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the magazine of media-soft

.VISION Your Doze From Media-Soft English edition Volume 1

Welcome .Vision Media Media--Soft New Magazine

+Meet our clients

+EyeForPharma Report


Dear Partner, Everybody who partners with us understands our passion of being truly reliable and up to date in every action. With Media-Soft and it’s product Sales Vision CRM we created a family and partnership with pharmaceuticals who are leaders in their field but at the same time with contenders to this position too. Having a clear and open relationship with our clients is important and that’s why we present you the newest magazine for customers and friends named “.Vision”. With “.Vision” we will try to deliver clear and fresh insights about what we have achieved together with you in the past quarter. “.Vision” will have a focus on new trends, achievements and success stories. For you dear partner it should create the strong feeling of pride and safety to see how your favourite CRM vendor is progressing. We hope that “.Vision” will be on your reader list every quarter. Damir Safaric CEO and Founder of Media-Soft



.Vision eyeforpharma report

Barcelona is Calling


arcelona is the host city of this

CLM all together on tablets. Even more it ena-

years biggest SFE pharma event in

bles for reps to work offline on the field but at

Europe but probably even wider.

the same time fully integrates usual sales force

The EyeForPahrma event is the must event for all pharma trends, visions and the right place for more than 1.400 delegates from the leading pharmaceuticals across the globe. Media-Soft was onsite as the Gold Sponsor.

Detailing for the interaction at the doctors side in terms of digital brochures and content. If we look only one year ago and the last eyeforpharma event, iPad and tablets have just started to become serious. Even at that time our Sales Vision CRM was ready to support

Media-Soft, the innovation leader.

offline work on Android and iOS which speaks

Our flagship products Sales Vision CRM for tablets and BookVision CLM enjoyed lots of interest and curiosity. In the focus was our “All in one� solution which integrates CRM and


processes like visit plans and calls and e-

enough for itself. Today the Media-Soft tablet solutions are on demand and considered as the most ready of its kind globally. Such events like the eyeforpharma event are a good place where you can evaluate if your company is


.Vision eyeforpharma report on the right road and direction. Key conclusion which we can take from the event is that Media-Soft is not following the trends, we are actually creating and defining them. Many contacts and friends. In terms of booth traffic and visitors we are really happy. This year we pay lots of efforts to have the most fancy booth with the adequate

concept “walk through our product portfolio”.

experience onsite. Proof that we succeeded are

Many useful contacts and potential partner-

lots of happy visitors. Everybody who visited

ships are established and we look forward to

our booth was delighted with the design and

the 2014 event with even more success.

The Booth Experience. For the most visual product promotion of Media-Soft we keen to deliver a complete new experience on our booth. Idea was to “walk through our product portfolio” what you can see on the final visualization pitch. Experience was structured on three individual info desks responsible for simulating the field and back office environments. In the middle was Sales Vision Win, the comprehensive CRM app for head office users. On to the left was Sales Vision iPad version, the tailor made app for reps delivering the right field efficiency. BookVision CLM was on the right side where visitors could see how important the e-Detailing and digital interaction part is.




Sales Vision CRM / BookVision CLM Winning Was Never Easier. Hole In One Sales Vision CRM and BookVision CLM. Media-Soft Inc. provides “Pharmacentric Solutions� to the life-science industry in the CRM and CLM/e-Detailing segment. Why we are the fastest growing Pharma CRM/CLM vendor is because the fact that we deliver flexibility, innovation and cost-efficiency within our solutions.

Our pharmacentric solutions are running offline on iOS, Android, and Windows where we have been the global first vendor on those platforms.

Founded in 1996, Media-Soft is established in more than 50 countries and improves sales force effectiveness for more than 110 pharmaceuticals worldwide via our CRM/CLM solutions. Learn more under:"



.Vision eye on products

All New SalesVision iPad


n only three years the entire concept

route to reps and teams based on marketing

what reps are using on the field has

plan parameters like doctors GPS position,

changed because of iPad and other

working time and more. Than here is the

tablets. Its clearly knows that Media

brand new home screen design of Sales Vi-

-Soft has entered in this new and at that time

sion with dashboards tailored to the field

very unknown field as the first Pharma

needs where data can be displayed on the

CRM vendor which introduced the native


and offline iPad CRM solution, Sales Vision iPad. The same success we copied with the

Today lots of pharmaceuticals including

Sales Vision Android solution too.

