Ambulance uk october 2017

Page 1

Volume 32 No. 5

October 2017


In this issue Wider aspects of Paramedic Practice Life Connections takes to the road We welcome our new co-editor

The ZOLL AutoPulse® – Made for Resuscitation on the Move

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Ambulance UK This issue edited by:





206 Wider Aspects of Paramedic Practice

209 Life Connections 2018 takes to the road






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Moving and lifting a patient in cardiac arrest often leads to interruptions in CPR. However, the AutoPulse® Resuscitation System ensures non-stop chest compressions during patient transfers and pre-hospital transport. To increase mobility even further, the AutoPulse now comes standard with the NEW Quick Case. The Quick Case is a newly designed backpack which holds the AutoPulse. Once the AutoPulse is deployed on a patient, the Quick Case can easily unfold and becomes a lightweight soft stretcher. This option offers the flexibility needed to keep high-quality CPR going while maneuvering through challenging spaces and tight corners. Another new AutoPulse feature is Shock Sync. ZOLL Shock Sync technology limits pauses in CPR and has the capability to automatically time the shock during the compression and decompression cycle – this maximises the likelihood of shock success by up to 45%.1 The optimal moment to administer a shock is at the beginning of the relaxation phase, when the patients’ blood has been pushed out of the ventricles, air has been removed from the thorax, and wall stress on the heart is minimised. By doing so, transthoracic impedance will be minimised and the chance the shock will successfully convert the heart rhythm will be maximised.2

48 High Street SWANLEY, Kent, BR8 8BQ PUBLISHERS STATEMENT: The views and opinions expressed in this issue are not necessarily those of the Publisher, the Editors or Media Publishing Company. Next Issue December 2017 Subscription Information – October 2017 Ambulance UK is available through a personal, company or institutional subscription in both the UK and overseas. UK: Individuals - £24.00 (inc postage) Companies - £60.00 (inc postage) Rest of the World: £75.00 (airmail)

To learn more about the ZOLL AutoPulse visit or call 01928 595 160 to request a demonstration.

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The AutoPulse and ZOLL X Series Monitor/Defibrillator work together to achieve this. The AutoPulse has an interface that allows the X Series to be recognised. Then software in the X Series analyses the AutoPulse compression cycle and automatically times shock delivery to the beginning of the relaxation phase. ®


203 Do you have anything you would like to add or include? Please contact us and let us know.


corpuls3... Flying High Over Yorkshire

The Yorkshire Air Ambulance now have two Airbus H145’s and the modular and powerful corpuls3 has been fitted into both helicopters. Craig Hall, Managing Director of The Ortus Group commented: “To be given the opportunity to look at the aircraft up close with our equipment fitted, is fantastic. These aircraft play a vital role in saving lives across the Yorkshire region and the commitment and professionalism from the specialist team here, is second to none”. The powerful corpuls3 Defibrillator is a fantastic pre hospital defib/monitor/pacer unit and amongst its many benefits are its lightweight and modular construction advantage, which gives maximum flexibility to the medical professional when on a rescue mission. The corpuls3 has grown from strength to strength having gained contracts from the Welsh Ambulance Service Trust (WAST), the East of England Ambulance Service Trust (EEAST), with latest contracts being gained from the Northern Ireland Ambulance Service (NIAS), Air Ambulance Northern Ireland (AANI) and Great North Air Ambulance (GNAA). T: +44 0845 4594705


EDITOR’S COMMENT Welcome to this issue of AUK. I was recently at an event entitled ‘Harnessing the value of allied health professionals’ at The King’s Fund, London. What became very evident throughout the day was that Paramedics have a part to play in many areas of healthcare. As transformation has replaced change in the NHS, the increased focus on integrated working has meant that the skills and education of the present day Paramedic, coupled with their relative autonomy have placed them in high demand. As we look forward to Paramedic prescribing, this demand can be expected to increase.

The opportunities available to the individual and the profession are not to be underestimated, and the attraction of these opportunities is self-evident. The corresponding loss to the ambulance trusts is also evident. Highly skilled and motivated individuals are looking outside of these trusts to fulfil their personal and professional goals. It is now for those responsible for transforming ambulance trusts to recognise this and offer individuals the same opportunities and advancement from within the ambulance service. Integrated working does not necessarily mean that Paramedics should have to leave ambulance trusts in order to develop their skills and professional knowledge. However, unless ambulance trusts provide opportunities for Paramedics to develop and maintain their practice, then the drift to other health providers will continue to the detriment of the ambulance service. Dr Matt House, Co-Editor Ambulance UK

Publisher’s Comment Ambulance UK is delighted to welcome Dr Matt House as co-editor and we very much look forward to working with him on future issues. Dr Matt House developed an interest in field medicine when he joined the Territorial Army in 1994 and became a Combat Medical Technician. He went on to join Cumbria Ambulance Service in 1998, where he qualified as a Paramedic and then an IHCD instructor and Emergency Care Practitioner. As Cumbria became part of the North West Ambulance Service (NWAS), Matt was selected as one of the first Advanced Paramedics. In 2015 Matt became a Consultant Paramedic, with responsibility for the Cumbria and Lancashire Area of NWAS. Throughout this time Matt has maintained his commitment to the military, with tours of Bosnia, Iraq and Afghanistan. He also teaches regularly on military courses, such as Battlefield Advanced Trauma Life Support and Military Pre-Hospital Emergency Care. Matt is now Squadron Sergeant Major with 144 Parachute Medical Squadron, and has used his understanding of both civilian and military Paramedicine to develop novel, integrated working between the two. Having completed an MSc with Brighton University, Matt went on to complete his Doctorate with Northumbria University in 2017. His thesis looked at the potential for reducing the number of futile resuscitation attempts transported to hospital. Matt has recently joined the University of Cumbria as a visiting lecturer and intends to develop his research in the field of cardiac arrest.


“The skills and education of the present day Paramedic, coupled with their relative autonomy have placed them in high demand”

That Paramedics are able to work across boundaries and in different settings is a credit to the profession. Whether it is in an Emergency Department, urgent care centre, custody suite or any other of the myriad healthcare settings, Paramedics are developing their practice and crossing traditional boundaries.

205 For all your equipment needs visit:


WIDER ASPECTS OF PARAMEDIC PRACTICE A study by Kristoffer Fairhurst. DipHe. Para. This paper will examine the way in which the paramedic’s role is changing in relation to modern healthcare delivery. It will scrutinise the influences other health and social agencies have had upon paramedic practice. It will focus on the falls teams within the ambulance service and look into how paramedic practice has had to adjust due to changes and influences upon society’s health.

The College of Paramedics: Paramedic curriculum guidance, (2014) explains that with the increase of paramedics in the healthcare scheme, more new roles will be developed in future years due to the enhanced knowledge and new skills of the graduate paramedic. For example, one of the roles in consultation at the present moment is allowing experienced and educated paramedics to perscribe certain drugs in a drive to make improved use of their educated skills (NHS England, 2015). Paramedics are trained to clinically triage in safe and effective manner using evidence based developments such

From its inception in 1947, the ambulance service has evolved from

as community pathways and pathfinders (North West Ambulance Service,

what was essentially a transport service carrying mainly blankets and

2010). However, Snooks, Kearsley, Halter, Redhead, & Cheung (2004)

bandages. Evolving to incorporate advanced skills through the end of

suggest that paramedics’ following pathways does not optimise patient

the 20th century, in 2005 there was an immense change when existing

outcomes and there is still a requirement for further enhanced skills to make

services merged to become the 12 ambulance services that are present

more effective referrals.

today (Bradley, 2011). It was at this time that the Department of Health (DH) first published Taking Health Care to the Patient: Transforming NHS

The Keogh report also introduced and improved NHS 111 as a non-

Ambulance Services (Department Of Health [DH], 2005) and stated that

emergency contact where patients could be triaged on the phone by a

higher education was paramount to accomplishing an updated and

nurse or clinical paramedic and then referred onto a General Practiciner

efficient ambulance workforce. Over the years in the UK, the paramedic

(GP), Pharmacist or dentist, for example, instead of going directly to the

role and training has advanced from a basic first aid qualification to the

ED which is not always the best place for their care needs (Keogh, 2013).

present-day qualification of Diploma or Bachelor of Science Degree

A report by National Audit Office (2013) also found that if patients do

through higher education, providing an out of hospital, highly skilled

not understand the pathways available for healthcare they will inevitably

and autonomous clinician (Blaber, Clinical Leadership for Paramedics,

present to the ED, placing additional pressures on a system that is

2014). The paramedic is no longer just classed as a manual labourer

already struggling. An additional problem is patients not knowing what

picking injured or sick patient’s up and transporting them to accident

is classed as an emergency and their expectations upon the healthcare

and emergency (ED) but now treat the patient within their surroundings

system, for example, when a patient phones for a GP appointment and

giving “better survival rates for the seriously ill and injured” (DH, 2011,

they are unable to attend straight away they are much more likely to

p.5) and safer care closer to home. One in ten patients who call 999 have

attend ED, (National Audit Office, 2013).

an increased risk of dying, but the ambulance service has three facets that improve the overall outcome. One; being a fast and safe response,

Operating the 111 service was tendered for by some ambulance trusts and

two; having a professional and accomplished ambulance clinician

the vision for the future is to extend paramedic education and training with

giving quality care and three; being transported if needed to the most

the support of GPs and specialists to improve the management of more

appropriate and equipped healthcare facility or by being seen and treated

patients at the scene (Keogh, 2013). Paramedics now take comprehensive

in the home (DH, 2011).

histories and carry out enhanced clinical examinations, this, along with higher education, will help in the progression of other skills for example

Increased higher education and support tools such as the paramedic

referral rights and prescribing to meet an identified need for seeing, treating

pathfinder (Clinical Triage tool) have given paramedics a greater scope of

and discharging more patients at the scene (NHS England, 2015).


practice in identifying such things as major trauma and myocardial infarction (Clear Vision, 2014). This means that paramedics will now sometimes drive

Due to the advances and developments in medicine, medical care,

past their local ED to transport the patient to the correct receiving facility in

anaesthetics and surgical intervention the population are living for longer

the former case a major trauma centre or in the latter a primary percutaneous

(Armour, 2002). Pressures in ED are already at their highest levels, so new

coronary intervention centre (PPCI), increasing survival by 20% (Keogh,

pathways have been introduced from the ambulance service and from

2013). A vision for the future is that ambulances will not just be attending

government in which all patients if not injured could be treated in the home,

emergencies and acting as a transport service but they will become a mobile

refered to an urgent care centre or GP for treatment (Department of Health

urgent treatment service delivering the right treatment in the right place at

[DH], 2011). With the use of Paramedic Pathfinders (and similar decision

the right time (Keogh, 2013).With the increased work pressure being put on

support tools) and alternative care pathways there has been a reduction

urgent and emergency services in the last 10 years, Keogh suggests that the

in hospital admissions from the age group 65 and above but patients that

development of other avenues and skills are essential (Keogh, 2013).

are aged 90 and above are almost certain to be admitted into the hospital

206 For more news visit:

FEATURE (NHS Blackpool Clinial Commissioning Group, 2012).The National Audit

United Kingdom are falls prevention teams (Age UK, n.d). In Glasgow

Office (2013) state that between 2001 and 2011, people over the age

and Clyde there is a community falls prevention program which, on

of 85 in England grew at three and a half times the rate of the rest of the

average in one month sees 175 patients (Age UK, n.d). Over a ten year

population. It can be an important factor for an older adult to retain their

period, it has been noted that there has been a reduction in hospital

independence and interaction with others (NHS Audit Commission, 2004).

admissions due to a decrease in falls in the home by 32%, in a public

A desire to retain their independence can result in this group staying in

place by 40% and in residential care by 27%. The program has a

their own home for longer rather than going into residential care, this may

clear and easy open referral route which allows families, the patient or

put them at increased risk of falling (World Health Organization [WHO],

healthcare professionals to contact the referral team. The team has an

2007). Falls risk in older adults can be categorised into four groups:

occupational therapist to visit the patient’s home avoiding the potential

biological, behavioural, environmental and socioeconomic factors (Lord,

for missed appointments within the departments. Dickinson, et al.

