5 minute read
David is a Canadian, resident of the UAE for 18 years, with 40+ years of experience in the retail industry. Throughout his career, David has held several senior executives’ roles in major shopping centre development companies, including Emaar, AFGRE, Msheireb and Al Othaim. Formerly head of the property advisory firm, JLL Retail Division. Currently, he serves as the CEO of MECS+R. As an expert in the MENA Region, he has made numerous appearances on prominent news channels such as CNN, BBC, Bloomberg, Dubai One, Dubai City 7 TV, Selfie TV, and Dubai Zee Television. David is also a frequent commentator on Dubai Eye 103.8 as a retail industry expert and property market commentator.
In April 2021, three McKinsey executives Lisa Christensen, Jake Gittleson and Matthew Smith collaborated to create and publish this learning model which upon trying, is very effective. Several quotes from these authors are included in this article.
This article is a summary of these findings to understand the efficiencies of the 3X3X3 learning model which they have assembled. Using this learning model, we all benefit from understanding focus in our approach to learning.
Learning is a lifelong pursuit. Strategies to maximize efficient learning are important to maintain the right mindset to expand the opportunities in our lives personally and professionally.
3 Goals
“A defined number of clear and immediate goals. Focus on a few concrete goals at any one time.”*

In our busy lives we have a wide range of learning opportunities presented to us daily. The key point to take away is - to take the time to prioritize and focus on a few specific goals for learning about greater specifics. Identify those few goals. Write them down daily. Identify no more than three (3) goals at any one time.
With immediate access to social media, we are inundated with sometimes useless, urbane information from our phones and computers. The ability to get lost in the superficial is ever present. Brian Tracy, the self-development guru reinforces this idea. Setting smart goals is one of the best things we can do for ourselves. Do not open your phone or computer to review emails or social media before noon daily. Our most productive time is normally between 7 am to 12 noon.
3 Months
“A defined period in which to meet those goals.” McKinsey.com article April 2021. Most all of us operate at our best when under the pressure of deadlines. Our personal learning goals also benefit from the pressure of deadlines.

Depending on the nature of the goals, create a timeline for learning and delivering on those goals. The McKinsey people have determined that a limited period is necessary to create urgency daily. A period of three (3) months has been determined to be the ideal length of time to meet and achieve most of these goals. If the goals are not met within the three-month period, the timeline will enable decisions to recalibrate and head in the proper direction to meet these goals.
3 People
“A defined group of people who can support and monitor progress on our goals.”*

“Involving others in our learning is one of the most powerful ways to improve goal attainment.”*
“Having multiple sources of support, insight and feedback helps to multiply the potential for learning and growth.”*
Surround yourself with three (3) other people to assist you in heading in the right direction to achieve your goals. Involving others generally leads you into a vulnerable position. Some may feel embarrassed if they do not meet these goals. Use this state of vulnerability to motivate and propel you forward to achieve your goals. Your back is to the wall. Take action. Learn from others. Take direction when and where necessary from the three (3) other people you have shared your goals with. Healthy social pressure is a great motivator.
“Setting a deadline of three months forces us to break down longer-term goals into achievable chunks, allowing us to recalibrate or redirect our energies along the way.”
“The three-month cycle provides an important checkpoint for us to ensure that the development goals remain aligned with the broader aspirations.”*
The 3X3X3 approach to learning and goal setting enables you to take the guesswork out of achieving your learning opportunities. Keep bite sized chunks of information. One step at a time. The 3X3X3 system provides another tool to make your life easier, focused and more fulfilling. Use this system as a trial. You will find a simple framework for continuous lifelong learning and goal setting.