AstraZeneca, Aurobindo, PharmaS, Alkaloid, Merck Serono, Sopharma and more are

In February Media-Soft has realised a brand

operating with Sales Vision iPad version.

new and redesigned iPad app of Sales Vi-

Sales Vision iPad has become even more

sion which contains many new modules and

useful with his CLM integration of our new-


est product BookVision CLM. See page





“Routing� enables to propose the ideally




.Vision eye on products

We Call It BookVision CLM


ot’s of buzz has been generated

Content is indeed limitless! Content in CLM is

about the potential new product

the same like database in CRM but it means

from us. Many rumors on forums,

much more!

specialized pharma sites and blog-

gers have surrounded the world wide web

Content is also the weakest point of any CLM

with the question; If Media-Soft enter in the

tool. If you buy the CLM software from compa-


ny called X, they will deploy the solution and





BookVision CLM!

later on you will be forced to buy the content from them too. Problem of such business model is that you need to pay in average 25.000 EU-

What is BookVision CLM.

RO for one content per product per year! Even Sure and clear it is a unique platform for e-

more, it’s not a flexible model because for eve-

Detailing and Multichannel but any other CLM

ry content modification you need to wait. Not

enables it too. What we tried to deliver is a

with BookVision! When we finally agreed to

unique platform in terms of flexibility in con-

enter in this segment it was obvious to build in

tent. Content is everything and it matters a lot

one of our believes in such product which is

since this is at the end the tripping point if

flexibility. BookVision enables to any pharma-

your interaction with the doctor will be suc-

ceutical to create the content alone in our con-

cessful or not. Content means any file which

tent admin part or even better you can import

takes the interaction with the doctor during

your existing PowerPoint, PDF or other files

the visit such as: presentations, animations,

into BookVision CLM. Later on the BookVision

sounds, surveys, videos, simulations and more.

CLM is deploying the content on the field so



.Vision eye on products that every rep becomes his belonging content.








This benefit is key and unique if you compare

BookVision is logging and storing every touch

BookVision CLM with any other CLM tool on

on the screen during the interaction between

the global landscape.

the doctor and rep. Further before the visit, rep can replay the exact shown presentation

Second thing what is crucial is that we enable

from the last time and even reorder the slides

a full integration with our Sales Vision CRM .

to deliver a complete new content to the doc-

If you implement some other CLM than you

tor. Crucial is that the meeting duration is rec-

need to build up the interface between CLM

orded too and there is even the combination

and CRM so that you can know exactly which

with GPS. BookVision CLM enables that you

content has been viewed by what doctor and

can get the exact proof about where the inter-

more. Otherwise you would have some gener-

action was taken, how long and at what time.

ic statistics. BookVision is using the database

Sometimes valuable data is the simplest one

from Sales Vision CRM and in this way you

and rep can collect his assuming during the

know exactly all data from interaction about

interaction, if the doctor is liking or disliking

all doctors. No additional interface needs to be

the presented slide. If the rep clicks on the top

made. For those who can’t change CRM but

of the slide BookVision logs this as a like. If

would like to have BookVision we wupport to

rep clicks on bottom of the slide BookVision

build up the interface to another CRM.

stores the touch as dislike. BookVision in shorten; Your new presenter on the field!

When it comes to interaction here we enable Flexible HTML5 Content. The Content Management System (CMS) for admins inside BookVision enables you to converse and import different kind of content format. PDF’s, PPT’s or sophisticated animations from agencies.

All Rounder With CRM. BookVision can be implemented as an standalone CLM solution for all who are not running with Sales Vision CRM. Further BookVision is also fully compatible with Sales Vision CRM and building up an all rounder.

Deepen Analytics. Measure feedback and interaction! The intelligent analytics engine BI Cube enables comprehensive reporting. Even analyse by individual doctors, in which details of your medicines content they have been interested in.



.Vision success story with EGIS Russia


Approach and the new sales


GIS Russia wanted to make a shift

shift in terms of technology and by moving to

in terms of the field workflow and

Android platform. Since running Sales Vision,

efficiency. Previously they used lap-

EGIS has: Offline and Online work on the field,

tops on the field. The three main

image indicator, GPS Tracking of field force,

product lines including Pharma, ONCO and

sophisticated reporting, tailored modules for

OTC have been struggling with an old and not

product lines, increased efficiency, improve-

efficient Pharma CRM tool from France.

ment of mobility and information value.

The Solution.

The opinion.

Sales Vision has made a positive shift for EGIS

The SFE Manager from EGIS Russia, Mr

by moving the reps from laptops to modern

Lukyanov highlighted several reasons as the

Android devices, the Samsung Galaxy Tab2.

Sales Vision advantage. Media-Soft accepted

The entire roll out was made based on very ex-

our approach of thinking and recommendation

tensive Project Management where we have

to modifications. They share our business

invested several thousands working hours to

understanding and Media-Soft is flexible vs.

deploy and tailor the solution for EGIS Russia.

their competitors concerning many scopes. Sales Vision includes mobile terminals (based on

Benefits are key.






with GPS module. At the same time price/ The delivered Sales Vision solution made a


functionality ratio was very atractive too.


.Vision media-soft is social

We present one of the most powerful Pharma SFE groups on LinkedIn called Pharma SFE Club. Best of all its our official group with a huge sucess.

