Employment News – Greater Toronto Area – April 2021

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Greater Toronto

JOBS•TRAINING•CAREERS www.employmentnews.com

APRIL 2021 | Volume 34 Issue 4

CN Forklift

Training Centre FORKLIFT LIC.




for further details see inside page.


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Career training in: • Business • Healthcare • Engineering Design & Technology • Bank Teller Training

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If you are in Hospitality industry, or your employment has changed, Covid-19 has affected your future.



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Seeking an experienced Nanny for my 6 year old daughter. Helps with meal preparation, ĔƖůƓʅůȁʅʅƪůʅðţĔʅijƖůšʅƞčĻůůŘʅČƲƞʅƞƪůƓɋʅ homework and supervision.


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Awarded 3 years in a row for Top Choice immigration firm, and with over 25 years of experience, Canadian Immigration Group has been a trusted firm for providing LEGAL, EXPERIENCED and PROFESSIONAL immigration services. WE ARE PROUD TO OFFER THE FOLLOWING SERVICES: - JOB OFFERS supported by LABOR MARKET IMPACT ASSESSMENTS (LMIA). :H ZRUN ZLWK GR]HQV RI EXVLQHVVHV ZKR DUH ZLOOLQJ WR VXSSRUW TXDOLÀ HG FDQGLGDWHV ZLWK /0,$V Please visit at www.cig-ab.ca (Please see LMIA Jobs under the WORK header) for the list of available opportunities. :H KHOS UHFUXLW VWDII IRU EXW QRW OLPLWHG WR KRWHOV UHVWDXUDQWV DQG UHWDLO VWRUHV ZLWK SRVLWLRQV LQ NLWFKHQ KRXVHNHHSLQJ VHUYLFH DQG IURQW RIÀ FH




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3 must-have skills for any job Whether you’re just entering the workforce or getting back into it after some time away, there are key skills that will always help you get ahead in the ever-changing job market. Here are three of the most important skills, according to employers.

COMMUNICATION &RPPXQLFDWLQJ FOHDUO\ FRQÀ GHQWO\ DQG tactfully can go a long way towards affecting your success at work. Not only does being able to communicate clearly make you more productive and lessen the likelihood of PLVXQGHUVWDQGLQJV EXW LW FDQ DOVR LQÁ XHQFH how others perceive you, which, in turn, can LQÁ XHQFH WKH RSSRUWXQLWLHV \RX·UH RIIHUHG

ORGANIZATION Some of us are naturally organization obsessed – others, not so much. Either way, we FDQ DOO EHQHÀ W IURP KDYLQJ D V\VWHP LQ SODFH to keep on top of our work, whether it’s a day SODQQHU D À OLQJ V\VWHP RU VLPSOH WR GR OLVWV These techniques eliminate the dread of forgetting something and can help you become WKDW PXFK PRUH SURGXFWLYH DQG HIÀ FLHQW

TEAMWORK No matter your role, chances are you have to interact with at least one colleague or cli-

ent in your job. If you can work well with others by not taking things personally, sharing the workload and keeping an open mind, \RX·OO EHQHÀ W IURP VKDUHG NQRZOHGJH DQG a stronger quality of work. Teamwork also makes for a more positive and pleasant work culture.

Temporary or part-time work can present a good opportunity to hone these skills and stay sharp between jobs or in your spare time. Statistics Canada will be offering this kind of opportunity in the New Year—in January 2021, they will start accepting applications for enumerator and crew leader

positions for the 2021 census. The role involves being part of a larger team, meeting lots of new people and sharpening your time management and organizational skills. Find more information about this opportunity at census.gc.ca/jobs. O

3 ways to use census data to decide on your career path :KHWKHU \RX·UH À QLVKLQJ XS SRVWVHFRQG ary or are thinking of transitioning to a new À HOG LW FDQ EH KDUG WR NQRZ ZKDW GLUHFWLRQ to take. Where are the most opportunities? Which jobs pay the best salaries? What’s available in your area? Census data from Statistics Canada can help – here’s how: 1. View education levels. There is plenty of information on what kind of education people are receiving, whether it’s at the trade school, college, bachelor, master or GRFWRUDWH OHYHO 7KLV FDQ KHOS \RX À QG RXW

whether you’ll be competing with many people for the same roles, or if your degree has a unique offering. 2. Explore demographic trends. The Statistics Canada website features user-friendly data visualization tools to let you see trends in ages, family sizes, languages and more that you can use to make informed decisions. For example, if there is a large number of seniors in your community, work in a retirement home or long-term care facility can be in high demand. If you’re thinking

of starting your own business and notice DQ LQÁ X[ RI \RXQJ IDPLOLHV D FRPPXQLW\ GD\FDUH FHQWUH PD\ EH D SURÀ WDEOH YHQWXUH 3. Check out incomes. If you’re looking for something that pays above average, census data can help you determine what that average is. Look for sectors that pay above and beyond the median and gain evidence to argue for a higher salary when you do get that new job offer. Find more information on census data at statcan.gc.ca/census. O

News Canada

Celebrating over 34 years of service excellence! Head Office 610 Applewood Crescent, Suite 401 Vaughan ON L4K 0E3 Local: 905.761.3313 ext. 6| Toll Free: 1.888.761.3313 ext. 6 | Fax: 1.888.861.5038 www.employmentnews.com | sales@employmentnews.com Employment News is published to provide job seekers and career-minded individuals with upto-date, detailed information about local and national career training and job opportunities. It is available free of charge within major city centres across Ontario, Alberta and Manitoba – to stand-alone newspaper boxes at major intersections and transit stops, stand-alone racks, HRDC Centres, universities, colleges, training schools, libraries, government-sponsored employment offices, fast-food chains, major food store franchises, select Canadian Tire stores and other high-traffic locations. ADVERTISERS: Employment News distributes seven region-specific editions, across Ontario

and Alberta. Our advertisers can use these editions to target specific metropolitan areas or opt to cover larger areas in a combination of editions, for maximum exposure regionally and provincially. COPYRIGHT NOTICE Copyright © 2021 Media Classified Corporation. Employment News is published every Saturday by Media Classified Corporation. All content within this publication is covered by copyright and intellectual property rights, and is the sole property of Employment News and not of the customer. Reproduction, storage in a retrieval system or transmission of

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c) The publisher assumes no financial liability for typographical errors or copy, omissions by the newspaper – other than the cost of the space occupied by the error. All claims of error in publication shall be made by Tuesday noon prior to the next week’s publication, and if not made shall not be considered. No claim shall be allowed for errors not affecting the value of the advertisement. d) Editorial & advertising content of Employment News is protected by copyright. Unauthorized use is prohibited. e) No cancellations accepted after noon on the Tuesday of a publishing week.

