Decom North Sea News 008

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Issue 8

May 2012

Update On Industry Initiatives Including Re-use Project See The Inside Story

The topside from the Welland platform which was refurbished and then shipped to West Africa to be used on the SANAGA platform. Photo courtesy of Perenco

Forthcoming Events

Member News

Member Collaborations

Spotlight on New Members

See page 3

See page 16

See page 8

See page 17


Decom Media Pack Available NOW!

Director’s Foreword UK Budget


e hope that the recent budget announcement by the UK Chancellor will enhance the level of confidence in the future certainty of the offshore decommissioning market.

The UK government has proposed to sign contracts with oil and gas producers agreeing how much tax relief the government will offer on decommissioning costs. We believe this announcement should lead to operators in the UKCS being able to move forward with their decommissioning plans with confidence in the level of their decommissioning costs that will be paid by the government. In turn we hope this will help to reassure the hundreds of supply chain companies and encourage them to consider investment in new equipment, tooling, or possibly to attract new staff.

The Future of Decom North Sea Decom North Sea is now in its third year of operation and as I write this we have 185 fee paying members from across the decommissioning supply chain and from a number of North Sea surrounding countries. To ensure we continue to meet our current members needs and to help with attracting new members it is important that we re-visit our objectives on a regular basis and ensure that our focus is continuing to meet our members expectations as well as ensuring that the organisation continues to be sustainable. One of our directors, Nigel Lees, has kindly offered to undertake a review of our operations as part of his final project for his MBA. In order to undertake this review Nigel will be preparing an on-line survey which will be sent to all members of Decom North Sea, undertake a number of face to face interviews, and if appropriate we will also organise a facilitated event. It is important that we get the feedback Nigel requires so that we can ensure the future focus of Decom North Sea meets with what you as a member of Decom North Sea expect. Can we therefore appeal to you to assist Nigel in his review as much as you can over the next couple of months either by completing the online questionnaire, participating in a face to face interview or participating at a facilitated event. Nigel will present the outcomes from his review and the recommended way forward for Decom North Sea at the Annual General Meeting on 9th October. Thank you in advance for your help. ■

Brian Nixon | Chief Executive | Decom North Sea

Raise your profile within the offshore decommissioning industry

ADVERTISE IN THE NEXT ISSUE OF DECOM NEWS • Printed copies sent to all Decom North Sea members • Distributed at major UK and International exhibitions and conferences • Electronic copies sent to a growing database of over 500 key industry contacts with an interest in decommissioning • Available to be downloaded from • Also, don’t forget about advertising opportunities on our website

Email Sarah Hillyear for rates and availability at

2 Decom North Sea News May 2012

Forthcoming DNS Events And Exhibitions Decom North Sea Networking Breakfast at OTC, Houston, 2nd May Sponsored by URS Corporation, this breakfast will focus on whether decommissioning should be considered as an integral part of the whole life cycle of an asset rather than a separate phase tagged on at the end. Speakers include Win Thornton, VP Decommissioning Global Projects for BP and Tony Price, VP International Strategic Projects for URS. This breakfast will be held during the week of the Offshore Technology Conference (OTC) in Houston.

Learning Journey to Shetland, 9th – 10th May Decom North Sea are organising a learning journey to Shetland to understand what Shetland can offer the offshore decommissioning industry and to explore opportunities for future collaborations and partnerships. Visits and meetings are being organised with: Lerwick Port Authority, Peterson SBS, Veolia Environmental Services, AF Decom, the Energy Recovery Plant, ZE1 Global and the NAFC Marine Centre. There will be a dinner on the evening of the 9th May, kindly sponsored by Peterson SBS and a business breakfast on the morning of the 10th May with presentations on market opportunities.

All-Energy 2012, Aberdeen, 23rd – 24th May Decom North Sea is exhibiting at All-Energy this year in the ‘Offshore Maintenance – where offshore wind meets oil and gas’ section in order to promote the cross-over of learning, technology development and skills between oil & gas and renewables. Come and see us on stand F49.

Decom North Sea Lunch & Learn, Aberdeen, 13th June

This series of events allow the supply chain companies to have the opportunity to give 15 – 20 min presentations on their capabilities in offshore decommissioning to an audience of operators, major contractors and potential partners. This event will include presentations from AGR Seabed Intervention and two other supply chain companies to be confirmed.

Decom North Sea Golf Day, Aberdeenshire, 23rd August An excellent opportunity to network with other decommissioning specialists while enjoying a round of golf. More information to follow but put this date in your diary and keep your fingers crossed that the weather is as nice then as it has been in March!

Decom North Sea Annual General Meeting, Fairmont Hotel, St Andrews, 9th October

Opportunity for Decom North Sea members to hear an update on Decom North Sea activities, raise any issues and vote new directors on to the board.

Offshore Decommissioning Conference 2012, Fairmont Hotel, St Andrews, 9th – 11th October The annual Offshore Decommissioning Conference organised by Decom North Sea in partnership with Oil & Gas UK will be held at the Fairmont Hotel in St Andrews this year. More information will follow shortly but please put these dates in your diary and look out for updates on:

Future Decom North Sea Lunch & Learns, 22nd August, 14th November, 16th January & 13th March Each of these lunch & learn events will have 3 complimentary Decom North Sea members presenting on their capabilities and experience in the offshore decommissioning industry. The purpose of these events is to promote the supply chain capabilities to the operators and major contractors as well as to allow the rest of the supply chain to seek opportunities for collaboration. If you are interested in participating at one of these events, please contact Sarah Hillyear on 01224 452170 or Decom North Sea is keen to hear from other operators and major contractors who are willing to share their decommissioning plans, strategies and issues and would be interested in hosting an event for Decom North Sea members. To discuss this opportunity in more detail please contact Sarah Hillyear on 01224 452170 or

Please visit for details of future events and to book your place on any of the Decom North Sea events listed above. May 2012 Decom North Sea News 3

Update On Industry Initiatives Standard Decommissioning Programme



ecom North Sea (DNS) facilitated a one-day session of the Standard Decommissioning Programme Workgroup (and their nominated invitees) in March to draft an outline standard template for the non-derogation case.

