On June 1st, the Rays walked the yellow carpet during the film premier of Pockets Full of Sunshine by Crescent Moon Pictures. This special premier gave attendees a chance to learn more about Pockets full of Sunshine’s mission to make the Lowcountry a sunnier place for adults with disabilities.
See the movie, learn more about the community of Pockets Full of Sunshine, and read about the plans for their new “Sunshine House” at pocketsfullofsun.org. Help spread the Sun!
Celeste Coastal Cuisine (843) 802-4744
20 Hatton Place Unit 300, HHI www.celestehhi.com
The SandBar (843)-342-7263 101 Pope Avenue www.sandbarhhi.com
Salty Dog Cafe & T Shirt Shop (843)-671-2233 South Beach Marina Village
Jake’s Pizza (843)-671-4649
Local Pie
Bluffton: 15 State of Mind St. HHI: 55 New Orleans Rd. #106 www.localpie.com
Rockfish Seafood & Steaks (843) 689-2662 5 Lagoon Road, HHI
Slapfish (843) 521-5830 1 024 William Hilton Pkwy., HHI www.slapfishrestaurant.com
1 North Forest Beach, HHI
Olive & Fig (843)-707-1934
1533 Fording Island Rd. Moss Creek Village
Crane’s Tavern (843)-341-2333 26 New Orleans Road
Lincoln & South Brewing Co. (843) 715-3030
138 Island Drive, HHI www.LincolnandSouth.com
Mangiamo’s HHPC (843)-682-2444 www.hhipizza.com Main Street
Sundown Saloon (843) 715-3767
95 Mathews Drive, Ste B-5, HHI www.thesundownsaloon.com
Taste of Europe
Carolina Coffee & Crumbs (843)-342-4800 101 Pope Avenue
Red Stripes (843)-715-8008
840 Williams Hilton Pwky 8 Pin Oak St. Bluffton (843)757-8111
Taste of Europe (843)-715-2691 435 William Hilton Pkwy, Ste O Northridge Shopping Ctr
Top Dawg Tavern (843)-785-5600 www.topdawgtavern.com 13 Harbourside Lane in Shelter Cove
Plantation Cafe & Deli South: Pope Ave-Heritage Plaza North: Mathews Dr-Port Royal Plaza www.plantationcafeanddeli.com
Hilton Head Distillery (843) 686-4443 14 Cardinal Rd., HHI www.hiltonheaddistillery.com
Street Meet (843)-842-2570 www.streetmeethhi.com 95 Matthews Drive, Port Royal Plaza
Top Dawg Tavern (843)-785-5600 www.topdawgtavern.com 13 Harbourside Lane in Shelter Cove
Karen DePace karendepace.com
Shoreham, NY
Springhill, FL
Ann Ekus annekus.com 516-652-7292 843-707-7253 Massapequa, NY
Dan Ekus danekus.com 516-512-2480 843-707-7253 Mineola, NY
Robert Gladys robertgladys.com 440-463-4419 843-757-2935 Cleveland, Medina & Akron, OH
Meg O’Hanlon megohanlonhhi.com 843-949-7008 Ellicott City, MD Philadelphia, PA
Jim Purcell jimpurcellhhi.com
Asheville, NC
Kendra Rohlfing kendrarohlfing.com
843-290-5850 West Frankfort, IL Boston, MA
Marta Yelverton martayelverton.com
Cleveland, OH
Hendersonville, NC
Rick Yelverton rickyelverton.com
Pensacola, FL
Hendersonville, NC
Dino DiNenna groupdinenna.com 843-560-9310 VA, MD & DC
Group DiNenna www.GroupDiNenna.com
So close to the beach it is literally less than 2-minute stroll to “toes in the sand” from the front door of 116 Barrington. This 2 BR, 2 BA villa is hard to beat for the price, condition and location. Enjoy all of the amenities of a world class oceanfront resort in Palmetto Dunes including, Shelter Cove Harbour for boating and fishing as well as shopping and restaurants, kayak through 11 miles of interconnecting lagoons, tennis and pickleball, golf, walking and biking trails, and free rides in the resort on the Dunes buggy. Villa has granite counters, stainless appliances and updated bathrooms. $899,000
If you’re not sure what or where to buy real estate on HHI or have questions about ownership fees or rental income, call me. My knowledge & advice is always FREE. The education process for Island Real Estate is interesting & fun, but it is also necessary and important. Start slow, get your feet wet but get started. Start with Lisa, Call Today! 843-290-3060
Each month our newsletter comes straight to your email with great articles, home tips and links to Hilton Head vacation rentals, real estate and more. Plus, sign up for your FREE Lowcountry Living & Real Estate Online Magazine to see available real estate offerings in the Hilton Head area. Sign up for both at hiltonhead360.com!
