Exeter Living - Issue 270

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ISSUE 270 / AUTUMN 2020 / £3

















ABOVE: Sporting heroes, Freya and Scott, page 38; BELOW: Amanda Pophams’s Somebody Said Something Funny, page 22


don’t know whether it’s the change of season or if I’m nally gaining some much-needed wisdom, but in the last week or two e been e hibiting some serious sel -care beha iour. bought a pot plant to keep me company at my desk. e gone or walks in my lunch break. ell, twice. e taken many lengthy bubble baths, much to the annoyance o my roommate sister there s only one bathroom in our gaff and e been tucking into some wintery treats, like custard. traight out o a ug with a spoon. m not o erly proud o that last one, truth be told, but it does make me supremely happy. t s no surprise that con ersations around wellbeing ha e rocketed in recent months. t s easy to be cynical about some o the ad ice bandied about m not always smitten with wyneth s latest offering. ut it s pretty ob ious that taking a bit o time in your day to be kind to yoursel , especially at the moment, is no bad idea. ith this in mind, we bring you our new wellbeing section page . e talk to a remarkable couple who ha e set up a ery different sort o gym, there s some antastic local e ents yoga at owderham astle anyone lus, there s cosy stuff rom the local indies all designed to gi e your mind, body and soul a little li t should they need it. lsewhere, this issue sees us ga ing at local art page and architecture page , we chat to eter hoeni director atrick unningham page and there are buckets o stories rom the city s culture, business and ood sectors. n oy ee you back here in three weeks. ight, m off to run a bath. eterTogether

HARRIET NOBLE Follow us on Twitter @ExeterLiving

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Issue 270 / November 2020 COVER Exeter Villa, In Ex Design; photo by Nicholas Yarsley Photography. See page 52


06 SPOTLIGHT Bringing you the all good news 09 JP HEDGE Our columnist ponders on the joys, and

perils, of running

10 GREG INGHAM On the importance of adapting 66 EXETER LIVES Chatting with Exeter Pride’s

Simon Bowkett


12 ART Meet the movers and shakers of the local

art world

22 EDITOR’S CHOICE Colour your walls with this

pretty bunch

27 BIG INTERVIEW Patrick Cunningham lifts the lid

on life at Exeter Phoenix

30 WHAT’S ON All the cultural go-to events


35 INTRO Earrings to get you noticed 36 HELLO INDIE Exeter goes vintage



38 INTERVIEW The duo shaking up the

exercise world

41 BODY, MIND & SOUL Yoga at a castle, getting in

touch with nature and goodies from the indies


42 RESTAURANT Down at the quay 45 NEWS Super supper clubs and a new bar in town


47 EXETERWORKS The latest news from the local

business world


52 ARCHITECTURE Exeter’s changing landscape 59 PROPERTY NEWS Award-winning buildings and a

word from the experts

62 SHOWCASE Lust after this gorgeous pad


Editor Harriet Noble harriet.noble@mediaclash.co.uk Managing Editor Deri Robins deri.robins@mediaclash.co.uk Senior Art Editor Andrew Richmond Graphic Design Megan Allison Cover Design Trevor Gilham Contributors JP Hedge Advertising manager Paula Miller paula.miller@mediaclash.co.uk Production/Distribution Manager Sarah Kingston sarah.kingston@mediaclash.co.uk Deputy Production Manager Kirstie Howe kirstie.howe@mediaclash.co.uk Production Designer Gemma Scrine gemma. scrine@mediaclash.co.uk Chief Executive Jane Ingham jane.ingham@mediaclash.co.uk Chief Executive Greg Ingham greg.ingham@mediaclash.co.uk Exeter Living MediaClash, Circus Mews House, Circus Mews, Bath BA1 2PW 01225 475800 www.mediaclash.co.uk @The MediaClash © All rights reserved. May not be reproduced without written permission of MediaClash. We’re a Bath-based publisher, creative agency and event organiser Magazines Our portfolio of regional magazines celebrates the best of local living: Bath, Bristol, Cardiff, and Exeter. Agency From the design and build of websites to digital marketing and creating company magazines, we can help. Events We create, market, promote and operate a wide variety of events both for MediaClash and our clients Contact: info@mediaclash.co.uk

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swimmer Beth French, Colonel Lucy Giles, and beatboxer Bellatrix


Exeter’s Royal Albert Memorial Museum & Art Gallery (RAMM) is re-opening on 24 October with a big cause of cheer and a whopping great big exhibition called 100 First Women Portraits, a photographic celebration of 100 trailblazing 21st Century women, by South West photographer Anita Corbin. The collection sees a culmination of Anita’s 10-year personal quest to create an inspiring visual archive of modern women who have achie ed rsts in their eld, o ten in maledominated professions and environments. The eclectic bunch includes two-time Booker winner Dame Hilary Mantel who lives in

Helen and her running companion Toby

Budleigh Salterton; Devon’s Baroness Elizabeth utler- loss, the rst woman to be ord ustice o ppeal eter-born ellatri , the rst female world champion beatboxer; Edith Kent, the rst woman to gain e ual pay in and newscaster and Morecambe and Wise star-turn, Angela Rippon. “My vision was to create an impressive visual archive documenting female ability and achievement to celebrate the impact women have had over the last 100 years,” says Anita. “In a long history dominated by men, First Women UK asks, ‘What is it about women that can inspire you?’ These powerful portraits are

intended to provoke people to look beyond the exterior image and contemplate the essence of the woman herself. “I hope this exhibition will motivate, encourage and empower women and men across all ages and backgrounds and help them see that it is possible to break down barriers – whether gender, social, economic, cultural or political – to unlock their full potential.” To celebrate the exhibition and RAMM’s re-opening, the venue will also be organising a number of online events including ‘An Audience with Anita Corbin’. For more: www.rammuseum.org.uk



Exeter residents are hitting the pavements with gusto, taking part in running events around the city – all in the name of charity. First up is Team Hospiscare who are completing a marathon over the course of the month of October to raise money for their care services. Although they can’t participate together, the team of seven have enlisted family members (including two dogs) to take on the challenge with them. “I signed up to Hospiscare’s Marathon in a Month because I wanted to do something to support our charity in a way that is really achievable for someone like myself,” says Helen Ashton. lsewhere arie uck eld rom T The elt akers, on ore treet success ully ran the ondon arathon in eter or the Exeter CITY Community Trust, the charity arm of Exeter City Football Club. Through the power of sport, education and physical activity, the charity provides opportunities for all people to improve physical and emotional wellbeing. ur ery own columnist organ also ran the ondon arathon in Exeter, see page nine for his vivid memories from the day. For more: www.hospiscare.co.uk/www.exetercct.org

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SPOTLIGHT FROM LEFT: NHS workers Bernadette and JP will be in the book; artist Amelia Webster



A Devon artist’s portrait of NHS heroes is to feature in a new book honouring the keyworkers of the Covid-19 pandemic. The work by Chudleigh-based artist Amelia Webster was chosen for inclusion in the book Portraits for NHS Heroes, to be published on 12 November, the proceeds of which will go to NHS charities. The concept for the book came out of a project initiated during lockdown by artist Tom Croft, a former contestant – like Amelia – in TV’s Portrait Artist of the Year competition. His idea was for artists to gift a portrait to an NHS worker who had put their own life on the line to keep others safe during the Covid-19 pandemic. “I am super proud to have my portrait of Bernadette and JP included alongside the wonderful images of NHS workers chosen for the new book,” says Amelia. “It was an absolute honour to paint Bernadette and JP. What struck me was their positivity in this whole situation.” For more: www.ameliawebsterart.com



The Cathedral is looking to adapt for 2021

Exeter Cathedral is one of 445 heritage organisations across the country set to recei e a nancial boost , grant rom the rst round o the go ernment s ulture Recovery Fund for Heritage. The funds will be used to stabilise nances through the winter months, as well as invest in adapting to the new landscape of coronavirus restrictions, making Exeter Cathedral better equipped to meet the needs of the community in the future. “We have been looking at all the things we can do to impro e and adapt or , says the athedral s director of development, Jill Taylor. “Our goal is to be able to better engage the community o e on through this di cult period, while also being able to support oursel es nancially. As part of this same recovery fund, Exeter Phoenix has been awarded , , which will go towards ensuring the venue can continue bringing world class theatre, gigs, art, cinema and more to the city. This grant will also help protect Exeter Phoenix’s charitable activities, enabling the provision of support and opportunities for artists, free access to contemporary art exhibitions, free creative activity for young people in the region, and a commitment to providing access to the arts for all. For more: www.exeter-cathedral.org.uk/www.exeterphoenix.org.uk

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JP Hedge and sister-in-law Lisa Sexton smiling through the pain

Personal best

JP recently completed the virtual London Marathon – in Exeter – and loved it. His running experiences haven’t always been a joy though...


here is nothing more soul destroying than being overtaken by a uffy mascot whilst running 26.2 miles. Especially when it happens in the rst hundred yards. When it comes to taking part in the London Marathon, there aren’t many creatures, great or small, that haven’t overtaken me. I’ve read somewhere that running a marathon should be the very epitome of peak physical tness. owe er, the likes o beer bottles, rhinos and giant ip- ops have all previously stepped up and run by me, crushing my ego into dust. This autumn was my third London Marathon and I took part at fairly short notice with my younger, and considerably more svelte, sister-in-law, Lisa. We got

a virtual place each, meaning we could walk, jog or run a route of our choosing, tracked by our phones. Naturally I picked the path of least resistance, up and down the River Exe, with an elevation of around 10cm. Even though there was an amber weather warning, it was fantastic. What an experience. I’m deadline focussed and always have pounds to shift and stress to dissolve, so having a health goal in a limited time window works for me. And if I can’t run in London, with all the joy that brings, I can think of no better place than Exeter to clock up the miles. It truly was the brilliant alternative. You had the same comradery of the big day, with the luxury of being on home turf. And I managed to get through this year, just, without an injury

“I have been overtaken by someone running in stilettos”

stopping me. On two previous attempts I’ve broken metatarsals as my bulk pounded concrete. On another attempt I developed an issue where I later needed an operation on both feet. This March I had a painrelieving op on my spine. Getting to the start line is de nitely hal the battle for me. The route with Exeter was lled with oy. eople clapped and encouraged each other as they went by every so often. The clever organisers used the doom of a pandemic to turn the unique nature of this year’s event into a positive. Runners of all ages and shapes who wouldn’t normally have been able to head to London took part. And for me, along with the great chats and fresh air with Lisa, there was the joy of not getting beaten by people in fancy dress. The rst time took part in the marathon I landed a place by being a ournalist. didn t ll out a predicted time on my application, and as such, got placed at the back of the celebrity start. I was utterly surrounded by mascots as far as the eye could see. And boy are they quick. Many marketing rms paid top runners to take to the streets in their costumes. They weren’t hanging around. Of all the expectations I had for the experience, I never envisaged a dream-like sequence where I was left for dust by a giant addington ear. And then the last time I ran

the marathon, when I started in the usual way, I was overtaken by someone carrying a ladder. I have also been overtaken by someone running in stilettos. Now I’m over 40 I’m trying to take tness and wellbeing seriously, but not the usual self-image that goes with it.Wellbeing and quality of life is central to Exeter and our residents and will be for the next decade. Doing up your shoe laces and facing fears of what others might think will be a huge battle as we move forward as a happier and healthier city. If you are worried about what people think of you in your gym kit, just remember that in my e citement o my rst marathon run, I inexplicitly told Dame loella en amin ormerly off o Play School) whilst running that I named my bunny rabbit after her when was e. ork back from there. With amazing family around us in our Covid-friendly bubble the Exeter branch of the London Marathon was the best ever. I was so proud of Lisa. I think big events like this will change and evolve for the better. ■ Jon-Paul Hedge is a director at Exeter City Council where he currently looks after tourism, communications and culture. He is a former newspaper editor and lives in the city with his wife and two young children. www.exeter.gov.uk