DNS worked hard to pull together all the useful comments to create a draft template for circulation at the end of March for workgroup member comments. This non-derogation template will then be submitted for comment by the Department of Energy and Climate Change (DECC), other government departments and stakeholders - and discussed with other operators - and updated ready for adoption. We will hold another Workgroup session in late April to finalise the template changes and add in derogation case sections. This work will feed in to the revision of the DECC Decommissioning Guidelines Q2/Q3 and the templates are planned to be adopted during 2012. This has been a great first example of DNS members working collaboratively with government to deliver something which will make a big difference to industry’s ability to get their decommissioning plans ratified more quickly and easily by DECC and so enable the smooth planning of decommissioning programmes and workloads in years to come. The workgroup is very enthusiastic about the opportunity to present a success story at the Offshore Decommissioning Conference in October. ■


workshop was held on the 8th February in Aberdeen to understand the market for reuse/resale of modules/ key pieces of equipment as part of the decommissioning process – and to explore what role (if any) there would be for DNS (and others) to help stimulate the market. 45 attendees from operators, service companies, disposal contractors, government and other supply chain companies shared examples of reuse of equipment in Decommissioning and discussed the market opportunity, how it might be realised and who has a role to play. DNS was also involved in facilitating a reuse session on the 14th February at the NPF Offshore Decommissioning Conference in Bergen. The output from this session has also fed into our thinking on how to take this initiative forward. The workshop concluded that DNS should investigate commissioning an independent study to explore the market opportunity and also explore the availability of potential funding from public sector and industry towards this project (as a not for profit organisation it is important that DNS can cover the costs of project work carried out on behalf of its members). Nominations have been sought for a Workgroup to take this forward, which will be considered at the Decom North Sea April board meeting. The Workgroup will meet on 8th May to explore the study scope, identify suitably qualified parties to bid and establish who might be prepared to commit funding to fund the project. ■

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Restoring the Environment – One Field at a Time


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May 2012 Decom North Sea News 5 02/04/2012 15:21:55

Update On Industry Initiatives Market Intelligence – Pilot Data Review


number of projections of the UK and North Sea offshore decommissioning market exist but there have historically been inconsistencies between forecasts carried out at different times and between the different data sets leading to a lack of confidence in predictions of the overall market size and time of arrival.

Decom North Sea’s members have found it difficult to interpret the projections to be able to identify the size of market and the likely timing or projects for their particular company offering. The need for more detailed market intelligence was identified as the number one priority last January when Decom North Sea developed its strategy with its board of directors using feedback from the membership. To address this issue Decom North Sea set up a Market Intelligence Workgroup which is currently chaired by Will Rowley from the Acteon Group and includes representatives from operators, major contractors, Oil & Gas UK and the Department of Energy & Climate

Change (DECC). At the end of last year the group decided to commission a study: • To examine what publicly available data exists for future projections including its format, accessibility, coverage, limitations and reasons for differences • To review recent history and confirm actual activity in terms of volume, value and type • To assess how recent history and available information ties into the current short term projections of activity • To produce a consolidated view of identifiable activity for the near future

This report was undertaken by Westlord Associates and was funded by Scottish Enterprise and the Acteon Group. The report is now available on the member’s only section of the Decom North Sea website. The conclusions of the report will be reviewed by the Market Intelligence Work Group who will consider how we can encourage more detailed and accurate sharing of decommissioning forecasts and supply chain opportunities. Recommendations will be presented at the Offshore Decommissioning Conference in October and will be debated by the industry. ■

Database Of Past Projects


he Robert Gordon University (RGU) in Aberdeen runs an exchange programme every year with the University of Tulsa. Five of the best US students travel to Aberdeen for 3 months to study at RGU and to gain some industry experience.

Decom North Sea offered to take on one of the students this year and Gianni Esparza who is studying Energy Management and Law has been working with us for 20 hours a week since February. As well as assisting with the development of the Standard Decommissioning Programme Template he has been developing a database of past offshore decommissioning projects. The aim of this project is to build up a knowledge bank of past projects which operators and the supply chain can use to assist them when they are planning their own decommissioning projects. The database will be available on the Decom North Sea website. So far Gianni has gathered information on the size, type, location and costs of past decommissioning projects as well as any information he can find via the internet on contracting strategies, issues, lessons learned. The next stage will be to identify the contractors involved with each project. Gianni will be sending out a form to all Decom North Sea members asking them to detail which projects they have been involved with and what their involvement was. This is another excellent opportunity for the Decom North Sea supply chain members to promote their capabilities and past experience so we encourage all our members to complete the form. The database will be available online in the summer and will be kept up to date as more decommissioning projects are completed. ■

Remuneration Models


n 2010 Accenture partnered with the Robert Gordon University and coached a group of MBA students to develop a paper on contracting strategies for decommissioning in the North Sea. Decom North Sea supported the study and organised an industry Support Group to assist the development of the paper. During a meeting held on Sep 2011, it was recommended to develop a Framework/Matrix Analysis to address each decommissioning phase from a risk perspective. A draft framework was presented by Accenture during the Offshore Decommissioning Conference held in Oct 2011, when 200+ delegates were asked to assess the framework and complete it for one decommissioning phase / type of structure. Over 70% of the delegates supported the idea to further develop the framework. A survey has now been sent out to all of the members of Decom North Sea asking them to rank the impact of a number of risks against the 9 phases of decommissioning and to assess how controllable the risks are for an offshore structure that they are familiar with. They have also been asked to suggest appropriate remuneration models for each phase of decommissioning. Decom North Sea and Accenture will then run a series of small focused workshops between operators and contractors, to discuss conflicting points. The draft framework will then be presented at the Offshore Decommissioning Conference in October 2012 where we hope to get industry endorsement. ■

6 Decom North Sea News May 2012

May 2012 Decom North Sea News 7

Member News ROMAR INTERNATIONAL Awarded Hess Contract


ilfield service company ROMAR INTERNATIONAL recently announced a contract award with Hess to support the decommissioning and abandonment of potentially 30 wells over the next four years.

The scope of work will include providing swarf recovery equipment to collect metal cuttings and associated support services including onshore and offshore personnel and project management.

ROMAR International Board - Martin McKenzie, George Yule, Robbie Gray

ROMAR is focussed on providing magnetic separation products and services to operators and drilling contractors globally. Its products deliver greater efficiency and increased safety performance by effectively removing large quantities of swarf and metal particles from fluid systems. This reduces the need for unnecessary mechanical or human intervention, whilst eliminating system operators’ exposure to swarf and potentially hazardous chemicals.

Hess operates fields within the UK Continental Shelf and ROMAR will support its programme to achieve full decommissioning and abandonment of its UKCS fields by 2016. ROMAR mobilised equipment for the job in March 2012. George Yule, Chairman of ROMAR INTERNATIONAL said: “This announcement, on the back of a recent award for swarf recovery services by SHELL UK, is really good news for our company and follows an earlier six-figure investment by ROMAR in additional swarf recovery and handling equipment. We are delighted to have been selected by Hess to support its decommissioning activities.” Following ROMAR’s recent investment in swarf equipment it has announced the extension of its product range with a new swarf handling technology, the SS3000, which has the capability to process 2Te/ hour of metal debris from down-hole, within a unit that has a greater magnetic field efficiency, reduced footprint and reduced weight. ■

NCIMB Expands NORM Testing Capabilities To Include Polonium


CIMB Ltd has added polonium testing to its range of oilfield services. This new facility complements the existing NORM (naturally occurring radioactive material) testing service that the Aberdeen-based company offers.

