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2022-2023 Irish WineShow Star Award winnersannounced



Eachofthewinningwinesacross theBronze, SilverandGold categorieswillbesoldinNOffLAmemberoutletsnationwide

The NationalOff-Licence Association(NOffLA) awardedits annualIrish WineShow Star Awards to 48winesonMonday, 10October2022. The annual event,now inits22nd year, was hosted in-person for the first time intwo years at theMorrison HotelinDublin. The winning wineswillbe available to consumersfromNOffLAoutlets across Ireland.

At the event,NOffLAalso expressedthedisappointmentof itsmembersthat analcohol excise reduction was not consideredaspartofBudget 2023andthat Ireland continues to levy thehighest exciseonwine across theEUandUK.

NOffLA,alongwiththeDrinks IndustryGroupofIreland(DIGI) called fora 7.5% reductionin alcohol exciselevelsinBudget 2023,supported by a further 7.5% reductionnext year to bring Ireland’s alcohol excise regimein linewithEuropeanlevelsand to alsohelpprotectthe commercial

LoLo AlbariñoDO Albariño DO was s named named White ite Wineof ne of the Year2022-2023; representedonthe night night by WillieDardis Willie Dardis andPhilipBargusof Ampersand

viabilityofbusinesseswithinthe Irishdrinkssectorinan increasinglychallengingtrading environment.

Speaking at the awards, Gary O’Donovan,chairmanofNOffLA said:“We are delighted to celebrate the exceptionalwines dangerouslylow prices,Ireland’s punitivelyhigh exciselevelsare nolongerjustifiedfrom a public healthperspective.”

In excess of600wines were submitted to the Star Award adjudicationpanelofNOffLA judgesandindependentwine journalists. Points were awarded onthebasisofappearance, smell, taste and value for money criteria,andthewinning16 were selectedasthebest winesfrom key suppliersacrossa numberof price categories.

Eachofthewinningwineswill besoldinNOffLAmember outletsacross the countryand willbe recognisable by distinctive award symbolsoneachbottle. In thepre-ChristmasperiodNOffLA memberswillpromote theIrish WineShow Star Awards20222023 Collectionasideal Christmasgifts,in a varietyof specialgiftpacks.

Rioja Rioja VegaCrianza ga Crianza DOC DOC won n Wineof ne of the the Year2022-2023, ar 2022-2023, as as represented presented by WillieDardisand llie Dardis and SineadSmithof Sinead Smith of AmpersandwithLuis Ampersand with Luis MarculetaofRioja Marculeta of Rioja Vega,alongsideVega, alongside NOffLAchairman NOffLA chairman GaryO’Donovanry O’Dono

sold by NOffLAmembersaround the countryandenjoyed by our fantasticcustomers,and I want to congratulate allthewinnersand thankallthosethat made submissionsthis year.

“Unfortunately, Irishdrinks sectorbusinessesare burdened withthehighest levelsofalcohol exciseintheEUandUK,and exciseincreasesfrom a decade ago remaininplace and continue to impactthesesmall,independent businesses.Itisdisappointingthat an excise reduction was not includedinBudget2023given theincreasinglyuncertain economic conditionsthese businessesnow face.

“Itisalsoparticularly disappointinggiventhat with MinimumUnitPricing coming into effectearlierthis year, which now safeguardsagainst the retailingofalcohol at

Allthewinners at annualIrish WineShow Star Awards2022 – 2023 celebratingthe resultsonMonday, 10October2022

TheThe teamfromAmpersandteam from Ampersand celebratingalltheirwinsonthe night,includingLuisMarculetaof Rioja Vega,alongsidePhilipBargus, WillieDardisandSineadSmith

The Irish WineShow Star Awards celebrate outstanding wines across price categories, including New World Red/White andOld World Red/ White–under €12, €15 and€20, Roséunder €15 and Champagne & Sparkling – under€25 and€60

Politicalupdate delivered by NOffLA chairman GaryO’Donovan

NOffLA vice chairman CathalMcHugh outlinestradingupdate

OnbehalfoftheNationalOffLicence Association,chairman GaryO’Donovan extendedhis sincere thanks to NOffLA members for theirefforts over thepast coupleof yearsduring the Covid-19crisisandsharedhis delight at beingable to catch up inpersonthis year. “Many had to overcomesignificantchallenges and wewouldlike to acknowledgeallof you in representingoursectorso well duringthosedifficult years,” he said.O’Donovan alsopaidthanks to suppliers for their continued supportandallegiance throughoutthepandemic.

Heproceeded to givea brief overview ofthepoliticalupdates fromthepast yearandNOffLA’s engagementsinthisarea.

PublicHealth(Alcohol) Act:MUP

The most significantdevelopment was theintroductionofMinimum UnitPricing(MUP),O’Donovan said,which finally commencedin

At the awards ceremony, NOffLA vice chairmanCathalMcHugh alsoprovidedguestswith a brief tradingupdate in relation to Budget2023.

