8 minute read

G. Wayne Brannan
Brannan, G. Wayne, 75, of Mechanicsville, went to be with the lord, surrounded by his family, saturday, april 1, 2023. He is survived by his wife of 54 years, Valerie; two children, Jamie Brannan (Cindy) and Kathy archambault; granddaughter, Beth Thorpe (Michael); and greatgranddaughter, alyssa Thorpe. Wayne was a 1968 graduate of Hermitage High school, joining the U.s. nav y after graduation and was a proud Vietnam veteran. He then went into a career in plumbing. The family will receive friends from 1 to 2 p.m., with a memorial service beginning at 2 p.m., Wednesday, april 12, 2023 at the Mechanicsville Chapel of the Bennett Funeral Home, 8014 lee-davis rd. interment will be private. in lieu of flowers, memorial contributions may be made to the veterans organization of your choice.

Michael Rodgers
From 3 on the 7700 block of stand Circle. a stolen catalytic converter was reported on the 9200 block of east Wenlock drive. a stolen catalytic converter was reported on the 8100 block of perrincrest place. a stolen catalytic converter was reported on the 8200 block of lansdowne road. petit larceny from an auto was reported on the 11200 block of Hopson road. a stolen catalytic converter was reported on the 11000 block of leadbetter road. possession of a schedule i,ii controlled substance was reported on the 7400 block of Bell Creek road. reported on the 10100 block of lewistown road.
MARCH 17 petit larceny from an auto was reported on the 7000 block of lantana lane.
Tamper, injure a vehicle, boat, aircraft was reported on the 8000 block of Gold pebble Way.
Unlawful purchase or possession of alcohol under the age of 21 was reported on the 10300 block of Chamberlayne road. a simple assault was reported on the 6100 block of pole Green road.
Failure to appear on felony charge was reported on the 7500 block of County Complex road. profane, threatening language over public airway was reported on the 17300 block of Beaver dam road.
Servingallfaithssince1897 CharlesD.Morehead,president
Peaceofmind: pre-planningtakestheburdenofmaking importantdecisionsoffofyourlovedonesduringadifficulttime.
Financialassurance: pre-paymentofyourfuneralthrough BennettFuneralHomewillrenderthecostsassociatedwithyour finalexpensesinflationproof.
Longevity: BennettFuneralHomehasbeenlocallyownedand operatedsince1897.Foroveracentury,Richmondershaveturned touswithtrustandconfidenceintheirtimeofneed.
Forafree,noobligationconsultation, calloneofourfourconvenientlocations:
Central 3215CutshawAve 359-4481
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West 11020WestBroadSt 270-6321
Chesterfield (OffWinterpockRoad) 14301AshbrookPkwy 639-4975 www.BennettFuneralHomes.com rOdGers, Michael, 94, of Mechanicsville, went home to his lord and savior sunday, april 2, 2023. Born January 21, 1929, in edinburgh, scotland to the late patrick and sarah rodgers; he was also preceded in death by his daughter, Michelle rodgers. Michael leaves behind to cherish his memory, his loving wife of 73 years, Janet rodgers; children, Heather Gray (William) and James rodgers (Brenda); grandson, Jaime rodgers (devon); great-granddaughter, Thea rodgers; sister-in-law, Georgia Foster; nephew, scot; and niece, lisa. ser vices will be private.
Robert Fleming Willis
Willis, robert Fleming, son of William Melville Willis and emma louise pulliam Willis, passed away on the morning of March 25, 2023 after a sudden and brief battle with acute myeloid leukemia, at the age of 76. He was preceded in death by his wife, Karen Wonderley Willis; his sister, anne B. (Willis) Carmody; his mother-in-law, Given Huffman Wonderley; his brotherin-law, John Hasper sponaugle; and his father and mother, William and emma lou. He is survived by son, david Fleming Willis; son, William Wonderley (ley) Willis and husband, John Huggins; daughter, anne elizabeth (lissie) Willis Van leunen and husband, Tommy Van leunen; sister-in-law, pamela Wonderley sponaugle; father-in-law, Franklin Wonderley; and a host of other relatives and friends. a graveside memorial will be held on Thursday, april 13, 2023 at 1 p.m. at Hollywood Cemetery. We encourage all family and friends to attend.
