6 minute read
Wright said those who do not receive a property tax bill will receive a notice in the mail about their rebate.
When it comes to the 2% merit increase for school and county
From A4
Master Gardeners. This session’s topic is “Reasons to Avoid Pesticides in Your Landscape.” Topics change each session.
Preschool Storytime at the Atlee Branch Library, Mondays, March 20 and 27, 10:30 — 11 a.m. Enjoy a Storytime of books, music, and fun for preschoolers 3-5 years old and their caregivers.
Toddler Storytime at the Atlee Branch Library. Tuesdays, March 21 and 28, 11 – 11:30 a.m. Wednesdays, March 15 and 22, 11 to 11:30 a.m. Enjoy a Storytime of books, music and fun for toddlers ages 2-3 and their caregivers.
Atlee Bridge Group at the Atlee Branch Library. Tuesdays, March 21 and 28, 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Ages 18 and up. Every Tuesday the Atlee Bridge Group meets to
From A26 new highland Baptist church hosts open basketball gym time for adults in the christian Life center (cLc) starting at 7:30 PM. The church is located at 9200 new ashcake road in Mechanicsville. Use the side back entrance to enter. contact Jeff Fitzgerald at jkfitzgerald@comcast.net. civil air Patrol, hanover squadron, meets Thursdays, from 7 to 9 p.m. at the Fairfield Presbyterian church, 6930 cold harbor road, in Mechanicsville. caP is an awesome program for youth, ages 12- 21, as well as for adults who care about young people and want to help train america’s next generation of Leaders. you’ll find cadet life exciting if you enjoy Flying, Leadership Training, Model rocketry, earning rank & awards, and much more. Visit hanover.vawg.cap.gov or contact capt James staff—a move designed to help improve the county’s position when it comes to competing for top talent—Wright told supervisors that the additional funding needed for the pay raise would come from increases in state funding, changes to capital projects and operational changes. She also stressed the there would be no impact to school or public safety infrastructure budgets as a result of the proposed increase. The plan to provide increased relief for the county’s disabled and elderly residents includes increasing the income thresholds for each category by $5K, as well as providing increased relief to those who are already eligible. Wright said the proposed amendment also includes plans to develop an outreach program to increase participation among eligible residents.
The public hearing set for April 5 will offer the chance for residents to share their concerns about the FY2024 proposed budget, the county’s five-year capital improvement program, the fiveyear general fund financial plan and the proposed tax rate of 81 cents. play Social Rubber Bridge. All levels welcome, from beginner to expert.
The meeting will be held in the board room of the Hanover County Administration Building, located at 7516 County Complex Road in Hanover.
PJ Storytime (virtual program), Thursday, March 21, 7 — 7:30 p.m. Ages: 0-7. Get ready for bedtime with PJ Storytime. Songs, rhymes, and bedtime stories. Registration required at https://pamunkeylibrary.libcal. com/event/9743250. This program is hosted virtually through Zoom. The Zoom meeting link will be sent to the email registered before the event occurs. Please contact the Atlee Branch if you do not receive this email.
Dance Party at the Atlee Branch Library, Friday, March 24, 4 — 5 p.m. Ages 8-12. Get your grove on at the Atlee Dance Party. Fun, music, and snacks will be provided.
Plant Swap on the Patio at the Atlee Branch Library, Saturday, March 25, 11 a.m. — 1 p.m. Meet
Wright at 804-551-3354 or james.wright@ vawg.cap.gov.
The Building Bridges group of narcotics anonymous is a fellowship of men and women for whom drugs had become a major problem. The group’s mission is to bring a message of hope and recovery to those suffering from addiction issues. They meet on Fridays from 7 p.m. to 8 p.m. at Mechanicsville United Methodist church, 7356 atlee road in Mechanicsville. Visit rvana.org.
First Thursdays
The ashland Beekeepers association (aBa) meets at 7 p.m. on the first Thursday of the month at First Baptist church 800 Thompson st in ashland. It is one of several beekeeping groups in the richmond area offering educational programs and Q&a sessions about honey bees and beekeeping. all are welcome to attend. The aBa is now taking registrations for its annual Beginning Beekeeping classes which start us on the patio at Atlee for a plant swap! Bring your extra cuttings or plant divisions to share and get some new ones for your home or garden.
CrafterNoon for Teens: Space Coasters at the Atlee Branch Library, Saturday, March 25, 3 — 4 p.m. Ages 12-18. Go far beyond infinity with this fun space coasters craft! Register at https:// pamunkeylibrary.libcal.com/ event/9743197.