Sandbox (843) 842-7645
80 Nassau Street, HH Island 1414 Fording Island Rd, Bluffton
The Bike Doctor (843)-681-7531
80 Beach City Rd & 31 New Orleans Rd
Indy Karting (843) 837-4639
Belfair Town Village www.indy-karting.com
Harbour Town
1-800-Sea-Pines Shopping/Dining/Activities
Edwin Watts (843) 837-3399
1 Buckingham Plantation Dr., Bluffton (843) 837-3399
The Heritage Library, History and Ancestory Library 2 Corpus Christi suite 100
Art Café (843) 785-5525
Located above Rockfish Seafood at 5 Lagoon Rd, HHI
Forest Beach Surf & Cycle (843)-384-3727
70 Pope Ave, Suite C www.FBSurfandCycle.com
Gullah Museum (843)-681-3254
12 Georgianna Dr. www.gullahmuseumhhi.org
St. Francis Thrift Shop (843)-689-6563
278 Between Matthews Dr. & Beach City Rd. - Next to Dunkin Donuts
Smith Stearns Tennis Academy (843) 363-4789 1 Lighthouse Lane, HHI www.smithstearns.com
Hilton Head by Boat (843) 304-3847 86 Helmsman Way, Bluffton www.hiltonheadbyboat.com
Old South Golf Links (843) 785-5353
50 Buckingham Plantation Dr., Bluffton
Chocolate Canopy
The Bargain Box (843)-342-2469
546 William Hilton Parkway
Chocolate Canopy (843)-842-4567
55 New Orleans Road Ste 101
Hilton Head Wine & Spirit Shop (843)-785-2277 www.hiltonheadwines.com
50 Shelter Cove Plaza (between Whole Foods & TJ Maxx)
CrossFit Coastal Carolina & Tidal Training (843) 686-9348
2600 Main Street, HHI www.crossfitcoastalcarolina.com
X Golf (843) 815-9444 1414 Fording Island Rd, Ste C-100, Bluffton www.Xgolfhiltonhead.com
Benny Hudson Seafood
Benny Hudson Seafood Market (843)-682-FISH (3474) 175 Squire Pope Rd. (1 mile North of Hudson’s) www.bennyhudsonseafood.com
Piggly Wiggly Grocery Store (843)-785-3881 Coligny Plaza - Fresh Local Shrimp!
Elegant 4 bedroom, 3.5 bath home in the highly desirable Indigo Run community. Enter through the large foyer & you’re greeted by a lovely great room offering stunning lagoon views & resort-style pool & spa. Classic floor plan with excellent bedroom separation, provides space & functionality. Mature foliage ensures intimate privacy from all angles on this near half acre corner lot. 4th BR/flex room, above garage is versatile w/ its own ensuite bath & boasts access to an oversized walk-in attic space w/ spray foam insulation for convenience & efficiency. Beautiful design, picturesque views, & thoughtful features, make for a lux and comfortable home.
There are many tax districts in Beaufort County each with a corresponding tax rate. The map above will guide to for the local area.
When you purchase real estate the county will use the purchase value to calculate the taxes due. This will be reduced to 4% of the purchase if you are to reside in the property and 6% if you use it for any other purpose. The result will then be subject to the millage for your district.
The county uses an assessed value, determined by them, to calculate continuing real estate taxes. This is also reduced to 4% for residents or 6% for nonresidents. That number is multiplied by the corresponding millage rate to determine the amount of taxes. Resident millage rate is lower than nonresidents as residents do not pay that portion of the millage relating to school operations.
One-year residents, or more, who are over 64, or blind, or have a disability may reduce their assessed value of their primary residence by $50,000 before reducing the assessed value to 4%.
Purchase Price = $300,000 X 4 or 6 percent X the millage rate shown on the map above for your district = taxes due. 300,000 X 4% (resident) = 12,000 X .102 millage rate in Hilton Head Plantation = $1,224 in taxes due.
Remember, the information here is general in nature. If you have specific questions about your personal taxes you should check with the Country Auditor (843 255 2500), the Tax Assessor’s Office (843 255 2400) or your personal accountant.
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July Cover Photo
Provided by Jeff Keefer, VIVID Gallery
https://www.vividgalleryhhi.com/ VIVID Gallery is a nonprofit organization. All the proceeds of VIVID are donated to the Michael J. Fox Foundation.
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Equal Housing Opportunity
All real estate advertising in this magazine is subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act of 1968, as amended, which makes it illegal to advertise “any preference, limitation, or discrimination based on race, religion, sex, handicap, familial status, or national origin, or an intention to make any such preference, limitation or discrimination.” This magazine will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of the law. Our readers are hereby informed that all dwellings in this magazine are available on an equal opportunity basis.
Information concerning properties in this publication is provided by various advertisers to the publisher. The publisher has made no effort to verify the accuracy of said advertisements. The publisher makes no representation or warranty as to the truthfulness or accuracy of said information. The publisher is not responsible for errors or omissions as to any information contained herein concerning any property. Readers are strongly urged to contact the appropriate parties for specific information on any property listed or described herein. John 10:10
I Pledge Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America. And to the Republic, for which it stands, one Nation under God, Indivisible, with Liberty and Justice for All.
Happy 4th of July!
