ISSN 1177-2808 (Print)
ISSN 2230-357X (Online)
MEDANZ News Middle Eastern Dance Association of New Zealand October / November 2011
TIME IS RUNNING OUT to submit your proposal to teach at
FESTIVAL 2012 Dunedin - 13 - 15 April 2012 CLOSING DATE - 31 OCTOBER All proposals must be made on the Application Forms which are available on our website All intending tutors must be full or family members at time of submission (ie have blue card) If you are having difficulty filling out the application form Contact Pip E-Lysaah who will be happy to guide you Completed forms are to be sent to our postal address OR all the addresses below (WE ASK YOU TO DO THIS TO MAKE CERTAIN THAT SOMEONE GETS YOUR APPLICATION)
If you have submitted your proposal but have not had it acknowledged PLEASE GET IN CONTACT because it means we have not received it
Information Centre
Presidential Ponderings
San Francisco Immersion
What a Brilliant Idea
So what is a Smoot?
Dancer and her Music
APRA Licence - why?
So have you met our Liz?
Hudra Vendors
We Need Your Help
Librarian’s Report
What's On - NZ
Committee Details Web Site President - Karen Walworth
Hm: Cell:
(07) 823 7232 (027) 448 9001
Vice President & Librarian - Bronwyn Mohring
Hm: Cell
How to contact us
(03) 471 0247 (027) 234 1024
Secretary - Dianne Thompson
Hm:: Cell:
MEDANZ Suite 3051 P O Box 13-240 Johnsonville Wellington 6440
(07) 378 1127 (027) 874 1087
Treasurer & Membership - Lynley Murphy
Hm: Cell:
(07) 886 7742 (027) 454 0478
Dori Bestmann
Committee :
(021) 029 78803
Amanda Bound
Hm: Cell:
Membership :
(06) 758 1097 (027) 478 9029
Petra Cowell
Newsletter :
(03) 478 0012
Pip E-Lysaah
Treasurer :
Bank Account Details: 12-3011-0758507-
(021) 542 013
Include your name and reason (ie: sub / festival /DVD etc)
Contributions, including original articles, photos, reviews and letters are VERY welcome Email to: All contributions will be deemed to be authorised to be reprinted on the website. Material does not necessarily represent the views of MEDANZ members, not those of the MEDANZ committee. The cut off date for the December / January newsletter is: 20 November 2011
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October / November 2011
Well I don’t know who started calling the presidents part of the news letter pearls of wisdom (that would be little ol’ me - The Editor), but surely there must have been some truth in it at some stage even if mine are a bit of a ramble Anyway things to note: Ever said to yourself “there isn’t really anything happening in my area dance wise” – Well this may come as a surprise but there probably is more happening then you think. If you live in Hamilton or the Waikato – close to Hamilton, Shelley Dawson has been busy organizing workshops – last time with E Lysaah this time Tais, They are fun and well worth doing . Also worth a note is later on Sue Graham and Mirage are hosting Tanya in Taupo. My advise here is: Support the teachers arranging workshops Before you start saying “But they’re in NZ - I can do workshops with them anytime.” think about it in the last 2 – 5 years when have you done an intense focused workshop with these ladies outside of MEDANZ festival? Festival is full of intense workshops over a few days and lots of fun. But if you really want to focus on a subject, one dayers with 2 workshops, like Shelley has Tais doing, aimed at all Levels are well worth doing. If you wanted to arrange a workshop yourself, you are looking at a possible $200 per hour teaching fee, venue hire, accommodation and travel costs depending on how far they travel - then you need to set a reasonable price for attendees so that people will actually come. Many teachers hope to at least break even with these events, many make a loss because they want to expose the dancers they teach to other styles teaching methods to help development and grow. Talking about teaching - we are still taking applications to teach at next year’s festival but DON’T DELAY - they close at the end of this month. If you are thinking you want to share your knowledge with fellow dancers at MEDANZ festival but have no idea how to go