Peachtree City Magazine Spring Summer 2019

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Spring • Summer 2019



Special: Celebrating the 60th Anniversary of Peachtree City! events calendar go, see, do! fitness & health shopping & dining homes spotlight pull-out pathways map

Peachtree City Magazine

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>> Spring • Summer 2019

>> Pull-out MAP Center Spread:

pathways and street map

Cover photo: 60th Anniversary celebration at Drake Field Photo by: William Courtney


Special thanks for the accuracy of the history article are due to: the North Carolina State University Libraries, Special Collections Research Center, Raleigh, NC; Peachtree City Library, Joel Cowan History Room, Peachtree City, GA.; and the Fayette County Historical Society, Fayetteville, GA. Also special thanks to: • Rebecca Watts, for sharing her extensive knowledge and photos gained from her work organizing the Joel Cowan History Room and writing her book, “Images of America – Peachtree City” which she authored with Ellen Ulken, and Clarence Lyons; • Jimmy and Margo Booth for providing their photos and information from their 25th Anniversary of Peachtree City edition of their Metro South magazine; • Geri Cowan for sharing personal photos of the young Joel Cowan gathered from her personal scrapbooks. • American Society of Golf Course Architects for the Willard Byrd photo; • Knox Foundation archives for Knox photos and letters; • the EMC for help with the Joel Cowan video produced by Rory Christian shown at the Rotary Club’s 60th Celebration. Thanks to everyone else who have graciously shared their personal stories and photos.

What a beautiful time of the year – Spring in Peachtree City! Such a beautiful city that allows us to enjoy the outdoors with its three lakes, and 100 miles of paths. We can enjoy sunsets at Battery Way, hundreds of acres of green belts, hiking and picnicking on Line Creek, Braelinn Pond and Huddleston Pond. Golf courses abound, swimming pools are everywhere, and a world class tennis center to enjoy. We even have free outdoor movies all summer. We have a full Calendar of Events all over town from Easter Egg Hunts at Braelinn Shopping Center to Thursday Night Out at the Avenue. Our 4th of July parade and fireworks are something to look forward to, and the monthly Night Market at Drake Field, and the Market at Aberdeen Shopping Center are great places to meet our friends. The Fred has an expanded program of outstanding talent starting in April and going throughout the summer, while the nearby Southern Ground Amphitheater, and Serenbe Playhouse provide more options all summer long. But it wasn’t always that way! In March we celebrated the 60th Anniversary of the charter of Peachtree City. On March 9, 1959 Governor Ernest Vandiver signed House Bill 242 to make Peachtree City an official city in Georgia. Did you know how the idea of building this city was born and how it came about? Who named the city? Why are Joel Cowan, Floy Farr, and James Riley honored by having their names on our street signs? Our history article was written after hundreds of hours of research which helped us to discover the true answers to those questions. Once again, our outstanding team of sales executives, writers, designers and photographers have put together a magazine that is a fun read while providing useful information. Thanks to our advertisers for enabling us to provide this magazine to you at no charge. Charlie and Anna Nelson, Publishers

Presenting the Peachtree City Magazine, Vol. XIX. The Peachtree City Magazine is published semi-annually by Print Graphics Services Inc., 101 Tivoli Garden Road, Peachtree City, GA 30269. No portions of this issue may be reproduced without prior written consent of the publisher. The editors are not responsible for return of any unused materials. The publisher and editors are not responsible for any changes in dates of events or activities made after The Peachtree City Magazine deadline. All efforts have been made to include factual editorial copy throughout the

magazine. However, the publisher is not responsible for any incorrect information contained within. © 2019. The Peachtree City Magazine welcomes all social & community-related information for publication in Vol. XX. Send materials, non-returnable, to: The Peachtree City Magazine, 101 Tivoli Garden Road, Peachtree City, GA 30269. Call us about advertising or Gphotographic and editorial contributions at 770-631-9159. G


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| Publisher/Editor: Charlie Nelson, Anna Nelson | | Editor/Writer: Sherri Smith Brown | Creative Director, Magazine Design & Layout: Marilyn Wankel | | Production Consultant: Mike Nelson | | Sales Executives: Jeff Miles, Dewey Patterson, Marie Schlosser, Ann Soderman, Marilyn Wankel | Social Media: Sherri Smith Brown | |Contributing Photographers: Tom Black, aerial photography; William Courtney; Atul Khasnis; Marie Schlosser; Staff |

• Special Thanks for the Peachtree City History Article •


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>> peachtree CITY MAGAZINE

Come meet Karen, one of the friendly employees at the CVB.



Email Tel. 678-216-0282 4 | PEACHTREE CITY MAGAZINE | SPRING – SUMMER 2019 |

ave you visited The Peachtree City Convention and Visitors Bureau lately? You might be surprised at what you’ve been missing. Located on the second floor of The Avenue, our visitors center offers a wealth of resources and items, such as maps, guides, gifts and helpful information from our staff. The goal of the CVB is to bring in visitors to stay at our wonderful hotels, use our conference centers, eat at our fantastic dining spots and experience our entertainment and recreational activities. 2019 is shaping up to be a super year for our organization. Peachtree City was recently named one of Expedia’s top cities to visit. The CVB also has a new website debuting soon. Are you on social media? You can follow the CVB at Visit Peachtree City to keep up with all the latest events and happenings around town on Facebook. Stop in and visit the CVB today and see what we can do for you. Information:

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>> peachtree city HISTORY

Celebrating the 60th Anniversary of Peachtree City Part 2 continued from Fall/Winter -- Celebrating the 60th Anniversary of Peachtree City. By Charlie Nelson with special assistance from Rebecca Watts.

Here is a story of how a project called "New Town" became Peachtree City... The commonly known “beginning of the history of Peachtree City” was the Floy Farr story of how two real estate men came into his bank in Tyrone and wanted to purchase 12-15 thousand acres of land. That story was also in the Fayette County News on October 3, 1956, and the story is also corroborated in the Joel Cowan Timeline. So that begs the question, who sent the real estate men to the Tyrone Bank to open an account with Floy Farr, the branch manager? Who were the “undisclosed purchasers” noted in the article? n The meeting that started a project named “New Town” On June 6, 1956, the two men met, probably in downtown Atlanta, and exchanged ideas that would forever change the face of south metro Atlanta. Peter Knox, Jr., a prosperous 44-year-old businessman, was president of the Knox Corporation in Thomson, Georgia. His guest was Willard Byrd, an up and coming 37-year-old owner of his own landscape consulting firm, Willard Byrd & Associates. As a result of their meeting, on June 7th Willard Byrd wrote a letter to Peter Knox, Jr., which included the following: “After we parted yesterday, I checked on the preliminary topo maps … in and around Atlanta. The maps extend partway into Coweta and Fayette counties….” On June 8, 1956, Peter Knox, Jr. responded with a detailed two-page letter to Willard Byrd thanking him for his letter of June 7. Peter Knox, Jr., went on to say, “I want to get a little more information about the Fayette County property….”. Then he said, “I am very much convinced that some kind of a sizable approach along the line of our general discussion has outstanding merit.” He explained how he was going to New York “to explore some long-range financing questions relating to such a venture.”

Peter Knox, Jr. President of the Knox Corporation in Thomson, GA (Peter Knox Sr. in background photo.)

Willard Byrd Owner of his landscape consulting firm, Willard Byrd & Associates. 6 | PEACHTREE CITY MAGAZINE | SPRING – SUMMER 2019 |

n Knox seeks additional investors July–August 1956 Peter Knox, Jr., was the organizer and visionary who sought investors and talent that could help him complete his idea in his proposed new development company. In another letter Knox asked Willard Byrd to hire Phillip Hammer, a well-known and highly respected economic development consultant, to produce

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>> peachtree city HISTORY

Tyrone Bank The bank was owned by the Redwine Brothers of Fayetteville when the FCDC set up a bank account in 1956. In October 1956 Earl Denny and Golden Pickett, real estate agents for FCDC, were ready to purchase land options on 10,000 to 12,000 acres from farmers in western Fayette County.

