8 minute read
Sheriff’s office warns of email scams
Contributed Report
Recently, the United States FBI issued a warning about business email compromise (BEC) attacks by cybercriminals who are trying to steal physical goods, according to the Hanover County Sheriff’s Office. BEC is when cybercriminals spoof business email accounts and impersonate executives to try and steal information, money or products from an organization.
In this recent BEC scam, cybercriminals start this attack by sending you phishing emails spoofing the domains of legitimate organizations, pretending to be employees of

MARCH 11 dWi: first offense was reported on the 16800 block of Mountain road/Bethany Church road.
MARCH 12 dWi: first offense was reported on the 100 block of Water Oak lane. driver did not report accident with damage less than $250 was reported on the 13000 block of Mid pines drive. stolen catalytic converter was reported on the 7000 block of Brooking Way. petit larceny in a building was reported on the 7100 block of Catlin road. destruction of property, monument was reported on the 6800 block of Joshua aaron Court. dWi: fir st offense, BaC.15-.20 was reported on the 8300 block of Walnut Grove road. assault and battery on a family member was reported on the 9200 block of Hanover Crossings drive. assault and battery on a family member was reported on the 16100 block of pug swamp lane
Unauthorized use of vehicle, boat or animal was reported on the 10500 block of Comanche lane.
MARCH 13 assault and battery on a family member was reported on the 4100 block of parsleys Mill road. the organization. In these emails, cybercriminals will ask to buy your business’ products, trying to trick you into thinking they’re making a legitimate business purchase order. If you agree to the order, the cybercriminals will send you fake credit payment information. These payments look legitimate and are only known as fraudulent after the products have already been shipped. These scams can be hard to spot. So, it’s important to learn how to keep yourself and your organization safe.
Follow the tips below to stay safe from similar scams:
To verify the legiti-
False identify of self to law enforcement was reported on the 3700 block of Mechanicsville Turnpike.
Credit card fraud of less than $200 in 6 months was reported on the 8100 block of Windsor drive. assault and battery on a family member was reported on the 8300 block of southern Watch place.
Marijuana on school grounds was reported on the 9400 block of atlee station road.
Hit and run: with attended property damage more than $1000 was reported on the 8200 block of s hady Grove road/Meadowbridge road.
Failure to perform construction after advance was reported on the 11200 block of Weis lane.
Obtain money under false pretense, larceny of $200 conspiracy was reported on the 12400 block of summer ridge place.
Concealment of price, alter merchandise less than $1000 was reported on the 7400 block of pole Green road.
Obtaining money by false pretenses under $200 was reported on the 10400 block of a shcake road.
MARCH 15 damage of a catalytic converter was reported on the 9100 block macy of an order request, reach out to the person who allegedly sent the email by phone or in person. of aaroe drive. Forging coin and bank note was reported on the 8100 block of Beatty Farm drive. a simple assault was reported on the 13200 block of Mountain road. assault and battery on a family member was reported on the 12200 block of Henley road.
Even if the sender’s email address is from a trusted domain, the email could be fake. Cybercriminals can gain access to trusted domains to make their scams more believable.
When you receive an email, stop and look for red flags. For example, watch out for emails that were sent outside of business hours and emails that contain spelling or grammatical errors.
Information courtesy of the Hanover County Sheriff’s Office.
Grand larceny in a building was reported on the 4100 block of river road.
Breaking and entering at night with intent to commit felony was reported on the 11300 block of Washington Highway. driver did not report accident with damage over $250 was reported on the 9300 block of atlee road.
Concealment of price, alter merchandise less than $1000 was reported on the 10100 block of lakeridge park.

Marijuana on school grounds was reported on the 10300 block of Chamberlayne road.
MARCH 16 driver not report an accident with damage less or equal to $1000 was reported on the 7200 block of Cold Harbor road/Brooking Way. a simple assault was reported
Please see SHERIFF, Page 10
Local Calendar
THURSDAY, APRIL 13 register now to attend Hanover County’s largest active aging event devoted to seniors! Hanover’s fifth annual “Finding Value in your prime” will be held from 8:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. at Fairmount Christian Church 6502 Creighton road, Mechanicsville. The event is free but the deadline to register is april 5. participants will be offered a complimentary light breakfast and boxed lunch and given the opportunity to meet representatives of services and learn about resources available to older adults. There will be presentations promoting active lifestyles and positive aging, along with various activities and door prizes. also offered during this event will be a special Centenarian recognition to honor Hanover residents who are 100 years of age or older. if you know someone living in Hanover County who will be 100 or older this year, we want to honor them. Call Community resources at 804365-4300 or email volunteer@hanovercounty.gov. The deadline to submit the information is March 24. To register for this event, visit www.hanoverparksrec. com and select events, key word: Finding Value in your prime (click on link). Consider bringing non-perishable, donated food items to the event to help benefit M.C.e.F. Food pantr y. For more information, contact Hanover County Community resources at 804-365-4300.