about filling out the submission form (which incidentally is available to download from our website) – Pip E-Lysaah has kindly offered her services if you need help. Please feel free to contact her and she will gladly guide you through the process. And speaking of The Festival - dancers - don't forget we need you to make our Saturday night show pop and zing. The Performance application form is also available on our website - and wee note here - if your performance is over 5 mins long - the committee will need to view the dance prior to making their decision. Suggest you video it and upload to You Tube - if you are shy, you can make it private viewing and send us the link. You have until the end of January to get that sorted - but don't leave it too long please. Hope to hear from you soon Yours in Dance Adilah/Karen
October / November 2011
P age 3
San Francisco Immersion
by Schirin Diba
It has been my dream for many years, to come to the San Francisco Bay area and to immerse myself in the local dance culture. Finally, the opportunity came up for me to spend three months in Northern California. I spent many hours researching dance workshops and classes of interest to me. I gave up house and job and dove head first into the adventure. I have been here for three weeks now. Luckily, I have a good friend living in Oakland who offered me to stay with her until I found my feet. After a few days of adjusting to the new time zone, I attended a multi-level weeklong intensive with Suhaila Salimpour. I had heard how hard training in her format would be but to experience the complexity of body control and layering was even more challenging than I thought. My brain would understand the concept, however, my muscles just wouldn't deliver the desired movement. Suhaila assured us that it is scientifically proven that muscle will memorize an action after 38.000 times of repetition. How many years of training does that mean ?!?!?! Suhaila Salimpour and her mother Jamila (who graced us with her presence for an afternoon for an opportunity to hear her story) are wonderful, generous, kind and funny women who have dedicated their heart and soul to belly dance. They have my fullest admiration and respect for their achievements. I should also credit Suhaila's assistant for the successful classes: the talented and sovereign Andrea Sedken. I almost fell over when Colleena Shakti walked into the Suhaila Studio to join the workshop. She is currently spending a few months in California and she is offering Odissi classes. I have had the privilege to attend them in Ariellah's home studio. My wish to study Odissi in India has become even stronger. Zoe Jakes took a workshop at the Fat Chance studio with a new choreography as seen in the latest Beats Antique video still in production. Kami Liddle and Mira Betz are co-creators of the choreo and attended the workshop, too. The 'Tribal Superstars' were funny and down to earth. A week later, I went to Elizabeth Strong's workshop in Romani dance and Tribal Fusion/Burlesque. She is a real sweet heart. My big dance surprise is Miriam Peretz. She is a master of many ethnic dances and specializes in those along the Silk Road. She offers classes in poetic neo and classical Persian dance, Central Asian, Middle Eastern, Flamenco and diverse Gypsy techniques. An old/new fire for those dances has sparked up in me. The lovely Jill Parker teaches her exquisite Tribal Fusion style in ongoing classes. Learning from her comes with ease. For my remaining time, I will continue with weekly classes and attend 'San Francisco Mecca Immersion' as well as 'Rachel Brice's 8 Elements intensive'. I am thoroughly enjoying my time here in and out of dance. More than ever before can I understand now how much work it takes to deliver exquisite dance. It is humbling to attend classes with such dance gem stones. Just because I have the honour to call my idols my teachers, does not make me a better dancer/teacher. Realizing my own potential and my own gifts is entirely up to my own dedication to my practice and creativity. I feel even deeper inspired to grow as a dancer.