Sherington, Menz, & Close, 2007). Biological factors are associated to

(2011) point out that if patients who have fallen are asked to attend

the human body, aging, deterioration of physical cognitive functions and

occupational therapy sessions in the department they will be more

illnesses such as Parkinson’s disease, Dementia and Arthritis (WHO, 2007).

reluctant to attend, but when the occupational therapist will visit they

Behavioural factors are linked to people who take numerous medications,

are more likley to accept a visit to their home. Occupational therapists

copious amounts of alcohol or wear unsuitable footwear (WHO, 2007).

that travel sometimes with paramedics as part of falls teams have

Environmental factors are exampled by loose rugs/carpets to trip over,

reduced funds and are unable to provide a full range of free equipment

slippery floors and poor lighting but are also interlinked with the patient’s

leaving the elderly patient to fund the equipment themselves (College

physical condition (WHO, 2007). Socioeconomic factors may cover the

of Occupational Therapists, 2014), this represents an area for further

individual’s income, poor education, inadequate housing and reduced

development given the potential impact of these multidisciplinary teams.

access to health and social contact (Lord et al.,2007).

Occupational therapists, paramedics and district nurses are among the few professions that work between community health and social care in

An important facet of developing Paramedic skills is the ability to work

educating patients on how to reduce their falls and provide equipment

in the integrated care setting as part of a multidisciplinary team. Falls

(College of Occupational Therapists, 2014). Programs similar to this

in patients aged over 65 represent the most common and potentially

run across the United Kingdom are helping to reduce 999 calls and

serious sort of accident and it is these patients that are taken to the ED

attendances to the E/D (National Audit Office, 2013)

and may be admitted (NHS Blackpool Clinial Commissioning Group, The Paramedic role has influences on other health and social care

or for social reasons, the patient could be waiting on average 30.3 days

agencies it appears there has been some reduction in elderly patients

after treatment for placement into a residential care home for rehabilitation

being transported to E/D with the use of the pathways available and

(NHS Blackpool Clinial Commissioning Group, 2012). There is usually

working interoperatively with other healthcare professionals. There

a wait for a place to become available in a home generally due to the

is definitely good evidence to show that the introduction of the falls

demand from patient’s being refered as there has been a decline in the

team and the falls prevention program could actually be beneficial by

homes through government cuts (NHS Blackpool Clinial Commissioning

increasing the elderly patient’s physical fitness and assisting them in

Group, 2012). The days that a patient is sat in the hospital awaiting

becoming more independent in living in their own homes as they would

transfer to residential care, with no need for hospital intervention, has

like (Age UK, n.d). The teams will also help to rebuild the confidence

a detrimental effect on the NHS as the bed is occupied and no further

which some elderly people will lose due to the falls (Age UK, n.d). The

patients can be admitted due to the bed pressures (NHS Blackpool

role of the Paramedic has had to develop over the years as the patients’

Clinial Commissioning Group, 2012). This is at £250 per day when the

needs have changed (Department of Health Public health nursing,

average week in a residential home is only £524 (Nursing Times, 2013).

2013). Along with other healthcare professionals including nurses, they

This money could be spent in other areas of the health service such

assist in treating patients at home that would once have been treated in

as for prevention of accidents. Hospitals try to make the best use of

the hospital setting (Department of Health Public health nursing, 2013).

beds and usually run at high occupancy rates but because emergency

However, whilst hospitals and emergency ambulances are working

admissions do fluctuate, they mainly run at 85% and anticipate bed

seven days a week there are a proportion of services including district

shortages (National Audit Office, 2013). Other problems related to elderly

nurses, social services, community care and occupational therapists

patients who have been admitted due to a fractured neck of femur, usually

that offer restricted out of hours services (National Audit Office, 2013).

during the winter months, have a greater chance of being admitted to

With the delay of patients being assessed or being sent home with

any available bed and not onto the ward they require for specialist care

services not in place will have a detrimental effect on the patient

when the hospital is running at high occupancy (National Audit Office,

(National Audit Office, 2013). This in turn has increased the burden on

2013). This could extend their length of stay and ultimately lead to a poor

paramedics, who are seen as a safety net.

outcome (National Audit Office, 2013). The total cost of the treatment for patients who have had a fracture to their neck of femur and never again

The paramedic role has changed and will develop more in the future.

regain their full mobility is £2 billion per year (Royal College of Physicians

Along with higher education, further skills being added and greater

Effectiveness and Evaluation Unit, 2007). The government have started

pathways available paramedics will become more confident in leaving

“The better care fund” for the elderly which the funds are projected to be

a greater number of patients at home and this should help in reducing

£3.8 billion from the reduction of emergency admissions (Age UK, 2015).

the attendances to ED. With paramedics educated through the higher education route they are going to have better underpinning knowledge

The significant impact of an aging population and in particular falls, has

of conditions, enhanced clinical skills and will be able to develop or

led to some interesting partnerships. Available in some areas of the

follow appropriate treatment plans particularly for the elderly population.


2012). Once the patient has been assessed and admitted for treatment

207 Do you have anything you would like to add or include in Features? Please contact us and let us know.

FEATURE Reference list Age UK. (2015). Age UK’s score card - The devastating truth of the social care crisis. London: Age UK.

reducing admissions and repeated falls. London: NICE. Retrieved from hhtp://

Age UK. (n.d). Stop Falling: Start Saving Lives and Money. London: Age UK.

NHS Audit Commission. (2004). Older people-independence and wellbeing, The challenge for public services. London: Audit Commission.

Armour, D. (2002). Medicines in the Elderly. London: Pharmaceutical Press.

NHS Blackpool Clinial Commissioning Group. (2012). Fylde Coast Unscheduled Care Strategy. Blackpool: NHS Blackpool.

Blaber, A. (2012). Foundation For Paramedic Practice: A Theoretical Perspective. London: McGraw-Hill Education UK.

NHS England. (2015, February 26). College of Paramedics. Retrieved from College of Paramedics: news/prescribing-consultationgoeslive

Blaber, A. (2014). Clinical Leadership for Paramedics. London: McGrawHill Education (UK). Bradley, P. (2011). Taking Health Care To The Patient 2. London: Department Of Health. Retrieved from media/79145/taking_healthcare_to_the_patient_2.pdf Clear Vision. (2014, September). Paramedic pathfinder and community care pathways. London: North WestAmbulance Service. College of Occupational Therapists. (2014). Guide for commissioning, funding and planning services which include occupational therapists. London: COT. Retrieved from general/public/commisioners-tool.pdf College of Paramedics. (2014). College of Paramedics “Paramedic curriculum guidance”. Bridgewater: College of Paramedics. Department for Communities and Local Government. (2013). First Stop: Live safely and well at home. London: Age UK. Department Of Health [DH]. (2005). Taking Health Care to the Patient: Transforming NHS Ambulance Services. London: COI Communications for the Depatment Of Health. Department of Health [DH]. (2011). Taking Healthcare to the Patient 2. London: Department of Health {DH}. Department of Health. (2012). Supporting all NHS Trusts to achieve NHS foundation. London: Department of Health. Department of Health Public health nursing. (2013). Care in local communities: A new vision and model for district nursing. Leeds: Department of Health.

North West Ambulance Service. (2010). Paramedic Pathfinder and Community Care Pathways. Bolton: North West Ambulance Service. Nursing Times. (2013). Older patients face month long waits for hospital transfer. Nursing Times. Retrieved from nursing-practice/specialisms/older-people/older-patients-face-monthlong-waits-for-hospital-transfer/5058601.article Pearson, D. (2014). Adult social care funding: 2014 state of the nation report. London: Local Government Association. Royal College of Nursing. (2014, June 17). District nurses face ‘extinction’ in 2025. Retrieved from Royal College of Nursing: http:// extinction_in_2025 Royal College of Physicians Effectiveness and Evaluation Unit. (2007). National Clinical Audit of Falls and Bone Health in Older People. 2007: Royal College of Physicians. Skinner, D. v. (1997). Cambridge Textbook Of Accident & Emergency Medicine. (D. Skinner, A. Swain, R. Peyton, & C. Robertson, Eds.) Cambridge: The Press Syndicate Of The University Of Cambridge. Snooks, H., Kearsley, J., Halter, M., Redhead, J., & Cheung, W. Y. (2004). Towards primary care for non-serious 999 callers: result of a controlled study of “Treat and Refer” protocols for ambulance crews. Emergency Medical Journal. doi:10.1136/emermed-2012-202129 World Health Organization [WHO]. (2007). WHO Global Report on Falls Prevention in Older Age. Switzerland: World Health Organization.

Dickinson, A., Machen, I., Horton, K., Jain, D., Maddex, T., & Jenny, C. (2011). Falls prevention in the community: what older people say they need. Hertfordshire: University of Hertfordshire. Dolan, B., & Holt, L. (Eds.). (2013). Accident & Emergency, Theory into Practice, 3. Elsevier Health Sciences. Keogh, B. (2013). Transforming urgent and emergency care services in England. London: NHS England. Retrieved from nhsengland/keogh-review/documents/uecr.ph1report.fv.pdf


Lord, S. R., Sherington, C., Menz, H. B., & Close, J. C. (2007). Falls in older People: Risk Factors and Strategies for Prevention (2 ed.). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Mandelstam, M. (2007). Betraying the NHS: Health Abandoned. London: Jessica Kingsley Publishers. National Audit Office. (2013). Emergency admissions to hospital: managing the demand. London: Department of Health. Retrieved from National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence [NICE]. (2014). Quality and Productivity: Proven Case Study, Crisis response falls team:

208 For further recruitment vacancies visit:


LIFE CONNECTIONS 2018 TAKES TO THE ROAD - NEW VENUES NEW SPEAKERS - NEW TOPICS In order to save potential delegates travelling time and costs, which often involves hotel expenses etc., I can advise that, using the successful Life Connections multi conference concept, we are planning to run four one day regional conference events in 2018 at the following venues:Pavilions of Harrogate - Thursday 15th March 2018 Frenchay Campus, Bristol - Thursday 21st June 2018 The Gateway, Aylesbury - Thursday 6 September 2018 North Staffordshire Medical Institute, Stoke on Trent - Thursday 25th October 2018 Each event will include four separate conferences incorporating six thirty minute presentations for the benefit of Paramedics, Resuscitation Officers, Community First Responders and First Aid Trainers. These four individual regional events will obviously replace our previous two day Life Connections event.

to give a thirty minute presentation or know of someone who can assist, please email me at: Two separate Workshops entitled: Essential Airway Skills for ECAs/ EMTs/ Paramedics and Essential Trauma Skills for First Aiders and Community First Responders, run by Jamie Todd of Pre-Hospital Care Consultancy Ltd, will form part of all four events. A third Workshop, run by Paul Savage OBE, entitled Seven Ways to Die in Cold Water which covers immersion, submersion, drowning and hypothermia will also be included in our Bristol event only. An early bird delegate rate of just ÂŁ25 per person to include lunch, tea / coffee etc is currently available. All programmes are currently being finalised but the majority of presentations are now in place. To select which venue / programme best suits please visit our dedicated website

To date a number of topical presentations have been agreed for each of our four events which include: Advanced Airway Management, Understanding and Assessing Kids that Limp - this topic covering septic arthritis, inflammation, malignancy etc.,The Use of Smartphone Technology in Resuscitation, Impact Brain Apnoea and Head Injuries, Local Anaesthetic Toxicity, Social Media and Continuing Professional Development...Challenging Learners, Futile Resuscitation, Just How Bad Are Your Clinical Skills? Can Ultrasound Help?; Simulation: Challenging Reality; Sepsis - The Hidden Killer; Advanced Airway Management; Burns - Timing is Everything; Simulation as a Learning, Teaching and Assessment Tool - we are actively seeking further presentations that will be of interest to the above mentioned groups, therefore, if you are able




Midlands Air Ambulance Charity Invests In New Rapid Response Vehicles Midlands Air Ambulance Charity has recently unveiled three new rapid response vehicles to support the lifesaving organisation’s operations across the region. As the charity covers the largest air ambulance operating area in England, it is imperative the expert aircrew can rely on the very best vehicles to swiftly reach, and subsequently treat those in critical need of pre-hospital care. With assistance from the its corporate partners, M6toll, the charity took delivery of a fleet of three BMW X5 rapid response vehicles (RRVs) to complement air operations. The three

Already in action, the new cars

Becky Steele, air operations

To take full advantage of the

are deployed if a helicopter is

manager for Midlands Air

space and maximise clinician’s

grounded, for example during the

Ambulance Charity, highlights the

time efficiency at the incident

hours of darkness or a period of

decision to invest in the BMW X5

scene, a great deal of research

particularly bad weather.

series model: “The X5 is a tried

went into the medical fit-out of

and tested rapid response vehicle On average five per cent of

for the emergency services.