NCIMB’s Oilfield Services Manager Cheryl Richardson said: “We have been carrying out NORM testing for our oilfield clients for a number of years, using Gamma spectroscopy to report on the activity for Radium and daughters, as well as Lead-210. We took the decision to invest in new equipment to allow us to expand our testing capabilities and to test for Polonium, in response to a large number of enquiries from our customers.” Whereas Gamma spectroscopy is used to test for Radium and Lead-210, Polonium-210 decays mainly by the emission of alpha particles. The 8 Decom North Sea News May 2012

method that NCIMB will be using to deliver their new service includes sophisticated techniques of purification and isolation of the Polonium from samples. The investment allows the Oilfield Services team to carry out comprehensive radiochemical analysis on a wide range of low specific activity process and environmental samples including scale, sand and sludge deposits and production water.

Gulfstream Services Ensures Staff Are Fully Trained For Decommissioning


taff from Aberdeen based Gulfstream Services International (Gulfstream), provider of cutting edge equipment to the international oil and gas industry, have completed extensive training in Houma as part of the company’s focus on continually expanding its decommissioning service offering in the North Sea market. Two technicians from Gulfstream recently took part in a two-week intensive training course at the company’s base in Houma, Louisiana. Gulfstream offers five sizes of hydraulic shears for decommissioning including the OSS 20, a 20ton universal shear for surface and subsurface decommissioning of larger structures such as platform decks, OCC 20, OSS 7, TSS 2 and TSS 05, the smallest hydraulic shear in the Gulfstream fleet, allowing access to tighter cut areas. The training involved learning all operational functions for the shears, including making cuts with the shears on various sizes of pipe up to 30” casing, stripping down shears and grapples, fault finding, re-building equipment and identifying and rectifying potential hazards or problems that may occur on location. Billy Marcel, Operations Manager, GSI in Houma said: “It is very important to Gulfstream that we train all staff within the international bases so they have the skills and experience to carry out decommissioning cuts safely and efficiently for our clients. The training also included the regular maintenance of the shears, grapples, hydraulic power units and hose reels, which is an important aspect as it provides Gulfstream with full maintenance history on all equipment.” Gulfstream aims to provide innovative and cost efficient solutions to industry challenges and all of its products have evolved in line with customer requirements. ■

NCIMB Ltd offers a range of chemical analysis and microbiological services as well as housing the biggest reference collection of industrially and environmentally valuable microorganisms in the UK. The company plan to expand their range of oilfield services later in the year with the addition of mercury testing. For more information about NCIMB’s NORM testing services contact: Cheryl Richardson or tel +44 (0) 1224 711100 ■

The OSS20 shear

Flexibility Is The Key To NORM And LSA Scale Decontamination


he Nuvia SITA NORM (NSN) Stoneyhill NORM Treatment Facility has now been in operation for 6 months since being officially opened by Brian Nixon, CEO of Decom North Sea, in October 2011 and has seen a diverse array of contaminated components come through its doors in that time. The blueprint for the new facility was taken from the NORM descaling plant operated by parent company, Nuvia Limited on the south coast of England, which mainly services onshore oil and gas field components. NSN’s early contracts have revealed that the offshore oil and gas industry’s needs are somewhat more diverse. The original design assumed that the plant would deal primarily with standard retrieval equipment such as tubulars and a smaller number of individual items. However the majority of the early work in the facility has dealt with components such as settling tanks, pipe spools, flexible risers, PIGs and silencers Ewan Hill, Business Manager for NSN, commented: “The fact that we have been able to deliver decontamination services on such a range of components demonstrates the value of the flexibility built into the original design and also the skill and training of our workforce. We have already been able to develop some new approaches to provide a more effective service for our clients.”

New MD For BMT Cordah


berdeen based, BMT Cordah, a subsidiary of the BMT Group, the leading international maritime design, environmental and engineering consultancy, has announced the appointment of Norman Di Perno as its Managing Director. Dr David Sell, who has been the company’s Managing Director for the past four and a half years, will take up the role of Technical Director.

As the decommissioning of offshore oil and gas platforms becomes increasingly important with many UKCS fields approaching end of life, David will focus on driving the company’s extensive decommissioning capabilities forward. With a background in environmental engineering and hydrogeology, Norman’s focus for the business will be to further enhance its global reach as a multi-disciplinary environmental consultancy for the offshore oil and gas and marine renewable sectors. Norman has held both Managing Director and Director positions throughout his career and has worked within the BMT group of companies since 2000. His most recent role saw him as Director of Risk and Environment for BMT Designers & Planners Inc, based in Washington D.C. With over 25 years’ experience, Norman has played an integral role in working with corporate and government clients supporting them in the preparation of their submissions of environmental impact assessments, various types of permits, long term leases and emergency response plans. As well as a Bachelor’s of Science in Geology, Norman also holds a Master’s of Science in Environmental Engineering and a Master’s in Business Administration. Commenting on his new role, Norman says: “BMT Cordah has an exceptional team of environmental professionals and an established industry track record. I’m confident that the new set of skills and passion for consulting I bring will enhance the company and position us to drive forward.” Owen Harrop, Regional Director for Europe comments: “I am very pleased that Norman has accepted the post of Managing Director of BMT Cordah. He has extensive experience in international environmental consultancy. I am sure he will prove a valuable asset to the BMT Cordah management team in Aberdeen and help to further strengthen the company’s specialist services to the UK and international offshore oil and gas sector.” ■

These approaches include the use of chemical and mechanical methods as well as variations of ultra high pressure water jetting. “We are developing a portfolio of techniques to solve some of the more challenging decontamination issues that our clients are bringing to us” said Ewan. “We have also benefited from our association with the Radiation Protection Advisers based at Nuvia’s new Aberdeen office. Graham (Wales) and Paul (Kayente) have been providing us with advice on all aspects of NORM management and their work on and offshore with numerous oil and gas operators and petrochemical companies has proved a valuable source of information in these early days of plant operations.” Ewan continued, “In terms of adding value to the services we offer our clients, we are soon expecting to expand our capabilities at Stoneyhill thanks to Nuvia’s investment in an ongoing Research and Development project. In partnership with oil and gas industry experts they are seeking solutions to the management of NORM sludges, currently one of the industry’s major bugbears. NSN will be providing test facilities for any new methodologies developed and will be in a position to transfer any successfully trialled techniques to our clients, hopefully within the next 12 months”. For more information on Nuvia SITA NORM contact: Ewan Hill on 01779 813383 or ■