MEDANZ News now available ON LINE If you would rather receive your edition of MEDANZ News electronically Send your email address to
WHAT A BRILLIANT IDEA !!!!! Angela Mott has come up with the brilliant idea of creating a Facebook Page dedicated to What’s happening in the Bellydancing Community - inspired! So if you have an event or you want to see what’s coming up in your area - check out Raks NZ - What’s On
Back issues are available by logging into Page 4
on Facebook - and don't forget to “Like” to keep up to date with events. October / November 2011
ORDER YOUR DVD NOW!!!!! Relive the amazing stage show For only
$35:00 (includes P & P) Raqs Aotearoa DVD Orders · Suite 3051, Box 13-240 Johnsonville ·Wellington 6440; or email to or ABSOLUTELY NOTHING TO DO WITH BELLY DANCING - BUT INTRIGUING NONETHELESS Check this out on Google Earth Map which allows you to measure distance in miles, metres, feet or yards - the choice is yours. But the 9th option from the top right below nautical miles is “smoot” - huh? It seems that a smoot is the height of a man - not your average but one man in particular - Oliver R Smoot - the 5ft 7” Chairman of the American National Standards Institute and President of the International Organisation for Standardisation. There you go - you learn something new everyday. October / November 2011
P age 5
A Dancer and her Music
Angela Mott (aka Shakeelah)
I am willing to bet that everyone reading this gets up every day and creates something, even if it is something as simple as your lunchtime sandwich or a humble cup of coffee? You choose to sell some of your creativity to your boss, when you turn up for work and do your job. It may not feel very creative at times, but only you can do your job the way you do it, and that is your creativity at work. We use our creativity in our dance in our improvisations and choreographies, maybe you have a gift for costume creation, maybe you like to take fantastic dance photographs etc? If there was the market to pay you for your creativity in the dance scene, would you choose to be employed full time doing this? Do I hear you say, yeah I’d love to, but who would pay me for that? Well hopefully people who like and respect your creativity would pay for that - but would it be enough to live on? Possibly not if you were only able to receive income from 3-14% of your creative endeavors. This is apparently the percentage of legally purchased music on most people’s IPod’s and MP3 players!!! Shocking isn’t it. So, how much do you honor and respect the musicians and writers who create the music that you love to dance to right now? Have you paid for that music via a reputable retailer (online or retail shop, or your teacher)? If not, why not? Have you accepted a reproduction copy of music from your teacher, or your classmate? If you have then maybe you are selling yourself and the creator of that music short. In a nutshell, unless the musicians and composers receive enough income to meet their daily needs (just like you and me) they are not able to work full-time in their chosen field, which means you won’t be able to download, ripoff, or copy their music in future, because they won’t have the time to make it for you, they will be too busy working in other jobs to make a living. They miss out, you miss out, and in essence the whole world misses out on something wonderful. So how easy is it to purchase your music legally, and use it legally? For me, this choice is really easy. For you, if you don’t download your music from the internet, well it could require just a little bit more organization and patience, but it can be easy for you too if you choose to make it so. As a belly dance teacher, I made the decision some years ago that I would not create a choreography to any piece of music that was not readily available for download from the internet. I had tried using a class CD like the Bellydance Superstars for the year’s choreographies (like a one off purchase of a text book), but I found that even then students wanted to make copies for other students in the class, so that worked directly against my objective of getting my students to want to purchase their music legally. Therefore taking away the price obstacle seemed the most logical to me. So instead of an album, I have asked my students to purchase just one track at a time. If anyone tells you that they can’t afford the $1.79 or $2.39 for one piece of music from the internet, they are fooling themselves and you. This is less than the price of a coffee, and over a 10 week term (the usual time it takes for me to teach a choreography to performance standard) that is 24c per week or less! - here’s a thought teachers, maybe you could include the cost of an ITunes gift card ($15) in your class fees and hand it to your students on week 1, to encourage your students to purchase music legally? I choose to use ITunes to purchase and manage my music because they abide by the copyright laws in place today, they pay the artists for their music, most of the music I would wish to purchase is available, even in the Australasian region, and this program allows me to create and share some of my playlists, so that my students/friends can connect directly to the music I use in class. Here is how to share a playlist: 1 Once you have ITunes on your computer you can create an ITunes online account to be able to purchase songs you don’t need a credit card, ITunes gift cards work just as well. 2 Click on ‘Ping’ under the STORE folder of ITunes. Once you are connect to the ITunes store, click on Ping in the top menu bar and sign up with just a few details about yourself (this works in a similar way to Facebook, but is focused on music and sharing - so only add information necessary to open the account) 3 Once your Ping identity is set up, you can connect and follow your icons, friends/students also on Ping. Shared Playlists can be created a couple of ways, the easiest is to simply click on the right arrow next to a playlist in your library:
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October / November 2011
4 Ping will then ask you to name your playlist, give it a description, and the tracks in your playlist will be displayed, you can add or remove items from the playlist, then hit the publish button. You will need to be connected to the internet to interact with the ITunes Store. Your students/friends can then view the playlist by finding your Ping identity in ITunes, and choose to purchase the entire playlist or individual tracks according to their needs. I have included an example I created earlier this week for this article. See if you can find it online?