PublicHealth(Alcohol) Act:Labelling

AsidefromMinimumUnitPricing cominginto effectinJanuarythis year, othermeasureswithinthe PublicHealth(Alcohol) Act which have progressedincludelabelling regulations.

The regulationswillintroducea requirement for alcoholproducts to carry a health warninglabel andwillalso require retailersof alcohol,includingoff-licencesand

The Governmenthave indicated thoughthat they won’truleout furthersupportsor extending suchmeasuresifneeded.

PublicHealth(Alcohol) Act: Advertising & marketing

As we know, O’Donovan continued,theAlcoholBillalso includes regulationswhich restrictadvertisingandimposes a watershedonbroadcasting.

Additional restrictionson event advertisingand event sponsorship – suchassporting eventsor eventsaimed at

conditionsandgreater economic uncertaintyintheshortand medium termswithrising business costs.

Alongwithitsdrinkssector colleagues,NOffLAcalled fora 7.5% reductioninalcohol excisein theBudget,supported by a further 7.5% reductioninnext year’s Budget to protect commercialviabilityofdrinks sectorbusinesses. The drinks sectoris explicitlydisadvantaged fromthelevel ofalcohol exciseit isburdenedwith compared to European colleagues.In fact, Irelandhasthesecondhighest children – as wellas restrictions onalcoholadvertisingin publications,cameinto effectin Novemberlast year.

Alcohollicensing reform

Finally, NOffLAhasbeen engagingthis yearwiththe DepartmentofJustice around alcohollicensing reforms,and thegovernment’s forthcoming ‘SaleofAlcoholBill’whichwill seek to “moderniseIreland’s alcohollicensinglaws.”

We understandthat thebill willbepublished by the Minister for Justice shortly althoughwillnotbeenacted before theendofthis year, as hadoriginallybeenindicated, O’Donovan said.

NOffLAwill review thebill once itispublishedand continueitsengagementwith theDepartmentinthisarea.

GaryO’Donovan concluded by remindinggueststhat ifthey have questionsontheAlcohol Act regulations,licensing reform orany generalquestionsaround legislationorpoliticalmatters, theHumeBrophy teamare alwaysavailable to assist,so please reachoutdirectlyorvia NOffLA.

composite level ofalcohol exciseintheEUandUK,andas we know, thehighest exciseon wine.


Labelled a ‘Cost ofLiving’Budget by theMinister for Finance, Budget2023includednumerous spendingandtaxmeasures for householdsandbusinesses – as rising costs are being felt by us all. The Budget consisted alsoof a rangeoftargeted, ‘once-off’ measuresthat willbe rolledout fromthis yearand to provide support for themonthsahead. Januarythis year, andwhich NOffLA welcomed.

Meanwhile, theNorthern IrelandDepartmentofHealth held a public consultationearlier this yearonintroducingMUP to NorthernIreland.Giventhe politicalsituation at present,the introductionofMUPinNorthern Irelandislikely still years away. NOffLA continues to supportan all-islandmodelofMUP, to create anall-islandpricingmodeland publichealthframeworkacross bothjurisdictions.

Excise rates

WhileNOffLA welcomedthat there was noincrease to alcohol excise rates– particularlygiven thepressure theMinister was under to raisetax revenues whereverpossible – the association feelsit was an opportunitymissed to not consideran excise reduction.

Aswithallsmallbusinesses now, NOffLAmembersare facing increasinglydifficulttrading pubs, to displaya notice outlining similarhealth warnings.

The DepartmentofHealthhas recentlysubmitteditsdraft regulations to theEuropean Commission for anassessment onwhetherthey alignwithSingle Marketprinciples. The CommissionandMember States are alloweda three-month window to assess the regulations. Once theseare commenced by theMinister for Health, a threeyearlead-intimewillbeallowed for producersand retailers to prepare.


In response, NOffLAmetwith theDepartmentofFinance, and outlinedthat an excise reductionisnotjust paramount for thesectorbutalso appropriate giventhe introductionofMinimumUnit Pricingthis year – whichnow prohibitsthe retailingofalcohol at dangerouslylow prices.

AsMUPis a targeted,public healthpolicy, Ireland’s punitively high excise rates cannolonger bejustifiedfrom a publichealth perspective. McHugh concluded. that NOffLAwillbe continuing itspoliticalengagementonthis inthe comingmonths.


IfyouhaveanyqueriesregardingNOffLAmembershiporservices,pleasecontactouradministrator,ReggieWalsh,atBlockD,Unit6, NutgroveOfficePark,Rathfarnham,Dublin14,bytelephoneon01-2962326,byfaxon01-2962451orbyemailatinfo@noffla.ie. TheNOffLAwebsitecanbefoundat www.noffla.ie. ■

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