Decom North Sea News 012

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Issue 12

March 2013

Overseas Learning Journeys See the inside story

Photo courtesy of Stork Technical Services

Update on Reuse Initiative

Member News See page 10

See page 6

Member Benefits See page 8

Spotlight on New Members See page 19


Decom Media Pack Available NOW!

Director’s Foreword


his edition of the newsletter has been published to coincide with Decom North Sea’s flagship event “Decom Offshore – Confronting Challenges, Creating Opportunities” on Wednesday 27th March 2013. The innovative format developed for this occasion will capture the main challenges faced by operators and contractors during the planning and execution of decommissioning projects. We hope that by facilitating this collaborative approach to articulating the key challenges, and also the accompanying business opportunities, the output from the day will equip industry to further improve the performance of decommissioning programmes. The event is expected to be of value to all delegates by:• providing a clear understanding of where there is a need for new thinking, innovations etc.; • highlighting industry expertise and experience via the focused exhibition area and through facilitated 1-2-1 meetings; and • promoting open industry discussion on how best to address some of the challenges through interactive panel sessions and networking opportunities.

Output from the event will be made available on the Decom North Sea website and a summary will also be included in the next edition of Decom News. As mentioned in the January edition, the directors and executive of Decom North Sea recently refreshed the strategy for the organisation for the next 3 years. However it is hugely important that the DNS strategy also reflects the ambitions of our member companies and the decommissioning industry as a whole, and so on Thursday 28th March (the day after Decom Offshore) we will consult with our membership using a process called ‘Open Space’ to capture their experience, ideas , views and recommendations for future activity. This proven method of facilitation was trialled very successfully by DNS in late 2011, and indeed led to two of our current initiatives – the Standard Decommissioning Programme Template and the ongoing Re-Use joint industry project. It is expected that some of the output from Decom Offshore will be passed forward into the consultative discussions the following day. Again, the output from this event will be made available on the Decom North Sea website. On a high note, we are delighted to announce that the efforts of our voluntary workgroup who developed the Standard Decommissioning Programme Template have been recognised by being shortlisted for the Working Together category in this year’s Offshore Achievements Awards. We will find out if we are successful at the Awards ceremony on 21st March!

Brian Nixon | Chief Executive | Decom North Sea

Raise your profile within the

offshore decommissioning industry

ADVERTISE IN DECOM NEWS Printed copies sent to all Decom North Sea members n

Distributed at major UK and International exhibitions and conferences n

Electronic copies sent to a growing database of over 500 key industry contacts with an interest in decommissioning n

New Members ABC Contract Services Ltd EnviroCentre Ltd ERM Flowline Specialists Limited Morrison Structural Services Ltd Port of Frederikshavn West Oil Tools Well Services

Available to be downloaded from n

Also, don’t forget about advertising opportunities on our website n

Email SARAH HILLYEAR for rates and availability at

2 Decom North Sea News March 2013

To view the full Decom North Sea members list visit

Forthcoming DNS Events and Exhibitions Decom North Sea Evening Reception, Aberdeen, 17th April

The results of two Scottish Enterprise funded reports for Decom North Sea on ‘Market Demand v’s Industry Capacity’ and ‘Mapping of the Decommissioning Supply Chain’ will be presented.

Decom North Sea Lunch & Learn, Aberdeen, 24th April

This series of events allow the supply chain companies to have the opportunity to give 15 – 20 min presentations on their capabilities in offshore decommissioning to an audience of operators, major contractors and potential partners. This event will include presentations from Arnlea Systems Ltd, Nuvia SITA NORM and OIS.

Decom North Sea Networking Breakfast at OTC, Houston, 8th May

Decom North Sea are again hosting a networking breakfast during the Offshore Technology Conference (OTC) in Houston exploring market opportunities in the Gulf Of Mexico as well as what lessons can be learned and transferred from the Gulf of Mexico offshore decommissioning industry to the North Sea.

All-Energy 2013, Aberdeen, 22 - 23 May

Decom North Sea is exhibiting at All-Energy in order to promote the cross-over of learning, technology development and skills between oil & gas and renewables and to encourage the renewable industry to think about decommissioning now. Come and see us on stand F43

Decom North Sea Lunch & Learn, Aberdeen, 19th June

This series of events allow the supply chain companies to have the opportunity to give 15 – 20 min presentations on their capabilities in offshore decommissioning to an audience of operators, major contractors and potential partners. This event will include presentations from CUT, Norisol and SOI Group.

Decom North Sea Golf Day, Ballater, 21st June An excellent opportunity to network with other decommissioning

specialists while enjoying a round of golf. More information to follow but put this date in your diary and keep your fingers crossed the weather is as nice as last year!

Decom North Sea Lunch & Learn, Aberdeen, 21st August

This series of events allow the supply chain companies to have the opportunity to give 15 – 20 min presentations on their capabilities in offshore decommissioning to an audience of operators, major contractors and potential partners. This event will include presentations from KDC, McLeod & Aitken and TETRA Technologies.

Decom North Sea Annual General Meeting, Fairmont Hotel, St Andrews, 1st October

Opportunity for Decom North Sea members to hear an update on Decom North Sea activities, raise any issues and vote new directors on to the board.

Offshore Decommissioning Conference 2013, Fairmont Hotel, St Andrews, 1st - 3rd October

The annual Offshore Decommissioning Conference organised by Decom North Sea in partnership with Oil & Gas UK will be held at the Fairmont Hotel in St Andrews again this year. More information will follow shortly but please put these dates in your diary and look out for updates on

Please visit for details of future events and to book your place on any of the Decom North Sea events listed above. March 2013 Decom North Sea News 3

Overseas Learning Journeys


ecom North Sea recently staged two learning journeys - to Louisiana and Norway. The purpose of these week-long visits was to meet with key operators and service companies who are working on current or forthcoming decommissioning projects. The visits help members of the offshore decommissioning association understand the decommissioning industry around the world and identify opportunities for future collaborations and partnerships. DNS Chief Executive Brian Nixon said: “Our learning journeys present an invaluable opportunity for our members to gain an understanding of how decommissioning is undertaken around the globe and explores possible business opportunities for DNS members particularly for future deeper water decommissioning projects.” The first of the most recent learning journeys was organised in partnership with Louisiana Economic Development where delegates met with companies involved in offshore decommissioning in the Gulf of Mexico. Visits and meetings were organised with some of the key operators as well as some of the main service companies in the region, such as Shell, Stone Energy, TETRA Technologies and Superior Energy. Delegates also received information and advice on how to enter the Gulf of Mexico market. Brian Nixon continued: “With the decommissioning market in the Gulf of Mexico already worth $30 - $40 billion, with 4 Decom North Sea News March 2013

more than 3,000 structures already removed, there are still significant opportunities for decommissioning companies and related support services for decades to come.” Jan Egil Stølsvik, Branch Manager at Stena Recycling, said: “I was very pleased to attend the learning journey to Louisiana which I found very interesting and informative. I learnt about different decommissioning methods used in the Gulf of Mexico and meeting with Louisiana Economic Development also gave me an opportunity to network with local operators and contractors. Over the course of the week, I certainly developed a greater closeness with fellow DNS members that may prove to be mutually beneficial in future.” Joshua Stubblefield, South Central Regional Manager at Genesis Gmbh, said: “The Louisiana Learning Journey was a great opportunity to meet with representatives of other companies involved in offshore decommissioning in the Gulf of Mexico and the North Sea.’’ DNS followed the success of the Louisiana trip with a learning journey to Norway where delegates paid visits to firms such as Kvaerner, Scanmet, Global Maritime and Stena Recycling to find out more about their role in the decommissioning process. DNS also held a networking seminar in Stavanger in partnership with Norsk Industri where AF