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www.employmentnews.com From the publishers of the original weekly job and career training publication.

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zŽƵƌ ĞdžƉĞƌŝĞŶĐĞƐ ĐŽƵŶƚ͘ tĞ ǁĂŶƚ ƚŽ ŚĞĂƌ ĨƌŽŵ LJŽƵ͊ Do you feel trapped in precarious employment?






DayLaborer S ea GigWorker so na e m i l T Contract ed rt a P loy p Freelancer Em MultipleJobs Self

Are you a 25 to 55 years old and precariously employed? If yes, take our survey:

https://bit.ly/31xE2KZ Have Your Say! Help us advocate for change! ŽŵƉůĞƚĞĚ ƐƵƌǀĞLJƐ ĂƌĞ ĞŶƚĞƌĞĚ ŝŶƚŽ Ă ĚƌĂǁ ƚŽ ǁŝŶ ϭ ŽĨ ϯ ΨϭϬϬ ŐŝĨƚ ĐĂƌĚƐ͘ /Ĩ ƵŶĂďůĞ ƚŽ ĐŽŵƉůĞƚĞ ƚŚĞ ƐƵƌǀĞLJ ŽŶůŝŶĞ͕ ĐŽŶƚĂĐƚ ƵƐ ďLJ ƉŚŽŶĞ ϰϭϲͲϴϲϰͲ ϲϬϲϬ Ğdžƚ͘ ϳϳϯϱϴ Žƌ ĞŵĂŝů WtZΛƵŶŝƚLJŚĞĂůƚŚ͘ƚŽ WŽƐƚĞĚ ƵŶƚŝů :ƵŶĞ ϮϬϮϭ Z ϮϬͲϭϭϬ WƌĞĐĂƌŝŽƵƐ tŽƌŬ ZĞƐĞĂƌĐŚ ^ƚƵĚLJ




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Seeking team member with general landscaping experience including grading, laying and cutting for interlocking stone, levelling and laying/relaying patio stones, building small retaining walls, planting and laying sod. Must have transportation to yard in Etobicoke. Must have a drivers license with clear abstract.

Good pay with benefits. If you have worked in the landscape industry before, and have the required qualifications and experience

Please call




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3 Part-time, flexible split-shift work


3 Family friendly work environment 3 Competitive rates 3 No union 3 Routes in Toronto & York Region




Family owned since 1951 www.employmentnews.com



To plant flowers, trees, shrubs, prepare/lay sod, prepare/lay interlocking stone. All applicants must have transportation to yard in Etobicoke. Wages are based on level of experience. Drivers license with clear abstract required. Past experience in commercial landscape construction an asset.

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Before you apply check online at www.jobbank.gc.ca as these jobs fill fast!

JobBank Number: 1676381

Food Service Supervisor (NOC: 6311) SALARY: $16.00 to $17.00HOUR hourly for 30 to 40 hours per week LOCATION: 45 RIPLEY AVE Toronto, ON M6S 3P2 • Supervise and co-ordinate activities of staff who prepare and portion food; Supervise and check delivery of food trolleys; Prepare and submit reports; Maintain records of stock, repairs, sales and wastage; Establish work schedules; Estimate and order ingredients and supplies; Ensure food service and quality control; Must have knowledge of the establishment’s culinary genres cheeseboutique.recruitment@gmail.com JobBank Number: 1676370

Retail Store Supervisor (NOC: 6211) SALARY: $19.00HOUR hourly for 40 hours per week LOCATION: 3711 KEELE ST. North York, ON M3J 1N1 • Sell merchandise; Prepare reports on sales volumes, merchandising and personnel matters; Authorize payments by cheque; Authorize return of merchandise; Assign sales workers to duties; Resolve problems that arise, such as customer complaints and supply shortages; Supervise and co-ordinate activities of workers; Organize and maintain inventory paramountfurniture2@gmail.com JobBank Number: 1676362

Sales Supervisor

- Retail (NOC: 6211) SALARY: $18.50HOUR hourly for 30 to 40 hours per week LOCATION: 9981 Chinguacousy Road Brampton, ON L6X 0E8 • Sell merchandise; Prepare reports on sales volumes, merchandising and personnel matters; Authorize return of merchandise; Assign sales workers to duties; Resolve problems that arise, such as customer complaints and supply shortages; Supervise and co-ordinate activities of workers; Organize and maintain inventory bramptonpetro@outlook.com JobBank Number: 1675140


(NOC: 6322) SALARY: $16.00HOUR hourly for 40 hours per week LOCATION: 6400 millcreek drive unit #6Mississauga, ONL5N 3E7 • Supervise kitchen staff and helpers; Order supplies and equipment; Inspect kitchens and food service areas; Clean kitchen and work areas; Maintain inventory and records of food, supplies and equipment; Prepare and cook complete meals or individual dishes and foods; Plan menus, determine size of food portions, estimate food requirements and costs, and monitor and order supplies jobseddieswoknroll@gmail.com

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JobBank Number: 1676324

Customer Service Representative Supervisor (NOC: 6314) SALARY: $24.50HOUR hourly for 40 hours per week LOCATION: Mississauga, ON • Co-ordinate, assign and review work; Requisition materials and supplies; Establish work schedules and procedures and co-ordinate activities with other work units or departments; Resolve work-related problems and prepare and submit progress and other reports; Ensure smooth operation of computer systems, equipment and machinery, and arrange for maintenance and repair work; Examine and verify accuracy of work and authorize routine deposits and withdrawals; Identify training needs and train workers in job duties and company policies redrocktruck@hotmail.com JobBank Number: 1676306

Lathe Machining Operator (NOC: 9417)

SALARY: $24.00 to $28.00HOUR hourly for 40 hours per week LOCATION: Mississauga, ON • Operate and set up machines to perform repetitive machining operations; Clean and maintain work space; Read and interpret blueprints; Verify dimensions of parts machined using precise measuring instruments (e.g., micrometers, calipers); Perform routine maintenance on equipment and machinery hrp@nettinc.com JobBank Number: 1676277

Cook (NOC: 6322)

SALARY: $15.00HOUR hourly for 30 to 40 hours per week LOCATION: 544 Yonge Street Toronto, ON M4Y 1Y8 • Train staff in preparation, cooking and handling of food; Clean kitchen and work areas; Maintain inventory and records of food, supplies and equipment; Prepare and cook complete meals or individual dishes and foods thefrycanada@gmail.com JobBank Number: 1676255

