Employment News - Greater Toronto Area - September 24, 2022

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SEPTEMBER 24–OCTOBER 8, 2022 | Volume 35 Issue 19 www.employmentnews.com METRO TORONTO CONVENTION CENTRE CN Forklift Training Centre ForkliFT liC. $59 Call 905-405-0001 for further details see inside page. CHANGING THE WORLD TOGETHER UP Fundraising runs nationwide, donor acquisition campaigns on behalf of some of the biggest charities in Canada. Come join us and feel good about what you do! https://up-fundraising.com/ WE’RE HIRING SEASONAL CUSTOMER SERVICE REPRESENTATIVES There is a world of opportunities at the LCBO... 37323 For more information on how to apply, visit LCBOretailjobs.com or scan the QR code. JOIN OUR TEAM FOR THE HOLIDAYS! 37323 Holiday Seasonal Employment Career Fair Ad.indd 1 2022-09-20 4:29 PM LOOKING FOR SKILLED: FABRICATORS AND WELDERS FORKLIFT OPERATORS CONSTRUCTION WORKERS OFFICE ADMINISTRATORS $18-$25/H GTA AND YORK REGION • CALL NOW 647-363-6751( WE ARE HIRING FULL TIME WITH BENEFITS & OVERTIME Address: 31 - 35 Freshway Drive, Concord, L4K 1R9 CALL : 905-669-1222 - Ext 218 – Aluminum Smelter - must be able to work with molten metal - 12 hours Day shift - starting at $18.50/hourSunday to Wednesday – Warehouse Lead Hand - Experienced Counterbalance operator - 8 hours Day shift - $24/hour - Tuesday to Saturday – Experienced Stick Welder - 8 hours Day shift - $22/hour - Sunday to Thursday – Rotary Operator - 12 hour - Night shift - $25/hour - Sunday to Wednesday NO CASH JOBS / NO PART TIME JOBS / NO AGENCIES CAREER OPPORTUNITIES IN THE FULL-TIME REGULAR FORCE OR PART-TIME RESERVE FORCE *Full-time only OFFICER OCCUPATIONS • Naval Warfare Ofcer • Marine System Engineering Ofcer* • Naval Combat Systems Engineering Ofcer* • Intelligence Ofcer • Logistics Ofcer • Public Afairs Ofcer • Chaplain • Personnel Selection Ofcer NON-COMMISSIONED MEMBER OCCUPATIONS • Boatswain • Cook • Stewards* • Naval Combat Information Operator • Naval Communicator • Intelligence Operator • Marine Technician • Sonar Operator* • Naval Electronic Sensor Operator* • Weapons Engineering Technician* • Port Inspection Diver (Reserve Force only) • Human Resource Administrator CANADA’S NAVY IS HIRING REQUIREMENTS TO JOIN THE CANADIAN ARMED FORCES THE NAVY PROVIDES A COMPETITIVE SALARY, INCLUDING PAID VACATION, SIGNING BONUSES FOR SELECTED OCCUPATIONS, MEDICAL AND DENTAL BENEFITS. RESERVISTS ALSO RECEIVE A COMPETITIVE RANGE OF BENEFITS. Please see ad on page 10 for More Information.
FEATURED ADVERTISERS GREATER TORONTO EDITION, SEPTEMBER 24–OCTOBER 8, 2022 2 www.employmentnews.com Please recycle Connect with the advertisers in this issue of Employment News and apply directly to GTA opportunities! Looking for a Career? Scan Here: • Full-time (6 days including weekend) • Part-time (weekend, Thursday to Sunday) • Day shift (9 am to 6 pm) • Night shift (6 pm to 2 am/ Fri & Sat to 4 am) (garnishing and wrapping prepared foods and cashier) Dairy Freeze Fast Food • Drive-In Restaurant Short Order Cook Prep Cook Counter Help 1601 St. Clair Ave. West Minimum 4 years experience Serious applicants only • Apply in person JOBS AVAILABLE Calling All Recruiters! ● Do you want to meet face to face with hundreds of job seekers? ● Looking for career-minded people searching for skills training? ● Want to take your recruiting to the next level? Look no further! Career Fair Canada hosts one-day recruiting events in major cities across Canada! Or, call us at 1-888-532-2613 visit www.careerfairtoronto.ca or email info@careerfaircanada.ca METRO TORONTO CONVENTION CENTRE NORTH BUILDING, ROOM 205 10 AM TO 2 PM WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 5, 2022 Media Sponsors: SCAN FOR MORE INFORMATION WE CURRENTLY HAVE THE FOLLOWING POSITIONS AVAILABLE: Delivery Drivers [Part-Time, Contract Position] We are looking for dependable, responsible, delivery drivers who care about the quality of their work. • Competitive rates. • Part-Time positions available to service indoor newspaper racks, bi-weekly delivery, Mondays and Tuesdays from 8 am to 6 pm • No collection of payments. • A reliable vehicle is required, mini-van. Routes available for delivery throughout the GTA, Toronto, Mississauga, Markham, Brampton, Vaughan, and Richmond Hill. Please send resume and vehicle type to: distributionteam@mediaclassified.ca
www.employmentnews.com 3Please recycle GREATER TORONTO EDITION, SEPTEMBER 24–OCTOBER 8, 2022 B I R C H T R E E A L L E R G Y CLINICAL RESEARCH STUDY Q u a l i f i e d p a r t i c i p a n t s a r e e l i g i b l e t o r e c e i v e c o m p e n s a t i o n u p t o $ 7 , 1 2 0 . (905) 282-1808 atcliantha.com C o n t a c t U S t o s e e i f y o u ' r e e l i g i b i l e Let us help you find your next job, at no cost! We help people find jobs every day. Let's get you started. Job Openings Skills Training Résumés & Interview Prep Apprenticeships Specialized services for Newcomers, Women, Youth and People with Disabilities jobsupport@careerfoundation.orgwww.CareerFoundation.comContact Us www.CareerFoundation.com

