2 minute read
From A6 services and attentive government, but also must navigate a tricky financial period where increases in cost of living seem to come from every direction. Similarly, personal property taxes have increased significantly due to increased values of used cars in our country. Again, good news that your car’s
From A3 value is holding but unfortunately another increase in those taxes we often omit when considering inflation.
Localities in the metro area should be commended for maintaining levels of service despite the pandemic and a myriad of economic challenges that accompanied a nationwide shutdown.
Government employees and teachers have been rewarded with well de- member was reported on the 9200 block of hanover crossings drive. served salary increases, and public safety has been enhanced with additional staffing.
Although the increases in real estate assessments, personal property tax bills and the like represent a small part of the increased costs of living currently being levied on households, when coupled with increased food bills, hefty fuel bills and increased prices for most consumer goods, it all adds up.
FEB. 14 damage of a catalytic converter was reported on the 10400 block of Lakeridge Park.
Threats in writing were reported on the 11400 block of Garden Terrace court
Identity thief, Id to defraud less or equal to $200 was reported on the 7000 block of daffodil road. assault and battery on a family
• Winner of “Bestof SeniorLiving” basedon reviewson A PlaceforMom,theleadingonline searchplatform forsenior care.Itisawarded to only2-3%ofsenior communitiesnationwide.
• Winner of “BestAssistedLiving”and“Best Memory Care” from U.S.News & World Report,basedon consumer-satisfactionsurveys completed byresidents andtheir families.
• Ourapproach to dementia care follows Teepa Snow’sPositive Approach to Care®model, which recognizes eachperson’s uniqueneeds,highlightingtheirskillswhileproviding support credit card fraud more or equal to $200 in 6 months 8000 block of Mechanicsville Turnpike. assault, malicious with a victim injured was reported on the 7200 block of Garden Park Lane. credit card theft was reported on the 7300 Bell creek road. driver not report accident with damage less than $250 was reported on the 6300 block of creighton road/Power road.
• Supportingthelocal community by providingeducationalprogramsorganizing collections,and raisingfunds forcharities.
Obtaining money or signature by false pretenses was reported on the 7200 block of edgeworth road.
Grand larceny shoplifting was reported on the 6400 block of Mechanicsville Turnpike.
FEB. 15
Tamper/injure of a vehicle, boat, aircraft was reported on the 8400 block of Times dispatch Boulevard. assault and battery on a family member was reported on the 6400 block of Kings dominion Boulevard. a simple assault was reported on the 13400 block of Liberty school road.
7080Brooks Farm Rd., Mechanicsville,VA 23111 www.heritagegreenhanover.com • 804-723-1336

Marshall Randolph “Randy” Henry Jr.
HENRY, Marshall Randolph
“Randy” Jr., 71, went to be with the Lord Friday, March 10, 2023. he was preceded in death by his father, Marshall r. henry sr.; mother, Minna r. Freeman; and stepfather, Willard c . Freeman. randy is survived by the love of his life and caregiver, sandy henry; four children, Kelly Mccray (eric), stacy henry, rugina Brazell (Jonathan) and Matthew henr y; stepchildren, amie Makki, G.J. Truman (angela) and Brad Truman (Jennifer); nine grandchildren, Madison, austin, Kaitlyn, Isiah, Justice, Waseem, henry, Layla and Karson; siblings, rugina Tsironis (chris), reuben henry (Jetty), Teresa Mason (Gary), Patricia Buzzard (Mike); as well as a host of nieces, nephews, aunt and cousins. randy was a proud U.s. Marine corps Veteran, which gave him the opportunity to travel the World. he loved the river, cigarettes, lottery tickets and coffee, in no particular order. above all, he loved his grandkids more than anything else. The family will receive friends from 2 to 3 p.m., with memorial services beginning at 3 p.m., saturday, March 18, 2023 at the Mechanicsville chapel of the Bennett Funeral home, 8014 Lee-davis rd. Interment will be held at a later date. In lieu of flowers, memorial contributions may be made to the hanover animal shelter, 12471 Taylor complex Lane a shland, Va. 23005.