Optimus Growing And Diversifying To Meet Global Decommissioning Challenges


ast year Optimus found success offering an innovative approach to decommissioning challenges. As well as decommissioning liability reviews covering more than 80 assets, for a North Sea and international operators the team provided liability strategy, compliance, estimating and scheduling consultancy to a variety of clients. Now the team is expanding to be able meet the growing demand for these services and diversifying to offer a more holistic decommissioning solution. Lead consultant Stuart Heggie explains, “we are increasing our numbers partly to repeat our success in liability review but hiring professionals like David Cox and Frank Groves allows us to expand our offering globally and it’s already proving popular.” Indeed the company has already secured work to carry out platform / field abandonment option identification & evaluation, detailed technical and costed decommissioning studies and detailed decommissioning methodology studies. “The company’s success in assessing liabilities means that scheduling, cost and decommissioning alternative decisions can be made based on accurate well presented data”. Being part of Optimus (Aberdeen) an Engineering company that houses Process, Safety, Structural, Mechanical, E&I and Project Engineering offers the team the advantage that they can deploy these disciplines to assist on decommissioning projects. Director Ian Bell, “The decommissioning team are working with small independents, large IOC’s and NOC’s, each have different needs so we have to be adaptable in our approach, outside of the box thinking was a great success when applied to liability review, now it’s working throughout decommissioning projects”. ■ May 2012 Decom North Sea News 9

AIS Giorgis Wreck Removal Project


UT was awarded the contract to cut the wreck of a ship offshore Brazil in late December 2011. The Cutting activities were set to start in the first week of March and were not negotiable.

The structure of the machine is modular to suit the majority of target wrecks, sea bed profiles, water depth.

Due to the tight schedule and the challenging task, TS R&D has put all it’s effort into developing the design, building the system and performing the trial test to meet the deadline requested by the customer.

All the machine functions are electrically powered and activated and therefore the system can be used without any risk of environment contamination.

The Ais Giorgis sunk in 1974 offshore Porto do Santos in Brazil and although it’s position was known, it was a dangerous threat to navigation subject to studies and various attempts for removal. The innovative Wreck Removal Diamond Wire Cutting Machine (WDWCM) is based upon a sum of different technologies developed and patented over the years by the TS Tecnospamec R&D Department. Again a reliable, efficient and economical solution for a specific application from CUT. The system follows a simple conceptual approach similar to the Sub Bottom Cutter used for cutting subsea structures below the mud line. Main advantage of the WDWCM is that the entire cutting assembly can be recovered to surface thus enabling the replacement of diamond wire and re-enter the same cut in progress in one or more stages, according to cut surface involved for each section.

A new Heavy Duty diamond wire has been developed and manufactured to cope with the more demanding mechanical stress applied to the diamond wire span used.

As for all Tecnospamec Diamond Wire Cutting applications the system is 100% safe for the operator who remotely controls from the surface the wire speed and additional operational parameters for maximizing cutting efficiency and reliability. The WDWCM for the AIS Giorgis project has been delivered to the work site in less than two months from the contract award date and now the cut and recovery of the first section of the wreck has been successfully accomplished. The remaining 12 cuts planned are on schedule and the customer, based on the successful performance in operation, is promoting the system for other similar projects in the area. Another target successfully achieved and a new market to develop for Cutting Underwater Technologies. ■

The system is configured as a “U Frame” structure fitted with two dredging piles acting as guide columns for the diamond wire cutting assembly, linked by a walkway in the upper middle section.

Tetra Technologies, inc. Announces Acquisition Of Optima Solutions


ETRA Technologies, Inc. (TETRA or the Company) (NYSE:TTI) announced on 9th March 2012 that its TETRA Investments Company U.K. Limited subsidiary has acquired Optima Solutions Holdings Limited (“Optima”) for GBP 40 million (approximately $62.7 million equivalent) plus contingent consideration to be paid in the future depending on profitability.

Optima’s rig cooling systems provide safety from the extreme temperatures generated during flaring operations and enable high-rate well test operations to be performed without compromising installation integrity, installation operations and personnel safety. Optima’s rig cooling packages employ patented nozzle technology and a wide range of associated pumping equipment that provide users with exceptional performance, reliability and safety.

Optima is a leading provider of rig cooling services and associated products that suppress heat generated by the high-rate flaring of hydrocarbons during offshore well test operations. Established in 1999, Optima has grown rapidly and has served a diversified customer base in over forty countries from operational bases in Aberdeen, UK, and Perth, Australia. Optima’s expectations for continued growth are underpinned by excellent long-term relationships with key customers, increasing international expansion, and a robust market outlook.

“With this acquisition, we are accelerating our strategic goal of offering our customers a broader range of well completion and production testing services, and we are expanding our presence in many significant global markets. Optima is a strong complement to our existing portfolio of well completion and production testing services, and we believe we can add value for Optima’s customers through our experience in, and understanding of, those businesses. We are impressed with the relationships and market position that Optima has built and intend to support them within the TETRA family.

10 Decom North Sea News May 2012

Stuart M. Brightman, TETRA’s President and Chief Executive Officer commented:

In addition, we expect this acquisition to be accretive to our consolidated earnings in 2012,” Managing Director and founder of Optima, Jamie Oag, stated, “We are very pleased with our new ownership structure. We see this as the next phase in our strategic plan, increasing Optima’s global presence in a manner consistent with our best in class safety and service quality performance standards.” Mr. Oag went on to say that, “Both my fellow founder, Peter Bartholomew, and I, will remain with Optima, along with the remainder of our experienced management and operations teams.” Simmons & Company International served as financial advisor to TETRA and Ernst & Young served as financial advisor to Optima. TETRA is geographically diversified oil and gas services company focused on completion fluids and other products, after-frac flow back and production well testing, wellhead compression, and selected offshore services including well plugging and abandonment, decommissioning, and diving. ■

ASCO Completes Decommissioning Logistics Project In Southern North Sea


SCO, the world’s leading oil and gas logistics company, has recently completed its first decommissioning logistics project in the Southern North Sea (SNS). The project was an innovative piece small* wellhead platform removal which utilised a new commercial approach, generating efficiencies and cost savings for both the client and ASCO - all at minimal financial risk to both parties.

Barbara Aldous, Commercial Manager for ASCO’s SNS business, explains: “As our clients’ preferred integrated oil and gas logistics provider, ASCO is uniquely placed to leverage our broad range of logistics expertise and experience, managing a decommissioning project from its offshore location right through to onshore waste disposal – via our specialist waste management division, Enviroco. “On this particular project we partnered with a major SNS operator to remove and dispose of a redundant wellhead platform using standard industry supply vessels and methodologies, thus removing the requirement for costly barges and cranes and generating significant efficiencies and cost savings for the operator. “Through our Enviroco waste management business, we also provided a commercial solution to the operator that removed all financial risk on the project and generated revenue windfalls to both parties.” Barbara concludes: “With the successful discharge of the last piece of scrap metal last month, we’re really pleased to report that that this project was delivered on-time and with the highest levels of safety and environmental compliance. It was real partnership working at its best and we look forward to collaborating with our clients to generate similar efficiencies on future projects.” ■ *Piece small - Piece small operations mean that the structures are decommissioned offshore and shipped into shore for further processing segregation and waste management. Piece large operations mean that the large structures are shipped to shore in one piece.

