Sharing cultural heritage St John Bosco Catholic School is a
The project also saw the school’s
“The involvement from the community
co-educational Prep – Year 6 school
Bush Tucker Garden transformed into
through volunteering or donating their
located in Collinsville which follows
a plentiful Native Food Garden where
time, resources and in-kind support has
the philosophy of their Patron’s
local Elders helped guide the project
been amazing. Not only has it enabled
teachings; to provide children with
and created a learning page where
our students and school community
opportunities that inspire hope and
students and staff can explore the
to share and learn about the Birriah
celebrate their individual achievements
native plants, discover their names, and
people, it has allowed us to extend the
through joyful learning experiences.
find out how the plants are used.
learnings to other Collinsville schools
So when looking for opportunities to
Principal Nicole Preitz said the collaboration
improve the cultural learning and teaching
with the Birriah people, the Traditional
at St John Bosco, the school collaborated
Owner Group, provides an educational
with Birriah Elder, Uncle Colin McLennan, to
experience and an accurate interpretation
create a space where all students and staff
of a native Indigenous garden.
can gather to learn and share their religious and cultural knowledge and stories.
“We wanted to highlight the importance of our Indigenous brothers and sisters
Completed at the beginning of this
in our community and ensure the space
term, the new space contains a yarning
provided an opportunity to learn more
circle with the Rainbow Serpent in its
about the Birriah people, their culture,
centre, a flag raising site for ceremonial
and recognise their importance in the
Acknowledgement of Country and
history of the Collinsville region".
artwork reflective of the Birriah people.
and community groups.” said Nicole.
Nicole said that there were many community groups and businesses who enabled the project and hopes it will be utilised by the whole Collinsville community.