This rare gem in Sea Pines' prestigious Gold Coast is located just 300 steps from Hilton Head’s beaches, with 3-bedrooms &, 3-baths surrounded by a Courtyard. The patio has stunning views of the 18th green of Atlantic Dunes Golf Course designed by Davis Love III. Plus it is a short walk to the Beach Club and the Plantation Club House. Location, Location, Location! Sea Pines Resort is where Hilton Head’s rich history began and memories are made! Offered for $1,699,000
Sea Cloisters, the Oceanfront Jewel on Hilton Head Island, offers the closest most panoramic Atlantic Ocean Beachfront views. Fabulous 3 BR, 3 BA Penthouse Villa that was completely renovated in 2017 and 2018. Rebuilt from the studs out including all new electrical, plumbing, HVAC, kitchen, and bathrooms. Designer-decorated with beautiful coastal furnishings. Sea Cloisters offers 64 Oceanfront Villas with a security gate and an Oceanfront swimming pool. Perfect permanent home, second home, or vacation rental. $1,995,000
Probably one of the most panoramic golf views in the Private Golf Club at Indigo Run. This fabulous home looks across the 10th Green and down the fairway. Over 3,300 sq. ft., 4 BR or 3 BR plus Study/Office and 3.5 Baths. Open floorplan with elegant Living and Dining Room. Large Kitchen w/ granite countertops opens to Family Room with hardwood floors. Two BRs downstairs (including Primary Suite) and Two BRs upstairs. Spacious Enclosed Porch with sliding windows serve as a Screened Porch and Summer Kitchen. Two Car Garage plus Golf Cart. Permanent stairs to attic storage. $1,250,000
The team at Richard MacDonald & Associates has a lifelong love of the Hilton Head Island area ... and a lifelong passion for HHI real estate and helping our clients find their perfect homes.
Beautiful and spacious 5 bedroom PLUS loft w/plenty of living space! An open-concept floor plan that includes a large kitchen island and opens to the dining & living room. 1st-floor primary bedroom w/ensuite primary bath complete w/an oversized walk-in closet, double sinks, soaking tub, & separate shower. Upstairs includes 4 additional bedrooms, a full bathroom, & a HUGE loft. Great outdoor living spaces as well...back patio, a large, fenced yard with a partial wooded view. Extended driveway & much more! Amenities include 2 pools, lazy river, fitness center, pickleball, and more! $599,000
It’s what has made South Carolina native Richard MacDonald one of the most established and successful real estate professionals on HHI for more than 43 years.
It’s what brought Joey Doyle here more than 17 years ago, bringing her real estate expertise, and natural people skills, to make the Lowcountry home.
Beautiful Gray Myst Model with 2 Bedrooms and 2 Baths plus a Den and Carolina Room. The Den has a closet and could be a 3rd Bedroom. Screened Lanai Porch overlooking a relaxing Lagoon. This oversized homesite offers lots of privacy. This home is loaded with upgrades including hardwood floors, granite countertops, stainless steel appliances, plantation shutters, and a spacious walk-up attic over the garage. Great value for Sun City. $439,900
And it’s what has now brought Sanders MacDonald, after a successful sales career in the NFL, back to his Lowcountry roots – bringing clients his deep understanding of the area he has long called home.
The team at Richard MacDonald & Associates truly believes that there’s no place like home ... and our hundreds of satisfied clients believe that there’s no team like Charter One Realty/Richard MacDonald & Associates.
We have a lifelong love of the Hilton Head Island area ... and a lifelong passion for HHI real estate and helping our clients find their perfect homes.
Welcome to 119 Beachwalk in the gated Shipyard community! In the closest building to the beach, this 3 BR, 3.5 BA updated townhome is a beach-lovers dream! Across the street from the Sonesta Resort, Beachwalk is a short distance to the Beach Club and Beach Access. LVP/tile floors downstairs, granite countertops, stainless-steel appliances, a cathedral ceiling in the primary bedroom and an updated primary bath! Enjoy Trexdecking on both porches and a private courtyard. Beachwalk has a private community pool. A perfect permanent residence, 2nd home, or vacation rental. $774,000
Sought after lot on Crystal Lake in Indigo Run. This oversized homesite (.77 acres) is one of the last lots bordering Crystal Lake. Expansive Water views to complement your dream home on Hilton Head Island. Very private location with beautiful homes and high elevation. $299,000
Our team truly believes that there’s no place like home ... and our hundreds of satisfied clients believe that there’s no team like Charter One Realty/Richard MacDonald & Associates.
Wexford is a highly acclaimed residential gated community with luxurious amenities and an inviting, friendly atmosphere. Beyond the harbor, golf, tennis, clubhouse, new community pool complex and pickleball courts, Wexford offers an energetic and welcoming community. At Wexford, you can enjoy a variety of sporting and social events that bring neighbors together or join one of the member-run clubs and groups. Wexford offers members an unrivaled lifestyle experience - it’s much more than a place to call home.
One of Wexford greatest assets is the 37-acre lock-controlled marina. It is one of only three on the east coast. Wexford’s impressive harbor can accommodate boats up to 70’ with 24/7 access to deep water. It’s the perfect place to dock a jet ski, sailboat, or your dream yacht! Call me for a community tour or to view any available properties island-wide.
44 Seabrook Landing Dr • Hilton Head Plantation Experience breathtaking Intracoastal and Port Royal Sound views from nearly every corner of this stunning coastal residence on over an acre in the Seabrook Landing area of HHP. Revel in the daytime wildlife & bird watching and
Building • Remodeling • Kitchens • Baths Windows • Architecture
Interior Design • Flooring • Pools • & More
3 Years Celebrating Lowcountry Building & Lifestyle
crafted by hand, inspired by history
“We asked the Strimpfels to build our house because of their reputation for creativity, quality and attention to detail. Ron and Pat listened to our requests and collaborated with us to build a unique, casual home that functions based on how we live. It was such a pleasure to work with a team with such dedication, honesty and integrity. Thank you–we love it” ~The Waltons
Winner of over 80 LightHouse Awards
Our showrooms are designed to inspire, with bath, kitchen and lighting choices from top brands curated in beautiful, hands-on displays. From product selection to delivery coordination, an industry expert will be there to support your project every step of the way.