Purchasing music like this makes it so much easier when applying to APRA for a Performance license (for your end of year student performances, as well as submitting your solo or group item for the MEDANZ Festival Show and Hafla), as you have the track name, the artist, etc, so it is easy for you to list for your event. If you are working with CD’s I do recommend that you copy your original disk, as these can easily become damaged, especially if you travel with them. Order your music through your local CD shop if they are willing, or talk to one of our local vendors (ask on the MEDANZ Forum or on the Facebook/MEDANZ page if you are not sure who to contact). provide a fantastic service internationally, and if you buy in bulk, the shipping costs can be minimized. offer some of the more unusual Middle Eastern music CD’s and MP3 downloads. When you get a legally purchased CD you will also get the cover notes, with the artist’s name, composer, and producer, along with possibly lyric translations and the opportunity to widen your music repertoire. If you purchase CD’s directly from Hossam Ramzy’s online store he has usually signed the copies as well, plus the reference notes on his albums are invaluable for understanding the Middle Eastern rhythms. How do you know what to buy? please ask your teacher, ask fellow teachers, do some research. There are quite a number of belly dance related podcasts available for free download (check ITunes again) with detailed listings of the music used. Internet Radio is another valuable resource. In conclusion, honour those who make the music by treating their creation with respect, acknowledge its value by paying a fair price, and encourage others to do the same by using the technology that is now available to you. If you have any questions regarding the above, music resourcing, etc, please feel free to contact me by email, I am happy to assist you. Angela can be contacted by email at . Visit her website at
October / November 2011
P age 7
So do I have to get an APRA licence as well ? Short answer - if you teach or perform - yes Long Answer - if you teach or perform - yeeeeeeeeeessssssssssss As Angela has pointed out, we should honour those talented people who perform the music for you to dance to by paying for the music you play but we also need to honour the composers as well and that requires us to purchase an APRA Licence. New Zealand copyright law makes music creators the exclusive owners of their original music and lyrics. No-one can use their work without getting their permission first and if necessary paying a royalty for this use. You need to remember that composers are not paid a wage or salary to write music. The value in their work comes from when the work is played or performed live. APRA only represents the composers and publishers and not the performers of the music. Which is why it is important to not only legitimately buy the music - thereby paying the performers - but also ensuring you have an APRA licence - so the composer can get something too. And just exactly who is this APRA that we keep hearing about - they are the Australasian Performing Right Association. They represent most music creators around the world and have the authority to license the use of their music, collect royalties and pay those royalties to the owners of the music. If you intend to perform and teach, you will need to get two different types of licences - unfortunately one size does not fit all. Dance Classes need to fill out a Dance Class Application (funny that) and for performances you will need an Event Licence. Most of the reasons I hear about why people haven't got an APRA licence for their teaching is the cost - the “huge enormous” cost involved. Oh Please ! Come on people it’s peanuts! If you go to the web site, click on Music Consumers and chose Dance Schools from the drop down menu, you will find the application form. The cost is for the first day per week which classes are held costs $53.25 per annum - just over a $1 a week. And if you teach more than one day a week - each subsequent day costs $26.63 per annum - just over 50c per week. Is that too much - really? So the maximum you would pay - if you were a fanatic and taught 7 days a week would be probably about $5 a week. Like I said - peanuts. If you need more information about your Dance Class Licence, for those in the North Island - except Wellington contact Jamie Newman ( - 0800 692 772 ext 715) and for those in the South Island and Wellington contact Violet Ryan ( - 0800 692 772 ext 714) It is a slightly different story however for Performances. In this case you will require an Event Licence. This will require you to submit a list of all the songs you will be performing - length of song and length of the whole performance. APRA will need to check the availability of the works because sometimes the songs need publisher clearance or worse cannot not be used at all. For this reason it is best to get the Event Application form into APRA at least eight weeks prior to performance night. Depending on how your performance is classified will determine the speed at which your application is processed. Application forms for this too are available on the website. Yes it seems a lot of palava but think about it, how would you like it if you put your heart and soul into creating something and you only got paid for some of the work or worse none of the work - you would be pretty t’ed off wouldn't you - the same applies here - APRA are just the middle men - paying the composers for the work they do. And in all honesty, the amount you pay is a pittance - its really worth a lot more to us (I did not say that APRA - forget I said it) If you need any questions answered that you can’t find on the website, feel free to contact Emma Blake at APRA - ( - 0800 692 772 ext 724) - she is very very helpful with anything you need to luxurious 100% silk know.
