KofC Ontario State Online Bulletin - June 2021

Page 11

Our Church and Society need your voice especially for the unborn, our disabled and elderly

Dan Heffernan Immediate Past State Deputy Brother Knights, This is my final report as your Immediate Past State Deputy so I would like to leave you with some of my thoughts. Some of you may recognize excerpts from my 2021 Convention Report, however, not everyone received a Convention Booklet, so I am recapping some highlights. I was elected as State Warden in 2006. As most of you know, my time on the State Board has not been without some twists and turns and major bumps along the way, but through faith and the example of our founder I was able to serve you. As I promised when elected to the State Deputy position in 2017, I would travel around the Province during my 2017-2019 terms to learn your Council’s concerns, and celebrate with you Council milestones, and events. My wife Rita and I have thoroughly enjoyed meeting a great number of you personally from the far north to the southern tip of the Province. We will always remember your gracious hospitality and welcoming attitude. Several notable accomplishments were attained during my two terms as State Deputy; • our Annual State Convention was changed to beautiful Niagara Falls and by all accounts everyone enjoyed the new venue. • Expanded upon the State Recruiter training program to increase our membership with success. • the first ultrasound machine in Ontario under Supreme’s Program was installed in Ontario. This fulfills part of our Pro-Life mandate and I encourage you to continue. • a new Ontario Knights of Columbus website was introduced providing many embellishments such as a Prayer Line and Obituary section which provides awareness of the needs of our Brother Knights.

• updated internal communications from State Office by introducing generic email addresses, such as GK1111@ontariokofc.ca • The use of media such as Facebook, YouTube and TV was valuable in promoting ourselves. • Race for Charity Marathons promoted our Order to the public and was successful in raising Charitable funds. • Knights on Bikes was adopted as an Ontario State Program to recognize their efforts in promoting the Knights of Columbus. • We now have our own Silver Rose, donated to us by ‘Knights on Bikes’ Brother Dennis Mailloux to travel throughout our Province. • Ontario State Council Golf Tournament was switched up and held in Ottawa instead of the Toronto area. • Established Supreme’s Disaster Relief Committee in Ontario and was able to assist with spring flooding n 2019. • Better coverage on our State and individual Council Insurance Policies was negotiated with Jones DesLauriers. • Introduced a Safe Environment Compliance Officer to assist Councils to become Safe Environment compliant. • The Columbia magazine editor agreed to provide more Canadian content. • Ontario participated in Supreme’s new ‘pilot’ online eMembership program in 2018 which has resulted in Order-wide usage since that time and was invaluable throughout this pandemic.


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