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Nominees sought for Beaverdam, Henry District School Board seats
Contributed Report
The Hanover County Board of Supervisors is seeking nominations for the School Board seats representing the Beaverdam and Henry districts. Candidates must be nominated on Wednesday, April 26, when the board will hold its public hearing on the appointments.
In Hanover County, the board of supervisors is responsible for making appointments to the Hanover County School Board. The voters of Hanover County, in accordance with provisions of Title 22.1 of the Code of Virginia, decided that the board should appoint members of the school board.
Members of the school board have staggered terms, and each term is for four years. Each year, the board appoints at least one school board member. Each of Hanover’s seven election districts has a member on the school board, which sets policy for the Hanover County Public School system.
State Code requires that the board cannot appoint a school board member until after a public hearing has been held to re- ceive and consider nominees. The board’s rules provide that the board will hold that public hearing at its fourth Wednesday meeting in April, which this year falls on April 26. The board will not be making its appointments on April 26. Rather, the appointments will take place on May 24. This will allow time for the board, and especially the supervisors in the Beaverdam and Henry districts, to consider the nominees.
The board welcomes individuals who might be interested in serving to reach out to board members or to county adminis- tration to learn more about the position, including eligibility requirements, and to indicate their interest. If you would like to submit your name for consideration prior to the board’s meeting on April 26, you are welcome to call the county administrator’s office at 804-365-6005 or email ct y adm@hanovercounty.gov beginning on April 19. However, even if a person reaches out to a board member or administration prior to April 26, their name must be placed into nomination on April 26 for that person to be eligible for appointment. Those who seek the position are invited to speak on their own behalf and have supporters speak for them. The board’s meeting on April 26 will begin at 6 p.m.
The board looks forward to hearing from those interested in serving on the school board. J. Robert Monolo is the supervisor representing the Beaverdam District. He can be reached at jrmonolo@hanovercounty.gov or 804-690-2792. Sean Davis is the supervisor representing the Henry District. He can be reached at smdavis@hanovercounty.gov or 804-439-2289.
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