Decom North Sea News 011

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Issue 11

January 2013

New Decom North Sea Directors See the inside story

Photo courtesy of Lerwick Port Authority

Offshore Decommissioning Conference

Member News See page 10

See page 6

Update on Reuse Initiative

Spotlight on New Members

See page 8

See page 16


Decom Media Pack Available NOW!

Director’s Foreword As Decom North Sea heads towards its fourth year of operations, it is important to consider the future direction of the organisation, and to ensure we are still meeting the founding principles of Decom North Sea: • Develop and establish a competitive North Sea decommissioning supply-chain • Respond to economic, technological and strategic challenges facing the North Sea decommissioning supply chain • Initiate and deliver strategic action plans, market research and coordinated activities in support of the whole North Sea decommissioning industry. ..... as well as ensuring we continue to meet the needs of our c220 members. To this end we held a strategy day in December with our refreshed board of directors to consider if our strategic themes were still appropriate, should we be doing more or less of anything, and are there emerging topics that should be focussed on. The feedback from the membership survey which Nigel Lees undertook for us in early 2012 fed into this exercise, as did the output from the workshop at the Offshore Decommissioning Conference in October. The executive team are currently reviewing the output from the strategy day and using it to update the business plan for the next 2 years. This will be presented to the board at the end of January and, once approved, will be shared with the membership of Decom North Sea at future events, via the newsletter and website. Another important focus for us over the next quarter will be our new flagship event which will be held at the Aberdeen Exhibition and Conference Centre (AECC) on 27th March. Entitled – “Offshore Decommissioning – Confronting Challenges, Creating Opportunities”, the purpose of the event is to highlight the challenges faced by operators and tier 1 contractors when undertaking an offshore decommissioning project, and to introduce operators and major contractors to new technologies and solutions which may help overcome key challenges, recognising that many such innovations may emerge from small and very small organisations. More information about the event and how to book your place will be available in early January and we hope that as many of our members as possible will participate in this either by presenting on challenges you are faced with, displaying innovative solutions on an exhibition stand, or just attending to listen, learn and network.

Brian Nixon | Chief Executive | Decom North Sea

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2 Decom North Sea News January 2013

New Members BAUER Water BioBased Europe Ltd Cooper Lomaz Recruitment DECO (Diving, Engineering & Consultancy Office) Dundas & Wilson GRC Recycling H.J. Hansen Recycling Industry Ltd Jumpstart Limited Maintenance Support Limited McLeod & Aitken RVA GROUP RWE Dea UK Safety Critical Scotoil Services Limited SNC-LAVALIN UK Ltd

Forthcoming DNS Events and Exhibitions Decom North Sea Lunch & Learn, Aberdeen, 30th January This series of events allow the supply chain companies to have the opportunity to give 15 – 20 min presentations on their capabilities in offshore decommissioning to an audience of operators, major contractors and potential partners. This event will include presentations from Aubin, Enviroco and URS.

NPF Offshore Decommissioning Conference and Learning Journey to Norway, 11th – 15th February The Norwegian Petroleum Society Offshore Decommissioning Conference is held on the 12th – 13th February in Os near Bergen, to find out more information and to book your space see For the past two years Decom North Sea has organised a learning journey around the conference with visits to organisations in the Bergen area on the Monday and the visits/ seminars with organisations in Stavanger on the Thursday and Friday. To find out more information about the learning journey and to book your space contact

EEEGR SNS2012 – The Sea of Opportunity, Norwich, 5th – 6th March East of England Energy Group (EEEGR) will host their annual Southern North Sea conference on 5th – 6th March in Norwich. This year the two day event will feature ‘Platform for Innovation’ on day one and the SNS Conference on day two. The exhibition will run over both days and there will be a gala dinner on the evening of 5th March to complete the suite. For more information and to book your place see

NOF Energy Annual Conference & Exhibition – Energy: A Balanced Future, N.E England, 14th March The main aim of the conference is to highlight the importance of securing a balanced energy mix in the UK to meet future demand and to showcase the opportunities to the UK supply chain across three main energy sectors. The role of oil and gas, nuclear and offshore renewables in achieving this balanced energy mix will be addressed by leading industry executives who will also highlight their need for a multi skilled integrated supply chain who can easily move with them to the new emerging energy sectors. For more information and to book your place see

International Salvage and Decommissioning Committee Annual Conference, London, 19th March The SUT’s International Salvage & Decommissioning Committee aims to bring the salvage, oil & gas, wet renewable and insurance industries together with marine scientists to address the issues associated with the management of man-made objects in the marine environment. The third annual conference will focus on the environmental impact, liability of subsea objects and working practice as all three are intrinsically linked.

SAVE THE DATE: Decommissioning – Challenges & Opportunities, Aberdeen, 27th March A new event being planned by Decom North Sea to advise the supply chain of the key challenges faced by operators when undertaking an on offshore decommissioning project, and to inform the operators of innovative solutions and techniques which the supply chain can offer to address these challenges. This event will include presentations, an exhibition area and 1-2-1 opportunities. More information will be available on the DNS website shortly or contact to discuss in more detail.

Future Decom North Sea Lunch & Learns Each of these lunch & learn events will have 3 complimentary Decom North Sea members presenting on their capabilities and experience in the offshore decommissioning industry. The purpose of these events is to promote the supply chain capabilities to the operators and major contractors as well as to allow the rest of the supply chain to seek opportunities for collaboration. If you are interested in participating at one of these events, please contact Sarah Hillyear on 01224 452170 or

Please visit for details of future events and to book your place on any of the Decom North Sea events listed above. January 2013 Decom North Sea News 3

New Decom North Sea Directors


t the Decom North Sea (DNS) Annual General Meeting (AGM) last October six current directors were re-elected and four new directors were elected onto the board. David Hamill, Business Development for Stork Technical Services, said: “I am delighted to have been voted on to the board of Decom North Sea. Decommissioning is an important part of Stork’s business and having worked on major projects for more than a decade, we bring a wealth of experience and expertise to the board. Delivering outstanding safety performance and efficiencies through innovation are key drivers for our business and we look forward to sharing our insight into how we successfully achieve this in the field.” Paul Charlton, CEO, PDL Solutions (Europe) Limited, said: “It is a honour and a privilege to have been voted onto the Board of DECOM North Sea at such an important time in the organisation’s history. During the course of my tenure, I will endeavour to help the executive team at DNS harness the incredible knowledge and capability that exists within the membership to create meaningful and value-added networking events that will benefit the Operator, Tier 1 Contractor and the Supply Chain members alike.”

The current board structure is as follows:

CHIEF EXECUTIVE Brian Nixon CHAIRMAN Murdo MacIver - Peterson SBS VICE CHAIRMAN Alex West - Westlord Associates OPERATORS Callum Falconer - Marathon Oil Roy Aspden - CNR International

“We are delighted to welcome back the directors who have been re-elected as well as the four new directors on to the board of Decom North Sea. They all offer a high level of experience and knowledge, which is ideal for supporting us as we move forward into our fourth year of operations.”