Floy Farr

Floy Farr was the Manager of the Tyrone Bank. Farr was 45 years old and had deep roots in Tyrone. He was a community leader as well as a church going, family-man, and banker. He helped get telephones to Tyrone and electricity to the county. He was the perfect person to help the young Joel Cowan deal with unhappy creditor/farmers.

a feasibility plan. Together, Willard Byrd and Phillip Hammer, produced the “New Town – Metropolitan Atlanta” document which was dated August 11, 1956. Based on this feasibility study, the original investors group were convinced to put up $175,000 (the equivalent in 2019 dollars to about $1.75 million). n Original investment group formed In July, 1957, there were nine investors with Peter Knox, Jr. and Jack Schleifer of New York, together representing the majority. Other stockholders were Tom Standard, James Hutchinson, Denmark Grover, Frank Story, Julian Roberts, Willard Byrd, and Tom Cousins. n The Floy Farr Story – the first time “New Town” was mentioned to anyone other than the investors Floy Farr, 44 years old at the time, was the perfect connection that the two real estate men, Earl Denny and Golden Pickett, needed. He was more than just the bank manager. His family roots were deep in Fayette County and he had graduated from Fayette County High School in 1930. Upon graduation he went to work for the Redwine Brothers in Tyrone. The bank building was a combination of businesses – the bank, a seed & fertilizer company, and the cotton gin. In 1935, Farr had helped bring phone service to Tyrone by preparing the pine trees

for telephone poles after the phone company refused to extend the service from the Fayetteville Exchange. He dug holes and strung wire so that the telephone company would cooperate and extend the phone service. Floy Farr told the AJC reporter Jim Minter in 1996, “All through World War II, that phone line was our contact with the outside world.” After the war in 1945, Floy Farr was one of the principal organizers of the Electric Membership Corporation (EMC) that enabled Coweta and Fayette counties to become part of the rural electrification program. For 10 years, through the 1950s, Floy Farr was also on the Fayette County Board of Education where he served along with Bob Huddleston, who history proves to be the major landholder that solidified the Fayette County Development Corporation (FCDC) land purchases. Joel Cowan remembers that Earl Denny strongly suggested the importance of meeting Floy Farr at the bank in Tyrone. Joel Cowan remembers his first meetings with Floy Farr, “He was very excited about the project seeing the economic benefits to his bank customers, and to the CowetaFayette EMC. You have to understand that most people were skeptical… but not Floy. As we fell behind on our land payments, he would counsel the farmers to be patient.” Joel Cowan continued saying, “Much of my interaction (with the farmer-creditors) was in renting their former land back to them at ‘bargain Continued on page 8

McWilliams Grocery A typical country store meeting place for local farmers. The first city council meeting in 1960 was held here. Young Joel Cowan spent time here getting to know the people.

Joel Cowan Joel Cowan worked for the Fayette County Development Corporation from the summer of 1957 to the summer of 1958 without a salary. Upon graduation he began working for a salary for Knox Homes, but given free reign to seek new financing for the ailing project. He moved into a Knox prefab house on Shakerag hill on 54 in December 1958 in order to qualify for the city charter received in March 9, 1959, when he wore two hats: Mayor of the new city of Peachtree City, Georgia, and Project Manager for the FCDC.

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>> peachtree city HISTORY

Joel Cowan

In early 1959 Joel Cowan personally found and negotiated a land purchase deal with James F. Riley, Jr., VP Bessemer Securities part of the Phipps Land Company. Soon after the initial deal, he became President of the new Peachtree Corporation. The Bessemer deal saved the city from foreclosure and bankruptcy.

Riley Field Dedication

In July 1973, the directors of Phipps Land Company joined Joel Cowan to dedicate Riley Field to James F. Riley. Jim Riley was the person who worked with Joel Cowan to consummate the sale of the Peachtree City land from Fayette Development Corporation to the Peachtree Corporation owned by Bessemer/Phipps. Pictured left to right: J.E. Phipps, J. Gordon Douglas III, Joel H. Cowan, Ogden M. Phipps, Frederick E. Guest, Bruce C. Farrell, and T.W. Kessee, Jr.

Continued from page 7

rates’. They kept the timber anyway by the terms of the deal. I negotiated the leases at Floy’s desk.” In another interview, in 2006, with Fayette County historian Carolyn Cary, Joel Cowan said this about Floy Farr, “He was a visionary, a Renaissance man trapped in a rural environment early on. He welcomed newcomers and new ideas, which was not typical in Fayette County back then and, to a certain extent, now. He was just forwardlooking.” n Three times broke – original investment quickly consumed – broke first time On September 12, 1956, Denny wrote a letter to Willard Byrd, in which he spoke of the urgency for Knox “to deposit just $58,500 in the bank at Tyrone.” This would represent just 10% of the nearly $600,000 of options expiring in less than a month on October 1st. Ultimately, nearly 10,000 acres were in jeopardy of being lost. The Fayette News ran an article on October 3, 1956, stating that, “Earl Denny and Golden Pickett were opening a bank account in the Tyrone Bank on behalf of undisclosed parties in order to purchase options and land in the western side of Fayette County beginning on October 16, 1956. n Broke the second time – public stock offering failed in summer of 1957 The Fayette County Development Corporation went public on March 27, 1957. The offering only raised $50,000 of an expected $150,000 that was needed to keep the corporation solvent. n Broke the third time – original investors make up short fall from stock offering 1957 The original investors were forced to put up another $100,000 to make up for the shortfall. Otherwise, the properties would go into foreclosure and they would lose the land along with their investment. On May 1,1957, the story about the New Town appeared on the front page of the Atlanta Journal bringing attention to the stock offering. This was the newspaper 8 | PEACHTREE CITY MAGAZINE | SPRING – SUMMER 2019 |

article that Joel Cowan read and realized that Peter Knox, Jr. was his ATO fraternity brother’s, dad. After reading the article, Joel Cowan told Peter Knox III, “Tell your dad that I could be the mayor of his new town.” Soon after, Joel Cowan met with “Mr. Pete” and his ATO Fraternity brother, Peter Knox III, in the prestigious 5th floor dining room of the Atlanta Athletic Club. At that time, Mr. Pete discussed the idea of Joel Cowan joining his company as an intern to work, for stock only, on the New Town Project in Fayette County and handle the “creditors and keep an eye on the land.” n The Joel Cowan era begins July 16, 1957 On July 16, 1957, Joel Cowan met in Atlanta with Peter Knox, Jr., Willard Byrd, and Tom Cousins, the committee representing the FCDC. That meeting resulted in a formal six-page letter from Peter Knox, Jr., on July 19, 1957, which defined his employment by the FCDC for one year. Attached to the 2-page agreement was a 4-page list of “Creditors” (names of property owners who had made Option to Sell Agreements with FCDC through their real estate representative Earl Denny). On that list were only three properties that were paid in full, with twenty-three NOT paid in full, and 17 tracts not closed as of May 31, 1957. In the summer of 1957, Joel Cowan, working for the FCDC, began to visit the New Town area and meet casually with the local Fayette County people. Aside from the more formal “crisis” meetings with creditor/farmers that were held in Floy Farr’s office in the Tyrone Bank, he would meet most often at the McWilliams General Store. At that time, Cowan began to attend the Board of Directors meetings of the Fayette County Development Corporation as called by Mr. Pete which were usually held at the Atlanta Athletic Club. During this period, with the encouragement of both Joel Cowan and Earl Denny, Floy Farr was added to the board of directors to get more local input. As Cowan entered his Senior year at Georgia Tech, he moved into the apartment on Piedmont Road in Buckhead. It was part of his compensation package with the FCDC. Since he was not being paid any cash, this office/apartment was an important perk, as was the seven cents/mile reimbursement on his car expenses.

