Daily Disciples Newsletter Spring 2014

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From the rising of the sun until the time of its going down, The name of the Lord shall be praised! Psalm 113:3

Change Focus

The Power of Friendship Tour …NATIONWIDE “HOW? How did the event we do in San Diego, the one we do every year and barely have the energy to continue doing, just become a nation wide affair with the help of Salem Communications?” God’s plan is not our own, that is how. God does work in mysterious ways, as Bobbye and Tonilee have come to fully acknowledge this 2014. They never imagined doing this nationwide tour, but God has come to prove with Him “all things are possible!” Having already been to Phoenix, San Diego and Seattle this year, we have been apart of amazing testimonies as women encounter God’s presence.

Save the Date! www.friendshipconference.com In Omaha April 26,2014 At Beautiful Savior Lutheran Church

In Houston June 21, 2014 At Calvary Chapel Houston Metro

In Ventura June 28, 2014 At Ventura Baptist Church

Did you notice something changed? Daily Disciples Ministries is always evolving and adapting to the calling the Lord places on our hearts. For the past 12 years, Daily Disciples has operated under the mission statement of “crossing every nation and generation in the name of Jesus of Christ.” Although the desire of evangelism and widening our Christian community are still in the heart of our ministry, Daily Disciples has decided to place its focus on being a disciple of the Lord in a practical and daily way. Therefore, we have adopted a new mission statement found in Psalms 113:3. It reads “From the rising of the sun to its going down, The Lord’s name is to be praised!” Join us in being a daily disciple in your everyday life and therefore ministering to your community.



Die. Get Buried. Come back alive. No Problem! My Identity in Christ Bible Study Live or Webcast or Video By Tonilee Adamson

Over a year ago, the Lord placed the desire on our, both mine and Bobbye’s hearts, to expand our community and hopefully teach a bible study in east county San Diego. Considering that we both live in North County, we were unsure how the Lord would lead us in that direction. Then, almost out of nowhere in October 2013, we received a text message from Fawn. She is the Women’s Ministry Leader who works with Linda Hoffman, the Pastor’s wife at Foothills Christian Church. There was our window of opportunity, so we jumped on the opportunity set up a time to meet! Together, we began praying for revival and passion to reach the community of El Cajon. Our introduction week to the Ephesians Bible Study was Tuesday, March 18th. And when we entered the church on this day, a quote was on the wall in the Foothills Christian Church Children’s Center. I kept reading it over and over while teaching, “Die. Get Buried. Come back Alive. No Problem!” Wow, that same resurrection power lives in us today. Because Jesus Christ rose from the dead, today we have “no problem” to live a life of freedom to know Him, love Him, learn from Him, be like Him and please Him. Jesus Christ can take our dry, dead bones that are lying on top of the ground and breathe life, liberty, light and love into them. Do you feel those bones rattling? Do you sense His breath reviving your spirit? Do you know that He has the power to resurrect you from your status quo daily existence to an on fire, power-filled believer? We are not talking about resuscitating your irregular heartbeat, but resurrecting and transforming your life? If Jesus has the power to take care of our eternity, can we not live for Him today? We have 100% of the Holy Spirit living within us…we have enough of Him to have our name on the attendance list in heaven. But we are not in heaven yet…we need to ask daily to be filled to overflowing. Ephesians 5:18 …but be filled with the Spirit or in other words, “keep be… being… filled.” It is not a passive thing since we have come to Christ. It is an active daily thing to continue to walk out this life with Christ. I, just like many of you, want to hear “Well done, good and faithful servant” some day. We only have the ability to please the Lord while walking it out on earth. Will you join us in prayer and come alongside us to work out our salvation while we still have today? Ephesians Bible Study, Tuesday nights from 7-8:30pm at Foothills Christian Church or online live or via video tape later. There is no excuse. God has made a way for you to participate in some form or fashion.



SPRING 2014 Seattle, WA

Phoenix, AZ San Diego, CA

Thank You for Your Encouragement & Support San Diego’s KPRZ received comments from sponsors, “We had a fantastic time at the event and the audience was perfect! We made a lot of great contacts and many people were saying they didn’t even know about us, but were excited to come check us out. If the event had cost us twice as much, it would definitely have been worth it! We look forward to working with KPRZ again on the next event.”

San Diego’s own Tonilee Adamson and Bobbye Brooks, aka: ‘Daily Disciples’ are no longer just SAN DIEGO’s own! They are now being shared with Salem Stations throughout the USA. Testimonials from Phoenix, San Diego and Seattle participants include:

Each presenter who brought print material and/or cd’s – dvd’s to sell at the event, ‘totally sold out’!

“My wife and I attended the conference and it was INCREDIBLE. Great gospel music, teaching and an in-­‐depth ministry time that changed lives . . .To God be the Glory…”

You can see why Ron Walters quickly agreed with KPRZ’s VP/GM Dave Armstrong that Bobbye and Tonilee were a great solution for Salem Communications Women in Ministry Events! The venue for KPRZ’s Power of Freedom Conference was fantastic, teaching was great, music and worship was great, and approximately 75% in attendance ended the conference by coming forward, kneeling in prayer and laying it all at the Cross! It was an enjoyable, passionate, meaningful, effective and great day for the Body of Christ in San Diego! -­‐-­‐-­‐written by Brian Smith, Local Ministry Director at KPRZ 1210AM

“Thank you for the Bible teaching and being so authentic. The day was amazing.” “I appreciated hearing their real life stories and the unscripted style of sharing their hearts and the word of God.” “I loved the altar call and felt a healing power cleanse me. Thank you and do not stop ministering to us.”

Facebook.com/DailyDisciplesMinistries Twitter.com/DailyDisciples

We appreciate all the testimonials and encouragement to persevere but we also have to thank all the Salem Communications radio stations, our wonderful singers and speakers, our precious volunteers and of course, you who continue to support the ministry. We are all called to go and tell the good news. It is with your donations that Daily Disciples Ministries can bring the Good News to the world. Jesus Christ is not only for our eternity but for today. He is the reason for every season, day by day. It is truly a miracle to participate in seeing the Lord move in the hearts and lives of people everywhere. Please continue to give for the continued outreach. Thank you again!


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