6 minute read
Suspect wanted for failure to appear
The Hanover County Sheriff’s Office is requesting the public’s assistance in locating Brandon Clabe Mosley, 30, of Mechanicsville. Mosley is currently wanted by the sheriff’s office for probation violation for failure to appear – felony offense.
Mosley is described as a white male with brown hair and brown eyes. He is 5’10” tall and weighs 170 pounds.
Anyone with information on the whereabouts of Brandon Clabe Mosley is asked to contact the Hanover County Sheriff’s a meet and greet with a secretariat lookalike horse who is a descendant of “Big red;” display of the first saddle secretariat wore at Meadow stable; kids’ activities and crafts; presentation on sculpting the monument by Jocelyn russell; videos of secretariat’s Triple crown races; tours of the ashland Museum featuring its Meadow stable display; sale of secretariat merchandise; and more. all festivities are family-friendly and free. “secretariat racing Into history” will stay in ashland until late april. Then artist Jocelyn russell and the monument will continue the anniversary tour through the summer. Further details of the tour will be announced by secretariat.com.
Office at (804) 3656140 or the Metro Richmond Crime Stoppers at (804) 780-1000.
Citizens can also download the “P3 Tips” app for their mobile device to submit their tip. Both Crime Stoppers methods are anonymous.
Information submitted by Lt. James R. Cooper, Hanover County Sheriff’s Office Public Information Officer.
The auld country at the shady Grove coffeehouse performance will begin at 8 p.m.; doors open at 7:30 p.m. at The Unitarian Universalist communit y c hurch, 11105 cauthorne road in Glen allen. admission is $15 advance; $20 door; children 12 and under admitted free of charge; teens 13-18
Upcoming Programs At Mechanicsville Libraries
ATLEE BRANCH LIBRARY atlee Bridge Group at the atlee Branch Library. Tuesday, april 4, 11, 18 and 25, 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. ages 18 and up. every Tuesday the atlee Bridge Group meets to play social rubber Bridge. all levels welcome, from beginner to expert. a special reading of “charlotte’s Web” at the atlee Branch Library, Thursday, april 6, 11 a.m. – 1 p.m. all ages. enjoy a special reading of the children’s classic, “charlotte’s Web,” by e.B. White retired Professor emeritus of Theater from randolph-Macon college, Joe Mattys, will read aloud a shortened version of this charming and ageless story. saturday Family stor ytime at the atlee Branch Library, saturday, april 8, 11- 11:30 a.m. enjoy a fun time with books, signing, rhymes and much more! Family storytime is for children ages 0-5 and their caregivers. atlee Lego c lub at the atlee Branch Library, saturday, april 8, 3- 4 p.m. For grades K-5. Join us at our Lego club to meet and talk with other kids and builds some fantastic Lego creations! Located in the children’s Programing room upstairs. atlee Book Group at the atlee Branch Library, Wednesday, april 12, 11 a.m. – noon. Join us in-person or on Zoom for a lively book discussion. We will be reading “The devil in the White city” by erik Larson. you can pick up a copy of the book at the atlee Branch Library c irculation d esk while supplies last. registration is required at https://pamunkeylibrary.libcal.com/ event/9742335. This program is presented in-person and hosted virtually through Zoom. The meeting link will be sent to the email registered one day before the event occurs. support nesting Birds in your Backyard at the atlee Branch Library, Wednesday, a pril 12, 7 — 8:30 p.m. Learn the dos and don’ts to support nesting birds in your yard, including what native plants to grow to make an oasis for avians.
Call 804-559-0654 or visit the library at 9212 Rutlandshire Drive for more information.
Mother Goose storytime at the atlee Branch Library. Tuesday, april 5, 12, 19 and 26, 10:30 — 11 a.m. Mother Goose is a stor ytime for children age 6 to 24 months and their caregivers. have fun with nursery rhymes, singing and reading.
Preschool storytime at the atlee Branch Library, Mondays, april 3, 10, 17 and 24, 10:30 — 11 a.m. enjoy a stor ytime of books, music, and fun for preschoolers 3-5 years old and their caregivers.
Toddler stor ytime at the atlee Branch Library. Wednesdays, april 5, 12, 19 and 26, 11 to 11:30 a.m. enjoy a storytime of books, music and fun for toddlers ages 2-3 and their caregivers.
