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How to save your business fromsoaring electricity costs

The harsh reality facingIrishbusinesses today isthat most willbedoing very well to keeptheirdoorsopen over thenext12months,assky rocketingelectricity costs andenergybillssapthecashflow, savingsand future profitsfrombusinessesacross the country.

At the core of everybusiness whichtradesin foodanddrink,is a range of refrigeratedproductswithspecificuses. A lotofbusiness owners probablyinheritedtheequipmentthey useinthepremisesthey now own orleaseandtheolderthepiece ofequipment,theless efficientitwillbein termsofelectricity consumption. For exampletheannualelectrical consumptionofan F rated 12ftfridgeisapproximately31,738kwH. That costs about €15,869+VAT basedonthemost recent commercialbill.

Not replacingoldandinefficientequipmentis costingbusinessesdearly. To replacea fridge could cost approximately €13,000+VAT but by upgradingequipmentthrough Caterboss, you inturn couldsave €12,000+VAT inelectricity costs per year. Andthoseenergysavingswill continue yearon year for the rest oftheoperatinglife ofthefridge.

You cancallCaterboss on 01-9011681and a memberofthe teamwillbe delighted to assist andadvise you onhow andwhere we canhelp you to save a hugeamountofmoney onelectricity outgoings. We can evenarrange a freesite visit to assess yourcurrent consumption andhelpidentifywhere you canmake the most savings. ContactCaterboss on 01-9011681orvisit www.caterboss.ie. (Calculationsare basedon a commercial rate ofelectricityof€0.50per kwh)

Updating a MultideckFridgeto a more energyefficientratedmodel,couldresult insignificantsavings

Pringlespartnerswith Movember for mental health awareness

Pringles hasannounceditissupportingleadingmen’s health charity, Movember for thesecond yearinIrelandandwilldonate a minimumof€50,000.

The brandisencouragingshoppers to startopenandhonest conversations overa canofPringlesthroughan exclusive partnershipwith Tesco. Itkickedoffon 1 Novemberwithimpactful POS displays taking over selected Tesco storesnationwideandis alsoappearingon Tesco.ie. The brandingwhichincludesaislefins, floor stickers,headboards,shelftalkersand website bannersinclude questionspeoplecanuse to start conversationsonmentalhealth suchas,‘Shall I come round fora chat?’.

According to Movember, threeoutof foursuicidesare menand onemandiesfromsuicide everyminute globally. Men, regardless of agegroup, oftendon’t recognisewhenthey’re experiencing a mentalhealthissueandmay notbe comfortableasking for help. The uncomfortabletruthisthat some stereotypical formsof masculinityare killingmen. WiththePringlesbrandethos centringaroundsocialising, sharing,and coming together andMovember’swork to drive more open conversations aroundmentalhealth,the brandandcharityhave partnered over thesharedgoal ofgettingpeopletalking. ■


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