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Continued next page app

>>> peachtree city HISTORY

Mayors meet in 1994 In 1994, the “Guide” magazine brought together all of the mayors of Peachtree City for a unique photo. The photo managed by the editor Tray Baggarly, for an article written by Sallie Satterthwaite chronicled the fact that all of the mayors of Peachtree City were still alive at that time, and all were still living in the city that they loved and served. The photo was taken by the Guide’s photographer, Erik Moore, at the PCDC Information Center. Pictured from left to right are: Bob Lenox 1992 -2001; Fred Brown 1982-1991; Herb Frady 1978-1981; Howard Morgan 1972-1977; J.K. “Chip” Conner 1970-1971; Ralph Jones 1966-1969; and Joel Cowan 1959-1965.

n The mentorship of Joel Cowan 1957– 1958 While his employment contract spelled out that he was to report to Willard Byrd, it is obvious that the Cowan-Knox relationship continued to grow as they met at board meetings over the course of the next couple of years. That relationship became more important as the financial crisis grew and Cowan became the point person responsible for making rental deals with farmers who were pushing to close on their options. The FCDC relied upon Cowan and Farr to keep the farmers from putting the options into foreclosure whereby the farmer would retain the option money and FCDC would lose its control of the land. It was the unique relationship that had been forged between the older, local bank manager Floy Farr and the young Georgia Tech senior that kept the land under the control of the Fayette County Development Corporation. n Joel Cowan graduated, was hired full time by Knox Homes – July 1958 By the time Joel Cowan graduated from Georgia Tech in June 1958, it was understood that the stock he had earned in the FCDC was now worthless, but Mr. Pete made good on the debt by swapping it for 60 acres on Shakerag, the highest point in the city and on Hwy 54. Joel Cowan was hired for $600/month to work

for Knox Homes. Working out of the Atlanta office, his job was to help Mr. Pete with estimates on government bids, but he was given enough free time to handle the crisis down in Fayette County. At the same time, Cowan and the board moved forward with the idea of incorporating the New Town in order to have complete control of the property and the governing regulations. But the new town needed a mayor and the mayor had to be a resident of Fayette County. So, in early December, 1958, Joel Cowan used his own money to purchase a Knox home and had Huie Bray build it. Joel and his bride of one year moved in before the December 31, 1958, deadline. n "New Town" becomes Peachtree City In late 1958, Cowan took charge of getting a Charter for New Town. Besides a charter it needed a name. Since they were broke and didn’t have money for a charter, Cowan enlisted the free help of some friends: Henry Neal and John Mobley. They found a charter of an old existing city in Georgia and copied it word for word. The results were legally acceptable but produced some humorous results since the older city had wording that gave it the right to control such things as “Flying Jinny’s, circuses, side shows, opera houses, hacks” and many other things from a different era. Before turning over the proposed charter to

the legislature they needed a name for the city. After much discussion, Cowan accepted the recommendation of Willard Byrd who put forth Peachtree City. At first, Cowan didn’t like the name, but recognized that the word Peachtree was needed in the name since it was easily recognized at that time to be part of Atlanta, which would be very important to getting investments and industry to come to Georgia’s Fayette County. Early in the legislative calendar of 1959, Cowan personally lobbied the proposed legislation. House Bill 242 was introduced in the Georgia House of Representatives by Grady Huddleston and in the Georgia Senate by Harry Redwine. The bill was passed into law and was signed by Governor Ernest Vandiver on March 9, 1959. The Charter named Joel Cowan as Mayor, and as Councilmen: R.H. Huddleston, Hugh Huddleston, John Robinson, and J.A. “Albert” Pollard. n Joel Cowan saves the Fayette County Development Corporation from potential failure In February 1959, Joel Cowan’s relentless networking paid off. Judson Ackerman, a real estate agent with Adams-Cates Realtors connected him with James F. Riley, Jr., who was VP of Real Estate with Bessemer Securities of New York. James Riley, Jr., agreed to come to Fayette County Continued on page 10

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>> peachtree city HISTORY

In 1966, Peachtree City applied for federal funds to construct Falcon Field. The Bessemer Corporation donated 100 acres south of the town's industrial park, and by 1969, the airstrip, 50 feet wide and 3,000 feet long, was being constructed, paved, and lighted. Joel Cowan was instrumental in bringing Falcon Field to Peachtree City.

Municipal Building, circa 1964

Continued from page 9

to view 12,000 acres of raw land within 25 miles of Atlanta. It was not originally offered as a “New Town” but as raw land. Riley would only agree to visit if he first had an option to buy the land. An excited, young Joel Cowan called his mentor to ask, “if it would be alright to give such an option.” Cowan said that, “Peter Knox said, ‘Joel, you have cart blanche to deal with them’ “. Cowan then drew up an option for Bessemer to purchase 12,000 acres at $225 per acre.

Cowan had arranged for the pilot to land on a grass strip in Tyrone and Floy Farr left them his ‘57 Ford to drive around the land. Cowan was the only person presenting the land to Bessemer Securities. It was only during this personal trip that Cowan disclosed to Riley the full potential of developing the raw land into a New Town and that the charter was already working its way through the legislature as House Bill 242, to make it an official Georgia city.

n James F. Riley, Jr. visits with Joel Cowan to make a deal on the Fayette County raw land. In February 1959, James Riley, Jr., a 58-year-old seasoned businessman met Joel Cowan and drove to the Fulton County Airport where Cowan had chartered an airplane so that they could view the land from the air.

n Peachtree Corporation of Georgia, a new company formed On July 30, 1959, Henry Phipps Estates/ Bessemer purchased the land surrounding the proposed center of the town. This was deemed a “long term hold”. In addition, it funded the purchase of the “center” and contributed it to newly formed Peachtree Corporation of

Georgia. Bessemer retained 51% of the company. Thus, at the start, the 12,000 acres was debt free and Phipps owning 100% of the “outlying” land and Bessemer owning 51% of the stock. The former shareholders of FCDC owned 49%. n Development of Peachtree City begins under Peachtree Corporation of Georgia Two years later, the Phipps/Bessemer organization purchased the remaining 49% of the outstanding stock to obtain 100% of the company. With 100% of the ownership, Bessemer provided additional funding to push forward the development of the city. Beginning on July 30, 1959, Joel Cowan was not only the Mayor of Peachtree City, but he became the sole employee and General Manager of the Peachtree Corporation of Georgia. d

Note to our readers – look for the continuing story of the history ofG Peachtree City in the Fall Issue of the Peachtree City Magazine. 10 | PEACHTREE CITY MAGAZINE | SPRING – SUMMER 2019 |


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>> peachtree city HISTORY Guest Column (written for the “This Week” newspaper on March 14, 1979 by Joel Cowan in connection with the 20th Anniversary of Peachtree City – two years after Equitable/PCDC take over.) Editor’s Note: The following article, written as a letter from father to son, was penned by Peachtree City’s first mayor and guiding force during its earliest days. (Copied as it appeared on March 14, 1979 in the This Week newspaper. Written by Joel Cowan.)

My dear son, Look at you today – you are all grown up. And how proud we are of the way you developed. You’ve been away from our nest for only two years, but you have shown real maturity in your lifestyle. Your many friends and associates mirror the real you – and you are beautiful! Since history is our best guide for the future, I thought it might be helpful for you if I highlighted some events in your history which you might not remember, and which could appear instructive. You were born as a part of a dream – not just mine, but of a number of people who conceived you. The dream was great, but I must say that you were somewhat inglorious as a baby. “He’ll never make it was most often said. But we told them to just give you time. ( I even said boastfully that you might be the “big apple” someday.) As you started to grow up you were really a lot of fun. How many times did the few of us living here say, “I wish we could stay this way forever and never grow anymore.” But you did – and each stage was better than before. We learned that your rapid growth, while worrying us at first, was inevitable. Do you remember the words of a kindly old Englishman who had a child much like you and visited us when you were young? He said, “Can man plan; Man can plan; But no man can plan man.” We then and there decided we had best recruit some Godparents, since it was clear you needed much more guidance than we selfishly could offer. This was a wonderful idea with many wonderful people rallying around you and they – and their spirit—have been an integral part of you and continues to relieve those worries. You have become physically very attractive. But deeper than that you have a soul embodied in the spirit of love. You were conceived in love. You were taught that this love could be reflected and communicated. Just like a baby’s smile, you would soften the hearts that come to you from broad and sometimes harsh backgrounds, so that they too became your Godparents and returned the love to you and your other friends. Now how do I feel about your future? Frankly, I am just as excited about you as I was 20 years ago. I even enjoy you more as an adult than I did as a child. I anticipate and expect you to be even better at age 40. Let me exercise some parental license once more to give you some advice wanted or not: 1. Continually cultivate more Godparents – none of us is wise enough to make it all alone. Don’t be dominated by any one person, but listen faithfully to all. 2. Always show a loving smile, and spirit, and it will be a permanent part of your makeup as you continue to grow. 3. Don’t over plan—always have a flexible plan remembering that “no man can plan man”. 4. Grow only a fast as you can maintain quality—but grow. I’m afraid as a nation of builders, we haven’t learned to stand still. We either go forward or backward – whether as a church, a city, or a nation. Well enough of that. Maybe you won’t be the “big apple” – but “big apples” should be like you. What a place this world would be if they were.