How working parents can create better work-life balance

Many working parents struggle to main tain a healthy balance between their respon sibilities at work and their obligations to their families. An inability to maintain that healthy balance can have adverse effects on men and women’s careers as well as the relationships they have with their families.

A 2015 survey of more than 2,000 adults commissioned by the workplace solution provider Workfront found that 38 percent of survey participants have missed life events because of a bad work-life balance. Access to technology that means work is never too far away might contribute to poor work-life balance, as 57 percent of respondents also ac knowledged feeling that technology has ru ined the definition of a family dinner.

...38 percent of survey participants have missed life events because of a bad work-life balance.

Finding a healthy balance between work and life at home may require a concerted ef fort on the part of working parents, but there are ways to successfully juggle a career and family.

set reasonable goals

Much of the difficulty men and women experience in regard to finding a healthy work-life balance may be a byproduct of

working parents spreading themselves too thin. Setting reasonable goals can help avoid that, but doing so requires taking commit ments to one’s employer and family into consideration before agreeing to take on new projects or setting deadlines for proj ects to be completed. This should be applied to both work and home. If a work deadline is unreasonable, professionals should dis cuss that with their employers, who might change the deadline or arrange for extra persons to work on the project. At home, parents should avoid taking on too many

projects, such as chaperoning a child’s dance or coaching a sports team, if doing so will adversely affect the amount of time they get to spend with their families.

looK for ways to be more efficient

Interactions with coworkers can make work more enjoyable, but working parents should not spend too much time shooting the breeze with their fellow employees. Doing so wastes time and only contrib utes to work-related stress. Commuters

who don’t drive themselves to work can be more efficient by using their commutes to read emails, arrange meetings or catch up on projects. Doing so allows for more time to get work done while in the office, which can make it easier to go home on time.

request changes to worK scheDules

While technology may have largely eliminated the separation between the of fice and home, working parents can use that to their advantage by asking their employees to alter their work schedules. Telecommuting one or two days a week can help parents feel more connected to their families, while flex schedules can ensure working parents don’t miss any of their children’s dance recitals or weekday afternoon ballgames.

unplug when you get home

Perhaps the simplest and most effective way for parents to regain a healthy worklife balance is to unplug their devices. Employing “Do not disturb” settings on smartphones and turning off tablets can ensure parents don’t spend their time at home working but connecting with their families.

Maintaining a healthy work-life balance is no small task for today’s working parents. But such a goal is possible. ●

Tips to land a job whether you are 20 or 60

If you know where to look, there are nu merous opportunities in today’s job market, whether you are a new graduate, seasoned professional or retiree looking to go back to work. Here are some tips to help you have an edge in your job applications.

Know what you want

It seems obvious, but you’d be surprised at how many job seekers go into their inter views without a clear vision of what they are

looking for in a prospective position. Do your homework beforehand and think about what you’re good at. It’s important to come to your interviews genuinely prepared to answer questions such as “Why are you interested in this industry?” and “What makes you right for this position?”

Do some volunteer worK

Pick a cause that interests you and take on a new volunteer gig. It’s a great

way to build up your resume, and there are very few organizations that will turn you down. You never know who you might meet and what doors could open.

speaK up

Let people know you’re on the hunt for a new job. Some of the best positions often aren’t promoted online, so it’s a good idea to ask friends, family and coworkers from past

jobs if they can connect you to someone who is hiring.

looK for growing inDustries

Don’t limit your options — look into indus tries that are actually hiring. Did you know that the food and beverage processing sector in Ontario is the largest manufacturing em ployer in the province? The industry has set a goal to create 60,000 new jobs by 2020. ●

Employment News is published to provide job seekers and career-minded individuals with upto-date, detailed information about local and national career training and job opportunities. It is available free of charge within major city centres across Ontario, Alberta and Manitoba – to stand-alone newspaper boxes at major in tersections and transit stops, stand-alone racks, HRDC Centres, universities, colleges, training schools, libraries, government-sponsored em ployment offices, fast-food chains, major food store franchises, select Canadian Tire stores and other high-traffic locations.