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Hope is not a strategy Encouraging signs that Exeter businesses are getting active, says GREG INGHAM…


hen aced with doubt, the ob ious thing or many o us to do is to do nothing. hen you don t know, you don t do. ine up to a point. ust not ne in these times where we all ha e to adapt to weekly-new circumstances. oping it will all somehow impro e is not unconditionally recommended as a strategy. t s hard enough personally kids suddenly sent home rom school ll again Troubles with bubbles ni kids-whoaren t-kids returning home midterm et o course we gure out how to adapt smartly, swi tly. t s differently hard or businesses. ome constrained by changing guidelines, many more acing short alls. ll knowing that doing nothing isn t an option, that inertia ul ls its own prophesy.

nd that simply cutting costs, while essential, can only take you so ar. nstead, it s clear rom con ersations with many eter businesses that we re realising that the short-term is becoming the near-to-medium term and hence our purely tactical reacti e mode is being replaced with a more strategic approach. hut down, stop spending, de-risk is an understandable immediate response. ut as the pandemic stretches on another si months , it won t be enough. ll businesses need to get on the ront oot. d usting to the ery latest new normal doesn t mean mere re ersion, repeating lockdown thinking e re not all still doing oom ui es. e re not only hunkering down at home with eating out con ned to eli eroo. The streets aren t empty any more. o it s time to be acti e not

“Our tactical reactive mode is being replaced with a more strategic approach” 10 I EXETER LIVING I www.mediaclash.co.uk

passive. To be inventive about new offerings and routes to market. nd not to be inert about promotion or cautious about customers, who are increasingly ery bored with sel -editing their li es and choices. There s a uote rom one . urdoch not someone o ten cited in these pages, it has to be said about the then new economy and companies prospects. igger may beat smaller. ut aster will beat slower. e re in an era o accelerated arwinianism adapt to thri e. nd actions not taken now can ha e a material ad erse effect on prospects in the spring and beyond. The eternal truths o business endure the pandemic changes much but not all. ll organisations, whether commercial, charitable, arts or public sector need to promote what they do, always. Think how much time and effort and money and risk is placed on all costs people, stock, premises, brand, o erheads, suppliers and much more. ut how much is being spent on alerting customers and clients about what s on offer anything, with many people out o the habit, there s a greater need to be acti e. osts are controllable, and ha e been battened down e erywhere. ut re enues always need to be in uenced. ust

because companies are cutting costs doesn t mean they shouldn t promote their re enues. or some, classic is a call to action. They see that others in the city are pushing on, promoting what they do. There s orest-loads o research demonstrating that those who market well in leaner times gain disproportionately more than those who hold back, partly because their share o oice is greater. thers ear that being an acti e business is somehow not being respect ul to those on short-working or worse, those who e lost their obs. et there s an increasing sense that howe er thought ul and decent people rightly are when looking backwards, the greater responsibility is to e isting teams in the uture. The best way to ensure their obs is to generate more sales. hate er the impulse, any o us in business know that what has gone, has, sel -e idently, gone, and that we all need to re ll our pipelines, all need to run harder to try to make up. o yes, in short, hope is not a strategy. one o us especially likes these times. ll o us wish it were different. ut wishing something really doesn t take you ery ar. e e all got to gi e it a go #ExeterTogether – always…



Artists are in abundance in these parts. No surprise really when you look at the landscape around Exeter. Recent months have seen a burst of creativity, with mesmerising pieces now showing in exhibitions locally. We take a little look... By Harriet Noble


uilty pleasure admission: fawning over local art/artists on Instagram. There is something very soothing about seeing a picture of an artist in their studio, paintbrush in hand, creating marvellous, colourful visions with their genius brushstrokes. Often in these pics, as well as some pretty compelling pieces of art, there’s a cup of tea in the background and a dog; quite frankly it’s on a par with ake for inducing much-needed feelings of calm. And these artists have been busy, either exhibiting in local galleries, opening up their own homes as private studios (rules permitting) or being part of online exhibitions. If you’re passionate about art – or perhaps it’s something you want to del e into properly or the rst time you couldn’t do better than by supporting a local artist by popping down to one of the local exhibitions. Here’s a taster to whet your appetite…

Liese Webley

Tell us a bit about your art…

I create semi-abstract colourful original paintings. What’s your artistic background…

I have always loved art, and as far back as I remember I wanted to be an artist. I came to Exeter over 20 years ago to study Fine art painting and loved it here so much I stayed!

Any highlights along the way?

I see my career as a journey that has had many highlights along the way, be that my rst e hibition, a sale in a gallery, building a studio, or being formally recognised. For example, being selected for an Emerging Artist Bursary at last year’s Devon Open Studios event. Perhaps most rewarding is being able to bring my work to more people, and the conversations this generates. What have you got coming up?

I have my studio in Exeter which is open all year by appointment. I also show my work in a few Devon galleries, Lantic in Tiverton and Words and Pictures Gallery in Teignmouth. Luckily, these are also two of my favourite spots to view art in Devon. What are the inspirations for your pieces?

My paintings are mostly inspired by living in the South West peninsula and especially the amazing seascapes and landscapes. I love colour and nature and aim to produce work that gives the audience a feeling a joy and immerse them in a world of colour. Any advice to aspiring artists?

Never give up, always stay true to your own vision and, most importantly, keep creating. For more: www.liesewebley.com

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opposite: View of St Nicholas

Chapel; Warren in Teal; main image: Liese Webley in her studio

“I aim to produce work that gives the audience a feeling of joy�


LEFT: Maxim Vengerov; BELOW: Nadezhda and

her fluffy companion


What can you tell us about your art…

I am somewhat obsessed by faces, and the stories and character written in them. Obviously human beauty is very appealing, but I’m more captivated by a person’s character. All of my paintings are about conveying the emotions of the subject and can often be very moving. What inspires you?

In terms of the art I produce, my favourite subject matter is the human male. The depiction of women in art is legendary, but men are equally as beautiful, and just as interesting! Any highlights along the way?

I was delighted when my painting, ‘The Laughing Surgeon’ was used as the leading image by the Devon Open Studios advertising campaign last year. He kept popping up everywhere!

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“The depiction of women in art is legendary, but men are equally as beautiful” Has it been a good time for you creatively?

Lockdown gave me the unique opportunity to create a series of large scale portraits of inspiring musicians. All that uninterrupted time enabled me to connect very deeply with my work. For more: www.nadezhda-portraitartist.com

Bespoke Picture Framers & Fine Art Sales

South Gate Gallery is an Independent Art Gallery and Bespoke Picture Framers with over 10 years’ experience in conservation f raming.

We are a Family Business owned and run by brothers Stephen and Matthew. We took over ownership of South Gate Gallery on the 10th February 2020 and had a good few weeks of trading before we had to close due to the lockdown. During lockdown we made good use of the time, Stephen reorganised the framing workshops to better suit our requirements. Matthew created our Facebook page and new website, which has a selection of artwork for sale. We also installed a safety screen and other measures to help protect our customers when they visit the Gallery. We reopened on the 16th June 2020 and have been busy with framing jobs ever since, seeing lots of new and repeat customers. We are working with some wonderful local artists and pride ourselves on displaying work from artists local to this area. To find out more about us and our gallery services, please visit our website. We look forward to welcoming you!

64 South Street, Exeter, Devon, EX1 1EE | 01392 435800 |

fî „

admin@southgategallery.co.uk | www.southgategallery.co.uk

ARTS ART FROM WHERE YOU ARE… Local places to see, buy and make local work


What’s it all about: This charity is dedicated to advancing the creation

and appreciation of art in the local area and, as such, always has exhibitions and events popping up in Devon. What’s coming up: e ections is a huge online e hibition which can be viewed on their website between 4 November – 11 December. rtists ha e been in ited to enter and work that re ects their own experience, interpretation and observations of the impact of the pandemic. Guest judges include renowned artists Rosa Sepple PRI, Anthony Frost and Joseph Hillier. www.southwestacademy.org.uk


What’s it all about: “Alongside our gallery exhibits, we show a strong

selection of contemporary applied art; studio pots, handmade ewellery rom ama ing local names like su si orrison, and handmade kitchenware rom the likes o ustine enner, says director Angela Yarwood. Exhibitions? ur current show tate o eing is re ecti e o this current time, designed to create a platform for the viewer to consider their surroundings. ur ne t show, beginning on the o ember, o e will ocus on the physical and sporting pursuits which energise and encourage our physical wellbeing. Fore Street, Budleigh Salterton; www.brookgallery.co.uk

LEFT: Kusamo Infinity by Jenni

Watters; ABOVE: The Glorious Art House

“Art allows us to remember our humanity beneath the stresses of life” THE GLORIOUS ART HOUSE GALLERY

ur small art gallery is on the rst oor o our ramshackle th century building, up abo e the bu ing coffee shop, which was designed to be an art piece in itsel , says owner Rosy Tydeman. “The idea was not just to have art hanging on the walls of the café but for the walls themselves to be visually stimulating. But having a space or local artists to show their work was also a big part o the vision when we started six years ago. Since then we have hosted a wide range o art up there in many different mediums. s well as numerous wonderful art exhibitions, we have hosted student drama productions, li e music e ents and poetry nights o er the years. Exhibitions? Currently showing is their Abstract vs Figurative exhibition, which will be followed by their Children’s exhibition, running rom ctober. 120 Fore Street, Exeter; www.thegloriousarthouse.com What’s it all about:

Self-Portrait in Lockdown by Robert Mountjoy, South West Academy

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What have been the positives for artists during the last few months? “For many of our artists, it has provided obvious inspiration and opportunity to produce new and compelling work about our time during lockdown,” Angela Yarwood, director of Brook Gallery “Having fun and forgetting our day-to-day lives for a bit is, I think, one of the most important benefits of art in the time of a pandemic. “Art allows us to remember our humanity, beneath the stresses and strains of life, and seeing some beauty perhaps provides some relief to our souls at a time of great uncertainty and anxiety for many.” Rosy Tydeman owner of The Glorious Art House

Elle 6 by Sara Hayward, Brook Gallery


Chrysanthemum Cherries by Niggy Dowler, Hybrid Gallery


What’s it all about: The

eorgian gallery boasts an intimate space or smaller works, with the arden gallery or contemporary space housing larger can ases. The gallery has a calm and uncluttered feel where individual works can be appreciated,” says co-owner Tim oolgar. e ha e long-standing relationships with many o our artists and ha e tra elled alongside them through their artistic careers. Exhibitions? The Last Detail, showcasing the work of Rachel Ross, runs until ctober. pect a pop up e hibition rom ichard dams, o ember. High street Honiton; www.h brid devon.co.uk


What’s it all about: Eleanor Ludgate’s gallery celebrates

nature, with landscapes, wildli e, birds, owers and butter ies eaturing prominently. lso on show are sculptures, ceramics, bron es and a mini museum upstairs. leanor describes the gallery as being like a Tardis inside. Exhibitions? ontinuing until hristmas is leanor s e hibition o butter y paintings, they ll be on display to celebrate the publishing of her new book The eaut o utter ies. 20 The Square, Chagford; www.devonsnatureinart.com

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“The idea was not just to have art hanging on the walls but for the walls themselves to be visually stimulating” THELMA HULBERT GALLERY

What’s it all about: The Honiton-based art space is not just a gallery

but an all-around community space offering classes and workshops. This year they have created a creative cabin which they’re taking out and about and provides a fun, creative and safe space to explore art, culture and nature. What else? They’ve got their makers showcase event, 14 November-24 December, which celebrates the best of South West-based craft and design, with glass, wood, paper, textiles, prints, ceramics, furniture and jewellery. Your go-to place to pick up your beautiful Christmas pressies we think. Elmfield House, Dowell Street, Honiton; www.thelmahulbert.com