Building a home is one of the most personal things you can do in life, and if you can imagine it, we can create it. Every house has a unique signature and we stand proud when we complete your home. Building beyond your expectations above the bricks and mortar, is the opportunity of a life that matters most to you. It's what we build.
Provided by Elevator Lift Systems, Inc.
Still climbing stairs? No need when you have a home elevator! Think, no more endless trips up the stairs with groceries, what a comfort for Grandma when she comes to visit, and how much easier Christmas decorating be! A home elevator is a luxury that will become a handy necessity for comfortable living.
An extra bonus to the comfort and convenience is the added value a Residential Home Elevator adds to your house. Real estate professions site as much as a 10% increase in house value. The added value comes from the increase in potential buyers. A Residential Home Elevator take a house that is not and option to some buyers and makes it a possibility.
Whether you are building your dream home or already have a dream home and Residential Home Elevator is an option for you! An elevator can be speced into your house plans during the additional design
or added later with a RETRO – FIT home elevator application. Here are the steps:
4 Consult with an Elevator Lift Systems, Inc. representative. We will do a free planning visit to talk about your equipment options.
4 Decide on the elevator interior:
• Car walls: choose from a wide range of standard and exotic wood options.
• Car paneling – we offer range of raised paneling, trim and crown molding options. Your elevator car is custom created to make sure you get what you want!
• Cars come with recessed interior lighting
• The car flooring will be finished out with the flooring to match the house!
• The elevator gate comes in many options including hardwood and antique scissor gates
• The controls: call and send your elevator with the COP and Hall Stations. There are
standard and antique fixture options!
4 In new construction the ordering process begins around framing and installation will be done after drywall stage.
Planning a dream home is tough, deciding on a Residential Home Elevator is easy! Call Elevator Lift Systems, Inc. today for your free consolation!
Front Light Building Company redefines luxury living by providing a variety of homes tailored to your needs. Whether it's a full custom design or ready-to-move-in, each home reflects our commitment to crafting luxury through innovative, tech-driven methods.
Our process of building homes virtually before breaking ground ensures: Reduced Expenses
Expedited Construction
Minimized Waste
by Brian DeChirico, General Manager, Hilton Head Exterminators
Scientists estimate that mosquitoes have been around for several million years. There is no doubt that they have humans outnumbered. In fact, scientists say mosquitoes outnumber humans 9 million to one.
With odds like that, it seems hopeless that we could co-exist with these little pests. However, Hilton Head Exterminators General Manager Brian DeChirico says there is hope. “Our mosquito control program cuts off mosquito breeding at the source, which is the only way to overcome their domination of our outdoor environment.”
But, does it work? Is there hope? One Island resident provides an answer. “I used to have to enjoy our beautiful view from inside our home. Now, I can experience the view from outside. I can honestly say I have been able to reclaim my backyard. I can’t believe how well their plan works.”
DeChirico challenged a neighbor to try the Hilton Head Exterminators mosquito control program. DeChirico was confident in his service, and he was proven right. Now, his neigbbor/customer receives monthly mosquito control service and has overcome the 9 million to one odds.
Effective mosquito control is not simple, but understanding mosquito breeding can provide keys to success. The technicians at Hilton Head Exterminators are trained to look in all of
Lowcountry residents can now enjoy their backyard year-round with a proven, effective mosquito control plan.
the hidden places where mosquitoes breed. They apply their treatment in these breeding grounds to eliminate problems before they ever get started.
Technicians also offer advice to homeowners so they can do their part in the partnership. They point out places where standing water can become breeding grounds, and how simply eliminating those places can go a long way in keeping mosquito populations down. Just eliminating standing water alone will not solve mosquito problems, but these measures, along with a strategic program of regular professional treatments, can overcome the odds and allow families to enjoy their outdoors year-round.
Hilton Head Exterminators was established in 1968 as the area’s first pest control provider. They can be reached in Hilton Head at 843-681-2590 and the Bluffton Office at 843-706-9933. The website address is www.hiltonheadexterminators.com
Style. Craftsmanship. Individuality. All of these elements are necessary to create a distinctive home. You’ll also find these qualities in wood windows and patio doors from JELD-WEN. They’re available in a variety of on-trend exterior and interior colors and feature AuraLast® pine for lasting protection and performance. That’s reliability made beautiful.
Creating impeccable, quality homes of distinction.
Andersen ® A-Series windows and doors are based on the style of home you want. Whether it’s a stately Queen Anne, a bold Modernist design or anything in between, you can now create it with the bestperforming, most energy-efficient products Andersen has ever offered. Don’t just imagine your dream home, build it with Andersen.
® A-Series windows and doors are based on the style of home you want. Whether it’s a stately Queen Anne, a bold Modernist design or anything in between, you can now create it with the bestperforming, most energy-efficient products Andersen has ever offered. Don’t just imagine your dream home, build it with Andersen.
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BLUFFTON, SC 845 Buck Island Rd. • 843-815-5788
LADY’S ISLAND, SC 20 Sam’s Point Rd. • 843-522-9994
AUGUSTA, GA 3833 Martinez Blvd. • 706-389-9513
"Elevate Destination and
S hifting trends have made way for earth tones in 2024. As pops of color are growing in popularity, it’s not uncommon to see earth tones included in neutral color palettes. Tile showrooms are seeing more shades of emerald, mint, matcha, and eucalyptus in a variety of natural stone and ceramic products. And with warm tones trending again, we often see them paired with green color accents for contrast.