Keith Tucker - Perenco MAJOR CONTRACTORS Roger Esson - AMEC Ian Prince - Wood Group PSN

Chief Executive Brian Nixon


Directors voted onto the board at the 2012 AGM

David Dent - Proserv Eddie Grant - TETRA TECHNICAL SERVICES, TECHNOLOGY AND EQUIPMENT PROVIDERS Nigel Less - BIS Salamis David Hamill - Stork Technical Services

Operators Roy Aspden CNR International

Marine & Logistics Andrew MacDonald ASCO UK Ltd

Service Specialists David Dent Proserv

Service Specialists Eddie Grant TETRA

Technical Services, Technology & Equipment Providers Nigel Less BIS Salamis

SPECIALIST ADVISORS, CONSULTANTS & PROJECT MANAGERS Stuart Wordsworth - InterAct Activity Management Paul Charlton - PDL Solutions (Europe) Ltd MARINE & LOGISTICS

Specialist Advisors, Consultants & Project Managers Paul Charlton PDL Solutions (Europe) Ltd

Technical Services, Technology & Equipment Providers David Hamill Stork Technical Services

Major Contractors Roger Esson AMEC

Major Contractors Ian Prince Wood Group PSN

Subsea & Wells Tom Leeson Halliburton

Following a change to the Articles of Association these new directors have been voted on to the board for a three year period. There are currently 19 directors on the board of Decom North Sea and the reason for such a large board is to ensure that all sectors of the DNS membership has adequate representation and that their needs are covered when the board consider the direction and activities of the organisation. The first challenge for the newly elected board was to consider the strategic direction of Decom North Sea for the next two years. The directors and the executive team held a full day’s facilitated session in early December to debate and discuss this, taking into account the feedback received in the membership survey earlier in 2012 as well as outcome from the workshop at the annual conference in October. The executive team are currently analysing the output from the day and will present a proposed refreshed strategy to the directors at the end of January. Once this has been approved it will be shared with the membership of Decom North Sea at a future event, via the newsletter and on the website. 4 Decom North Sea News January 2013

Dick Lagerweij - Boskalis Offshore Andrew MacDonald - ASCO UK Ltd SUBSEA & WELLS Tom Leeson - Halliburton ONSHORE DISPOSAL & WASTE TREATMENT Mark Stanley - Veolia Environmental Services Nigel Jenkins - KDC

Decommissioning delivered. As an expert provider of integrated plug and abandonment services, we supply a range of unique and innovative technology supported by specialists dedicated to meeting the challenges our customers face. By continuing to expand our service offering, we are able to provide our clients with the capability to reduce their contractor interfaces - as we become a dedicated single source provider of all plug and abandonment and decommissioning services. Archer delivers better wells.

Š Archer 2012

January 2013 Decom North Sea News 5

Offshore Decommissioning Conference


he 2012 Offshore Decommissioning Conference organised by Decom North Sea and Oil & Gas UK was a sell-out again this year with over 300 delegates attending the 2 day conference at the Fairmont Hotel in St Andrews.

A number of industry experts shared their knowledge of decommissioning and encouraged delegates to participate in a range of interactive discussions on topical issues, updates on current projects and case studies from recent experience. Time was devoted to delivering updates on various industry initiatives that are underway, including the following: • Standard Template for Decommissioning Programmes • Reuse Joint Industry Project (JIP) • Remuneration Models • Late Life Operations • Knowledge Transfer and Market Intelligence Standard Template for Decommissioning Programmes During the conference, DNS launched a streamlined template for the submission of decommissioning programmes. The template will now be used by operators to obtain approval for decommissioning programmes in the North Sea. It followed on from six months’ of collaborative work facilitated by Decom North Sea, and supported by the Department of Energy and Climate Change (DECC) and a working group of DNS member companies (BP, Talisman, CNRI, Marathon Oil, GP Decom and Optimus Decom), with additional input from Perenco and Wood Group PSN. Delegates at the conference heard from DECC about its support for this initiative, and also from an operator who is now trialling the template on a live decommissioning project. The template will also be validated with a small number of operators during Q4 2012. Any details that arise during this period will be incorporated into a streamlined template and adopted by DECC in January 2013 for a one-year trial period. This has been a great first example of DNS members working collaboratively with government to deliver something which will help the industry to get its decommissioning plans authorised more quickly and easily by DECC. Reuse Joint Industry Project (JIP) Marathon Oil gave an update on the Reuse project at the offshore decommissioning conference, encouraging conference delegates to focus on reuse as well as recycling and giving examples from other industries in which reuse is more prevalent. Given the potential economic, environmental and market benefits, it is important for North Sea industry and governments to work together to overcome the challenges preventing reuse. There needs to be a shift of mind-set to focus on the waste hierarchy – with reuse as the first option to consider. Remuneration Models In 2010 Accenture partnered with the Robert Gordon University and coached a group of MBA 6 Decom North Sea News January 2013

students to develop model contracting strategies for decommissioning in the North Sea. Decom North Sea supported the study and organised an industry Support Group to assist the development of the research paper. During a meeting held on Sep 2011, it was recommended to further develop the models to address each phase of decommissioning from a risk perspective. A draft framework was presented by Accenture during the 2011 Offshore Decommissioning Conference, when 200+ delegates were asked to assess the framework and complete it for one decommissioning phase / type of structure. Over 70% of the delegates supported the idea to further develop the framework. Having obtained this industry endorsement, a detailed questionnaire was developed and issued to all DNS member companies to obtain the industry perspective of the various types of risk that occur throughout a typical decommissioning project. The survey also assessed how controllable these risks are across a number of different types of offshore structure, with respondents providing their views on appropriate remuneration models for each set of conditions. The results of this survey and analysis of remuneration models were presented at the 2012 Offshore Decommissioning Conference, and will shortly be available on the Decom North Sea website. Consideration is now being given to progressing this work with a view to developing appropriate contracting models for each phase of a typical decommissioning project. Late Life Operations Following feedback from the previous conference, a session was designed to focus on late life operations and the preparation for decommissioning. Delegates heard from operators in the Northern and Southern North Sea regions of the need for safety, operations and maintenance regimes designed to ensure that key equipment and systems were available to support the decommissioning programme. Commercial issues were also discussed, looking at the transition from liability cost estimates into actual project estimates. Delegates were then asked to consider what they had heard from the presentations and identify what they thought DNS and Oil & Gas UK could do to help reduce post Cessation Of Production operational costs. The output from this session