What’s it all about: The artistic bunch here offer courses, resources

and support to professional printmakers, artists and beginners alike. They are all about supporting local artists and also the wider community – each year they work with over 3000 children, young people and adults through their outreach programme. They’re always running projects and courses, so a great organisation to get involved with if you’re a budding artist. What courses can I do? Coming up in November are ones in lino-cut, screen print, printmaking and Christmas decorations. www.doubleelephant.org.uk


What’s it all about: Set in beautiful countryside, a mile outside of

Climbing Chair by Amanda Popham

Honiton, this art school provides all manner of art classes and courses for those looking to get creative and improve their skills in a relaxed environment. They have accommodation here too for the longer courses. What courses can I do? Fancy making your own wallpaper? Or learning how to paint an abstract expressionist landscape piece? These are just some of the courses they have in the diary over the next few months. Cuckoo Down Lane, Honiton East Devon; www.artandwellbeing.co.uk


What’s it all about: Light, airy gallery space run by brothers Stephen

and Matthew Pressey

Exhibitions? Currently, their featured artist is Lisa Long; next up will

be the photographer Jenny Steer. South Gate Gallery, 64 South Street, Exeter; www.southgategallery.co.uk


What’s it all about: Located in Beer on the World Heritage Jurassic

Coast, owners and art collectors Mike and Rosemary Lambert are passionate about spotting artistic talent and run these two galleries. What’s coming up: Lots. Steam Gallery is hosting works from Internationally acclaimed British earthenware sculptor Amanda Popham from 7-20 November. Expect a vibrant collection of 60 pieces which are poignant, challenging, amusing, thought provoking and with a greater colour intensity. Fore Street, Beer, Near Seaton, Devon; www.marinehouseatbeer.co.uk

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MORE GALLERIES TO CHECK OUT AND ART COMMUNITIES TO JOIN EXETER PHOENIX Gandy Street, Exeter; www.exeterphoenix.org.uk ROYAL ALBERT MEMORIAL MUSEUM AND ART GALLERY Queen Street, Exeter; www.rammuseum.org.uk DEVON ARTIST NETWORK www.devonartistnetwork.co.uk TOPSHAM ART GROUP www.topshamartgroup.co.uk


In the Night Garden by Judith Jones, Thelma Hulbert Gallery

Untitled piece by Michael Harket, The Glorious Art House

SOMEBODY SAID SOMETHING FUNNY BY AMANDA POPHAM Steam Gallery At Beer, Fore Street, Beer, Seaton; www.marinehouseatbeer.co.uk

THE THREE HARES MYSTERY BY ELEANOR LUDGATE Three Hares Gallery, 20 The Square, Chagford, Newton Abbot; www.devonsnatureinart.com


Pick up one of these striking works from local artists BUDLEIGH PINK ORANGE BY LIESE WEBLEY www.liesewebley.com MILES DAVIS BY NADEZHDA www.nadezhda-portraitartist.com

IN FORTUNE HANDS BY IRENE JONES Hybrid Gallery, 51 High Street, Honiton; www.hybrid-devon.co.uk

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ADVENTURE IN OUR HEARTS BY ROSY TYDEMAN The Glorious Art House, 120 Fore Street, Exeter; www.thegloriousarthouse.com

BINDING CONTRACT BY VENESSA WITHERS The Glorious Art House, 120 Fore Street, Exeter; www.thegloriousarthouse.com/ Facebook: @ArtbyVanessaWithers CHASING HORSES BY AH CHENG LIM Marine House at Beer, Fore Street, Beer, Seaton; www.marinehouseatbeer.co.uk

EMBLA (FEMALE NUDE) BY ELISABETH HADLEY South Gate Gallery, 64 South Street, Exeter; www.southgategallery.co.uk

ELLE 68 BY SARA HAYWARD Brook Gallery, Fore Street, Budleigh Salterton; www.brookgallery.co.uk

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Meet the Headteacher Find out more about our region’s leading educators



SHEBBEAR COLLEGE 01409 282000; www.shebbearcollege.co.uk What do you find most rewarding about being a head? Leading our community to ensure that our pupils are the ‘best they can be’ in everything that they do. The pupils make me smile and laugh everyday – and that’s the best part of my job! How do you create the perfect learning environment? At Shebbear we are small enough to be able to focus on each individual child, meaning that we can teach our pupils in different ways according to how they learn. This creates a positive learning environment for our pupils and inspires them to discover their strengths and passions. We also like to make the most of our large, rural campus and take the classroom outside whenever we can. What is the most important piece of advice you would give to a pupil? Be positive and believe in yourself – people will respect you in life for just ‘being you!’ What is your top tip for parents visiting a school? Visit a school in person (within COVID restrictions!) and immerse your child into a ‘real’ taster day in their year group so that they can get a sense of what a normal day at a school is really like. Every school is different but so is every child – it’s about finding the best fit.


BLUNDELL’S PREP SCHOOL 01884 252393; www.blundells.org

Caroline Kirby

Andy Southgate

EXETER CATHEDRAL SCHOOL 01392 255298; www.exetercathedralschool.co.uk What is your school’s vision? We’re a school where people matter, and we base all that we do on our 9 ECS habits: The habit of hard work The habit of honouring your commitments The habit of having a go and keeping going The habit of taking part The habit of listening The habit of being honest, modest and kind The habit of looking after each other The habit of looking after your surroundings The habit of looking after yourself How do you create the perfect learning environment? Each child will learn differently. But if there’s energy, expertise, fun and mutual trust the stage is set. Describe examples of enrichment opportunities for pupils at your school? We have a wealth of clubs to offer, from imagination station, ukulele club and cake decorating, to chillout club, Italian society and bird-watching! We run a timetabled Senior Enrichment Programme each week where pupils can follow our Creative Arts Strand or our Health & Fitness Strand, either because they have scholarship aspirations to their chosen senior school or because they love it and want to try something new.

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How do you create the perfect learning environment? When I take prospective parents on tours of the school they always comment on the strong sense of purpose that seems to emanate from the classrooms and the children. At the heart of that is a team of passionate and dedicated teachers. They are the ones who inspire the children to want to learn. What are the most popular subjects with pupils currently? There is a real spread here as our children have access to an incredibly broad curriculum but I think a clear favourite is Food Technology. Who wouldn’t enjoy making delicious blackberry crumble with fruit sourced from our school grounds? Our parents are also quite keen on this subject as they get to sample the delicious produce that goes home each week. What is your top tip for parents visiting a school? If you really want to get a true sense of what a school is all about, go into the classrooms and speak to the children and the staff. Do they smile when they greet you? Do they come across to you as happy and confident? Trust your instincts – if the school feels right then you are certainly on the right path.


COLYTON GRAMMAR SCHOOL 01297 552327; www.colytongrammar.devon.sch.uk

James Featherstone

Tim Harris

What is your school’s vision? Colyton Grammar School (CGS) is the highest achieving school in the South West but we are more than just successful examination results. We want to ensure that our students are able to excel in their next steps at university and in their future careers. What do you find most rewarding about being a head teacher? Nurturing growth; academically and pastorally. It is fantastic to create a caring and academically challenging environment that enables a young person to flourish. The journey from Year 7 to their next steps beyond Year 13, allows young people to become resilient, resourceful and reflective. Describe examples of enrichment opportunities for pupils at your school. What happens in the classroom is only a part of life at the school. Sport and music are high on the list of opportunities. From the competitive fixture lists in many sports to the regular musical concerts at Exeter Cathedral. We are the largest school provider of the Duke of Edinburgh Award in Devon and we offer work placements at the United Nations in Geneva. Facilities in the arts and in sport are excellent and we offer over 300 peripatetic music lessons a fortnight.



STOVER SCHOOL 01626 354505; www.stover.co.uk What is your school’s ethos? We create a happy, supportive environment in which our pupils are prepared to take risks, grow their talents and ultimately be the best they can be. How has your school event evolved over the last 10 years? Pupil numbers have grown over 50% in the last six years alongside 40% improvement in GCSE outcomes. A-level outcomes have also improved with 39% of grades now at A or A* level. What do you find most rewarding about being a headteacher? Creating a culture where the staff have a common sense of purpose which enhances the successes our pupils enjoy. How do you create the perfect learning environment? By building trust between both staff and pupils alike. In such an environment, pupils will explore and challenge themselves, so accelerating their learning. What are the qualities and skills of an excellent headteacher? Be a good listener and be prepared to enable decisive change if it benefits your pupils. Describe examples of enrichment opportunities for pupils at your school? Our enrichment program offers something for everyone wherever your talents lie. Consequently, there are clubs from rugby to patchwork quilting and robot building to clay shooting. All bases are covered; dramatic, academic, musical sporting and creative.

TRINITY SCHOOL, TEIGNMOUTH 01626 774138; www.trinityschool.co.uk

Richard Notman

Lawrence Coen


EXETER SCHOOL 01392 258712; www.exeterschool.org.uk What are the qualities and skills of an excellent head teacher? Being energetic and retaining a sense of humour are pretty much essential! This is my third headship and the three schools have all posed different challenges, but the common core of skills is just the same, and, strangely perhaps, the issues that parents worry about, whether in a girls’ school in South London, a large British international school in São Paulo or in Exeter School are not so different. Keeping calm and being organised also help hugely, as does having a brilliant team around you. What is the most important piece of advice you would give to a pupil? Be a first-class version of yourself. Young people are under immense pressure to conform and to bow to peer pressure. Being true to themselves, especially in a social media dominated world, has never been more important. Who inspires you? The children I work with! Especially the ones who struggle with some aspect of life and who overcome that to be able to succeed. What is your top tip for parents visiting a school? Ask the pupils what it is really like. It is very easy to be sucked in by glitzy marketing and impressive facilities. It is the quality of the pupils, and the affection that they feel for their school which really matters.

What is your school’s vision? The aim of Trinity School is to develop children so that they leave school confident, well-rounded and ready for their next challenge. Any school can make children successful at school, the difference is that at Trinity, we look to develop their personal skills so that they are successful after school as well. How do you create the perfect learning environment? A great campus location, passionate and inspiring teachers, vibrant teaching areas and a supportive atmosphere created by staff who have a genuine interest in the individual so that pupils are confident to always have a go and look to improve. What is the most important piece of advice you would give to a pupil? The piece of paper with all the fantastic grades will get you to an interview but the person gets the job. Working hard and being aspirational is important but so is developing yourself outside of the classroom so you become interested and interesting. Take all the opportunities presented to you at school, even if you end up not liking some of them – at least you will then know! What scholarships and bursaries are available for students? A variety of awards for those families that need assistance with the fees but want to buy into the independent sector as well as scholarships that recognise those children that have a specific area of excellence.


WELLINGTON SCHOOL 01823 668800; www.wellington-school.org.uk

Louise Simpson

Eugene du Toit

What is your school’s strongest curriculum area? We have recently enjoyed considerable success in mathematics and the classics. Results in the sciences have been impressive and our drama students received excellent LAMDA results as well. How has your school evolved over the last 10 years? We have focussed on building even stronger relationships across our community, with tutors playing a central role in linking parents and the school. What are the most popular subjects with pupils currently? Psychology, maths and economics. What is your school’s proudest achievement? The sense of community and belonging being a member of Wellington School instils in students, parents, alumni and friends of the School; we really are like one large family. Who inspires you? Anyone who is kind, aims high, sees the best in people and works hard at being the very best person they can be every day. What is your top tip for parents visiting a school? Does the school focus on process or outcomes? These two are obviously related, with one leading to the other, but a focus on process will be about learning and the personal growth of your child; a relentless focus on outcomes will lead only to stress, anxiety and fear.

