to repeal the RMA which Collins says the Government has failed to recognise. “Everyone agrees the RMA needs scrapping, we can’t understand why Labour doesn’t sense the same urgency. We need urgent legislation to free up housing supply because we can’t wait years for the RMA to be replaced.” Collins says she already has a bill drafted which approaches housing in a similar way to Christchurch, which now has some of the most stable house prices in the country. “We know what works, National freed up planning rules in Christchurch after the earthquakes and house prices stabilised. My Bill takes the same approach across all of New Zealand, requiring councils to urgently upgrade their District Plans to make it easier for people to build houses.” Environment Minister David Parker argues that the new system will be more efficient and effective. He says the NBA sets out the ways the proposed system
The Government used emergency powers to get houses built after the Christchurch earthquake. It is now one of the only places in New Zealand that has managed to keep up with housing demand. 53
August - September 2021