X5 vehicles are situated at the

incidents Midlands Air Ambulance

Its large interior is perfect for a

organisation’s three airbases

attends are via the RRVs, enabling

bespoke medical equipment fit

– RAF Cosford in Shropshire,

the aircrew to continue to offer

out, while the model’s advanced

Tatenhill airfield in Staffordshire,

early medical intervention and

capability means it is a reliable

and Strensham Services on

save lives when the aircraft is not

asset, ensuring our clinicians tend

the M5 in Worcestershire.

an option.

to incidents swiftly and safely.”

Authority specification BMW

the BMWs, with the charity’s health partner, West Midlands Ambulance Service. Duplicating the medical kit on the helicopters, the BMWs are ready for action at a moment’s notice. Each RRV carries a range of kit including; two response bags, a Zoll cardiac monitor, suction and ventilation equipment, leg splints, oxygen, burns packs, scene lighting and a safe for storing drugs in transit. Becky continues: “Our medical crews are trained to the highest standard and these high-tech vehicles complement our operations perfectly. Thanks to their capability and the kit on board, they are already enabling


us to save even more lives across the region.” James Hodson, director of operations for Midland Expressway, operators of the M6toll, added: “M6toll has since day one proudly supported Midlands Air Ambulance Charity, donating over

210 For more news visit:

NEWSLINE £270,000. Roads are our business

Macmillan has invested £350,000

Ambulance Service and are

Alison Kimber, Clinical Services

and we know that most of the

funding over a three-year period,

confident this work will make a

Manager at NEAS, said: “We have

work Midlands Air Ambulance

to enable North East Ambulance

huge difference to people with

an ambition to deliver first class

Charity has to do concerns

Service (NEAS) to recruit


care to palliative and end of life

road traffic accidents, therefore

three new roles: a Macmillan

patients and recognise the crucial

understand the vital importance

Nurse Facilitator, a Macmillan

Recruitment of the team will begin

of the service they provide. The

Engagement Officer and an

in the autumn.

RRVs have been kitted out with

admin support role.

a Tag, allowing free use of the

part we can play in enabling people to achieve what they would consider a good death,

The new service expands on

especially in times of crisis and uncertainty.

M6toll enabling their teams to

Working from within the

the work already undertaken to

reach incidents across the region

Operations Centre at NEAS, they

improve end of life services for

even quicker.”

will be tasked with equipping

North East patients, which has

“Currently patients who call

ambulance staff with the specialist

included a successful end of life

999 or NHS111 for support will

The charity’s new RRVs were

skills necessary to support

transport scheme, which allows

receive an ambulance due to the

part-funded by corporate partner,

terminally ill patients, and the

healthcare professionals to

complexities of their conditions,

M6toll, and a grant giving

people around them, whether

arrange transportation for patients

which will usually result in

organisation, and have been

that be on an emergency 999

to be able to die in a place of their

them attending an emergency

supported by the following; West

call, a NHS111 call or as part of a


department, regardless of that

Midlands Ambulance Service,

scheduled ambulance transport

BMW Group, Carnation Designs,


patient’s wishes. This funding Building on that service, NEAS

from Macmillan allows us to

has worked with the Queen

introduce palliative care expertise

Wilker Vehicle Conversions, VUE

The dedicated Macmillan

Elizabeth Hospital in Gateshead

into the ambulance service,

CCTV, Mansfield Group, Body

team will also work with other

to secure the hospital’s nurse

thereby enabling us to provide

Repair Centre and Terrafix.

healthcare and social care

consultant in palliative care, Dawn

a more appropriate responsive

providers throughout the North

Orr, to work within NEAS on a

service within the community for

East to ensure patients’ care

one-year secondment to further

those patients to better meet their

plans are fed into the system so

improve services for Palliative and

needs and wishes.”

their wishes can be respected

End of life patients across the

throughout the process.


As well as providing better patient

For the last year Dawn has been

East Ambulance Service has

care, it is hoped this service will

working as a nurse advisor and

been raised thanks to donations

mean more patients can continue

clinical expert within the Trust’s

from the public. To get involved

to be cared for at home and

Clinical Assessment Service

with fundraising for Macmillan in

prevent unnecessary admissions

supporting NEAS employees both

the North East, call Macmillan’s

to hospital.

in the Operations Centre and

fundraising support centre

out on the road to develop the

on 0300 1000 200 or email

Macmillan service.

Design, Woodway Engineering,


New specialist service for terminally ill patients in North East Second ambulance service in the UK to create dedicated end of life service

Money from Macmillan used to fund the new staff at the North

A specialist ambulance service

Tina Thompson, Macmillan

will soon be available to ensure

Partnership Manager in the North

the wishes of terminally ill patients

East, said: “End of life care is a

in the North East are respected.

major issue and it’s something Macmillan has campaigned about and called on the

Macmillan Cancer Support and

government to make a priority.

North East Ambulance Service

Our research has highlighted

NHS Foundation Trust (NEAS)

numerous issues around the

aims to address problems which

UK, such as people with cancer

have been highlighted across the

not being able to die at home,

UK around the quality of care and

or not receiving adequate pain

support for patients at the end of

relief. These problems can be

their lives.

addressed when staff are given specialist care skills to provide

The Macmillan Supportive,

excellent support for people at

Palliative and End of Life Service,

the end of their lives, and those

which is believed to be the first of

around them.

its kind across the North and only the second in the UK, is set to

“We’re really pleased to have

launch at the start of 2018.

linked up with the North East


The new partnership between

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London Ambulance Service marks 100,000 followers milestone On 15 August, London Ambulance Service reached 100,000 followers on Twitter – making it the most popular NHS Trust account in the UK. The @Ldn_Ambulance account was set up in 2009 to share news directly with patients, Londoners and stakeholders and to keep people informed about major incidents across the capital. Chief Executive Garrett Emmerson said: “It’s not just about sharing the latest updates from the scene of incidents; we use Twitter to recruit the best staff, give health care advice, influence how people use the 999 system and promote the clinical skills and expertise of our staff. “We want to thank all our followers for their support and their interest in the Service. From likes, retweets and messages of praise, it means a lot to our ambulance crews, control room and support staff.” The Service’s use of social media is continuing to expand and it now has specialist and local borough accounts on Twitter as well as Instagram, Facebook and a YouTube channel.

“Evaluation of our campaigns shows that Twitter is also one of the most effective ways to influence behaviour. Our social media campaigns have helped double the number of applications to work for the Service as well as reduce alcohol related demand.

Since its launch the Services has posted nearly 16,000 tweets; with the most popular featuring statements following the attacks on London Bridge, promoting the Service’s commitment to our LGBT workforce and giving a nod to #InternationalCatDay. In celebration of the milestone, the Service has released a celebratory film featuring staff across the organisation thanking followers for helping them to reach the 100,000 mark.


Ground breaking paramedic tool aims to reduce ambulance callouts to care homes A pair of paramedics have developed a brand new way for North West Ambulance Service (NWAS) to work with nursing and residential homes to help residents to get the most appropriate care more quickly. Staff at nursing and residential homes can now be trained by NWAS to use the ‘Nursing and Residential Triage Tool’ to determine themselves whether a patient requires an emergency ambulance or it would be more appropriate for them to be cared for by a GP or urgent care service. Specialising in working in the community, Paramedic, Mark Wenman found that around 21% of all 999 emergency calls in the North West were callouts to nursing and residential homes, and of these jobs, almost 30% didn’t required hospital treatment which is why he enlisted the help of Triage Development and Evaluation Paramedic, Steph Allmark and started looking into a way to improve this.

Mark said: “Patients in care and residential homes are often much more comfortable being treated where they are without the need to be admitted into hospital and wherever possible we will do everything we can to make sure this is possible. “This tool is not only hugely beneficial to the ambulance service as it frees up our vehicles and crews for serious and lifethreatening emergencies, it also means that the patient is treated in a surrounding that they are used to with people that they know.” The tool works by allowing carers, who have prior knowledge of the patient’s health needs, to look at the symptoms being presented and using to tool to find the most appropriate care based on the world renowned Manchester Triage Tool. Initially using the tool in just three care homes in the area, its success has now meant that it has been implemented in over 50 across the North West with a view to expand to over 200 in the coming months. Using the tool has proven successful in trials and has reduced 999 calls to nursing and residential homes by over 50% in some cases. Care home staff are initially trained on how to use the tool by an NWAS professional and are then able to refer to the tool to help decide on the most appropriate care based on the symptoms being presented by the patient.

East of England Ambulance Service NHS Trust’s Chief Executive Robert Morton and Chair Sarah Boulton signed mental health charity Mind’s Blue Light Time to Change Pledge in May 2016. A year on and the Trust is not just focusing on mental health but investing in the overall wellbeing of its staff. By signing the pledge, the Trust needed to demonstrate it had produced an action plan, detailing what will be delivered to commit to supporting the mental health of staff. From a full strategy incorporating the principles of the Pledge, to the launch of a wellbeing hub, the Trust has many different support systems now in place and the list of services is continually growing. The service now covers different aspects of mental health including training, counselling and e-therapy on subjects such as personal resilience, stress and anxiety, suicide prevention, mental health and first aid. The Trust’s Health and Wellbeing Manager Debra Winterson, said: “The signing of the Pledge really was the trigger. It formed part of our commitment to developing a holistic, including physical, social and psychological, wellbeing service for our staff. “We often work together with the police and fire services to share ideas

A short promotional film is available to watch: https://www. us&

and support each other, which in turn strengthens all of our services. “We have moved on a long way since and are proud of our


growing no stigma approach to

Mental health pledge triggers new services at ambulance trust

any element of our staff’s health.” The Mind Blue Light Time to Change Pledge encourages organisations to publicly commit

The region’s ambulance service

to a series of actions to tackle the

is continuing its bid to rid the

stigma and discrimination around

stigma of mental health.

mental health.


Garrett added: “The way people get their news has rapidly changed in the last few years. Social media channels like Twitter makes us much more accessible and accountable and allows us to engage directly with our audience.