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Multi-arts venue Exeter Phoenix is at the centre of supporting local creative talent. So, how’s it diversifying during these challenging times? We caught up with director Patrick Cunningham to find out…

“Covid-19 is creating gaps in the retail landscape that creative and cultural enterprises are well poised to fill” www.mediaclash.co.uk I EXETER LIVING I 27



atrick unningham is a man with ngers in a lot o eter pies highlights include co- ounder o the a ern lub, director and co- ounder o radio station honic , chair o n eter, the usiness mpro ement istrict or the city centre and, o course, director o arts enue eter hoeni . t s a career that spans both the creati e and the commercial, and where memories o prestigious shows and sweaty club nights sit happily alongside each other. t the moment, o course, it is challenging times or arts enues. hen lockdown happened and eter hoeni had to close its doors it was noticeably uick off the mark, di ersi ying with creati ity, hosting o er e ents o er e months with their ront oom hoeni ser ice o online streamed per ormences, pro ects and lms. une saw them re-open their aker art shop in andy treet, while they re-started their ca bar in uly ser ing customers on the outdoor terrace both o which went down e tremely well with locals. How are things now?


erything is gradually coming back we re-started our cinema and e hibitions in early ctober and ollowed up with li e shows later in the month, says atrick. e will retain an online presence, particularly with our art and digital media classes. ecause o the restrictions it s been much harder to bring back li e per ormances and, as things stand, it won t be until ne t spring be ore the bigger touring shows music, comedy and theatre return as they ust aren t iable at the moment. That said, Patrick remains optimistic.

e e done better than some much bigger cities in getting oot all back up, he says. The city has always had a good grassroots cultural scene lots o musicians, artists, theatre makers. t has a ertile mi o being an attracti e place to li e, well connected and with a li ely community spirit. t s perhaps this optimism that has helped make atrick one o those people that, well, ust makes things happen in eter. e was a concert promoter back in the day, putting on gigs in enues across e on or audiences rom to , mostly rock, reggae and olk bands. Then, in the early s, he co- ounded and ran the a ern lub. e started rom scratch with a rundown old pub and uickly built up a success ul music enue, learning how to run the business as we went along, atrick says. Any standout gigs along the way?

The cinema is now open at Exeter Phoenix

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e put on hundreds, probably thousands o gigs and it s mostly the sweaty, intimate ones that stand out, e.g. an indie band called tump in a club on the uay, where there was so much condensation generated by the packed audience dripping rom the ceiling that had to crouch behind the guitar amps holding a towel to catch the drips and pre ent a rather sudden and dangerous end to the show he says. articular highlights at the hoeni are too numerous to mention in detail but i had to pick a ew then ohnny arr, ary uman, ce T, ichael

Kiwanuka and Femi Kuti – not just great shows but real, buzzy events.” The importance of these venue spaces when it comes to championing and building up local artists cannot be underestimated either.

“At the Cavern we had both Muse (who were almost the house band for a number of years) and Coldplay – both bands with local roots who of course have since conquered the world. t the hoeni we e had bands like lt- , iffy lyro and Idles who’ve gone on to be much bigger.” Patrick came to Exeter Phoenix as director in 2003.



t was still nding its eet a ter a ery di cult rst ew years with uite a big changeo er o staff and some nancial problems, he says. wanted to up the pro le o the li e e ents and develop the audiences a bit more, get a younger audience in and be a bit more relevant.” Since arriving, the venue has come a long way – with added facilities, tenants providing extra services, a considerably bigger arts programme, as well as partaking in some great festivals. “I think the most recent building changes – adding the cinema (Studio 74), creating top class gallery spaces and adding a balcony to the auditorium – have been the most important changes so far.” What was your shutdown like?

“It all happened fairly quickly, in fact we shut a few days earlier than most other places as all the events dried up,” says Patrick. “We really didn’t have much choice and then, within a week, we were all in lockdown anyway. Luckily the furlough scheme came through soon after. We furloughed per cent o the staff, with ust e o us le t to look a ter the building, hold on to the staff and keep things going as we best we could. “I came in to work every day and it was mostly just me on my own or the rst weeks. t was uite lonely at times but there was so much to do that the time ew by. How about the finances?

EXETER PHOENIX IS A BEAUTIFUL BUILDING, WHAT CAN YOU TELL US ABOUT ITS HISTORY… “I recently researched and wrote a history of the site and building as part of the Heritage Open Days week. It was built in 1910 to house the University College of the South West, later to become the University of Exeter and utilised the latest innovations in building technology – no timber, all concrete beams and a hollow brick construction, but faced with red brick and Portland stone to give it a more traditional look.”

“We’ve done better than some much bigger cities in getting footfall back up”

“In a normal year we generate 84 per cent of our income from ticket sales, the café bar, rentals etc. so during lockdown that was all zero. owe er, we still had the other per cent, regular funding from the Arts Council and Exeter City Council, and that has kept us going – plus we were successful in getting a few emergency grants. We aren’t out of the woods yet and do need to generate more income but if we can do that, we should be OK.” So, what’s ahead for Exeter Phoenix?

“Keep an eye open for pop-up activity and new development, not least our new bar in Gandy Street, the Mermaid, which will open next month and will be a place like no other,” says Patrick. o id- is creating gaps in the retail landscape that creative and cultural enterprises are well poised to ll. The changes we are seeing, including more people buying online and also working from home rather than commuting into work is going to lead to a different looking city centre in the future.” ■ For more: www.exeterphoenix.org.uk

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WHAT’S ON 23 October onwards

Rocks is showing at Exeter Phoenix


24 October – 3 Jan 2021

ANITA CORBIN: 100 FIRST WOMEN PORTRAITS One hundred powerful images: the renowned photographer celebrates the achievements of pioneering British women, many of them from the West Country, over the past century. For more information turn to page six. Exeter Royal Albert Memorial Museum &Art Gallery; Queen Street, Exeter; www.rammuseum.org.uk

29 October

OUT AND ABOUT ARTISTS’ PLATFORM: QUEERING THE MUSEUM Hosted by Professor Jana Funke and writer Natalie McGrath, this event

will see artists share insights about their work on this new project, plus conversations about queer and trans art, thinking and practice. Exeter Royal Albert Memorial Museum &Art Gallery; Queen Street, Exeter; www.rammuseum.org.uk For more information on art exhibitions locally turn to page 12.


SPORK! Enjoy an evening of spoken word

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with special guests Muneera Pilgrim and Matt Harvey, alongside other emerging artists. Muneera is an international poet, cultural producer, writer, broadcaster and co-founder of the Muslim female spoken word and hip-hop duo Poetic Pilgrimage; Matt is a poet, humourist and enemy o all that s di cult and upsetting, as well as host of Radio 4’s Wondermentalist Cabaret and creator of Empath Man. 7pm-8.30pm; Exeter Phoenix; Gandy Street, Exeter; www.exeterphoenix.org.uk

11 November

SOFIE HAGEN One of British comedy’s most exciting talents (although she’s Danish), winner of the prestigious Edinburgh Best Newcomer Award, and a cult podcaster, o e returns to

Exeter with a brand new show about the things you forget, the things you remember, and the things you wish you could forget. But also, there’s a bit about bums. 7.30pm; Exeter Phoenix, Gandy Street, Exeter; www.exeterphoenix.org.uk

14 November

TO WOMB IT MAY CONCERN A chance for women to learn how comedy and stand up can improve con dence and build communication skills for professional and personal use. 10am-4.30pm; Exeter Phoenix, Gandy Street, Exeter; www.exeterphoenix.org.uk

17 November

DISPATCHES ON THE RED DRESS Twice BBC Radio 2 Folk Awardwinning songwriter Rowan




Sir David Attenborough’s film is showing at Exeter Phoenix; Comedian Sofie Hagen is coming to town

Rheingans brings a new show of immersive storytelling with live ddle, ban o and genre-melding original songs. 7.30pm; Exeter Phoenix, Gandy Street, Exeter; www.exeterphoenix.org.uk

he re ects upon both the de ning moments of his lifetime as a naturalist and the de astating changes he has seen. onest, re ealing and urgent, this is a power ul rst-hand account of humanity’s impact on nature and a message o hope or future generations. 3pm; Exeter Phoenix, Gandy Street, Exeter; www.exeterphoenix.org.uk

9 December- 9 January

TREASURE ISLAND n partnership with local comedy troupe e a et ete, e pect an ad entorous rib-tickling take on the Treasure sland classic. Exeter Northcott Theatre, Stocker Road, Exeter; exeternorthcott.co.uk

31 October

SHOW OF HANDS est ountry olk legends, how o ands te e nightley and hil eer will be oined by ormac and iranda or a raucous night o music. 7.30pm; Exeter Northcott Theatre, Stocker Road, Exeter; exeternorthcott.co.uk

MUSIC & FILM 23, 25, 27 October

ROCKS The lm ollows teenager ocks ukky akray who ears that she and her little brother mmanuel angelou sei issiedu will be orced apart i anyone nds out they are living alone. With the help of her riends, she e ades the authorities and na igates the most de ning days o her li e. ocks is a lm about the oy, resilience and spirit o girlhood. Various times, Exeter Phoenix, Gandy Street, Exeter; www.exeterphoenix.org.uk

24, 25 October

SIR DAVID ATTENBOROUGH: A LIFE ON OUR PLANET n his years, a id ttenborough has isited e ery continent on the globe, e ploring the wild places o our planet and documenting the li ing world in all its ariety and wonder. ow, or the rst time

13 November

MUSIC IN THE CASTLE The internationally acclaimed piano duo hilippa arrison and ames illshire will per orm a wide ariety o pieces, including aint- a ns Carnival of the Animals as well as new commissions such as Duelogue by Rory Boyle. 7.30pm; Powderham Castle, Exeter; www.powderham.co.uk

WORKSHOPS AND COURSES 7 November-5 December

HOW TO WRITE GOOD POEMS AND GET THEM PUBLISHED WITH JONATHAN DAVIDSON This e-week short course offers guidance in cra ting poems that really connect with readers alongside ad ice

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WHAT’S ON and insight into the poetry sector and how to get published. There will be opportunities to sharpen-up existing poems, write new pieces of poetry and create a personal plan or nding opportunities to be published and to share poems in other ways. 11am-1pm; Quay Words, Exeter Custom House, Exeter Quayside; www.exetercustomhouse.org.uk

7 November


will be given advice on some of the best ways to have their poetry read and seen. This will include thinking about magazine submissions, live readings (including open mics), as well as competitions and prizes. Anthony will also discuss things to consider when approaching a publishing house, the pros and cons of self-publishing and how to use the internet in a healthy and productive way. 2pm-5pm, Quay Words, Exeter Custom House, Exeter Quayside; exetercustomhouse.org.uk


EMILY MACAULAY shares the latest from Exeter Library Just as the Exeter Library is open, so to is the FabLab in Exeter Library. This space – on the main floor – is a space where you can create anything you can imagine. There are 3D printers, a laser cutter, a CNC router, t-shirt printing, vinyl cutting and digital embroidery. It’s a playground for adults as well as children! You do not need any technical or creative skills, but if you have them you can stretch your mind. We also work with partners, such as the RAMM, on exciting projects. Recently we scanned and 3D printed a 240 million year old footprint, belonging to a creature that lived before the dinosaurs! At the moment things are obviously running slightly differently to normal and in-real-life workshops or birthday parties are for smaller numbers, but we have a range of online workshops too. There’s even a free taster workshop on their Facebook page. There’s a range of half term workshops and a Home Educators Academy series too. This half term we’re running spooky t-shirt sessions, design your own tealight, laser cut nameplate and design a flickering haunted house or pumpkin. It’s not all about half term though and we have a range of “Taster Sessions” on offer, so if you’ve ever wanted to try your hand at 3D printing, or laser cutting, check out our dates of forthcoming sessions. To find out more or book your place visit the website fablabdevon.org or their Facebook page For more: www.exeter.ac.uk

