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COMMUNITY Magic and mission come together
Jonathan Austin, entertainment extraordinaire, joined the Hanover Adult Center community on March 30 for a morning of wonderment.

Participants in both Hanover Adult Center’s Day Support and Adult Day Health Services programs were treated to a show of comedy and magic. During the fast-paced show, Austin invited Hanover Adult Center participants to join him on stage as all-important assistants, masterfully blending magic and mission.
Hanover Adult Center provides support for adults with a wide variety of needs in a warm and com- passionate environment. Adults with intellectual, developmental, chronic or age-related challenges find independence and meaningful connection to their community with Hanover Adult Center. The Hanover Adult Center community expressed its sincere appreciation to Austin for his generous donation of time and talent.

For more information about Hanover Adult Center, call 804-746-0743, or email admin@hanoveradultcenter.com. For more information about Jonathan Austin, call 804908-4108 or email jonathanaustin@mindspring. com.