SalesVisioner - Pharma SFE White Paper

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the Pharmacentric white paper


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English edition Volume 3 Q2 2012

The EGIS SFE approach! Android fights back iPad. Free way of Doctor Meetings. We have tested it. Greg Zurnamer: What to do different in 2012?

AMGEN/Watson Pharma Acquisitions

Accessories: Your fancy iPad rep

sales.visioner NEWS Feed Watson/Actavis Watson now third largest generics company with Actavis acquisition Watson Pharmaceuticals (Watson) has confirmed a definitive agreement to acquire privatelyowned generics firm Actavis for an upfront payment of Euros 4.25 billion. The acquisition of Actavis makes Watson the third largest generics company in the world, with US$8 billion in combined revenue expected during 2012.

Pharma and Web Pharma is a Leading Sector in web effectiveness Pharmaceutical companies, particularly European drugmakers, rank among the world’s best corporate communicators online, according to a new analysis. The sixth Financial Times Bowen Craggs Index of web effectiveness, which claims to be "the only comprehensive source of comparable data on companies’ corporate digital presence", notes that six of the top 20 rated companies are in the pharma sector. The methodology used in the index gives the highest scores to companies that have websites "that are well built, well integrated with other channels (eg YouTube or social media), present the companies messages most impressively, and serve a range of stakeholders well". Roche is rated as having the most effective website of all pharmaceutical companies, and comes fifth overall, while Novartis comes second in the industry and eighth overall. AstraZeneca ranks third in the pharma sector and 13th in the index.

Amgen Amgen buys Turkish generics manufacturer US biotechnology giant Amgen announced on 25 April 2012 that the company will pay US$700 million to gain a majority share (95.6%) in Turkish generics company Mustafa Nevzat Pharmaceuticals (MN). The deal will significantly expand Amgen’s presence in Turkey and the surrounding region, which are large, fast-growing, priority markets for Amgen.



sales.visioner NEWS Feed

We have discovered the most amazing accessories and add-ones for your iPad. Now, when every rep has it, you need to point with innovative and quite cheap accessories.

You fancy iPad Rep. 1. Kensington PowerBack Case, 79,99€ While









entertainment solutions, heavy app or wireless usage can suck the life out of your battery–fast. Add up to five extra hours of juice with this protective, battery-powered case. It also has a built-in kickstand for better viewing in portrait, landscape, or typing modes.

2. Wacom Bamboo Stylus, 29,99€ Effective as the iPad's touchscreen may be for casually drawing or jotting down notes with a finger, graphic designers, artists, and architects may find it offers inadequate precision when performing complex tasks.

3. SENA Keybord Folio, 149,99€ This leather carrying case has an integrated Bluetooth keyboard and folding kickstand. Beyond the obvious benefits of protecting your device and giving you a more comfortable way to type, it's also elegantly designed. Heck, it's even fashionable. Be prepared to pay for the style, however: Units don't come cheap.



sales.visioner NEWS Feed Source:

Use some of our tips which you can implement in your business and private life. Ideal for sales and marketing people.



PR monster.

1. Find a problem to solve. You want to publicize your expertise. Journalists want to cover popular and emerging topics. Bridge the gap by shedding light or new perspectives on trending issues, and you create a win-win scenario. There's no need to come up with your own brilliant story idea: Events already in the news provide a useful time hook.

2. Fit your pitch into one sentence. Decide what makes your company or product unique, and say it briefly enough to fit into email subject lines and the headlines of supporting press releases. Messaging must be short and sweet, as you have less than 10 seconds to make an impression. When possible, tie announcements to unique giveaways, promotions, or events as well— especially eye-opening surveys or research projects whose findings provide immediate discussion points.

3. Target specific outlets and writers. Skip the shotgun approach and carefully target individual magazines and section editors. Look for writers who frequently cover related topics, and send a direct, personalized email tailored for both their media outlet and individual section. One size does not fit all: Custom tailor every piece of communication.