Archer Awarded P&A Service Contract


rcher is the well company, a global oilfield service provider. Since 1972, Archer has been delivering drilling and engineering solutions to the offshore oil and gas industry and has had the fortune of playing a critical role in the North Sea success story. Their specialism in well delivery and performance has helped defy end of life expectations. However for many assets, cessation of production and subsequent abandonment is now the next challenge. Archer believes that the delivery of safe, efficient and cost effective abandonment can be realised through a combination of experience coupled with innovation and technology; this is what sets Archer apart. Engineering expertise is the heartbeat of Archer. Within the North Sea, Archer’s engineering team are working on a variety of decommissioning

conceptual / FEED studies with several major operators. Recently the Operations division was awarded a P&A service contract for Shell E&P UK Limited on the Brent Field. This covers a number of service elements including drilling and maintenance, swarf management, cuttings reinjection (CRI), casing pulling, tubulars and handling equipment. Similar integrated service model contracts have also been awarded from ConocoPhillips Scandinavia on the Greater Ekofisk field. Innovative technologies include the standalone modular rig, the ‘Archer Emerald’. This modulated system is installed onto the existing platform, to provide unsupported drilling, workover, completions and plug & abandonment operations. Other alternative technologies include “SPACE” & “POINT” tools for 3D imaging and monitoring. For further information on Archer’s engineering, drilling and decommissioning services please contact: Nick Oates, General Manager Engineering (NCL), +44 (0)1670 542 660 or visit ■ May 2012 Decom North Sea News 11

Nuvia SITA NORM Limited For the treatment and disposal of Naturally Occurring Radioactive Material (NORM) Nuvia SITA NORM provides a NORM treatment capability that is: • Proven • Safe • Efficient • Reliable • Environmentally sound • Cost effective For more information or to discuss your NORM decontamination and treatment requirements, please call us on +44 (0)1779 813383 or email

Safe, efficient and environmentally sound solutions 12 Decom North Sea News May 2012

Nuvia SITA NORM Limited Stoneyhill NORM Treatment Facility Stoneyhill Environmental Park Longhaven, Peterhead AB42 0PR

AMEC Strengthens Late Life & Decommissioning Team


MEC has been part of the North Sea oil and gas industry from its very beginnings in the 1970s. It has been involved in some way or another in an estimated 70% of the 500 or so fixed installations, all of which eventually will require decommissioning. Today it is putting an increased focus on the late life and decommissioning services required by the mature fields in the North Sea, using expertise built up over many years in the region, plus adding one or two new faces. AMEC has recently appointed Roger Esson to the role of Late Life Manager for its oil & gas business, strengthening the company’s decommissioning service and in particular integrating late life expertise with decommissioning. Roger, a board member of Decom North Sea, brings with him 12 years of decommissioning experience in the North Sea. “My objective is to enhance AMEC’s service provision to operators by better linking the late life phases of operation through to cessation of production and eventually into the decommissioning phase” says Roger. “We have considerable experience of extending the life of platforms, and improving efficiency, so it makes sense to see this as an integrated service.” Roger Esson, Late Life Manager

In addition to adding Roger to the team, Sidney Johnston, AMEC’s former Head of Supply Chain, has been reassigned to further support the strategic growth of AMEC’s late life/decommissioning capability and business stream. AMEC’s team, based in AMEC’s Aberdeen offices, also includes advanced structural engineering and integrity assessment experts. This latest move builds on AMEC’s existing decommissioning skills strengthened over a number of years by participation in activities such as plant simplification, brownfield redevelopment, drilling facility upgrades and so on. Experience includes the Brent LTFD (long term field development) project and engineering for the decommissioning of ConocoPhillips’ Ekofisk Area platform. The team knows that decisions taken during late life operations can have a significant impact in the cost of decommissioning. The aim of the late life team is to make sure that decommissioning is considered an extension to late life operations and to ensure maximum value is derived from the asset for the operator or investors. As well as providing late life services to the oil & gas sector, AMEC also provides similar services to other sectors including the nuclear industry, allowing knowledge and expertise to be transferred across sectors for the benefits of AMEC’s customers. For example in the last two years, AMEC’s late life expertise in oil and gas has been shared with the nuclear sector and vice versa. The latest nuclear decommissioning contracts include a threeyear agreement with Sellafield Limited to provide a wide range of services related to all aspects of environmental support including environmental modelling & monitoring, site characterisation, support on regulatory compliance and advice on legislation and training. AMEC is also part of the AXIOM joint venture, which recently entered into a 15-year design services alliance with Sellafield. The acquisition of environmental consulting businesses Entec in the UK and, more recently, MACTEC in North America has significantly expanded the global environmental capabilities of AMEC. This expertise, combined with existing radiological, waste technology and radiochemical characterisation skills plus laboratory and test rig facilities, gives AMEC’s customers a unique service offering. ■ May 2012 Decom North Sea News 13

AKD Awarded Contract For Decommissioning Work In The Dutch Sector Of The North Sea


KD Engineering Ltd entered the offshore decommissioning arena in 2008 when they were awarded a contract for the topsides enabling works on the five platforms in the INDE field through the Norwegian Contractor AF Decom. The original project brief was the installation and welding of the heavy lift pad-eyes and associated structural reinforcement. AKD’s 30 year experience as a North Sea contractor allowed this original brief to be significantly expanded with a full involvement in the management of QHSE on the project together with provision and management of offshore labour and equipment for the destruct phase of the project.

of 11 platforms located in the Dutch sector of the North Sea. The scope had only been part defined and was still in the process of review by the operator. The AKD role required close liaison with the operator to determine the full project scope. To achieve this AKD placed engineering staff within the operator’s team to process the information stream between AKD’s own engineering team and the operator’s.

The project was completed after 18 months with zero safety incidents. As a consequence of this performance, AKD were contracted, last year, by a major operator to undertake a detailed scope and costs analysis for the partial decommissioning

The completed work package included critiques for each platform detailing the impact and options for process routing and equipment removal, destuct P&IDs, detailed CTR’s and a fully resourced level 4 critical path schedule enabling

Aberdeen Harbour Investment Continues As Industry Looks To The Future

accurate labour, plant, equipment and sub contract cost breakdowns and a comprehensive risk analysis for both HSE and commercial aspects of the project. ■


s one of the UK’s most successful ports and a hub for marine activity in North West Europe, Aberdeen Harbour plays a vital role in supporting the energy industry. With the UK Chancellor’s announcement of major government incentives for decommissioning operations in the future, all eyes are fixed firmly on the needs of the offshore industry in the decades to come. Aberdeen Harbour Board’s commitment to investing in the port’s capacity to meet the industry’s needs and aspirations has been constant, and was most recently illustrated by the completion of Phase One of a multi-million pound redevelopment of Torry Quay. Ken Reilly, engineering director at the harbour, said: “The Skandi Foula was the first vessel to use the quay as it docked before loading cargo destined for a North Sea installation. The redeveloped quay includes 260m of realigned deep water berths, a stronger quayside for heavier lifts and a wider channel in the River Dee to assist vessel navigation.” Development work on Phase Two has now commenced, with a further £15million estimated for the project. The harbour’s chief executive, Colin Parker, said: “The offshore energy sector continues to evolve and we have a responsibility to anticipate their future needs. The footprint and appearance of the harbour has changed dramatically in recent years, with redevelopments aimed at matching growing demand. Torry Quay will play a vital role in future energy industry operations, including vessels involved in decommissioning projects catering for both our existing and new customers.”