Green tones are also being favored over the classic Lowcountry blue palette; a significant shift from beach-inspired to nature-inspired. Shades of green can have a soothing effect, often representing new beginnings,
growth, and visual balance. Designers have been incorporating green into spaces to promote a sense of well-being.
Savannah Surfaces carries exclusive brands such as Ann Sacks, Artistic Tile, MIR Mosaic, and Stone Impressions with unique colors and patterns to perfectly fit your vision. Book an appointment with our tile experts at 843-784-6060 ext. 3 and visit the Lowcountry’s largest showroom of interior and exterior surfacing materials.
Bellwether Design + Build promotes quality of life & human connection through thoughtfully designed and constructed homes in the Lowcountry. Joining with a premier collective of design professionals, trade partners and artisans, Bellwether’s generational experience translates into a unique perspective in design, construction and remodeling processes. Our team’s transparent communication and guidance help you create a home you love.
Hilton Head Floorcoverings, Inc. has been providing excellent service and products to the Lowcountry for 35 years with the area’s largest selection of top-quality carpet, hardwood, tile, and laminate. Our exceptional prices, knowledgeable staff, and trained installers ensure the best flooring experience.
Originally from Dalton, Georgia–the carpet capital of the world–owners Mike and Jessica Camp moved to the Lowcountry in 2008 and took ownership of HHFC in 2018. They are now in a centrally located showroom at 85 Arrow Road, which houses their extensive in-stock inventory.
The Camps have built their reputation on care and quality with longstanding, happy customers. Call today for a free home consultation, and get the floors of your dreams.
Customer satisfaction is our top priority. At Old Town Flooring, we recognize that a floor can serve as the focal point of any room enhancing the look and feel of an entire space. That is why producing our own floors and sourcing the best suppliers of the most luxurious material has been our goal. We provide quality hardwood flooring, vinyl plank flooring and innovative flooring solutions with remarkable designs for every application!
Provided by Coastal States Bank
In 2004, Coastal States Bank opened its doors as the only locally-owned bank on Hilton Head Island. With the mission to create a bank where friends and neighbors could serve each other, CSB has successfully accomplished just that. Over the past 20 years, CSB has grown its local banking model to serve Hilton Head, Bluffton, Beaufort and beyond on the foundation of strong community relationships.
“I can recall opening day on August 10, 2004. With much anticipation, we were welcomed by the community who
desired a local banking relationship,” said Diana McDougall, Coastal States Bank, Lowcountry Regional President.
At the time, Diana served as branch manager at the bank’s first branch on Hilton Head Island. Over the next 5 years, she would witness and help lead the bank’s expansion in the Lowcountry –opening an additional branch on the northern part of the Island and two more to serve Bluffton and Sun City. Now 20 years later, CSB is ramping up to open a new branch in Beaufort.
“As we’ve grown and our communities have grown, our core values and mission remain the same. We want to support the community we live and work with exceptional banking. Providing our community with banking services and tools from people who understand the needs, growth and challenges of the Lowcountry is still at the forefront of our decisions,” she explained.
Beyond banking and lending, the CSB team has committed themselves to this goal. Another way you can find
CSB supporting the Lowcountry is their Community Commitment in partnership with the Community Foundation of the Lowcountry. Supporting a diverse range of charitable efforts, the mission of their Community Commitment is to strengthen and enhance the communities CSB serves through grants and volunteering.
“Last year, we donated more than $100,000 through our Community Commitment Fund to local charities that address causes important to our communities,” said Diana. “We started this initiative in 2017, and to see our team members and leadership demonstrate their dedication to the Lowcountry is wonderful and representative of who we are as a community bank,” she said.
Twenty years later, Coastal States Bank continues to make its mark with families, businesses and non-profits in the Lowcountry by living out their longstanding tagline of being Local. And Proud Of It.
In2004,CSBopeneditsdoorsastheonlycommunity bankonHiltonHeadIsland.For20years,wehave growntoserveourLowcountryneighborsinBluffton, Beaufortandbeyond.Withpersonalandbusiness bankingsolutionsthatgobeyondasimpletransaction,it’s thefamiliarsmile,neighborlycareandlocaltouchthat makeCSBtheLowcountry’scommunitybank.
20 Years of Community Banking. Learnmoreatcoastalstatesbank.com
We could tell you about the superb quality and distinctive designs of Sierra Pacific windows and patio doors. However, what you really want to know is whether the morning sun will warm your bare feet in your new bedroom. When you throw open the French door in your new dining room on a perfect Spring day, will the outdoors burst in like a fragrant blessing? Will life pause as a glowing sunset turns your new living room to gold? The answer is Yes.
Upgrade to Sierra Pacific Windows. There are more expensive windows. But none more impressive.
Head 147 Arrow Road (843) 785-3821 www.espylumber.com
Discover the latest window design trends tailored for Lowcountry living with Seaglass Windowscapes. As the premier choice for window treatments in the region, we understand the unique charm and style that define coastal living. Our expert team stays ahead of the curve, curating window solutions that seamlessly blend functionality with aesthetics, perfectly complementing the laid-back elegance of Lowcountry homes.
