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The Nearby strapline is “Never too far from home” and this is a message Jason Leonard and his team want to showcase to the people of Drumkeeran

Retail is detail Owner of Nearby Drumkeeran, Jason Leonard, tells Julia O’Reilly about the new symbol brand from S&W Wholesale

Jason Leonard has a real eye for detail. Ever since he was 16, delivering groceries in the West of Ireland, he’s paid keen attention to the way shops operate. “I’ve always had a knack for it,” says Leonard. “Delivering groceries was my first taste of retail. It was then that I became attuned to retail. I started paying attention to the prices, how the aisles were laid out, how shelf space was allocated. I wouldn’t have been shy in sharing my thoughts with the retailers either. When I'd be doing the delivery, I'd be watching the shopkeeper’s work. I'd give my input, and a lot of the time they'd listen to me!”

While Leonard wasn’t set on working in retail at the time, he soon found himself being drawn in: “One day a man from Mangan’s told me I could make a job out of merchandising stores, but my family worked in transport and I thought I’d end up in that line of work. But here I am all these years later, and I couldn’t be happier.”

Taking chances

Today, Leonard puts that detailed eye to use in his own store, Nearby Drumkeeran, which is part of the new symbol brand from S&W Wholesale. Leonard has been the owner of the Co. Leitrim store since 2018, when an opportunity arose and he grabbed it. “I always knew what made a good shop,” he says. “To me, its doors should be open from 7am to 9pm, seven days a week. It needs a coffee machine, a deli, and an ice-cream machine in the summer to bring in an extra couple of hundred quid a day. These things get the people in.”

Sure of what he wanted to achieve, Leonard set out to make the dream a reality. “There was a lot I wanted to change, but I saw its potential,” he says. “The building wasn't too expensive as no one was buying at the time. A few people called me mad, they said I’d never get my money back, but I'm a brave man and I knew what I wanted.”

The Drumkeeran shop was initially part of another convenience brand, and while things were running well, Leonard started looking to find a brand that was a better fit. “I spend a lot of time in Northern Ireland. Over the years, I noticed that you’d get apples in the north selling for 29p, and here they’re selling for 69p. I decided I needed a wholesaler who could give me those offers. I needed pricing that would allow me to make my margin, while providing value for the customer. S&W Wholesale, Newry, were able to do just that.”

Ever since the second week with S&W Wholesale, retailer Jason Leonard reports turnover has been up approximately 20% each day

Intriguing proposition

After meeting with Arron Potts, head of retail development Ireland at S&W Wholesale, Leonard’s mind was made up: “Arron Potts and I got on from day one. He’s a straight talker and so am I. He came in to see the shop, and he liked what he saw. He told me that they were developing a new brand called Nearby and that he thought I'd like it. Arron

and I would be on the same page about most things, so I was intrigued.

“He came back with one of his colleagues and we started to make plans for the store. My main issue was the layout. We were tight on space and had been making the most out of every metre. When he showed me the markup, I really liked it.”

“We’ve only been with them since December 2020. It’s not a long time but I always judge companies by how they handle issues,” he continues. “If there’s a problem, I don’t want to hear excuses, I just want to know how it’ll affect my customers. From what I’ve seen with S&W Wholesale, I’m impressed. There haven’t been many issues, but any time there was one, our rep was on the phone straightaway to help us out. Even if the problem couldn't be solved right away, I liked the care they gave us. It says a lot about the company.”

Welcome changes

Along with the new store name, came several exciting new in-store features. “We did a renovation, where we changed the layout, put in an ATM, a new coffee machine, bigger ice-cream fridges, and a full bakery section. We now have tarts, scones, muffins, pastries and breads made fresh every morning. We were also able to extend the range of products we offer, and now have a bigger mineral range, crisp range, and range of savoury & frozen foods.”

Leonard has been enjoying a welcome boost in revenue since making the switch. “Ever since the second week with S&W Wholesale, turnover has been up maybe 20% a day. The prices are very competitive and it’s been brilliant. For the prices and the product range I had to go with Nearby, and it’s paid off for us. As an added bonus, our customers love the new layout and the new look.”

Such a strong endorsement from Leonard speaks volumes: “I love the independence they give us. They're not in our face. Instead of telling us what to do, they bring suggestions that have been proven to have worked for other stores.

For Leonard, the whole experience has been a positive one. “I couldn’t fault my journey with them. They signed me on, got me set up right. I’m happy, they’re happy. It’s been done right and I would recommend any retailer to talk to them. The whole team is stellar, from the merchandiser to the representatives, everyone is so professional.

“My biggest mistake when I bought the shop is that I didn't go to them from the start,” he adds. “I'm a Sligo man, I’m across the border all the time and I know the prices are more competitive. I'm competing with them prices. S&W Wholesale supply both to the North and the South. They can buy products at the northern prices, which means you can make good money while passing value along to your customers.”

Delicate balance

When it comes to finding success in retail, it’s about striking a delicate balance. “Retail is detail,” says Leonard. “I always say that. There's no point in taking the time to stock the shelves so they're lovely, but your fridge is left dirty. It’s the same with staff. There’s no point having a great range of products if the staff aren’t polite to the customers.”

Leonard’s team of six play an important role in shaping the atmosphere in his shop: “Creating a good atmosphere is so important. Our staff get on well with the customers, they're local people and everyone likes them. For me the big thing is manners. If you can smile at a customer and chat to them, that's a big plus. You want the customer to come in and feel the warmth, see the special offers, smell the fresh bread and see the friendly staff.”

Community focus

For Leonard, that attitude extends not just to customers, but to the wider community. “I've told our staff that if anyone comes into the shop and they've got no wallet and they're hungry, you feed them, you give them some soup. There's lots of old folks in the village who are not eating right. So, we put up a pot of soup every day. They'll have nice mushroom or vegetable soup, with fresh bread from the deli and lots of butter and that'll keep them going. It’s all part of being a member of the community. The strapline for Nearby is “Never too far from home” and this something we want to focus on and showcase to the people of Drumkeeran.

This community-led approach sets Leonard apart from the rest: “I do what I can, and I try to look out for people in our area. If we all looked out for each other, I’m sure the world would be a much better place.” ■

‘Always Local’ is another central message displayed within the store where retailer Jason Leonard says: “Our staff get on well with the customers, they’re local people and everyone likes them”

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