Food Service Supervisor (NOC: 6311) SALARY: $16.00HOUR hourly for 32 to 40 hours per week LOCATION: 182 Wilson Ave North York, ON M5M 4N7 • Supervise and co-ordinate activities of staff who prepare and portion food; Supervise and check assembly of trays; Supervise and check delivery of food trolleys; Prepare food order summaries for chef; Prepare and submit reports; Maintain records of stock, repairs, sales and wastage; Establish work schedules; Estimate and order ingredients and supplies; Ensure food service and quality control; Must have knowledge of the establishment’s culinary genres dominosmuc123@gmail.com

JobBank Number: 1674186

Line Cook

(NOC: 6322) SALARY: $16.00HOUR hourly for 35 to 40 hours per week LOCATION: Thornhill, ON • Train staff in preparation, cooking and handling of food; Order supplies and equipment; Inspect kitchens and food service areas; Clean kitchen and work areas; Maintain inventory and records of food, supplies and equipment; Prepare and cook complete meals or individual dishes and foods; Plan menus, determine size of food portions, estimate food requirements and costs, and monitor and order supplies recruitment@enquiris.ca JobBank Number: 1674842

Housekeeping Aide (NOC: 6731) SALARY: $16.00 to $17.00HOUR hourly for 30 to 40 hours per week LOCATION: Bolton, ON • Wash windows, walls and ceilings; Vacuum carpeting, area rugs, draperies and upholstered furniture; Stock linen closet; Pick up debris and empty trash containers; Dust furniture; Disinfect operating rooms and other areas; Distribute clean towels and toiletries; Make beds and change sheets; Clean changing rooms and showers; Sweep, mop, wash and polish floors; Clean, disinfect and polish kitchen and bathroom fixtures and appliances silkatsilco@hotmail.com JobBank Number: 1675694


(NOC: 6322) SALARY: $18.00HOUR hourly for 40 hours per week LOCATION: Mississauga, ON • Supervise kitchen staff and helpers; Organize and manage buffets and banquets; Order supplies and equipment; Manage kitchen operations; Inspect kitchens and food service areas; Clean kitchen and work areas; Maintain inventory and records of food, supplies and equipment; Prepare and cook complete meals or individual dishes and foods; Plan menus, determine size of food portions, estimate food requirements and costs, and monitor and order supplies jerkbbqhaven@gmail.com JobBank Number: 1669979

General Labourer, Assembly Line

(NOC: 9619) SALARY: $16.50HOUR hourly for 50 hours per week LOCATION: Gormley, ON • Perform other labouring and elemental activities; Clean machines and immediate work areas; Assist machine operators, assemblers and other workers; Transport raw materials, finished products and equipment throughout plant manually or using powered equipment hr@alpart.com

JobBank Number: 1676086

Food And Beverage Processing Supervisor (NOC: 9213) SALARY: $27.50HOUR hourly for 35 to 40 hours per week LOCATION: 3-2244 DREW ROAD Mississauga, ON L5S 1B1 • Recommend measures to improve productivity and product quality; Establish methods to meet work schedules and co-ordinate work activities with other work units; Supervise, co-ordinate and schedule (and possibly review) activities of workers; Identify, evaluate, control and prevent hazards at all stages of the food production process jobs.burraqtraders@gmail.com JobBank Number: 1675052

Industrial Electrician

(NOC: 7242) SALARY: $35.00HOUR hourly for 40 hours per week LOCATION: 4540 Dixie Road suite Unit#1 Mississauga, ON L4W 1N2 • Interpret electrical code specifications; Read and interpret drawings, blueprints, schematics and electrical code specifications to determine layout of industrial electrical equipment installations; Install, examine, replace or repair electrical wiring, receptacles, switch boxes, conduits, feeders, fibre-optic and coaxial cable assemblies, lighting fixtures and other electrical components; Test electrical and electronic equipment and components for continuity, current, voltage and resistance; Maintain, repair, install and test switchgear, transformers, switchboard meters, regulators and reactors; Maintain, repair, test and install electrical motors, generators, alternators, industrial storage batteries and hydraulic and pneumatic electrical control systems; Troubleshoot, maintain and repair industrial, electrical and electronic control systems and other related devices; Conduct preventive maintenance programs and keep maintenance records careers.manavelectrical@gmail.com JobBank Number: 1675970

Housekeeping Aide (NOC: 6731) SALARY: $16.00HOUR hourly for 30 hours per week LOCATION: 46 Castlewood Rd Toronto, ON M5N 2L2 • Wash windows, walls and ceilings; Vacuum carpeting, area rugs, draperies and upholstered furniture; Stock linen closet; Pick up debris and empty trash containers; Dust furniture; Distribute clean towels and toiletries; Make beds and change sheets; Clean changing rooms and showers; Sweep, mop, wash and polish floors; Clean, disinfect and polish kitchen and bathroom fixtures and appliances tatiana@lawpoint.ca

IMPORTANT NOTICE: All job advertisements have been provided by www.jobbank.gc.ca. Media Classified is not responsible for the accuracy, authenticity or reliability of the content. Some job postings may become inactive after print and all job seekers are encouraged to check www.jobbank.gc.ca for the most updated version of each job position before applying.




JOBbank www.jobbank.gc.ca

Before you apply check online at www.jobbank.gc.ca as these jobs fill fast!

JobBank Number: 1675904

Industrial Electrician (NOC: 7242) SALARY: $35.00HOUR hourly for 35 hours per week LOCATION: Caledon, ON • Interpret electrical code specifications; Read and interpret drawings, blueprints, schematics and electrical code specifications to determine layout of industrial electrical equipment installations; Install, examine, replace or repair electrical wiring, receptacles, switch boxes, conduits, feeders, fibre-optic and coaxial cable assemblies, lighting fixtures and other electrical components; Test electrical and electronic equipment and components for continuity, current, voltage and resistance; Maintain, repair, install and test switchgear, transformers, switchboard meters, regulators and reactors; Maintain, repair, test and install electrical motors, generators, alternators, industrial storage batteries and hydraulic and pneumatic electrical control systems; Troubleshoot, maintain and repair industrial, electrical and electronic control systems and other related devices; Conduct preventive maintenance programs and keep maintenance records new5electrical@hotmal.com Mail: 24 Kezia crescent JobBank Number: 1674952

Housekeeping Aide (NOC: 6731) SALARY: $16.00 to $17.00HOUR hourly for 30 to 40 hours per week LOCATION: Stouffville, ON • Wash windows, walls and ceilings; Vacuum carpeting, area rugs, draperies and upholstered furniture; Stock linen closet; Pick up debris and empty trash containers; Dust furniture; Disinfect operating rooms and other areas; Distribute clean towels and toiletries; Make beds and change sheets; Sweep, mop, wash and polish floors silkatsilco@hotmail.com JobBank Number: 1675831