fed into a strategy session which DNS held recently with its board of directors. Knowledge Transfer and Market Intelligence Knowledge transfer amongst the industry remained an important aspect of the conference and this year experience was shared by Shell on the Brent project to date, on the subsea (decommissioning) aspects of the BP Schiehallion redevelopment project, an update on progress on the Ekofisk programme and a case study on the removal of Wintershall Q8 A&B platforms in the Dutch sector of the Southern North Sea. Amongst delegates, there was a genuine willingness to share ideas and information and consider innovative approaches. Detailed market information remains a significant issue for the industry, but progress is being made in the level of detail now available in the industry’s annual surveys. Specific focus is now being directed on the next five year period, indicating forecast expenditure in the UK continental shelf alone of £4.5billion between now and 2017. New Event Building on the output from this year’s conference, DNS will stage a focused industry event on 27th March 2013 at the Aberdeen Exhibition and Conference Centre to explore the decommissioning challenges faced by both operators and the rest of the industry, and to identify how these challenges can be overcome. The aim of the event, entitled ‘Decommissioning – Confronting Challenges, Creating Opportunities’, is to introduce operators and major contractors to innovative technologies and solutions which can help overcome key challenges faced in decommissioning projects, recognising that many such innovations may emerge from small or very small organisations. The event will also highlight some of the issues faced by individual companies when trying to enter or expand into the decommissioning market. DNS hopes that the event will identify widespread industry issues which can then be addressed through future projects. Information about this event can be found at The Offshore Decommissioning Conference 2013 jointly organised by Decom North Sea and Oil & Gas UK will be held on October 2 and 3 at the Fairmont Hotel, St Andrews. n

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January 2013 Decom North Sea News 7

Reuse Initiative Update

Exploring Pan-European Collaboration Opportunities

Focus on Reuse The Reuse Joint Industry Project (managed by Decom North Sea on behalf of the Department of Energy and Climate Change (DECC), BP, Shell, CNRI and Marathon) has seen a busy couple of months since our last newsletter update. Meetings of the Workgroup and other interested parties during the October conference discussed some of the key issues which must be resolved to encourage wider reuse during Decommissioning. A presentation at St. Andrews by Marathon encouraged the industry to focus on reuse rather than recycling and gave examples from other industries in which reuse is more prevalent. It is clear there needs to be a shift of mindset across oil and gas to focus on the waste hierarchy – with reuse as the first option to consider. It is also clear that there a number of challenges to tackle to enable reuse, and that this will be an on-going process as the volume of projects ramps up. Valve Reuse Expression of Interest We have received a good response to our Expression of Interest on the Valve Reuse Pilot project from a range of companies with experience in both oil and gas and other industries, which will give us a useful perspective on enabling reuse. These will be evaluated during December and shortlisted companies called for interview early in 2013. ‘Reuse Roadmap’ We held a workshop in November to examine the challenges which need to be overcome to enable reuse. Organisations were invited to nominate attendees with specific reuse experience and we were delighted to bring together a group with oil and gas, nuclear, MoD and Marine decommissioning experience. A lively session examined a wide range of issues and will reconvene in the New Year to create and refine a ‘Reuse Roadmap’ tool for implementing reuse at the appropriate stages during the decommissioning time line. The format will be designed to help operators and supply chain companies increase Reuse by signposting and providing guidance on issues such as VAT, Duty, Liability, Timing, Documentation and Environmental issues as well as highlighting the significant opportunities for financial returns to offset decommissioning costs. Platform Inventory Reuse Valuation An Expression of Interest will be issued in the New Year to seek organisation(s) to work with the Workgroup and selected operator partners on analysis and valuation of a ‘typical’ North Sea Platform inventory. This will provide the opportunity to identify key pieces of equipment, predict financial returns and create contractual mechanisms to maximise reuse value at the appropriate stage in the decommissioning process. For more information on the Reuse project, contact Dorothy Burke on 01224 452174 or email n 8 Decom North Sea News January 2013

Decom North Sea learning journeys have been identified by members as one of the key benefits of membership in the membership satisfaction survey undertaken last year. They are considered very worthwhile not just for the visit and opportunity to learn about decommissioning activity and opportunities in other regions but also for building relationships with others on the trip. Based on this Decom North Sea are organising another learning journey to Norway in February around the NPF Offshore Decommissioning Conference in Os near Bergen. The trip will include a visit to Kvaerner’s onshore disposal yard in Stord on the day before the conference and then company visits to operators and contractors in Stavanger on the two days following the conference. This follows a successful visit to The Netherlands and Denmark in October last year which included meetings with SMIT Marine Projects (now Boskalis Offshore), D.E.C.O, Mammoet and Centrica Production Nederland BV as well as NOGEPA, the operators association in the Netherlands. Delegates also participated in decommissioning seminars in both Amsterdam in Holland and Frederickshavn in Denmark where around 100 delegates from across the supply chain from these regions attended to find out about opportunities for decommissioning and meet with potential partners. DNS chief executive Brian Nixon said: “This learning journey was a great success with everyone being able to gain knowledge about opportunities for their companies in decommissioning in the Dutch and Danish Continental Shelves. This type of event has the added benefit of allowing the supply chain to seek opportunities for collaborations by giving them the chance to network and build valuable connections for the future.’’ Robert McCaig, Business Development Manager, Babcock International Group added, ‘’The DECOM North Sea Learning Journey was of great benefit to myself in my role with Babcock International Group on the basis that it allowed me to establish new key contacts within the decommissioning industry ,and also to identify with the initiatives that other organisations in The Netherlands and Denmark are already undertaking, or soon to embark upon. The Learning Journey also allowed for good comparison between CNNS and SNS in respect of decommissioning opportunities, challenges, and potential strategies etc. ‘’ Iain Riach, Senior Decommissioning Topsides Engineer, CNR International commented, “The recent visit was successful to CNRI as it gave us the opportunity to open up to a new source of Supply Chain on the technical and engineering challenges which lie ahead on Murchison. It also demonstrated the culture of CNRI in promoting knowledge transfer within the industry. By presenting in both Holland and Denmark CNRI will maximise from the knowledge and experience held in these respective countries.” For more information about the Norwegian and future learning journeys contact Sarah Hillyear on +44 (0) 1224 452170 or email n

Map of Onshore Disposal Yards and Ports for the Decommissioning of North Sea Facilities


new page on the Decom North Sea website has recently been launched to show the location and facilities of onshore disposal yards and ports which could be used for decommissioning of North Sea facilities.