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4 www.employmentnews.com Please recycle GREATER TORONTO EDITION, SEPTEMBER 24–OCTOBER 8, 2022 Head Office 610 Applewood Crescent, Suite 401 Vaughan ON L4K 0E3 Local: 905.761.3313 ext. 6| Toll Free: 1.888.761.3313 ext. 6 | Fax: 1.888.861.5038 www.employmentnews.com | sales@employmentnews.com
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There is a world of opportunities at the LCBO

Join an organization where you can be challenged while achieving your true potential. A place where you can make a positive impact supporting Ontario business and communities. Discover a safe, healthy, diverse, inclusive, and accountable workplace where your wellbeing is our top priority. At the LCBO, your contributions are respected and valued. Be part of our journey as we invest in people and technology to transform an organization. You’ll find a variety of career opportunities in Retail, Supply Chain, Information Technology, Marketing, Human Resources, Finance and many more Corporate roles. There really is a world of opportunities at the LCBO. Match your skills and experience to our job openings and grow your career with us.

LCBO.com/careers 37302
EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES 6 www.employmentnews.com Please recycle GREATER TORONTO EDITION, SEPTEMBER 24–OCTOBER 8, 2022 Required IMMEDIATELY F/T Permanent Alliance Store Fixtures Inc. Call: 905-660-5944 Or email: teresav@alliancestorefixtures.com CABINETMAKERS SANDERS Requires previous snowplowing experience on commercial sites and full G license with clean abstract Seasonal guarantee wage. Must have transportation to Etobicoke. Please call 905-850-8721 We can help you find an employer Are you an apprentice looking for a placement? www.TradesforTomorrow.ca info@tradesfortomorrow ca 647 417 5223 This Employment Ontario service is funded in part by the Government of Canada and the Government of Ontario DELIVERY DRIVER PRIMARY FUNCTION: To deliver product within a specified route in and/or around the GTA in an efficient and timely manner. Perform daily pre- and post-trip inspections. Deliver product mainly to retail stores and veterinary clinics. Must have a clean driving abstract and 1 year of DZ driving experience. SKILLS, KNOWLEDGE, QUALIFICATIONS: • Valid Ontario DZ Class driver's licence • Professional customer service skills • High level of attention to detail • Effective written and oral skills (read, write, speak English) • Works well under pressure • Works well in both a team environment and alone DZ DELIVERY DRIVER Please forward resumes to: careers@kanevet.com We appreciate all those who apply, however only those invited for an interview will be contacted Kane Veterinary Supplies is the leading distributor of ANIMAL HEALTH, PET, AND VETERINARY SUPPLIES in Canada. With over 50 years proudly serving our customers. Make $ From Home!!! Call Mike 416-318-3357 • A Dynamic Sales opportunity • Commission sales position • Work from home or at one of our GTA offices • Leads and Training provided • 25 years in business - Aluminum Smelter - must be able to work with molten metal - 12 hours Day shift - starting at$18.50/hour - Sunday to Wednesday - Warehouse Lead Hand - Experienced Counterbalance operator - 8 hours Day shift -$24/hour - Tuesday to Saturday - Experienced Stick Welder - 8 hours Day shift -$22/hour - Sunday to Thursday - Rotary Operator - 12 hour - Night shift -$25/hour - Sunday to Wednesday WE ARE NOW HIRING FULL TIME WITH BENEFITS & OVERTIME Address: 31 - 35 Freshway Drive, Concord, L4K 1R9 CALL : 905-669-1222 - Ext 228 NO CASH JOBS / NO PART TIME JOBS / NO AGENCIES
EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES 8 www.employmentnews.com Please recycle GREATER TORONTO EDITION, SEPTEMBER 24–OCTOBER 8, 2022 Contact us today! 416.921.1800 | accesemployment.ca You belong in a job that reflects your skills and experience. ACCES Employment will give you the support, coaching, and connections you need to realize your full potential and make a lasting impact in your new job. LOOKING FOR WORK? WE CAN HELP! WE'RE HIRING! NORTHERN AND NORTHMART IS LOOKING FOR FULL TIME EMPLOYEES TO WORK AT OUR STORES ACROSS NORTHERN CANADA. For more information visit www.northercareers.ca Make The North Your Home! www.northerncareers.ca

At Group are always eager to meet new talent!

As Canada’s largest not-for-profit automobile association, we advocate passionately for Member safety. We pride ourselves on being a helping hand for Canadians during good days, bad days and everything in between.

Throughout our history, we have created a legacy of providing exceptional Member experiences and we strive to improve the lives of our Members and Associates in all that we do. As an organization, CCG continually strives to enhance our value to Members and Associates and ensure we are socially responsible. We have multiple opportunities within our Group of companies for high performers who want to make a difference every day they are at work.