4. Don't forget the call to action. Passive promotional tools like press releases and newswire distributions are easily ignored. To improve results, couple campaigns with direct calls to action that invite user participation: cast a vote, upload video entries for entry into online contests, like your company on Facebook in exchange for money-saving coupons, etc. Your goal is to invite users to join in the conversation around your brand. sales.visioner



Sales Vision® iTouch iPad The First and Leading Standalone iPad Pharma CRM solution with GPS.

“Based on an extensive analysis of the Pharma CRM systems available, we opted for Sales Vision iPad from Media-Soft given the quality (Apple approved), flexibility (modular), service and availability in the local language. In addition, the package is offered at an acceptable cost, Mr Roberto Colauto, the Managing Director of Aurobindo Italy.”



sales.visioner THE new PATH

Some of the best FREE app which can help and innovate your business during meetings, collaboration and other kind of meetings.



hat if


way of you could manage

tations or PDFs thru DropBox after which

meetings in a new way? We

you can upload or recall them from the idea

don't speak about the typical

flight app. Idea flight enables to share in real

PowerPoint tool which is designed and

time over iPads your presentation or content

structured around some advises we mean a

to all people in the meeting room (up to 25

new way of leading business meetings.


With such apps you can design or have new and fancy presentations designed in Keynote or PPT but the distribution of the content is really amazing. Now, what will happen when doctors will have iPads as their standard tool for work? You could manage The classic internet meeting tools like Lotus

any kind of content by avoiding high expen-

Live Meetings or WebEx are cool but used

sive CLM solutions. The content design is

by lots of people. So its not a new way of

not easy but a new way of distributing the

being different. There is one tool called idea

content sometimes is because many genius

flight which is available on the iPad. The

IT companies worldwide are trying to make

idea of this new tool is to store your presen-

our life easer.



sales.visioner FROM THE FIELD

Live from Turkey where EGIS Russia has implemented its new sales field strategy working with Samsung Galaxy Tab and the all new amazing Sales Vision Android CRM.


Approach and the new sales


peaking from Turkey, Antalya. Weather

standalone app on Android devices! It’s called

is nice but unfortunately there is no

Sales Vision Android coming from Media-Soft

time to enjoy the amazing seaside and

sun. What has happened in Antalya is some kind of magic. Once a while you can feel that a new path and shift is going on but here we felt like on the MacWorld event and it wasn’t a Apple event at all. We are speaking about the EGIS guys and approach. It’s a miracle. Reps love it! The reason why we are speaking from Antalya is that we have participated at the EGIS cycle meeting where they have launched a new CRM solution for the entire filed force. Well, what is so exciting about CRM? Everybody has it so who cares about another implementation? Here we are talking about the Pharma CRM of the








Inc. Besides that this all new Sales Vision Android CRM enables GPS tracking, detailed doctor mapping and profiling, same as the complete integration of sales and marketing activities on the field but also from the office. This is CRM and sales in a new way while results are already visible in the increase of sales, effectiveness, mobility and information value!


sales.visioner FROM THE FIELD The RIXOS resourt where the traning and roll out was realized.

EGIS Russia has searched for an all in one

sons as the Sales Vision advantage.

CRM tool which can indeed enable benefits for

“Now why we have selected Sales Vision.

the reps but same for the managers. Now this

There are following reasons (but this is not

is possible with the Sales Vision Android. Reps


are happy since their work is done on the field

1. Media-Soft accepted our approach of think-

while managers in their offices enjoy in real

ing and recommendation to modification

data and robust analytics from sales, GPS coor-

2. Their share our business understanding

dinates, call statistics and some amazing secret

3. Media-Soft is flexible vs. your competitors

processes called Doctor Profile or Pharmacy

concerning many scopes

Module. Media-Soft has really done the An-

4. Media-Soft position is to intend to listen and

droid app so fancy, intuitive and easy for the

understand us, our vision, thoughts and for-

reps that they love it! At the end of the training

mats of the final result

we have been really surprised when more than

5. The Sales Vision solutions includes mobile

30 reps have shared their opinion about Sales

terminals (based on Widows mob., OS and An-

Vision Android by writing lyrics or quite posi-


tive testimonials.