From timeless exterior shutters to sleek modern shades, Seaglass Windowscapes offers a diverse range of options to suit every taste and space. Whether you're looking to enhance natural light, maximize energy efficiency, or simply elevate your home's ambiance, our customizable window treatments are designed to meet your needs. Experience the epitome of coastal chic and transform your living spaces with Seaglass Windowscapes today!
Ready to elevate your home with coastal-inspired window treatments? Scan the QR code below to watch our owner, Nikki, as she shares more about our company and our passion for exceptional window treatments!
Don’t miss out on one of most functional (and beautiful) home design trends - automated window treatments. Motorized shades offer convenience, comfort, and energy efficiency, while elevating the aesthetics of any room. Whether you’re in your living area or thousands of miles away on vacation, enjoy absolute control over your home’s privacy and shade. Here are some unique features that motorized shades, blinds, or shutters have to offer.
Motorized shades offer optimal control using your preferred method of operation! Choose from mobile apps, hand-held remotes, voice control via your smart home devices and more. Then, set it and forget it by programming them on a daily schedule. Whether you are looking to slowly wake up to natural sunlight or block the heat in the afternoon, you can create the ideal environment in your home.
Leave the shades open before leaving the house? We’ve been there. Protect your home from damaging sunlight and control your shades from afar. Rugs, artwork and furniture can all be spared from the sun’s harsh rays without you having to be home to manually do the job.
Window coverings are a proven way to reduce solar gain and prevent heat loss. Connecting these coverings to a smart home hub allows them to work with scenes to adjust based on exposure. Essentially, your blinds will close when it’s hot and sunny and raise when you want the light to make it comfortable in the home. Motorized blinds can also add a significant insulation value to your windows. Traditional roller and honeycomb blinds offer a higher R-value than double glazed windows.
Regular window blinds require cords and strings to open and close. After long-term use, these cords often become a tangled mess and can pose a strangulation hazard to children and pets. Motorized blinds don’t require exposed cords. Some can even connect to a smart home automation system to automatically open if the fire alarm is triggered allowing first responders to see inside the home.
Home automation will continue to get smarter. If you want to explore the ease and comfort it offers, contact Budget Blinds of Hilton Head Island.
Receive up to a rebate when you install a new H2O Select® electric water heater.
With either option: FREE water heater repair service during the first five years.
• Get up to a $250 rebate, when you install a new electric water heater with an off-peak switch. Get an extra $100 if you build a new home or if you switch from gas to electric water heating.
• Turnkey option: we'll replace your old water heater with a new large off-peak tank for only 60 low monthly payments.
The tank that is built to last as long as you own your home!
• Lifetime tank warranty*
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• Available in 85 and 105 gallon models
*Manufacturer’s warranty applies.
With PEC’s turnkey options, a Marathon water heater is only 60 low monthly payments.
Receive up to a rebate when you install a new H2O Select® electric water heater. For details, visit palmetto.coop or call 1-800-922-5551
Provided by Coastal States Mortgage
Construction projects can be complex. Communicating with your lender, inspectors, contractors and more can be a lot to balance, but with the right plan, you can complete your project with little stress and a great reward – your dream home.
1 Prepare a Detailed Plan
Work with your builder or contractor to have a detailed construction plan ready, including timelines and cost estimates. This will not only help you stay organized but also assist your lender in understanding your construction project.
2 Choose the Right Lender
Choose a lender who will make sure you understand how construction loans work
and has knowledge of the local market. Construction loans differ from traditional home loans because they are typically short-term loans that cover the cost of building a home. Having a local lender who can connect you with the right resources can be invaluable.
3 Budget Wisely
Create a realistic budget and stick to it. Factor in unexpected costs and contingencies to avoid running out of funds mid-project.
4 Choose the Right Contractor
Select a reputable and experienced contractor who can deliver quality work on time and within budget. Lenders typically require you to work with a licensed contractor.
5 Schedule Regular Inspections
Lenders also require periodic inspections to ensure that the construction is progressing according to plan. Be prepared for these inspections and address any issues promptly to keep your project on track.
6 Maintain Open Communication
Maintain open communication with your lender throughout the construction
process. Keep them informed of any changes or challenges you may encounter throughout the project.
7 Consider a Construction-toPermanent Loan
If you’re building a new home, you might opt for a construction-to-permanent loan, which converts into a traditional mortgage once construction is complete. This can simplify the financing process.
8 Plan for Contingencies
Construction projects rarely go exactly as planned. Build in a buffer for unexpected delays or cost overruns and be patient and prepared for unexpected delays or setbacks.
9 Keep Detailed Records
Maintain thorough records of all expenses and payments related to the construction project. This will help you track your spending and provide documentation to your lender if needed.
With the right construction lender, a thorough plan, and patience, building your dream home will be a rewarding and worthwhile experience.
Now window treatments have joined the fray. Motorized treatments offer convenience, security, temperature efficiency and smart home connectivity.
The convenience of motorized window treatments allows you to adjust multi-window rooms with the touch of a finger. Imagine the luxury of waking up and being able to raise your shades with a controlled remote so you can enjoy your view without getting out of bed.
For even more convenience, home security and temperature utility cost reduction, you can opt for smart home connectivity. This allows you to use your smart phone or smart home devices, such as Amazon Alexa or Google Home, to operate your window treatments. With this technology you can program your window coverings to be in different positions during the day. Scheduling your shades to adjust to sun exposure throughout the day, while you aren’t home, helps keep heating and air conditioning costs down. Not only will this improve your utility costs but also provides an additional layer of security by making your home look “lived-in”.
