PIXL Prism

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PRI SM Pri sm,a stunni ng col l ecti on ofpatternsf eaturi ng spri ng,sunsetsand the mi ghty rai nf orestscl earl y reectourarti sts’ski l lwi th mosai c art.The bl end ofcol orstrokes have been used creati vel y to add sparkl e to the desi gns.Ourexcl usi ve *AddTek sof tware can convertany i mage ordesi gn no matterhow abstractorcompl ex i n mosai c-ready drawi ng usi ng the gl assmosai c ti l e col orsf rom our extensi ve tesserae l i brary.

* AddTek m osai c renderi s vi sual l y si mi l arbutm ay have sl i ghtvari ati ons due to f actors l i ke;texturaldi versi ty i n m osai c tesserae and l i ghtcondi ti ons.

FastProduct i on

AtMEC,wehaveal ways envi s i onedt heper f ect bal ancebet weenmoder n andt het i mel es sanci ent t echnol ogi es . MEC’ shandcr af t edmagi c wi l laddt heper f ectbl endt o yours ur r oundi ngs !

EďŹƒci entDesi gn

Ourexcl usi ve *AddTek sof tware can convertany i mage ordesi gn no matterhow abstractor compl ex i n mosai c-ready drawi ng usi ng the gl ass mosai c ti l e col orsf rom ourextensi ve tesserae l i brary.

Gray Drape 0252715

Green Dr ape 0252712

Sky Bl ue Dr ape 0252711

Peacock I nk Dri p 0252813

Leafy I nk Dr i p 0252812

Brown I nk Dr i p 0252814

Gray I ri sh Spri ng 0252915

Ti ffany I ri sh Spr i ng 0252913

Green I ri sh Spr i ng 0252912

Forest W aterfal l 0253013

Sunset W at er f al l 0253014

Grayscal e W at er f al l 0253015

I ncredi bl e Rai nforestTeal 0253113

I ncredi bl e Rai nf or estGr een 0253112

I ncredi bl e Rai nf or estBr own 0253114

I ncredi bl e Rai nf or estGr ay 0253115

Beachfront Strokes 0253213

Beachfront St r okes 0253213

Monochrom e St r okes 0253215

W arm Gl ow Fi refly 0253313

W arm Gl ow Gr ass 0253312

W arm Gl ow Gr ay 0253315

Bl ue Rai n Sparkl e 0253411

Em eral d Forest Spar kl e 0253412

HazelW ood Spar kl e 0253414

Gray Arcti c Aurora 0253515

Arcti c Aurora 0253513

Endcut Peaks Green 0253612

Endcut PeaksBl ue 0253611

W atercol or AbstractGray 0253715

W atercol or

Abst r actBl ue 0253711

W atercol or Abst r actGr een 0253712

Twi l i ght Safari 0253813

Sunl i t Saf ar i -I 0253814

Sunl i t Saf ar i -I I 0253816

Mari ne Bl ue Cascades 0253911

Mari ne Green Cascades 0253912

Jade Cosm i c Ri p 0254012

Bl ue Cosmi c Ri p 0254011

Em eral d Radi ance 0254112

Ul tram ari ne Radi ance 0254111

Em eral d Radi ance 0254112

Gray Radi ance 0254115

Enchanted Ti ffany Squares 0254213

Enchanted Bl ue Squar es 0254211

Enchanted Vi nt age Squar es 0254215

DI GI TAL Aquam ari ne 0254313

DI GI TAL Sapphi r e 0254311

DI GI TAL Vi nt age 0254314

DI GI TAL Emeral d 0254312

Vi brati ng ForestAqua 0254413

Vi brati ng Forest Sapphi r e 0254411

Vi brati ng Forest Gr eens 0254412

Vi brati ng ForestBei ge 0254414

Le galNot i c e

You may notr epr oduce any partofthi scatal og wi thoutthe wri tt en authori zati on ofMEC. Ther e ar e no l i censes,ei theri mpl i ed orexpr essed,t or epr oduce any partofthi scatal og or any ofthe mosai c desi gnsunl essthe l i cense i si n wri tti ng and si gned by MEC. Copyri ghtLawspr ot ectthe cont entofthi scatal og,i ncl udi ng the phot gr aphsand the MEC mosai c desi gns.

“ MEC�and t he desi gn oft he LEMNI SCATE:

ar et he t r ademar ksofMEC

MEC expl i ci t l yr eser vesal lr i ght st ot hi scat al og and t he mosai c desi gnst her ei n, i ncl udi ng t he r i ghtt o br i ng l egalact i on f orCopyr i ghti nf r agment .




MECCor por at i on( PVT)Lt d. , 36Lawr enceRoad Lahor e, Pak i st an 54000 ( +92)4236366666 desi gn@mecar t wor k s. com

MECCor por at i on( PVT)Lt d. , Sui t e2204, 22ndf l oorSi ngl eBusi ness Tower , Shei k hZayedRoad, Emi r at esHol i days Dubai , UAE expor t s@mecar t wor k s. com

MECCanadaI nc. 650Hi ghgl enAvenue Mar k ham, Ont ar i o, Canada L3S4P6 Ph: ( +1 )64777231 89 i nf o@mecar t wor k s. com

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