • Specialist Chemical Services – Additives, Gels & Cleanout Chemicals • Well Abandonment Project Management - Complete Planning and Execution of Intervention and Abandonment Projects Weatherford has an established track record in Well Abandonment operations in the North Sea including success cases such as North West Hutton, Cod and various subsea wellhead removal campaigns. Globally, Weatherford has the experience from the US GoM and Asia Pac regions to enhance the service offerings in the UK, European and Norwegian North Sea markets. Weatherford have invested heavily in bringing in new technology directed at the P&A market and the introduction of the Rigless Pulling & Jacking Units to Europe will expand the well established product line offerings such as Fishing, Tubular Running, Wireline, Coiled Tubing and Cementing Services under our dedicated Well Abandonment Group. For more information on Weatherford’s well abandonment capability contact: Jamie Stewart on 01224 380200 or n

August 2012 Decom North Sea News 19



nviroco is one of the leading waste management companies in the UK and offers solutions for the oil and gas industry, including a comprehensive offer to support decommissioning.

Decommissioning support services

Customer service and safety first

Enviroco’s specialised waste management package for decommissioning can be delivered through its quayside facilities in Aberdeen, Peterhead and Great Yarmouth, or through its wider partner network at any port reception facility in the UK.

Enviroco prides itself on delivering value with an unwavering commitment to safety. The company’s management systems are accredited to international standards and its progressive management system ensures a safe, secure and compliant service. Enviroco’s latest commitment to safety improvement is an automated tank cleaning system called Enviroco Eclipse which is the result of two years research and development to reduce the number of man-entry hours to clean storage tanks. For more information contact: John Coull, Commercial Director on 01493 856722 or email, n

Experts in waste solutions Since its formation in 1998, Enviroco has continually developed its business in response to the dynamic and challenging needs of the industry. The result is the ‘Enviroco package’ which encompasses all the waste management, industrial cleaning and specialised services and support that the industry demands - through exploration to production and decommissioning.



ver the last 18 years Acumen has supplied a waste management service to all types of industry from the Chemical and Pharmaceutical sector to the Food & Retail and industrial sectors, and over the last decade Acumen have supplied Total Waste Management solutions to a number of companies that include Clariant UK, Evonik Goldschmidt, Kaman, Vopak,and Simon Storage.

Acumen’s competencies range from: • Hazardous Waste collections of bulk liquids provided by rigid and articulated vacuum tankers and packaged waste by articulated curtain sided trailers. • Complex Hazardous Waste solutions including on site processing (Nonman entry tank cleaning, filter pressing) and subsequent waste disposal options. • Solvent Recycling Solutions • Industrial Services - The provision of fully trained labour to facilitate waste removal from hazardous or difficult sites - everything from oil spills to complete decommissioning projects. • Oil Recycling at our licensed facility in Wolverhampton. • Acumen’s own collection and Recycling service for Oil contaminated Rags, Wipes, PPE and Spill absorbent. What is on offer from Acumen? Acumen can ease the burden of managing the waste produced on your site by offering a “one stop shop”, with a dedicated single point of contact. n

Panda Rosa Metals


anda Rosa Metals is a waste metal recycling company with over 40 years experience in the industry and over this time we have grown to meet the needs of our varying customer needs. We deal with a wide variety of businesses, from local business to major oil companies, every one as important as the other. We pride ourselves in customer relations and strive to meet all their needs and are always available to help with any queries or questions regarding our service. We have recently obtained our ISO9001 for Quality Management Systems, and also the ISO14001 for Environmental Management Systems. We are also FPAL registered. To keep up with market leaders we are now exporting our material direct to the overseas foundries by way of loading containers and boats, thus ensuring best prices available for our customer network. A new service we are providing is an on-line tracking system that will allow customers, who are registered, to track the progress of all skips uplifted from their premises and obtain weights and out-turns electronically. Other services we provide include, on site material analysing with our state of the art XRF Analyser, radiation detection on all material entering our premises at Harehill, we can also provide free collection via our 3.5 tonne pick up for smaller or more valuable loads. We are also able to pay for any material using BACs, if this would be a preferred method of payment. We are always looking for new business and would appreciate the chance to be able to quote for any new tenders/ contracts that may be up and coming. Tel: 01224 820482 Email: n

Cashman Equipment Corp Cashman Equipment Corp (CEC) is a diversified marine services company specializing in barge charters and equipment rentals. CEC owns and operates a fleet of 125 deck barges and tugs up to 100 tons bollard pull. CEC’s vessels and equipment are actively engaged in decommissioning work. n