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Muneera Pilgrim will be performing with Spork; According to Arthur is on at Exeter Phoenix

FAMILY FUN Until 1 November

HALF TERM ACTIVITIES AT CANONTEIGN FALLS A week of fun including a bat trail where children can delight in spotting bats, a night walk to Clampitt falls around their Lily Lake which will be lit by lights and fancy dress Halloween trail. Canonteign Falls, Christow, Near Exeter; www.canonteignfalls.co.uk

Until 3 Jan 2021

THE GREAT BIG BRICK SAFARI Follow the trail around the zoo and marvel at the giant gorilla,

jumbo size elephant, majestic lion, marvellous macaws, beautiful butter ies and a cool crocodile all made from millions of LEGO® pieces. Paignton Zoo, Totnes Road, Paignton, Devon; www.paigntonzoo.org.uk

26-28 October

ACCORDING TO ARTHUR Expect an inspirational and heartwarming tale of an old man who re-engages with the outside world and the adventurous life he once led. 11am and 2.30pm (45 minute family show); Recommended age 3+; Exeter Phoenix, Gandy Street, Exeter EX4 3LS; www.exeterphoenix.org.uk ■

The Devon Shutter Company Ltd British Made Shutters Since 2007 01395 578506 | www.devonshutters.co.uk


hen nothing eels right, when all out ts look wrong and you re ha ing a toddlerstyle meltdown, there is an old, indispensable trick wear all black and then ing on one statement piece o ewellery. ish bosh ll done and good to go These sa e-the-day statement earrings made by yala ar will de nitely do the trick. s you can see, yala is all about matchmaking materials testing contrasts, colour and te tures and seeing how they interact together. ombining beads and so t tassels with agged sur aces matte te tures with shiny metals. e lo e. Sundown Chant Earrings, ÂŁ99; available from Polka Dot Gallery, 12 Martins Lane, Exeter; www.polkadotgallery.com

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FROCKS IN SWING TIME We go for a wander around the family-run vintage haven on Fore Street By Harriet Noble STEP BACK IN TIME…

Frocks in Swing Time has always been a sprightly and colourful kind of shop. If you want to feel – or look – like you’ve just stepped off the lm set o Some Like it Hot, The Great Gatsby, or any Hitchcock thriller, this is the place to be. The boutique is family-run; owners are husband and wife team Gary and Hayley Shaw, who specialise in vintage-inspired clothing, shoes and accessories for adults and children, with a focus on clothes in the 20s, 40s and 50s. When I pop in for a chat, Hayley tells me that normally rushed off her eet lockdown gave her the time to focus on social media and promoting their website, resulting in the expansion of their online customer base to include sales to Australia, USA and Europe. They also took part in the In-Exeter Summer of Kindness Campaign, which encouraged businesses to buddy up and promote each other’s products, teaming up with their neighbours The Black Pearl and The Belt Makers.

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Bright yellow, you can’t miss it; BELOW: The debonair couple

HELLO INDIES CLOCKWISE: Movie-style outifts

WHAT CAUGHT OUR EYE…. Loads of beautiful swing coats – think Grace Kelly and Audrey Hepburn – lot’s of polka dot, wide-leg trousers, tie in the front blouses, lovely leather satchels with bow details, animal jewellery, and colourful scarves.




“ e now o er ree appointments so that I can give one-to-one styling advice and fitting service




1. Brogue t-bar shoes, £50 2. Clarice blouse, £42 3. Vintage satchel, £40 4. Dancing days bow belts, £10 5. Mabel polka dot dress, £89




So what’s new in the store? Well, like many of us, they’ve done a bit of DIY during lockdown, painting the front door entrance a bright, sunny colour and adding a wall o owers. Prettinesss is everything here. They’ve kept their changing room open so people can try on out ts they re steam cleaned a ter e ery use and because o the socially distancing rules, they actually offer a more bespoke service than ever. e now offer ree appointments so that can gi e a one-to-one styling ad ice and tting service. Feedback from our customers has been really positive,” says Hayley. “It’s taken some getting used to learning how

to describe and model how to fasten a dress, belt or add hair accessories, as opposed to just doing these things myself, as previously these are things I would have done automatically for a customer!” t s de nitely uieter, naturally, but our regular customers have been delighted to see that we survived and have been able to reopen,” adds Hayley. “We have been incredibly grateful for the loyal support we have received from local customers.” ■ Frocks in Swing Time, 151/152 Fore Street, Exeter; www.frocksinswingtime.com

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Forget any notions of a soulless, intimidating gym. A new local space has arrived which has wellbeing, friendship, and community at its core helping cancer sufferers to not only reco er but become tness coaches. e caught up with owners reya and Tom ritton to nd out more 38 I EXETER LIVING I www.mediaclash.co.uk


Freya and Scott are thrilled to be opening their gym


Bending into ship-shape condition: Scott and Freya

Hello Freya and Tom! You’ve set up a gym with a difference, tell us more... Freya: e ounded a tness undraising mo ement and e ent series,

attle ancer, back in a ter a number o undraising attempts or acmillan. cott had ust started ross it and recognised the power o its community spirit. e e since grown attle ancer rom one e ent in anchester in , to e ents worldwide planned or and built the brand within the tness industry. This spring we launched and began raising unds or our own o e orward rogram, which uses tness to rebuild cancer sur i ors posttreatment physically and mentally, ultimately turning them into tness coaches to then support the ne t wa e o sur i ors a really lo ely irtuous cycle. rom there we saw an ama ing opportunity to create our own physical space where we can help people, as well as pro ide a place or people to train in premium acilities with e ceptional coaching at affordable prices, and so the o e orward ym was born.

obs last ecember to ocus on attle ancer ull time. o id and the postponement o attle ancer e ents has since gi en rise to o e orward ym and we re so e cited and grate ul to the whole team who helped make this happen in such a cra y year. ith a background in powerli ting and ross it, cott has competed in both sports globally o er the past ew years. What kind of classes can we expect to see? Scott: There s our signature o e orward classes. These are un nine-

minute team workouts using body weight and light weight e uipment or a high-intensity but accessible workout. e also ha e speciality classes co ering strength, conditioning, gymnastics and reco ery stretching, while our kids classes and parents and babies classes are starting in the coming months.

“We wanted to create a space where we put people at the heart of all we do”

Your gym is in Ottery St Mary. Do you live locally yourselves? Freya: cott and now li e in arberton ord. cott is rom anchester

while m rom Totnes our head coach uke rereton is rom ishops ydeard, Taunton. ur wider team is made up o people rom across the rom ublin and ondon to idmouth and ork.

What was your background before you did this? Freya: riginally cott worked in the emergency ser ices and

worked in market research be ore we took the plunge and le t our

What makes your gym a bit different? Freya: e ha e a cool hang-out area and

co-working space, as well as a reco ery one where members can rela . lus o course, there s our uni ue re erral scheme and programme or cancer sur i ors. e really wanted to be able to create a space where we put people at the heart o all we do, with an incredible, close-knit and supporti e community. e belie e that s how people get t and healthy or li e. Tell us about more about your scheme for NHS referred cancer patients… Scott: e offer ree structured -week programs to help people return

to physical and mental tness post cancer treatment. This can be at any

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Feeling the stretch

Scott used to work in the emergency services

point post treatment and a ter the -week program, we offer a urther three months o ree membership to nd a home with us as a tness community. er people ha e gone through the scheme so ar and we cannot wait to see the people o eter post treatment back to being stronger again. How about the mental health side of things? Scott: orking out gi es people headspace rom their busy li estyles.

e re bombarded with a constant stream o to-dos, noti cations, multi-tasking, household chores, work, amily commitments the list goes on. ne hour o ust ocussing on yoursel and being away rom your phone can gi e people a mental break as well as physical release e en i it s ust a ew times a week. egular e ercise has been ound to ha e a pro oundly positi e impact on depression and an iety both o which are on the rise in modern times. orking out also relie es stress, impro es memory, helps you sleep better, and boosts your o erall mood.

“One hour of focussing on yourself can give you a mental break”

What about the social side of things? Scott: ll o our o e orward classes are designed to be undertaken

in pairs or as socially distanced teams that encourage people to meet, chat, and share in their workout e perience. e belie e this not only encourages people to push themsel es with their ellow classmates but osters a we re all in it together spirit. e also lo e to compete and support at local, national and international competitions, as well as running in-gym challenges, e ents, and socials or our own community. There will be lots o opportunities to get in ol ed with things as and when it s sa e to do so.

40 I EXETER LIVING I www.mediaclash.co.uk

No class is complete without a high-five

Loads of people are doing exercise at home now. What are the benefits of working out at a gym? Scott: oti ation. t can be so di cult to moti ate yoursel , e en ia

oom, to work your hardest in a workout. ur coaches are energetic, dynamic and will encourage you to get the best out o e ery session as will the other members in the class. The atmosphere and camaraderie created with music pumping alongside others under our cool red light installation is hard to beat. ■

For more: Move Forward Gym, 1-3, Finnimore Trading Estate, Ottery St Mary, Exeter; www.moveforwardgym.com



YOGA AT THE CASTLE How does a bit of yoga in the historic Powderham Castle sound? These hatha ow classes, run by eorgie rickmere o ne oga and ellness, are open to all le els and aim to be nourishing, helping you nd the balance between building strength and rela ation. roups are intimate and small spaces are limited due to social distancing guidelines, so booking is essential so you ll recei e plenty o attention to help de elop and progress your practice. Classes will be inside for the colder months and are scheduled for e ery . - . pm on ondays and . - . pm on ednesdays until the end o this year. Powderham Castle, Near Exeter; www.powderham.co.uk

Georgie Crickmere’s classes are open to all levels



Face it, you deserve a wellbeing day 1. Egos shoes in blue, £49, from Sancho’s, 117 Fore Street, Exeter; www.sanchosshop.com


2. Ginger and lime octagon candle, £15, from The Recycled Candle Company, 16 Gandy Street, Exeter; www. therecycledcandlecompany.co.uk 3. Organic rosehip facial oil, £12.50, from Soap Daze, 126 Fore Street, Exeter; www.soapdaze.com


e on culpture ark are hosting a rela ing day in their wonder ul apability rown designed grounds. The one-day retreat ollows a process o e ploration and disco ery inspired and in ormed by nature, rewilding and sculpture and includes a nutritious home-cooked lunch. Devon Sculpture Park, Mamhead Park (South), Exeter; www.devonsculpturepark.org (prior booking is necessary) www.mediaclash.co.uk I EXETER LIVING I 41


anging monkeys, cosy booths, and a ery pi a go down a treat at this uayside restaurant By Harriet Noble


n a regular basis nd mysel staring at people who are bree ily, happily, munching away on a meal which has no condiments. o sauce, mustard, gra y, dressing, chutney, us nada. hy aren t they choking r at least looking supremely disgruntled. plate o dry ood with nothing to dip or bathe it in is right at the top on the list o culinary sins as ar as m concerned. That s why the wetness o curries and dhals are a delight ul walk in the park or me. o proli c is my lo e or wet ood that when was at uni ersity here in eter, the people at the pi a takeaway place who had got to know me pretty well, didn t need to ask me i wanted any condiments with my order. They d instead say, o it ll be tubs o the garlic sauce to go with your pi a as normal arry hich leads me to the pi a m en oying here n The ater ront. t might ust be the rst pi a ha e e er eaten without any sauce. ot e en on the usually

42 I EXETER LIVING I www.mediaclash.co.uk

desert-dry crust, because it is so deliciously moist. t s a wet day down here at the uay as sit cosied up in a booth under the brick arches o this th entury con erted warehouse. opt or the ery in erno option to warm my bones up a mi ture o dry-smoked pepperoni and chori o sausage with red onion, alapenos and a dusting o cayenne pepper. t s hot stuff there s a deep a oursome punch rom the pepperoni and sausage causing a partial numbing o my lips which rather like. nd it is ust what m a ter today, as is the starter gobble up egetable parcels a crunchy pistachio-coloured concoction with a carrot, ginger, soya dip hoorah, dip . ther choices on the menu are decidedly warming and hearty too. There are tapas plates o ack ruit wings, baked honey halloumi other pi a options called you e pulled you e guessed it, pulled pork and the reek lamb with eta and oli es and a pig in blanket burger and stickie wa e cake. m also rather smitten with the d cor here too.

