Technip - Global Management and HSE Leaders

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Global Management and HSE Leaders

Global Management and HSE Leaders

Technip Challenge

I want Technip to be the reference company for Health, Safety and Environment. Thierry Pilenko CEO Technip Group

Global Management and HSE Leaders

Foreword It is how people act that determines our HSE performance. The visible Global Management commitment, positive attitude and involvement are key elements for HSE performance. This booklet has been developed to assist Technip Global Management through the HSE continuous improvement journey to be the Reference Company in HSE, to which we all undoubtedly strive. Ian Stevenson Technip Group HSE Director


The health and safety of our people is a core value and an absolute commitment.

Introduction The booklet is divided into three sections: ■ Leading by Example ■ Pulse Program ■ HSE Systems These sections compile key points, followed by a more detailed explanation. The selected subjects are some of the more important means of ensuring effective leadership for Technip Global Management but are by no means exhaustive.

The booklet aims to: ■ Refresh your knowledge of effective HSE leadership ■ Encourage you to reflect on your current approach ■ Challenge you to continuously improve Technip Performance towards being the Reference Company for HSE.

Global Management and HSE Leaders

Global Management and HSE Leaders

Leading by example As part of the Technip Global Management I acknowledge my influence to the HSE Climate not only by my speech but mostly by my visible attitudes, involvement and commitments towards HSE.

That is why I: ■ Mention HSE whenever I can and to a wide range of audiences

■ Am visible and invest time discussing HSE with the workforce

■ Discuss HSE early in the agenda of every Management meeting

■ Raise, assess and mitigate HSE Risks during Region, Division, Project or Site Management Reviews

■ Perform Leadership Site Visits to Technip’s or Suppliers’ working sites and talk to people about HSE ■ Prepare myself for a Leadership Visit being aware of major incidents/ accidents relevant to the work site as well as demonstrating the attitude that will support a “Stop The Job” culture

■ Discuss HSE with my team and with clients, contractors or partners ■ Continuously monitor HSE Leading Indicators performance assessing results and trends.

Leading by example As a Company Leader, I acknowledge an incident as an unexpected and undesirable event which I need to be prepared to deal with.

That is why I: ■ Ensure an Emergency Plan is prepared with proper resources mobilized

■ Lead with a Safety Moment regarding the latest incident I am aware of

■ Ensure Emergency Drills are regularly performed

■ Visit every working site after a TRC is recorded and lead a Time Out For Safety

■ Know that an incident has causes, it does not “just happen” ■ Ensure an Investigation Team with a TOPSET trained leader and members is mobilized to investigate Near Misses and Accidents ■ Follow up Near Miss and Accident corrective actions

■ Continuously monitor the HSE Lagging Indicators performance, assessing results and trends.

Global Management and HSE Leaders

Global Management and HSE Leaders

Pulse Programme HSE climate is the way in which people enact HSE policies and practices. The Pulse Program is Technip’s HSE climate change programme. This Programme provides the tools for measuring the HSE climate. The power of effective leadership and communication is harnessed during the various Pulse workshops and training courses which are available. The Pulse Programme menu consists of Pulse HSE Leadership workshops, workshops for engineers and training courses for managers, supervisors and the workforce. Pulse is at the heart of our organization. It plays a fundamental role in our journey as we strive to achieve our chairman’s vision of becoming the industry reference company for HSE.

Pulse addresses the attitudes and behaviours of our people. It is these attitudes and behaviours which determine how effectively we develop, maintain and apply our HSE management system and how we enact our HSE policies and practices. This is what determines our HSE performance. For further information on the Pulse Program please revert to the Pulse Programme overview document which can be found in the Group HSE website

Leadership and learning are indispensable to each other. John F Kennedy

Global Management and HSE Leaders

HSE Systems As part of my day to day job, I inspire people to use the HSE Management System as well as to look for HSE information that can positively impact their jobs and lives.

That is why I: ■ Ensure preparation of a HSE Risk Assessment for all jobs to be performed within Technip Group responsibility ■ Request compliance with Technip Group HSE Management GOPS, Guidelines and Instructions ■ Ask for latest HSE Alerts feedback from Regional Management ■ Ensure mobilization of proper personnel to lead and/or perform incident investigation

■ Reinforce Synergi as the Technip Group Incident Notification and Reporting Tool ■ Reinforce TOPSET as the Technip Group Incident Investigation technique ■ Ensure a robust technical and organisational Management of Change process considering all dimensions, specially the HSE dimension ■ Ensure clear and objective information is provided to the workforce ■ Ensure periodic comprehensive HSE reviews, not just tracking numbers.

The Group HSE portal was designed with the user in mind. It is a comprehensive library of information ranging, from, resources and reports, news and events, discussions and forums, standards and procedures. The HSE community can come together globally through a business social media tool. With the Group HSE portal I am able to: ■ Search for HSE information, documents, news & events ■ Share Best practices cross segment ■ Report on safety data, Group/Regional/ Cross segment/project/asset etc ■ Report Internal/external health & safety alerts.

Global Management and HSE Leaders

HSE Systems With Synergi I am able to:



Implement Corrective Actions


Preliminary or Complete Record Entered

Validate Corrective Actions

Initial Response/ Immediate Actions

Analyse Trends

Share Learning/ Experience Transfer

Risk Sources/ Productive Initiatives

Communicate KPI’s

If further information regarding Synergi is needed, I will contact the Synergi Administrators Group by email to: or visit Synergi at the Technip Group webpage.

I know Synergi as a comprehensive, operation risk management solution used widely in all industries. It has been a Technip global tool since 2008 where it is used to record the QHSE leading and lagging indicators. Synergi provides Technip with all statistical information which enables us to prevent unacceptable risk, share lesson learned and manage corrective action. Processing




Synergi combines the total scope of proactive and reactive QHSE management system in a single integrated solution where it: ■ Collects information ■ Processes the information ■ Analyses the information ■ Communicates lesson learned and key performance indicators

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Technip is a world leader in the fields of project management, engineering and construction for the oil & gas industry, offering a comprehensive portfolio of innovative solutions and technologies. With 23,000 employees around the world, integrated capabilities and proven expertise in underwater infrastructures (Subsea), offshore facilities (Offshore) and large processing units and plants on land (Onshore), Technip is a key contributor to the development of sustainable solutions for the energy challenges of the 21st century. Present in 48 countries, Technip has operating centers and industrial assets (manufacturing plants, spoolbases, construction yard) on five continents, and operates its own fleet of specialized vessels for pipeline installation and subsea construction. The Technip share is listed on Euronext Paris exchange and over the counter (OTC) in the USA.

Schlumberger the world’s leading oilfield services company supplying technology, information solutions and integrated project management that optimize reservoir performance for clients working in the oil & gas industry. Through our well site operations and in our research and engineering facilities, we are working to develop products, services and solutions that optimize client performance in a safe and environmentally sound manner. Schlumberger Subsea provide instrumentation and measurement for structural integrity, flow assurance Headquarters Contacts and process optimization of subsea assets, including risers, flowlines and other critical elements of the Technip Flexi France subsea infrastructure. 89 avenue de la Grande Armée Rue Jean Huré – BP 7 75773 Paris Cedex 16 76580 Le Trait France France Tel: +33 (0)1 47 78 24 00 Phone: +33 2 35 05 50 00 Fax: +33 (0)1 47 78 33 40 Fax: +33 2 35 37 49 60 Patrick Le Stanc Email:

be a binding contractual document. part of Technip and Schlumberger, or any ofits affiliates, nt - August 2010

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