“We will continue to invest in our social media channels, giving our followers an insight into what it’s like to be a part of the UK’s busiest ambulance service.”

213 For all your equipment needs visit:


A breath of fresh air for patients with respiratory failure West Midlands Ambulance Service and the University of Sheffield have launched a trial which could save lives, reduce the time patients spend in hospital and save money. The ‘ACUTE’ trial is looking at patients who suffer from life threatening acute respiratory failure. The condition often results in patients spending long periods of time in hospital, frequently in intensive care. The condition happens when heart or lung disease suddenly

As many as one in eight patients will die from the condition. Patients with conditions such as COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease) and particularly serious cases of pneumonia are often victims of the condition, where they struggle to breathe. Ambulance staff currently provide oxygen delivered at normal pressure through a loose fitting mask. Under the trial, ambulance crews will use a CPAP device (continuous positive airway pressure). It involves delivering oxygen under increased pressure through a close-fitting facemask effectively forcing oxygen into the lungs. This allows the oxygen to be taken into the blood stream and also allows carbon dioxide to be released.

develops or worsens and leads to patients being unable to maintain oxygen levels in the blood.

The ACUTE (Ambulance CPAP: Use, Treatment effect and

Economics) trial, will involve ambulance crews in Staffordshire and Birmingham. Staffordshire historically has higher rates of respiratory disease. This pilot study will be used to see if a full trial of CPAP (Continuous Positive Airway Pressure) is feasible, acceptable and cost-effective.

pre-hospital setting will make a difference to a patient’s survival and reduce hospital stays at the same time. It has the potential to save many lives.” Consultant Paramedic, Matt Ward, said: “Patients who are to be recruited into the trial will receive a full briefing from the ambulance staff so that they can make an informed choice. One of the key issues is making sure ambulance staff can explain the trial in simple terms.”

WMAS Lead Research Paramedic, Andy Rosser, said: “We know that CPAP is used very effectively in hospitals. Small studies outside of the UK suggest that using CPAP in an ambulance may save more lives, particularly where the patient is in a more rural location and has further to travel to hospital. Where CPAP is used, the patient would start to receive treatment sooner, rather than waiting until they arrive in hospital.”

Research Paramedic, Imogen Gunson, added: “The mask and straps may not be pretty on the eye, but patients report that it can make a big difference as to how they feel and also how easily they can breathe.”

Research paramedic, Josh Miller, said: “What we want to establish is whether using CPAP in a

45-minute training video is available for all staff and students at

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Cardiac arrest survivor, 26, reunited with lifesavers A first aider has been praised for his actions which helped save the life of a colleague in Suffolk. Aaron Kent was working at Birds Eye in Lowestoft on 10th April when he collapsed and stopped breathing. Factory first aider Chris Calver rushed to his side and began

certificate from EEAST’s very own Chris Calver, who was the first paramedic on scene.

Lincolnshire, on July 8. Additional

emergency services and for the

support was provided by TASC

general public to engage with

volunteer Elaine Clarke.

the Police, Fire and Ambulance

Rogan Day, a duty locality officer for EEAST, said the team were “absolutely delighted” to be reunited with Aaron. He added that the first aider’s actions were crucial.

They were invited to attend the

services and others.

“All of us feared the worst on the day. This was a real team effort. All of us are in agreement that without Chris, he [Aaron] would not be here today. It is really important that people understand the importance of early CPR and using a defibrillator.”

cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and used one of the company’s defibrillators on the 26-year-old who was in cardiac arrest. Within minutes, clinicians from the East of England Ambulance Service NHS Trust (EEAST), co-responders from Suffolk Fire and Rescue Service, and the East Anglian Air Ambulance arrived. After 10 shocks from a defibrillator Aaron was resuscitated at the scene and airlifted to the Norfolk and Norwich University Hospital. He was reunited with his lifesavers on Wednesday 19th July after

Rescue Day by East Midlands

The emphasis on this year’s event,

Ambulance Service, and met EMAS

which raised funds for emergency

acting Chief Executive Richard

services and local community

Henderson and Chair Pauline Tagg

related charities, was community

MBE during the event.

engagement with numerous organisations in attendance.

TASC operated a stall throughout the day which offered information

A spokesman said: “The purpose

and material about the charity, as

of Rescue Day is to bring together

well as the opportunity to sign up

as many of our rescue services

as a Supporter. There was also

as possible in one place to

merchandise for people to buy,

demonstrate what they do and

plus a lucky dip which attracted

how they do it. Raising public

lots of children.

awareness on safety issues such as the dangers of open waters,


TASC invited to attend national Rescue Day event

A spokesperson for TASC, which

road safety, fire prevention, and

collected around £300 on the

drink/drug driving, combined with

day, said: “This was a really

an interesting yet fun day out, is

important event for us to attend

the aim of this special day.

Members of TASC, The Ambulance Staff Charity have been reaching out to ambulance personnel and the general public during a national event aimed at showcasing the work of the emergency services.

Midlands Ambulance Service for

“People also have the opportunity

their invitation. We were able to

to publicly engage with the Police,

raise awareness amongst both

Fire, Ambulance, Air Ambulance,

ambulance staff and the general

Search and Rescue, Coastguard,

public about the valuable work we

Water Rescue and many more.”

TASC Vice Chair Gordon Enstone and staff members Jean Hayes and Angie Crashley attended the Rescue Day which took place at Lake Country Park in Crowle,

and we are very grateful to East

do in helping past and present members of the ambulance

Further information about Rescue

community and their families.”

Day is available by visiting

Rescue Day, which was cancelled

For more information about TASC,

last year due to heavy rainfall,

The Ambulance Staff Charity

began in 2008 to showcase

please visit

the vital work carried out by the

or call 0800 1032999.

making a full recovery. Aaron cannot remember anything of the day he collapsed and has since had an implantable cardioverter defibrillator (ICD) fitted in his chest. “I had a few weeks of sore ribs AMBULANCE UK - OCTOBER

but I feel alright. I’m a lot better now and coming back to work was a bit odd because I was off for 10 weeks. “I did not realise there were so many people that came out to me. I want to thank everyone who helped out,” he said. Chris Calver was presented with a

East Midlands Ambulance Service Chair Pauline Tagg & TASC vice Chair Gordon Enstone

215 Do you have anything you would like to add or include in Newsline? Please contact us and let us know.

NEWSLINE Ipswich Hospital gets green light to build new hospital helipad Ipswich Borough Council has given planning permission to The Ipswich Hospital NHS Trust to create a new lifesaving helipad beside its emergency department. The HELP Appeal, the only charity in the country dedicated to funding the construction of hospital helipads, has agreed to fund the entire work, which will cost £250,000. It is likely that the ground level helipad will be operational by January 2018.

With the new helipad, it will be

to its expert treatment because of

funding, every penny of which

considerably faster. This reduction

these new developments.

will contribute to the helipad and saving lives.”

in time offers seriously ill patients the best possible chance of

Robert Bertram, Chief Executive,

survival and recovery.

HELP Appeal said:

The helipad will also mean the

“We go where we are needed

and on the East Anglian Air

hospital and air ambulance teams

most and Ipswich Hospital

Ambulance. He said:

can transfer patients from Ipswich

needed our help. When a patient

hospital for emergency treatment

suffers a major trauma or serious

“Trauma is a disease of time

in other specialist centres quickly

medical event, an additional

and every second is crucial

and smoothly.

lengthy transfer to hospital after

when dealing with medical

landing in an air ambulance could

emergencies. There are occasions

There are three air ambulances

seriously affect their chances

when it takes longer to transfer

operating five helicopters across

of recovery. Building this new

the patient from the helipad to the

the region which will be able to land

helipad just a short trolley push

emergency unit in hospital, than it

on the new helipad, including the

away from the hospital could

does to reach them at the site of

East Anglian Air Ambulance which

dramatically improve their

the incident, so the minutes the

treated and delivered 47 patients

chances of recovery.”

new helipad at Ipswich Hospital

Neil Berry is a consultant Anaesthetist at Ipswich Hospital

will save could be the difference

to Ipswich hospital in 2016/17. With a larger size of 25m x 25m and

Ipswich Hospital Chief Executive

between life and death for many

built-in lighting, air ambulance (AA)

Nick Hulme said:

of our patients. I am extremely

The hospital’s existing helipad is

helicopters will also have the ability

located at the back of the school

to land at the hospital in the hours

“The new helipad will be a big step

provided by Ipswich hospital and

field at Copleston High School.

of darkness for the first time.

forward in delivering first-class care

the East Anglian Air ambulance

to our critically ill patients.

and am delighted that the HELP

Once an air ambulance lands

proud of the medical care that is

there, it takes critically ill patients

This means significantly more

between 15 to 20 minutes to

patients will now be able to land at

“We are hugely grateful to The

enhance our service by making

be transferred to the hospital.

Ipswich Hospital and have access

HELP Appeal for this £250,000

the new helipad possible.”

Appeal has enabled us to further


(L - R) Neil Berry, consultant anaesthetist at Ipswich Hospital, Vince Ogilvie from the hospital estates team, Robert Bertram, chief executive of the HELP Appeal and Mandy Jordan, head of charity and fundraising at The Ipswich Hospital Charity

216 For further recruitment vacancies visit:


Are your teams prepared for ‘Plus-Size’ rescues? Bariatric rescues take careful planning. To help you prepare, we have a range of Bariatric Manikins weighing in at 90, 180 and 260Kgs. These dummies are weighted to be anatomically correct and will let you create challenging and realistic training scenarios. Supplied with a carry sheet with safe working load of 600kg (LOLER Certified). The perfect HART tool to ensure your team is prepared for bariatric patients.

NEW PRODUCT Our Water-fillable Bariatric Suit is quick and easy to use, and can be carried and put into position by one person. Simply place the suit over your existing Duty manikin, attach a hosepipe and fill it up with water to achieve the required weight. 150kg of additional weight can be added using water, creating a true bariatric challenge!



When the training is over, use the special valves and a hosepipe to empty the water. Quick, simple and effective training at an affordable price.



Father-of-four reunited with paramedics who saved his life after suffering heart attack A father-of-four who suffered a heart attack while enjoying a family barbecue has been reunited with the paramedics who saved his life. Kevin Perry was at home in Caerau, Bridgend when he suddenly started experiencing an ache in his left arm, as well as vomiting and loss of consciousness. Despite his symptoms, the 59-year-old was unaware of what was happening at first. Kevin, who works at HM Prison Cardiff as an operational support

“I was sweating very badly but feeling cold at the same time. By this time my wife Paula had come down and found me slumped over the table.” Paula stepped into action by calling the 111 health advice service. Call handler Michaela Corbett realised the severity of his condition and transferred the call to the Welsh Ambulance Service after taking advice from nurse advisor Rebecca James. Paramedics Joanna Bevan and Richard John were quickly at Kevin’s house in an emergency ambulance and reassured him that they would take care of him. “Richard and Jo came in and looked at me. They were acting so professionally and they knew exactly what they were doing. They put the monitors on me and said: ‘Kevin, you’re having a heart attack.’

grade officer, said: “I had an ache and went to be sick so I sat down and couldn’t understand what was going on.

“Strangely I felt very calm. One of my daughters had arrived so I told her to go upstairs and phone the prison to

tell them I wouldn’t be in tomorrow. “I was so calm and blasé about it and it was because the two paramedics were so calm over everything, even getting me into the ambulance.”

Kevin said: “Apparently it was quite a large heart attack, but the speed of the paramedics getting there and dealing with me was incredible. If it had been longer then I might not be here.

The pair gave Kevin treatment, including pain relief, and carried out an electrocardiogram to check his heart rhythm.