mesmerising exotic
Individually hand dyed and made in New Zealand 021 20 60 333
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I bet you that there are those of you out there who are thinking to yourself Yeah Right - and how are they going to know - and you are right there is no sure fired way they are going to know. BUT all it takes is for a disgruntled student or even a member of the APRA staff visiting your town on holiday for the brown stuff to hit the whirling blades. Because there are penalties involved if you are caught - bit like if you are caught driving without a licence - the consequences are financially pretty severe. Do you really want to take the risk?
October / November 2011
So have you met our Fatinain support of the Life Member Nomination
I am writing this as one of her students (she was my first teacher and I will always consider her my teacher) I am wondering how many of our current members have actually met Fatina aka Liz Irvine Fatina used to be a very active member of the Middle Eastern dance community with arranging workshops, getting members joining MEDANZ attending festival and teaching around the country. Of late though, you could be forgiven for wondering what happened to Fatina - she has become elusive and hard to find Fatina moved to Egypt for a few years (don’t ask me how long - it felt like forever without her here!) but she is now back in NZ If you ever have the pleasure of meeting our beloved Fatina you will never find a more softly spoken kind hearted person then her…who can blow your eardrums out with a Zagareet - then smile sweetly like that wasn’t me! The founder and Lady behind the Art of Belly-Dance, & the troupe Sultans Choice in Auckland, Liz arranged many a show in her time, teaching as well as workshops and supporting workshops arranged by other dancers by rounding up as many students from her classes as she could with her enthusiasm I loved her classes so much when we first moved from Auckland I travelled up every Monday night after work for a year, then for the next year the first sat of the month on the weekends - and I would still be doing this now if I could! I consider Fatina my belly dancing hero, Inspiration and mentor
October / November 2011
P age 9
Festival Hudra Dear Past, Present and Future Vendors at Festival The following is an invitation for you to join in the fun of vending at the MEDANZ Festival 2012 in Dunedin Below are some guidelines and helpful hints
The Hudra Room is where participants go to relax, eat and catch up with their friends. The concept of having the vendors in the Hudra room is a fairly recent event and has proven to be hugely successful.
Vending is a Co-operative. There are no allocated sites, we squeeze up or spread out, as the demand requires.
You can vend for an hour or the whole weekend.
To support MEDANZ, each vendor gifts an item/s, which are then raffled at the Hafla.
Each vendor supplies their own means of displaying their goods. (Often there are tables available, especially if Festival is held at a school, but it is not a guaranteed scenario)
MEDANZ takes no responsibility for your goods.
Please contact me should you decide to vend as I get asked by past happy customers if you are coming. Also let me know what you are bringing as I would like to publish a list of Vendors and Goods to be at Festival. Should members wish to sell a pre-loved item, there will be a Members Table available. This is unattended so your item, needs to be packaged carefully with your name, mobile number, description of the item and the cost, clearly displayed. To ensure the smooth operation of the Members Table, there is a restriction of only 5 items, per person, at a time. Looking forward to hearing from you all and do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions. Amanda
Amanda Bound Ph 06 7581097 (hm) Email -
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October / November 2011
Members - we need your help We on the committee are aware that some of you feel that our website is in dire need of an overhaul So we are asking YOU what you want changed - what you want kept and perhaps what should be there that isn't. Email your suggestions to our President (use her personal address - that way she will definitely get it)
We also feel that MEDANZ needs to be promoted from within - so we are thinking of putting together a promotional 3 fold pamphlet - nothing huge - but telling people what benefits there are from joining MEDANZ. Just the sort of thing to have on show at your classes - at shows and to give away to people you meet out and about. What do you think should be in the pamphlet - we on the committee have our ideas but we would love to hear your suggestions as well. Again - email our President with your ideas.