It is hoped that this interactive map will be used by operators and major contractors when preparing their decommissioning plans and deciding the most appropriate yard(s)/port(s) in which to dispose of their offshore assets. It will also be used by the Department of Energy and Climate Change (DECC) in their assessment of the decommissioning plans. The opportunity to display information on this map is open to both members and non-members of Decom North Sea so if you are operating an onshore disposal yard or port and wish to benefit from the forthcoming £47.5 billion offshore decommissioning programme across the North Sea in the next 30 years please contact Sarah Hillyear, or 01224 452170 to find out more. n

economy by offering opportunities that will improve their employability. The University of Aberdeen is working with the following programmes and is looking for an opportunity to match your business requirements with experienced masters students: Supported by the Scottish Funding Council, the University of Aberdeen, in collaboration with the Universities of Edinburgh and Stirling are involved with an exciting three year initiative called ‘Making the Most of Masters’ ( This initiative seeks to establish cooperation between employers and universities by providing opportunities for masters students to undertake work based projects on a salary free basis. It also aims to provide a supporting role to facilitate university – employer engagement and build the relationship between new graduates and the organisations seeking to recruit them. Benefit from the expertise of post graduate masters students undertaking specific research projects targeted to your needs. We will link you with programmes, students and facilities in Scottish Universities, relevant to your sector and recruitment requirements. This is an opportunity to contribute to the overall development of student’s development, and the Scottish

• MSc Oil & Gas Engineering • MSc Subsea Engineering • MSc Safety & Reliability Engineering • MSc Renewable Energy • MSc Applied Marine Ecology • MSc Oil & Gas Chemistry • MSc Geographical Information Systems • MSc Petroleum, Energy Economics & finance We are currently developing contacts and links with the energy sector, and raising awareness of the project with a view to encouraging organisations to make contact to discuss project ideas. Please contact the Project Coordinator, Dr. Zachary Hickman, 01224 274539 or see our website for further details: n

January 2013 Decom North Sea News 9

Member News Produced Water Service Added to Enviroco’s Waste Package


wo pioneering companies have joined forces to offer enhanced waste water treatment services to offshore customers. Simon Storage Limited, leading providers in independent bulk liquid and gas logistics services, has partnered with waste management specialists Enviroco. The new service offers oil and gas customers a compliant, efficient and effective way to manage the disposal and treatment of large volumes of produced water from North Sea based exploration, production and decommissioning operations. It responds to DECC regulations, designed to encourage operators to reduce

quantities of hydrocarbons which are discharged during offshore operations. In some cases, produced water which is brought onshore for treatment and disposal contains Naturally Occurring Radioactive Material (NORM). To handle this waste, Enviroco now has access to Simon Storage’s Tyne Terminal, a site which is unique in its ability to accept NORM contaminated liquid wastes. Anne Bishop, Commercial Manager from Enviroco says: “This new partnership, and particularly the ability to manage NORM produced water, recognises customer needs for the safe, secure, efficient disposal of waste water, offering an enhanced service to the oil and gas sector.” The collaboration comes just months after

Enviroco unveiled its ground-breaking tank cleaning system, Eclipse, and launched its new joint venture, NORM Solutions alongside John Lawrie Group. Anne continues; “2012 has been a busy year for Enviroco, designing and launching new services and products to offer our customers better options for managing their waste and industrial cleaning needs, ensuring we maintain our position as the leading waste manager to the oil and gas industry.” n

National Conference to Debate Balanced Energy Future


OF Energy’s annual National Conference is one of the most comprehensive energy sector supply chain events in the industry calendar.

Energy: A Balanced Future returns for a third time on 14 March 2013, attracting some of the most respected specialists from across the oil & gas, nuclear and offshore renewables sectors. The conference and exhibition, which takes place at the Hilton Hotel, Gateshead, will highlight the importance of securing a balanced energy mix in the UK to meet future demand and to showcase the business opportunities open to the UK supply chain across the three main energy sectors. Joanne Leng MBE, NOF Energy Director Business Development, said: “Energy: A Balanced Future gets to the heart of the challenges faced by the country’s

10 Decom North Sea News January 2013

energy industry and the invaluable role the supply chain can, and does, play in supporting industry and government plans to create a long term energy strategy that utilises a blend of hydrocarbon and renewable resources.” The conference will feature a collection of high quality speakers who will give an overview of their markets and the opportunities open to suppliers. Joanne added: “In 2012 the conference attracted more than 250 delegates, guests and speakers from companies like AREVA UK, Siemens Energy Service, EDF Energy, Wood Group PSN and AMEC, which demonstrates that the event is held in such high esteem by the energy industry. “Speakers already confirmed include representatives from TOTAL, Decom North Sea, OGN Group, the Nuclear Industry Association, Alstom Wind and Jacobs. Further speakers will be announced in the coming months.” For more information see n

No Need to Re-invent the Wheel

Jim Wants to Capture the Energy


im Rae, Managing Consultant of Decom North Sea member company, D-Comms (Scotland) Limited, has been appointed Convenor of the ‘Capturing the Energy’ steering group, taking over from Christine Jones of Total, the first to hold the position since its inception in March 2006.

URS has recently drafted in expertise from its extensive nuclear decommissioning business to support their existing offshore team in Aberdeen. There are potentially many lessons that can be learned from nuclear decommissioning and brought to the offshore industry. While not always immediately apparent, it is the many parallels between the 2 industries that are helping URS to address the challenges of offshore decommissioning by drawing on the company’s extensive knowledge gained over the last 25 years working in UK nuclear facilities. What are these parallels? Both industries have the following common features. • High hazard, complex, high security projects • Initial inexperience in decommissioning • No thought given to decommissioning when facilities were constructed • Conflicting priorities between operations and decommissioning • Plant and equipment may be unsafe & need recertification • Regulatory challenges

‘Capturing the Energy’ (CtE) was established to promote wider recognition of the technical and cultural importance of the offshore oil and gas industry to the UK. It has the support of Oil and Gas UK and the UK Government and is specified in DECC’s ‘Guidance Notes for the Decommissioning of Offshore Oil & Gas Installations & Pipelines’, under the topic heading “Provision for Historically Important Records”. A number of other organisations give their support to the initiative, including –major oil companies (such as Total, Shell, ConocoPhillips, CNRI and BP), service and contracting companies (such as AMEC), Scottish Enterprise Grampian, the Royal Commission on the Ancient and Historical Monuments of Scotland (RCAHMS), the Business Archives Council of Scotland (BACS), Historic Scotland, the University of Aberdeen, The Robert Gordon University and Aberdeen City Council, plus many individuals with associations to the sector. Companies are encouraged to make provision for keeping the most important records as their operations evolve, ensuring that they can be safely stored, in an archive repository, so that they can be made accessible for current research, both within the sector and in the wider community, and for future generations. By promoting its achievements, CtE hopes to attract new recruits to the industry. The hub of the archives network is at the University of Aberdeen, which has strong links with the sector and an already substantial collection of oil and gas information. (full details are available on the website - Jim has been involved in decommissioning activities since the late 1990s and is well known in the sector, principally for his pivotal roles on the Maureen, Brent and Murchison projects , on which he provided strategic advice and managed activities such as regulatory compliance, transboundary waste shipment, stakeholder management, government liaison and reputational risk assessment. He also serves on various associated industry task and work groups, under Oil & Gas UK, Decom North Sea and EEEGR. Supporting Jim in his new CtE role will be Ewan Daniel, Stakeholder Manager, AMEC, as Co-Convenor, with special responsibility for communications, and Miles Oglethorpe, Head of Industrial Heritage, Historic Scotland, who provides the Secretariat. n

