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from Henry | Spring 2022
by ninetyblack
Anything you can think of will become a reality… Just type any phrase into DALL·E 2, and the artificial intelligence will create multiple versions of artwork in any style you asked for. DALL·E has taken the internet by storm, but don’t be put off by its easier to access, ugly cousin “DALL·E mini” – though also fun to use, it will give you glitchy and somewhat scary results. Take a look at all the possibilities. openai.com/dall-e-2/
Potato Milk
You’ve heard of oat milk, almond milk and even cashew milk, now there’s a new milk on the block made from …. potatoes!? With less carbs and more protein than other alternative milks, this could be the next big thing for our lactose, dairy, nut, soy and gluten free friends.
Habitica App
Need a fun way to build habits? Give yourself as much attention as a brand new Tamagotchi with the Habitica app. With in-game rewards and punishments to motivate you, and a strong social network to inspire you, Habitica can help you achieve your goals to become healthy, hardworking, and happy! habitica.com
Handmade Rugs
Handmade rugs are all over Tik Tok these days, with people buying “tufting” gear to turn their favourite objects and characters into rugs. Anything is possible with the right gear, so you could be walking on your very own “poop emoji” rug in no time – a great addition for any bathroom! There are a few companies popping up that have caught onto the trend, so you can give it a go for yourself without investing too much into yet another craft hobby you have seen online. instagram.com/hoophowdy/
With the cost of living going through the roof (if you can afford one these days), we need all the help we can get to reduce costs and stick to a budget. Grocer.nz is here to help. You simply select your preferred local grocery stores, search or scan the food you want to buy, add the items to your shopping list and find out where the cheapest prices are for each item. This could reduce your grocery bill dramatically – give it a go.
ghd Unplugged
ghd unplugged is your new handbag hair styling hero. With the guaranteed performance of a regular sized ghd styler, you can now have quick, sleek and smooth hair wherever you are! Unplugged is compact, lightweight but powerful so you can be confident styling on the go. ghdhair.com/nz/