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Avery Point Is NOW OPEN!
Welcometovibrantliving atAveryPoint,℠ the highlyanticipatednewEricksonSeniorLiving®managedcommunity NOWOPENinShort Pump. Discoverthecarefreelifestyleyou deserveina location you’lllove!
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Acura four-door sedan was traveling westbound on Studley Road when it left the right shoulder of the roadway, overcorrected and collided with a tree.
The driver and sole occupant of the vehicle, Joshua Lee McMillian, 30, of Mechanicsville, was pronounced deceased at the scene by Hanover FireEMS.
Investigators are still collecting information to determine the circumstances that led to this crash.
The sheriff’s office extended its deepest condolences to the family of Joshua Lee McMillian during this difficult time.
Information submitted by Lt. James R. Cooper, Hanover County Sheriff’s Office Public Information Officer.
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•Benefitfromon-siteservicesto enhanceyour health andwell-being a simple assault was reported on the 7000 block of Mechanicsville Turnpike. assault and battery on a family member was reported on the 16100 Tyler station rd a simple assault was reported on the 7000 block of autumn Park Way. assault and battery on a family member was reported on the 6700 block of cold harbor road. damage, etc to catalytic converter was reported on the 12000 block of harley club drive. assault and battery on a family member was reported on the 9400 block of charter creek drive.
Violation of a protective order was reported on the 7500 block of county complex road.
Grand larceny in a building was reported on the 8000 block of atlee road.
Possession of schedule I,II controlled substance was reported on the 7500 block of Mechanicsville Bypass/cold harbor road to Mechanicsville Turnpike.
Perjury was reported on the 7500 block of county complex road.
Marijuana on school grounds was reported on the 10300 block of chamberlayne road.
Petit larceny shoplifting was reported on the 7200 block of Bell creek road.
Grand Larceny shoplifting was reported on the 7200 block of Mechanicsville Turnpike.
Petit larceny less than $500 not from person was reported on the 10000 block of Old ridge road.
FEB. 24 dWI: 1st offense, Bac .15-.20 was reported on the 10200 block of Lakeridge Park/Lakeridge Green drive
Please see REPORTS, Page 10
The Mechanicsville United Methodist c hurch easter egg hunt will be held at 11 a.m. at 7356 atlee road in Mechanicsville. There will be candy-filled eggs for the children to hunt and prizes for all! children up through fifth grade are welcome. This is a free event. If it rains, this event will be canceled.
come celebrate Big red’s birthday and the 50th anniversary of his Triple crown! an all-day event called “secretariat: racing into ashland” will be held in ashland.From 11 a.m. to 1:30 p.m., a free showing of the disney film “secretariat” will be held at ashland Theatre. Kate Tweedy, who was in the film with her mother, will share her behind-the-scenes experience on the movie set. at 2 p.m. at ashland Town hall Pavilion, the official unveiling of “secretariat racing Into history” monument will be held with local officials, special guests, live music and birthday cake. From 2:30 to 5 p.m., come to the Town hall and Lawn areas for