portfolio UCL Lin Weiqiu AD

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Weiqiu Lin

Portfolio+Work Program

01 Museum of Qingchen Individual

02 Ghost Town Refuge Individual (competition)

03 Comprehensive Space Individual

04 Coral Island Group Work (competition)

05 Work Program in Kooo Architects, Built in 2019.06

06 Work Program-Coffee Shop Work Program in Kooo Architects, Leader, Built in 2019.11

01 Museum of Qingcheng Mountain

individual, 2019.06

The project is located in qingcheng mountain, Chengdu City, China. The project is a museum that promotes contemporary art and supports young artists.To promote the concept of contemporary art, and through supplementary exhibitions, art salons to achieve exchanges; Â

VIP Suite Room Spcae, the Windows from the building's surface are elongated along the shape of the building's boundary, including the balcony openings on the second floor, which are also cur obliquely. FUNCTIONS HOTEL—DISPLAY—VIP CLUB

The inner courtyard direction, one VIP private countyards and one hotel countyard.The courtyard combines with the building's semi-outdoor space,which brings a better experience


At the entrance of the hotel, the elongated Windows bring a better visual experience to the hotel lobby without destroying the building's facade language


Along the street facade, the main roadway and sidewalk, this facade has the most morphological changes, while the restaurant and exhibition hall all have semi-outdoor Spaces.


From the section, it can be seen that the height of the interior is different, and the height of the slope roof also changes with it. The interior space is varied, and the building height is 12 meters; Partial semi-outdoor space is made of wood, whole museum based on water concrete.


The building is connected by four cross blocks, forming three semi-enclosed courtyards, which naturally divide the public area and the private area, and at the same time provide a basis for the functional arrangement.The undulating shape of the building echoes with the mountains in the distance and integrates with nature.

02 Ghost Town Refuge

Individual work, Competition, 2019.11

The exterior wall is a silver-white foggy panel, much like a metal plate, with soft reflections.Standing in front of the building, the wall, as the dividing element of the boundary, seems to disappear. This wall clearly defines the emptiness and reality, and does not give people an unrealistic illusion. If there is a virtual image, the elephant is invisible, natural and artificial, traditional and modern, hazy intertwined, both separation and integration.

Site Plan 1:1500

Model Render

Concept Sketch

Ground Floor Plan __1:500

Section View Restaurent





REFUGE SHAPE between (New & Old)

200*150 I-Beam

Suitroom french window's view

Polished Aluminum 3mm sbs Waterproof 20mm Wood Panel Heat Insulation 20mm Wood Panel Ceiling 40x50mm Wooden Keel 20mm Gypsum Board 3mm White Paint

Wood Veneer Suitroom skylight view

20mm Thick Wood Floor 50*60mm wooden keel 20mm Wooden Keel 250*150mm I-beam

150*60mm Solid Wood Diagonal Brace 200*200mm Solid Wood Stakes

Reception desk

10mm Bolt Eixed Concrete

150*150 Welded Metal Plate 30*20 T Section Steel 50*50*8 Angle 150*150 Welded Metal Plate

1:30 @A3 DETAIL Reception rest area

Construction Process In case that destroy the existing structure, it was designed to a lighter volume of small boxes, satisfying mobility and convenience

1. build a base

2. set the floor

3. build the steel structure

4. set internal wood panel

5. set exterior panel

6. add in waterproofer

3. add in keel

4. set up polished aluminum

Refuge box exterior render

The Interior The interior of refuge is only 14m², only service with single or coupe live here briefly.

The Exterior

The exterior of refuge The facades are in polished aluminum, in which the park is reflected ensuring continuity between the refuge and the surrounding landscape. Refuge box interior render

03 Comprehensive Space

Individual Work, 2017.11

Comprehensive Space is an extension from existing gallery. because of existing gallery's function simple, we are planning to add more social functions iand activity into this place. this view is back view render of my design museum. I used the exiting gallery block recreated a new museum The ground floor of the museum is closest space that lets user feel both indoors and the natural outdoors. THe used of Floor-to-ceiling glass makes the building feel weightless and elegant, and the open plan preserves the building’s sense of transparency as the viewer’s eye can directly sighted across the uninterrupteD space.

