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RCI Builders once again hosting Touch-A-Truck event
Contributed Report
On April 29, gear heads of all ages will visit an impressive display of heavy equipment, a fire truck and ambulance, dump trucks and tractors. Ashland Train Day’s Touch-A-Truck Area is made possible by RCI Builders.
You probably know RCI Builders for the well-crafted, highquality homes they’ve been building in Ashland since 1999. Today, RCI is one of the largest locally-owned construction companies in central Virginia, supporting more than 30 employees and contracts. They extend support into the community through charitable giving, including hosting the TouchA-Truck Area at Ashland Train Day.
RCI Builders’ Vice President and Co-Owner Patrick Ashley recalls all the delights of Ashland Train Days past. “There is nothing like showing the chil - dren the heavy equipment and dump trucks we work with daily and giving them a glimpse into the fun of construction!”
Children and their loved ones are invited to climb into vehicles, touch and feel everything, and speak with the operators–completely free of charge.
“Because Touch-A-Truck is in Ashland at Train Day, it feels like stepping back in time to old holiday parades,” muses Ashley.
“We love connecting and engaging with the public and meeting the families that live in and around Ashland.” rCi Builders extends support into the community through charitable giving, including hosting the Touch-aTruck area at ashland Train day. Children and their loved ones are invited to climb into vehicles, touch and feel everything, and speak with the operators–completely free of charge.
You can meet Builder Integrity Award winning, RCI Builders, at the Touch-a-Truck area at Ashland Train Day on Saturday, April 29th from 10am to 4pm. We’ll see you there!
Stand out from the crowd with your FREE 2023 Ashland Train Day T-Shirt when you become a VIP Member of Downtown Ashland Association.

Recently, a local young lady stopped by the Hanover County Sheriff’s Office to deliver a number of cards filled with positive messages and gift cards that she purchased with money she raised through Kordelia’s Lemonade Stand! It’s because of young people like Kordelia that the sheriff’s office knows the future of the Hanover community is in good hands.

Clay Spring Garden Club hosts Spring Fling
Contributed Report
The Clay Spring Garden Club of Ashland held their monthly meeting on Tuesday, April 11 in celebration of the beginning of Spring. The members were treated to a hands-on workshop on leaf manipulation conducted by Kathy Ward from Midlothian, an expert in the field of creative floral design.

There were two exhibit themes which enabled the members to demonstrate their creative floral design skills. The first theme, Two Sides to Every Story, called for a duo design which is an arrangement created in one container with two totally different sides, one in the front and one in the back. Spring Fling was the second theme, which was a designer’s choice entry utilizing colorful spring flowers. The Best-in-Show award winners were Angela Wisler for Horticulture and Agnes Petrie for her Duo Design entry. Spring-themed refreshments, complete with a fruit salad served in a watermelon carved in the shape of a bunny, were enjoyed by all. The next meeting will be held on May 9 at the First Baptist Church in Ashland. A workshop will be held for members to create gift mug floral arrangements for Ashland businesses. Anyone who loves gardening, horticulture and floral design and is interested in joining the Clay Spring Garden Club is invited to contact the Membership Committee Chairperson, Laura Follo, at (203) 6870196 for more information.
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Volunteerrecognition,entertainment andlightrefreshments. Doorsopenat6:30p.m.and theprogrambeginsat7p.m. Freeadmission.
AwardSponsors: AshlandACEHardware& Equipment,CopyCatPrinting,Inc,Covenant Woods,GraceCommunityPresbyterian Church,HanoverChamberofCommerce, RappahannockElectricCooperativeand VirginiaCreditUnion.
Clay spring Garden members angela Wisler, left, and agnes petrie with their Bestin-show winners.
WithGuestHostSimone Cuccurullofromthe NBC12NewsTeam!