are n e h W ittee m m Co
ext t he n gs ? n i t e Me
kype) S ( r e Octob 6 r 1 y embe v o Sunda N 9 day 1 r u t a S Face) o t e c (Fa g you n i h t y an by the have d u e o s y s u If e disc ee k i l d l it t wo u Comm y cretar e S e th Email
October / November 2011
P age 11
Much to my pussy cat Lithium’s annoyance I am working on the computer today doing my Librarian’s report amongst other things. Apparently this is dull, dull, dull. Yesterday I was so dull in the afternoon she was forced to steal a steak from a neighbour, but I guess I should be flattered as she brought it home to share with me. But on with the report If you have not yet borrowed something from our library and are wondering how to go about it, today is the day. Just drop me an email with what you would like to borrow, but don’t forget your address and membership number. I will send you the order along with a form you must sign with payment options and directions on it. It’s really easy. I recommend using my personal email which is You can also call me, I work from home and you can catch me most afternoons at (03) 471 0247. A list of the Library holdings is on our MEDANZ site, but if you would like a paper copy just ask for one with your library request and I will send a copy to you with your order. If you really want to help out, please borrow things which add up to at least $6.00 and this will cover postage costs. The Library is not intended to make a profit but we really need to cover costs, if we make any extra we can acquire new DVDs and books for members. If you need to extend your loan just get in contact with me there is seldom a problem, (only if someone is waiting for an item you have). Loan time are flexible you simply have to ask. I am also making up personalized packages for people. If your interests are specific just tell me, and I will put something together for you, including DVDs, books and magazines. I will check back with you first to make sure I have put together what you want and then send it on with a wee discount. For example: The Dark Dancer Package, which may include: Gothic Bellydance (a performance DVD) Dark Fusion with Sashi (a teaching DVD) Embellished Bras by Dawn Devine Brown (a soft cover book) Habibi featuring Jamila Salimpour(a magazine) The Egyptian Dancer Package, which may include The Belly Dancers of Cairo (a documentary plus performances) The Beledi with Ranya Renee ( a 2 DVD teaching pack) Habibi Magazine featuring Nadia Hamdi A Trade like Any Other (soft cover by Karinvan Nieuwkerk)
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October / November 2011
COME DANCING! Would you like to perform at FESTIVAL 2012 Dunedin - 13 - 15 April 2012 You are invited to submit your proposal to perform in
Raks Samimi AT MAYFAIR THEATRE - DUNEDIN SOUTH - 14 April 2012 All dancers MUST BE current full or family members (ie: you must have your blue card) or application for membership and payment must accompany the proposal You must be attending at least one Festival workshop as a student and you also need to have previously performed in public. Any dance over 5 minutes in length must be accompanied by a demo DVD or You Tube link SEND YOUR APPLICATIONS TO BOTH
or post to our Postal Address
If you love DVDs so much you just haveta haveta haveta have one then it is time to shop. And when I shop belly dance I turn to the internet. I run all my searches through Google. I recommend Amazon simply for the reviews, however I don’t order from them because I find their postage costs are so high and because it takes an age to receive your order. I am speaking from my experiences only. Sometimes there are items that can only be purchased from Amazon and despite their disadvantages I have always received them eventually. I prefer to order my things from either World Dance New York or Hollywood Music Center (also known as Pekorecords). World Dance New York has the added bonus of having fantastic previews, Hollywood Music center has short previews but an extensive range of music as well as DVDs. I find both these sites easy to navigate, there prices are great, and the people are lovely to deal with, this is always really important to me. BUT the best thing, all my orders have arrives really quickly. Another cool site to check out is Cheeky Girls which creates great DVDs and has wonderful previews. When you order things you are sent to the Amazon site. IAMED (the International Academy of Middle Eastern Dance) is also a great site to check out but ouch their DVDs are very expensive indeed. Make sure you check out reviews before you purchase DVDs from them, although sometimes they sound so fabulous you just gotta bite the bullet. Don’t forget our cousins though, there are some cool Aussie made DVDs out there, check out Hathor Dance Studio for an Aussie flavour to your DVD collection. There are so many sites out there I can’t mention them all, but I can wish you happy shopping. If you need a personal review of a DVD get back to me, because between myself, my friend Petra and the MEDANZ library, chances are we have got it. And also, if you come across items which you believe should be part of the MEDANZ library, get back to me I love your recommendations. Awesome Undulations everyone Fern