Are you ready to be Then we are looking for nhor@caasco.ca

EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES www.employmentnews.com 9Please recycle GREATER TORONTO EDITION, SEPTEMBER 24–OCTOBER 8, 2022 CHANGING THE WORLD TOGETHER UP Fundraising runs nationwide, donor acquisition campaigns on behalf of some of the biggest charities in Canada. Our fundraisers can be found in many high-traffic areas such as retail locations or in busy areas throughout the various cities we operate in. We give fundraisers the opportunity to earn great income, while having fun and helping to support many great causes. Come join us and feel good about what you do! https://up-fundraising.com/
CAA Club
(CCG), we
member safety obsessed?
you! www.caasco.com
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EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES 10 www.employmentnews.com Please recycle GREATER TORONTO EDITION, SEPTEMBER 24–OCTOBER 8, 2022 Empower Simcoe is a multi-service agency that provides a wide range of programs & services to pre-school children and their families including the EarlyON Child and Family Centres in Barrie, Innisfil and Bradford. The agency also supports children, teens and adults who have an intellectual disability and believes that everyone can contribute to their community. Services are offered in Barrie, Orillia, Bradford, and surrounding townships. Infant programs are offered county-wide. 39 Fraser Court, Barrie ON L4N 5J5 705.726.9082 | employment@empowersimcoe.ca https://www.empowersimcoe.ca/careers/ INVESTING IN HAPPINESS OUR WORK CHANGES LIVES DO YOU SEE THE OPPORTUNITY!! WHY JOIN FINANCIAL SECTOR? • The Highest Paying Sector. • The average age of a Financial Advisor in Canada is 50+ yrs • 2 out of 3 Canadians are financially struggling WHY JOIN GREATWAY?
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EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES www.employmentnews.com 11Please recycle GREATER TORONTO EDITION, SEPTEMBER 24–OCTOBER 8, 2022 troN h Caribou Lake First N a t noi North Caribou Lake First Nation North Caribou Lake Education Authority 21 Band Office Rd., Box 155 Weagamow Lake, Ontario Tel: 807.469.1222 • 807.469.1254 Fax: 807.469.1351 weagamow.firstnation.ca/northcariboulakeeducationauthority • Fully furnished accommodation • Professional Development Opportunities • Christmas Break and March Break • Relocation Allowance and Isolation Pay • Group Pension Plan and Extended Care Plan • Full-time Teaching Position • Adventure, New Learning and Lifestyle and Recreational Advantages North Caribou Lake First Nation is located approximately four hours north of Pickle Lake, Ontario (by vehicle 290 km) or 540 km north by air from Sioux Lookout in northwestern Ontario. Our community now has a year-round road through Oopachiining Bridge. Community is known as North Caribou Lake First Nation, Weagamow, and Round Lake (postal address is Weagamow Lake, Ontario, P0V 2Y0) There are approximately 900 members living on reserve and another 300 living elsewhere. North Caribou Lake First Nation has its own locally controlled education system. Native Sena School is currently JK to Grade 8 and by next year, the new school will be JK to Grade 12. What can NCLEA offer to new teachers? CAREER OPPORTUNITIES IN THE FULL-TIME REGULAR FORCE OR PART-TIME RESERVE FORCE *Full-time only OFFICER OCCUPATIONS • Naval Warfare Officer • Marine System Engineering Officer* • Naval Combat Systems Engineering Officer* • Intelligence Officer • Logistics Officer • Public Affairs Officer • Chaplain • Personnel Selection Officer THE NAVY PROVIDES A COMPETITIVE SALARY, INCLUDING PAID VACATION, SIGNING BONUSES FOR SELECTED OCCUPATIONS, MEDICAL AND DENTAL BENEFITS. RESERVISTS ALSO RECEIVE A COMPETITIVE RANGE OF BENEFITS. @RoyalCanNavy RoyalCanadianNavy @RoyalCanadianNavy @RoyalCanNavy TRAIN FOR YOUR TRUE CALLING APPLY NOW AT FORCES.CA ENTRAÎNEZ-VOUS POUR CE QUI VOUS PASSIONNE POSTULEZ MAINTENANT À FORCES.CA NON-COMMISSIONED MEMBER OCCUPATIONS • Boatswain • Cook • Stewards* • Naval Combat Information Operator • Naval Communicator • Intelligence Operator • Marine Technician • Sonar Operator* • Naval Electronic Sensor Operator* • Weapons Engineering Technician* • Port Inspection Diver (Reserve Force only) • Human Resource Administrator • Financial Services Administrator • Material Management Tech • Musician CANADA’S NAVY IS HIRING REQUIREMENTS TO JOIN THE CANADIAN ARMED FORCES A – Age 17 to 55 (Regular), 16 to 57 (Reserve) C – Canadian Citizenship E – Education (minimum Grade 10 or Secondaire IV in Quebec) Applicants under the age of 18 require parental consent. For more info, email jobs_york-emploi_york@forces.gc.ca, or call 416-635-4000 ext. 6340 – and apply today at FORCES.CA Call Tony Gittens for an appointment: We are one of the fastest growing companies in the fastest growing industry in the world. TRAINING PROVIDED. NO EXPERIENCE NECESSARY. Opportunity for advancement and excellent income potential for those with integrity and a good work ethic. FULL ORPART-TIME OPPORTUNITY A large North American Financial Services Company is looking for UNIQUE INDIVIDUALS WITH LEADERSHIP ABILITY 416-910-3270 or 289-914-5744



Before you apply check online at www.jobbank.gc.ca as these jobs fill fast!