Joel Cowan

You are a dream come true! Happy Birthday. d 12


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>> peachtree city REDEVELOPMENT

REDEVELOPMENT Renderings and vision plans provided by Historical Concepts.


Aberdeen Village Redevelopment – Concept Rendering

Aberdeen Village Redevelopment – Concept Rendering

Vision Plan – Not to Scale

Existing Conditions and Study Boundary – Not to Scale.

eachtree City is a master-planned town. Over the years the master plan has evolved to accommodate what was practical, desired, and necessary as the town grew. The village concept always has been a backbone of the plan, but many residents, planners, and developers alike have expressed the idea that Peachtree City needs a city center—a place where the community can gather. Over the past few years, redevelopment has become a topic of conversation. In 2016 and 2017 government officials and interested citizens began a comprehensive planning effort that resulted in establishing specific goals for redevelopment. Input gathered determined that

people wanted a walkable village, mixed-use space, public spaces, and a connection and enhancement of greenspace. This redevelopment would be humanscaled and economically realistic. Based on these goals, Historical Concepts of Peachtree City recently presented an initial redevelopment plan to the city that included the rebuilding of Peachtree City’s oldest shopping areas—Aberdeen and Willowbend—and connecting those areas to the City Hall and Library Complex and Drake Field. (See rendering on this page.) This redevelopment would include: public spaces surrounded by walkable tree-lined streets, wide sidewalks, and buildings pulled close to the streets ; 3-5-story buildings with some mixed use on

the ground floor; additional residential housing— some small lot single family, some townhomes, and some lofts and apartments, small pocket parks or plazas; and access to Drake Field and the City’s greenbelts. Many of the existing structures in this area would be demolished but some key buildings would remain. At this point, this is a conceptual plan. Two of the retail property owners, Aberdeen Village and Willowbend Center (Blue Roofs), provided input into the conceptual plan and support the overall vision, but further input and planning is needed. The City has applied for a grant from the Atlanta Regional Commission, which should be determined by early May, to fund this planning. d

The editors of this 60th Anniversary article highly recommend this book for anyone interested in the history of our unique city. You can purchase your copy of “Images of America – Peachtree City” at the Peachtree City Library. This book, edited by Rebecca Watts, Ellen Ulken and Clarence Lyons, is a comprehensive history of Peachtree City in both pictures and words. | SPRING – SUMMER 2019 | 13

>> events CALENDAR

Stay on top of what’s happening in Peachtree City and the surrounding area with this calendar. The latest events and changes are at your fingertips with the Peachtree City App—download it today.

Peachtree City Magazine

Easter Egg Hunt, The Avenue, Peachtree City, 2018



Peachtree City GeoTour 19 spots along Peachtree City’s cart paths—it’s up to you to find them! Available all day, every day –Peachtree City Convention and Visitors Bureau


Peachtree City Market Saturdays and Wednesdays, year-round; 9am-1pm Aberdeen Shopping Ctr

Apr 13 Air Supply, Frederick Brown Jr Amphitheater, Peachtree City

Disc Golf – A nice 9-hole golf course nestled in the Village Green park near Hwy 54- open from dawn to dusk

Apr 13 – June 2 Georgia Renaissance Festival, 34th Annual Season, Weekends only plus Memorial Day, I-85 at Exit 61, Fairburn – follow signs

Southern Hollywood Film Tour Family-friendly tour features popular TV and movie settings. Available most days, select times. Call 404-310-9613.

Apr 13 Town Easter Egg Hunt, Shamrock Park, Tyrone, or 770-487-4694

Apr 27 Drive & Dine Event, Porsche Experience Center, Hosted by Christian City. Fast Rides with Pro Drivers, Fine Food, Live and Silent Auctions to benefit Children City Children & Family Programs. Register at driveanddine or call 770-703-2636 for more info. Apr 27–28 WWII Heritage Days, Honoring 75th Anniversary of D-Day, Dixie Air Wing 1200 Echo Court, Falcon Field, Peachtree City, All Day Apr 27 10th Annual Bark For Life Walk, 201 McIntosh Trail, Peachtree City 1pm. Show off your best friend! All proceeds go directly to the American Cancer Society. Apr 29 Taste of Senoia, Downtown Senoia

Apr 13 Night Market Drake Field, 155 Willowbend Rd, Peachtree City 6-11pm In case of inclement weather, check:


Music @ Georgia Shrimp Co & Murph’s Bar Throughout the week, evenings

Apr 16 Spring Festival -- Easter Egg Hunt, The Avenue, Peachtree City

May 2,3,4,5 Southside Theater Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde 20 W Campbellton St, Fairburn

Music @ Grazing Here Throughout the week, evenings

Apr 18 Thursday Night Out, The Avenue, Peachtree City 6-9pm

May 4 - June 2 Georgia Renaissance Festival, Weekends only, plus Memorial Day, I-85 at Exit 61, Fairburn – follow signs

Music @ City Café & Bakery Friday & Saturday evenings Music @ Olde Courthouse Tavern Weekend evenings


Yard Sales in PTC Download the Peachtree City App and check it every Thursday-Saturday for locations and details for all yard sales in Peachtree City

Apr 20 Two Easter Egg Hunts, Braelinn Shopping Center, Games, prizes and the Easter Bunny! Peachtree City, 11am-1pm Apr 20 Walk with a Doc, Dr. Dave Lee, DMD Dentist, Meet at 215 Northlake Dr. Peachtree City in front of Partners Pizza 8:15 to register April 26 – May 19 Legacy Theatre The Bridges of Madison County 1175 Senoia Rd, Tyrone


May 4 Market Day, Historic Courthouse Square, Downtown Newnan 10-2 May 4 Official Hasbro Peachtree City Monopoly Tournament. Open to all residents 12 and over. To register send: name, age, email, phone and address to Continued on page 16

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Mitchell Marine has been serving west Georgia and east Alabama with the best in boating, personal watercraft, and all-terrain vehicles for over 42 years. We are a full service dealer with great prices and a large selection. We offer a wide variety of boats, engines, all-terrain vehicles, and utility vehicles. We have certified technicians on staff to serve your service and repair needs.