Decom shared their experiences in onshore disposal and Aker Solutions shared their perspective of the decommissioning industry as well as some of their learnings from the Frigg decommissioning project. The learning journey coincided with the 13th NPF North Sea Decommissioning Conference, which took place on Tuesday 12 and Wednesday 13 February in Os near Bergen. Presentations were given on industry initiatives, well plugging and abandonment, planning and on-going project updates, while regulatory authorities provided updates on legislation changes. DNS intends to continue these learning journeys as they provide its members with significant insight into the understanding and growing expertise of those companies who are already engaged in decommissioning activities and allows them to share knowledge and best practices from across the industry with current and potential partners. A learning journey to The Netherlands is planned for later in the year. n

Decommissioning Solutions from start to end Offshore removal operations are highly complex, often even more so than the original installation itself. The condition of the platform, its residual strength and actual weight must all be assessed and taken into consideration. An experienced contractor is essential to plan and execute such work.

with Aker Solutions You will have a partner with just that contracting capability when you work with Aker Solutions. As a total provider of removal and decommissioning services, we can offer you the best tailor-made solutions. Our scope of work includes: • Preparatory engineering work • Preparatory offshore work • Removal of subsea and topside equipment • Transport to shore and other related marine operations • Demolition and recycling or sale of materials and equipment • Safe disposal of hazardous material • Bespoke innovative solutions to operator issues – such as piece small approach to decommissioning topsides (as illustrated)

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21/02/2013 15:07:41

March 2013 Decom North Sea News 5

Reuse Initiative Update The reuse initiative is a project being led by Decom North Sea to explore the opportunities for greater reuse in offshore decommissioning. There are two parts to the project – a Joint Industry Project (JIP) with funding from the Department of Energy & Climate Change (DECC), Marathon Oil, CNR International, Shell and BP as well as a supply chain Reuse Workgroup, comprising of individuals from DNS members Wood Group PSN, Stork, John Lawrie Group, URS and Bureau Veritas. The Workgroup supports the JIP and is exploring the reuse market via a range of complementary activities to run alongside the JIP. 1) Reuse Issues The Reuse Workgroup and the Reuse Expert Group recently held two workshops with the aim of creating a ‘User Guide to Reuse’ and to develop best practice processes which should be of clear benefit to industry. Members with direct experience and expertise in Reuse are encouraged to get involved, as it is a great opportunity to develop practical tools for the industry - as well as to gain recognition for their expertise with the wider DNS membership and industry. An operator exercise will also be carried out to consider the tax and duty implications of potential reuse of equipment, covering a range of

manufacturer locations and reuse countries. This will help to inform the ‘Reuse User Guide’.

2) Zero Waste Scotland Zero Waste Scotland attended a recent Reuse Workgroup Meeting. Zero Waste Scotland work extensively across the country with a range of industries to prevent waste, promote reuse and recycling and develop markets for valuable products. They work to demonstrate that ‘resource efficiency’ delivers • measurable financial benefits to the companies involved • economic benefits in jobs and growth • sustainable business practices • carbon emission reductions • environmental benefits The Zero Waste Scotland team are very interested to work more closely with the oil and gas industry and Decom North Sea will be developing a collaboration with them on this and future projects.

3) Reuse Study – Examples of Reuse We are delighted to welcome Thomas Porter, a student from the University of Tulsa, who is on secondment to DNS for 3 months part-time, whilst on an exchange programme at Robert Gordon University. One of Thomas’ projects at DNS will be to collate industry examples of Reuse both within and out-with the Oil & Gas industry in the

UK, US and beyond. This work will be coordinated with a Robert Gordon MBA student working with Reuse Workgroup member, URS, who will continue the work after Thomas returns to the USA in May. It will be beneficial to cite a body of evidence covering industry reuse which can help inform the North Sea as we move in small steps, from a focus on recycling, towards increasing reuse. This work will also help develop industry understanding of the economic and other benefits which Reuse can bring.

4) Valve Reuse EoI review The companies who responded to the Expression of Interest were pre-qualified by the Decom North Sea Reuse Workgroup using a paired comparison process. Additional information will be requested from the shortlisted companies as part of the tendering/interview process. The Joint Industry Project (JIP) operator partners will finalise their available valve lists and these will be shared in order for the shortlisted companies to respond to the tender, which is anticipated to be released late Q1/early Q2.

5) Full Equipment Inventory Reuse EoI A ‘typical North Sea Large Platform inventory’ will be collated from JIP members BP, Shell, CNRI and Marathon to be included in the Expression of interest which will be issued during Q1/early Q2 to seek those companies with expertise which can inform this project to determine ways to derive maximum value and establish the ‘saleability’ of North Sea oil and gas field equipment. n

Technology Transfer & Innovation Exhibition - 6th June 2013


ocussing on technology that can be transferred from other industry sectors such as oil/gas/renewables or from other nuclear projects; and in marketing innovative ideas that have yet to receive significant exposure - this exhibition is intended to support Dounreay Site Restoration Ltd in its current plans to successfully decommission various nuclear and non-nuclear plants as well as the removal and treatment of waste materials.

Exhibiting companies will again be able to demonstrate their capabilities directly to hundreds of staff who regularly attend this event (engineers, designers, technologists and procurement specialists) and gain valuable market intelligence in an environment which is NOT normally possible any other way.

This will be the 13th annual Technology & Innovation Exhibition to be held at the Dounreay site (organised by Nu-Tech Associates Ltd) and will be held in a purpose-built exhibition venue convenient for the workforce, enabling suppliers a unique opportunity to engage with key individuals responsible for the assessment, specification, acquisition or purchasing of engineering and technology which will be required to meet the needs of this wide-ranging remit.

Recent studies have confirmed that more and more suppliers are choosing to sacrifice their presence at high cost events in national & regional exhibition centres in preference for smaller, more focussed and cost effective ‘industrial’ events where they are able to meet face-to-face with key personnel.