Food Service Supervisor

(NOC: 6311) SALARY: $16.00HOUR hourly for 32 to 40 hours per week LOCATION: 1016 1/2 Pape Ave East York, ON M4K 3V9 • Supervise and co-ordinate activities of staff who prepare and portion food; Supervise and check assembly of trays; Supervise and check delivery of food trolleys; Prepare food order summaries for chef; Prepare and submit reports; Maintain records of stock, repairs, sales and wastage; Establish work schedules; Estimate and order ingredients and supplies; Ensure food service and quality control; Must have knowledge of the establishment’s culinary genres jobssubwaysandwiches@gmail.com



JobBank Number: 1674736

Food Service Supervisor

(NOC: 6311) SALARY: $16.25HOUR hourly for 37.5 hours per week LOCATION: Etobicoke, ON • Supervise and co-ordinate activities of staff who prepare and portion food; Supervise and check assembly of trays; Supervise and check delivery of food trolleys; Prepare food order summaries for chef; Prepare and submit reports; Maintain records of stock, repairs, sales and wastage; Establish work schedules; Estimate and order ingredients and supplies; Ensure food service and quality control; Must have knowledge of the establishment’s culinary genres subway.2985@gmail.com Mail: 2985 BLOOR STREET WEST suite 1 JobBank Number: 1677350

Truck Driver, Long Haul (NOC: 7511) SALARY: $23.00HOUR hourly for 40 to 60 hours per week LOCATION: Brampton, ON • Transport and handle dangerous goods; Perform preventive maintenance; Load and unload goods; Drive lighter, special purpose trucks; Operate and drive straight or articulated trucks to transport goods and materials; Tarping and ensuring safety and security of cargo; Drive as part of a two-person team or convoy; Oversee condition of vehicle and inspect tires, lights, brakes, cold storage and other equipment; Record cargo information, hours of service, distance travelled and fuel consumption; Perform pre-trip, en route and posttrip inspection and oversee all aspects of vehicle paramountlogisticsjobs@gmail.com JobBank Number: 1677332

General Labourer - Material Handling (NOC: 7452) SALARY: $15.00HOUR hourly for 30 to 45 hours per week LOCATION: Pickering, ON • Wrap goods; Pick orders and stock; Load, unload and move products and materials by hand or with basic material handling equipment; Pack and unpack goods michael@ueservice.ca JobBank Number: 1676344


- Telecommunications (NOC: 7245) SALARY: $25.00 to $35.00HOUR hourly for 40 to 60 hours per week LOCATION: Concord, ON • Test equipment to locate transmission faults; Splice, join and connect wires; Repair or replace defective telephone equipment; Install trunking systems, circuits and equipment; Install and maintain aerial and underground telephone equipment excel_jobs@outlook.com



(NOC: 7272) SALARY: $22.00HOUR hourly for 40 hours per week LOCATION: Bolton, ON • Apply varnish, veneer, stain or polish to finished products; Study plans, specifications or drawings of articles to be made, or prepare specifications; Operate woodworking machines and use hand tools to cut, shape and form parts and components; Trim joints and fit parts and subassemblies together to form complete unit and reinforce joints; Repair or restyle wooden furniture, fixtures and related products; Sand wooden surfaces and apply veneer, stain or polish to finished products; prepare and apply laminated plastics dtrecuritservices@gmail.com JobBank Number: 1677137

Long Haul Truck Driver

(NOC: 7511) SALARY: $24.50HOUR hourly for 40 to 60 hours per week LOCATION: 50 Steeles Avenue East, Unit 21Milton, ONL9T 4W9 • Receive and relay information to central dispatch; Tarping and ensuring safety and security of cargo; Obtain special permits and other documents required to transport cargo on international routes; Record cargo information, hours of service, distance travelled and fuel consumption; Perform pre-trip, en route and post-trip inspection and oversee all aspects of vehicle dispatch@prestonfreight.com JobBank Number: 1676337

Construction Technician

- Telecommunications (NOC: 7245) SALARY: $18.00 to $25.00HOUR hourly for 40 to 60 hours per week LOCATION: Concord, ON • Test equipment to locate transmission faults; Splice, join and connect wires; Repair or replace defective telephone equipment; Install and maintain aerial and underground telephone equipment excel_jobs@outlook.com JobBank Number: 1676911

Forklift Operator

(NOC: 7452) SALARY: $17.00HOUR hourly for 40 hours per week LOCATION: Steeles Ave W & IrondaleNorth York, ONM9L 1R5 • Wrap goods; Weigh materials and goods; Transport and distribute materials and goods; Pick orders and stock; Operate a variety of equipment to load, unload and move materials and products; Load, unload and move products and materials by hand or with basic material handling equipment; Make labels and attach to goods; Pack and unpack goods; Organize and maintain inventory; Sort, crate and stack goods hrto@rotexsupply.com

JobBank Number: 1676275

Food Service Supervisor

(NOC: 6311) SALARY: $17.26HOUR hourly for 40 to 44 hours per week LOCATION: 44 Britannia Road E Mississauga, ON L4Z 3W7 • Supervise and co-ordinate activities of staff who prepare and portion food; Prepare and submit reports; Maintain records of stock, repairs, sales and wastage; Establish work schedules; Estimate and order ingredients and supplies; Ensure food service and quality control timscourtneypark@gmail.com JobBank Number: 1676932

Shift Manager

- Fast Food Restaurant (NOC: 6311) SALARY: $16.00HOUR hourly for 40 hours per week LOCATION: 2925 Queen Street East Brampton, ON L6T 5J1 • Supervise and co-ordinate activities of staff who prepare and portion food; Supervise and check assembly of trays; Prepare and submit reports; Maintain records of stock, repairs, sales and wastage; Establish work schedules; Estimate and order ingredients and supplies; Ensure food service and quality control popeyes.2336561@gmail.com JobBank Number: 1672981


(NOC: 7272) SALARY: $25.00HOUR hourly for 40 hours per week LOCATION: Oakville, ON • Apply varnish, veneer, stain or polish to finished products; Study plans, specifications or drawings of articles to be made, or prepare specifications; Operate woodworking machines and use hand tools to cut, shape and form parts and components; Trim joints and fit parts and subassemblies together to form complete unit and reinforce joints; Repair or restyle wooden furniture, fixtures and related products; Sand wooden surfaces and apply veneer, stain or polish to finished products; prepare and apply laminated plastics frank@perriscabinetry.ca JobBank Number: 1669338

Truck Driver

(NOC: 7511) SALARY: $24.05HOUR hourly for 40 hours per week LOCATION: Mississauga, ON • Receive and relay information to central dispatch; Drive as part of a two-person team or convoy; Oversee condition of vehicle and inspect tires, lights, brakes, cold storage and other equipment info@dropandrun.com

IMPORTANT NOTICE: All job advertisements have been provided by www.jobbank.gc.ca. Media Classified is not responsible for the accuracy, authenticity or reliability of the content. Some job postings may become inactive after print and all job seekers are encouraged to check www.jobbank.gc.ca for the most updated version of each job position before applying.