October / November 2011
P age 13
WHAT’S ON? NEW ZEALAND FOR UP TO DATE LISTINGS CHECK OUT “RAKS NZ - WHAT’S ON” ON FACEBOOK ORIENTAL WORKSHOPS IN WELLINGTON WITH TAIS 29 October at 10am - 4:30pm Level 2, 12 Kent Tce - Mt Vic (above Wellington Motorcycles) Plentiful street parking available Price: $45 – 1 workshop $80 – any 2 workshops $100 – whole day ******************* To book, please contact Tais:; text/call 021-077-4720 or Beverley (Moonjelly)027-218-2820 Further info:
WORKSHOPS IN PALMERSTON NORTH WITH TAIS 30 October at 10am - 4:30pm Regent on Broadway 55 Broadway Price: $45 – 1 workshop $80 – any 2 workshops $100 – whole day ******************* To book, please contact Tais:; text/call 021-077-4720 or contact Anoushka for further information 022 691 3013
Raqs Sharqi Revolution 26 November · 7pm - 10pm Brian Gerrard Theatre Birkenhead College, 140 Birkdale Rd Our big annual belly dance performance showcase with Professional Belly Dancers, Dynamic Guest Performers, and Students of Phoenix Belly Dance ! Up dates to follow Check out or watch the youtube clip below:
Middle Eastern Magic Teacher & Student Show Dianne’s Christmas Show 13 November starting at 2:00pm Glen Eden Playhouse Theatre Teachers and Students from around the greater Auckland area come together to perform for each other and their supporters. Message Angela Mott for details and tickets.
Devi Mamak Bellydance Workshops - 2012 of GHAWAZI CARAVAN - Australia 3 - 4 March 2012 Whitianga Town Hall - Monk Street - Whitianga - Coromandel Pennisula WEEKEND WORKSHOP FEE $230.00 (late registration $270)
November 2011 On Line Registration available at EARLY PAYMENT DEADLINE FOR REDUCED FEE – 30
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October / November 2011
WHAT’S ON? NEW ZEALAND FOR UP TO DATE LISTINGS CHECK OUT “RAKS NZ - WHAT’S ON” ON FACEBOOK DANCE WORKSHOPS IN TAUPO WITH TANYA 29 - 30 October at 10am Tauhara College Dance Room - Ivergarry Road - TAUPO A series of workshops run by Tanya Bamford-King plus a Hafla For more details check out
ALL HALLOW’S HAFLA 29 October Khamzin Tribe is hosting their Hallowe’en themed shindig again featuring a spooky line up of performers and live music from the Unfortunate Repercussions Wanna make a weekend of it? Workshops will also be held Further details - including venue and costs to come Check out All Hallow’s Hafla on Facebook
4 DANCE WORKSHOPS IN AUCKLAND 5 - 6 November Phoenix Belly Dance are hosting Pip E-Lysaah, Tanya, Candice and Dori for a weekend of workshops Early-Bird discounts if booking for multiple workshops (before 25 October): All 4 workshops = $150 (save $45 - that's one free!) Both Saturday workshops = $80 (save $10) Both Sunday workshops = $90 (save $15)
For more details check our
TAURANGA OPEN DANCE FLOOR With summer in the air, Tanya will be holding the monthly Open Dance floor starting 27 October at Za Bar in Tauranga This month we are thrilled to have special guest performer - back from her massive tour of BD instructors - Pip Elysaah! Mark your diary - this will be a fantastic evening - see ya there!
3 WORKSHOPS WITH CANDICE - WHANGAREI 22 October - Kamo High School Normal Price for individual workshops = $45 For more info contact Eve Larkins
*Normal Price for all 3 workshops = $120 Phone: 438 1488 xtn 707
Mob:021 161 3798
or Candice Phone: 0211704183 Web: Email:
October / November 2011
P age 15
All MED related events are entitled to an entry in the WHAT’S ON CALENDAR
Maximum entry is half a page.
Brochures, registrations forms, etc may be included in the newsletter if sufficient copies are supplied in a timely manner. Limit of one full A4 sheet per person/event in any one newsletter. Membership numbers available on request.
Information received after the cut off date may not be included.
We attempt to have the newsletter out in the first week of the month but this is not always possible.
Page 16
October / November 2011