6 Decom North Sea News March 2013

It is one of the most eagerly awaited events of the year at the Dounreay site and is widely recognised as being one of the most successful fora by which members of the workforce can identify potential engineering and technology solutions to their on-going and anticipated needs whilst quickly being achieved during their normal working day and ‘under one roof’.

Because of this, interest from the supply chain is always high and the exhibition can often be oversubscribed.

At rates of just £180 plus VAT per square metre to exhibit, this is a highly cost effective way of bringing products and expertise in front of those who are actively seeking solutions. Nu-Tech’s provenance in providing small, but highly focused independent events located at industrial ‘working’ sites over the last 20 years is such that they have become widely recognised as a highly effective conduit for the marketing of technologies and ideas to those with an appetite to see them. The exhibitor client list boasts both blue chip and SME companies who, whilst differing in corporate size, have an equal desire to promote their products and ideas directly to members of the Engineering and Technology communities across the industry sectors (including nuclear, defence, aerospace and science & technology) in which Nu-Tech works. If you would like to receive further details, check current availability and secure one of the few remaining spaces, we would encourage you not to delay in contacting Nu-Tech Associates Ltd on or Tel: 01946 695554. n

Get consistent, reliable end-of-well solutions.

Drawing on its proven service portfolio, Baker Hughes can plan and execute an integrated plug and abandonment solution with a focus on safety, reliability, and efficiency.

Leverage our comprehensive workflows and advanced plug and abandonment technologies.

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Decommissioning a well can be more challenging than constructing one. That’s why we design and implement integrated end-of-well solutions using proven workflows to match your P&A requirements.

Comprehensive Plug and Abandonment Services planning and üIntegrated project management wellüExperienced, trained personnel technology üExtensive portfolio

Our solutions can include well integrity logging services; reliable milling, pulling, mechanical barrier, and cementing technologies; efficient conductor removal services; and more. At the wellsite, our experienced, well-trained teams work with you and third parties to ensure safety, quality, efficiency, and regulatory compliance. Contact Baker Hughes and let us plan and implement your next end-of-well solution. Advancing Reservoir Performance January 2013 Decom North Sea News 7

Decom North Sea Member Benefits


f you are already a member of Decom North Sea make sure you are making the most of your membership with the following promotional opportunities. If you are not yet a member, visit www.decomnorthsea to find out how to become a member and benefit from the following: Supply Chain Matrix on DNS website One of the key roles of Decom North Sea is to promote the capabilities and expertise of the offshore decommissioning supply chain to the operators and main contractors. One of the ways that this is done is through the supply chain matrix which can be found on This easy to use search engine allows visitors to the site to search for companies with decommissioning capability by a short series of options: firstly to select which phase of decommissioning then to choose the kind of facility or equipment that is to be decommissioned, and then to the specific services required. This then displays a list of companies with these capabilities. If the company listed is a member of Decom North Sea it will have a further hyperlink to three pages of information detailing the company’s expertise and experience in the offshore decommissioning industry. This is an excellent opportunity for the supply chain to promote themselves to the operators and major

contractors who we know are using the supply chain matrix to search for companies when sending out invitations to tender. Members are reminded that they can update their profile by logging in to the member’s only section of the website at any time.

Issue 11

January 2013

New Decom North Sea Directors See the inside story

Newsletter Decom News is produced quarterly in time for major events and exhibitions. The next newsletter will be produced in time for Offshore Europe in September and will be available at various events which DNS are participating in between August to October 2013. It will also be sent out to our database of hundreds of companies who have an interest in decommissioning as well as being available to download from our website. This is an excellent FREE opportunity to promote your company’s capabilities in the offshore decommissioning sector to an international oil & gas audience. There is also the opportunity to advertise in Decom News – this is an excellent opportunity to raise your profile with key players within the decommissioning sector as well as the wider oil and gas industry. Taking out an advert may be an option if you do not feel you are able to submit a press release at this time but would still like to promote your company’s capabilities in the offshore decommissioning sector, alternatively it is also a good opportunity to further enhance a news story.

Photo courtesy of Lerwick Port Authority

Offshore Decommissioning Conference

Member News See page 10

See page 6

Update on Reuse Initiative

Spotlight on New Members

See page 8

See page 16


Decom Media Pack Available NOW!

The newsletters are produced quarterly in time for major events and exhibitions so you may find it beneficial as well as saving you money to take out an advert in the next 4 editions of the newsletter. Newsletters for 2013/14 will be distributed at the following events amongst others: August 2013 – Offshore Europe October 2013 – Offshore Decommissioning Conference (annual event organised by Decom North Sea and Oil & Gas UK), Learning Journey to The Netherlands January 2014 – NPF Offshore Decommissioning Conference in Norway March 2014 – Decom Offshore 2014, OTC in Houston, All-Energy in Aberdeen

Lunch & Learns The purpose of these events is to promote Decom North Sea members capabilities to the operators and major contractors as well as to allow the rest of the supply chain to seek opportunities for collaboration. The events tend to have 3 complimentary Decom North Sea members presenting on their capabilities and experience in the offshore decommissioning industry. The proposed dates for the lunch & learns in 2013 are: 24th April • 19th June • 21st August • 18th Sept • 27th Nov

Sponsorship opportunities Sponsoring an event is an excellent way to raise your organisation’s profile and gain exposure to a wide range of businesses. Decom North Sea offer various sponsorship opportunities throughout the year, from sponsoring a networking reception to the headline sponsor at our two major events in March and October. If you would like to find out more about any of these initiatives or to discuss other ways in which Decom North Sea can help promote your organisation within the offshore decommissioning industry, contact Sarah Hillyear on 01224 452170 or shillyear@ n 8 Decom North Sea News March 2013

Member News Archer Reaches Strategic Milestone with Modular Rig Plugging and Abandonment Contract Win with Statoil


rcher, the global oilfield service provider, has secured a contract with Statoil for the permanent plugging and abandonment of 12 gas wells on the Heimdal field in the Norwegian North Sea using Archer’s latest ground-breaking modular rig, the Archer Topaz. The Heimdal rig is operated by Statoil with partners Total, Centrica and Petoro.

