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of programmes or activities to fight genderrelated violence.
Through the presentation of key concepts, methodological tools and field examples this guide aims to improve the identification
and the multidisciplinary care and support of the victims of violence, as well as to improve the quality of the awareness-rising and advocacy activities associated to it.
This guide draws its practical use from MdM’s know-how on the subject, which the organisation has developed thanks to its international programme on gender-based violence, executed with the financial support of the French Development Agency.
With the support of:
prevention and response
This leads us to question the strategies of intervention and the prevention and response actions to gender-based violence, always taking into account the different socio-cultural contexts. This guide does not intend to provide responses but reflexion elements for the development
gender-based violence
represents a major public health issue and an undeniable violation of human rights.
a mEthodologiCAL guide /
Throughout the world, gender-based violence
gender-based violence prevention and response >> A Methodological Guide