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Mechanicsville man dies in crash
Contributed Report
The Hanover County Sheriff’s Office is investigating a single-vehicle crash in which a 30-year-old Mechanicsville man died.
On Sunday, March 19, at approximately 11:26 p.m., deputies responded to the 5200 block of Studley Road for a single-vehicle crash.
The preliminary investigation revealed that a 2004
FEB. 22
Possession of a fictitious Id or license was reported on the 100 block of n Washington highway.
Identity theft, obtain Id to avoid arrest was reported on the 10300 block of Washington highway/cedar Lane.
Possession of schedule VI controlled substance was reported on the 7200 block of cour tland Farm road.
Petit larceny shoplifting was reported on the was reported on the 6500 block of Mechanicsville Turnpike.
Brandishing a firearm was reported on the block of 15500 block of dunn road.
FEB. 23 hit and run: attended property damage more than $1000 7000 block of Mechanicsville Turnpike./ Bell creek rd