2 minute read
Unit Spotlight: 36th Combat Aviation Brigade
from 2022 Fall NGAT News
by MediaNation

Texas Army National Guard 36th Infantry Division 36th Combat Aviation Brigade
COL Scott P. Nicholas Commander CSM Robert W. Hartzog Command Sergeant Major
Task Force Mustang is an aviation task force led by the 36th Combat Aviation Brigade of the 36th Infantry Division, Texas Army National Guard, comprising of Soldiers and aviators from Texas, New York, Oklahoma, Arkansas, Wyoming, and Louisiana, currently providing aviation operations to Combined Joint Task Force — Operation Inherent Resolve, and adjacent mission support to Task Force Spartan of Operation Spartan Shield in the Middle East.

MG WIN BURKETT (CENTER), Commander of the 36th Infantry Division and his Aide-de-Camp, CPT Trae R. Howard (left) shakes hands with members of Task Force Mustang as they board an aircraft for their deployment to Kuwait.

LTG PATRICK D. FRANK, commanding general of U.S. Army Central (center), gathers with Soldiers and command leadership from 36th Combat Aviation Brigade, Texas Army National Guard, at the Udairi Landing Zone in Camp Buehring, Kuwait, September 17, 2022. 36th CAB, mobilized as Task Force Mustang, is deployed in support of the Combined Joint Task Force – Operation Inherent Resolve mission to advise, assist, and enable partnered forces in the enduring defeat of ISIS, within designated areas of Iraq and Syria. MAJ KIMBERLY R. SPIRES, SARC assigned to Task Force Mustang, 36th Combat Aviation Brigade (left), is accompanied by SFC Carissa Garza, human resources noncommissioned officer in-charge for Task Force Mustang, during a visit to Erbil International Airport in Erbil, Kurdistan Region, Iraq, on September 14, 2022. (Photo by CPT Steven L. Wesolowski)

ALPHA COMPANY AND CHARLIE COMPANY of the 2-149th Aviation Regiment, conduct Cross-National Medevac Training with Norway at Al Assad Airbase in Iraq on September 22, 2022. The Soldiers are training in support of the Combined Joint Task Force – Operation Inherent Resolve mission to advise, assist and enable partnered forces in the enduring defeat of Da’esh, the common Arabic term for ISIS, within designated areas of Iraq and Syria. (Photo by 1LT Meagan O’Leary)