JobBank Number: 2174484

Shop Clerk (NOC: 6421)

SALARY: $15.00HOUR hourly for 4 to 12 hours per week

LOCATION: Markham, ON mayfairclubs.com/sports-shop-attendant

JobBank Number: 2174442

Mechanic, Automobile (NOC: 7321)

SALARY: $25.00 to $35.00HOUR hourly for 30 to 44 hours per week

LOCATION: Scarborough, ON nisha@ Torontoautogroup.ca

JobBank Number: 2174433 Baker (NOC: 6332)

SALARY: $17.00HOUR hourly for 35 to 44 hours per week

LOCATION: 1170 Sheppard Avenue West North York, ON M3B 1Y6 hr.gateau@gmail.com

JobBank Number: 2174428

Tilesetter (NOC: 7283)

SALARY: $35.00HOUR hourly for 35 hours per week

LOCATION: 1 Romar Crescent Toronto, ON M6B 1R7 info.iconbuilders@gmail.com

JobBank Number: 2174408

Construction Painter (NOC: 7294)

SALARY: $27.00HOUR hourly for 35 hours per week

LOCATION: 11 Progress Ave Scarborough, ON M1P 4S7 hrseasonscolours@gmail.com

JobBank Number: 2174289

Food Service Supervisor (NOC: 6311)

SALARY: $16.00HOUR hourly for 40 hours per week

LOCATION: 5411 Young St, North York, ON M2N 5R6 pizzanovahiring2020@gmail.com

JobBank Number: 2174277

Food Service Supervisor (NOC: 6311)

SALARY: $16.00HOUR hourly for 40 hours per week

LOCATION: 240 Leighland Ave Unit FC8 Oakville, ON L6H 3H6 resume.newyorkfries@gmail.com

JobBank Number: 2173988

Maintenance Plumber (NOC: 7251)

SALARY: $27.73HOUR hourly for 40 hours per week

LOCATION: 109 McLaughlin Rd S Brampton, ON L6Y 2C8 gojobs.gov.on.ca/Preview.aspx?Lan guage=English&JobID=184725

REF: 184725


JobBank Number: 2172103 Concrete Mason (NOC: 7282)

SALARY: $38.00 to $39.00HOUR hourly for 35 hours per week

JobBank Number: 2168522

Ethnic Food Cook (NOC: 6322)

SALARY: $22.00HOUR hourly for 30 to 44 hours per week

JobBank Number: 2174270

Carpenter, Concrete Forms

(NOC: 7271)

SALARY: $31.85 to $44.08HOUR hourly for 40 hours per week

LOCATION: Bolton, ON hr@hardrockforming.com

JobBank Number: 2174197 Line Cook (NOC: 6322)

SALARY: $16.50HOUR hourly for 35 to 40 hours per week

LOCATION: Unit#7, 6000 Main Street West Milton, ON L9T 2X5 resume.guac Milton@outlook.com

JobBank Number: 2174196 Cook (NOC: 6322)

SALARY: $16.00HOUR hourly for 30 hours per week

LOCATION: 2875 Lake shore blvd w. Etobicoke, ON M8V 1J1 kyo201902@gmail.com

JobBank Number: 2174101 Food Service Supervisor (NOC: 6311)

SALARY: $17.00HOUR hourly for 40 hours per week

LOCATION: Brampton, ON brightpeppershack@outlook.com

JobBank Number: 2174035 Food Service Supervisor (NOC: 6311)

SALARY: $26.50HOUR hourly for 30 hours per week

LOCATION: Mississauga, ON hr.pizzapizza Mississauga@gmail.com

JobBank Number: 2172175 Barber (NOC: 6341)

SALARY: $15.50HOUR hourly + 20% com mission per sale for 30 to 45 hours per weekMinimum wage is guaranteed

LOCATION: 422 the queensway south Keswick, ON L4P 2E1 colourcentralhairstudio@gmail.com

In Person: 422 the queensway south Keswick, ON L4P 2E1Between 09:00 AM and 10:00 PM

JobBank Number: 2172100 Carpenter (NOC: 7271)

SALARY: $26.10 to $28.00HOUR hourly for 35 hours per week

LOCATION: 300 NEW Toronto STREET suite 38 Etobicoke, ON M8V 2E8 dazz@dazzconstruction.com

JobBank Number: 2173564 Cook (NOC: 6322)

SALARY: $16.00HOUR hourly for 35 to 40 hours per week

LOCATION: Mississauga, ON fbb_jobs@yahoo.com

LOCATION: 300 NEW Toronto STREET suite 38 Etobicoke, ON M8V 2E8 dazz@dazzconstruction.com

JobBank Number: 2172054

Assistant Cook (NOC: 6322)

SALARY: $16.50HOUR hourly for 40 hours per week

LOCATION: 2945 SANDALWOOD PARK WAY E suite 3 Brampton, ON L6R 3J6 meena.bhangal@hotmail.com

JobBank Number: 2173985

Institution Electrician (NOC: 7241)

SALARY: $27.73HOUR hourly for 40 hours per week

LOCATION: 109 McLaughlin Rd S Brampton, ON L6Y 2C8 gojobs.gov.on.ca/Preview.aspx?Lan guage=English&JobID=184726

REF: 184726

JobBank Number: 2173588 Cook (NOC: 6322)

