Cement Tiles Collection

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CEMENTTI LES collection

MEC bri ngsyouan assort mentofpremi um grade

art i an cementt i l es.Fi rstappeari ngi n1 9t h cent ury,col orf ulcementt i l essoon gai nedpopul ari t y t obecomeapref erredoort i l i ngal t ernat i ve. Thi smedi um oersauni quecombi nat i on of durabi l i t yandbeaut y. Wet akepri dei nt hemanuf act uri ngprocessand premi um qual i t ymat eri alused.Madef rom t hebest qual i t yPort l andcementandpi gment s,ourcraf t smen producecust omi zabl ecementt i l eswi t h amanual hydraul i cpress. From Moroccan t oEuropean,mi d cent urymodern t ocl assi cgeomet ri cpat t ernst herei s an endl essrangeofpossi bi l i t i esandaest het i copt i ons. Ot hert han t hesol i dcol orsandpat t ernsi n st ock,you can al sorequestf oradesi gn t hemeandcol or combi nat i on t osui tyourst yl eandpref erences.

CEMENTTI LES collection


Oneoft hemos tpopul a rpa t t er nsi nc ementt i l es , t het hr eedi mens i ona lc ubepa t t er ni sac l a s s i cc hoi c e. Combi nedwi t hs ol i dc ol ort i l esa ndor a ngepeeli nnerbor der , t hi sl ooki ss ur et oa dda na es t het i cel ementt oa nys pa c e.

MOROCCANNI GHTS St unni ngMoroccan t hemedgrayandwhi t e cementt i l esmadet oorderusi ngl ong-l ast i ng pi gment s.

CEMENTTI LES collection

BLUEHONEYCOMBS Hexagonalcementt i l esf eat uri ngconcent ri c geomet ri cshapesi n capt i vat i ngshadesofbl ue and gray.

THEDI AMONDSTORY Tradi t i onalal t ernat i ngbl ackandwhi t edi amonds f l oori ngdesi gn recreat edi n robustcementt i l e.

CEMENTTI LES collection


Ti l esMoroccan encaust i ccementt i l esmadei n dark bl ueand whi t e.I tcan bepai red wi t h avi nescrol l borderoran accentofyourchoi ce.

MOROCCAN SUNS Add l i f et ot heki t chen floororanyspaceofyour choi cewi t ht heseMoroccan st yl egeomet ri c mot i fcementt i l e.

CEMENTTI LES collection

CHARCOAL RI NGS Adorn yourbackspl ash wi t ht heseMarrakesh i nspi red cementt i l esoruset hem t ogl amori ze t hefloor.

THE BLACK WAVE Makeast yl est at ementwi t ht hi ssi mpl eyet powerf ulbl ackandwhi t eorangepeelcementt i l e floori ngpat t ern.

CEMENTTI LES collection

THE BROWN RHOMBUS Cl assi cMedi t erranean st yl ecementt i l eswi t h di amondsand ei ghtpoi nt ed st arcent er.

I NTERLOCKI NG GRACE European t hemedcementt i l esf eat uri ngabl ack backdropwi t h st yl i sh floralel ement ssurrounded byoverl appi ngsquareandci rcl eel ement s.

CEMENTTI LES collection

GREY SYMMETRY Cementt i l esf eat uri ngSpani sh t i l ei nspi red symmet ri caldesi gn wi t h del i cat evi nesandci rcl es.

BLACK CHARM El egant l yi nt ri cat eEuropean cementt i l edesi gn wi t h oralpat t ernsandci rcl es.Shown i n bl ack andwhi t ebutt hecol orscan becust omi zed.

CEMENTTI LES collection

THE BEI GE TRADI TI ON Cement t i l ewi t h ei ght -poi ntst armot i f s. Add s Moroccan st yl et oenri ch t heambi anceofany space.

BLACK HORI ZONS Adorn yourwal land oorwi t h cust om made cementt i l es. Thecurvesi nt eroduceaserenef eel t ot heseMarrakeeh pat t ern t i l es.

CEMENTTI LES collection

THE AXI S Bl ackart i sanalcementt i l ewi t hi nt ri gui ng Moroccan st enci ldesi gn.Readyt obei nst al l edon t hef l oororwal l s.

WARM TALES Al i ght ervari antoft heAxi sart i san handcraf t ed cementt i l ei n subt l ecol orpal et t ef eat uri ngsof t bl ue, greyandbei ge.

CEMENTTI LES collection

THE GREY PATCH Cl assi cfloori ngpat t ern recreat edasart i sanal cementt i l es. Cementt i l esfloori ngi san affordabl e opt i on i fyouarel ooki ngf oran al t ernat et hati s bot h pract i calanddecorat i ve.

ORANGE TWI NKLE Combi ni ngt wooft hemostpopul aroort i l e desi gn el ement si n acont rast i ngorange, grayand whi t ecementt i t l epat t ern.

CEMENTTI LES collection

THE BLACK SWI RL Cl assi cEuropeon mot i frecreat edi n art i sanal handmadecementt i l e. Gray, bl ackand whi t ei sa cl assi cnat ut ralcol orcombi nat i on t hatďŹ t sbot h.

FI REFLY Modi sh Cerami cpat t ernbyMEC wi t hgeomet ri cl i nesand aquahexagons. Canbeusedasafloori ngoras wal ldecor.

CEMENTTI LES collection

THE NATURAL EMBRACE Thi si ncredi bl egreen, brownandbei gegeomet ri c desi gncapt urest heart i sanall ookofcementt i l es.

SNOWFLAKES Cementt i l epat t ern f eat uri ngan El egantand seaml essl yrepeat i ngMoroccan geomet ri cdesi gn. Thel i ghtcol orschemewi t h subt l ebl ackand gray

Le galNot i ce Youmaynotr epr oduceanypar toft hi scat al ogwi t houtt he wr i t t enaut hor i zat i onofMEC. Ther ear enol i censes,ei t heri mpl i edorexpr essed,t o r epr oduceanypar toft hi scat al ogor anyoft hemosai cdesi gnsunl esst hel i censei si nwr i t t i ng andsi gnedbyMEC. Copyr i ghtLawspr ot ectt hecont entoft hi scat al og, i ncl udi ngt he phot gr aphsandMEC mosai cdesi gns. “ MEC and t hedesi gnoft heLEMNI SCATE:

ar et het r ademar ksofMEC MEC expl i ci t yr eser veal lr i ght st ot hi scat al ogandt he mosai cdesi gnst her ei ncl udi ng t her i ghtt obr i ngl egalact i onf orCopyr i ghti nf r agment .




MECCor por at i on( PVT)Lt d. , 36Lawr enceRoad Lahor e, Pak i st an 54000 ( +92)4236366666 desi gn@mecar t wor k s. com

MECCor por at i on( PVT)Lt d. , Sui t e2204, 22ndf l oorSi ngl eBusi ness Tower , Shei k hZayedRoad, Emi r at esHol i days Dubai , UAE expor t s@mecar t wor k s. com

MECCanadaI nc. 650Hi ghgl enAvenue Mar k ham, Ont ar i o, Canada L3S4P6 Ph: ( +1 )64777231 89 i nf o@mecar t wor k s. com

/ mecar t wor k s www. mecar t wor k s. com

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