“That’s why we wanted to thank Jo and Richard for what they did for me. It was quite emotional to see them.

They then took him directly to the Cardiac Catheterisation Centre at Morriston Hospital in Swansea, bypassing the Emergency Department.

Richard Lee, the Trust’s Director of Operations, said: “We’re really pleased that Kevin will be able to share many more happy memories with his family thanks to the skills of our staff in recognising and diagnosing Kevin’s heart attack.

Shortly after arriving he underwent an operation to have a stent fitted to unblock the blood vessel which caused his heart attack. He spent three days in hospital following his admission on Saturday 17 June and is now on the road to recovery. Kevin and Paula, who have five grandchildren, recently paid a visit to Port Talbot Ambulance Station to thank Joanna and Richard for saving his life.


218 For more news visit:

“Along with our hospital colleagues, we aim to provide the highest possible standard of service for those suffering from heart conditions. “It’s particularly touching when patients come to thank our staff in person for receiving such excellent care. I would like to thank Kevin and Paula for taking the time to do so and wish him all the best for his continuing recovery.”


Surrey control room staff set to move to new EOC and computer system South East Coast Ambulance Service (SECAmb) welcomed Emergency Operations Centre (EOC) staff from Banstead as they joined their colleagues at the Trust’s new EOC and HQ in Crawley. Staff currently based at Banstead worked their first shift at the Trust’s Manor Royal site on the morning of Tuesday 5 September. They will also join their colleagues in Crawley and the Trust’s East EOC in Coxheath, Kent, in operating on the Trust’s new Computer Aided Dispatch (CAD) system which has been in operation since July. While a small number of departments including Clinical Education and Fleet and Logistics are continuing to operate out of the Trust’s Banstead site the EOC closure completes the Trust’s plans to move from operating three EOCs to two. This brings it in line with the majority of other ambulance trusts around the country who have two EOCs.

The Trust has been using its old CAD system for more than 10 years. A decision was taken by the Trust Board last year to upgrade to a new system in order to improve reliability, user experience and improve performance and information. A competitive

‘Cleric’ have been working with ambulance services for more than 30 years ensuring they have developed a deep understanding of user and service needs. Sue Skelton, Associate Director of Operations said: “We’re looking forward to welcoming EOC staff from Banstead. We hope they enjoy their new modern and bright working environment alongside the benefits of joining their colleagues in operating on the new CAD, which has been very well received by staff already using the system.

The teams dealt with an array of injuries with the most common being concerns for welfare owing to excess alcohol or drugs, small cuts and foot injuries. The clinicians also worked with volunteers from Open Road, who staffed a number of welfare tents on the site, to ensure patients who may have been concerns for welfare were given adequate support and a safe space to recover.

“We understand that change isn’t always easy and we’d like to thank everyone for their patience, understanding and professionalism as this vital project to move to a new HQ, EOC and new CAD has progressed.”

“You never know what will walk through the door next at events like this but it was reassuring to see nothing too serious and know that we had the skills and experience to deal with challenges, should they arise. “It was a very well-run operation and a great example of partnership working at its best.”

Jon Moore, Deputy Director for Service Transformation, Specialist Operations and Resilience at EEAST, said: “We would like to thank the majority of the public who attended V

“The move to the new control room, HQ and new CAD bring huge benefits to staff and ultimately the patients who we provide a service to.

“We would like to thank the huge number of volunteers who supported the medical care and welfare operation and all our staff who worked incredibly hard in a demanding environment.

Festival this year for staying

EEAST treated 110 patients this year compared with 380 last year, and the additional 700 patients were seen to by St John’s Ambulance.

safe and looking after one another. Jointly between us and St John’s Ambulance, we treated about 100 fewer people than last year.

To see photos from the weekend, visit eastofenglandambulance/


Praise for ambulance volunteers and staff following busy V Festival Ambulance bosses have praised staff and volunteers for their hard work during V Festival. During the four-day event Friday 18th – Monday 21st August in Chelmsford, just over 800 patients were seen by the teams from the East of England Ambulance Service NHS Trust (EEAST) and volunteers from St John’s Ambulance.




The majority of people were treated and discharged on the scene, with 31 patients taken to Broomfield Hospital.


The move to the new base was intentionally staggered to allow for EOC staff to be trained on the Trust’s new CAD system. The CAD is the system used to record all data related to 999 and urgent requests of the Trust for ambulance assistance and is primarily used by Emergency Operations Centre (EOC) staff to assess, prioritise and, if necessary, dispatch ambulance crews to 999 calls.

tendering exercise led to Cleric Computer Services being awarded the new contract to implement the new CAD early this year.

219 Do you have anything you would like to add or include in Newsline? Please contact us and let us know.

NEWSLINE on a daily basis; patients that

Sarah Johnson, Deputy Director

stay in their bed clothes and, as

of Nursing, said; “There is an

a result, feel more vulnerable, are

assumption that patients need to

less comfortable and move around

stay in their pyjamas or hospital

much less than they would if they

gown until they are discharged

were dressed. It is quite shocking

from hospital but that is not the

to hear that 10 days of bed-rest

case. Many of our patients do

in hospital is the equivalent of 10

not want to spend any longer

years of muscle ageing for elderly

in hospital than is absolutely

patients. But if we can help patients

necessary so it is important

paralysis’ campaign which is

get back to their normal routine

that we end ‘PJ paralysis’ and

raising awareness of the impact

as quickly as possible, including

encourage our patients to get

of patients staying in pyjamas or

getting dressed in their everyday

up and dressed to maintain their

hospital gowns for longer than

clothes, we can support a quicker

independence and their dignity.”

they need to and the benefits of

recovery, help patients maintain

getting dressed and being more

their independence and help get

The majority of services provided


them home sooner.”

by Isle of Wight NHS Trust are


‘Pyjamas say your poorly, clothes say you’re getting better’ #endPJparalysis Staff at St. Mary’s Hospital are supporting the national ‘end PJ

commissioned and funded by Isle Patients that stay in their pyjamas

Matrons and senior nursing staff

of Wight Clinical Commissioning

or gowns can have a higher risk of

came to work wearing their pyjamas

Group (CCG), NHS England and

infection, loss of mobility, fitness

today (Tuesday 1st August) and

Isle of Wight Council.

and strength which results in them

spoke to patients and staff about

staying in hospital longer. Many

the campaign. Natalie Mew

patients lose the ability to carry out

continued: “What was apparent this

routine daily functions like bathing,

morning as we visited the wards

dressing, getting out of bed and

was the number of patients who did

walking due to unnecessary bed

not have any clothes with them to


be able to get dressed. PJ paralysis is such a simple message and

Natalie Mew, Matron for Medicine

the benefits are huge for patients.

at St. Mary’s Hospital is getting

Over the coming weeks we will be

behind the campaign and seeking

looking at ways we can support

support from families to bring

patients to get into a routine of

clothes in for their relatives. Natalie

getting up, getting dressed and

Mew said: “We see ‘PJ paralysis’

being more active, if they can.”

have been agreed in partnership with staff and staff representatives in recognition of the additional skills and knowledge our clinicians now need. “The renewed job descriptions and changes in banding reflect


Technician and Paramedic Re-banding Announced The Scottish Ambulance Service has announced that almost 2,600 clinicians will be

the value the Service places on frontline staff and our commitment to developing our workforce. “Patients will undoubtedly benefit from this investment as we work to further enhance the delivery of patient-centred care across Scotland, saving more lives and

moving to higher pay bands

treating more people at home and

with updated job descriptions

in community settings in line with

that reflect the changing nature

our ‘Towards 2020’ strategy.”

of modern Technician and Paramedic roles.

Scottish Ambulance Service Employee Director, John Riggins,

New job descriptions were

said, “This is another fine example

agreed in partnership with current

of collaborative working within the

post holders and their trade

Scottish Ambulance Service, and

union representatives before

I would like to commend all those

going through an independent

who have been involved in the

evaluation process which resulted

process. I look forward to seeing

in banding increases.

our staff continuing to grow and develop in their re-banded roles

In the coming weeks, 1,335

and throughout their careers with

Technicians will move from Band 4

the Scottish Ambulance Service.


to Band 5, and 1,259 Paramedics will move from Band 5, starting

“I would like to take this

salary ?22,440, to Band 6, starting

opportunity to thank the national

salary ?26,830. The re-banding

staff side representatives,

will be backdated to Saturday 31

Jamie McNamee (Unite), Stevie

December 2016.

Gilroy (Unison) and Gary Cole (GMB) along with local staff side

Hospital staff wearing pyjamas in support of #endPJparalysis

Scottish Ambulance Service Chief

representatives, staff members

Executive, Pauline Howie, said, “I

and the human resources

am delighted that new Technician

department for all of their efforts

and Paramedic job descriptions

during this process.”

220 For more news visit:


Award for off-duty paramedic 999 Hero Bath-based paramedic Simon Moody has been hailed a hero after he stepped in to save the life of a Clevedon man – while off duty – and is encouraging everybody to learn the lifesaving CPR skill. South Western Ambulance Service’s (SWASFT) paramedic Simon Moody was off duty and stuck in Bath city centre traffic in the pouring rain in May 2017 when he noticed a man looking unwell on the pavement. It soon became clear the man was struggling to breath and was going into cardiac arrest at the side of the road, as passers-by tried to help. Luckily for the patient Simon stepped straight in and gave him chest compressions putting his paramedic life-saving skills into action before backup from his ambulance crew mates arrived. For the patient, Viv Ware from Clevedon, it was a case of right place at the right time, as it was down to Simon’s quick thinking and intervention that he survived that day and his heart started to beat again. Viv was rushed to the Royal United Hospital, Bath where he got further treatment and went on to make a full recovery. This week Viv Ware and his wife Julie went along to Bath Ambulance station to meet Simon and his other paramedic crew mates who helped to rescue him that day and to say thanks. Simon said it was a

humbling experience meeting Viv again: “I must say that such events bring a real sense of satisfaction and underpins what we all do day in day out and we should all be extremely proud of being part of the team that successfully reverted his cardiac arrest enabling Viv to live another day and get back to work within three months. “Every year hundreds of people across the south west experience an out-of-hospital cardiac arrest. Anyone, at any age and at any time can go in to cardiac arrest. The vast majority happen at home or in a public place, which is why it is vital for as many people as possible to learn how to carry out CPR. Every second counts when someone is in cardiac arrest and bystander CPR increases the chance of survival by up to three times. “At the ambulance service we are working hard to see as many defibrillators as possible available across the region too and would encourage people to get in touch to register their device if they haven’t already. Using defibrillators can, and does, save lives. “As a paramedic I know that the sooner basic life support and/ or a defibrillator can be provided to someone in cardiac arrest the better their chance of survival. It is so important to publicise the benefits of CPR wherever possible. I urge people to make sure they and their family and also their children know how to do CPR as I’m a great supporter of the Restart a Heart campaign.”

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lnteract with us (L - R) Reunion at Bath Ambulance Station: Paramedic Simon Moody, Paramedic Barry Scrivens , Viv Ware and his wife Judy Ware, Paul Leader (who was a bystander at the scene and supported the ambulance crew), Student Paramedic Melissa Morris


For further information please visit

221 Do you have anything you would like to add AMBULANCE_UK_07.17_sentri.indd or include in Newsline? Please1contact us and let us know.

11/07/2017 13:35


Yorkshire Air Ambulance achieves NVIS status The Yorkshire Air Ambulance have been granted approval from the Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) to commence NVIS (Night Vision Imaging System) operations with immediate effect. Following a visit from their CAA Flight Operations Inspector, Paddy Connelly, the Yorkshire Air Ambulance (YAA) were granted approval to extend their operational hours into darkness earlier last week, bringing further benefits to the people of Yorkshire. The Charity, which operates two fully night capable Airbus H145 helicopters, will now be available to respond to incidents from 6am until midnight during the week, and 10pm on weekends initially, with crews wearing latest generation night-vision goggles.