The biggest SFE group


on LinkedIN

inkedIn is a amazing platform to share

daily basis we receive comments, suggestions

or see what is happening in your busi-

or even writers through our group. The group

ness network. There are even some

is closed since our idea is to have a club model

business or people who have gain direct profit

in which you can enter if you are linked with

from this business network. I am one of them.

the industry to avoid promotional or spam activities. Now beginning of May we have close

What is also important is the possibility to

to 3500 members which is a quite nice success

share some opinions, best practice, advises and

and most of them is coming from Asia, leading

more thru this powerful network. More than

by Pakistan, China and some other markets. In

two years ago Media-Soft created a group ded-

best weeks we have more than 100 new mem-

icated to Pharma SFE, Marketing and Sales

bers which are participating in our pharma

topics called “Pharma Sales Force Effectiveness

conversation. You can join and find us within


LinkedIn by typing this keyword into the

The idea was to promote the crucial news,

Search bar: “Pharma Sales Force Effectiveness

trends and other hot topics inside pharma. On

Club.” See you soon.



.Vision annual report

2012 The bases to Success


iscal year 2012 was one of the most

vendor who is offering modern Pharma CRM

dynamic and challenging years in

in offline mode on Android. This vision was

the Media-Soft history. We have

recognised by many pharmaceuticals who have

built up our worldwide position

deployed our Tablet solutions such as: EGIS in

based on our values; to be innovative, flexible,

CIS region,

Biocodex, Sopharma, Shreya,

cost effective and available on every emerging

AstraZeneca, Salvis and many more.

and strategic market globally. In the next year we enter with a fresh mission statement;

Finally we have found a new niche and need



within the pharmaceutical sales field where we

successful path we can mention the amazing

have introduced our new solution BookVision

growth rate of more then 40% in terms of total

CLM/e-Detailing platform. BookVision CLM

incomes.Parameters such as profits, customer

stands for putting your promotional materials

base and licenses users have also growth for

in digital. The aim and vision was to deliver a

more than 20% this year.

product where companies itself can create and




deploy their content alone to the field. Further With our Sales Vision iTouch for the iPad we

the BookVision CLM runs all together with

continued and confirmed that Tablet gadgets

Sales Vision CRM which makes those two

will substitute traditional laptops as usual sales

products complete all-rounders for the field.

rep equipment. This was our tripping point on

Database, CRM and CLM platform all in one

which we will continue to deliver new,


innovative and suitable solutions for the lifescience industry in the coming years. Proof is

Media-Soft is heading in the right direction,

that the same idea we have deployed on the

and we eager to move in the future with clear

Android OS where Sales Vision from March

goals and priorities to the challenging 2013.

2012 runs too. Fact is that we are still the only



.Vision meet our new clients

EGIS Vietnam Selects Sales Vision Android EGIS Pharmaceuticals Vietnam implemented Sales Vision CRM to support its sales team. This is already the fourth EGIS country which is running with Sales Vision on the field. The agreement includes the roll out of the innovative and state of the art Sales Vision Android native version.

Galderma Implements Sales Vision on iPad in Mexico The Mexican office of Galderma, one of the leading global pharmaceuticals with the focus on dermatology and cosmetics has selected the winning and globally most popular offline iPad CRM app, Sales Vision. With Galderma Media-Soft is strengthen his position on the Mexican market in addition.

Biocodex Deploys Sales Vision In Russia Biocodex Russia, one of the leading French OTC companies has selected the winning and globally mots popular offline iPad version of Sales Vision Pharma CRM. The implementation includes the roll out of Sales Vision in Russia and Belarus.

Sopharma Becomes Our client Too According to the Sopharma Directors they selected Sales Vision because of: specialization in Pharma CRM, lots of experience in different implementations, they presented a high level presentation with quick reactions, CRM was demonstrated with strong analytical part and many more.



.Vision meet our new clients

During Sales Vision implementations we meet very interesting people and that’s why all those memories need to be recorded. We bring you some of the most interesting pictures of Sales Vision Implementations.


To RUN with


Sales Vision


.Vision sales vision customer summit


Customer Summit



n Friday, 23th of



November we or-

event the public has seen the

ganized our Sales

all new BookVision CLM app.

Vision Customer Summit in

The general feedback was

Belgrade. More than 20 differ-

very positive and already sev-

ent pharmaceuticals including

eral clients have decided to

Alkaloid, Nobel, Bonifar, Al-


vogen, Goodwill, Hemofarm

CLM tool.





and many others have been present at the event. The

The Sales Vision Customer

scope and focus of the event

Summit will take further to

was to introduce new technol-

new cities and destinations

ogies for the pharma industry

including Vienna, Sofia, Lon-



don and some other cities

Detailing solutions but at the

where Sales Vision is wel-

same time to present news







Global Pharmacentric Solutions.

45 Countries. 10 helpdesk offices 50 pharmaceuticals 15.000 licenses ‌the story has just begun...



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