Hanover County public schools will hold the 46th Festival of the arts and sciences from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. a pril 15 at patrick Henry High school, 12449 W. patrick Henry road, ashland. For more information, contact 804-365-8000.
doswell ruritan salt Fish Breakfast will be held from 6 to 9 a.m. at the doswell ruritan Club, 16433 n. Washington Highway. all you care to eat salt Fish Breakfast to include scrambled eggs, bacon, hashbrown potatoes, spiced apples, biscuits, cornbread, coffee and juice. Cost is $11 for adults, children 4010 years old are $5. Take-outs available. a ‘decade of the 60’s reunion’ for all alumni of Hermitage High school for the classes of 1960 through 1969 will be held from 4 to 9 p.m. at richmond east Moose lodge Ballroom, 7167 Flag lane in Mechanicsville. Music, food, plenty of tables, chairs, memories and old friends. Cash bar, casual attire. The event is limited to 400 attendees. The cost is $25 per person. To reserve your spot, make out your check to HHs 60’s reunion and mail to: HHs 60’s reunion, 7330 staples Mill rd. #249, Henrico, Va 23228. include your full name and address and which year you graduated. For more information, contact sue Halsey Cox (Class of 1966) 804-387-9182 or suecox3@yahoo.com.
Or contact dale Morris (Class of 1964) at 804-897-7452 or brendale68@yahoo.com.
The Mechanicsville Tea party will meet between 7 and 8:30 p.m. The meeting will be held at Freedom services and Training, 6701 Cold Harbor road in Mechanicsville – directly across from dollar General and close to the Creighton road traffic circle. This month we will have one or both of the candidates for the republican nomination for the Board of super visors from the ashland district in our final episode of Meet the Challengers for the primary campaign season. at the time of this writing, each candidate will be interviewed and take questions from the audience separately. This will be not be a debate between the 2 candidates. Meetings are open to everybody. if you have any questions, call Glenn Baker at 804-752-8389. if he does not answer, please leave a message and he will return your call.
Bring your family and join us as we celebrate spring, the shearing of the sheep and fiber production at patrick Henry’s scotchtown! The program is growing and this year organizers have so much more to enjoy! The festival will be held from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at scotchtown, located at 16120 Chiswell lane, Beaverdam. activities to enjoy throughout the day will include a ribbon cutting and presentation of the new floorcloth for the manor house hall; sheep shearer dave from delly’s delights Farms will be here answering all your questions; members from Clothos Handspinners guild will be on-site demonstrating the process of wool production; antique carriage and wagon display; rMC archaeology active dig; sheepdog herding demonstrations; open house tours; a children’s activities area; demonstrations in the hearth kitchen featuring scotchtown’s spring garden; over 40 local crafters, vendors and community organizations; and food trucks. The openhouse tour and fiber festival programs are both included at $10 for students, $12 for senior/aaa/Militar y, and $15 for General admission. preservation Virginia members are $12 and children 6 and under are free. purchase tickets at https:// www.eventbrite.com/e/scotchtown-fiberfestival-tickets-494234557867.
THURSDAY, APRIL 27 a monthly Blood drive will be held from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. at Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) located at 7168 Flag lane in Mechanicsville. additional dates are May
23, June 20, July 27, aug. 24, sept. 26, Oct. 19, nov. 24 and dec. 26. you must schedule an appointment with the red Cross at redCrossBlood.org.
FRIDAY APRIL 28 & SATURDAY, APRIL 29 st. paul lutheran Church will sponsor its “everything for $1” two-day yard sale, from 7 a.m. to noon at 8100 shady Grove rd. in Mechanicsville. The inside/outside rain or shine event will include linens, kitchen, home décor, clothes (children and adult), books, toys, lawn and garden, furniture and much more. For more information, call 804-427-7500.
VFW p ost 9808 will hold a s hred- i t event on from 9 a.m. to noon at 7168 Flag lane in Mechanicsville. This event is for members and community residents. Come and share the date with your family and friends. note that no binders or boxes are allowed.
ONGOING if you think you may have a drinking problem, aa can help. Visit aarichmond. org for meeting info in Hanover County and other areas or call the 24 hour hotline: 804-355-1212.
Hanover County is working with residents, businesses, landowners and other community members to update its Comprehensive p lan. Called “ e nvision Hanover,” the plan is the county’s long-range vision of Hanover over the next 25 years, addressing land use, housing, economic development and natural resources. it also provides guidance on where growth may be appropriate throughout the county and what that growth should look like. Hanover residents’ feedback will shape the Comprehensive plan and decisions regarding growth, preservation and public investment for years to come. Based upon the feedback received, the project team has been working to identify key concepts related to land use, economic development and historic resources. These preliminary ideas will be introduced at a series of events scheduled in January and February. residents will be able to share their ideas by participating with an inperson meeting or webinar, depending upon their schedules. The Hanover Board of supervisors will hold public work sessions on the Comprehensive plan on May 10 and July 26. The current schedule calls for the planning Commission to hold a public hearing on the proposed update in august, with the board’s public hearing to take place a month later. For information on the planning process, and how you can participate, visit www.envisionhanover.com. you can also follow the process on Twitter, instagram and Facebook.
The Hanover County sheriff’s Office will be hosting its 14th annual senior Citizens police academy. The senior Citizens police academy will take place april 11 to June 20. The academy will be held every Tuesday between the hours of 9 a.m. and 12 p.m. at The Montpelier Community Center, located at 17203 sycamore Tavern lane, Montpelier, Va 23192. There will be no cost for the participants. Class size will be limited to the first 30 seniors who register. The program will be available to people 55 years of age or older who are residents, business owners or county employees. applicants must also be willing to submit to a background check. This academy is designed to give participants
Please see CALENDAR, Page 21