The Skandi Foula at the new quay

14 Decom North Sea News May 2012 ■

May 2012 Decom North Sea News 15

Member Collaborations BIS Inspection Announces Alliance With Star Net And PDL Solutions (Europe) Ltd


berdeen-based Inspection and Integrity engineering services provider, BIS Inspection, has announced a new strategic alliance that will see the company expand its current service offering for the offshore industry. The technical alliance with PDL Solutions (Europe) Ltd and Star Net Geomatics, will allow BIS Inspection to strengthen its current offering to the growing decommissioning market.

The agreement will see BIS Inspection offer a fully integrated facts-based approach using the latest in high definition 3D laser scanning and true-to-view photographic technology. Combining this with fully integrated engineering solutions, clients will have access to a 3D database of facts about their asset, its current level of integrity and the decommissioning options available for it. This approach aims to provide clients with the best practicable means to decommissioning and the optimal environmental options for each decommissioning campaign. The company is in the process of trialling the technology offshore, and will further develop its potential during 2012. The specialist technology is already successfully deployed within the nuclear sector and BIS Inspection believes it also holds significant potential within the offshore oil and gas market. Nigel Lees, Operations Director at BIS Inspection believes the alliance is an important step for the company, significantly enhancing its offshore survey capability. He said: “By linking up with PDL and Star Net Geomatics, BIS Inspection is cementing its commitment to the decommissioning sector, ensuring we are in the best possible position to provide our clients with market-leading solutions. Our facts-based approach takes away the uncertainty that often surrounds decommissioning, providing a clear range of options for the entire process, with the safest, most efficient and correct sequence in mind. Historically, many surveys were carried out using as-built diagrams which can easily become outdated and obsolete during the lifespan of a platform, resulting in time consuming amendments and repeat surveys.” “By providing accurate dimensional information and 3D photographic walk through visualisations, we believe we are taking survey capabilities to the next level within the offshore market place. Providing data which is easy to relate to and presents a clear picture of the asset as it stands, we aim to offer straight talking solutions to our clients”. ■

Peterson SBS And Veolia Win ‘Working Together Award’ - Offshore Achievement Awards


he Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE), Aberdeen Section, has awarded Veolia Environmental Services (UK) with its offshore partner Peterson SBS its prestigious ‘Working Together Award’ at the Offshore Achievement Awards. The award was received for the offshore decommissioning work carried out on the Shell Inde decommissioning project at the former James Johnson, Peterson SBS and Simon Davies, Veolia accepting the award

Swan Hunter shipyard at Wallsend, Newcastle, in 2011. The Working Together Award recognises excellence in collaboration and team working on an offshore oil and gas or marine renewable project. Veolia Environmental Services was appointed as principal contractor for the decommissioning of the Inde gas field in the southern North Sea with their partner in decommissioning, Peterson SBS, appointed as key marine and load-in contractor. The contract required the handling and preparation of 8 barges, the load-in and the onshore dismantling and disposal of eight platforms weighing in total around 10,500 tons. As the lead contractor, Veolia was responsible for commissioning and managing all other contractors who worked on the project, managing the site management, waste management, decontamination and dismantling operations directly. Peterson SBS supported Veolia by managing the barges and load-ins to safely transfer the enormous structures from the barges to specified

16 2012 10 Decom North Sea News May October 2011

locations within the site for demolition to take place. Working to a short lead time and an accelerated offshore removal schedule Veolia and Peterson SBS met the demands of the project, all the while ensuring that the operations met the highest standards of safety, occupational health and environmental protection. The award and successful execution of this project builds on the long-standing relationship that has been developed between the two companies over the years. Barry Denness General Manager for UK Decommissioning at Veolia Environmental Services (UK) plc said “I am delighted that our work with Peterson SBS has been recognised by this prestigious award, which is recognition at the highest level in the industry.” James Johnson Decommissioning Manager for Peterson SBS Ltd said “We are both very proud of our achievements on this project and are delighted to receive recognition from the Society of Petroleum Engineers for our efforts.” ■ October 2011 Decom North Sea News 10

Bringing Together Best In Class For UK Decommissioning Market

Spotlight On New Members


Shell Contract Win For Permanent Well Abandonment Division Of Schlumberger

MT Cordah, a subsidiary of BMT Group Ltd, the leading international maritime design, environmental and engineering consultancy, and InterAct, a member of the Acteon Group of companies, the leading well engineering and well abandonment specialists, have announced a collaboration to provide UK oil and gas companies with an enhanced solution for current and future decommissioning projects within the UK Continental Shelf (UKCS).

Oil & Gas UK’s 2010 decommissioning report highlighted that 284 installations, subsea structures and interfield pipelines from 144 fields within the UKCS will be ready for decommissioning in the next decade, with approximately £9.2 billion being spent – a notable increase compared to today’s decommissioning activity. Stuart Wordsworth, General Manager at InterAct comments: “This industry is still somewhat undeveloped and our customers continue to rely on specialist expertise to guide them through this complex and evolving challenge. In order to obtain the necessary expertise needed within the many stages of a decommissioning project, clients’ often find themselves having to juggle several different suppliers, so it can become quite overwhelming. Through our relationship with BMT we are trying to ease the pressure and provide more of a complete solution for our customers who can feel confident in the fact that they are partnering with the best to deliver on their project.” Over the past 17 years BMT Cordah has gained extensive experience in providing support to decommissioning programmes and ensuring compliance with the requirements of key legislations and guidelines. InterAct is a recognised leader in well abandonment and decommissioning and has been involved in many platform and subsea well abandonment projects over the last ten years, both in the North Sea and internationally. It can assist with every aspect of decommissioning be it onshore facilities, platforms, pipelines or single wells.


chlumberger Limited is the world’s largest oilfield services company. Schlumberger employs over 110,000 people of more than 140 nationalities working in approximately 80 countries.