The total contract value, including the startup, operating and decommissioning phases, is estimated at USD 115 million. Operations are expected to commence in the second half of 2014 and the contract duration is 34 months with four option periods of three months each. Carrying out plugging and abandonment operations on a modular rig is a first for Archer and the industry as a whole. This is a major advancement for the industry and will see safer, faster, more efficient plugging and abandonment operations and less people on board. The Archer Topaz, Archer’s second modular rig, has been designed and will be built in cooperation with German rig manufacturer Max Streicher GMBH, in line with current NORSOK regulations. It has been developed to meet the specific requirements of the Heimdal contract which includes flexibility for the client as regards quick installation and removal times. Speaking about the deal, Kjetil Bjørnson, President & General Manager of North Sea Region, Archer, said: “This modular rig contract for Archer in the North Sea represents an important strategic move in the direction of offshore plugging and abandonment solutions. We are excited to secure our first modular rig contract in the North Sea, which is the market the modular rig was designed for. “The award of this contract demonstrates the attractiveness of our modular rig concept which combines flexibility, efficiency, short rig-up and rig-down time, making it a unique proposition for our customers both for plug and abandonment services and production drilling from fixed offshore platforms. “We have worked with Statoil since 1984, it is a strong and important relationship for us. We look forward to commencing work on the Heimdal field next year and further strengthening this relationship through the quality of our employees and our service offering.” The new modular rig will follow the design of Archer’s first modular rig, the Archer Emerald, which was a breakthrough in the field. The Emerald is currently successfully operating for Shell Todd (STOS) in New Zealand on a production drilling contract since 2012. Archer’s modular rigs are designed to stand alone and can be rigged up on most offshore installations and perform most drilling operations normally performed from a platform including completions and plug and abandonment. They are rack and pinion driven modular drilling and intervention rigs, a concept proven by Streicher on land rigs in Europe but a new concept for the North Sea. This modular rig package is lighter and more compact than alternatives, reducing the platform size required, the size of the drilling crew and the construction costs. It can be tailored to meet well-specific requirements and provides operators with a cost efficient alternative to both mobile offshore drilling units (MODU) and traditional platform drilling rigs on existing and future installations.


10 Decom North Sea News March 2013

Innovative Cleaning Solutions


cumen Waste Services now own and operate a mobile soil decontamination plant along with considerable expertise in providing solutions to remediate contaminated sites. The innovative process utilises a series of water jet mixtures to release targeted contaminants from the particulate matter forming the soil and aggregate. Cleaned particulates are subsequently size screened to produce reusable aggregates of chosen size including a grade of sand. Often these materials can be re-used in-situ as part of the construction/ regeneration plan and thereby also avoiding the need to import such fill materials The plant’s most recent application was in inner London whereby some 50,000 tonnes of chemically contaminated material was cleaned and re-used on site. All of this was achieved within a 9 month working window and avoided an alternative huge cost of shipping the material off-site as Hazardous Waste. Acumen Energy Acumen Energy’s facility in Wolverhampton is also capable of recovering hydrocarbon oils from a whole variety of industrial effluents and from oil spillages. Recovered hydrocarbons from this process are then converted into poitive value fuel. The advanced Acumen process strips contaminated oil and similar hydrocarbons of its particulate matter, water and heavy toxic metals content. The recovered fuel can be used in many large, energy intensive processes e.g. electricity generation, glass manufacture and roadstone coating to name but a few. The Acumen Energy process is compliant with the Environmnet Agency’s 2011 End of Waste (eoW) PFO Protocol and the certified recovered material (AcuFuel) can be classed as a compliant fuel oil product.


CSL Aligning for Success


SL, the Aberdeen-based subsea project management and delivery company, has rebranded two critical components of its industry-leading integrated service offering as part of its strategic realignment. This has led to 12 contract wins between the two divisions in question since the announcement, bringing in a multimillion pound increase in revenue. The company has renamed its recruitment service from Nexus Energy Recruitment to CSL Resource, a market leader in the provision of specialist personnel. In addition CSL has changed its Construction Services division to CSL Subsea Support Services, which provides experienced offshore client representatives, inspection personnel and training services. As part of a bold expansion strategy CSL has fortified its service offering with the acquisition of the specialist consultancy Project Excellence. CSL has built its reputation on the management and delivery of subsea projects but has evolved to provide a fully integrated service offering that can cover the management, engineering, specialist services and resources requirement for a project from the development through execution to operational phases. Sean Girvan, Managing Director, CSL, said: “The recent contract wins are an early vindication of our restructure and ensures that we are on track to achieve our target of doubling revenues by 2015. The creation of discrete divisions for our business is a critical part of the process as we position ourselves to execute our strategy and increase our visibility as the most integrated service provider in our field to the UK oil and gas sector”. n

Baker Hughes Names Brian Johnstone Business Development Manager for Well Plug and Abandonment


aker Hughes recently announced the appointment of Brian Johnstone as Business Development Manager, Well Plug and Abandonment for the United Kingdom. In this role he will serve as the company’s focal point for interfacing with operators to provide well abandonment services using Baker Hughes’ broad product line, as well as third-party services. It is estimated that over 300 wells in the UK sector of the North Sea are planned for abandonment in the next five years. Mr. Johnstone is responsible for bringing Baker Hughes’ expertise, technology and project management capabilities to help operators abandon wells safely and efficiently, while complying with applicable regulations.

Mr. Johnstone began his career in the oil and gas industry in 1978 and joined Baker Hughes in 2001. During his career, he has worked in oilfields in over 30 countries. Most recently he served as Business Development Manager for Well Intervention Services. On 18 April, Baker Hughes will present a paper and display some of its technology at the SPE European Well Abandonment Seminar at the Aberdeen Exhibition and Conference Center. n

Augean North Sea Services


ugean North Sea Services is pleased to announce the formation of a new company, specifically created to serve the North Sea oil and gas industry, as well as future decommissioning activities. Augean North Sea Services is a joint venture between Augean PLC and Scomi Oiltools. The purpose of the joint venture is to continue to provide Scomi’s high standard in drilling waste management and, with the additional capabilities of Augean, to further develop services in the North Sea drilling waste and decommissioning market. The joint venture extends this relationship and creates a comprehensive supply chain solution supplemented by the wider services offered through Augean plc , including NORM Disposal (including the UK’s only site licenced to accept hazardous NORM wastes), Thermal Desorption, Oil Sludge Treatment, Solvent Recovery, and a network of waste transfer stations throughout the UK as well as experience dealing with a variety of problematic wastes. These activities are supported by full laboratory services where wastes can be analysed to ensure full compliance with all applicable regulations, offering the best all round solution, as your waste is contained and managed prior to being collected at site where full liability transfers to us. The joint venture enables the development of innovative solutions to manage all waste streams derived from North Sea exploration, production and decommissioning activities. Our Kingcliffe NORM facility, Port Clarence thermal and recovery facility, and our unique quayside facility at Pocra Quay in Aberdeen are at the forefront of treatment and recycling innovation.