We Have Everything You Need - Just a Short Drive Down I-85 Electric Powered Pontoon Boats & Fishing Boats Deck Boats • Jon Boats Fishing Boats Runabouts Personal Watercraft Pontoon Boats ATVs • Utility Vehicles Store Hours: Mon-Fri 8:00 AM - 6:00 PM Sat 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM; Sun Closed

370 S Davis Road| LaGrange, GA 30241

(706) 884-2594

>> events CALENDAR June 10 Monday Night Movie, The Avenue, Peachtree City June 13 –Aug 4 Pocahontas, Serenbe Playhouse, 9110 Selborne Lane, Palmetto June 13 Summer NewnaNight, Greenville Street Park. Music, Food vendors, Downtown Shops open late 6-10 pm, Newnan June 14 Friday Night LIVE, Fayetteville, 6-10pm Old Historic Courthouse grounds. For more info: June 15 Kool & the Gang, Frederick Brown Jr Amphitheater, Peachtree City June 21 Free Moovie Night, Zac Brown’s Southern Ground Amphitheater, Fayetteville, 7pm June 22 The Robert Cray Band & Marc Cohn, Frederick Brown Jr Amphitheater, Peachtree City May 4 PAWS for a Purpose, Shamrock Park, Tyrone, or 770-487-4694

May 18 & 19 34th Annual South Metro Rose Show, Fayetteville Church of Christ, 870 Redwine Rd, Fayetteville 1-4pm Free Admission

June 24 Monday Night Movie, The Avenue, Peachtree City

May 21 Touch-a-Truck, The Avenue, Peachtree City 5-7pm

June 29 The Ultimate Queen Celebration-starring Marc Martel, Frederick Brown Jr Amphitheater

May 8 – June 9 Ragtime, Serenbe Playhouse, 9110 Selborne Lane, Palmetto

May 27 Peachtree City Memorial Day ceremony, Veteran’s Memorial at City Hall Plaza, PTC, 9am-10am

June 29 Tommy James & the Shondells, Southern Ground Amphitheater, Fayetteville

May 9-12, 16-19 Newnan Theatre Co. The Sound of Music 24 First Ave, Newnan

May 29 Memorial Day Remembrance & Celebration, Main Street, Senoia


May 9,10,11,12 Southside Theater Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde 20 W Campbellton St, Fairburn

May 30-June2 Smokin’ Bike Fest- Kansas City BBQ Society helps celebrate 40th birthday of BMX track – festival includes BBQ tasting, live music, BMX racing

July 3-Aug 18 Hair, Serenbe Playhouse, 9110 Selborne Lane, Palmetto

May 4 & 5 Cotton Pickin’ Fair 18830 GA 85, Gay, GA 30218 8am-5pm Over 40 years of Art, Antiques & Craft

July 4 Food Truck Frenzy, The Avenue, Peachtree City 6-9pm

May 10 Scotty McCreery, Southern Ground Amphitheater, Fayetteville


May 11, Lisa Kelly, Frederick Brown Jr Amphitheater, Peachtree City

June 1 - 2 Georgia Renaissance Festival, I-85 at Exit 61, Fairburn – follow signs

May 11 Southern Crescent Chorale, We Are Family Southern Ground Amphitheater, 301 LaFayette Ave, Fayetteville 8pm. Advance tickets, Adults $20.00, Students & Seniors $15.00, $25.00 at the door

June 1 John Ford Coley and Firefall, Southern Ground Amphitheater, Fayetteville

July 4 Celebration at Braelinn Shopping Center, After the parade, games, prizes, face paint and more! Peachtree City 10:30am-12:30pm

June 1, Market Day, Historic Courthouse Square, Downtown Newnan 10-2

July 4 Parade Downtown Newnan 9-10am. Begins at Veterans Memorial Park,

June 7 Summer Wined Up, Historic Courthouse Square, Downtown Newnan, 5-9pm

July 5th Thru Aug 4 Legacy Theatre, Newsies, 1175 Senoia Rd, Tyrone

June 8 Night Market Drake Field, 155 Willowbend Rd, Peachtree City 6-11pm In case of inclement weather, check:

July 6th Market Day, Historic Courthousse Square, Downtown Newnan 10-2

May 11 Night Market Drake Field, 155 Willowbend Rd, Peachtree City 6-11pm In case of inclement weather, check: May 16 Thursday Night Out, The Avenue, Peachtree City 6-9pm May 17 Dennis DeYoung and the Music of Styx, Frederick Brown Jr Amphitheater, Peachtree City May 17 & 18 Coweta County Cattlemen’s Rodeo, 275 Pine Rd, Newnan. Food, Games, Vendors, Music. Gate opens at 6, Grand Entrance 8pm

June 8 Dancing with Stars Charity Event, Starr’s Mill High School auditorium 7pm June 9 Taste of Fayette, Old Historic Courthouse Square, Fayetteville, Noon-4pm G


July 4 Parade on Peachtree Pkwy 9:00 am/4th Fest at City Hall Plaza/ Fireworks, Peachtree City

July 11 – 21 Southside Theater Those Crazy Ladies in the House on the Corner 20 W Campbellton St, Fairburn July 13 Night Market Drake Field, 155 Willowbend Rd, Peachtree City 6-11pm In case of inclement weather, check: G

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> events CALENDAR

Here’s what is happening at

Tammy Soulakos

Cell: 404-625-4663 ® Office: 770-252-2266 REALTOR 354 Newnan Crossing Bypass, Suite 235 Newnan, GA 30265

The Avenue, Peachtree City! Apr 16 Spring Festival -- Easter Egg Hunt, The Avenue, Peachtree City 5-7pm

July 13 Amy Grant, Southern Ground Amphitheater, Fayetteville

Amphitheater, Peachtree City Aug 24 Golf Cart Show, The Avenue, Peachtree City

Apr 18 Thursday Night Out, 6-9pm

July 15 Monday Movie Night, The Avenue, Peachtree City


May 16 Thursday Night Out, 6-9pm

July 19 Friday Night LIVE, Fayetteville, 6-10pm Old Historic Courthouse grounds. For more info:

Sept 2 Labor Day 5K, The Avenue, Peachtree City 8am

May 21 Touch-a-Truck, 5-7pm

July 20 Spin Doctors & 10,000 Maniacs, Frederick Brown Jr Amphitheater

Sept 14 Night Market Drake Field, 155 Willowbend Rd, Peachtree City 6-11pm In case of inclement weather, check:

June 10 Monday Night Movie

July 27 LowRider Band Southern Ground Amphitheater, Fayetteville

Sept 19 Thursday Night Out, The Avenue, PTC, 6-9pm

July 29 Monday Movie Night, The Avenue, Peachtree City

Sept 20 Greek Fest, Bringing the Traditions of Greece to you! Dixie Wing, 1200 Echo Court, Peachtree City

AUGUST Aug 2 2019 Back to School Bash, The Avenue, Peachtree City Aug 3 The Lost 80’s, Frederick Brown Jr Amphitheater, Peachtree City Thru Aug 4 Legacy Theatre, Newsies, 1175 Senoia Rd, Tyrone Aug 8 Night Market Drake Field, 155 Willowbend Rd, Peachtree City 6-11pm In case of inclement weather, check: Aug 10 MJ Live with Special Guest Electric Avenue, The 80’s MTV Experience, Frederick Brown Jr

June 24 Monday Night Movie July 4 Food Truck Frenzy, 6-9pm July 15 Monday Movie Night

Sept 21-22 42nd Annual Shakerag Arts & Crafts Festival, 201 McIntosh Trail, Peachtree City Sat, 10-6; Sun 10-5

July 29 Monday Movie Night

Sept 19-29 Kiwanis Coweta County Fair, Coweta County Fairgrounds, 275 Pine Road, Newnan. Mon-Thurs: 5pm-11pm, Fri: 5pm-Midnight, Sat: Noon-Midnight, Sun: 2pm-10pm

Aug 24 Golf Cart Show, 10am-12pm

Sept 28 Rotary Club of Peachtree City Dragon Boat Festival, Lake Peachtree – Drake Field, 155 Willowbend, Peachtree City 9-5 Sept 28 Cruisin to the Oldies Car Show, Downtown Senoia Sept 30 Bob Crutchfield Memorial Golf For Kids tournament, Chateau Elan

Aug 2 2019 Back to School Bash, 6pm

Sept 2 Labor Day 5K, 8am Sept 19 Thursday Night Out, 6-9pm

For up to date information on these events go to:;;;;;

Small office spaces available! 250 sq ft to 1,500 sq ft. Conveniently located in the middle of Peachtree City. Call Anna Nelson for appointment 678-471-5919 | | SPRING – SUMMER 2019 | 17