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JOBbank www.jobbank.gc.ca

Before you apply check online at www.jobbank.gc.ca as these jobs fill fast!

JobBank Number: 1676828

JobBank Number: 1676790

(NOC: 6222) SALARY: $21.00HOUR hourly for 40 hours per week LOCATION: Brampton, ON • Select and purchase merchandise for resale; Review quotations; Oversee distribution of merchandise to outlets; Order materials and stock; Negotiate prices, discounts, credit terms and transportation arrangements with suppliers; Maintain adequate stock levels; Establish and maintain contact with suppliers; Consult with suppliers; Review requirements of establishment and determine quantity and type of merchandise to purchase; Supervise work of other buyers; Study market reports, trade periodicals and sales promotion materials and visit trade shows, showrooms, factories and product design events onestopgraniteinc@gmail.com

(NOC: 6211) SALARY: $24.75HOUR hourly for 35 to 40 hours per week LOCATION: unit 11-12, 286 Rutherford Road South Brampton, ON L6W 3K7 • Sell merchandise; Prepare reports on sales volumes, merchandising and personnel matters; Authorize payments by cheque; Authorize return of merchandise; Assign sales workers to duties; Resolve problems that arise, such as customer complaints and supply shortages; Supervise and co-ordinate activities of workers; Organize and maintain inventory hiring.royalfur@gmail.com

Wholesale Buyer

JobBank Number: 1676813


(NOC: 6322) SALARY: $15.00 to $16.00HOUR hourly for 37.5 to 44 hours per week LOCATION: 1525 Bristol Road West Mississauga, ON L5M 4Z1 • Train staff in preparation, cooking and handling of food; Supervise kitchen staff and helpers; Order supplies and equipment; Manage kitchen operations; Inspect kitchens and food service areas; Clean kitchen and work areas; Maintain inventory and records of food, supplies and equipment; Prepare and cook complete meals or individual dishes and foods subzimandibrampton@gmail.com JobBank Number: 1676806

Maintenance And Repair Plumber

(NOC: 7251) SALARY: $30.00 to $40.00HOUR hourly for 40 hours per week LOCATION: Scarborough, ON • Install, repair and maintain domestic, commercial or industrial plumbing fixtures and systems info@saundersph.ca

Sales Supervisor

JobBank Number: 1675828

Autobody Technician

(NOC: 7322) SALARY: $23.50HOUR hourly for 40 hours per week LOCATION: 308 Rutherford Rd S Brampton, ON L6W 3K7 • Hammer out dents, buckles and defects using blocks and hammers; File, grind and sand body surfaces to be repaired; Replace front end components, body components, doors and frame and underbody components; Repair or replace interior components; Apply primers and repaint surfaces; Review damage report and estimates of repair cost and plan work to be performed; Mask and tape auto body surfaces in preparation for painting; Remove damaged fenders, panels and grills and bolt or weld replacement parts into place; Repair or replace damaged windows, windshields and sunroofs; Inspect repaired vehicles and test drive vehicles for proper handling; Operate soldering equipment or use plastic filler to fill holes, dents and seams; Straighten bent frames using frame and underbody pulling and anchoring equipment; Mix paint, blend and match colors skydomeauto@gmail.com JobBank Number: 1676503

JobBank Number: 1676800

Shift Manager

(NOC: 6311) SALARY: $16.00HOUR hourly for 30 hours per week LOCATION: 317 Guelph Street Georgetown, ON L7G 4B3 • Supervise and co-ordinate activities of staff who prepare and portion food; Supervise and check assembly of trays; Supervise and check delivery of food trolleys; Prepare and submit reports; Maintain records of stock, repairs, sales and wastage; Establish work schedules; Estimate and order ingredients and supplies; Ensure food service and quality control; Must have knowledge of the establishment’s culinary genres dhg12aandw@gmail.com

- Fast Food Restaurant (NOC: 6311) SALARY: $18.00 to $20.00HOUR hourly for 30 to 44 hours per week LOCATION: Pickering, ON • Supervise and co-ordinate activities of staff who prepare and portion food; Supervise and check assembly of trays; Supervise and check delivery of food trolleys; Prepare food order summaries for chef; Prepare and submit reports; Maintain records of stock, repairs, sales and wastage; Establish work schedules; Estimate and order ingredients and supplies; Ensure food service and quality control; Must have knowledge of the establishment’s culinary genres rfernan777@gmail.com

Food Service Supervisor

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JobBank Number: 1676736

(NOC: 7511) SALARY: $22.00HOUR hourly for 40 hours per week LOCATION: Brampton, ON • Perform preventive maintenance; Perform emergency roadside repairs; Perform brake adjustments; Load and unload goods; Receive and relay information to central dispatch; Operate and drive straight or articulated trucks to transport goods and materials; Tarping and ensuring safety and security of cargo; Drive as part of a two-person team or convoy; Oversee condition of vehicle and inspect tires, lights, brakes, cold storage and other equipment; Record cargo information, hours of service, distance travelled and fuel consumption; Perform pre-trip, en route and post-trip inspection and oversee all aspects of vehicle dispatch@loadlaneexpress.com

- Automotive Service And Repair (NOC: 7535) SALARY: $17.50HOUR hourly for 32 to 40 hours per week LOCATION: Caledon East, ON • Add or replace hydraulic and transmission fluids; Provide on-site services; Change engine oil and lubricate running gears or moving parts of automobiles, trucks or heavy equipment fiverive09@gmail.com