March 2013 Decom North Sea News 11


Safe, flexible and cost effective flange-to-pipe connections Specialising in piping and pipeline repairs and rehabilitation, Quickflange is one of the leading providers of high performance pipe connection systems to the global oil and gas sector. With operators looking to maximise production and flow assurance as well as protect the integrity of their piping infrastructures, Quickflange’s flange-to-pipe connections are addressing these industry challenges head-on. 12 Decom North Sea News March 2013

KDC Contractors Ltd


ORTH Sea decommissioning promises a new market for some of the best known names in the recycling and disposal of unwanted assets for other industries. KDC Contractors Ltd, a leader in decommissioning, demolition and land remediation, with clients in oil and gas processing, pharmaceuticals production, nuclear energy, food, drink, and many other sectors, is one such firm in discussions with offshore operators. The Manchester based company with extensive Scottish operations is chasing decommissioning contracts that would involve in situ ‘soft strip’, and decommissioning and demolition work for oil platforms. Some demolition can take place on the platform, cutting components down to size, stripping out asbestos, and removing heavy metals and naturally occurring radioactive waste (NORM). The majority of this work is likely to be done onshore with KDC’s experience on processing plants such as SSE at Peterhead, and BP Exploration’s Sullom Voe terminal in Shetland being immediately applicable. An offshore oil platform is effectively a hotel, a power station, and an oil and gas processing plant. KDC currently supports most of the main oil and gas operators in their onshore operations, including BP, Chevron, Exxon, and Valero. At utility Scottish Power’s Inverkip power station site, KDC handled decontamination

and demolition of a heavy fuel oil system from a fuel oil jetty in the Clyde Estuary through to a landside tank farm. The company has already started the process to equip its staff with offshore safety, health, and environmental training and qualifications for the minor tranche of work that it anticipates offshore. “We see the potential to set up a business turning over several million pounds in our segment of the decommissioning market,” said Nigel Jenkins, Sales and Marketing Director at KDC and a board member of Decom North Sea, the industry forum.

have been consistent levels of demand for such materials for several years, Jenkins said. In common with other companies in its markets, KDC has learned to make every little count in line with regulations and industry standards. “As members of the National Federation of Demolition Contractors, we submit annual statistics on our recycling performance and we consistently recycle above 97% of material across all our projects,” Jenkins said. n

Discussions are taking place within the strategy and planning development phase of projects where operators ask contractors about the most cost-effective ways to decommission platforms in safe and environmentally sound ways. “Recycling will be very significant in decommissioning,” Jenkins said. “We believe that what we do in identifying assets that can be reused – pumps, valves, rotors and so on – and maximising the ability to recycle metals by cleaning them and segregating them in the right way can be a significant offset against costs. Not all scrap metals are the same. Mild steels currently reach a few hundreds of pounds per tonne while some stainless steels used in processing plants reach many more hundreds if not thousands of pounds per tonne. Copper is in demand too. While prices of metals in scrap markets rise and fall with economic cycles and trends, there

Keeping up with DECO


ECO recently relocated to a new facility. Due to an increase in activities and a lack of space in the old facility a new building was acquired just around the corner. DECO started out as a two man venture 16 years ago. Plunging into the realm of inshore diving activities it rapidly evolved and specialized. The new facility now boasts fully modernized and standardized workshops for its cutting, diving and ROV services. Martin Van Dromme explains: “Over the last few years DECO has grown significantly. Keeping up with the rapidly evolving offshore industry and its market demands requires us to constantly upgrade our infrastructure. It became obvious that we needed to expand our work floor because DECO aims to further advance its ULTRAHigh Pressure Water Jet Cutting Technology and continues to run extensive preproject cutting tests.”

Since a couple of years DECO is the proud owner of 5 ROVs. The Seaeye Saab CougarXT Compact ROVs have proven their use and versatility in many offshore projects and thus need frequent maintenance. By standardizing and further optimizing its workshops, DECO is now able to mobilize faster. Additionally, the proximity of the seaport in Zeebrugge and its central location facilitate a fast response time. “For the start of 2013 we already have a number of projects on the way and we hope to continue these excellent results in the coming months.” Martin Van Dromme, Principal engineer.


March 2013 Decom North Sea News 13

£1m Revamp for Offshore-Waste Recycling Centre will Boost Local Economy


ork is underway to carry out a £1m refurbishment of a leading oil and gas waste treatment and recycling centre based in Great Yarmouth, expected to complete in April 2013. The company behind the investment says it aims to attract more business and create new jobs as a result. Located on South Denes Road and employing 12 staff, it is the largest site in East Anglia to receive waste from the oil and gas industry, including hazardous materials such as contaminated water and drilling fluids. More than 20,000 tonnes of waste is handled through the site every year.

The centre will increase in size by 40 per cent to 7,000 square metres upon completion, bolstering Enviroco’s position as the UK’s leading oil and gas waste specialists. By expanding the site, the company will also strengthen its capabilities for handling waste from decommissioned offshore platforms, a burgeoning part of the oil and gas sector. Dominic Travis, UK Facilities Manager for Enviroco, said: “On completion, our turnaround times will improve as will our capacity for handling increased volumes of waste. We will be in a position to cope with peaks in demand and attract more clients, which can only be good news for the local economy.” The investment has also been welcomed by EEEGR CEO Simon Gray, who said: “The East of England is already attracting significant international interest from companies keen to work with us to benefit from the region’s rich resources and skills and the tremendous future potential in our energy sector. So it is even more heartening for EEEGR to see a successful major UK company like Enviroco remaining loyal to the area, prepared to commit its future here and to invest and expand to meet the increasing business opportunities ahead, particularly in the oil and gas sector”. n

Jee Anounces New Office in Central London


ee Ltd, a leading subsea engineering and training firm, has opened the company’s first London office to provide a central support system to new and existing clients. The new office, located in the city’s Victoria area, will offer the company’s complete range of subsea engineering expertise, including decommissioning studies, planning and project management. Jee has an extensive history of industry projects and has recently supported the successful execution of decommissioning operations in the North Sea and conducted initial studies for a field in the West Africa region. Jee managing director, Trevor Jee said: “The opening of the London office is an exciting time for Jee and sees us well on course to meet our growth targets, as we aim to create 150 new jobs in the UK over the next four years. It will also prove an excellent platform to deliver support to our client base.” In addition to its existing systems, Jee is currently cultivating its internal document of pipeline decommissioning best practice. This provides comprehensive guidelines to steer a project from start to finish including a thorough assessment of health and safety. Mr Jee added: “As decommissioning jobs continue to rise, we look forward to utilising our experience in the sector to support our clients with their decommissioning challenges. Our strong capabilities coupled with our dedication to best practice, allows us to set the technical standard in the industry while minimising any health and safety risk”. The team of engineers in the London office is headed up by technical director Mike Hawkins. Jee has additional offices in Aberdeen and Tonbridge, in Kent.

