1 minute read
from Henry | Spring 2022
by ninetyblack
at Mount Ruapehu It may have been a super cold and frosty morning today... but that didn't stop Cairo from cutting some of those early morning frozen tootsie zoomies. Can't beat a Ruapehu morning �� @ shanewalkerartworks at Waihi Beach School

This mural is based on Tūhua (Mayor Island).

Let’s get social!
Look out! We’ve been having a nosey into what you’ve been enjoying most over the past few months – here are some of the best finds.

@outdoorkidnz at Waiorongomai Valley the best exploring buddy ��! @amandanz88 at Ōhope Beach

@dataset.co.nz at Waihi
What a cool weekend with the boys out in Waihi! Really stoked that everyone enjoyed it, and that the public decided to get involved! The locals stuck around and formed a crowd, and behind us someone was practicing fire breathing acrobatics ��

@jasminemonga at Taupō Lakefront Stellar sunset tonight �� @dinina1209 at Hells Gate Waiora Spa Somehow Rotorua’s volcanic air attacked MacKellar’s eyes. He literally couldn’t stop crying during the spa. My fragile bby �� Don’t cry

@thomjchin at Hipapatua Reserve aka Reids Farm, Taupō
I think I bombed. Better get practicing for the 2026 Winter Olympics.
Hungry for more?