>> go SEE & DO

Zac Brown's Southern Ground Amphitheater

FREDERICK BROWN JR. AMPHITHEATER The Frederick Brown Jr. Amphitheater is Peachtree City’s iconic 2,500-seat outdoor entertainment venue. Tucked into a secluded wooded area, “The Fred” offers great acoustics and an intimate setting that includes lawn seating, picnic tables, and a Gold Section at the foot of the stage. Bring your own picnic basket and cooler or purchase food and drink from The Fred’s restaurant vendor. This season’s summer concerts include Air Supply, Kool & the Gang, Joan Jett, and the Ultimate Queen Celebration. For tickets, call 877725-8849 or visit

SOUTHERN GROUND AMPHITHEATER Cozily situated in a neighborhood in Fayetteville’s historic Main Street District, Zac Brown’s Southern Ground Amphitheater is a 1,500-seat amphitheater with a 50-foot stage and natural-grass, tiered seating. The music venue hosts two summer concert series that this year include performers Amy Grant, Scotty McCreery, Tommy James and the Shondells, and Departure, a Journey Tribute Band, as well as several family Movie Nights. Owned by the Fayetteville Downtown Development Authority, the amphitheater is managed by the Main Street Tourism


Association. To purchase concert tickets, go to SERENBE PLAYHOUSE Founded in 2009, Serenbe Playhouse is considered “the most intrepid and fearless of theater companies” by many and a Top 20 theater in the nation by Playbill. Each production is performed outdoors in a different location at Serenbe that is chosen to enhance the audience’s experience— be it landing a real helicopter for “Miss Saigon” or creating a full-scale carnival for “Carousel.” Plays are performed “rain or shine.” For 2019, Serenbe Playhouse productions include “Shenandoah,”

Continued on page 20 G G G“Like us” on the Peachtree City Magazine & App facebook pages| G apps

Fayetteville PRESENTING THE 2019



Series A









Series B (Prince tribute) Aug 17


PURPLE MADNESS MOTHER’S FINEST/WET WILLIE Aug 24 THE PETTY BREAKERS (Tom Petty tribute) Sep 7 DEPARTURE (Journey tribute) Sep 21 Join our list of sponsors for the upcoming Southern Ground Amphitheater concert series with an email to Brian at


JOIN US FOR THE Free at the Fred sunday, april 7 with the United States Air Force Academy Band

AIR SUPPLY SATURDAY, april 13 lisa kelly SATURDAY, MAY 11 dennis deyoung friday, May 17 The Grand Illusion 40th Anniversary Album Tour

joan jett & The Blackhearts sunday, june 2 kool & the gang SATURDAY, JUNE 15 The Robert Cray Band & Marc Cohn saturday, june 22 featuring Special Guest Vocalists Blind Boys of Alabama with Special Guest Shemekia Copeland

tickets on sale now!

2019 concert season! The Ultimate Queen Celebration saturday, june 29 starring Marc Martel

Spin Doctors & 10,000 Maniacs saturday, july 20 The Lost 80’s saturday, august 3 A Flock of Seagulls, The Motels, The Vapors, Naked Eyes, Bow Wow Wow, Real Life, Boys Don’t Cry, Farrington & Mann

MJ Live saturday, august 10

with special guest Electric Avenue, the 80's MTV experience

an evening with chris botti SATURDAY, august 17 George Thorogood and the Destroyers SATURDAY, october 5 The Good To Be Bad Tour - 45 Years of Rock

For more details, visit order tickets by phone at 877.725.8849

>> go SEE & DO

Exclusive Club Car® Dealer in Peachtree City. BULLDOG GOLF CARS Sales • Rentals • Parts Bulldog Golf Cars is the exclusive dealer of new ClubCar® golf carts in Peachtree City. It’s your one stop shop for Sales, Rentals, Parts and Services. • Build your Personal “Onward” online at or contact one of our knowledgeable staff for help selecting your preferred new or factory reconditioned vehicle. • Financing is available, to qualified buyers, for up to 48 months. 2018 WINNER!

Bulldog Golf Cars is proud to announce that we have been named Black & Gold Dealer by Club Car®! This prestigious title is only held by 50 of the company’s 600 authorized dealers and distributors. At Bulldog Golf Cars, it has always been our goal to provide excellent customer service to all of our valued partners.

357 Hwy. 74 N • Peachtree City • 678.545.0959 To see why Club Car® is a step above all the others, watch the video on our website:

GOLF CART DO'S AND DON'TS IN PEACHTREE CITY • All Golf Carts using the paths in Peachtree City must have a license. • All Golf Carts must be registered at City Hall • Required to have title of ownership • Pay when you register. • Insurance not required but strongly recommended. • Fee for Registration is $15/year for residents. • Non-residents is $100/year (used for maintenance of paths). Rules and Regulations pertaining to Golf Carts • Sitting on driver’s lap is not allowed. • Standing on a moving cart is not allowed.

• No drinking and driving – same as a car. • When operating on the paths, all carts must be driven no faster than 20 mph. Who can drive a Golf Cart? • 16 year olds plus (with or without a auto drivers license (unless suspended or revoked) • 15 year olds with a learners permit. • 15 year olds without a permit may drive when accompanied by a licensed person 18+. • 12-15 year olds with a parent, guardian or grandparent in the front seat.


Where driving is ALLOWED and NOT ALLOWED? • No carts allowed to cross Hwy 54 and Hwy 74 (use tunnels/bridges only) • Allowed to use crosswalks on Peachtree Parkway – (MUST YIELD TO CARS AT ALL TIMES). • Use paths in lieu of streets when they exist. • May be used on streets within neighborhoods. • May not drive on private property or on Golf Courses (except when playing). Report any violations and dangerous activity to 911. Report path marker ID and Decal number. For more information visit carts or

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Saturday, April 20th 11 am–1 pm 2 Egg Hunts: 11:45 am &12:30 pm FREE Photo with Easter Bunny 9,000 Stuffed Eggs Kids’ Crafts • Duck Pond Game DJ with Games & Prizes




n ow



s os



Shopping Center





©2019 404.312.8196


*See stores for registration details. Must be present to win. Must be 18 years of age. Braelinn Village merchants and their employees are not eligible and such entries will be disqualified.


After the PTC Parade!

Braelinn Village



Follow us on Facebook to learn more about these events and be the first to hear details about our annual Trick-or-Treat and Tree Lighting events too!

P ree cht Pea


Leasing Info

Pat Kelly 704.362.6132

DJ with Music, Games and Prizes Face Painter • Festive Hair Kids’ Craft • Snow Cone Register to Win a Brand New Club Car* To be Awarded Thursday, July 4th


>> go SEE & DO SAVE $23.95! BOGO Opening Weekend




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APRIL 13 THRU JUNE 2, 2019 Saturdays, Sundays & Memorial Day 10:30am to 6pm • Rain or Shine FREE PARKING! Located in Fairburn, just off I-85 at Exit 61 (Peachtree City Exit)

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July 4th photos by Dan Nelson

Contrinuted from page 18

“Ragtime,” “Pocahontas,” and “Hair.” Tickets are available at 770-463-1110 and


Dr. Henry Drake, grew up in Newnan. He graduated from the University of Georgia and then got his degree in medicine from the University of Tennessee School of Medicine. After practicing elsewhere, he opened his medical clinic in Peachtree City in 1971. He was the city’s first doctor and he practiced here until health problems forced him to close his clinic in 1979. He donated the land behind his clinic to the city to be used for soccer fields which we now enjoy as “Drake Field”. For health reasons he moved to South Carolina where he died at an early age in his 40s.