14 Decom North Sea News March 2013


The Case for Simplicity in Decommissioning Operations


s operators continue with decommissioning projects in deep and inhospitable offshore environments, the case for simplicity in piping connections – both topside and subsea – has rarely been important. These challenges are exacerbated by the complex set of interdependencies between ageing and new piping connections in decommissioning projects, the wholesale cutting of pipes, the difficulties in constructing temporary new piping systems, and the dangers of corrosion and leaks. Furthermore, with the high costs of subsea intervention and many of the core workforce often leaving when decommissioning starts (taking with them their expertise and knowledge), operators today are looking for piping connection solutions that focus on cost, safety and, above all, simplicity. It’s this focus on simplicity that guides Quickflange’s piping connection solutions – solutions that are characterized by flexibility, low impact operations, and safety. Dispensing completely with the ignition sources, flames and hot work associated with welding, the Quickflange delivers a simple, leak-free mechanical and pressure-tight connection with existing personnel able to be training up on installation. These benefits are also being delivered subsea where the subsea mechanical connector market continues to be known for high subsea intervention costs and complex and highly engineered solutions. The Quickflange Subsea brings reliability, cost savings, reduced delivery times, and added flexibility. It requires less pipe preparation than traditional operations, no specialist diver training, and remote operations remain a real possibility in the future. The tool is also fully retrievable and reusable - ideal for repair and EPRS (Emergency Pipeline Repair Systems) contingency situations. It is this simplicity of design that delivers safe, effective and flexible piping connections on today’s offshore decommissioning projects. For further information, visit n

ROMAR International Appoints International Business Development Manager


berdeenshire-based oilfield service company ROMAR International has appointed an international business development manager to focus on business opportunities in the Middle East, North Africa and India. Lyle Hopkins is responsible for identifying new commercial opportunities and driving growth across these regions. He joins the company after accumulating many years’ experience within the oil and gas industry working in various international locations including Dubai, Oman and India. Prior to joining ROMAR, Mr Hopkins worked for Tesco Canada International in Dubai for three years where he was responsible for supporting sales in the Middle East and India. From 2006 to 2009 he was sales and operations manager for Tesco Corporation UK, working with casing running and top drives. Mr Hopkins also has experience in sales consulting and product development and has held positions at Noble Drilling, Petro Care Supply and Western Well Tool.

ROMAR increased its staff numbers in 2012 in response to business growth – the company currently has 16 members of staff and plans to expand this by a further five-six in the coming months.

ROMAR’s core business is in the provision of magnetic separation products and services for the offshore oil and gas industry worldwide.

Since 2001 the company has grown in size and currently trades in many oilfield industry provinces including the UK and Norwegian North Sea, West Africa, Gulf of Mexico, SE Asia and South America.

The appointment is amongst a number of initiatives taken by ROMAR to ensure the business meets its on-going strategy for international growth.


March 2013 Decom North Sea News 15

AKD Announces 3 Year Strategic Framework with Aker Subsea Ltd & 2013 Strategy Update


KD Engineering limited, the global engineering and fabrication services provider is pleased to announce its 3 year strategic framework agreement with Aker Subsea and its 2013 strategy update which details the company’s strategic highlights in the areas of markets, products, strategic resource alignment and financial management. To boost growth and long-term development, the Company will push ahead with project engineering management and engineered fabrications that fully align with the setting up and fulfilment of strategic objectives so as to ensure the companies sustainable growth. Domestic and Overseas Markets This year, AKD Engineering continues to place a strong emphasis on its core business with a particular focus on engineered fabrications for subsea and further consolidate its leading market position in the subsea riser business. The Company will also forge strategic partnership with major process houses as a key business development strategy. In the overseas market, thanks to the accelerated spending of investors, engineering technical services demand in the overseas market remains robust. The Company will adhere to the “follow-up” strategy and strengthen the position in existing markets, further increasing business volume in the African regions, making every effort to push ahead with the European market strategy, while starting cooperation with other national oil companies.

Achieve Fast Growth in Revenue and Stable Profitability AKD will continue to develop new product services and explore new markets to achieve fast growth in revenue, and stable profitability through strengthened cost control and enhanced efficiency. AKD’s Sales Manager Denise Farr said, “In 2013, we will continue to strengthen our regular manufacturing capacity, including engineering design services; further enhance our in-house capacity and cost competitiveness through R&D and investment in resource alignment; focus on forging strategic alliances from the market development perspective; and stick to our Talents First strategy to accomplish successful execution of our pre-defined strategy.”


Optimus Decommissioning Team to Double in Size


ptimus are growing their decommissioning department, having recently signed on several new clients. The company are doubling their headcount to manage the increased workload and are refreshing their decommissioning strategy to further enhance delivery on their client commitments.

“We are confident that, because we’re a small company, we can keep control of what our guys are doing and make sure projects don’t run over on cost or timescale,” said Optimus director Ian Bell.

Team leader Stuart Heggie said the company’s new approach to decommissioning has clearly caught operators’ attention. n

“We are building a strong and self-sufficient decommissioning capability,” he said, “We are not simply an engineering consultancy that supports decommissioning capability, we specialise in decommissioning.” Heggie plans to build his team from a diverse range of backgrounds and then provide in-depth cross-training in decommissioning. The larger decommissioning team will then serve as a resource for other discipline teams. “As decommissioning-focussed engineers, the team will be able to bring that specialist knowledge with them to projects at every stage of the lifecycle and help provide for more cost effective decommissioning in the end stage.” Heggie said. Optimus increased its overall staff numbers by more than a quarter over 2012, now employing 90 people across its disciplines. But the company has no designs on becoming an engineering giant, instead they plan to cap staff numbers at 150.

16 Decom North Sea News March 2013

“An ever-growing band of energy operators are realising the benefits of working with smaller, leaner and fitter contractors, who can react quickly to deliver small projects efficiently, and Optimus is leading this market.”


Suspended well abandonment needs? Turn to the market leader. See the SWAT system in action on our website:

SPEX Group Appoint New CEO Entrepreneur Recognises Huge Potential for Company’s New Product Developments. Multi-award winning Aberdeen entrepreneur Jamie Oag has been appointed Chief Executive Officer of Aberdeen-based SPEX Group, the group behind the development of Shell’s latest drilling tools for well closure and severance. Oag, who founded and built rig cooling company OPTIMA before selling the business to Tetra in 2012, has made a number of investments in hi-tech businesses in the Scottish energy sector and is majority shareholder of SPEX. He now hopes to develop the business, originally set up to provide explosives expertise, products and services to the oil and gas industry, and has begun by structuring the company into three divisions to better focus on its distinct operational areas; SPEX Services, SPEX Production and SPEX Offshore. The group was named Scotland’s fastest growing company of its size by BusinessInsider magazine in 2012. Oag said: “I have a passion for technology development in the energy sector and I’m hugely excited about the opportunity to grow and develop SPEX Group. We are uniquely positioned to take advantage of a number of opportunities to further bolster growth on top of recent awards the group has attained.” SPEX is in the process of developing a series of tools for Shell in Houston. One of these tools, the Emergency Separation Tool (EST), which allows operators to sever non-shearable components such as drill collars and casing, has been designed, engineered, prototyped, and tested in just 18 months, and has recently undergone highly successful testing in the Gulf of Mexico. SPEX has a license to manufacture, market, and service the EST. The group is also actively working on a number of other high profile projects with Shell. Oag continued: “Through a close working relationship with Shell and the best in-house design and engineering capability, the team at SPEX has developed step-change technology in a little over a year.