Maker’s Monday: Poetry stones at the atlee Branch Library, Monday, april 3, 1 — 2 p.m. ages 18 and up. choose words of your own and set them in stone for national Poetry Month. display them in your garden or use as decor in your home!
Fun and Games at the a tlee Branch Library, Wednesdays, april 5 and 19, 1 – 4 p.m. ages 18 and up. Meet up with friends and have a great time with card and board games.
If you don’t receive your reminder email, please contact the library.
PJ stor ytime (virtual program), Thursday, april 13, 7 — 7:30 p.m. ages: 0-7. Get ready for bedtime with PJ stor ytime. songs, rhymes and bedtime stories. registration required at https://pamunkeylibrary.libcal.com/event/9743459. This program is hosted virtually admitted at half price. For more information call (804) 323-4288, visit www.shadygrovecoffeehouse.com, or email info@ shadygrovecoffeehouse.com.
April 2
Mechanicsville Baptist church is hosting an easter Trunk hunt from 3 to 5 p.m. at 8016 atlee road in Mechanicsville. There will be food, games, and of course candyfilled eggs. Join them with your basket.
Please see CALENDAR, Page 19 through Zoom. The Zoom meeting link will be sent to the email registered before the event occurs. c on tact the atlee Br anch if you do not receive this email. c hickahominy colored Pencil artists at the atlee Branch Library , Friday, april 14, 10 a.m. – 2 p.m. ages 18 and up. Join the c hickahominy colored Pencil artists at a monthly meeting to share ideas, techniques and skills in using colored pencils. Bring your own individual supplies and projects and enjoy a time to sketch and make new friends. This is not an instructional class. hula dancing class at the atlee Branch Library, Wednesday, april 19, 10:30 a.m. – noon. ages 18 and up. Join us to exercise your brain and body as you learn about hula dancing and culture at the atlee Branch Library. atlee anime c lub at the atlee Branch Library, Thursday, a pril 20, 7:30 — 8:30 p.m. ages 12-18. Join the atlee Library anime club! Meet teens with similar interests and watch cool shows. stress Management seminar at the atlee Branch Library, saturday, april 29, 11 a.m. — 12:30 p.m. a ges 13 – a dults. e ngage in a workshop to help alleviate stress. c a tegorize your stressors into groups to understand the “why” behind your anxieties. d iscover different ways to increase your well-being. and find meaningful strategies to live your life better! Presented by afreen Gootee of Thoughtful Minds consulting. at the atlee Branch for ages as young as 13 years old up through adults! registration is required at https://pamunkeylibrary.libcal. com/event/10500787.
Page Turners Book c lub at the atlee Branch Library, Thursday, april 20, 3:30 — 4:30 p.m. ages 18 and up. Join us for an in-person, lively book discussion! contact the library for title and author information. you can place the book on hold and pick it up at the atlee Branch Library. new members always welcome!
Book c lub for Kids at the atlee Branch Library, Friday, april 21, 4 — 5 p.m. For ages 8-12. Join the atlee Kids’ Book club! registration required at https://pamunkeylibrary.libcal.com/event/9743500.
Poetry on the Patio at the atlee Branch Library, Friday, april 28, 4 — 5 p.m. celebrate national Poetry Month with an open mic Poetry slam on the atlee Library patio.
Bring a poem of your own choosing or select one from a group provided by library staff and prepare to captivate the crowd with your prose. no experience necessary. Poetry lovers and listeners of all ages are welcome.
Call 804-746-9615 or visit the library at 7461 Sherwood Crossing Place for more information.
Preschool stor ytime at the Mechanicsville Branch Library, Thursday, april 6, 13, 20 and 27, 10:30 — 11 a.m. enjoy books, music, fingerplays, and much more at preschool s tor ytime! For ages 3-5 with a caregiver.
Mother Goose stor ytime at the Mechanicsville Branch Library.
Tuesday, a pril 4, 11, 18 and 25, 10:30 to 11 a.m. Mother Goose is a stor ytime for children age 6 to 24 months and their caregivers. h ave fun with nursery rhymes, singing and reading.
Toddler stor ytime at the Mechanicsville Branch Library. Tuesday, april 4, 11, 18 and 25, 11 to
Please see LIBRARIES, Page 23