SOUTHERN HOLLYWOOD FILM TOUR The Southern Hollywood Film Tour “takes you where the movies live”— from beloved movies like “Fried Green Tomatoes” and “Sweet Home Alabama” to today’s productions like “The Walking Dead” and Marvel Superhero blockbusters. No gimmicks, no costumes, no fluff. This is an insider’s tour, loaded with interesting information, film history, local Hollywood gossip, and numerous iconic locations. The 2+ hour driving tour around Peachtree City, Haralson, and

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>> go SEE & DO Continued from page 24

Senoia is available to groups of 2-6 people. Step-on tours are available for larger vehicles and tour buses. Call 404-310-9613 or visit DIXIE WING MUSEUM The Dixie Wing Museum is a unique historic attraction that boasts hundreds of WWII era artifacts, educational seminars, event space, and hands-on learning. For a small donation, groups and individuals can call for a special tour of these amazing War Birds, perfectly restored and flying. In fact, you can even soar over the skies of Peachtree City in one of 5 War Birds, including a P51 Mustang or a T6Texan. Prices for this experience range from $60-$1,600 for a half-hour. Call 770-631-2542 for more information. PEACHTREE CITY MARKET The Peachtree City Market hosts more than 50 farmers and artisans each week, offering the freshest produce, homemade breads, jams, jellies, local honey, grass fed meats, goat cheese, fresh flowers and bath products. Stroll the aisles, enjoy the musical entertainment, lunch at one of the market’s guest food trucks, and choose from an array of fresh and local produce and products. The Market operates from the parking lot of the Aberdeen Village Shopping Area, Wednesday and Saturday, 9am-1pm. • B o a r d i n g • L e s s o n • Tr a i n i n g • S a l e s • C a m p s

Premier Hunter-Jumper Facility in Fayette County


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Continued on page 28

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NIGHT MARKET Night Market is a free, public market, featuring music, entertainment, food and artists. There are food trucks and vendors with craft beer, mixed drinks, and wine. Entertainment includes local bands, shuffleboard, ping pong, and corn hole. Setting up tents and selling their creations are regional and national artists. The market is held at Drake Field on Lake Peachtree the second Saturday of the month from March to November. There is free parking around the park, but the best bet for residents is a golf cart. This event is intended for those 18 and older.



BILE ST a.m.



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RAGE a.m.



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>> go SEE & DO Continued from page 26



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JULY 4TH CELEBRATION Festivities for Peachtree City’s annual signature event, the 4th of July, begin in the morning with a parade of bands, floats and golf carts and thousands of red, white and blue decorated golf carts lining the parade route. Following the parade, there are a number of public events, including the Braelinn Village Shopping Center 4th of July Party, the city’s 4th of July Festival at 5pm at City Hall Plaza, and an evening celebration at The Avenue. The annual fireworks display begins at dusk. OFFICIAL GEO TOUR With over 300 caches hidden throughout town, Peachtree City is a great place for geocaching. Stop by the Peachtree City Visitors Center in The Avenue shopping center to pick up “The Official Peachtree City Geo Tour,” consisting of 19 Geocaches hidden around Peachtree City. Caches have fun names that give clues to their general location like, Stalking Dead, Lake Kedron Walkabout, and Luther’s Legacy. This is a Continued on page 30

150 Huddleston Rd, Suite 200 Peachtree City, GA 30269 G “Like us” on the Peachtree City Magazine & App facebook pages | G G app

770-683-9095 G


2019 Tracker Inventory

NOW available at LaGrange’s ONLY Tracker and Ranger Boats Dealer


225 E. Render Street LaGrange, Georgia 30241

>> go SEE & DO Continued from page 28

fun way to explore the path system on a other top teams in the southeast. The allgolf cart, bike, or on foot. All 19 caches are weather fields and indoor-facility provide a also accessible by car. new dimension for the sport of soccer in Peachtree City. The MOBA facility is located PEACHTREE CITY at 1000 Hwy. 74 South near the Peachtree MOBA – PREMIER City Athletic Complex. Call 678-817-9646 DEVELOPMENT for more information. LEAGUE-GAMES This premier indoor soccer facility is URBAN JUNGLE fun for all the soccer fans in your family. This family entertainment boasts laser At MOBA, you can watch some of the tag, a giant rock wall, Laser Frenzy, and best players in the area compete with a video arcade all under the same roof!

Learn the skills you need to protect your family.

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Navigate the multi-level, multi-platform, 4,600-square foot arena for laser tag. Climb the 24-foot-high rock wall with 4 stations. Enjoy arcade games like “Fast and Furious Cars and Cycles.” All games are priced individually or buy a super value package. Check the website for daily specials. Call 678-902-9010 or visit Urban Jungle is located at 261 Clover Reach. ASCENSION INDOOR ROCK CLIMBING GYM At Ascension Indoor Rock Climbing Gym, climbers of all skill levels and abilities will find challenging routes and problems. There are 20 ropes available for scaling walls with routes, ranging from beginner to expert level. Bouldering areas include a 14-foot and an 8-foot-high bouldering cave. Ascension offers classes as well as facilities for birthday parties, lock-ins, and other group activities. For more information, call 678-870-1400 or go to ascensionclimbing. com. The gym is located at 125 Depot Court. BATTING CAGES Peachtree City has two different facilities where you can hone your baseball or softball skills! All Star Baseball & Softball has a12,000-square-foot, state-ofthe-art facility with 4 video-based baseball cages (virtual hitting), 3 batting cages, and 2 pitching lanes equipped with a Radar Pitching Trainer that tracks pitch speed and location. Call 770-631-3303 or visit online at The facility is located at 135 Huddleston Rd. Continued on next page


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>> go SEE & DO

Owner/Trainer Scott Armour

HAWKWOOD FARM HUNTERS • JUMPERS • EQUITATION LESSONS • TRAINING • BOARDING • SALES • CAMPS Specializing in Beginners through Nationally Rated Horse Shows is Over 25 Years Experience Bringing Horse and Rider Together ion th Ment receive ad & off your 73 Nixon Rd. Senoia 30276 • 404-213-8902 0 $10.0 t lesson • E-mail: firs

Home Plate is a baseball and softball facility with an all-weather synthetic turf regulation field, 14 batting cages, 2 Iron Mike pitching machines, open turf infield area, 2 outdoor live hitting cages, 4 mounds for pitching and fielding and a fitness/ weight room. Home Plate offers private lessons, team lessons, and year-round coaching for all ages. For more information, call at 770-631-3044 or Home Plate is located 611 Hwy 74 south. MASTERMIND ESCAPE ROOMS At Mastermind Escape Rooms, you are locked in a room with about 8 other people and tasked with finding clues to help you break out in less than 60 minutes. Each room has a different theme, including: “Bank Heist,” where you must rob a bank to prove your worth to a notorious crime syndicate, and “Zombie Survival Run,” where you are

Full Service Catering and Event Planning Small Intimate Events to Large Corporate Events

100 Webster Street LaGrange GA 30241 706-837-9009 |

on a supply run when a massive horde of zombies swarms you. Book your escape room online at mastermindescapegames. com/locations/peachtree-city-georgia or call 404-793-1541. Mastermind Escape Room is located at 297 Dividend Drive.of

5 War Birds, including a P51 Mustang or a T6-Texan. Prices for this experience range from $60-$1,600 for a half-hour. Call 770631-2542 for more information. d

| | SPRING – SUMMER 2019 | 31


+ + + +

Awarded Best 55+ Community in Atlanta* Under 30 minutes to the airport and Atlanta Connected to 100 miles of golf cart trails New 17,000 sq. ft. clubhouse with indoor pool


Peachtree City’s only 55+ community 11 designer model homes, open daily New homes from the upper $200s to $500s

877-727- 6957

© 2019 Cresswind is a registered trademark of Kolter Homes. Prices, homesites, home designs and other information subject to errors, changes, omissions, deletions, availability prior sales and withdrawal at any time without notice. *GAHBA OBIE Awards 2018.

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©2019 Copyright Print Graphics Services, Inc.


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This map was compiled from various public maps and numerous visits to the paths but may not reflect recent changes. Any additions or changes to this map should be submitted to the publisher for consideration on future editions. This map is owned and published by Print Graphics Services, Inc. for use by its advertisers – any unauthorized use or reproduction is prohibited. This map is not owned by the City of Peachtree City or any of its departments. While the publisher has taken all measures to ensure the accuracy of this publication, Print Graphics Services, Inc. cannot be responsible for any unintentional inclusions, errors or omissions. For additional copies of this map, e-mail request to To submit updates and information, e-mail info to

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G G “Like us” on the Guide and the Peachtree City App facebook pages | G G

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Residential Properties, Land and Commerical

Experience is Not’s Priceless!