• Many diverse stakeholders • No or incomplete drawings and records, combined with a loss of historical knowledge • Cultural change needed to move from operations to decommissioning. Skills such as, integrated programme management, project execution plans, waste flow and integrated safety planning are readily transferable between the two industries. URS also have the management skills required to help transition from an operational mindset to a decommissioning mindset. A key lesson learned is not to over engineer but to use simple proven off the shelf solutions. n

Jee Announces Expansion for UK Growth


ee Ltd, a leading independent multidiscipline subsea engineering and training firm, has announced plans for expansion to accommodate the company’s growth strategy and the creation of 150 new jobs in the UK. The company, with offices in Aberdeen and Tonbridge, near London, provides a complete range of subsea engineering expertise, and has set a schedule of steady growth plans, with the aim of increasing turnover from £5million to £20million in the next four years. Jee managing director, Trevor Jee said: “As part of a carefully managed growth strategy, we have plans in place to expand the Aberdeen team into new Westhill premises and are opening an engineering office in Central London in January, with the potential of creating 40 jobs in the UK by the end of 2013 and a total of 150 UK jobs over the next four years. “Our biggest growth area has been in subsea projects, a large focus for 2012 has been adding to our subsea engineering team, building on the wealth of knowledge the company already

possesses as our client portfolio rapidly increases in this area. This recruitment drive will carry on into 2013, allowing the Jee team to continue providing clients with the range of expert knowledge they are looking for in large and complex projects.” Mr Jee founded the multi-discipline subsea engineering and training firm in 1988, which remains an independent, privately-owned company. The company provides whole life-of-field subsea solutions, with a focus on detailed design, FEED, integrity management and decommissioning services. n January 2013 Decom North Sea News 11

Stork Technical Services and Cyberhawk win Oil & Gas UK ‘Business Efficiency’ Award


sset integrity experts, Stork Technical Services, and remote aerial inspection company, Cyberhawk, won the Oil & Gas UK ‘Business Efficiency’ 2012 award for a money-saving and time-saving inspection assessment during the decommissioning of Shell UK Limited’s Brent Delta platform. Cyberhawk carried out a structural and coating inspection of an offshore drilling derrick during live drilling operations using the company’s ROAV (Remotely Operated Aerial Vehicle). The inspection involved accessing areas that would have been particularly challenging and time-consuming for traditional rope or scaffold inspections. The results from the visual inspection allowed Stork to challenge an initial workscope and significantly reduce the quantity of the surface area to be treated. Data gathered and engineering expertise supplied by the Stork/Cyberhawk team also provided the certainty

needed to impose a deferral on the workscope allowing the rig to carry on production for an extended period. In addition, the results enabled Stork to introduce a wax oil preservative coating to treat the drill derrick. The wax oil coating workscope could be delivered in a 14 day period compared with six weeks for conventional paint treatments, which meant the work could be carried out during a planned pause in drilling, rather than requiring a lengthy shutdown. Austin Hand, Project Director - Brent Decommissioning Project for Shell U.K Exploration & Production, said: “I am delighted that our Brent Delta decommissioning team has been able to take full advantage of the pioneering Cyberhawk remotely operated aerial technology, which, as Project Delivery Manager John McQueenie explains, has recently enabled us to survey our Brent Delta facilities safely and effectively, saving considerable time and cost in the process”. n

John McQueenie, Project Delivery Manager for Stork Technical Services, said: “We are very pleased to have won the ‘Business Efficiency’ award with Cyberhawk. Together we pioneered the use of the innovative ROAV inspections offshore and, by combining our expert knowledge and experience, delivered significant cost and efficiency benefits for our client.”

12 Decom North Sea News January 2013

Abrasive Water Jet Cutting – New Benchmarks Set by D.E.C.O.

D3 opens D3 Offshore Ltd. (Aberdeen) for Offshore Decommissioning Services D3 Consulting Limited, engineers for decommissioning, decontamination and demolition, have opened a D3 Offshore subsidiary in Aberdeen to support ongoing and future offshore decommissioning projects. D3 Offshore provides management and consultancy services to operators during their planning and execution of offshore decommissioning works, specifically in waste and materials management, engineering design, regulatory compliance and asset resale/reuse. Based on more than 20 years’ experience in the field of decommissioning, and past projects with NW Hutton, the INDE platforms, as well as ongoing offshore work, we felt the time was right to open an office in Aberdeen. Especially since we are finding a growing demand for our services from Aberdeen based clients. Some of the main services to be provided from Aberdeen include: DAWN Offshore Waste assurance and tracking through the whole decommissioning cycle Waste & Materials Studies Offshore Hazardous Materials, Materials Inventories, Residual Waste Inventories Regulatory Compliance Facilitating regulatory compliance in decommissioning Engineering Design Design for offshore and onshore decommissioning works 3D Laser scanning In-house 3D laser scanning for offshore assets Asset Resale and Reuse Unique QR coding of assets to manage reuse and resale of offshore assets For more information how D3 Offshore can support your offshore decommissioning works, please contact Dr. Rob Watts at D3 Offshore on 07753 986 042 and n


ver the last 12 years D.E.C.O. has consistently invested in technological innovation for offshore structure decommissioning solutions. Its signature ULTRA High Pressure Abrasive Water Jet Cutting technology is setting the benchmark in underwater cutting technology.

Martin Van Dromme, managing director and principal engineer explains: “Performance-wise we have made incredible progress with our cold cutting technology over the last few years, we can confidently state that we currently cut at 3000bar (43500psi), up to 230mm high tensile steel, 450mm cast iron and 1200mm highly reinforced concrete in one single cutting motion. Further optimization will deliver even more groundbreaking results. We anticipate to be cutting at 3800bar, up to 1500mm of reinforced concrete, 300mm of high tensile steel and 570mm of cast iron in the summer of 2013. This is an increase of 27% in cutting depths and overall cutting speed increase of 15%” DECO strives to implement the Abrasive Water Jet Cutting technology in every situation or environment. For this reason DECO designs the cutting frames in-house, to fully robotize the frame and design it to the customer’s specifications. “We have developed a pocket-sized cutting head/ tool. This way we can not only cut any shape or size but we can also cut in any position or space. Additionally we equip the cutting spread with an umbilical of at least 150 meters, eliminating the water depth variable from the equation”, the cold cutting expert explains. Essentially the objective is to implement time-effective and thus cost-effective solutions for the decommissioning of offshore installations. n January 2013 Decom North Sea News 13

