1 minute read
Scouts spruce up Pufferbelly Park
The Town of Ashland sent out its heartfelt thanks and high fives to Scouting BSA Troop 709-G members who recently completed a clean-up of the Community Garden at Kiwanis Pufferbelly Park, including painting the garden plot boxes. They did a great job and made a sunny spot in town shine even brighter.

Upcoming Programs At Hanover Libraries
Call 804-798-4072 or visit the library at 201 S. Railroad Ave. for more information.
Hanover Quilting Circle at the ashland Branch library, Wednesday, april 12, 5:30
— 8:30 p.m. Grab your sewing machine, supplies and current project! This group meets the second Wednesday of every month to share ideas, fabric, skills and stories! Beginners, experienced quilters and those curious about the hobby are all welcome to drop in.
Must love Words at the ashland Branch library, Wednesday, april 12, 7 – 8:30 p.m. ages 18 and up. Writers, are you looking for inspiration? need readers with a discerning eye? Join us for constructive feedback and discussion about the craft of writing on each of this month. due to group resources, email and word processing are used to communicate outside of meetings. access to email and familiarity with word processing is preferred.
Mad about Mahjong! at the a shland Branch l ibrary, Friday, a pril 14 and 28 , 10 a.m . — 12:30 p.m looki ng for experienced players to play with? Join other Mahjong enthusiasts in playing the cultural tile game at the ashland library! afternoon Book Club at the ashland Branch library, Monday, april 17, 1 – 2 p.m. ages 18 and up. read our book of the month and engage in a lively discussion about it. share views about the book and author and share reading recommendations.
Mother Goose storytime at the ashland Branch library, Mondays, april 17 and 24, 10:30 — 11 a.m. Mother Goose is a storytime for children age 6 to 24 months and their caregivers. We have fun with nursery rhymes, singing and reading.
Please see HANOVER, Page 23