Truck Driver

JobBank Number: 1676165


(NOC: 7237) SALARY: $25.00HOUR hourly for 40 hours per week LOCATION: Bolton, ON • Start up, shut down, adjust and monitor robotic welding production line; Operate manual or semi-automatic flame-cutting equipment; Operate manual or semi-automatic, fully automated welding equipment; Operate brakes, shears and other metal shaping, straightening and bending machines; Maintain and perform minor repairs on welding, brazing and soldering equipment; Interpret welding process specifications; Fit, braze and torch-straighten metal; Determine weldability of materials; Operate previously set-up welding machines to fabricate or repair metal parts and products; Operate previously set-up brazing or soldering machines to bond metal or to fill holes, indentations and seams of metal; Operate hoisting and lifting equipment antonella@insta-mix.com JobBank Number: 1676151

Truck Driver

(NOC: 7511) SALARY: $24.75HOUR hourly for 40 hours per week LOCATION: Brampton, ON • Perform preventive maintenance; Perform emergency roadside repairs; Load and unload goods; Receive and relay information to central dispatch; Operate and drive straight or articulated trucks to transport goods and materials; Drive as part of a two-person team or convoy; Oversee condition of vehicle and inspect tires, lights, brakes, cold storage and other equipment; Record cargo information, hours of service, distance travelled and fuel consumption; Perform pre-trip, en route and post-trip inspection and oversee all aspects of vehicle schnelltransport@hotmail.com

Lubrication Technician

JobBank Number: 1676732

Automotive Shock Absorber Installer (NOC: 7535) SALARY: $17.50HOUR hourly for 32 to 40 hours per week LOCATION: Caledon East, ON • Provide on-site services; Install replacement mufflers, exhaust pipes, shock absorbers or radiators fiverive09@gmail.com JobBank Number: 1676729

Tire Repairer

(NOC: 7535) SALARY: $17.50HOUR hourly for 32 to 40 hours per week LOCATION: Caledon East, ON • repair and balance tires fiverive09@gmail.com JobBank Number: 1676708

Truck Driver

(NOC: 7511) SALARY: $22.00HOUR hourly for 40 hours per week LOCATION: Brampton, ON • Transport and handle dangerous goods; Perform preventive maintenance; Perform emergency roadside repairs; Pay and receive payments for goods; Perform brake adjustments; Load and unload goods; Drive lighter, special purpose trucks; Receive and relay information to central dispatch; Operate and drive straight or articulated trucks to transport goods and materials; Tarping and ensuring safety and security of cargo; Drive as part of a two-person team or convoy; Oversee condition of vehicle and inspect tires, lights, brakes, cold storage and other equipment; Arrange travel, related itineraries and make reservations; Obtain special permits and other documents required to transport cargo on international routes; Record cargo information, hours of service, distance travelled and fuel consumption; Perform pre-trip, en route and post-trip inspection and oversee all aspects of vehicle transconlogistics1980@gmail.com JobBank Number: 1674881 Tire Repairer (NOC: 7535) SALARY: $17.50HOUR hourly for 32 to 40 hours per week LOCATION: Caledon East, ON • repair and balance tires fiverive09@gmail.com

IMPORTANT NOTICE: All job advertisements have been provided by www.jobbank.gc.ca. Media Classified is not responsible for the accuracy, authenticity or reliability of the content. Some job postings may become inactive after print and all job seekers are encouraged to check www.jobbank.gc.ca for the most updated version of each job position before applying.







Before you apply check online at www.jobbank.gc.ca as these jobs fill fast!

JobBank Number: 1676698


(NOC: 7271) SALARY: $25.00HOUR hourly for 37.5 to 44 hours per week LOCATION: Brampton, ON • Fit and install windows, doors, stairs, mouldings and hardware; Prepare layouts in conformance to building codes, using measuring tools; Read and interpret blueprints, drawings and sketches to determine specifications and calculate requirements; Measure, cut, shape, assemble and join materials made of wood, wood substitutes, lightweight steel and other materials; Build foundations, install floor beams, lay subflooring and erect walls and roof systems; Maintain, repair and renovate residences and wooden structures in mills, mines, hospitals, industrial plants and other establishments afreshlookpainting4@gmail.com JobBank Number: 1676702


(NOC: 7294) SALARY: $25.00HOUR hourly for 37.5 to 44 hours per week LOCATION: Brampton, ON • Advise consumers on colours and choice of wall coverings; Repair cracks and holes; Prepare, clean and sand surfaces to be painted; Mix paint to desired colour and texture; Erect scaffolding and swing stages and attach rigging; Apply paint, wallpaper and other materials and finishes to interior and exterior surfaces; Measure, cut and apply wallpaper and other fabric to walls afreshlookpainting4@gmail.com JobBank Number: 1675778

Retail Store Supervisor

(NOC: 6211) SALARY: $18.50HOUR hourly for 40 hours per week LOCATION: Mississauga, ON • Sell merchandise; Prepare reports on sales volumes, merchandising and personnel matters; Authorize payments by cheque; Authorize return of merchandise; Assign sales workers to duties; Resolve problems that arise, such as customer complaints and supply shortages; Supervise and co-ordinate activities of workers; Organize and maintain inventory itsmenani26@gmail.com

JobBank Number: 1674735 Cook (NOC: 6322) SALARY: $20.00HOUR hourly for 40 hours per week LOCATION: Brampton, ON • Supervise kitchen staff and helpers; Order supplies and equipment; Inspect kitchens and food service areas; Prepare and cook special meals for patients as instructed by dietitian or chef; Clean kitchen and work areas; Maintain inventory and records of food, supplies and equipment; Prepare and cook complete meals or individual dishes and foods; Plan menus, determine size of food portions, estimate food requirements and costs, and monitor and order supplies kul.saini71@gmail.com JobBank Number: 1674727

Food Service Supervisor (NOC: 6311) SALARY: $24.50HOUR hourly for 40 hours per week LOCATION: Mississauga, ON • Supervise and co-ordinate activities of staff who prepare and portion food; Prepare and submit reports; Maintain records of stock, repairs, sales and wastage; Establish work schedules; Estimate and order ingredients and supplies; Ensure food service and quality control kingtandoori321@gmail.com Mail: 2970 Drew Road suite 104 JobBank Number: 1675286

Truck Driver

(NOC: 7511) SALARY: $24.10HOUR hourly for 30 hours per week LOCATION: Concord, ON • Perform preventive maintenance; Perform emergency roadside repairs; Perform brake adjustments; Load and unload goods; Receive and relay information to central dispatch; Operate and drive straight or articulated trucks to transport goods and materials; Tarping and ensuring safety and security of cargo; Oversee condition of vehicle and inspect tires, lights, brakes, cold storage and other equipment; Arrange travel, related itineraries and make reservations; Record cargo information, hours of service, distance travelled and fuel consumption; Perform pre-trip, en route and post-trip inspection and oversee all aspects of vehicle hr@transamcarriers.com

