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We’re launching our popular, high quality beer yeast in 100 g pouches (so packs, under inert atmosphere), bridging the gap between our 11.5 g sachets (so packs under inert atmosphere) and 500 g bricks (hard packs, under vacuum). So now, whatever your brewer’s profile, you get extra convenience and flexibility.
100 G
For details and to purchase, visit fermentis.com or get our app
Plastic is a “wonder” synthetic polymer which can be moulded, extruded, or pressed into a whole range of essential products and a large amount can be partially or completely recyclable. On the downside, plastic is principally made from oil and natural gas and takes a long time to decompose.
Larger plastic items take up to 1000 years to decompose in landfill, while plastic bottles take 450 years and plastic bags up to 10 to 20 years. Every year, we produce 300 million tonnes of plastics, with 8.8 million tonnes of these dumped into the oceans. It has been estimated by 2050, there will be more plastic than fish in the oceans.
Many manufacturers are aware of the public’s disapproval of plastic in general regardless of how it might be recycled and have found alternatives which are not so damaging to the environment, for example changing to using paper cups and straws.
A lot of secondary and tertiary plastic packaging has been removed or replaced by other materials, such as cartons in place of trays and shrink wrap, and removing plastic hi-cone which threatens wildlife
Plastic will still play an important part in primary packaging.
Plastic beer bottles have never been a major part of the beer portfolio because they need to be specially coated to preserve beer quality, making them expensive, but they are still required at certain sports events.