Mechanicsville Branch Library
Call 804-746-9615 or visit the library at 7461 Sherwood Crossing Place for more information. Preschool Storytime at the Mechanicsville Branch Library, Thursdays, March 16 and 23, 10:30 — 11 a.m. Enjoy books, music, fingerplays, and much more at preschool Storytime! For ages
February 4. For more information on meetings or classes, visit http://ashlandvabeekeepers.org or call ron at 804-651-3504.
The WeB of hope meets from 10 a. m. to noon at the Black creek Baptist church at 6289 Mcclellan road in Mechanicsville. It is one of several groups in the richmond area that crochets, knits, sews, and quilts gifts for the american red cross to distributed to those in need. since its inception, the WeB has donated over 153,000 gifts locally, nationally and globally. If you can make it, the WeB can use it call Laurie Wagner at 804-781-0338.
The community senior citizen Meeting known as — studley seniors will meet at 10:30 a.m. at enon UMc, 6156 studley road in Mechanicsville. scheduled dates are March 20, april 17, May 15, & June 19. They will share fellowship, a business session and a program (entertainment by guests/
3-5 with a caregiver.
Saturday Family Storytime at the Mechanicsville Branch Library, Saturday, March 18, 11 — 11:30 a.m., Enjoy a fun time with books, signing, rhymes, and much more! Family Storytime is for children ages 0-5 and their caregivers.
Building Challenge at the Mechanicsville Branch Library Saturday, March 18, 11:30 a.m. — 12:30 p.m. For ages 2-12. Join us for an afternoon of STEM exploration as we offer multiple building supplies for your children to build whatever they can imagine!
Mother Goose Storytime at the Mechanicsville Branch Library. Tuesdays, March 21 and 28, 10:30 to 11 a.m. Mother Goose is a Storytime for children age 6 to 24 months and their caregivers. Have fun with nursery rhymes, singing and reading.
Toddler Storytime at the Me- ministries, information/education of “senior” concerns, or fun-time games). after sharing a “covered-dish” lunch we return home “blessed.” so, come one and come all, but the question is: will you join us for “The Mid-Month Ball?!” For more information call 804-746-4719. alzheimer’s/dementia support group for caregivers and others who want to help and encourage those who have loved ones with dementia illnesses meets at 7 p.m. on the third Monday of each month on Zoom. contact Jennifer Bean at 804-559-2805 or the church office at 804-746-9073.
The hanover county community services Board meets at 6:30 p.m. at 12300 Washington hwy. in ashland.
Fourth Mondays
The FeedMore Mobile Food Pantry will be distributing food from 10 to 11 a.m. at the First shiloh Baptist church at 8150 Walnut Grove rd. in Mechanicsville. contact heather at hshaheen96@gmail.com.
chanicsville Branch Library. Tuesday, March 21 and 28, 11 to 11:30 a.m. Enjoy a Storytime of books, music and fun for toddlers ages 2-3 and their caregivers.
Paint Night at the Mechanicsville Branch Library, Tuesday, March 21, 6:30 — 7:30 p.m., Ages 18 and up. Join us for a night of painting as we celebrate the start of spring! Registration is required at https://pamunkeylibrary.libcal.com/event/9725858.
Adult Storytime at the Mechanicsville Branch Library, Friday, March 24, 10:45 — 11:45 a.m., Ages 18 and up. You’re never too old to listen to a good story. If you are, or are the caregiver of, an adult who would enjoy the lively reading of picture books and lighthearted stories, please join us for Adult Storytime!
submitted by carolyn Garner, adult public services coordinator.
The atlee r uri tan c lub meets every fourth Monday at hillcrest Baptist church on rt.301. Meetings, that include dinner and a program, begin at 6:30 p.m. ruritan is a national community service organization dedicated to fellowship, goodwill, and community service. The atlee club welcomes both men and women. To learn more about the club’s mission and reserve your spot for dinner, call (804) 789-9365.
Second Tuesdays
The Mechanicsville Fellowship c lub meets each month (excluding July and aug.) at 10:30 a.m. in room G110 of shady Grove United Methodist church at 8209 shady Grove rd. in Mechanicsville. Bring a covered dish and join in with a group celebrating faith, fellowship, friends and fun. Meetings are cancelled if hanover county Public schools are two hours late or cancelled due to inclement weather. To register, call the church at 804-746-9073. call Janet Lewis at 804-398-8947.