SALARY: $16.00 to $16.50HOUR hourly for 30 to 40 hours per week

LOCATION: 29 Strathearn Avenue suite 5 Brampton, ON L6T 4V6 princesspeacatering1980@gmail.com

JobBank Number: 2173618 Food Service Supervisor (NOC: 6311)

SALARY: $17.00HOUR hourly for 35 to 40 hours per week

LOCATION: Mississauga, ON fbb_jobs@yahoo.com

JobBank Number: 2173587 Food Service Supervisor (NOC: 6311)

SALARY: $18.00HOUR hourly for 30 to 40 hours per week

LOCATION: 25 Aventura Court Mississauga, ON L5T 3A1 info@spiceculture.ca

JobBank Number: 2173586 Cook, Ethnic Foods (NOC: 6322)

SALARY: $18.00HOUR hourly for 35 to 40 hours per week

LOCATION: 25 Aventura Court Mississauga, ON L5T 3A1 info@spiceculture.ca Mail: 25 Aventura Court Mississauga, ON L5T 3A1

JobBank Number: 2172005 Cabinetmaker (NOC: 7272)

SALARY: $26.50 to $29.00HOUR hourly for 40 hours per week

LOCATION: North York, ON royalkitchenandclosets@gmail.com

LOCATION: 505 HWY 7 E. Thornhill, ON L3T 7T1 hrkinton7@gmail.com

JobBank Number: 2173456

Assistant Cook (NOC: 6322)

SALARY: $16.00HOUR hourly for 30 to 44 hours per week

LOCATION: Milton, ON employmentmarybrown@gmail.com

JobBank Number: 2173678

Furniture Mover (NOC: 7452)

SALARY: $20.00 to $25.00HOUR hourly for 30 to 50 hours per week

LOCATION: Woodbridge, ON employment@moving.ca

JobBank Number: 2173658

Line Cook (NOC: 6322)

SALARY: $16.50 to $17.00HOUR hourly for 32 to 40 hours per week

LOCATION: 40 INNOVATION DRIVE Woodbridge, ON L4H 0T2 jobs@bar6ix.com

JobBank Number: 2169687

Carpenter (NOC: 7271)

SALARY: $25.00HOUR hourly for 40 hours per week

LOCATION: Oakville, ON info@skyinc.ca

JobBank Number: 2173595

Food Store Supervisor (NOC: 6211)

SALARY: $26.50HOUR hourly for 40 hours per week

LOCATION: Brampton, ON kingtandoori321@gmail.com

Mail: 270 Rutherford Road South, Unit #1 Brampton, ON L6W 3K7

JobBank Number: 2173518

Truck Driver (NOC: 7511)

SALARY: $24.10HOUR hourly for 30 hours per week

LOCATION: Concord, ON hr@transamcarriers.com

JobBank Number: 2171999

Food Service Supervisor (NOC: 6311)

SALARY: $16.00HOUR hourly for 33 to 35 hours per week

LOCATION: 11240 Creditview Road, Unit A-2 Brampton, ON L7A 4X3 jobs.dairyqueen1@gmail.com

JobBank Number: 2173499

Food Service Supervisor (NOC: 6311)

SALARY: $16.00 to $18.00HOUR hourly for 30 to 40 hours per week

LOCATION: 190 Simcoe Ave Unit #6 Keswick, ON L4P 2H7 subwaysjobs87@gmail.com

IMPORTANT NOTICE: All job advertisements have been provided by www.jobbank.gc.ca. Media Classified is not responsible for the accuracy, authenticity or reliability of the content. Some job postings may become inactive after print and all job seekers are encouraged to check www.jobbank.gc.ca for the most updated version of each job position before applying.

12 www.employmentnews.com Please recycle GREATER TORONTO EDITION, SEPTEMBER 24–OCTOBER 8, 2022



Before you apply check online at www.jobbank.gc.ca as these jobs fill fast!

JobBank Number: 2173428

Cook (NOC: 6322)

SALARY: $16.50HOUR hourly for 40 hours per week

LOCATION: Scarborough, ON kairalikennedy@gmail.com

JobBank Number: 2173421

Drywall Installer (NOC: 7284)

SALARY: $33.70HOUR hourly for 35 hours per week

LOCATION: Milton, ON jobsstylovationinc@gmail.com

JobBank Number: 2173419

Residential Construction Supervisor (NOC: 7204)

SALARY: $35.50HOUR hourly for 35 hours per week

LOCATION: Milton, ON jobsstylovationinc@gmail.com

JobBank Number: 2173416

Tile Fitter (NOC: 7283)

SALARY: $30.60HOUR hourly for 35 hours per week

LOCATION: Milton, ON jobsstylovationinc@gmail.com

JobBank Number: 2173418

Painter (NOC: 7294)

SALARY: $26.60HOUR hourly for 35 hours per week

LOCATION: Milton, ON jobsstylovationinc@gmail.com

JobBank Number: 2173411

Construction Worker (NOC: 7611)

SALARY: $24.00HOUR hourly for 30 to 44 hours per week

LOCATION: North York, ON independentbuilddesign@gmail.com

JobBank Number: 2173410

Car Mechanic (NOC: 7321)