6. Sales Vision solution includes GPS module 7. Price/functionality ratio

We also have got an exclusive inside from the

8. Attitude and really high professionalism of

National SFE Director of EGIS Russia, Mr

Media-Soft team�

Lukyanov. He highlighted the following rea-



sales.visioner FROM THE FIELD

It’s Tuesday and we need to leave Antalya. A

Tablet market. As all know Apple was the pio-

fast taxi is driving us to the Airport and it takes

neer in this field while Android and others has

more than one hour. I think about the words of

just followed the path but we must admit quite

the SFE Director which are even not so im-

successfully. I doubt that Steve Jobs was think-

portant after this training and introduction of

ing about helping the pharma industry when

the new CRM to the EGIS reps. What is im-

his company created the iPhone and later on

portant and this don’t happens so often is that

the iPad, but he is a visionary, so you never

reps enjoy and love the solution! Sales Vision

know. Pharma marketers are always looking

and Media-Soft have done it and that’s the

for the next big thing that they can be the first

most important think at the end. This will not

to try, that’s “innovative”, and that will put

be another CRM which reps will use only be-

their products ahead of everyone else. I have

cause they have to.

noticed, though, that it takes pharma quite a while in many cases to catch up. Android is

iPad and other Tablet followers. This is the

also a nice device but if we are honest we can


state that it’s a very good copy of the iPad and Apple logic. From the user-interface and even

The amazing new approach is just a sequel of

some icons and like the eBook. Android is a

the Apple innovative approach to develop the

quite good generics.

EGIS National Sales Director with the Sales Vision Android is extremely satisfied.



sales.visioner THE SFE group

We present one of the most powerful Pharma SFE groups on LinkedIn called Pharma SFE Club. Best of all its our official group with a huge sucess.


biggest SFE group


on LinkedIN

inkedIn is a amazing platform to share

or even writers thru our group. The group is

or see what is happening in your busi-

closed since our idea is to have a club model in

ness network. There are even some

which you can enter if you are lineked with the

business or people who have gain direct profit

industry to avoid promotional or spam activi-

from this business network. I am one of them.

ties. Now we have close to 2000 members which is a quite nice success and most of them

What is also important is the possibility to

is coming from Asia, leading by Pakistan, Chi-

share some opinions, best practice, advises and

na and some other markets which is a quite

more thru this powerful network. More than

interesting fact. In best weeks we have more

one year ago we have created our official

than 100 new members which are participating

group dedicated to Pharma SFE, Marketing

in our pharma conversation. You can join and

and Sales topics called “Pharma Sales Force Ef-

find us within LinkedIn by typing this key-

fectiveness Club.”

word into the Search bar: “Pharma Sales Force

The idea was to promote the crucial news,

Effectiveness Club.” See you soon.

trends and other hot topics inside pharma. On daily basis we receive comments, suggestions



sales.visioner OPINION

By: Greg Zurnamer

What to do different in 2012? Our natural instinct should be to identify actions that have delivered and leverage those and to try and avoid the ones that have failed or at least that’s what I am told.


nly when your product starts to

spend and more branding action plans seem

solve your customers problems

to have dominated their consensus. The idea

does it become a potent force" -

of doing more of the same and expecting a

Craig Stull, TUNED IN

different result as professed by our gurus

The Fatman and the Baldy Guy where once

seemed like a viable option. Was this a case of

again locked in protracted debate about the

insanity or just one of pure brilliance?

future of their individual domains. They each

Many sales professionals are at this time of

had made significant gains on the corporate

the year confronted with the same challenge

ladder in recent times and were now tasked

as our two intrepid leaders. How will the new

with the tremendous responsibility of leading

target for the year be achieved. Our natural instinct should be to identify actions that have

...we are conditioned to believe that as soon as our competitors have a price advantage that we are dead in the water...

delivered and leverage those and to try and avoid the ones that have failed or at least that’s what I am told. Sadly many sales professionals, will after trying for a short while,

their new teams to new heights. The smoke filled room echoed with the remains of countless ideas and opinions on how to solve their pressing problem. The idea of increased call rates, more field time, increased customer


just continue doing more of the same and hoping it works. New research has indicated that there is much that can be done to improve sales results away from the traditional focus.


