7 minute read
Sheehy Ford of Ashland donates $15k to local charities
Contributed Report
Sheehy Ford of Ashland recently donated $10,000 to ACES and $5,000 to the Boys and Girls Club of Hanover as part of Sheehy Auto Stores’ Annual Giving Program for 2022, whereby $219,500 was given to charities throughout communities in Washington, D.C.; Baltimore, Maryland; Hagerstown, Maryland; and Richmond, Virginia.
ACES provides a variety of emergency services to residents of Hanover County in coordination with local organizations.
In funds to purchase and install, with volunteer labor, an expansion of the playground equipment at ashland’s Pufferbelly Park. group of men and women dedicated to the growing role of community service and the enrichment of the lives of local youths.
“In 1997, the Ashland Kiwanis Club provided funding and manpower to create Ashland’s Pufferbelly Park. In 2011, we provided manpower to replace some deteriorated playground equipment there and in 2019, we helped raised funds to purchase and install, with volunteer labor, an expansion of the playground equipment The playground was officially renamed ‘Kiwanis Pufferbelly Park’ by the Town of Ashland,” Hutchinson said.
“In 1996, we created the Ashland Kiwanis Charitable Foundation, which today provides four-year scholarships for graduating seniors of our Key Clubs and annual scholarships for qualified individuals in the R-MC CKI Club and The Hanover Trades and Technology Center,” Hutchison said.
Additionally, the foundation provides ongoing financial support for two programs at the Patrick Henry YMCA, Wings of Hope and the Happy Reading Program. The foundation also underwrites the Club’s Perfect Attendance Program at six of Hanover’s elementary schools.
For several decades, the ashland Kiwanians have organized and run the annual ashland/hanover Old Time holiday Parade. On March 20, the Kiwanis club of ashland celebrates its 100th anniversary.

For several decades, the Ashland Kiwanians have organized and run the annual Ashland/Hanover Old Time Holiday Parade and are actively involved in running the town’s annual Train Day, Strawberry Faire and a variety of youth educational programs, and, with Hanover Parks and Recreation, the Aktion Club for young adults with intellectual challenges.
For additional information, contact Ed Hutchinson at 804-5193837 or Roy Mills at 248-830-0052.
The mission of the Boys and Girls Club of Hanover is to empower young people, especially those from historically marginalized communities, to succeed in life.
Sheehy Auto Stores is one of the Top 30 Private Dealer groups in the country. The company has been family-owned and operated since its formation in 1966 as a single Ford dealership. Sheehy’s growth to nearly $2 billion in sales and 45,000 new and used vehicles annually has been based on adherence to their Mission Statement: “One team building a lasting relationship with each customer based on trust.” The company operates in the Mid-At- lantic region with 30 stores from Richmond to Baltimore, and from Annapolis to Hagerstown. Their brands include Buick GMC, Ford, Nissan, Honda, Lincoln, Subaru, Mazda, Lexus, INFINITI, Toyota, Volkswagen, Hyundai, Nissan and Harley-Davidson. Sheehy’s focus and execution on customer loyalty has earned their distinction as one of the premier retailers for each of the manufacturers they represent. For more information, visit www.sheehy.com.
Upcoming Programs At Hanover Libraries
Richard S. Gillis, Jr./ Ashland Branch Library
Call 804-798-4072 or visit the library at 201 S. Railroad Ave. for more information.
A Night for Swing at the Ashland Branch Library, Wednesday, March 15, 7 — 8:30 p.m. “Swing Dancing” is an umbrella term for the many styles of dance that developed in response to the exciting new Swing music of the
1920s and 30s. The “Lindy Hop,” “Balboa,” “Collegiate Shag,” and “Charleston” are a few of the more popular swing dances. Join an instructor from RVA Swing to learn about the history of swing dancing and to learn a few basic steps. Be prepared to learn, dance, and have fun!
Summer Camp Fair at the Ashland Branch Library, Saturday,
Please see LIBRARIES, Page A15
March 18, 1 – 3 p.m. It’s not too early to begin planning for summer! Stop by the library to meet with representatives and learn about unique summer camps and activities in Ashland, Hanover County and beyond. From arts and crafts to dance to sports, there will be something to interest everyone!
Afternoon Book Club at the Ashland Branch Library, Monday, March 20, 1– 2 p.m. Ages 18 and up. Read our book of the month and engage in a lively discussion about it. Share views about the book and author and share reading recommendations.
Mother Goose Storytime at the Ashland Branch Library. Mondays, March 20 and 27, 10:30 to 11 a.m. Mother Goose is a Storytime for children age 6 to 24 months and their caregivers. Have fun with nursery rhymes, singing and reading.
Toddler/Preschool Storytime at the Ashland Branch Library. Tuesdays, March 21 and 28, 10:30 to 11 a.m. Enjoy a Storytime of books, music and fun for toddlers ages 2-3 and their caregivers.
Family Storytime at the Ashland Branch Library. Tuesdays, March 21 and 28, 11:30 a.m. to noon. Enjoy a fun time with books, signing, rhymes and more. Family Storytime is for children ages 0-5 and their caregivers.
So You Want Fresh Eggs?
at the Ashland Branch Library, Wednesday, March 22, 6:30 — 7:30 p.m. Learn the basics of raising chickens at home, including the best variety of chickens to choose, providing adequate housing, good nutrition and hydra - tion, how to protect your brood, and what you need to know to be compliant in your area.