JobBank Number: 1674790


Restaurant Supervisor

JobBank Number: 1674724

(NOC: 6311) SALARY: $18.00HOUR hourly for 32 hours per week LOCATION: Brampton, ON • Supervise and co-ordinate activities of staff who prepare and portion food; Prepare and submit reports; Maintain records of stock, repairs, sales and wastage; Establish work schedules; Estimate and order ingredients and supplies; Ensure food service and quality control king.tandoori1@yahoo.com Mail: 107 Kennedy Rd S suite 11

(NOC: 6311) SALARY: $24.50HOUR hourly for 35 hours per week LOCATION: Brampton, ON • Supervise and co-ordinate activities of staff who prepare and portion food; Prepare and submit reports; Maintain records of stock, repairs, sales and wastage; Establish work schedules; Estimate and order ingredients and supplies; Ensure food service and quality control kul.saini71@gmail.com


Restaurant Supervisor

JobBank Number: 1671753

JobBank Number: 1674786

(NOC: 6731) SALARY: $16.00 to $17.00HOUR hourly for 30 to 40 hours per week LOCATION: Aurora, ON • Wash windows, walls and ceilings; Vacuum carpeting, area rugs, draperies and upholstered furniture; Stock linen closet; Pick up debris and empty trash containers; Dust furniture; Disinfect operating rooms and other areas; Distribute clean towels and toiletries; Make beds and change sheets; Sweep, mop, wash and polish floors; Clean, disinfect and polish kitchen and bathroom fixtures and appliances silkatsilco@hotmail.com

(NOC: 6322) SALARY: $21.00HOUR hourly for 40 hours per week LOCATION: Brampton, ON • Supervise kitchen staff and helpers; Recruit and hire staff; Order supplies and equipment; Inspect kitchens and food service areas; Clean kitchen and work areas; Maintain inventory and records of food, supplies and equipment; Prepare and cook complete meals or individual dishes and foods; Plan menus, determine size of food portions, estimate food requirements and costs, and monitor and order supplies brartrinity@gmail.com

Housekeeping Aide


JobBank Number: 1673748 JobBank Number: 1674800


(NOC: 6322) SALARY: $18.00HOUR hourly for 40 hours per week LOCATION: 7106 AIRPORT RD Mississauga, ON L4T 2G8 • Train staff in preparation, cooking and handling of food; Supervise kitchen staff and helpers; Recruit and hire staff; Organize and manage buffets and banquets; Order supplies and equipment; Manage kitchen operations; Inspect kitchens and food service areas; Prepare and cook special meals for patients as instructed by dietitian or chef; Clean kitchen and work areas; Maintain inventory and records of food, supplies and equipment; Prepare and cook complete meals or individual dishes and foods; Plan menus, determine size of food portions, estimate food requirements and costs, and monitor and order supplies hr.chathut@gmail.com JobBank Number: 1674605


(NOC: 7281) SALARY: $40.00 to $42.00HOUR hourly for 35 hours per week LOCATION: Etobicoke, ON • Prepare and lay bricks, concrete blocks, structural tiles or other masonry units; Lay bricks, stone or similar materials to provide veneer facing; Read sketches and blueprints to calculate materials required; Cut and trim bricks and concrete blocks to specification using hand and power tools dazz@dazzconstruction.com JobBank Number: 1676141


(NOC: 7237) SALARY: $24.50 to $26.50HOUR hourly for 40 hours per week LOCATION: Mississauga, ON • Interpret welding process specifications; Operate previously set-up brazing or soldering machines to bond metal or to fill holes, indentations and seams of metal procimresumes@gmail.com


(NOC: 6322) SALARY: $15.25HOUR hourly for 40 hours per week LOCATION: 335 Roncesvalles Avenue Toronto, ON M6R 2M8 • Train staff in preparation, cooking and handling of food; Supervise kitchen staff and helpers; Recruit and hire staff; Order supplies and equipment; Manage kitchen operations; Inspect kitchens and food service areas; Clean kitchen and work areas; Maintain inventory and records of food, supplies and equipment; Prepare and cook complete meals or individual dishes and foods; Plan menus, determine size of food portions, estimate food requirements and costs, and monitor and order supplies dilse.ca335@gmail.com JobBank Number: 1674783

Restaurant Supervisor

(NOC: 6311) SALARY: $18.00HOUR hourly for 40 hours per week LOCATION: Brampton, ON • Supervise and co-ordinate activities of staff who prepare and portion food; Prepare and submit reports; Maintain records of stock, repairs, sales and wastage; Establish work schedules; Estimate and order ingredients and supplies; Ensure food service and quality control info@tandooriflame.com Fax: 905-451-4990 JobBank Number: 1670458


(NOC: 6322) SALARY: $14.25 to $15.00HOUR hourly for 36 to 40 hours per week LOCATION: 3434 Bathurst St. North York, ON M6A 2C3 • Supervise kitchen staff and helpers; Order supplies and equipment; Manage kitchen operations; Inspect kitchens and food service areas; Clean kitchen and work areas; Maintain inventory and records of food, supplies and equipment; Plan menus, determine size of food portions, estimate food requirements and costs, and monitor and order supplies mbtheplacetobe@gmail.com

IMPORTANT NOTICE: All job advertisements have been provided by www.jobbank.gc.ca. Media Classified is not responsible for the accuracy, authenticity or reliability of the content. Some job postings may become inactive after print and all job seekers are encouraged to check www.jobbank.gc.ca for the most updated version of each job position before applying.

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When professionals are ready to take a new step in their careers, it’s wise to revisit their old résumés and see what can be done to update them for the current day and age. Writing a résumé can be complicated. The rules IRU ÀQGLQJ D QHZ MRE DUH FRQWLQXDOO\ HYROYing, and résumés remain a big component of that process. The following are some current résumé trends that will help professionals stand out from the masses.

Spe Disco cial for St unts uden ts

Safety: Preventing equipment abuse and damage Legislation and Standards

Design your résumé so it will look good whether it’s viewed on a screen or a mobile phone or printed on paper. Classic serif style fonts can make a résumé seem dated, so select modern fonts that are crisp. The idea is for the résumé to look balanced and clear, withRXW EHLQJ RYHUGRQH ZLWK PRGLÀFDWLRQV OLNH italics and bold lettering. However, a spot of colour could provide much-needed attention.


CN Forklift Training Centre 7033 Telford Way, Unit #4, Mississauga, ON L5S 1V4


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KEEP JUICY DETAILS UP TOP Format the résumé so the most pertinent information is within the top one-third of the document. Beef up a summary statement and use it in OLHX RI DQ REMHFWLYH 0DNH VXUH WKDW VXPPDU\ includes keywords that promote your skills and experience to potentially lure the recruiter into reading more.