Enviroco’s Eclipse Wins Top Scottish Award for Green Technology

Draugen FLP Removal

Staff at leading offshore waste management company Enviroco, part of the international oil and gas services company the ASCO Group, are celebrating after winning one of Scotland’s most prestigious green awards, the Vision in Business for the Environment of Scotland awards, or VIBES for short. The ground breaking Eclipse system, developed by Enviroco, won the title of best Environmental and Clean Technology at an awards ceremony, held at the Glasgow Marriott Hotel (29 November 2012). Eclipse is an innovative, automated, tank-cleaning system which dramatically reduces the man-entry hours spent cleaning tanks using high pressure water jetting. The system significantly minimises the risks associated with high pressure water in confined spaces, while its water recycling capabilities reduce waste and energy usage. Launched earlier this year, the cutting edge system took years to develop. Since coming to market, more units have been ordered to meet demand. The company now aims to capitalise on growing global interest. Dan Taylor, Enviroco Managing Director said: “We’re absolutely delighted with the VIBES success and believe the Eclipse system to be a worthy winner. Eclipse is a result of many years of research and development and I would like to thank my colleagues at Enviroco who had the vision, experience, talent, passion and persistence to create a system which offers a major breakthrough in safety and environmental performance. We’ve already received a lot of interest and we anticipate the Eclipse system creating significant international opportunities across the oil and gas world.” The prestigious VIBES awards recognise the commitment, actions and achievements of Scottish companies in reducing their impact on the environment, recognising best environmental practice, efficient resource use and sustainability. The ceremony welcomed David Wilson, Director of Energy and Climate Change at the Scottish Government, as the keynote speaker in the award’s 13th year. Gordon McGregor, energy and environment director at Scottish Power said: “We are delighted to sponsor this year’s Environment and Clean Technologies Awards. “The Environment and Clean Technologies Award is a showcase for the best technological developments from Scottish companies that are designed to make our society more sustainable. Each of the shortlisted of companies involved in this year’s VIBES Awards demonstrated an outstanding approach to improving the environment and a move towards a lower carbon future.” n


raugen loading buoy (FLP) is a SPAR type floating column with an operating displacement of around 4100 tonne. It was installed in 260m water depth, 3km from CGBS Draugen in 1993. During the Summer 2012 Subsea 7 installed a replacement oil export system for Norske Shell A/S and prepared the FLP for removal.

Tow point preparation was performed by ROV using the Skandi Seven. Inspection of the hull structures indicated that the steelwork was in very good condition but that one of the original tow point shackles was seized and could not be readily replaced. The towing arrangement was reconfigured to restrict use of this tow point to contingency purposes. The two export risers were released from the export line PLETs first. The loading buoy riser connections were then released and the risers wet stored on the seabed for subsequent recovery by the Skandi Seven and disposal onshore. Moorings chains were cut using a diamond wire cutting tool close to the seabed touchdown points, with the FLP position controlled by offshore tugs Havilla Neptune and BB Troll. Sequencing of the cuts was arranged to ensure that the mooring system was able to resist the seasonal storm loads up to a prescribed point of no return. Forecast weather conditions were then monitored to ensure that a safe haven on the Norwegian coast could be attained throughout final release and towing activities. Draugen FLP was taken under tow by the Havilla Neptune with BB Troll in attendance on the 7th October. Subsea 7 achieved a stable towing speed of between 2½ and 3 knots. The final part of the tow into Hardangerfjord was performed with the Havilla Neptune, BB Troll and BB Server controlling the FLP. The loading buoy was finally connected to prelaid moorings at Eldoyane Stord on the 14th October 2012 for subsequent dismantling by Scanmet A.S. For more information contact Don Orr,

Image: (l-r) Dan Taylor, managing director and Gordon Thomson, industrial services manager (Scotland) from Enviroco with their VIBES 2012 Environmental & Clean Technologies Award.

14 Decom North Sea News January 2013, 01224 289 177 n

January 2013 Decom North Sea News 15

Spotlight on New Members D.E.C.O. D.E.C.O. (Diving, Engineering & Consultancy Office) has joined the DNS ranks in November. DECO has been active in the offshore decommissioning industry for a number of years now. During that time it has successfully implemented solutions for offshore infrastructure removal. Their signature ULTRA High Pressure Abrasive Water Jet Cutting technology plays the title role.

The driving force has always been the urge to improve and innovate technologically. We have executed cutting jobs all over the world in a variety of circumstances. Therefore we (D.E.C.O.) felt the need to vertically integrate a number of key activities. Pile dredging and Abrasive Water Jet Cutting supported by ROV’s and dive teams is what we do best”

Twelve years ago the first abrasive water jet prototypes came into effect. Throughout the years DECO further developed and optimized its cutting technology. After a series of tests and upgrades it became clear that Abrasive Water Jet Cutting and Offshore Decommissioning are a match made in heaven. Martin Van Dromme, managing director and principal engineer explains: “We have 12 years of experience in underwater contracting.

“We joined DECOM North Sea to exchange knowhow and generate awareness for our technological solutions. D.E.C.O. believes that partnerships and collaborations foster innovation. DECOM North Sea is a knowledge based platform that supports us with market insights to establish new business leads.”

D.E.C.O. has recently executed the internal cutting of 4 piles of the Camelot platform in the North Sea. The synergy between its in-house designed pile dredging system and the abrasive water jet technology proved a time-effective solution for the removal of offshore jackets. n

Planning for the Challenges will Ensure the Decommissioning Market Secures their Rightful Share of £280m of Government Funding. • Removal of drilling muds below rig without negatively affecting sea life • Attempting to use procedures to remove highly corroded structures in difficult conditions. Many of these are not viewed as Research and Development as we know it however with a comprehensive technical justification these areas point towards high potential areas of eligibility.

The decommissioning market is a growing sector with £4.5 Billion expected to be spent between 2012 and 2017. It has significant potential for innovation and improved efficiencies that will meet the requirements of R&D Tax Credits.

Even when investigating what is possible there could be high eligibility such as:

The industry is similar to brown-field development projects. It is anticipated that 80 oilfields, involving 286 wells, 40 platforms and 177 pipelines will require decommissioning within the next five years. A high emphasis is placed upon environmental and economically acceptable solutions. Input and improvements are required in the following areas: project management; engineering and planning; well plugging and abandonment; (P&A), demobilisation of derrick barges; and platform removal. Only project management will have a low eligibility, the others represent high eligibility projects. There is also a high environmental component with untested potential solutions.

• Identification of best methods of well plugging

Companies might face the following challenges: • Problems with removal of potentially hazardous constructions in an aggressive environment such as the North Sea • Mitigate release of hazardous materials during pipeline decommissioning

16 Decom North Sea News January 2013

• Disposal of decommissioned materials i.e. identification of best options of disposal for example refurbishment, recycle or landfill. These included risers, flowlines, umbilicals, manifolds, trees, mooring systems • Identification of methodologies and procedures to remove drilling muds and wastes at ocean floor • Examination of efficient removal of asbestos containing structures • Methods of cleaning and removing pipelines • Efficient and effective methods of concrete mattress removal. Jumpstart is the largest independent applicant of R&D tax relief with a centre of technical excellence in Edinburgh. The majority of the Jumpstart Technical Analysts are qualified to PhD level and have had to qualify through the Jumpstart academy which provides them the additional skill of a comprehensive knowledge in the R&D tax credit legislation. Contact Jumpstart on 0131 240 2900 or look at the website: www. n

RVA Group In the last quarter of 2012, Decom North Sea welcomed RVA Group as a new member. Established in 1992, the company’s team of specialist engineering consultants has since grown to become the UK’s leading provider of independent decommissioning project and EHS management.