1st Interior Render 01 The first floor is an open space, with movable furniture, without any partition and shielding

1st Interior Render 02 Thin steel columns also distinguish spatial relationships

Ground Floor Plan

The main structure is a 600mm diameter concrete column plus a lot 40mm thin steel columns. The whole ground floor space is completely open , including some public functions such as cafe, workshop and childern rest area. The totally open vision enables him not to block the view of the Drill Hall Gallery, and he can harmoniously coexist with the existing buildings, while providing many social functions for this place and improving the quality of life

Ground Floor The ground floor is public space with a cafe bar, an open workshop lab, and children rest area. Sullivans creek can be seen directly from the entrance of the drill hall Gallery, Comprehensive Space will

thin columns of various sizes support the stripped roof of skylights, yet their white color keeps the focus on the space and the view, not the structure. Â Â The columns, although seemingly random, actually these columns was placed to create the sensation of zoned spaces, but their nonrestrictive quality provides a flexible layout to suit the changing needs of museum it need Also important reason designning opening plan is which will not stop view from Drill Hall Gallery, which make Drill Hall close to nature.

04 Coral Island Group work (With Kai&Yue), 2019.10 Participate in project discussions. Mainly responsible for digital model make and image rendering

With this place about to be flooded by the sea in the next 100 years, we boldly propose a vision.Use the development of coral culture to build the future land sustainably, we call it "Coral Island" Â

Global climate risk

Means of Land reclamation

Building process

Blowing sand reclamation A. Choosing shallow seas as the island base.

Blowing sand reclamation damages the original s e a b e d e c o l o g y, s u c h a s m a n g ro v e a n d c o r a l ecosystems.



B. In nature, coral reefs grow slowly, with the best conditions for corals, we can acclerate the process.

Regional sea level trends in millimeters per year from 1993 through mid-2018 with the global average rate removed. On this map Kiribati is located in the regions that are most vulnerable to storm surges and sea level rise, which has been cited as the primary cause for migration.

Optimum conditions for coral growth PH: 7.9 ~8.4 KH: 7-12 dkh Ca : 360-380 Mg: 1200-1450 NO3: 10-15 salinity: 3.5 temperature: 25-28C

Climate Change Scenarios Mean level sea rise (relative to the year 2000)

+39cm inncrease

+14 cm inncrease +2.3 C

Change in annual mean air temperature

+6 cm inncrease +1 C


Change in annual mean rainfall

+0.4 C + 7%


+3 % 2100 2050 2025

Climate change indicator

Kiribati citizens have witnessed sea level rise and a surge in tropical storms and more forceful tides over the past 40 years. Groundwater contamination was first reported in the late 1970s and was then followed by erosion and more instances of houses falling into the sea.

Coral whose ecosystem has been destroyed

02 RISING SEABED C. Strengthen the island base. Crustaceans further strengthen the coral reef to prevent it from being destroyed by the waves.

Floating City The photosynthetic rate of coral is positively related to light intensity. Therefore, the natural coral island is obviously better than the floating city.

Shallow sandbanks and land area change in Tarawa islanďźˆ1941-2019

In the Splash zone and spray zone, we have made necessary artificial strengthening.

03 STRENTHEN SEABED D. Using negative pressure tanks so that corals could grow above sea level.



Historical map depicting the coral atolls of Tarawa in Kiribati. It may be inferred that the shallow sandbanks described on this map in the northern half of Tarawa were much more visible than they are now.

Environment-Conflict Link and Dynamics: Indirect


E. At the same time, with artificial intervention, Coral toxicity releasing and Selective vaccination, the coral reef can form the space that humans need.