“There’s a partial numbing on my lips which I rather like” If you haven’t been in to On The Waterfront for a while, back in March, pre-lockdown, it had a massive overhaul and interior shake-up, resulting in a much-brightened venue. The long room now sports a jungle feel, with leafy green foliage on the ceiling and with monkeys (not real ones, alas) swinging from the ceiling, holding little lamps. t s also got soundproo ng and loads o e tra lighting running along the oak panelling. nd it seems the team here had e traordinary foresight because they also added screens throughout the restaurant to give tables a bit of privacy, which for obvious reasons has made a huge amount of sense. In fact, the long rectangular shape of the restaurant and its private booths lend themselves perfectly to the current rules and regs. Schedule in diary immediately: blow-out-the-cobwebs walk along the uay, nishing up n the water ront or a great big, spicy pizza. Sauce optional. ■



DINING DETAILS On The Waterfront, Southern Warehouse, 4-9, The Quay, Exeter EX2 4AP, 01392 210590; www.waterfrontexeter.co.uk Opening times Mon-Son 11pm- 9pm (last food orders 8.45pm, doors close at 10pm) In a nutshell Bar and pizza restaurant, also burgers, small plates, tapas dishes, salads and a kid’s menu. Vegan/vegetarian options available Drinks Good selection of wine, beer and cocktails as well as low-calorie and/or no-alcohol (or low-alcohol) beverages Prices Pizza £12-25.50; tapas £4-6; burgers £12-13 Service/atmosphere Family-friendly

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We are an independent, caring, family run practice providing the highest standard of medical and surgical care with multiple specialists in house. Well equipped branches and state of the art hospital. We provide our own 24hr Emergency service. Surgeries available seven days a week.

Four Branches across the City of Exeter Heavitree 01392 250066 Alphington 01392 493999 St Thomas 01392 250000 Whipton 01392 465553





Join the club

Every Friday and Saturday evening until 28 November The Oddfellows supper club lock-ins feature a si -course oodie taster menu which kicks off with a cocktail aperitif menu and wine pairing from local merchants. Is it too early to mention Christmas? Look away if you have to, but their Christmas menu supper clubs every Thursday, Friday and Saturday (after 28 November) include tasty treats such as game terrine glazed in port, cranberry compote, crackers; kiln-smoked salmon, beetroot, horseradish, dill blinis; and plum daiquiri sorbet. For more: www.theoddfellowsbar.co.uk

Colourful concoctions await

Homely pies have been promised


19 November/10 December This summer saw café owner and chef Alex Hibberd and his partner, and host, Carly Hardwidge, expand the business to run monthly supper clubs. By day the Mulberry Tree Café is still a busy little hub which primarily serves the bustling Exeter Community Centre and its local residents in St David’s, but come night-time it is something of a romantic evening hotspot. “We are going for a very cosy feel with our supper club, traditional British classics will take centre stage with warming, homely pies, served with autumnal sides for grazing at the table,” says Carly. For more: www.mulberrytreecafe.com


It’s all magical at the Mulberry

Cocktails will be aplenty

Fore Street is to get a new drinking hole, a speakeasy inspired cocktail bar no less, called The Bootlegger. Harking back to the underground glamour of the 1920s, this hideaway bar will be serving up an array of cocktails (they’ve promised 80), spirits and beers, as well as a selection of meat and cheese platters for when the hunger kicks in. While it’s just drinks and food for now – the opening is scheduled for early-mid November – looking ahead, the venue will host live music of the swing, jazz, old timey, rock and roll, blues variety. For more: www.thebootlegger.co.uk

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It’s the city’s business

EXETERWORKS Annabel and Mandy are helping businesses grow

What an honour


Congratulations to Janet Sawyer, founder and executive Chair of LittlePod, who has received an MBE in The Queen’s 2020 Birthday Honours List. LittlePod is the much-celebrated East Devon company that make and sell ethical vanilla products and Janet’s award is speci cally gi en to her or her ser ices to sustainability, e ports and international trade. Janet is no stranger to awards having also received the British Empire Medal back in 2012 for services to employment and culture. “We send congratulations on a much-deserved honour,” says the team at Littlepod. “Well done Janet, we couldn’t be more proud.” For more: www.littlepod.co.uk Medals galore with these two

NEW BUSINESS! A new company called Collaborate South West has launched in Exeter that will help business owners and leaders to grow their company by teaming up with others to deliver bigger projects. The company will also provide structured learning, peer-to-peer support and an international-level masterclass series for its members to encourage sharing ideas and best practice, as well as overcoming challenges, including accountability sessions, access to a range of experts in key business areas. The company was founded by Annabel McCabe – a former Exeter College student – and Mandy Swift; both of whom have run local businesses for years. Their new company has secured its rst company members in a range of key sectors and is now launching across the region. “By teaming up like-minded business leaders, Collaborate SW will lead to new ventures, new opportunities and new business,” says Mandy. “The pandemic saw people turn to friends across the business community like never before. Collaborate SW harnesses that spirit and takes it further, giving you the collaborative platform to add a whole new way of working into your business.” The company has also set up a ‘give back’ fund. By donating £100 a year of each person’s membership fee to the Collaborate SW give-back fund, the aim is to raise £15,000 to help people suffering with mental health and emotional wellbeing issues in the South West. For more information go to www.collaboratesw.co.uk

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SPONSORS SOUGHT FOR ANTICIPATED AWARDS remain. The 2020 Awards saw many of the 20 categories sponsored way in advance of the big night, which sells out each year with many on the waiting list. “From sponsoring a category to bene ting rom our shoulder e ents, sponsorship of the Awards not only means involvement with a remarkable e ent but also reaps the bene ts o months o high-pro le marketing, peaking in the spring,” says Claudia Butler, MediaClash’s event organiser. “We’re thrilled to have once again had such a positive response from so many companies, way in advance of the big night.” For sponsorship enquiries, please contact Harriette Dixon harriette.dixon@mediaclash.co.uk exeterlivingawards.co.uk @ExeterLivingAwd


Momentum continues to build for the Exeter Living Awards as category sponsorship opportunities are snapped up, with companies reaping the bene ts o the prestigious event. Organisers are anticipating another massive uberglam celebration for next year’s Awards, held in the spring. In big news, the coveted Platinum award Sponsorship has this year been taken by long-time partner company Marsh Commercial which joins an already growing line-up of sponsors for 2021. said, “We are thrilled to have such a perfect Platinum partner and one that is deeply rooted in Exeter,” says MediaClash’s event director Steph Dodd. Category sponsorship opportunities

Another glittering event is not far away…



FLYING HIGH Dublin Aerospace Group, the aviation maintenance company based, has announced that Exeter Aerospace will be launching in Exeter Airport, at the the location of the former Flybe Maintenance Services. “We are thrilled to have made Exeter the home o our rst aintenance epair and erhaul entre, says onor McCarthy, Chairman and CEO of Dublin Aerospace Group. “The availability of the Hangars and Workshops there, combined with a phenomenal pool of local aviation and engineering talent, makes this a hugely attractive location for us”. Exeter Aerospace currently has100 vacant positions, with this number to grow in line with the business as airlines and aircraft return to the skies over the coming months and years. Over the next few years, the overall aim is to have over 250 aviation professionals working

48 I EXETER LIVING I www.mediaclash.co.uk

at Exeter Aerospace. In addition, the business plans to establish strong aircraft engineering apprenticeship and aircraft mechanic traineeship programmes in partnership with the Government and Exeter College, following in the footsteps of sister company, Dublin Aerospace, who recently announced that they will be hiring an additional 29 apprentices from next month. “Dublin Aerospace Group has always been a huge supporter of apprenticeships and Traineeships. While 2020 has been unprecedented in many ways, we believe that it is vital to keep our focus on the longer term. Our intention is to continue the great work that has been done locally to develop young talent for aerospace and thereby continue the proud aviation tradition here in the south of England” says Conor, a former Aer Lingus apprentice himself. For more: www.ExeterAerospace.com

Throughout the Great Pause, we’ve been running free Exeter Living Business Clubs. Our last featured in-depth interviews with our panel Charlotte McGregor, ollens lenn edler o Accounts and Mark Minton of Marsh Commercial; all sharing their stories about how they’re navigating these rough waters and what it’s like to be running a company in Exeter at the moment. All these business clubs are available to watch on our new Exeter Living YouTube channel. Thanks to all who have contributed so far, for your wisdom and candour: both much appreciated in these times. To be on the invitation list, contact events@mediaclash.co.uk. Our next virtual Exeter Living Business Club Night-Time Economy Special on 28 October at 12pm For more: wwww.mediaclash.co.uk


“WE HOPE TO SCALE UP AND MAKE A DIFFERENCE TO THE WHOLE OF THE SOUTH WEST” some CPR equipment and get started. Today we have provided 35 PAD’s to places in need, trained just under 4000 young people in and unded our rst cardiac screening session (which was unfortunately postponed due to Covid). It shows how just one person’s generosity can make a real difference.

The duo were delighted with their win

Have you had to change your business model because of Covid? Unfortunately our CPR/AED training is on hold at the moment. We have created YouTube training videos though that several schools have used.


Jay’s Aim work tirelessly to reduce the number of cardiac conditions in the south West. The organisation scooped best charity at our awards ceremony this year. Trustee Dan Osborne tells us all about the charity’s amazing growth story… How did it feel to win an Exeter Living award? We were over the moon. Having only set up just over two years ago and being up against some amazing and very well -established charities, it was a bit of a shock! How did you celebrate? My brother Si (another of our Trustee’s) and I went to your after party and celebrated with Sarah Turner (The Unmumsy Mum) who we had met earlier in the evening on the same table as us – she was one of the judges, is lovely, and was really complimentary about what we are trying to do. Where do you keep your award? The award is currently on my desk at home. e don t ha e an o ce so it’s nice to have it there to remind us that the hard work is all worth it. Why do you think Jay’s Aim won?

