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Green Buildings Need of the Hour

Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam Former President of India

I am happy that Indian Society of Heating Refrigerating and Air-conditioning Engineers (ISHRAE) Visakhapatnam is bringing out a hand book of "Green Practices" covering articles in the field for efficient functioning and usage of energy consuming equipment and buildings. As we go about, our daily lives, the sum total of all pollution caused by us humans has already added half a million million tonnes of carbon-dioxide to the atmosphere which has changed the world so completely that hardly any of our descedents will be there to see it. We will, by thinking selfishly and ignoring the consequences, have caused our own extinction. To overcome this, we all have to work to lessen the carbon footprint of humans on earth. Let us all work together to save the planet earth for posterity.

K. Leela Prasad, B.E., M.I.E., F.I.V Founder President of ISHRAE ISHRAE Visakhapatnam Chapter

My greetings and best wishes to all the members of ISHRAE, and wish all success in this 'saving the planet' mission.


K. Rosaiah Minister for Finance, Planning & Legislative Affairs

I am delighted to know that Indian Society of Heating. Refrigerating and Air-conditioning Engineers. Visakhapatnam Chapter is publishing a Hand Book on Green Building concepts & practices covering articles on Green Building Design Concepts. Energy Efficient equipment & Systems Contributing to the Green cause. The need of the hour is conservation of natural resources, usage of energy efficient equipment In our day to day needs to conserve energy and to save the Earth and create pollution free environment. The Government of Andhra Pradesh is encouraging the Green concepts in general and Green Buildings in particular and bringing out the bye-laws and norms for meeting the national priorities of energy. water saving, conserving natural resources and reducing pollution. I believe that the earth belongs to our children and to theirs. ISHRAE is creatinq Green Concepts awareness among the children and younger generations. I appreciate the ISHRAE,Visakhapatnam Chapter for their efforts to create awareness among the children about the need for promoting Green concepts and I extend my best wishes and congratulations to the members of ISHRAE to succeed in their mission in association with Indian Green Building Council.

oday's modern buildings are no doubt a marvel in terms of architecture and technology, but have also led to an adverse impact on the environment. The new age buildings account for 12% of water usage, 30% of green

What is Green Building ? Building Design and Construction that significantly reduces or eliminates the negative impact of the building on the environment and occupants in five broad areas:9 Sustainable site planning 9 Safeguarding water and water efficiency 9 Energy Efficiency and Renewable energy 9 Conservation of materials and resources 9 Enhanced indoor environment quality

Why to go for Green Building?

Smt. D.Purandeswari Minister of State for HRD Govt. of India I am happy to note that Indian Society of Heating, Refrigeration and Air conditioning Engineers, Visakhapatnam chapter is releasing a Hand Book on Green Practices with a goal to promote the concepts for happy living. Our cities are critically polluted and need a massive transition to deal with the challenge of pollution and congestion. The Government of India has planned to develop sixty cities / towns to make green cities during 11th Plan and to meet the increasing energy demand by promoting the use of renewable energies and energy efficiency measures as well. I congratulate the members of ISHRAE for their wonderful efforts taken in promoting green concepts.

Worldwide the construction industry is growing very rapidly. In India the industry is growing at over 13% and real estate is seeing a growth of around 30%. The environment impact of buildings is greater now than ever before. More than 60% of the country's energy, 40% of the country's raw materials, 12% of regular water is due to buildings. In addition, millions of tons of

ISHRAE Visakhapatnam Chapter

house gas (GHG) emissions, 65% of waste output and 70% of electrical consumption. In contrast, 'Green' buildings are eco-friendly and can contribute towards a cleaner environment by reducing the amount of energy used to construction and demolition waste are generated every year. To reduce impacts of natural resource consumption, it is imperative that we design sustainable, energyefficient, water-efficient and ecologically conscious green buildings.

Benefits of a Green Building: 9 Reduce the impacts of natural resource consumption 9 Reduce energy by over 20% and water requirements by over 30%.9 Enhance occupant health and comfort.9 Minimise strain on local infrastructure and improve quality of life. 9 Promote local/regional materials and thereby local industries. 9 Utilize recycled and reused materials thus reducing impact on virgin materials. Essentially the concept is to be harmony with nature, with good use of cross ventilation, light and water. It was not new in India. Homes of our fore fathers had

light, heat, cool and operate buildings and GHC and other harmful emissions. Recognising the need for green buildings, several individuals as well as organizations are making efforts towards increasing the awareness of their importance and the challenges that need to be tackled. A building's initial construction cost may represent only 20-30% of its building's entire useful life costs. Usually, the cost of constructing green buildings is higher by 15all these elements and much older Palaces and Thanjavur temples as stay example where one experience the natural cooling effect while stepping inside.