18 Decom North Sea News March 2013

“My role within SPEX will be to oversee existing projects to completion and then lead the commercialisation of these technologies so SPEX can offer them to the wider market. Having these new products in the field will add real value to the SPEX brand and our service offering is backed up through extensive engineering and explosive knowledge and expertise that goes back long before the establishment of the group. “We are also continually developing our capability set and are keen to work with other energy companies on their business critical technology developments.” Jamie Oag is an Honorary Graduate of Robert Gordon University where he obtained his MSc in Instrumental Analytical Science in 1992. He subsequently spent three years with Halliburton before establishing Optima Solutions to focus on the development and installation of rig cooling and safety systems. In less than ten years the company’s headcount grew from one to over 80 and won multiple awards, including the Queen’s Award for Industry.


Spotlight on New Members


or over 20 years, Arnlea have been helping companies with Hazardous Areas to improve the way operational tasks are performed by the workforce to maximise operational efficiency and effectiveness.

Arnlea deliver integrated Work Execution Management and Tracking solutions which use today’s mobile computing and RFID technologies to give the accuracy, visibility and control needed to easily demonstrate safety and integrity compliance and accurately track equipment location and status. Initially focused on solving asset management efficiency problems in the offshore oil and gas industry on rigs and FPSO’s, today, Arnlea also deliver these solutions to onshore facilities including terminals, refineries, chemical plants, quaysides and warehouses in various industries. Arnlea’s solutions eliminate human error and verify user competence, leading to foolproof data integrity and substantial efficiency improvements which are all fully transferrable to the decommissioning industry. Achieved benefits using Arnlea’s products include: • Improved workforce productivity and efficiency • Dependable HSEQ/Regulatory Compliance and Audit trails • Increased Workforce Competency and Plant Knowledge • Accurate visibility of equipment location and status

Cooper Lomaz Recruitment


ooper Lomaz Recruitment have recently expanded their Lowestoft based Energy team. The company has been operating in the East of England for twenty three years and employ forty staff across three offices. Mark Fletcher and Dan Benson are joined by recent graduates Ben Olive and Freya Robertson. The team work with clients in the Oil, Gas & Renewables sectors to provide technical and managerial staff on a permanent or contract basis. Mark Fletcher, Operations Manager explains “Our local knowledge of the area combined with the ability to access candidates UK wide and internationally via cutting edge search technology and targeted advertising really makes a difference for our clients. We are hugely excited about playing our part in the decommissioning agenda and feel ideally placed to support the activity taking place off our coastline.” The Oil, Gas and Renewables team at Cooper Lomaz specialize in all core disciplines relevant to decommissioning and associated subsectors: • Well Plugging and Abandonment • Jacket and Subsea Structure Removal • Topside Removal • Process Engineering • Decommissioning Programme and Project Management • Operations • Disposal / Cleaning / Decommissioning • Surveying and Monitoring


ABC Contract Services


BC Contract Services is a leading specialist recruiter trading in our 38th year and supplying some of the most experienced blue and white collar people for temporary and permanent placements within the Construction, Engineering and Oil & Gas sectors. ABC provides steadfast, expert knowledge and smart progressive recruitment solutions to jobseekers and employers throughout the UK. ABC Contract Services employ sector specialist consultants. Our people provide an exceptional recruitment service, tailored to our clients specific requirements, coupled with a perfect understanding of the labour market from a strategically placed local branch network that offers coverage at a national level. Already enjoying strong business relationships with clients within the decommissioning sector, ABC Contract Services are constantly evolving alongside our core sectors, while embracing new and emerging markets, we wish to continue to establish new client relationships, become a valued resource for our clients and shape a bright sustainable future within this flourishing and buoyant sector.

Cooper Lomaz is able to support clients throughout the entire ‘360’ decommissioning cycle, from initial option engineering and FEED studies, through to final site remediation. With significant Subsea Engineering expertise and a first class knowledge of the offshore marine environment, Cooper Lomaz is the obvious partner of choice to support North Sea Decommissioning activities.



March 2013 Decom North Sea News 19



nviroCentre joined Decom North Sea in order to develop our understanding of the policy and other drivers in the Oil and Gas industry. We also recognised the opportunity to engage with and knowledge share in a new network of important stakeholders.

Ince & Co


nternational law firm Ince & Co LLP has been serving the energy industry’s needs in the North Sea from the very start of E&P activities, drawing upon our maritime and insurance heritage and adapting those skills to become leading experts in offshore oil and gas work. Nowadays our energy and offshore practice is global and our clients include the full range of stakeholders in the industry.

At EnviroCentre we undertake assessment and provide consultancy advice on water, waste, land quality, noise and ecological matters; and have a core of engineers to ensure that our scientific recommendations are also practical and achievable for commercial Clients. We have a good working relationship with UK Regulatory bodies particularly the MMO, Environment Agency, SEPA (mainly waste and water related issues), Scottish Natural Heritage (SNH) and Marine Scotland with regard to ports and the permitting and management of decommissioning/ waste management activities.

With many decades’ experience and an Energy & Offshore team including almost 30 partners leading a large group of associates, our knowledge and experience of the technical, commercial and risk issues involved in offshore activities is unparalleled. That experience includes the construction of fixed and floating units, pipelines and associated land infrastructure, heavy-lift, installation, seismic, drilling, floating storage and production – oil and LNG, and covers finance and contractual/advisory matters, operational/performance issues, disputes and emergency response (we have a 24/7 emergency response capability).

In addition we also prepare independent Construction Environmental Planning support through preparation and onsite implementation of Construction Environmental Management Plans (CEMP’s) for Clients and Contractors.

As the North Sea industry has matured, we are now also assisting our clients with decommissioning. For some this means helping them navigate the regulatory labyrinth of notices and security arrangements. For others it means analysing the risks associated with decommissioning projects and/or specific supply chain contracts, negotiating new projects and handling the operational problems and disputes as and when they arise. As our clients prepare for the challenges and opportunities ahead so we at Ince & Co are also applying to the subject of decommissioning the expertise and experience we have amassed from over 50 years of supporting the offshore industry.

Our most recent (and ongoing) project relates to the proposal to develop the base at Dales Voe in Shetland as a decommissioning hub particularly for the Northern North Sea where we are providing environmental impact and Pollution Prevention and Control (PPC) permit application services (now under the Industrial Emissions Directive (IED)).