SALARY: $26.60HOUR hourly for 35 hours per week

LOCATION: Mississauga, ON jobsexpressfineauto@gmail.com

JobBank Number: 2173403

Food Service Supervisor (NOC: 6311)

SALARY: $26.60HOUR hourly for 35 hours per week

LOCATION: Pickering, ON jobskaisergreyoaks@gmail.com

JobBank Number: 2173401

Cook (NOC: 6322)

SALARY: $26.60HOUR hourly for 35 hours per week

LOCATION: Pickering, ON jobskaisergreyoaks@gmail.com

JobBank Number: 2164070

Driver, Ready-Mix Truck (NOC: 7511)

SALARY: $24.50HOUR hourly for 40 hours per week

LOCATION: Caledon, ON swarajconcretehr@gmail.com

JobBank Number: 2173354

Truck-Trailer Driver (NOC: 7511)

SALARY: $70,000YEAR annually for 50 to 60 hours per week

LOCATION: Milton, ON taranpreetsinghgrewal@gmail.com

JobBank Number: 2173340

Material Handler (NOC: 7452)

SALARY: $16.50HOUR hourly for 35 to 44 hours per week

LOCATION: Mississauga, ON jobbank@employal.com employal.ca/career/ON Line-applica tion-form REF: 08`13MH6M

JobBank Number: 2173309

Brick And Tile Crusher Operator

(NOC: 9411)

SALARY: $20.50 to $22.00HOUR hourly for 30 to 40 hours per week

LOCATION: North York, ON bestbuildersreno@yahoo.com

JobBank Number: 2172087

Long Haul Truck Driver (NOC: 7511)

SALARY: $26.00HOUR hourly for 40 to 70 hours per week marianna@nishantransport.com nishantransport.com

Mail: 1805 Chemin St Francois Dorval, QC H9P 2S1

In Person: 1805 Chemin St Francois Dorval, QC H9P 2S1

Between 09:00 AM and 08:00 PM REF: 220624

JobBank Number: 2171282

Oil Changer

- Motor Vehicle Service (NOC: 7535)

SALARY: $16.00HOUR hourly + 0.01% commission per sale for 30 to 50 hours per weekMinimum wage is guaranteed

LOCATION: 2308 Lakeshore Blvd West Etobicoke, ON M8V 1B5 applytake5@outlook.com

JobBank Number: 2174116

Commercial Foodservice Appliance Technician (NOC: 7332)

SALARY: $25.00 to $35.00HOUR hourly for 30 to 40 hours per week

LOCATION: Scarborough, ON teknikfoodeqptservices28@yahoo.com


JobBank Number: 2172003 Cook (NOC: 6322)

SALARY: $26.20HOUR hourly for 35 hours per week

LOCATION: Brampton, ON goldeysingh28@hotmail.com

JobBank Number: 2172017 Food Service Supervisor (NOC: 6311)

SALARY: $25.25HOUR hourly for 35 hours per week

LOCATION: Brampton, ON goldeysingh28@hotmail.com

JobBank Number: 2173136

Heavy-Duty Equipment Mechanic (NOC: 7312)

SALARY: $27.00 to $29.00HOUR hourly for 40 hours per week

LOCATION: 60 Northline Road Toronto, ON M4B 3E5 mfg@atlaspolar.com Fax: 416-751-2094

REF: 07-08-2022

JobBank Number: 2173130 Industrial Mechanic (NOC: 7311)

SALARY: $27.00 to $29.00HOUR hourly for 40 hours per week

LOCATION: 60 Northline Road Toronto, ON M4B 3E5 mfg@atlaspolar.com Fax: 416-751-2094

REF: 07-2022

JobBank Number: 2173114 Automotive Upholsterer (NOC: 6345)

SALARY: $17.00 to $25.00HOUR hourly for 42.5 hours per week

LOCATION: 133 Taunton Rd West Oshawa, ON L1G 3T4 jason@trimtechinteriors.com

JobBank Number: 2171297

Construction Helper (NOC: 7611)

SALARY: $24.00HOUR hourly for 40 hours per week

LOCATION: Toronto, ON reliable.incorporated@gmail.com Mail: 5 HANNA AVE suite 540 Toronto, ON M6K 0B3

JobBank Number: 2175970

Communication Line

Technician (NOC: 7245)

SALARY: $30.10HOUR hourly for 35 hours per week

LOCATION: Brampton, ON jobpostings@heyram.ca

JobBank Number: 2175932

Truck Trailer Mechanic (NOC: 7321)

SALARY: $23.50HOUR hourly for 30 to 45 hours per week

LOCATION: Bolton, ON hire.sequelgroup@outlook.com

JobBank Number: 2175757

Food Service

Supervisor (NOC: 6311)

SALARY: $16.00HOUR hourly for 40 hours per week

LOCATION: Toronto, ON recruitment.osmowsyoung@gmail.com

JobBank Number: 2175748

Production Labourer

- Food Processing (NOC: 9617)

SALARY: $18.00HOUR hourly for 35 to 40 hours per week

LOCATION: Richmond Hill, ON bbbakeryltd@gmail.com

JobBank Number: 2175675

Hairstylist (NOC: 6341)