Captain Andy Lister, Director of Aviation at the YAA commented “This really is a great step forward in the operational developments of the YAA. Our Pilots and crews have worked extremely hard over the last few months to undertake and learn the processes involved in NVIS flying. It is a complex process for our operational team to have embarked on, however I am pleased to report that we now have a fully capable NVIS team at the YAA. I am very proud of them all, and know we are moving forward together to provide the best possible service for the people of Yorkshire.” Working in partnership with Yorkshire Ambulance NHS Trust, the YAA now offers extended flying hours into the night, as well as two state-of-the-art H145 helicopters which carry the latest generation of medical equipment, advanced clinical practices, alongside the ability to give blood at scene, where required. Two highly trained paramedics fly alongside skilled Pilots, and the Nostell helicopter also carries a

Consultant specialising in prehospital care.

then become a fully night-capable operator.”

Cpt Lister continued “The YAA will commence NVIS operations with immediate effect, now we have been granted approval by the CAA. This will mean our crew will be operational for longer periods each day, enabling them to respond to incidents into the hours of darkness. This will be particularly beneficial in the winter months, when the nights come in much quicker. Our Pilots and navigational crew will wear the NVIS goggles in the front of the helicopter which will enable them to identify any hazards or obstacles when approaching a landing site.

The YAA serves 5 million people across Yorkshire and carries out over 1,250 missions every year. The Charity operates two, state-of-the-art Airbus H145 helicopters and needs to raise £12,000 every day to keep saving lives. They also feature in the TV documentary series ‘Helicopter ER’ which is currently airing on digital channel Really, on Mondays at 9pm.

The Charity are also committed to the ongoing safety and development of its staff, and will be continually training and reviewing our NVIS operations. Whilst we have a number of paramedics already NVIS approved, we are continuing to train the rest of the crew, and expect to have everyone approved for NVIS operations by the end of October, when we will


WMAS joins emergency service colleagues to pledge to be dementia friendly Senior representatives from West Midlands Ambulance Service, Hereford & Worcester Fire and Rescue Service, Shropshire Fire & Rescue Service and West Mercia Police came together to publicly pledge their commitment to work towards being dementia friendly organisations. Earlier this year, The National Fire Chiefs Council (NFCC), The National Police Chiefs Council (NPCC) and the Association of Ambulance Chief Executives (AACE) pledged their commitment and since then local emergency services across the UK have also followed suit.


West Midlands Ambulance Service Chief Executive, Anthony Marsh, said: “As an organisation, our staff work on a daily basis with patients who live with conditions such as dementia and Alzheimer’s disease. We pride ourselves on the care and compassion that we show to such patients but will always strive to do more to help them in their hour of need.

L - R: Cpt Garry Brasher (YAA Pilot), Paddy Connelly (CAA Flight Operations Inspector), Cpt Andy Hall (YAA Chief Pilot), Lee Greenwood (YAA Paramedic)

222 For more news visit:

“Equally, as an organisation with over 5,000 staff, we see such conditions affecting our own

NEWSLINE staff, which is why we will also do everything possible to ensure we work with the individuals to support them in work. With these twin aims we will improve our services and care for people living with these conditions wherever they are in our communities.” HWFRS Chief Fire Officer Nathan Travis said: “HWFRS already works closely the Alzheimer’s Society, Age UK, and local dementia groups to ensure that vulnerable people with dementia are protected against the risks of fire. “I’m delighted that we can now come together with other local emergency services to collaboratively work towards further supporting people affected by dementia in a more cohesive manner.” Employers everywhere should do

Fire Officer, Rod Hammerton. “The stigma and prejudice that has surrounded mental health for years has no place in today’s workplace and employers must lead the fight to stamp it out. Addressing mental health issues in the same positive way we address physical health is a vital part of sustaining and supporting a healthy workforce,” he said.

all they can to end mental health stigma and discrimination in the workplace says Shropshire’s Chief

West Mercia Police and Crime Commissioner John Campion

said: “This is yet another excellent example of emergency services working collaboratively to help the most vulnerable in our communities. I will continue to ensure West Mercia Police have the resources to provide the level of service that our communities expect, protecting people with dementia from harm.”

our commitment to protecting people living with dementia from harm.

Assistant Chief Constable of West Mercia Police, Martin Evans said: “We are proud to stand here today with our blue-light colleagues to reaffirm

To find out more about dementia and the emergency services commitment, please visit

“This pledge boosts the work we already doing as part of the Dementia Action Alliance (DDA) and with the many members of our workforce that are Dementia Friends and Champions.”


223 Do you have anything you would like to add or include in Newsline? Please contact us and let us know.


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For further recruitment vacancies visit:

NEWSLINE ambulance staff and their


Paramedics raise thousands for ambulance charities in channel swim

complete the full distance.

families in times of need, and the

announce that so far they have

Ambulance Wish Foundation UK,

However, Team West Suffolk,

raised in the region of £4,000

which aims to help terminally ill

which consisted of team

for our chosen ambulance

people to fulfil their final wishes.

captain Mark Ransom, Ria

charities. So, whether you have

Delves, Cathy Freeman, Richard

donated, or just supported us

After a frustrating week waiting

Pearce, George Maguire and

for calm seas, the two teams,

Tia Whiteman, produced a gutsy

who are based at Ipswich and

performance to reach the coast

have succeeded in raising

Bury St Edmonds respectively,

of France in just over 14 hours.

thousands of pounds for

finally managed to set off in

ambulance charities after

far from ideal conditions from

A spokesman for the relay

embarking on an intrepid

Samphire Hoe, near Dover, late

challenge said: “With the first

challenge to swim the English

on the night of Friday 7th July.

five or six hours of the swim

Paramedics from Suffolk

“The teams are thrilled to


taking place in darkness,

on our journey, both teams would like to say a massive thank you for enhancing our watery adventure.” People are still able to donate to the relay challenge by visiting: team/paramedicchannelswim

Each team, accompanied by a

well done to them for battling

Nearly a dozen paramedics and

pilot boat, took it in turns to swim

through the waves, the tide, the

student paramedics from East

for one hour at a time across the

cold, cramp, seasickness, and

of England Ambulance Service

21 miles to the French coastline.


The Ambulance Staff Charity is

v West Suffolk Relay Channel

Unfortunately, Team East Suffolk,

“Commiserations to Team East or by calling


comprising team captain Carl

but equally well done for taking

0800 1032 999.

Trust took part in the East Suffolk

Further information about TASC, available by visiting:

Friar, Sam Nichols, Joe Foot,

on one of the world’s most

The two charities benefiting from

Mark Barham and Simon Pryke,

difficult sea swims. It is perhaps

Information about the

the Channel swim are TASC,

were beaten by the difficult

worth noting that more people

Ambulance Wish Foundation

The Ambulance Staff Charity,

conditions in the early part of

climb Mt Everest than swim the

UK can be found at: www.

which supports past and present

the crossing and were unable to

English Channel!


Photo of teams before they set off, with TASC trustee and South East Coast Ambulance Service chaplain Rev Paul Fermor in the centre

225 Life Connections - The Affordable CPD Provider:


Paralympic champion Stephanie Millward supports new airbase Paralympic swimming champion Stephanie Millward MBE is encouraging people to help build a better future for Wiltshire

will enable the charity to continue

by the 2012 London Paralympics

Kevin Reed, Head of Operations at

its lifesaving work and help more

and Rio 2016 Paralympics and

Wiltshire Air Ambulance, said: “We’re

people in the future. Wiltshire

has won 10 Paralympic medals,

so grateful to Stephanie Millward

Air Ambulance is a charity that

including two golds. She is also

for supporting us and becoming

is close to my heart and I’m so

a multiple World and European

a Charity Ambassador. What

proud to be an Ambassador for it.

Para Swimming champion. She

she has achieved is inspirational

will be competing in the World

and as a resident of Wiltshire she

“The charity needs the public’s

Championships next month and

understands the importance of

help to complete the fundraising

hopes to compete at her fourth

Wiltshire Air Ambulance providing

for the new airbase. Every single

Paralympics in 2020 in Tokyo.

an essential helicopter emergency

penny counts and if people put

medical service.

their hearts into it and raise the

Work on building Wiltshire Air

money needed by the end of this

Ambulance’s new airbase began

“We’ve had a really good

year, what a Christmas present it

in April this year and is due to be

response to our Airbase Appeal

would be for the county.”

completed in Spring 2018. The

from individuals, community

charity has received a donation of

groups, schools and businesses,

Stephanie was close to a place

£2.5 million from a benefactor and

but we still need to raise the

in the British international able-

£1 million from the LIBOR fund

remaining funds needed to

August) she visited the site of the

bodied swimming team and

towards the airbase.

complete the building and

new airbase at Outmarsh Farm,

hoped to qualify for the 2000

Semington, near Melksham, to see

Olympics in Sydney before she

The charity’s Airbase Appeal to

If you would like to donate you

the progress of the construction.

was diagnosed with Multiple

raise the remaining £1.25 million

can find out more by going to our

Sclerosis at the age of 17.

to complete the building and

special website

equipping of the airbase has

Air Ambulance and complete the fundraising for its new airbase. Stephanie, from Box in Wiltshire, has become a Charity Ambassador with Wiltshire Air Ambulance and on Friday (11

Stephanie said: “The new airbase

equipping of the new airbase.

will be an incredible facility

She qualified for the 2008

raised £403,981, leaving £846,018

or call the charity team on

benefitting the whole county. It

Paralympics in Beijing, followed

still to be raised.

01380 739453.”


Wiltshire Air Ambulance Charity Ambassador Stephanie Millward at Wiltshire Air Ambulance’s new airbase under construction at Outmarsh Farm, Semington, with (l-r) Paramedics Steve Riddle, Jo Munday, Richard Miller and Kevin Reed, Head of Operations at WAA.

226 For more news visit:


SCAS receives Gold Award for supporting the Armed Forces The Ministry of Defence announced that South Central Ambulance Service NHS Foundation Trust (SCAS) is one of 33 organisations to receive the Ministry’s Employer Recognition Scheme (ERS) Gold Award; its highest badge of honour for organisations which have signed the Armed Forces Covenant and demonstrated

“We are delighted to be

clear that regardless of size,

well aware that Elm House is

recognised with this prestigious

location, or sector, employing

no longer fit for purpose. This

award. In my role it is very

people with military skills is

is a substantial investment for

satisfying to not only find

good for business.”

the Trust and fully establishes

myself meeting so many exServices personnel whose skills and experience we are able to use to benefit patients in our region, but also I am extremely proud that the Trust has such a positive and flexible approach to allow our reservists and cadets to continue their valuable service to our Armed Forces.

our position in Merseyside, NWAS

retaining jobs in Liverpool and

New home for merseyside ambulance staff

also importantly providing the

North West Ambulance

We are now consulting with the

Service staff currently based at Elm House, Anfield, are to relocate eight miles to Speke into a brand new, state of the

“At all levels of our organisation,

art property.

from actively supporting Armed

opportunity for expansion, particularly for our 999 emergency control centre.

staff regarding Estuary Point’s configuration and have been arranging site visits for those staff that will be based there. The feedback we have received is extremely positive.”

Forces Day to training Cadet

The Trust purchased, Estuary

who serve and have served.