The styles and looks are endless! Almost any color we have to offer will match your trim or home décor, from honeycomb shades with a clean modern look to a grass woven look with our woven wood selections. All are offered with manual controls as well as motorized.
Our Hunter Douglas Showroom is a great way to explore the many options of products as well as the “Powerview” motorized system.
We run a small manufacturing and service business. We believe that “In a market place where quality often takes a back seat to price”, it is becoming increasingly difficult to find a manufacturer who places craftmanship and customer service above all else. In our small facility, here in Hilton Head, we create one-of-a-kind window treatments that will add personality and ambiance to any room. Attention to quality and detail is always our ultimate goal.
We are proud to be a dealer for a small millwork company in South Carolina who has
been producing high quality shutters since the early 90’s. By staying committed to our shutter supplier, we are supporting “made in the USA”.
Our Interior Design clientele as well as homeowners we work with enjoy the ability to stop in to look at a mock-up of their treatment or consult on an exact pattern placement. Please feel free to come see us any time.
Submitted by Jennifer Kirkland, ASID Graduate Parson’s School of Design Owner of Carolina Window Designs
Throughout the South Carolina Lowcountry, you’ll find a common thread in the area’s long-standing communities. Homes featuring neutral stone, shellstone, and tabby building materials represent the quintessential “Lowcountry
look”, characterized by light, versatile elements that pull inspiration from the surrounding beaches and marshes.
Travertine is a popular natural stone option, ideal for outdoor installation. Our stoneyard stocks several variations of this durable
material, including Ivory Premium Travertine, the lightest option, featuring white and light cream coloration.
Savannah Surfaces is also known for our exclusive Old World Tabby porcelain pavers. These original
designs mimic the look of natural elements found throughout the Lowcountry. The ever popular Oyster White porcelain paver is inspired by tabby concrete, a traditional building material in Southern coastal homes. The Coral White is a new addition to the collection; a modern interpretation of authentic Florida Keystone Coral, quarried in South Florida for centuries.
Savannah Surfaces is committed to offering competitive pricing and shorter lead times. Many of these popular materials can be found in-stock in our stoneyard. Call 843-784-6060 ext. 2 to book an appointment with our experts and visit the Lowcountry’s largest showroom of interior and exterior surfacing materials.
Many pool owners tell us that they really enjoy the experience of a warm pool, but the cost of heating a pool can be significant even with a highly efficient system like a Heat Pump Pool Heater (HPPH).
Here are six methods that will help. Each pool environment is different, and while the value of each method is universal, they are not all universally applicable to a particular pool.
1 | Solar heating is essentially free (there are some small increases in the cost to pump the water through the large solar panels, but it is minimal). The downside of solar is that it rarely meets the needs for a full season of heating demand, or it fails to provide heat fast enough or when the sun isn’t shining. But when solar is available and you have the budget to purchase a solar system with a Heat Pump Pool Heater backup, you can have the best, most economical system available.
2 | If you have a Heat Pump Pool Heater (HPPH) system only, the time of day that you run your HPPH is a system operation parameter you should address. HPPH’s get their heat from the air. So, logically, the best time to run a HPPH is when the air temperature is at its warmest. As long as your filtration is running at the warmest time of the day,
Provided by Year Round Pool
your HPPH will operate at its optimum Coefficiency of Performance (COP). COP is the measure of energy output divided by energy input.
3 | And speaking of COP…the COP is the efficiency rating of the HPPH. As mentioned in item 2, this measure of efficiency changes as the air temperature changes. The unit is more efficient the warmer the air temperature. Another aspect of COP to consider the overall COP rating as applied to the individual model of HPPH you purchase. Not all HPPHs are created equal. If we do a comparison of HPPHs and assume all have the same heating capacity, or BTUh, you will find a variety of COP ratings available on the market. The higher the COP rating, the more efficient the HPPH will be. The percentage difference between one COP rating and another will equate to the percentage savings available between the lower and higher rated COP heater. This means you should buy the highest COP-rated unit your budget allows while making sure the model you select has the capacity, or BTUh, to meet your heating demand. Your Pool Professional can help you with this decision process.
4 | Controlling evaporation. Heat loss on any pool, heated by any means, is primarily driven by evaporation from the surface of the pool. Upwards
of 75% of heat loss is through this method. So controlling that evaporative loss is key to reducing heating cost. There are three types of blankets that can help control evaporation: Solid, Floating and Liquid. The Liquid blanket is easy to use, and is inexpensive, but also carries the lowest level of effectiveness.
5 | Wind at the surface of the pool creates ripples or small waves on the surface of the pool ultimately accelerating evaporation. So, creating a pool environment that is shielded from wind will greatly help reduce heating cost.
6 | The last method is the pool temperature set point. The warmer you heat your pool water, the more it will cost to keep it warm. Each degree rise in temperature can equate to an approximate 15-18% increase in operation cost. So, while an 88°F pool is nice and toasty warm, it will cost a lot more to maintain than a pool that is held at 85°F.
There is nothing better than a warm pool. These are some tried and true ways to help keep that cost to a minimum.
Thank you to all our customers for trusting the Year Round Pool team, and continuing to choose us as your local, Lowcountry, full-service provider. For the past 43 years, we have built our reputation on delivering the highest quality product, partnering with some of the world’s best brands like Hot Spring and Sundance Spas. We look forward to the future and to creating more sparking blue fun for years to come!