August 2012 Decom North Sea News 20

Member Listing Full membership of Decom North Sea is open to any commercial organisation involved with decommissioning. Associate membership is open to non-commercial organisations and individuals who wish to be kept informed of Decom North Sea activity and attend networking events and conferences. For further information, visit Members of Decom North Sea – as at 31 July 2012 60 North Recycling Ltd Abandonment & Cutting Energy Services Ltd (ACES) Aberdeen Harbour Board Aberdeenshire Council Accenture Acumen Energy Ltd Advanced Underwater Surveys Ltd (adus) AF Decom Offshore AS AGR Subsea Ltd Air Products AKD Engineering Ltd Aker Qserv Ltd Aker Solutions Allseas Group S.A. AMEC Applied Drilling Technology International Aquatic Engineering & Construction ARCADIS (UK) Limited Archer Argon Isotank Ltd Arnlea Systems Limited ASCO UK Ltd Atlas Copco Rental Atlas Knowledge Aubin Ltd Avanteq Ltd Axis Limited Babcock Marine Rosyth Baker Hughes BIS Salamis (M&I) Ltd BiSN Technologies Ltd BMT Cordah Ltd Bonn & Mees BP Bureau Veritas Oil&Gas Burges Salmon LLP Cape Industrial Services Ltd Cashman Equipment Corp. Central Insurance Champion Technologies Chevron North Sea Limited Claxton Cleveland Steel and Tubes Ltd CNR International (UK) Ltd Cortez Subsea Ltd CSL Currie & Brown Cutting Underwater Technologies Ltd Cyberhawk Innovations D3 Consulting Danbor Services D-Comms (Scotland) Limited

Decommissioning Project Services Ltd DNV Douglas Westwood Dunlop Oil & Marine Ltd (Contitech Beattie Ltd) Dutton International Limited E.M.W Consultancy Ltd EC Harris Enermech Enviroco Limited Epeus Group Ltd Ethan Consultancy Ltd Ethos Environmental Ltd Expro North Sea Ltd Falck Nutec Fraser Offshore Limited Fugro Subsea Services Ltd GCG Shotblasting Services Ltd Genesis GmbH Geoprober Drilling GP Decom Limited Grup Servicii Petroliere Gulfstream Services International UK Ltd Halliburton Hawk Enviro Ltd Heavy Decom International Heerema Marine Contractors Hess Ltd Hilti Ince & Co Services Ltd Infield Systems Limited Interact Activity Management Interwell UK J. Bryan (Victoria) Ltd JEE Ltd John Lawrie (Aberdeen) Ltd Kaefer International Offshore Ltd KCA DEUTAG Drilling Ltd KDC Keltbray Group Holdings Ltd Kishorn Port Limited Kongsberg Maritime Ltd Kotug Offshore BV L2 Business Consulting Limited Leafield Logistics and Technical Services Ltd Ledingham Chalmers Lerwick Port Authority Lloyd’s Register EMEA Lucion Marine Macaw Engineering Maclay Murray & Spens Maersk Oil UK Ltd Mammoet Salvage BV Marathon Oil U.K. LLC.

Marex Marine & Safety Services Maxoil Solutions Ltd McDermott International Montrose Port Authority Mott Macdonald MSIS Group Mwaves Ltd NCIMB Ltd Network International Norisol Nuvia Sita NORM Ltd Ocean Kinetics Ltd Oceaneering International Offshore Design Engineering Ltd Offshore Installation Services Ltd (OIS) Oil States MCS Ltd OilMac O’Kelly Brothers Demolition & Environmental Contractors Optimus (Aberdeen) Ltd PacTec EPS Ltd Panda Rosa Metals Pangeo Subsea Scotland Ltd PDL Solutions (Europe) Ltd Pegasus International (UK) Ltd people = positive Perenco UK Ltd Peterhead Decommissioning Limited Peterson SBS Petrofac Pipeline Engineering Premier Oil Plc Project Development International (Pdi) Ltd Project, Time & Cost International Ltd Proserv Quickflange UK LTD RAM Tubulars Scotland Ltd Red Stone Drilling Ltd Rigmar Services Limited Risktec Solutions Robertson Metals Recycling Limited Roemex Speciality Oilfield Chemicals Romar International Ltd Rotech Subsea RPS HSED Sabre Safety Ltd Scanmet A.S Scanmudring Schlumberger - SMITH Services Scopus Engineering Ltd Scotsafe Testing Ltd Scottish Enterprise

Contact Decom North Sea, 33 Albyn Place, Aberdeen AB10 1YL, Scotland UK Tel: +44 1224 452170 email:,

Seafox Contractors BV Seajacks UK Ltd Seal-Tite UK LLC Senergy (GB) Ltd SFF Services Limited Shell UK Limited Shepherd & Wedderburn Shepherd O’Brien Silverdot Ltd Simmons & Company International Simon Storage Ltd Siskin Asset Management Ltd Sky-Futures SLR Consulting SMD Robotics Ltd Smit Marine Projects B.V. SMRU Ltd Spartan Solutions Ltd SPEX Services Ltd Squibb Group Ltd Stanley Hydraulic Tools Stena Recycling Stavanger AS Stork Technical Services Strategic Fit Superior - Wild Well Energy Services Ltd Swire Oilfield Services Ltd T. Ward Shipping Ltd Talisman Energy (UK) Limited TETRA Technologies Ltd Thinktank Maths Ltd Thomas Muir ( Rosyth) Ltd TRAC Oil&Gas Tracerco Ltd Tullow Oil Plc TWMA UKPS Offshore Underwater Cutting Solutions URS Corporation Veolia Environmental Services Weatherford Westlord Associates LTD. Wood Group PSN Worley Parsons Partners Caithness Chamber of Commerce Carbon Energy Club Danish Marine and Offshore Group East of England Energy Group (EEEGR) Energy North IRO NOF Energy Scottish Renewables

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