identity fraud use of identifying information to defraud was reported on the 2000 block of Brian Court.
a simple assault was reported on the 12400 block of West patrick Henry road.
Firearms, regardless of value, not from a person were reported on the 17200 block of Journeys end land.
Urinating or defecating in public was reported on the 11300 block of air park road.
Failure to perform construction after advance was reported on the 10400 block of King Braxton Court.
Obtain money under false pretense, larceny of $200 conspiracy was reported on the 8000 block of sherwood Crossing place.
Grand larceny of $500 or more, not from a person was reported on the 13100 block of Mountain road.
identity fraud use of identifying information to defraud was reported on the 15400 block of Campbell lake road.
p ossession of a schedule i , ii controlled substance was reported on the 10300 block of south Cedar lane/Cedar lane.
driver not report an accident with damage less or equal to $1000 was reported on the 11300 block of Old elmont road.
a simple assault was reported on the 7700 block of stand Circle p ossession of a schedule i , ii controlled substance was identity theft to defraud more then or $200 was reported on the 8100 block of Greenview road. driver did not report accident with damage over $250 was reported on the 7000 block of Mechanicsville Turnpike. profane, threatening language over public airway was reported on the 10200 block of a ppaloosa Trail. possession of a schedule i,ii controlled substance was reported on the 7500 block of Cold Harbor road.
Uttering was reported on the 9600 block of sliding Hill road.
Obtain money under false pretense, larceny of $200 conspiracy was reported on the 15100 block of Clazemont road.
Obtaining money or signature by false pretenses was reported on the 8100 block of Marley drive. destruction of property, monument was reported on the 7100 block of ellerson Mill Circle. assault and battery on a family member was reported on the 7200 block of lee-davis road.
MARCH 18 petit larceny, shoplifting was reported on the 10100 block of Kings dominion Boulevard. Obtaining money or signature by false pretenses was reported on the 7400 block of lexington drive.
Brandishing a firearm was reported on the 7200 block of Garden park lane
Please see SHERIFF, Page 11
From 10 Firearms, regardless of value, not from a person was reported on the 15500 block of robert Terrell road.
petit larceny from an auto was reported on the 19200 block of Whistling drive.
Concealment, price alter merchandise less than $500 was reported on the 7400 block of Bell Creek road.
dW i : drug s, first offense was reported on the 7700 block of Mechanicsville Turnpike.
dWi: first offense was reported on the 10200 block of Chamberlayne road.
MARCH 19 dWi: first offense was reported on the 10300 block of Cedar lane/ Washington Highway. p etit larceny, shoplifting was reported on the 7200 block of Bell Creek road. dWi: fir st offense, BaC .15-.20 was reported on the 4500 block of Mechanicsville Turnpike/pole Green road.
Concealment, price alteration of merchandise less than $500 was reported on the 11300 block of air park road.
Grand larceny in a building was reported on the 10400 block of rosebud lane.
Grand larceny from an automobile was reported on the 9000 block of pole Green park lane. assault and battery on a family member was reported on the 17000 block of Will James lane.
MARCH 20 destruction of property, monument was reported on the 9000 block of pole Green park lane. petit larceny from an automobile was reported on the 6500 block of Mechanicsville Turnpike. a simple assault was reported on the 300 south James street . assault and battery on a family member was reported on the 8200 block of eller son drive. i dentity fraud-financial loss more than $200 was reported on the 20300 block of Beaver dam road. assault and battery on a family member was reported on the 10200 block of lakeridge square Court. a simple assault was reported on the 900 block of pole Green park lane. p etit larceny from a building was reported on the 7400 block of Bell Creek road. assault and battery on a family member was reported on the 7200 block of ellerson Mill Circle.