CHARITY WINNER I like to think we won because people can recognise what we are trying to achie e by offering ree CPR/AED training, providing public access de brillators s and encouraging young people to attend cardiac screenings. I guess people are pleased to see something positive coming out of such a negative. Tell us something about your team? We are a family run charity so all of our trustee’s are family members. What are the rewards of doing what you do? It’s really nice to hear feedback from young people who speak to us after our CPR/AED sessions. A comment that always sticks in my head was from an Exeter College students who attended one of our

free training sessions and said “I didn’t think CPR and knowing about how a de brillator works was relevant to me, but now I know why it’s so important and I feel so much more con dent to act i had to help a friend or stranger.” And the challenges? The start to nish process of installing a public access de brillator is uite a long one. Sometimes it’s a challenge to keep track of what stage we are at with each de brillator that has been provided. We often feel bad as we feel like we are nagging people when we ask for updates on the process. How has the charity grown since it launched? We launched at the end of May 2018 with just an idea, but very little knowledge or money. An individual who Jay used to work closely with (who I don’t think will want to be named) donated £1000 which enabled us to buy

What plans have you got for the rest of this year? Amongst other things we have just launched our Cornwall and e on ugby lub e brillator Scheme. The scheme will provide PAD’s and training to all rugby clubs in Cornwall and Devon who don’t already have one. This will also be great news for their local communities and will take us well over the 50 mark in terms of the number of PAD’s we have provided. What ambitions have you got for Jay’s Aim? We are a South West based charity, but so far we have mainly been concentrating on Cornwall and Devon. We hope to scale up in the future to be able to make a difference to the whole o the South West. What do you love most about Exeter? We love the generosity, warmth and support of the people of Exeter and the South West as a whole. We couldn’t have achieved anything as a charity if it wasn’t for the people who have fundraised and supported us! Jay’s AIM - Helping Young Hearts For more: www.jaysaim.co.uk

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Fancy a quick insight into the property market during a pandemic? Here, a couple of local experts give us their views... MICHAEL JONES NAOMI J RYAN ESTATE AGENTS 01392 215283 www.naomijryan.co.uk

What are the key values of your company? Our name is our truth as we continue to be independently owned and run - Naomi’s name as the company name ensures we are accountable and that focus is on our values, service and ethical standards, rather than being a target driven organisation. We recently celebrated our 12th year of trading and still to this day Naomi is one the first people that callers and visitors will come into contact with. How has the pandemic changed people’s outlook when it comes to what they want from a property? We’ve noticed a shift in way that buyers are now considering areas that they would have previously discounted due to distance from work. With a number of employers moving to permanent home working, buyers are able to consider properties in new areas which give them more outside space and an extra room for a home office. What’s the biggest positive that is coming out of the property sector right now? The stamp duty holiday - this is currently one of the biggest motivators for sellers and buyers right now. Also, a mention to the way that people are using new technology to look for their new home. Government guidelines currently are that initial viewings where possible should be carried out virtually, since March our Virtual Tours have received an impressive 27,500 views. What changes would you make to the property sector? Speed the process up! The level of information provided at the start of the process could be considerably improved to ensure that less sales and purchases fail later on into the process.

50 I EXETER LIVING I www.mediaclash.co.uk


THE MORTGAGE QUARTER 01392 660219 www.themortgagequarter.co.uk What are the key values of your company? Our values here at TMQ have always been that the client comes first. We are very much about making sure our customers have all the support that they need and want. Our service for each client is tailored from first time buyers to experienced company investors to get the best outcome. What is the property market like at the moment during these strange times? It is very fast paced and ever changing and we’ve never been busier as a result! What tips can you give our readers about getting a mortgage? Keep your credit files clean and make sure you are on the electoral roll with all of your financial accounts registered at your current address. There is nothing that a lender likes less than confusing address history and bad credit. What’s the biggest positive that is coming out of the property sector right now? A huge amount in movement up the ladder by ‘homemovers’ allowing ‘first time buyers’ to start owning their own home. How has the pandemic changed people’s outlook when it comes to what they want from a property? I think people have realised how much they enjoy working from home during the pandemic and this has made them want to either improve their living space or move to a bigger property. It is certainly what we seem to be seeing with clients wanting to upsize or borrow against their homes at the moment.


Planning for your family’s future


Charlotte Corr of OLD MILL tells us more...

t’s been an extraordinary year so far and we have seen a noticeable increase in those asking what they could do to help their family and wanting to review their estate planning. Here are my top tips to help you manage your estate across the generations.

Help the generations to build their own wealth The tax status of pensions and ISAs can really give your children and grandchildren a boost to their own financial future. Providing the capital to make these contributions and encouraging them to engage with financial planning early can help to set them on the right track.

Consider the use of lifetime gifts Is there anyone in your family who could really do with the support now and can you afford to help? A common concern for people when considering helping their family is whether they will run out of money themselves. This can result in wealth remaining locked within the estate until death and subject to Inheritance Tax unnecessarily. A lifetime gift can be life changing and gives you the opportunity of seeing loved ones benefit. Working with a financial planner can give you peace of mind and the confidence to make gifts, knowing how or whether it will directly impact your own future.

Do you have a potential inheritance liability? Inheritance Tax (IHT) rules are complex, knowing the extent of any potential liability against your estate on death can provide a good motivator to take action. Consider the options for mitigating tax and protecting your wealth There are many reliefs, exemptions and solutions available to help mitigate IHT. The use of Trusts is often overlooked. Gifting assets via a trust can enable you to maintain control over when your beneficiaries receive the funds either during

your lifetime or death. You can also change the beneficiaries, for example, to include a new grandchild. With certain Trusts it’s even possible to receive some capital back from the Trust during your lifetime which can be helpful if you are concerned about running out of money. Most importantly be proactive in planning your family’s future and engage early with estate planning. For more information visit om.uk ■

Our expert advisers are here to help you. Contact Charlotte Corr on 07702 808858 or email charlotte.corr@om.uk


Award-winning Exeter Villa, In Ex Design

52 I EXETER LIVING I www.mediaclash.co.uk


Majestic commercial buildings, sleek contemporary homes, and inventive community spaces for all to enjoy – we take a look at Exeter’s changing landscape By Imogen Davidson




The team of architects, interior designers and landscape designers are on something of a high right now, what with their Exeter Villa project ha ing ust been shortlisted as a nalist in The SBID International Design Awards 2020 for the KBB Design Category (we loved the property so much we put it on the cover). “We have seen an increased demand from people looking to relocate to Devon as well as from people who are looking to make alterations to their homes,” says Julie-Ann

Clements, director at In Ex Design. course a home o ce is now on e eryone s brie . e nd people are looking to adapt their homes to have both working and living spaces which work together,” adds Julie. The team are into the holistic approach when it comes to working on a project too, meaning they’ll do all the incorporation of spatial arrangements, special nishes, lighting effects, positioning o art, landscaping, planting schemes and more. For more: www.inexdesign.co.uk

The Coach House, In Ex Design; ABOVE: Hillside property, In Ex Design

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Scott Medical building, KTA


“Devon is a beautiful part of the South West with a distinct range of architecture styles and stunning locations. We love working on a diverse range of projects from listed townhouses to barn conversions. Our projects can take us from Exeter to Dartmoor National Park to the South Devon Coast.”

“Exeter is a city in transformation, and we have a local authority that has a progressive attitude towards implementing good design. Exeter is unique historically, with an urban occupation of more than 2000 years; it has a good number of historic buildings that are always a challenge to work in or in the vicinity.” Eduardo Hoyos, Eduardo Hoyos Architect



Julie-Ann Clements, director at In Ex Design

54 I EXETER LIVING I www.mediaclash.co.uk


When it comes to buildings that have a practical use or the local community, this rm scores pretty highly, they were responsible for the redevelopment of Exeter Chiefs Stadium. More recently, KTA were appointed by Exeter Rugby Group to prepare a planning application to Exeter City Council for a new £35million 250-bed hotel to the south of the existing Rugby club. The new hotel started on site in January 2020, due to be completed in December 2021, and will boast a glazed bridge link via the existing rugby club into a reception area leading to a coffee shop and bar area with a sky bar and restaurant situated on the top oor. The hotel offers iews to the south

east towards the sea and the river exe towards Exmouth. Elsewhere, the team are working on the mixed-use development at Winslade Park for Burrington Estates, on the outskirts of Exeter, which will pro ide o ces, new homes and leisure facilities, all set amongst the parkland of this historic Grade II listed manor house. The team are also working on the Exeter Science Park. A huge project, this work involves the detailed design and construction of the Ada Lovelace building, a three-storey building consisting of 17000sq ft of lettable oor space dedicated to helping inno ati e STEMM companies deliver extraordinary growth. This is due for completion in February 2021. “We feel that the local construction industry

is booming,” says Richard Cord, managing director at KTA. “KTA feel extremely fortunate to have gone from strength to strength since the pandemic has begun. part rom the o ce layout adaptions, working from home scenarios, our staff ha en t stopped work. e are busier than ever and our pipeline of work continues to grow steadily, long may it continue.” e de eloped a study on how the affects of Covid-19 pandemic will shape ‘Space esign across many sectors which we shared with our clients and partners in the construction industry.

For more: www.kta.uk.com

Designs for the new hotel in Exeter, KTA

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The Topsham rm offers a complete range o architectural ser ices with pro ects arying enormously in scale and comple ity, and e erything rom commercial properties to homes eaturing in their port olio. e continue to be in ol ed with a number o bespoke new build homes, reno ations and con ersion pro ects and ha e seen a per cent increase in en uiries already this year with a lot o these being rom people mo ing to the area, says aughn llington, director at rchitecture. ne such recent pro ect was a local armhouse re urbishment, as pictured below.

The property had seen little maintenance o er the past decades and was suffering rom serious damp and decay, says aughn. rchitecture were engaged to pro ide design ser ices to re-order the accommodation to make it better suited to modern li ing and to o ersee a complete programme o re urbishment. orks included a complete re-roo in natural slate, new accoya timber sash windows and doors, structural alterations, tanking and insulation to meet current standards. nternally the accommodation was re-organised including a new staircase and opening up to pro ide a new large amily room and kitchen.

ut it s not ust about the nuts and bolts o a building. esigning a home is a ery personal ourney, says aughn. ach sites pose arious opportunities and sometimes constraints. e take time to understand our clients needs and wants and to oster a relationship with our client where all parties embrace and hope ully en oy the whole e perience. uildings need to respond to their en ironment but they must also meet the owners needs. For more: www.16aarchitecture.com

16AArchitecture completed this farmhouse refurbishment

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“Designing a home is a very personal journey” EDUARDO HOYOS ARCHITECT This indoor pool was designed by 16A Architecture as part of a new build where the headline to the clients brief was ‘traditional Georgian architecture fit for 21st Century living’. For more: www.16aarchitecture.com

The team here have been busy with new and existing projects during recent months, building a variety of residential homes, o ce spaces and a plethora o e tensions. o, what is there a great demand for right now? mall li ing compacting unctions in small, but comfortable spaces is something we are seeing more of at the moment, says duardo. “Computer advances in 3D and 4D are becoming interesting tools to visualize and experience architecture irtually rom inside be ore building. ew materials responding smartly to changing climate conditions are another one. omputerised technologies used at home to control behavioural patterns of living and the always evolving tools to make architecture sustainable are other developments to look at. ■ For more: www.eduardohoyos.com

BUILDING YOUR OWN HOME? Exeter’s architects give their top tips

“Look online at some examples you like in terms of look and feel. How much glass do you want, think about daylight, access and views. Think about how can you make energy efficiencies, with use of materials.” Richard Cord, managing director at KTA “A key thing to do at the start of a project before approaching an architecture firm is putting together a wish-list for the project and what you are comfortable spending.” Julie-Ann Clements, director at In Ex Design “Research, plan and don’t rush! From picking your design team to your kitchen; research the options and set a clear and realistic time-frame with your design team at the beginning. Once you have your planning permission take time to prepare for the build; the more that can be specified and detailed before the builder starts the smoother and less stressful (for all) the whole process will be.” Vaughn Allington, director at 16a Architect “Have an idea of the desired size and any specific functions and features you want to be implemented in your new home; this is paramount for the initial design brief when consulting with your architect.” Eduardo Hoyos, director at Eduardo Hoyos Architect

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More green spaces are planned at Exeter College



Exeter College’s ambitious campus Masterplan places a vision for what the college’s sites will look like over the next 20 years. So, what is planned and how will it impact the city?