Forces, positively recruiting

Point for £2.9m and has begun

ex-Armed Forces personnel

planning to the new location on

Tracy adds: “The Trust is very

The ERS Gold Awards recognise

to encouraging more of our

Liverpool International Business

proud of its commitment to

employers who actively support

staff to become Reservists,

Park which will accommodate

minimising its impact on the

the Armed Forces community

we are incredibly proud of our

the 999 emergency control

environment and this was a key

in their workplace and also

longstanding relationships with

room as well as corporate

factor in selecting a property

encourage others to follow their

and support for our Armed

services and new training

to purchase. Compared to Elm

lead. The award scheme, which



House, Estuary Point will enable

in every part of the country and

Defence Secretary, Sir Michael

The current area office on

in the private and public sectors,

Fallon said:

Belmont Grove, was built in the

outstanding support for those

attracts entries from companies

us to make impactful savings on

early 19th century as a family

has seen a rapid increase in participation since it launched

“These companies have

home, spent some time as

in 2014.

shown the gold standard of

part of the Belmont Workhouse

commitment to supporting

and then in 1979 became

SCAS is one of only two

members of the Armed

the headquarters for the then

ambulances services in England

Forces, veterans, and their

Mersey Metropolitan Ambulance

to have received the prestigious

families. They have taken


Gold Award.

meaningful steps to ensure the

our energy costs.” Estuary Point is a new build property comprising of 40,000 sq ft of office space over three floors. It is located in the centre of the business park with views over the Speke Garston Coastal Reserve and the River Mersey.

Defence community are not

Director of Finance, Tracy Ellery

Philip Astle, Chief Operating

disadvantaged by the sacrifice

comments: “The Trust has

Timescales have yet to be fully

Officer at SCAS, who retired as

they make in helping keep this

been searching for a suitable

agreed but it is hoped that the

a Colonel after a 25-year career

country safe. The actions of

property for its Merseyside

building will be fully functional

in the Infantry, said:

these employers make it crystal

staff for some time as we are

by late summer 2018.


227 Do you have anything you would like to add or include in Newsline? Please contact us and let us know.


Community first responder helps teach first aid to students in Zambia A community first responder has combined her passion for helping people and first aid with her teaching skills to help students at a school in Zambia.

this environment, not least being

to every patient in an appropriate

response. This is called Dispatch

the language barrier. However,

clinical timeframe.

on Disposition.

through some English they could

The new standards, which have

At the same time a new evidence-

understand, by drawing on the

undergone rigorous testing on

based set of clinical codes has

blackboard, using mime and

more than 10 million 999 calls as

been introduced into ambulance

practical demonstrations.

part of the Ambulance Response

control systems that better match

Programme, will allow ambulance

the patient’s presenting condition

services to focus attention on

with the most suitable ambulance

providing an even faster response

response requirement.

we managed to teach the class

“This was such a hugely rewarding experience for us all. We hope these students can take the knowledge they’ve gained from us to help them

to patients who are truly lifethreatened while also reducing transport delays for all other categories of patients. The new system gives Emergency Medical Advisors (EMAs) in Emergency Operations Centres extra time to assess the level of clinical response a patient (who is not immediately lifethreatened) may need and then more accurately decide on the most appropriate resources to send. This means that ambulance resources are then more likely to be available to patients with life-

Manningtree-based CFR

deal with accidents and illness

and schoolteacher Geraldine

in their beautiful but challenging

Mclaughlin, had plans to travel

environment. Let’s hope they can

to Zambia with her sixth form

threatening conditions including

For the most serious calls, where every second counts, ambulances continue to be dispatched immediately. This group of patients will now be designated Category 1. The category is expected to contain almost double the number of patients who were in the original top Red 1 category, thereby ensuring that all those patients with a life-threatening emergency continue to receive the fastest possible response. South East Coast Ambulance

those in cardiac arrest.

Service Chief Executive Daren

take these new skills and pass it

A new pre-triage set of questions

the introduction of these new

students from Kesgrave High

on other students and to people in

will identify those patients in

School. Their aim was to build a

their village”.

need of the fastest response

standards. They will ensure we

earlier than occurs at present.

are better placed to respond

In calls which are not deemed

to our patients more efficiently

immediately life threatening,

and with the most appropriate

EMAs will also be given up to

resource. As well as ensuring

180 seconds longer to get all

greater availability of our

the information they need from a

ambulance crews they also

person making a 999 call before

bring a greater focus on clinical

deciding on the right type of

outcomes for patients.”

large chicken coop to help create a sustainable income source for a remote school. When her CFR colleagues heard of the planned expedition, they wanted to help the Zambian school too and realised they could by donating spare first aid


SECAmb welcomes new ambulance response standards introduced to improve patient care

supplies. South East Coast Ambulance


Armed with donated supplies,

Service NHS Foundation Trust

Geraldine worked alongside

(SECAmb) has welcomed the

expedition leader Adam Evans

introduction of new system of

and one of her students, a St

national ambulance response

John Cadet, to combine their

standards aimed to ensure

skills and deliver a basic first aid

patients in the most need get a

session to the students while in

quicker response.

Zambia last month. The standards, which were Geraldine, who is also Head of

announced by NHS England on

Year 13 at the Suffolk school,

13 July, will be rolled out over the

said “Clearly, we knew there were

coming months and are designed

going to be many challenges

to ensure that the most suitable

in delivering a first aid lesson in

high-quality response is delivered

228 For further recruitment vacancies visit:

Mochrie said: “We welcome national ambulance response

IN PERSON representative on the Governing Council of the

Richard said: “Since I joined the ambulance

Trust appoints Assistant Director of Paramedicine

College of Paramedics, Andy was awarded a

service in 1993 I have met hundreds of

Fellowship of the College of Paramedics as

fantastic colleagues and patients and strived

recognition for his services to the profession.

to blend the best of all of them into my clinical

The Welsh Ambulance Service has

In 2013, he moved to the East Midlands

appointed an Assistant Director of

Ambulance Service to take up the role

“I am thrilled to have received this Fellowship


of Consultant Paramedic, and in 2015

from the Royal College of Surgeons. It’s a real

was promoted to Associate Director of

testament to how far paramedicine has come,

Andy Swinburn, who is based in St Asaph,

Paramedicine before securing his current

and how our colleagues in medicine view our

joins the Trust from East Midlands Ambulance

position with the Welsh Ambulance Service in

profession, that we are now able to develop to

Service and has more than 25 years’


this level.


practice and examining.

experience under his belt. Andy has a specific interest in developing

“The Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh

Andy joined the Lancashire Ambulance

aspirational roles within the profession which

was founded in 1505 and to be part of an

Service in 1991 as part of its Patient Transport

allow for organisations to improve patient

organisation with such a long history is truly

Service, and later progressed to Ambulance

care, inspire clinicians to develop and ensure


Technician, Paramedic, Leading Ambulance

diversity within employee’s careers. Richard has spent time on the training

Paramedic and Operational Trainer. Of his appointment, Andy said: “I’m really

standards committee and speciality advisory

He was promoted to Education and Training

looking forward to working within the Welsh

board of the college, as well as being part of

Manager in 2002, and it was during this

Ambulance and playing my part in ensuring

the examiner selection process.

year that he graduated from Manchester

we can develop the services, clinicians and

Metropolitan University with a degree in

patient care initiatives that hold so much

He qualified as a paramedic in 1995 and

Practitioner Leadership.

potential within Wales.”

has worked for ambulance services in Oxfordshire, London, Avon and Wales.

Following the formation of the North West Ambulance Service in 2006, Andy was appointed as Professional Development Manager, leading the development of a regionwide clinical leadership structure including the roles of Senior, Advanced and Consultant Paramedic.


Welsh Ambulance Service leader ‘truly humbled’ after receiving fellowship A Welsh Ambulance Service leader says

During this period, he also obtained his Master’s degree in Advanced Clinical Practice from Bolton University.

he is ‘truly humbled’ after being awarded a fellowship. Richard Lee, the Trust’s Director of Operations,

Following a period as Northwest England’s

became one of the first paramedics to receive

In 2004, he moved into management roles, firstly at London Ambulance Service and then at Great Western Hospitals Foundation Trust, where he was manager for unscheduled care services. Richard joined the Welsh Ambulance Service as Regional Director in 2009 and was appointed Head of Clinical Services in 2012, before taking up his current role in 2016.

a Fellowship in Immediate Medical Care from the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh Faculty of Pre-Hospital Care on Friday 1 September 2017. Richard, who lives in Cardiff and works in Cwmbran, completed his Diploma in Immediate Medical Care at the college in 2001, and in 2005 became an examiner for the

Since then he has examined hundreds of students and became a supervising examiner in 2015. A former pupil at the Alun School in Mold, Flintshire, he described it as ‘a real honour’ to be recognised with the fellowship, which has only been open to the profession since last year.

Richard Lee, Director of Operations for the Welsh Ambulance Service, with his Fellowship in Immediate Medical Care from the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh



229 Do you have anything you would like to add or include? Please contact us and let us know.


One of Wales’ first paramedics recognised in Queen’s Birthday Honours One of the first paramedics to qualify in Wales has been awarded a British Empire Medal. Cliff Powis from Abertillery has worked in the NHS for the last 43 years, including with the Gwent Ambulance Service, the Gwent Health Authority and most recently the Welsh Ambulance Service. Since 1973, the 67-year-old has taken on various roles ranging from ambulance man to his current role of paramedic. He has been instrumental in the development of the profession, from its early purpose of providing transport for the ill and injured, to the clinically-led emergency medical service which now operates in the country. On Friday he was recognised in the Queen’s birthday honours list with the award for meritorious civil service. Cliff said: “I feel deeply honoured to have been awarded the British Empire Medal in recognition of my contribution to the Welsh Ambulance Service.

As well as his work locally, Cliff has been involved with the wider emergency medical profession in other parts of the world.

about entering the service, but Cliff acted as a mentor, providing me with support and a massive amount of encouragement.

He has visited Chicago in the USA on a number of occasions to be part of a frontline crew, sharing knowledge and experience and learning different practices.

“At this time Cliff was the only paramedic on the station and because of this I had a huge amount of respect for his knowledge and skills.

He said: “One of the highlights of my career was observing and working with one of the finest trauma surgeons in the world, Professor John Barrett at Cook County Hospital in Chicago, Illinois. “It came after I was given the opportunity to experience the streets of Chicago with fire service paramedics Mick and Paddy. “I was also involved in securing an OBE for consultant cardiologist Dr John Davies from the Royal Gwent Hospital, who helped to bring paramedic training to fruition in Wales alongside chief ambulance officer Laurie Porter, and chief training officer Cyril Jarman from the Gwent Ambulance Service.” Cliff is highly regarded by his colleagues, including paramedic Julian Rudge, who was guided by him when he first joined the service 31 years ago. Describing him as an ‘inspirational character’, Julian said: “I was new and quite nervous

“To this day he still has the enthusiasm that I witnessed all those years ago. He always acts in the best interests of the patient at all times and values and respects each and every one of his colleagues.” Tracy Myhill, Chief Executive for the Welsh Ambulance Service, said: “I was fortunate to be taken under Cliff’s wing when I first arrived at the Trust in October 2014. “Cliff took me on ride-out and was very vocal about life at the Trust giving me his honest and unedited opinion about what was good and not so good. “I will never forget how he welcomed me and helped me understand what our issues were and what needed to be done. I was also touched and grateful for the effort he went to in organising an incredible buffet lunch at station for me, which his lovely wife prepared. “I’m delighted that Cliff has been recognised in this way for his sterling work with the Trust in serving his community.”

“I would like to acknowledge the generosity of the residents of Blaenau Gwent, who through former Mayor Jim Owen donated charitable funds to the Gwent Ambulance Service in 1979. “These funds provided the first ever defibrillators on ambulances in Wales, which ultimately proved to be the precursor for paramedic training in Wales.