sales.visioner OPINION

Many of these issues are quite revolutionary

events that force change to happen. An exam-

and might require some thought and ponder-

ple of such a trigger event could be a new re-


sistant bug found in the ICU for the first time or the impact of the recession on patient’s

Here are some suggestions that will positive-

ability to pay for services. Each of these events

ly impact your results.

is so significant that it will force doctors to change behaviour. If you are able to under-

Ask more questions during each sales call –

stand and assist clients in avoiding or han-

This might seem logical but there is a glaring

dling such events then this will place you

absence of good quality questions in sales

above the opposition on the value scale. The

calls today. Most of the time sales people are

likelihood is increased and more loyal sup-

...trigger events are those events what force change to happen...


Forget about building relationships – This topic has always been the most contentious

so eager to get to sell something that the most

issue to address. Throughout my selling ca-

important part of the sales call is neglected.

reer I was continuously told that building re-

One of the important differences between av-

lationships was the key to success and that if

erage sales reps and those who succeed is

my doctors liked me they would support me.

their ability to ask focussed and relevant

It now turns out that, this fact like so many

questions. None of the “what do you pre-

other “sales truths” is just a figment of some

scribe doctor, why do you prefer the opposi-

sales manager’s imagination. The research

tion drug, wara wara wara” nonsense. These

and evidence now suggest that those sales

questions only serve to infuriate doctors and

people who profess to be relationship builders

will most certainly lead to a premature end to

are no more successful than the other mem-

the sales call.

bers of the team who do not. These relationship building efforts have been in vain and a

Understand the trigger events that occur in

huge waste of money. The truth is that rela-

the doctors lives – Trigger events are those

tionships are a result of what you do and a


sales.visioner OPINION

pre-requisite to sales success. Focus more on

attempt to compensate many original manu-

increasing the customer’s sales experience and

facturers have now launched their own gener-

less on building a relationship and you might

ics (sorry clones). These successes are short

end up with both support and a valued rela-

lived as the real problem is not the price but


rather the lack of valued differentiation. If you fail to differentiate your brand then your cus-

Differentiate in a big way – We are in an era

tomer will do it for you and then it will most

of unparalleled commoditization of a once

likely be on price. Many sales people report

protected and highly profitable market. Many

that price is the customer’s main objection but

of the traditional brands have lost their patent

research has indicated that it has no more

protection and position in the market. In an

than a 9% effect on decision making and loy-

...focus more on increasing the customers sales experience and less on building a relationship...

alty. It is only through proper customer specific differentiation that you will be able to create relevance and support for what you sell.

Be our KOL If you want to write for our white paper, sales.visioner kindly let us know and contact us under— .

Greg Zurnamer is the Sales Vision distributor for South Africa and the owner of HWA Advertising. You can reach him on -



sales.visioner Casual 

Merck Begins Global Creative Review

Next edition

Can pharma implement Guerilla marketing?!

Health care titan Merck parent to brands such as Claritin, Nasonex, Dr. Scholl's and Coppertone -- is embarking on a global creative agency review, according to various industry executives. A request-for-information document has





agencies by the Whitehouse Station, N.J.-based marketer in recent days. The RFI indicates that the company, which in 2010 ranked as the world's No. 3 prescription-drug marketer behind Pfizer and Novartis per market research firm IMS Health, is seeking global marketing ideas for its consumer health-care business. According to the RFI, the consultant conducting the process is New Yorkbased Avi Dan Strategies.


According to Ad Age's Datacenter,

If you want to receive notification that new sales.visioner is out register by: 1. Send an email at or 2. Send an empty sms at +44 77 65 806 285

advertiser, spending $921.1 million

Merck is the 38th largest national in the U.S. alone. Globally, the company is estimated to devote well over $1 billion to advertising. Branded websites are the most effective form of pharmaceutical


marketing, and are highly effective

Contact us:

at generating new patient starts and refills, according to a study by

Š2012 All rights reserved. No part of this white paper may be copied, reproduced, transmitted, photocopied, recorded without the prior written consent of the publishers.

comScore, Inc.

International edtion



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