SALARY: $15.00 to $20.00HOUR hourly for 40 hours per week

LOCATION: Brampton, ON houseofhair@rogers.com

JobBank Number: 2174462

House Cleaner (NOC: 6731)

SALARY: $16.00HOUR hourly for 30 hours per week

LOCATION: Oakville, ON nanny4ourkidz@gmail.com

JobBank Number: 2175620


- Wholesale (NOC: 6222)

SALARY: $24.00HOUR hourly for 35 hours per week

LOCATION: Concord, ON hr@newagegranite.com

JobBank Number: 2174831

Truck Driver (NOC: 7511)

SALARY: $26.50HOUR hourly for 40 hours per week

LOCATION: 7415 Torbram Road Mississauga, ON L4T 1G8 harjeet@wecantruck.com

JobBank Number: 2175597

Shift Manager

- Fast Food Restaurant (NOC: 6311)

SALARY: $17.25HOUR hourly for 35 to 40 hours per week

LOCATION: 1839 Albion Road Etobicoke, ON M9W 5S8 hiring.wendys@gmail.com

JobBank Number: 2173886



(NOC: 6731)

SALARY: $16.00HOUR hourly for 40 hours per week

LOCATION: Yonge and Steeles Thornhill, ON L4J 7Y5 cathymatienza@yahoo.com

IMPORTANT NOTICE: All job advertisements have been provided by www.jobbank.gc.ca. Media Classified is not responsible for the accuracy, authenticity or reliability of the content. Some job postings may become inactive after print and all job seekers are encouraged to check www.jobbank.gc.ca for the most updated version of each job position before applying.


news.com 13Please recycle GREATER TORONTO EDITION, SEPTEMBER 24–OCTOBER 8, 2022
CAREER TRAINING 14 www.employmentnews.com Please recycle GREATER TORONTO EDITION, SEPTEMBER 24–OCTOBER 8, 2022 Responsibilities: • Work with partner channels to develop leads and facilitate partner needs • Build relationships with and manage new and existing clients • Develop sales opportunities by researching potential accounts, soliciting new accounts, building rapport with clients Desired Skills: • Strong written and verbal communication skills • Strong problem solving, organizational and interpersonal skills • Ability to pursue new clients, develop leads and network with passion • Self-motivated, with ability to work individually and in a team • Knowledge of CRMs and Salesforce (preferred) We are seeking multiple full-time Sales Representatives and Sales Managers of all experience levels to join our team! Successful candidates should know how communicate with confidence, turn opportunities into deals and understand our clients’ specific needs. As an HTT Sales Rep, it will be your responsibility to cultivate opportunities by creating relationships with new and existing clients. HarrisonTechTraining.com/Careers Phone: (416) 840-5576 x11639 Contact email: Careers@HarrisonCorp.com Start Your Career in Hospitality Talk to Us Today! www.hta75.com | 1-888-412-HTAC (4822) Access to Great Jobs from Partner Hotels and Food Service Companies Industry Leading Wages, Benefits and Pension Plans Easy Access to Online and In-person Hospitality Training and Certifications Services at No Cost to Participants SECOND CAREER CAN HELP YOU! www.canadianallcare.com 416-292-6050 admin@canadianallcare.com Scarborough Campus (McCowan/Steeles) 240 Alton Towers Circle, Unit 302 Scarborough (416) 292-6050 Toronto Campus (Dufferin/Finch) 4630 Dufferin St, Unit 305 Toronto (416) 661-0888 Are you unemployed and eager to start a new career? Enroll today for expert career training! PROGRAMS HIGH IN DEMAND Banking and Financial Services | 50 weeks (Day Class) Starting date: Oct 3, 2022 Community Service Worker | 54 weeks (Evening classes) Starting date: Oct 3, 2022 Accounting, Payroll, and Business Administrator | 52 weeks ( Evening classes ) Starting date: Oct 24, 2022 Accounting, Payroll, and Business Administrator | 52 weeks ( Day classes) Starting date: Nov 14, 2022 Medical Office Administrator | 52 Weeks (Day Class) Starting date: Nov 21, 2022 Food Service Worker | 27 Weeks (Evening class) Starting Date: Nov 21, 2022 Cyber Security and Networking | 69 weeks Evening class Starting date: Nov 21, 2022 Software Quality Assurance and Testing Analyst | 52 Weeks (Day Class) Starting Date: Nov 21, 2022 FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE AVAILABLE TO THOSE WHO QUALIFY Both campuses are registered as private career colleges under the Private Career Colleges Act, 2005 Not all programs available at the both campuses. Great News — Personal Support Worker Program Free Tuition Fee and paid placement!!!
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16 www.employmentnews.com Please recycle GREATER TORONTO EDITION, SEPTEMBER 24–OCTOBER 8, 2022 CAREERFAIRCANADA.CA Media Sponsors: CAREER FAIR FREE ADMISSION TORONTO WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 5, 2022 10 am to 2 pm JOB SEEKERS: Win a $50 Gift Card! Register Online at www.careerfairtoronto.ca Recruiters: For booth info call 1-888-532-2613 or email info@careerfaircanada.ca SCAN TO REGISTER METRO TORONTO CONVENTION CENTRE North Building, Room 205


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