Green Building Materials and Equipment in India While constructing Green Buildings in India, the availability of materials and equipment is one of the major issues to be addressed. Towards this objective, the Green Business Centre is networking with several manufacturers in India to create new markets. A few green materials and equipments are available in the country. To name a few Fly-ash cement, Fly-ash block, Recycled Aluminium, Recycled Steel, Recycled tiles, Low VOC paints, Bamboo based products, HFC based high efficiency chillers, Building Controls, Green Roof, Recycled wood, etc.


20%, but they save around 30% on energy usage annually. Hence, there is a need to create awareness about not only the 'First' cost, but also year-to-year operating costs for any project. Builders as well as users should remember that life cycle benefits of a Green design more than make up for the additional initial costs. In order to appreciate the cost effectiveness of green buildings over a period of time, adopting the practice of separating capital and operating cost is necessary. However, there is a huge market for green materials, which is still untapped. Typical examples are Composting toilets, waterless urinals, Low VOC adhesives & sealants, CRI certified carpets, FSC Certified Wood, High albedo roof paints, BIPV, CTI certified cooling towers, Living machines etc. The total estimated potential for Green Building materials and equipment is about 400 Million US $ by the year 2010. This potential is only for those buildings, which would go for the LEED rated buildings. However, there would be other buildings also which would opt for green materials and equipment. Considering these buildings also, the overall potential for Green Building materials and equipment would be at least 10-fold and estimated to touch 4000 Millions US $ BY 2010.

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I am honoured to have the opportunity of sharing my experiences with ISHRAE, IGBC & SPECTRAL through "ISHRAE Handbook on Green Buildings" by ISHRAE, Vizag. "Climate change and its mitigation have become a prime concern for scientists and environmentalists the world over, for survival of human race on the Planet Earth. In India, Confederation of Indian Industries, under the aegis of the Indian Green Building Council, is addressing the climate change issue through the green building movement. The mission of ISHRAE was to have a platform for HVAC&R fraternity to learn and share the global advancements in the science and arts of refrigeration and air conditioning. The vision for Spectral was to provide innovative engineering solutions and design energy efficient & fire safe buildings with excellent indoor air quality. Today ISHRAE has more than 36 chapter, 8000 members and almost as many student members; Spectral has committed to be greenest by design. Through this Handbook, ISHRAE's voice and endorsement can spread the message of Green Buildings to vast majority of Indian professionals and also hold ISHRAE in high esteem. I know in my heart that our united effort will lead to Global Cooling rather than the current Global Warming.

What are the key requisites for constructing a green building ? A green building is the one that makes the greatest possible use of natural light and air and least possible utilization of energy and water. It uses industrial byproducts, emphasizes on recycling of waste water, harvesting of rain water, least use of air-conditioning, less production of carbon dioxide and tries to safeguard the environment in every possible way. Making a building green begins at the planning stage. The aim has to be kept in mind throughout. Secondly, safety is paramount in case of a green building. If a labourer dies while the construction is on, the building is never given a green certification. After the construction is over, it is not possible to make a building green. There are various requisites for planning and constructing a green building. Firstly, identifying a site for the construction of the building is very crucial. Ideally the site should be located in a centralized place so that the

Chandra Electricals Cell : 98480 35161


Cell : 98666 95968

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Maximum effort should be made in use of recycled materials in the construction of the building. Effort should be made to use fly ash Ready Mixed Concrete (20% fly ash + 100% cement) in construction. Aerated concrete blocks can be used instead of bricks for better insulation and heat rejection. Roof insulation should be done with clay rather than chemicals. Maximum bamboo products should be used for flooring.


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Sahaj Enterprises Cell : 94401 56380

inhabitants can use public transport and less or no fossil fuel run vehicles. Energy utilization should be optimum in a green building. Care should be taken to reduce the load of air conditioning on the power system. Water discharge should be zero in a green building. Good green architecture reduces wastage of water in a big way. A green building should ideally have all waste water biologically treated and recycled. Ample structural specifications are incorporated in green buildings for harvesting rainwater. Grey water (water left after washing utensils and clothes) can be used for gardening and flushing purposes.

Green building

Cell : 98661 92229

Cell : 98481 96678


Dealers in Refrigeration & Airconditioning

President Emeritus ISHRAE Chairman, Indian Green Building Council

P R A C T I C E S 9.30 am

"Andhra University Platinum Jubilee Guest House"

K. Ranga Rao K.N.V.S. Gurumaurthy

Andhra Refrigeration Company

Dr Prem C Jain



P R A C T I C E S 30th August 2009 - Visakhapatnam

National Seminar on

Kirlampudi Layout, Visakhapatnam.


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Green Building Hand Book Release Function

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