A foot in the door is also largely influenced by who you know CONSIDER DESIGN

Circle checkup (Pre trip inspection), Counter Balance, Reach (Narrow Aisle) Cherry Picker, Pallet Truck (Walkie) & Scissors Lift

ge , g lle ents inin o C ud Tra St llift 100 rk $ Fo

Résumé writing rules to follow

A concise design is key. According to data from the 12th annual Mystery Job Candidate survey by CareerXRoads, the average recruiter spends six seconds looking at a résumé. If a résumé is lengthy or doesn’t attract attention, it will likely be ignored. Stick to a single-page and make sure wording is brief but meaty.

0LPLF SKUDVLQJ IURP WKH MRE OLVWLQJ WR EHDW WKH ERWV DQG JHW UpVXPpV ÁDJJHG IRU UHYLHZ 6OLJKWO\ FKDQJH MRE SRVLWLRQ WLWOHV VR WKH\ mirror the wording used. For example, if a UHFUXLWHU LV ORRNLQJ IRU D ´ÀQDQFLDO DFFRXQW manager,” and you have the experience, list your title as something like “Senior manager RI QHZ ÀQDQFLDO DFFRXQWV µ

WHO DO YOU KNOW? /DQGLQJ D QHZ MRE LV RIWHQ DERXW ZKDW \RX know but getting a foot in the door is also ODUJHO\ LQÁXHQFHG E\ ZKR \RX NQRZ ,QFOXGH any professional groups to which you belong or alumni associations. Who knows? The recruiter may have been alumni at your school, and you can bond over your shared mascot. Keywords, phrasing, formatting, and havLQJ WKH ULJKW VNLOOV IRU WKH MRE FDQ HQVXUH D Upsume is seen by a recruiter, and perhaps even lead to a new career. O Source: Metro Creative

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Accounting & Payroll Administrator • 40 weeks • Call about CPA certification!

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How to handle the ‘change’ in career change Right now, I’m surrounded by change. Several friends are moving away or having babies. My parents are downsizing from my cherished childhood home. A wonderful elderly relative has died. An adorable lost kitten has charmed his way into our hearts and our household. I’m congratulating several clever courageous clients who are starting new roles having completed our sessions over recent months.

Career change is a prime source of fear and uncertainty. It’s hard to let go, and even harder to trust that what’s coming next won’t bring you unstuck. A focus on changing autumn leaves at the heart of a weekend yoga retreat got me thinking about the impermanence of everything. Ok so it probably wasn’t ideal to be thinking so much as I moved between Downward Dog and Warrior One. However I caught myself meditating on changes of all kinds-the big scary ones like leaving

a comfortable, familiar job and the small almost imperceptible ones we often miss like QDWXUH·V VHDVRQDO ÁX[ RU RXU SDUWQHU·V QHZ haircut. Nothing stays the same. Not the skin we walk around in, not the landscape we love or loathe, not the people we spend time with, not the work we do, not the way the world works. Although we ‘know’ this in our rational minds, we crave safety, security and underVWDQGLQJ DERXW ZKDW·V QH[W :H VWUXJJOH ZLWK OLIH·V XQFHUWDLQW\ DQG ÁX[ When the jitters hit me hard just before I moved to Australia a friend offered this wise, insightful advice: ‘At the moment you are feeling rubbish because you can only see what you are leaving behind, and you can’t see what you are going to.’ Career change is a prime source of fear and uncertainty. It’s hard to let go, and even KDUGHU WR WUXVW WKDW ZKDW·V FRPLQJ QH[W won’t bring you unstuck. This is a bit of a PRQNH\ EDU H[SHULHQFH <RX·UH KROGLQJ D bar you know will support your weight but \RX FDQ·W MXVW KDQJ WKHUH <RX KDYH WR PRYH on. But have you got the strength and skill WR JUDE WKH QH[W EDU DQG ZLOO LW KROG \RX XS" If the fear of career change has got you hamstrung here’s what I suggest.

• Focus on the things you can control. Gather as much information as you can before you leap. Begin by looking inwards. • Know your game • Ask yourself ‘who am I and what do I ZDQW"· $ ORW RI WKH ZRUN , GR ZLWK FOLHQWV EHJLQV ZLWK ÀQGLQJ FOHDU KRQHVW DQVZHUV WR this question. • Getting a good grip on this rung of the career change monkey bars can help you UHDFK IRU WKH QH[W UXQJ PRUH FRQÀGHQWO\ Once you know more about you, you can PHDVXUH WKH ÀW RI DQ\ OLNHO\ ORRNLQJ FDUHHU change decision against your skills, strengths and motivations.

SET YOUR BOUNDARIES Firm up your ‘must haves’. These include WKH VLJQLÀFDQW DQG WKH VPDOO SUDFWLFDO WKLQJV we overlook when we’re suspended in career FKDQJH PLG DLU )RU H[DPSOH GR \RX QHHG WR ZRUN ZLWK D SDUWLFXODU W\SH RI PDQDJHU" &DQ \RX ZRUN LQ DQ RSHQ SODQ RIÀFH RU GR \RX QHHG TXLHW SULYDWH VSDFH" 'R \RX QHHG D work culture that supports working remotely RU DQ DFWLYH VRFLDO SURJUDP" Work your ‘must haves’ into your interview questions. Remember that interviews are just as much for you as they are for ‘them’. Ask if someone can walk you through the of-

ÀFH 7KLV ZLOO JLYH \RX D VHQVH RI WKH ¶ZKR· and the ‘how’ of the place where you may be about to invest sizable chunks of your time and energy.

TEST THE WATERS 7KLQN ODWHUDOO\ DERXW KRZ \RX PLJKW ÀQG out what any potentially perfect role is really like. Take a deep breath and approach your career change target to ask about work shadowing or volunteering for a day. Offer coffee to someone you know a little or lot who works in a role you covet. Ask them about their average working day as well as their ZLGHU DVSLUDWLRQV DQG H[SHULHQFHV 7KH PRUH we know the less change scares us.

REFRAME A FALL Finally, I’m a fan of author Susan Jeffers’s timeless advice in ‘Feel the fear and do it anyway’. Essentially, every decision we make is an opportunity to grow and learn. Knowing this helps us handle anything that career change or change of any sort presents. 6R LI \RX UHDFK IRU WKH QH[W UXQJ RQ WKH monkey bar and slip, there will be something to learn from how you react to a fall and how you pick yourself up. O By Jo Green, Career Change Coach


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