Corals die of lack of sunlight

Floating city has a vertical relationship with the seabed. Under the same land area, the seabed near the shape determined by mechanics can receive more sunlight, while the seabed near the vertical island does not.

Heterogeneous coral 05 CREATE SPACE

Climate change

Sea level

Salt water intrusion

Land area

External migration

F. Finally, we drained water, and make the necessary processing to improve livability. The cultured machiner y can continue the same steps in other waters

Skilled labor

habitat for coral 06 SETTLE DOWN


Migratory birds

Drainage Apparatus drainage apparatus

Turbine Pump Salinity Control

Salinity Foam Maker

Pulverizer The valve switch

Experimental researchers at the bottom of the sea phone messages and materials

The arm shapes the structure of Coral Island

From the perspective of the bottom of the ocean we can see it, the foundation of the coral island is growing at the bottom of the ocean, and the functions of the laboratory module can meet the construction needs of the ocean and the ocean at the same time. The eight structures can provide a good support for the culture vessel

An unmanned submarine releases toxins to control the direction of coral growth

Foam maker

The inspiration of the equipment warehouse and the space capsule make it easy to replace independently and keep the equipment update. The machine is making level the inside of the coral for human living.

The island is growing in meters and is controlled by a robotic arm that can construct the island in different directions along an orbit, ensuring the direction of coral growth

An unmanned submarine monitors coral growth

Coral culture container

Unmanned submarine

Macromolecular material collector

Turbine pump Harvester Anti-auxin jar

Mechanical arm

Structure of pump Medicament structure

The researchers control the process in the lab, monitoring the data to ensure the island's growt

The signal tower on top of the container USES methane gas from the sea floor as fuel

Mechanical foot

Scenes of life in Coral island

Kiribati faces serious problems of being flooded with seawater. We learn, imitate, and accelerate the process of building coral reefs in nature for thousands of years, and then perform necessary interventions and repairs according to human wishes. This island allows humans to share resources with other living things. The foundation of the island is a layer of coral sand. The underwater of the island is a living coral reef. Marine life lives in it. The upper layer of the island is inhabited by humans, and various holes correspond to different functions. complete constructionion

In Construction

05 Far&Near Hotel Renovated Work Program in Kooo Architects, Built in 2019.6

1.Mainly responsible for scheme design, including computer 3d model making and concstruction drawing. 2.remotely tracked Guangzhou construction site.

Situated in the old city of Guangzhou's dense city fabric, this hotel renovated from a 7-floor reinforced concrete structure building is targeted towards the younger generation. A singnificant amount of frosted U-channel glass was used to let in natural light while solving the privacy conflic of the hotel versus its surrounding densely populated building clusters. While preser ving the exsiting ocncrete beams and coloums, basic architectural elements (such as plywood, corrugated steel desk, stainless steel, etc.) were used elaborately and strategiccly toconstruct a unique and comfortable travel experience.

Public Area

Guest Room

Building 01.NAN

Lobby Resting Area

Hotel Lobby Enteriemce

Room Type 01

Room Type 01

Room Type 02

Room Type 03

Building 01.NAN Section

Public Area

Building 02. XIN

Guest Room

06 Black Sheep Coffee shop Built in 2019.11

1.Lead this program, including concept design e.g. digital model making, render as well as concstruction drawing. 2. Completely tracked Shanghai construction site.

Our expectation is that the experience and visual perception of the guests who entering the coffee shop can form an obvious contrast with that of the art gallery. a volume similar to the art installation can build a usable art The walls are mainly made of plywood, and the exposed wooden keel is arranged by the position of seats, which makes the wall vary a lot. At the same time, the space is given a warm feeling, which forms a contrast with the art museum. Most materials of this project is used plywood, it is not only easy to construct, but also low budget cost.Basically do not damage the original site.

BAr Counter

Coffee Table

Coffee Table Entry View

Coffee Table (on state)

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