With a principal corporate driver to ensure the safe, compliant, environmentally sound and cost-efficient execution of large-scale decommissioning works, RVA Group is committed to supporting asset owners and operators in this complex, multifaceted and inherently hazardous discipline. With decades of sector-specific experience working on some of Europe’s largest industrial decommissioning and dismantling schemes, RVA is ideally positioned to deliver ARO assessments, feasibility and option studies and the full suite of project, safety and supply chain management services. Clients include Shell, BP, British Gas, Total and ConocoPhillips, to name just a few. Having completed over 570 projects on programme and within budget, RVA Group intends to become a valuable partner within the Decom North Sea collaboration of expertise. With £35bn of decommissioning activity

anticipated in this area by 2040, RVA’s managing director Richard Vann (past president of the Institute of Demolition Engineers) believes now is the time to plan considered and best-value decommissioning strategies for the oil and gas sector. RVA’s unparalleled knowledge of the onshore decommissioning market means the team is ideally placed to support asset owners as their offshore installations reach their end

of life. Indeed, RVA has already worked with several multinational organisations, transferring industry best practice and learning to the offshore environment. The team is looking forward to becoming a valueadding voice within the members’ matrix for the forthcoming year. n January 2013 Decom North Sea News 17

Red7Marine Introduces SeaVex - The Marine Partner of Choice for Global Seabed Excavation Solutions Red7Marine Group is delighted to make two announcements with the launch of its new range of Controlled Flow (CFE) and Mass Flow (MFE) seabed excavation tools, marketed as “SeaVex” together with the opening of the new Red7Marine Offshore Marine Base located in Southtown Road in Great Yarmouth, consisting of a dedicated vessel berth, warehousing and storage facilities. division, offering a range of controlled and mass flow excavation tools designed to offer multiple application seabed excavation solutions. SeaVex has been designed and built by Red7Marine Group’s subsidiary company Red7Marine Offshore Limited, being strategically based in Gt Yarmouth and Aberdeen with the primary purpose of servicing its clients’ needs efficiently and competitively offering excavation solutions through multiple applications.

Fast growing global provider Red7Marine Offshore Ltd, who specialises in the provision of cost effective services and equipment to the oil, gas and renewable industries announced the launch of their SeaVex dredging & excavation

Unlike other systems, SeaVex offers a multitude of alternative applications over pipe and cable burial/ de-burial, which typically includes; de-burial of habitats/modules and UXO, free-span correction, sandwave clearance, rock dump dispersal, harbour clearance, de-burial of drill cuttings, spud can cleaning, salvage for recovery and access, along with seabed levelling and preparation. Whatever the application, SeaVex works to extremely high tolerances, providing the client with live acoustic, sonar monitoring and recording from the tool itself which converts into highly

productive working and product safety, both being key considerations to any project. The range can be deployed in a variety of configurations to suit shallow water depths and application. Peter Flint, Managing Director of Red7Marine Offshore, heads up the groups enhanced offshore services with a team of specialists, providing services in offshore Oil & Gas drill support tooling, Diving & ROV, Renewables Cables/Diving and support services, and with the introduction of SeaVex, is able to provide a fully integrated onestop-shop of services to its valued clients. Peter commented, “We are very pleased that through the new facilities in Aberdeen and Great Yarmouth, we are now able to deliver at first hand to the whole North, Central and Southern North Sea areas ensuring that Red7Marine as a Group is strategically placed to deliver its ever expanding plant a specialist services” For more information contact Stephen Cochrane, Divisional Director on +44 (0) 1224 766177 or visit n

McLeod & Aitken McLeod & Aitken, Aberdeen’s leading quantity surveying and cost consultancy have joined Decom North Sea. The firm was established in 1954 and has a staff of 43 with offices serving clients in Leeds and Melbourne, providing services in cost control, project management, and CDM coordination to a wide variety of clients in key sectors.

Acergy. £25m new build in Westhill, Aberdeenshire.

Commenting on the move Managing Director Chris Milne said “We are keen to be involved in all aspects of the Oil and Gas industry and whilst decommissioning will be a learning process for us I believe our expertise and services will be necessary moving forward” McLeod & Aitken are currently involved in retail projects, a key client being ASDA, food and drink with clients such as Wm Grant and Son and other blue chip clients in the North East. Oil and Gas sector clients have included Talisman, Chevron, Shell and others, resulting in an appreciation of oil and gas client requirements for onshore facilities. The new challenges in decommissioning present a great opportunity dealing with life expired infrastructure whilst recognising the life still present in the UKCS.

Union Plaza. A £25m new build office accommodation in the heart of Aberdeen city centre complete with 2-level underground car park.

A recent venture has seen an office established in Melbourne Australia to service the large retail group K Mart and expansion of their stores in the country. Specifically for decommissioning work McLeod and Aitkens expertise can provide contract advice, cost advice and control and project management, the whole package from beginning to end of the process. In addition, site finding for onshore facilities and the firms knowledge of the sector gives an advantage and McLeod & Aitken look forward to engaging with the team at Decom North Sea and the industry to gain expertise to engage in an area of great potential for the future. n

18 Decom North Sea News January 2013

Richard Donald Stand, Pittodrie Stadium. Construction of new stand with integral corporate hospitality and catering facilities for Aberdeen Football Club.

! V E T E 2013 S A DA H E ARC THTH M


Decom Offshore is a new event organised by Decom North Sea to advise the supply chain of the challenges faced by Operators and Tier 1 Contractors when undertaking an offshore decommissioning project, and to inform the Operators and Tier 1 Contractors of innovative solutions and techniques which the supply chain can offer to address these challenges.