In 2011 Schlumberger announced the formation of the PWA Group – Permanent Well Abandonment Group which brings together existing Schlumberger segments into one core team to offer a fully integrated well abandonment service from survey capability and well abandonment design, through to plugging and conductor removal. Schlumberger values for Permanent Well Abandonment: Cost-efficiency: • Statutory compliance at minimum cost • Fit-for-purpose technologies for all well types and conditions • Rig-less Operations and Multi-skilled Teams wherever possible Competence: • Flexibility to provide any required level of service integration and/or co-ordination • Adaptable well engineering to optimise solutions for each well type and condition • Dedicated cross trained crews and POB reduction Confidence: • Permanent barriers verified by industry-leading isolation logs and tests • Environmentally safe recovery and management of all fluids • Track record of successful abandonment campaigns in diverse conditions As a technology focused company - Schlumberger have invested heavily in new and innovative well abandonment technology backed up with experienced field and shore support. The 2012 Technology Focus for Well P&A will include innovative advancements in Abrasive Water Jet Cutting, Rigless Well Abandonment Units, Single Trip Section Mill & Underreaming, Subsea Wellhead Cutting and Recovery Systems, Dual Section Milling Capability, Multi Cycle Casing Cutters and Conductor Recovery Equipment.

During Q1, Shell U.K. Limited awarded the full scope of the ‘Brent Bravo Plug and Abandon Integrated Services Tender’ to Smith International North Sea Limited. This contract award recognises a significant new benchmark in service integration and multi-skilling established by the Permanent Well Abandonment division of Schlumberger. This execution model is the first of its kind in the North Sea and places Schlumberger at the forefront of what is expected to be a rapidly expanding business. For more information contact: Jamie Stewart, Business Development Manager on 01224 334745 ■

Dr David Sell, Technical Director and Head of Decommissioning at BMT Cordah explains: “With our strengths in offshore operations, impact assessment and consenting procedures, BMT is ideally placed to inform the project on environmental consenting and timings and to manage these activities. Couple this with InterAct’s well abandonment and decommissioning expertise, we are confident that this newfound relationship will provide customers with a robust strategy to move forward with, as well as the specialist engineering teams with which to deliver on a given project.” ■ 10 Decom North Sea News October 2011

May 20122011 Decom North Sea News 17 10 October Decom North Sea News

Norisol Looking To Bolster Their Aberdeen Portfolio Through Investment And Acquisition “

GCG Shotblasting


here are exiting times ahead for Norisol in the UK” says Ernie Booth, Asbestos/Decommissioning Manager.

In this time of austerity companies are looking for cost effective and innovative alternatives. With Norisol’s multi-disciplined personnel and our lightweight aluminium system scaffold we are perfectly placed to meet the ever changing customer requirements. After a very successful couple of years in Operations, Norisol are now looking to bolster their Aberdeen (UK) Portfolio through investment and acquisition, which is well under way and progressing nicely. Operating on the Total St Fergus gas terminal last year and supporting the decommissioning programme on the Ekofisk with Scaffolding and Asbestos operatives being supplied from Aberdeen, Norisol completed close to 100k man hours of Scaffolding, Asbestos Removal and general services operations without accident or incident. Specialists in Insulation, Scaffolding, Surface Treatment and Asbestos Removal, Norisol are now currently going through their Irata Accreditation, and are very determined to provide UK companies with a diverse product and experienced skills base. Asbestos Surveys have proved essential in forward planning within the Decommissioning programmes to identify suspect materials prior to works commencing. We are currently searching UK wide for established, experienced and dynamic companies and key personnel to come on board during this crucial stage of our development strategy. Vital areas in which we are expanding are Technical Insulation, Surface Preparation and Protection of Ropes and Passive Fire Protection (PFP). As well as looking to acquire a company or companies, Norisol would not rule out, a joint venture. Removal of Asbestos Walling ■ under enclosed Conditions.


aving been established for over 25 years, GCG Shotblasting Services Ltd have demonstrated themselves to be the front runners in the oil, gas and renewable energy fields. They specialise in the regeneration of decommissioned equipment as well as the preservation of new metalwork. GCG make available a complete package of work from consultation to project end. By offering the options of using their purpose built premises in Peterhead; which are easily accessible by road or sea, or having the company deploy its portable equipment to the client’s site; on or offshore, home or abroad, the result is the most cost effective service with minimal upheaval. Besides boasting extensive storage and workspace able to accommodate over 600,000 cubic feet, GCG’s premises house an unrivalled range of shotblasting, cleaning and protective coating packages, applicable to both subsea and topside equipment . This allows equipment to exceed its original estimated life span that otherwise would have been cut short by erosion, corrosion or chemical attack. Their specialist coating, TSA - Thermally Sprayed Aluminium, protects equipment for up 30 years, an average of 4 times longer than paint. Their innovative new coating system “GCG PPC 553”, to be launched soon, will add another high performance coating solution for operators. GCG are approved applicators of Thermal Spray Technology and recommend it as the way forward for plant and platform rejuvenation. By breathing new life into tired, old equipment and allowing it to be redeployed they are making a considerable contribution to overcoming both financial and environmental pitfalls and making substantial savings for the operators. ■

MACAW Engineering


ACAW is an engineering consultancy offering solutions to technical problems associated with the management, operation and integrity of plant and pipeline systems.

Based in Newcastle upon Tyne, the company was formed in 1996 by 4 senior engineers from the former British Gas Engineering Research Station. MACAW currently employs around 60 staff, the majority of whom have a graduate level qualification in a relevant technical discipline. Over 50% of staff have post graduate qualifications or Professional Engineering status, with many of our principal consultants having over 20 years industrial experience. We provide integrity management strategies for the oil and gas industry, covering both onshore and offshore plant and pipelines. These strategies are often employed in maintaining the integrity of ageing assets and extending their service life. With proposed developments by operators (frequently involving existing infrastructure), we identify and analyse technical issues that impact on the future integrity of a project in order to specify an optimised plan. This typically involves developing a technical and commercial case to support clients in developing future asset management plans including; • Extension of safe remaining life • Deferral of decommissioning 18 Decom North Sea News May 2012

• Development of optimised integrity and corrosion management strategies to support life extension • Due diligence services to support transfer of North Sea asset ownership • Supporting end of life decision making • Development of optimised management strategies prior to decommissioning phase MACAW has extensive knowledge and experience of: • integrity management • corrosion mechanisms • materials (carbon steels, CRA materials and polymers) • coatings, inspection methods and • welding procedures Our Integrity Group has unrivalled experience in interpreting in line inspection (ILI) data, providing fitness-for-purpose assessments, corrosion growth analyses, and optimised Integrity Management Support services include a risk based inspection scheme for plant and pipelines, on-site condition assessment of assets, failure investigations, pipe mill audits and experimental testing facilities. ■

Cyberhawk C

yberhawk provide inspection services of live, high and difficult to access assets using Remotely Operated Aerial Vehicles (ROAVs).