Frank X. Fotia III, President
P.S. Stop by one of our showrooms to have your water tested and receive 10% off any chemical purchase during your visit. Just mention this ad!
At Trex®, the #1 brand in outdoor living, we believe that a deck is more than just a deck. It’s a place to be enjoyed with the people that matter most – not sanded, stained and sealed. And you can feel good knowing that our high-performing, low-maintenance decking is made from 95% recycled and reclaimed content and comes backed by 25-, 35- and 50-year limited warranties. At Trex, we see it too.
Road (843) 785-3821 www.espylumber.com
ATLANTIS RAIL offers a complete line of stainless steel railing, aluminum cable railing, and glass railing systems. This innovative collection of low maintenance railings offers unobstructed views capable of fitting any indoor or outdoor, commercial or residential designs.
HILTON HEAD 147 Arrow Road (843) 785-3821
OKATIE Cherry Point Business Park - 3785 Argent Blvd. (843) 379-5000
Provided by Year Round Pool
A high-quality hot tub can improve your life in ways you may not have considered before. Hot tubs bring families closer together while helping to connect with the world around us. Incorporating hot tub usage into your daily routine can also help improve your general wellbeing. Regular spa use might also reduce stress, ease pain, improve the quality of your sleep, and increase flexibility.
As we age, we lose our range of motion. Through regular usage, your hot tub can help you restore lost flexibility and slow the natural stiffening that comes with age. The warm water of a spa creates hydrostatic pressure—the pressure caused by the weight of fluids—on the body. This reduces joint inflammation, which in turn aids mobility.
Spending time in your hot tub may provide temporary relief from arthritic joint pain. In a controlled study examining the effects of spa therapy on patients with severe osteoarthritis, researchers found significant reduction in pain
after just two weeks. In fact, patients undergoing spa therapy experienced less pain than those undergoing drug therapy at the same time. Likewise, a study of patients with rheumatoid arthritis demonstrated that hydrotherapy reduced pain, tension, and joint tenderness.
Fibromyalgia is a disorder involving chronic pain and fatigue throughout the body, often resulting in disturbed sleep and an impaired ability to concentrate. It can cause disruptions at work and at home. A study of the effects of hydrotherapy on fibromyalgia patients showed marked benefits. Following a course of hydrotherapy treatment, patients reported improvements in physical functionality, sleep quality, and the ability to do their jobs, accompanied by a reduction in pain intensity, fatigue, stiffness, anxiety, and depression.
According to one estimate, 80% of all Americans will suffer from lower back pain at some point. It can make performing everyday activities a difficult and painful challenge. In multiple studies, people living with chronic back pain who underwent hydrotherapy treatment, either on its own or in combination with other treatments, saw a reduction in their symptoms. While these studies do indicate the positive effects of hydrotherapy, they do not replace the advice of a doctor.
Time spent in a hot tub encourages stress-free
relaxation. Before you leave for work in the morning, soaking in your spa for fifteen or twenty minutes can help you begin your day feeling rested and focused. At night, it can help you unwind and leave the stresses of the day behind you. Controlled studies have shown that the use of hydrotherapy can lead to an improved psychological and emotional state.
Lack of sleep can increase feelings of stress and anxiety reducing your ability to be productive. This can become a vicious cycle, as these same negative feelings can cause or aggravate many sleep disorders. Using your hot tub on a regular basis can break that cycle and help you get to sleep.
The hot water and massage jets in a hot tub release tension and knead the toxins from your muscle fibers. Buoyancy takes the pressure off your legs, feet and back, helping you work out the knots. Regular soaks in your spa can improve your health and overall well-being. In order to fully experience these benefits without added stress, it’s important to invest in a quality, worry-free hot tub that you can enjoy for years to come.
Whether you are looking to massage those aching muscles after a stressful day, just soak your aching bones or just spend relaxing time with loved ones…do yourself a favor and stop in to see the world number one selling Freshwater Salt spas at Year Round Pool. You will be glad you did! Ask about our financing options.
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Are you ready to make the transition to a new home? Or at least take a few steps to get there? If so, you’ll need to think about selling your current property, and you’re probably hoping to get the best price possible.
Renovations can be a great value booster. The right changes appeal to buyers and help you make a great return on your investment.
Here are four ways to renovate before selling.
FRESH PAINT JOB: A new coat of paint is one of the most affordable renovations — and you can even do it yourself. Uplifting colors, like taupe or soft teal, can make a room look brighter. The more neutral the area, the easier it is for buyers to picture themselves living there.
If you want to make your home look new without undergoing a full remodel, updating the countertops and light fixtures can work wonders. Similar to paint colors, it’s best to stick with simple styles.
BREAK-EVEN REMODEL: Did you know the kitchen and bathrooms are the most important parts of the house? To interest buyers, consider a breakeven remodel in these lived-in spaces. If the cabinets and floors are outdated, try low-cost upgrades (like new hardware) so the rooms look more modern.
MARKET TRENDS: Before deciding which renovations to make, check out the latest trends in home design. Choosing improvements based on what’s popular can help your house stand out to buyers — both online and in person.
Preparing your home to sell is easier with an experienced professional in your corner. To learn more about value-adding renovations, selling your property or to start looking for a new property in Beaufort County, get in touch with a local Realtor who understands the market.