WHY SHOULD YOU PUT THIS DATE IN YOUR DIARY? Operators/ Tier 1 Contractors • Introductions and access to new technologies and innovative solutions to help ensure your forthcoming decommissioning projects are undertaken in the safest, most environmentally friendly and cost effective way. Tier 2 to SMEs • An understanding of forthcoming projects and timelines. • Access to key contacts behind these projects. • An understanding of the challenges the Operators/ Tier 1 Contractors are trying to overcome. More information about how to book your space as well as exhibition and sponsorship opportunities will follow in early 2013



January 2013 Decom North Sea News 19

Member Listing Full membership of Decom North Sea is open to any commercial organisation involved with decommissioning. Associate membership is open to non-commercial organisations and individuals who wish to be kept informed of Decom North Sea activity and attend networking events and conferences. For further information, visit Members of Decom North Sea – as at 3rd December 2012 • 60 North Recycling Ltd • Abandonment & Cutting Energy Services Ltd (ACES) • Aberdeen Harbour Board • Aberdeenshire Council • Accenture • Acumen Energy Ltd • Advanced Underwater Surveys Ltd (adus) • AF Decom Offshore AS • AGR Subsea Ltd • Air Products • AKD Engineering Ltd • Aker Solutions • Aker Qserv • Allseas Group S.A. • AMEC • Applied Drilling Technology International (Transocean) • Aquatic Engineering & Construction • ARCADIS (UK) Limited • Archer • Argon Isotank Ltd • Arnlea Systems Limited • ASCO UK Ltd • Atlas Copco Rental • Atlas Knowledge • Aubin Ltd • Augean PLC • Avanteq Ltd • Axis Limited • Axis Well Technology • Babcock International Group • Baker Hughes • BAUER Water • BioBased Europe Ltd • BIS Salamis (M&I) Ltd • BiSN Technologies Ltd • BMT Cordah Ltd • Bonn & Mees • Boskalis Offshore • BP • Bureau Veritas Oil&Gas • Burges Salmon LLP • Cape Industrial Services Ltd • Cashman Equipment Corp. • Central Insurance • Centrica Energy • Champion Technologies • Chevron North Sea Limited • Claxton • Cleveland Steel and Tubes Ltd • Clydeport Operations Ltd • CNR International (UK) Ltd • Cooper Lomaz Recruitment • Cortez Subsea Ltd • CSL • Currie & Brown • Cutting Underwater Technologies Ltd • Cyberhawk Innovations • D3 Consulting • Danbor Services

• D-Comms (Scotland) Limited • DECO( Diving, Engineering & Consultancy Office ) • Decommissioning Project Services Ltd • DNV • Douglas Westwood • Dundas & Wilson • Dunlop Oil & Marine Ltd (Contitech Beattie Ltd) • Dutton International Limited • E.M.W Consultancy Ltd • EC Harris • Enermech • EnviroCentre Ltd • Enviroco Limited • Epeus Group Ltd. • Ethan Consultancy Ltd • Ethos Environmental Ltd • Expro North Sea Ltd • Falck Nutec • Fraser Offshore Limited • Fugro Subsea Services Ltd • GCG Shotblasting Services Ltd • Genesis GmbH • Geoprober Drilling • GP Decom Limited • GRC Recycling • Grup Servicii Petroliere • Gulfstream Services International UK Ltd • H.J. Hansen Recycling Industry Ltd • Halliburton • Hallin Marine • Hawk Enviro Ltd • Heavy Decom International • Heerema Marine Contractors • Hess Ltd • Hilti • Ince & Co Services Ltd • Infield Systems Limited • Interact Activity Management • Interwell UK • J. Bryan (Victoria) Ltd • JEE Ltd • John Lawrie (Aberdeen) Ltd • Jumpstart Limited • Kaefer International Offshore Ltd • KCA DEUTAG Drilling Ltd • KDC • Kishorn Port Limited • Kongsberg Maritime Ltd • Kotug Offshore BV • L2 Business Consulting Limited • Leafield Logistics and Technical Services Ltd • Ledingham Chalmers • Lerwick Port Authority • Lloyd’s Register EMEA • Lucion Marine • Macaw Engineering • Maclay Murray & Spens • Maersk Oil UK Ltd

• Maintenance Support Limited • Mammoet Salvage BV • Marathon Oil U.K. LLC. • Marex Marine & Safety Services • Maxoil Solutions Ltd • McDermott International • McLeod Aitken • Montrose Port Authority • Mott Macdonald • MSIS Group • Mwaves Ltd • Natas Highlands Ltd • NCIMB Ltd • Network International • Norisol • Nuvia Sita NORM Ltd • Ocean Kinetics Ltd • Oceaneering International • Offshore Design Engineering Ltd • Offshore Installation Services Ltd (OIS) • Oil States MCS Ltd • • O’Kelly Brothers Demolition & Environmental Contractors • Optimus (Aberdeen) Ltd • PacTec EPS Ltd • Panda Rosa Metals • Pangeo Subsea Scotland Ltd • PDL Solutions (Europe) Ltd • Pegasus International (UK) Ltd • people = positive • Perenco UK Ltd • Peterhead Decommissioning Limited • Peterson SBS • Petrofac • Pipeline Engineering • PPS Group • Premier Oil Plc • Project Development International (Pdi) Ltd • Project, Time & Cost International Ltd • Proserv • Quickflange UK LTD • RAM Tubulars Scotland Ltd • Red 7 Marine Offshore • Red Stone Drilling Ltd • Rigmar Services Limited • Risktec Solutions • Robertson Metals Recycling Limited • Roemex Speciality Oilfield Chemicals • Romar International Ltd • Rotech Subsea • RPS HSED • RVA GROUP • RWE Dea UK • Sabre Safety Ltd • Safety Critical • Scanmet A.S • Scanmudring • Schlumberger - SMITH Services • Scopus Engineering Ltd • Scotoil Services Limited

Contact Decom North Sea, 33 Albyn Place, Aberdeen AB10 1YL, Scotland UK Tel: +44 1224 452170 email:

• Scotsafe Testing Ltd • Scottish Enterprise • Seafox Contractors BV • Seajacks UK Ltd • Seal-Tite UK LLC • Senergy (GB) Ltd • SFF Services Limited • Shell UK Limited • Shepherd & Wedderburn • Shepherd O’Brien • Silverdot Ltd • Simmons & Company International • Simon Storage Ltd • Siskin Asset Management Ltd • Sky-Futures • SLR Consulting • SMD Robotics Ltd • SMRU Ltd • SNC-LAVALIN UK Ltd • Spartan Solutions Ltd • SPEX Services Ltd • Squibb Group Ltd • Stanley Hydraulic Tools • Stena Recycling Stavanger AS • Stork Technical Services • Strategic Fit • Superior - Wild Well Energy Services Ltd • Swire Oilfield Services Ltd • T. Ward Shipping Ltd • Talisman Energy (UK) Limited • Tam International North Sea • TETRA Technologies Ltd • Thinktank Maths Ltd • Thomas Muir ( Rosyth) Ltd • TRAC Oil&Gas • Tracerco Ltd • Tullow Oil Plc • TWMA • UKPS Offshore • Underwater Cutting Solutions • URS Corporation • Veolia Environmental Services • Weatherford • Westlord Associates LTD. • Wood Group PSN • Worley Parsons

Partners • Caithness Chamber of Commerce • Carbon Energy Club • Danish Marine and Offshore Group • East of England Energy Group (EEEGR) • Energy North • IRO • NOF Energy • Scottish Renewables

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