From the Heart Stitchers at the Ashland Branch Library. Thursdays, March 23, noon to 4 p.m. From the Heart Stitchers began in 2001 making chemo hats for the Massey Cancer Center and today has over 1,899 stitchers making thousands of items for service groups across the Commonwealth. Sew, knit, crochet or loom anything from blankets to shawls and everything in between. Bring a sewing machine, knitting needles, etc. and supplies, and make items for From the Heart every fourth Thursday. See https://fromtheheartstichers.org/ for more information about this organization.
Hanover County History

1860-1980 at the Ashland Branch Library, Thursday, March 23, 7- 8:30 p.m.
Through the presentation of images of historic plats, court orders, pleadings, exhibits and other documents filed in Hanover County from its earliest days in the 1700s to the time immediately preceding the Civil War, Circuit Court Clerk Frank D. Hargrove Jr. provide unique insight into the early history of Hanover County, Virginia. He also will share information about ongoing efforts to conserve and digitize the County’s historical records.
Instant Shakespeare: King Lear at the Ashland Branch Library, Saturday, March 25, 1 — 5:30 p.m.
Immerse yourself in Shakespeare! Spend a day reviewing, discussing, preparing for a dramatic reading of King Lear. End the day with the dramatic reading with props. Scripts and props are provided. Registration is required by Wednesday, March 22. A minimum of 8 participants will be necessary for the program. For more information and to request a role, contact Becki Jones, the Shakespeare Lady, at theshakespearelady@hotmail.com.
Are There Monsters in Virginia? at the Ashland Branch Library, Wednesday, March 29, 7 – 8 p.m. Are there monsters in Virginia? Do Bigfoot, the Wampus Cat and cryptids exist? Why is Norton, Virginia considered a sanctuary for Bigfoot? Hear stories about reported sightings of monsters in Virginia and Washington, D.C. and decide for yourself if these monsters are real!
Hanover Branch Library
Call 804-365-6210 or visit the library at 7527 Library Drive for more information.
Kumihimo at the Hanover Branch Library, Thursday, March 16, 4:30 — 5:30 p.m. Ages 12-18. Learn the Japanese braiding art of kumihimo. All materials provided to make one necklace. Registration required at https:// p amunk eylibrary.libcal. com/event/9745971. Refreshments provided.
Hanover Book Club at the Hanover Branch Library, Tuesday, March 21, noon – 1 p.m. Do you like to read? Join our fun group to enjoy a good book and discuss it among peers. March’s title is “The Alice Network” by Kate Quinn. Registration is required for the Zoom portion at https://pamunkeylibrary.libcal.com/ event/10303353. The meeting link will be sent to the email registered 1 day before the event occurs. If you don’t receive your reminder email, please con - tact the library. Family Storytime at the Hanover Branch Library, Fridays, March 24 and 31, 10:45 — 11:15 a.m. Enjoy a fun time with books, signing, rhymes, and much more! Family Storytime is for children ages 0-5 and their caregivers.
Lois Wickham Jones/Montpelier Branch Library
Call 804-883-7116 or visit the library at 17205 Sycamore Tavern Lane for more information. Family Storytime at the Montpelier Branch Library. Thursday, March 16 and 23, 4 to 4:30 p.m. Enjoy a fun time with books, signing, rhymes and more. Family Storytime is for children ages 0-5 and their caregivers. Get a Hobby: Linoblock Printing at the Montpelier Branch Library, Thursday, March 23, 6:30 — 7:30 p.m.
Need a new craft obsession? Try your hand at the ancient art of block printing. We’ll create original designs on paper using linoleum and ink. Beware: the tools are sharp! Ages 18+
Cochrane Rockville Branch Library
Call 804-749-3146 or visit the library at 16600 Pouncey Tract Road for more information. Read 2 Rover at the Cochrane Rockville Branch Library. Thursday, March 16, 4:30 — 5:30 p.m. Grades K-2. Read 2 Rover provides comfort and motivation for beginning readers as they read aloud to Colby or Pepper, our therapy dogs. Space is limited. Call the Rockville Branch at 804749-3146 or visit the library for more information to register for this rewarding program!

Family Storytime at the Cochrane Rockville Branch Library. Friday, March 24 and 31, 10:30 to 11 a.m. Enjoy a fun time with books, singing, rhymes and more. Family Storytime is for children ages 0-5 and their caregivers.
News tip, story idea, community events, photos, 80 year-old birthday & above announcement
News tip, story idea, community events, photos, birth announcements, 40th anniversaries & above or 80 year-old birthday & above announcement submissions can be e-mailed to events@mechlocal.com submitted by c arolyn Garner, adult public services coordinator.

News tip, story idea, community events, photos, birth announcements, 40th anniversaries & above or 80 year-old birthday & above announcements submissions can be e-mailed to events@mechlocal.com
News tip, photos, anniversaries & above announcements e-mailed