Credit card fraud less than $1000 in 6 months was reported on the 7400 block of Bell Creek road.
Grand larceny -$500 or more, not from a person was reported on the 8200 block of east patrick Henry road/pamlico road.
Threat to extort money was reported on the 1400 block of dressage Way.
Threat to extort money was reported on the 7400 block of lexington drive.
MARCH 21 a stolen catalytic converter was reported on the 11100 block of air park road. assault and battery on a family member was reported on the 18300 block of Taylors Creek road. p etit larceny from a building was reported on the 7200 block of Walnut Grove road. assault and battery on a family member was reported on the 7400 block of deborah drive.
Grand larceny of parts was reported on the 8000 block of sherwood Crossing place.
Fail to appear on a felony charge was reported on the 7500 block of County Complex road.
Grand larceny -$500 or more, not from a person was reported on the 11000 block of north lakeridge park.
Hit and run with personal injury was reported on the 15300 block of Henry Forest Way.
MARCH 22 a stolen catalytic converter was reported on the 9200 block of iv y Banks drive. larceny of certain animals was reported on the 14200 block of Canterbury road. assault and battery on a family member was reported on the 6000 block of pole Green road. larceny of bank notes, checks was reported on the 11200 block of Hopson road. assault and battery on a family member was reported on the 6100 block of Winding Hills drive.
Threats in writing was reported on the 8000 block of sherwood Crossing place.
Breaking and entering a house to commit larceny, assault was reported on the 13100 block of Cedar lane.
During this episode, Alexander, who joined the Covenant Woods team as farm manager in 2019, gave co-host Hamlin a tour of the 12,000-square-foot garden and explained how it has grown exponentially since it first opened in 2017 and fully lived up to its name as a farm-to-table program.

The first year, when the garden was only 4,000 square feet and just getting off the ground, it produced about 2,200 pounds of food, Alexander, a local resident and Master Gardener graduate, said in the video. The garden runs on a fiscal year calendar, and from April 2022 to March 2023 it produced 4,750 pounds of produce.

While walking through the resident portion of the garden, Alexander pointed out that some of them had been farmers, so this provides them the opportunity to keep growing what they love. They then cook and eat what they grow or share it with other residents.
One of the residents interviewed, Lee Bedsole, said when people come to visit her, she always brings them to the garden because she is so proud of it.
“We’ve really got it well organized and Jennifer has done a great job of making sure that the plants get what they need. It is a wonderful thing for this institution,” she said.
Vegetables, herbs and berries from the production garden, which residents also help tend, are used by Covenant Woods dining staff in the food it serves. Scheff said he loves the farmto-table program, which serves the dual purpose of giving his chefs incredibly fresh food to use in their dishes and creating an outdoor environment where residents can get to know each other and staff as they work side by side.
“Allowing them to be outdoors and work with Jen, I think it keeps them young, it keeps them vibrant and it is wonderful for both the staff, the residents and the community,” Scheff said in the episode.
In a separate interview, Scheff said the farm-to-table program is progressing better than he could have ever imagined. Each year allows staff the opportunity to learn and understand what varieties thrive and what varieties struggle.

“There is a respect for Mother Nature; she has ultimate control,” he said. “Our first two years of the farm produced mostly tomatoes, cucumbers and peppers. This year, in addition to tomatoes and peppers, we have several different varieties of potatoes, onions, lettuces, herbs, strawberries, blueberries, asparagus and greens. This is a true farm-to-table program. Additionally, what makes the farm so special is the wonderful resident and staff relationships that have prospered over the years. It’s not just delicious food that comes from the farm, it also provides beneficial therapeutic opportunities, including physical, mental and social healing. It’s part of a holistic approach to enjoying life.”
Scheff added that the opportunity to be highlighted on “Virginia Home Grown” was an amazing experience. “The amount of work that went into the farm’s inception and the preparation of the land makes the attention the farm gets even sweeter. It’s a dream come true.”