Live asset inspection Cyberhawk’s ROAV allow the inspection of assets, such as gas flares, while they are live. For the first time, operators have an opportunity for a cost and time efficient method to understand the condition of their equipment before shutting down. This allows informed decision making and reduces the risk of delays during shutdown. High and difficult to access asset inspection Cyberhawk can also inspect structures that are difficult or potentially dangerous to inspect, such as under deck steel work, pipe racks, vents, exhausts and ducting. The ROAV improves safety by reducing the need for people to work at height and saves time by removing the need for scaffolding. Equipment The Cyberhawk ROAV weighs less than 2kg and is less than a metre in length. It is multi-bladed which provides an ultra-stable hovering platform and is battery powered, avoiding the need for liquid fuel on site. Payloads currently include HD video equipment, high-resolution still cameras and thermal cameras. Expertise Our Inspection department has a team of experienced CSWIP qualified plant inspection engineers, offshore inspection engineers & chartered engineers who use ROAVs as a tool to complete close visual and thermal inspections. Customers Cyberhawk’s recent client list includes on- and off-shore customers in the UK, Europe and Middle East such as Shell, ExxonMobil, ConocoPhillips, Total, Apache, Sabic, OLNG, Essar, and INEOS. ■ May 2012 Decom North Sea News 19

Member Listing Full membership of Decom North Sea is open to any commercial organisation involved with decommissioning. Associate membership is open to non-commercial organisations and individuals who wish to be kept informed of Decom North Sea activity and attend networking events and conferences. For further information, visit Members of Decom North Sea – as at 30th March 2012 • 60 North Recycling Ltd • Abandonment & Cutting Energy Services Ltd (ACES) • Aberdeen Harbour Board • Aberdeenshire Council • Accenture • Advanced Underwater Surveys Ltd (adus) • AF Decom Offshore AS • AGR Subsea Ltd • Air Products • AKD Engineering Ltd • Aker Qserv Ltd • Aker Solutions • Allseas Group S.A. • AMEC • Applied Drilling Technology International • Aquatic Engineering & Construction • ARCADIS (UK) Limited • Archer • Argon Isotank Ltd • Arnlea Systems Limited • ASCO UK Ltd • Atlas Copco Rental • Atlas Interactive Limited • Aubin Ltd • Avanteq Ltd • Babcock Marine Rosyth • Baker Hughes • BIS Salamis (M&I) Ltd • BMT Cordah Ltd • Bonn & Mees • BP • Bureau Veritas • Burges Salmon LLP • Cape Industrial Services Ltd • Central Insurance • Champion Technologies • Chevron North Sea Limited • Claxton • CNR International (UK) Ltd • Contitech Beattie Ltd • Cortez Subsea Ltd • CSL • Currie & Brown • Cutting Underwater Technologies Ltd • Cyberhawk Innovations • D3 Consulting • Danbor Services • D-Comms (Scotland) Limited

• Decommissioning Project Services Ltd • Derrick Services (UK) Ltd • DNV • Douglas Westwood • E.M.W Consultancy Ltd • EAP ASSOCIATES LIMITED • EC Harris • Enviroco Limited • Ethan Consultancy Ltd • Ethos Environmental Ltd • Expro North Sea Ltd • Falck Nutec • Fraser Offshore Limited • Fugro Subsea Services Ltd • G.I.M Limited • GCG Shotblasting Services Ltd • Genesis GmbH • Geoprober Drilling • GP Decom Limited • Grup Servicii Petroliere • Gulfstream Services International UK Ltd • Halliburton • Hawk Enviro Ltd • Heavy Decom International • Heerema Marine Contractors • Hess Ltd • Hilti • Infield Systems Limited • Interact Activity Management • J. Bryan (Victoria) Ltd • JEE Ltd • John Lawrie (Aberdeen) Ltd • Kaefer International Offshore Ltd • KDC • Keltbray Group Holdings Ltd • Kishorn Port Limited • Kongsberg Maritime Ltd • Ledingham Chalmers • Lerwick Port Authority • Lloyd’s Register EMEA • M&E Global Resources • MACAW Engineering • Maclay Murray & Spens • Maersk Oil UK Ltd • Mammoet Salvage BV • Marathon Oil U.K. LLC. • Marex Marine & Safety Services • Maxoil Solutions Ltd • Montrose Port Authority • Mott Macdonald • MSIS Group

• Mwaves Ltd • NCIMB Ltd • Network International • Norisol • Nuvia Sita NORM Ltd • Oceaneering International • Offshore Design Engineering Ltd • Offshore Installation Services Ltd (OIS) • Oil States MCS Ltd • Oilmac • O’Kelly Brothers Demolition & Environmental Contractors • Optimus (Aberdeen) Ltd • Pangeo Subsea Scotland Ltd • PDL Solutions (Europe) Ltd • Pegasus International (UK) Ltd • people = positive • Perenco UK Ltd • Peterhead Decommissioning Limited • Peterson SBS • Petrofac • Port Services Group • Premier Oil Plc • Project Development International (Pdi) Ltd • Project, Time & Cost International Ltd • Proserv • Quickflange UK LTD • RAM Tubulars Scotland Ltd • Red Stone Drilling Ltd • Reverse Engineering Services Ltd • Rigmar Services Limited • Risktec Solutions • Robertson Metals Recycling Limited • Romar International Ltd • Rotech Subsea • RPS HSED • Sabre Safety Ltd • Scanmet A.S • Scanmudring • Schlumberger - SMITH Services • Scopus Engineering Ltd • Scotsafe Testing Ltd • Scottish Enterprise • Seafox Contractors BV • Seajacks UK Ltd • Seal-Tite UK LLC • SFF Services Limited • Shell UK Limited

Contact Decom North Sea, 33 Albyn Place, Aberdeen AB10 1YL, Scotland UK Tel: +44 1224 452170 email:

• Shepherd & Wedderburn • Shepherd O’Brien • Silverdot Ltd • Simmons & Company International • Simon Storage Ltd • Siskin Asset Management Ltd • Sky-Futures • SLR Consulting • SMD Robotics Ltd • Smit Marine Projects B.V. • SMRU Ltd • Spartan Solutions Ltd • SPEX Services Ltd • Squibb Group Ltd • Stork Technical Services • Strategic Fit • Subsea Protection Systems Limited • Superior - Wild Well Energy Services Ltd • Swire Oilfield Services Ltd • Talisman Energy (UK) Limited • Tepa Oil & Gas BV • TETRA Technologies Ltd • Thinktank Maths Ltd • Thomas Muir ( Rosyth) Ltd • Titan Salvage c/o Titan Maritime (UK) Ltd • TRAC Oil & Gas • Tracerco Ltd • Tullow Oil Plc • TWMA • Underwater Cutting Solutions • URS Corporation • Valuta Limited • Veolia Environmental Services • Westlord Associates LTD. • Wood Group PSN • Worley Parsons Partners • Caithness Chamber of Commerce • Carbon Energy Club • Danish Marine and Offshore Group • East of England Energy Group (EEEGR) • IRO • NOF Energy • NSIG • Scottish Renewables

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