Looking into the future at Exeter College

The next two decades will see big changes for Exeter College, with bold new buildings transforming its teaching sites. These designs, known as the Exeter College Masterplan, have not gone unnoticed either, recently being shortlisted in the Michelmores Property Awards 2020 in the ‘Masterplanning for the Future’ category. The constructions aim to revolutionise the college’s sites, including the eventual demolition of the College’s iconic Tower Building to be replaced with state-of-the-art specialist learning centres. The rst phase o de elopment a new Digital and Data Centre as part of the South est nstitute o Technology is currently under construction at the College’s Hele Road site. Looking ahead, a new pedestrian walkway from St David’s Station to the city centre will be built, to better utilise the college’s green spaces on campus and to gi e ma imum bene t to

learners and the wider community. “Our Masterplan is about investing in education in this region and investing in the skills that learners need to thrive in the economy of the future,” says Exeter College director of Estates and Information Technology Steve Strang. “Although an ambitious and far-reaching project, we’ve worked to ensure this plan meets not only our needs as an exceptional education provider but also meets the needs of learners, businesses and the wider community. “The last few months have brought unprecedented uncertainty to all of our lives and now, more than ever, it is important to celebrate the excellence in our region's property and construction sector.” Winners of the Michelmores Property Awards 2020 will be announced on 12 November with details on the virtual awards ceremony. For more: www.exe-coll.ac.uk www.mediaclash.co.uk I EXETER LIVING I 59

Visions of the future: Liveable Exeter has also been nominated


AND THE OTHER NOMINATIONS ARE… Exeter’s property scene also boasts five other properties that have been shortlisted by the Michelmores’ Property Awards 2020 Jasmine Lodge, X Keys and Nancy Potter House have each been shortlisted in the Project of the Year (under £5 million) category. JASMINE LODGE delivers an inpatient facility for local women

with se ere mental ill health during pregnancy or in the rst year after giving birth. X KEYS is a refurbishment project which has successfully redeveloped a 19th century building within the University of Exeter’s St Luke’s Campus into leisure, restaurant, meeting and study spaces. NANCY POTTER HOUSE is a new building developed to replace Topsham’s old library with a community hub. The scheme has created a multipurpose space that accommodates a new, larger library, ca , post o ce, e ercise room, wet rooms, treatment rooms, hairdressing salon, meeting rooms and administration space. ROCKFISH RESTAURANT located on Exeter’s historic quayside is shortlisted in the Leisure & Tourism Project of the Year category.

Jasmine Lodge has been nominated for Project of the Year

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A single storey, glass-fronted pavilion, the contemporary building provides employment opportunities as well as a venue for events and a popular social space for locals and visitors. EXETER CITY COUNCIL’S LIVEABLE EXETER has also been shortlisted in the Masterplanning for the Future category. The Masterplan sets out the council’s partnership with Exeter (Global) City Futures to create a programme of transformational change as well as plans for achieving the development of 12,000 homes. www.michelmores.com


Property market

WHAT’S THE FORECAST? Market commentary from RICHARD BROOKS, Savills head of residential in the South West

Richard Brooks has the good news

“The demand we have seen in the country markets across the South West has been extraordinary, driven by a quest for more space. Major towns in Devon and Cornwall are seeing phenomenal activity and some competitive bidding. In city markets we ha e de nitely seen demand switch to the suburban areas and country surrounds. ith many anticipating continued e ible working and less re uent commuting, houses which offer more space both inside and out, in well-connected town or illage locations, are particularly sought-a ter. There has also been signi cant surge in demand or coastal property throughout Devon and Cornwall, with properties in coastal areas seeing growth of +2.9 per cent in Q3, as buyers reassess their lifestyle and act on a desire to live by the sea. This has been further bolstered by less international travel which has brought the interest for UK coastal areas to the fore.” For more: www.savills.co.uk


Make a dash for the river Dart

Overlooking the beautiful estuary, this on the market pad enjoys clear uninterrupted views both up and down the River Dart while being in a tucked away location. Inside, its all mod cons with surround sound, under oor heating, swish marble oors and a oating spiral staircase. The main bedroom has a Juliet balcony overlooking the marina and the river beyond, two dressing rooms, a bathroom with large rain head shower and a roll top bath from which you can en oy glorious iews o the ri er. The second oor offers a double bedroom suite with large port hole window overlooking the river and an en suite bathroom. The seating area on the terrace is the cherry on the top for this waterfront living abode. In a nutshell: 2 bedrooms/2 bathrooms/2,496sq ft/£2,150,000/Dart Marina, Dartmouth (42.1 miles from Exeter) For more: www.savills.co.uk

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GUNSTONE HOUSE Rolling green countryside awaits you at this elegant Georgian property By Harriet Noble

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atching the seasons change is surely one of life’s greatest pleasures. The assurance that comes from seeing nature transform before us; the growth, renewal, blooms and blossoms, dews and rosts is li e-a rming stuff. And where better to watch the trees shed their leaves this autumn than at Gunstone House. The views from the house are simply gorgeous, as far as the eye can see lies the greenest of rolling Devon countryside. The Grade II listed late Georgian property sits in the hamlet of Gunstone, just outside of Crediton, eight or nine miles from Exeter, and is an elegant place to lay one’s head too, with detailed and pretty architecture of note; a symmetrical nine-window front façade of white-painted stucco incised to resemble cut stone. With a Welsh slate roof, the front is further embellished with an elegant glass-roofed veranda with a greenhouse at either end. nside it has all the bearings o a ne house rom this era, with well-proportioned rooms with good ceiling

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height, big open replaces, oinery and plasterwork as well as a long dri e on approach to gi e it that whiff of grandeur. n the ground oor, there are three good-si ed reception rooms, which, together with the reception hall, all face south enjoying those spectacular rural views across the garden. The drawing and sitting rooms both have tall sash windows with working shutters while the hall has a stone oor and an elegant, cur ed staircase rising to the rst oor. t the rear is the large kitchen break ast room which has a good-si ed dining area and is tted with a range o units, an electric erhot cooker and a woodburning sto e. lsewhere on the ground oor is the cloakroom bootroom, with a door leading to the driveway as well as French doors opening onto rear patio. and a decent si e utility room. Travel upstairs and you’ve got the galleried landing with the bedrooms and bathrooms radiating off it. The master bedroom has windows on two sides and is light and airy with a walk-through dressing room leading to its own bathroom. There are e urther bedrooms, our of which face south and three further bathrooms, two of which are en suite. There is also a separate study on this oor which could be a urther bedroom. utside there s a large gra elled parking area behind the house and ad acent to the brick and stone-built double garage.

HOUSE NUMBERS Square footage






Where Hamlet of Gunstone, near Crediton

Outside 2.27 acres of land, tennis court, plus an outbuilding Guide price


For more Knight Frank Exeter Estate Agents, 19 Southernhay E, Exeter EX1 1QD; 01392 249863; www.knightfrank.co.uk

The feeling of space here is something else, with the garden and grounds extending out on three sides of the house, with the gravelled parking area on the fourth. They principally consist of lawns planted with mature shrubs and trees. Alongside the drive is the orchard with a mixed hedge and lime trees behind orming the boundary with the neighbouring eld. At the front of the house the lawn is bordered by a mature beech hedge with the paddock and open countryside beyond. Beside the front lawn is the walled garden whose walls are planted with climbing and owering shrubs and contains the grass tennis court and vegetable garden, which has raised beds with gravel paths and the west facing wall is planted with fruit trees. Within the walled garden is a period single-storey outbuilding built of cob and stone which previously had planning permission to be converted into a summerhouse. Currently it serves as a workshop and as a store for logs and garden machinery. At the top of the orchard is a wooden garage building with a slate roof that serves as a fantastic barbecue area, but would be suitable for a host of other purposes. We think this is a beauty of a house, but it’s the magni cent and calming iews o e on countryside that elevate this property to dream home status for us. ■

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“This is a city that is comfortable in its diversity”

SIMON BOWKETT Chair of Exeter Pride, and all-round champion of local indies, Simon Bowkett talks life in the city… Whereabouts do you live?

Last summer my partner and I moved to Pennsylvania because she was about to start a Masters and PhD pathway at the University of Exeter. We’d previously lived near iddlemoor. The rst two weeks it took us ages to get to sleep because it’s so quiet here! We also have a lively cocker spaniel, Byron, who loves the fact that we have Mincinglake, Stoke Woods, Belvedere and Duryard green spaces so close. Tell us about your day job…

After 25 years of working in homelessness, addiction ser ices, and with offenders in the community, I’m poacher turned gamekeeper and now work as a senior policy adviser in the homelessness and rough sleeping unit at the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government. Before the pandemic, I was working three days a week in Westminster and two from home – a great mix – but now it’s all from

home, of course. I was whisked into working on our “Everyone In” Covid response in March, which saw 15,000 homeless people given emergency accommodation during lockdown. It undoubtedly saved lives, and is something I’m immensely proud of. And your work at Exeter Pride…

I have the easiest job! I’m just the Chair. Putting Exeter Pride on every year is an amazing feat that is accomplished by dedicated volunteers, activists, local businesses, community organisations, and public services pulling together to put on the most amazing display of solidarity, love, and not just tolerance – but a celebration of our local queer community. What have you learnt about Exeter and its people?

Exeter can be really proud of the way that the whole city has put our Pride on the map. We are one of the

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largest free-to-attend Prides in the country, traditionally the rst ride of the year in the UK, and the level of attendance we achieve is well above what would be expected in a city our size. This is a city that is comfortable in its diversity, and has phenomenal community spirit.

unashamed of talking about the marginalisation and discrimination many in our community still eel. eter ride is de nitely going back to the roots of the Pride movement.

You had to cancel the Exeter Pride main event this year, what have you got planned instead?

Professionally, the amazing response to homelessness during Covid has been incredible, and shows what can be done when we as a nation have the collective will to do something. On a personal level, living in such a beautiful part of the world during lockdown made life far easier. My London-based colleagues were not impressed by the amount of video calls I made from a sunny garden, riverside, or hilltop!

We had our AGM last month, and have a great new group of trustees to plan this year’s cycle. We are planning a year-long programme – in collaboration with others – to make sure things are happening that people can connect with – some in the “real world” when safe to do so, and some online. In order to build that sense of connectedness with our community, and with Pride as a charity, we will shortly be launching a membership scheme. We have a working group pulling it together as we speak, so watch our socials and website for an announcement. What are your ambitions for Exeter Pride?

This is my second year as Chair, and we serve two-year terms. Last year (for my 50th) I went to New York for their Pride, and for the 50th anniversary of the Stonewall riots. There I met activists from the Reclaim Pride Coalition, who were concerned that “mainstream” Prides risked being turned into corporate carnivals with rainbows and glitter slapped on them. I took part in their Queer Liberation March – the “antidote” to New ork s o cial pride which was a grassroots demonstration against LGBTQ+ poverty, homelessness, transphobia, homophobia and racism in US immigration services... it reminded me why Prides started. I’m so lucky to be surrounded by trustees who also think we need our Pride to be outspoken, championing people and ethical local businesses, to be more inclusive and accessible, to be

What positives have you taken from the last few months?

Where are your favourite places to eat and drink in Exeter?

For drinks, as Pride trustees we always try to support Yvan and his great team at The Oddfellows – they’re a great example of a local business that champions others in the way they source their products and collaborate. What great thing about Exeter does not receive enough attention?

Indie crafters like the Recycled Candle Company in Gandy treet check out their T ag candles!) And shout out to lovely Gabrielle at the Den Barber who is massively pro-Pride and queerfriendly and has the most amazing rapport with her LGBTQ+ and gender non-binary customers.

Times are uncertain at the moment, what do you know for certain?

As a queer civil servant, I’ll leave the last word in these weird Covid times to a far more famous and eloquent queer civil servant, Quentin Crisp; “Treat all disasters as if they were trivialities... but never treat a triviality as if it were a disaster.” ■ For more: www.exeterpride.co.uk

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