March 2013 Decom North Sea News 20

Assets Skills Knowledge just ASK From operating our own storage assets to specialised distribution solutions. From project engineering and automation expertise to managing waste for North Sea operations. Simon is investing in people and facilities for the future. Just ASK. Simon Storage Limited +44 (0)1737 778108 | Simon Storage is owned by Inter Pipeline Fund

bulk liquid & gas network

Member Listing Full membership of Decom North Sea is open to any commercial organisation involved with decommissioning. Associate membership is open to non-commercial organisations and individuals who wish to be kept informed of Decom North Sea activity and attend networking events and conferences. For further information, visit Members of Decom North Sea - as at 26th February 2013 • 60 North Recycling Ltd • Abandonment & Cutting Energy Services Ltd (ACES) • ABC Contract Services Ltd • Aberdeen Harbour Board • Aberdeenshire Council • Accenture • Acumen Energy Ltd • Advanced Underwater Surveys Ltd (adus) • AF Decom Offshore AS • AGR Subsea Ltd • Air Products • AKD Engineering Ltd • Aker Solutions • Allseas Group S.A. • AMEC • Applied Drilling Technology International (Transocean) • Aquatic Engineering & Construction • ARCADIS (UK) Limited • Archer • Argon Isotank Ltd • Arnlea Systems Limited • ASCO UK Ltd • Atlas Copco Rental • Atlas Knowledge • Aubin Ltd • Augean PLC • Avanteq Ltd • Axis Limited • Axis Well Technology • Babcock International Group • Baker Hughes • BAUER Water • BioBased Europe Ltd • Bilfinger Salamis UK Limited • BiSN Technologies Ltd • BMT Cordah Ltd • Bonn & Mees • Boskalis Offshore • BP • Bureau Veritas Oil&Gas • Burges Salmon LLP • Cape Industrial Services Ltd • Cashman Equipment Corp. • Central Insurance • Centrica Energy • Champion Technologies • Chevron North Sea Limited • Claxton • Cleveland Steel and Tubes Ltd • Clydeport Operations Ltd • CNR International (UK) Ltd • Cooper Lomaz Recruitment • Cortez Subsea Ltd • CSL • Currie & Brown • Cutting Underwater Technologies Ltd • Cyberhawk Innovations • D3 Consulting • Danbor Services • D-Comms (Scotland) Limited

• DECO ( Diving, Engineering & Consultancy Office ) • Decommissioning Project Services Ltd • DNV • Douglas Westwood • Dundas & Wilson • Dunlop Oil & Marine Ltd (Contitech Beattie Ltd) • Dutton International Limited • E.M.W Consultancy Ltd • EC Harris • Enermech • EnviroCentre Ltd • Enviroco Limited • Epeus Group Ltd. • ERM • Ethan Consultancy Ltd • Ethos Environmental Ltd • Expro North Sea Ltd • Falck Nutec • Flowline Specialists Limited • Fraser Offshore Limited • Fugro Subsea Services Ltd • GCG Shotblasting Services Ltd • Genesis GmbH • Geoprober Drilling • GL Noble Denton • GP Decom Limited • GRC Recycling • Gulfstream Services International UK Ltd • H.J. Hansen Recycling Industry Ltd • Halliburton • Hallin Marine • Hawk Enviro Ltd • Heavy Decom International • Heerema Marine Contractors • Hess Ltd • Hilti • Ince & Co Services Ltd • Infield Systems Limited • Interact Activity Management • Interwell UK • J. Bryan (Victoria) Ltd • JEE Ltd • John Lawrie (Aberdeen) Ltd • Jumpstart Limited • Kaefer International Offshore Ltd • KCA DEUTAG Drilling Ltd • KDC • Kishorn Port Limited • Kongsberg Maritime Ltd • Kotug Offshore BV • L2 Business Consulting Limited • Leafield Logistics and Technical Services Ltd • Ledingham Chalmers • Lerwick Port Authority • Lloyd’s Register EMEA • Lucion Marine • Macaw Engineering • Maclay Murray & Spens

• Maersk Oil UK Ltd • Maintenance Support Limited • Mammoet Salvage BV • Marathon Oil U.K. LLC. • Marex Marine & Safety Services • Maxoil Solutions Ltd • McDermott International • McLeod Aitken • Montrose Port Authority • Morrison Structural Services Ltd • Mott Macdonald • MSIS Group • Mwaves Ltd • Natas Highlands Ltd • NCIMB Ltd • Network International • Norisol • Nuvia Sita NORM Ltd • Ocean Kinetics Ltd • Oceaneering International • Offshore Design Engineering Ltd • Offshore Installation Services Ltd (OIS) • Oil States MCS Ltd • • O’Kelly Brothers Demolition & Environmental Contractors • Optimus (Aberdeen) Ltd • PacTec EPS Ltd • Panda Rosa Metals • Pangeo Subsea Scotland Ltd • PDL Solutions (Europe) Ltd • Pegasus International (UK) Ltd • people = positive • Perenco UK Ltd • Peterhead Decommissioning Limited • Peterson SBS • Petrofac • Pipeline Engineering • Port of Frederikshavn • PPS Group • Premier Oil Plc • Project Development International (Pdi) Ltd • Project, Time & Cost International Ltd • Proserv • Quickflange UK LTD • RAM Tubulars Scotland Ltd • Red 7 Marine Offshore • Red Stone Drilling Ltd • Rigmar Services Limited • Risktec Solutions • Robertson Metals Recycling Limited • Roemex Speciality Oilfield Chemicals • Romar International Ltd • Rotech Subsea • RPS HSED • RVA GROUP • RWE Dea UK • Sabre Safety Ltd • Safety Critical • Scanmet A.S • Scanmudring

Contact Decom North Sea, 33 Albyn Place, Aberdeen AB10 1YL, Scotland UK Tel: +44 1224 452170 email:

• Schlumberger - SMITH Services • Scopus Engineering Ltd • Scotoil Services Limited • Scotsafe Testing Ltd • Scottish Enterprise • Seafox Contractors BV • Seajacks UK Ltd • Seal-Tite UK LLC • Senergy (GB) Ltd • SFF Services Limited • Shell UK Limited • Shepherd & Wedderburn • Shepherd O’Brien • Silverdot Ltd • Simmons & Company International • Simon Storage Ltd • Siskin Asset Management Ltd • Sky-Futures • SLR Consulting • SMD Robotics Ltd • SMRU Ltd • SNC-LAVALIN UK Ltd • Spartan Solutions Ltd • SPEX Services Ltd • Squibb Group Ltd • Stanley Hydraulic Tools • Stena Recycling Stavanger AS • Stork Technical Services • Strategic Fit • Superior - Wild Well Energy Services Ltd • Swire Oilfield Services Ltd • T. Ward Shipping Ltd • Talisman Energy (UK) Limited • Tam International North Sea • TETRA Technologies Ltd • Thinktank Maths Ltd • Thomas Muir ( Rosyth) Ltd • TRAC Oil&Gas • Tracerco Ltd • Tullow Oil Plc • TWMA • UKPS Offshore • Underwater Cutting Solutions • URS Corporation • Veolia Environmental Services • Weatherford • West Oil Tools Well Services • Westlord Associates LTD. • Wood Group PSN • Worley Parsons

Partners • Caithness Chamber of Commerce • Carbon Energy Club • Danish Marine and Offshore Group • East of England Energy Group (EEEGR) • Energy North • IRO • NOF Energy • Scottish Renewables

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