“I would also like to thank my wife Pam, parents, family friends and colleagues for their constant and unwavering support.” Along with his colleagues Barry Duffield and Tim Pierce, Cliff was part of the first ever paramedic course in Wales in 1983. He has continually provided a high standard of patient care within the Blaenau Gwent area, and also visits schools to talk to pupils about the role of the ambulance service.

Paramedic Cliff Powis from Abertillery, who has been awarded a British Empire Medal in the Queen’s Birthday Honours

230 For further recruitment vacancies visit:

COMPANY NEWS Brayden PRO – advanced support for CPR training “It would be hard to rival as a training system.” Professor Douglas Chamberlain, CBE, KSG Innovative use of technology and improved technical performance is integral to the Brayden PRO, the second generation model of the original award-winning Brayden Manikin. The Braydon PRO’s unique features include connection via Bluetooth to an Android table with bespoke App, providing real-time feedback of CPR performance via easy to use and intuitive, interactive

Brayden PRO is supplied

excited about this partnership with

world’s largest database of live-

exclusively to the UK market

Lifecast Body Simulation because

tissue properties and all SynDaver

by WEL Medical Ltd, a leading

it dramatically elevates our current

tissues are made from water, salts

provider of innovative products of

capabilities and will lead to the

and fibers. The company currently

benefit to the emergency services

development of unbelievably

has 10 patents on these materials,


realistic products that can be used

processes and related products.

in a wide variety of industries,” said

Currently, SynDaver Labs employs

Dr. Christopher Sakezles, founder

more than 100 people at their

of SynDaver Labs. “By joining with

Tampa facility and is planning

Lifecast Body Simulation we will be

additional facilities in the U.S.,

able to take the synthetic human

China, Europe and Latin America.

World-leading “human” manufacturers put heads together for new partnership TAMPA, Fla. – SynDaver Labs, an advanced biotechnology company specialising in the creation of sophisticated synthetic humans and animals, announced the formation of a new international strategic partnership with medical manikin manufacturer Lifecast Body Simulation.

concept to an entirely new level.” SynDaver products have been Headquartered in Elstree Studios,

lauded by industry experts and

London, Lifecast Body simulation

earned a cult following after

supplies universities, hospitals,

appearances on ABC’s Shark

helicopter emergency medical

Tank, MythBusters, Grey’s

services with extremely realistic

Anatomy, and the series finale

medical manikins and innovative

of CSI. The company’s models

training solutions. Lifecast Body

are also expected to feature

Simulation models are made from

prominently in multiple episodes

silicone, are available for each stage

of the upcoming MythBusters 2.0.

of the human lifecycle, and focus on providing maximum visual realism,

screens. Compression depth, compression rate, hand position

The new partnership will allow

and compression are all scored.

SynDaver and Lifecast Body

with a minimum of technology.

Simulation to utilize each

Comparatively, SynDaver technology

By using advanced built-in

company’s unique proprietary

mimics living tissue and is made up

About Lifecast Body Simulation

sensors to detect and analyze the

technology to expand their

of water, salts and fibers - similar to a

Located at Elstree Studios in

effectiveness of CPR, quantitative

capabilities to create ultra-realistic,

live organism. SynDaver’s synthetic

Borehamwood, London, Lifecast

data-driven feedback is provided,

next-generation synthetic bodies.

humans and animals include skin

Body Simulation specializes in

enabling students to improve their

Future human and animal models

with fat and fascia planes, bones,

developing highly accurate and life-

performance. An added benefit

engineered by the two companies

muscles, tendons and ligaments,

like human manikins for a variety of

is that up to six students can be

will combine the fully-functioning

fully articulating joints, a functioning

specialized industries. Lifecast Body

monitored simultaneously by one

anatomy and life-like tissues of

respiratory system with trachea,

Simualtion manikin models provide

instructor and the results can be

SynDaver surgical humans with

lungs and diaphragm, complete

maximum visual realism, with a

shared, saved and exported as

the movie-ready realistic visual

digestive tract from esophagus to

minimum of technology, and are

data, ready to be imported into

appearance pioneered by Lifecast

rectum, urinary tract with kidneys,

available in a range of forms - from

a learning management system

Body Simulation.

gall bladder, pancreas, spleen and

new born babies to elderly adults.

reproductive organs. A functioning

or saved as a student record. Improved performance of users

The synthetic models developed

circulatory system with heart,

Lifecast Body Simulation began

trained on the Brayden PRO can

as a result of this partnership will

coronaries, aorta, vena cava and

as a partnership between

be clearly demonstrated and

be nearly identical and function

vasculature to the extremities is also

seasoned paramedic educators,

its ease of use is a significant

similarly to living human and animal


Dave Halliwell and Rob Clark,

improvement in the development

bodies. The models can be used for

and visual effects artists

of CPR products.

medical testing, surgical training and

John Schoonraad and Tristan Schoonraad. The visual realism

engineering research, eliminating CBE, KSG, states, ‘The Bluetooth link between the impressive Brayden PRO manikin and the

the need for testing with live animals

About SynDaver Labs

of each Lifecast Body Simulation

or human cadavers. Other uses can

Headquartered in Tampa, Florida,

manikin is inspired by John and

include automobile crash testing,

SynDaver Labs is the world’s

Tristan Schoonraad’s previous

ballistic testing and more.

leading manufacturer of hyper-

experience with make-up,

realistic, synthetic human and

prosthetic and special effects

enhances the training value of

“We have always designed our

animal surgical trainers. SynDaver’s

within the film industry. John

this system. It gives not only an

products with the goal of creating

synthetic bodies simulate fully-

Schoonraad has worked on

immediate guide to the quality

a suspension of disbelief. When

functioning live organisms and

award-winning films like Gladiator

of compressions, but also offers

it counts, you need to work with

are primarily used for training in

and Saving Private Ryan, and with

trends and a permanent record of

models that are realistic in both

schools, hospitals and military

celebrities like Russell Crowe, Tom

what is being achieved.”

appearance and feel. We’re

installations. SynDaver has the

Hanks and David Bowie.

app on an android tablet greatly


Professor Douglas Chamberlain,

231 For all your equipment needs visit:







Innovated by

COMPANY NEWS Bariatric Rescues in the Ambulance Service A Weighty Responsibility - Are ambulance teams prepared for bariatric casualties? It’s no secret that obesity amongst the UK population is on the rise – but did you know that obesity is one of the biggest strains on Government funding? According to the Department of Health, they confirmed that it spends more each year on the treatment of obesity related ill-health (a total of £5.1 billion in 2014/15) than the government does on “the police, fire service and judicial system combined”. This is a shocking statistic and one which poses an important question - what additional demands are being put on ambulance crews when it comes to treating plus-sized casualties?

mount up. But it’s not just the cost of additional equipment which raises concerns, it also raises concerns for the health and safety of crew members who need to help manoeuvre much larger, heavier patients. Training for a heavy-weight problem With the prevalence of obesity increasing then, it’s important that HART and general ambulance crews prepare plans for what would happen if they were faced with a bariatric casualty. Training with manikins is one of the best ways of preparing for this scenario. Ruth Lee Ltd are well-known in the paramedic community and have supplied general handling and patient handling manikins for many years. We also have a range of bariatric manikins which have been designed to allow teams to prepare effective extrication methods which put personnel and patients at minimal risk of injury when moving and transporting heavier individuals.

Who is responsible?

Traditionally, the Fire and Rescue

Bariatric rescue was a big focus

Service have worked with

for Ruth Lee Ltd at the recent

Ambulance staff to extricate bariatric

Emergency Services Show, one

patients. But many Hazardous

of the most interesting points we

Area Response Teams (HARTs)

took away from the event following

are now demonstrating increased

conversations with numerous fire and ambulance staff, was ‘who is responsible for bariatrics?’ We heard many stories about bariatric rescues at the show, but the one which really struck a chord with us, was where a lady died because she was unable to be extricated quickly enough from a bath tub after a heart attack.

capabilities, such as West Midlands Ambulance Trust, who have invested more than £400,000 to strengthen its HART over and above what is required nationally. This includes adding a seventh member to each of their teams which allows them to more effectively manage bariatric incidents using specialist equipment. It’s clear then that there is a growing need for bariatric manikins too! Prepare with effective training

Ambulance and Fire crew alike

At Ruth Lee Ltd we want to make

expressed much sadness at this

sure that we are supplying teams

particular story – after all, you are

with the best possible training

both in the business of saving

equipment. Our bariatric manikins

lives. It’s clear that much more

come in 3 sizes, 90kg, 180kg and

needs to be done to ensure that

260kg. The lighter manikin, whilst

both paramedics and fire crews

not ‘strictly’ a bariatric provides the

can respond quickly, confidently

bulk of an obese patient without

and effectively in the instance of

excessive weight. Where easier

emergency bariatric rescue.

Obesity and the ambulance service A Freedom of Information Request from the BBC suggest that there has been a ten-fold increase in obesity-related admissions, increasing from 52,000 in 2006 to a hefty 520,000 in 2016.

training set up is required, we have also designed a Water-fillable Bariatric Suit which allows you to transform a Duty Manikin into a bariatric. Teams can place the bariatric in a confined space, such as a small bathroom, and then add the required weight using water. It’s a simple process, which means that one trainer can set up the rescue

Often, bariatric casualties are prisoners of their own bodies and with this in mind, they will often require assistance when it comes to hospital visits and emergencies. Ambulance crews are therefore seeing an increasing number of bariatric patients and a requirement to help move them safely.

scenario on their own with minimal lifting and handling risk. Once filled, the manikin will weigh up to 200kg letting your team create plans to effectively handle such a situation. In order to further promote safe lifting and handling we can provide a range of bariatric carry sheets which contains a Super Bariatric Carry Sheet, a standard Bariatric Carry Sheet, plus 2 Body Slings. Our Carry Sheet have been tested to destruction and are LOLER certified. All of these sheets have been designed to allow a minimum of 6 people to assist with lifting and are a useful addition to your

These figures, when taken into context across the country soon


and a Bariatric Evacuation Kit

It’s clear that bariatrics require a big investment - For example, the North West Ambulance Service has a total of 8 bariatric vehicles, which have been used over 40,000 times in just four years. They have also spent £184,000 on specialist equipment since 2015.

ambulance equipment.

233 For all your equipment needs visit:

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Life Connections 2014 Exmed Study Day

Theme: Difficult Airway Course EMS™ – An introduction Thursday 15TH May 2014 Kettering Conference Centre, Kettering NN15 6PB






08.30 - 09.00


12.00 - 12.30

09.00 - 09.15

Introduction & History of the Course

09.15 - 09.45

The Airway Algorithms

12.30 - 13.30

09-45 - 10.30

Prediction of the Difficult Airway

13.30 - 14.00

10.30 - 11.15

BVM and Laryngoscopy

11.15 - 11.30

Tea/Coffee, Exhibition

11.30 - 12.00

Skills Stations (4 rotations/30 min. each)

PRESENTATION Skill Stations Rotation 2 Lunch, Exhibition Skill Stations Rotation 3

14.00 - 14.30

Skill Stations Rotation 4

Group 1


14.30 - 14.45

Group 2

EGD’s & Rescue Airways

14.45 - 15.00

Group 3

Needle & Surgical Airway

15.00 - 17.00

Group 4

Video Laryngoscopy


Airway Self Scope Video Tea/Coffee, Exhibition Practical Moulages Wrap up

Topics and Speakers correct at the time of press but may be subject to change

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Delegate Rate: £72.00 (inc VAT) includes: delegate bag, refreshments and the opportunity to visit over 60 trade stands.

Only 7 places remain available!!

To register call 01322 660434 or visit: For more news visit:

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