11 Beaver Dam Park 1 Kedron Recreation & Aquatic Center

10 Riley Field

9 Peachtree City Dog Park

8 Meade Memorial Park / Jim Meade Memorial Athletic Fields

7 Glenloch Recreation Center

6 Braelinn Recreation Center

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36 Peachtree City Parks & Recreation Dept

35 Peachtree City Library

34 Gathering Place, The

33 Frederick Brown Jr Amphitheater

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31 Windalier Ridge

30 Village Green

29 Smokerise Park

28 Rubicon Tot Lot

27 Rockspray Pond

26 Planterra Tot Lot

40 Spyglass Island

22 Peachtree City Boat Dock 37 Southern Conservation Trust 23 Pebblepocket Park NATURE AREAS 24 Picnic Park / All 38 Flat Creek Nature Area Children’s Playground 39 Line Creek Nature Area 25 Pinecrest Boat Ramp

21 Luther Glass Park (Three Ponds)

ATHLETIC FIELDS & PARKS 19 Huddleston Pond 5 Baseball Soccer Complex 20 Lake Kedron Pier

2 McIntosh Trail Recreation 13 Blue Smoke Park Complex 14 Braelinn Green Tot Lot 3 Peachtree City Tennis 15 Braelinn Road Tot Lot Center 17 Crabapple Woods Tot Lot 4 William B Davis BMX Tack 18 Drake Field

12 Big Pine Park


The above information is believed to be accurate but is not warranted. Offer subject to errors, changes, omissions, prior sales and withdrawals without notice. Equal Housing Opportunity.

Associate Broker/ Relocation Specialist

Malinda Shelley

Direct: 404-697-9817 Office: 770-632-8526

Selling South Atlanta Real Estate... “One Transaction at a Time”

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Peachtree City 5 Athletic Complex (PAC)







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We Have Everything You Need



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Come by the Visitors Information Center in the Avenue • Brochures • Maps • Magazines • Souvenirs

Fayette/PTC Campus

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| | SUMMER – FALL 2017 | 3

Braelinn VILLAGE The Most Golf Cart Friendly Shopping Center in Peachtree City

Come visit us at your favorite local retail & restaurant community shopping center here in Peachtree City!

Braelinn Nails



ummertime will bring some highly anticipated features to Glenloch Recreation Complex: a completely renovated pool and the construction of a splash pad. The only thing left from the old Glenloch pool is the hole itself. Currently under construction, the pool will have all new plumbing and filtration system and will be resurfaced with stairs added to one corner. A new concrete deck will complete the renovation. Located adjacent to the pool along Stevens Entry, the new splash pad is 57 ft. by 35 ft. or approximately 2,000 sq. ft. It 34 | PEACHTREE CITY MAGAZINE | SPRING – SUMMER 2019 |

features 13 splash features, including the ground flush sprays. Three colorful shade sails will fly overhead. The pad will have a separate filtration system from the pool. Paid for with just over $467,000 in SPLOST funds, the pool and renovation were done by Peachtree City’s Innovative Pool and Spa. Included in the bid is $99,000 worth of equipment for the splash pad from local company Aqua Play. The pool and splash pad are scheduled to open Memorial Day weekend unless work is delayed by weather.

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>> recreation HIGHLIGHTS Peachtree City Recreation and Special Events offers summertime programs to Peachtree City residents at numerous athletic and recreation complexes, fields and parks throughout the city. SUMMER PROGRAMS The Peachtree City Recreation and Special Events Department offers a summer full of athletic programs and camps for kids. You will find themed camps at Glenloch Recreation Center where kids and counselors go on field trips—everything from Chattahoochee Bend State Park to a day in Atlanta visiting CNN, The World of Coke, and the Alliance Theatre. Camps located at Kedron Fieldhouse & Aquatic Center include creative camps in acting, languages and art as well as sports camps for swimming, basketball and volleyball. To find a catalog of Recreation Programs and activities for Spring and Summer as well as a complete listing of recreation facilities, go to or call 770-631-2525. ATHLETIC COMPLEXES n Jim Meade Memorial Park Meade Memorial Park has 7 lighted softball fields, 2 lighted lacrosse fields, concessions, and restrooms. Park hours are from dawn to dusk, 7 days a week except for special events. The park is located at 101 Meade Field Drive. n Kedron Fieldhouse and Aquatic Center This multi-purpose facility consists of two pools, a multipurpose/inline hockey rink, and a fieldhouse/ gymnasium. The 25-yard competitive swimming pool and the heated instructional pool are open year round and have guards on duty at all times. The gymnasium has 2 full courts separated with a mesh curtain and lined for basketball, volleyball and pickleball. The center also contains 3 activity rooms for classes and meetings. Other amenities include restrooms, showers, changing areas, storage areas, and a playground. The facility is open daily but check the website for hours. Kedron is located at 202 Fieldhouse Dr. n Peachtree City Athletic Complex Amenities at this 86-acre complex include 6 soccer fields 9 lighted baseball fields, the lighted Field of Hope, 4 concession stands, and 4 restrooms. There is also Mountain Bike Park, a 3-mile, single-track and multi-use natural trail system. The park is open during scheduled events only for the fields. Mountain Bike Park is open dawn to dusk. The athletic complex is located at 1125 Highway 74 South. n Riley Field Complex Located next to Peachtree City Elementary School, Riley Field was one of the first ball fields in Peachtree City. Amenities include a 6-lane track, 1 lighted football field, 1 lighted multipurpose field, a covered picnic shelter, concessions, and restrooms. Park hours are from dawn to dusk, 7 days a week except for special events. Riley Field is located at 176 Wisdom Road.

COMMUNITY PARKS n Braelinn Located in Peachtree City’s Braelinn Village, the Braelinn Recreation Complex has all amenities for outdoor play. There are 4 baseball fields (no lights), 2 outdoor basketball courts (no lights), 2 tennis courts (no lights), outdoor physical fitness exercise stations, a playground, and restrooms. The complex is located on Log House Road. Park hours are dawn to dusk, 7 days a week. n Glenloch Amenities at Glenloch Recreation Complex include a newly renovated pool and newly constructed splash pad (open in the summer months only) and a recently constructed skateboard park. There are soccer fields and practice area, a multipurpose field, an outdoor basketball court (no lights), 4 lighted tennis courts, and a playground. Located inside the recreation building is a dance/exercise studio and multipurpose classroom space. The park is open dawn to dusk 7 days a week. The recreation building is open for scheduled events. The Glenloch Recreation Center is located on Stevens Entry. n McIntosh Trail The 50-acre McIntosh Trail Recreation Complex is the location of numerous special events throughout the year. The complex is home to The Gathering Place senior center, a large picnic pavilion, walking trails, a BMX track, and the Peachtree City Dog Park. The complex is also the starting point for the Flat Creek Nature Preserve and is the home of the Frederick Brown Jr. Amphitheater. Park hours are dawn to dusk, 7 days a week (except for scheduled events). The complex is located on McIntosh Trail. OTHER RECREATIONAL FACILITIES n BMX The William B. Davis BMX Track is a full-service, lighted facility that is suitable for any bike riding and racing experience. Besides being the official BMX track for city residents, the track regularly hosts regional BMX race events. Located in the McIntosh Trail Recreation Complex, the track is open to the public for riding every day, dawn to dusk, except when races are scheduled. Bleachers, concessions and restrooms are available. Riders must utilize proper safety equipment. For more information, visit or call 770-631-2525. n Dog Park Managed by the Peachtree City Dog Park Association and entirely user funded, the Peachtree City Dog Park is a fenced-in, clean and friendly area. Three separate areas accommodate dogs of various sizes and ages with each section featuring a gazebo and outdoor seating, mulch

ground cover, shade trees, and a water spigot. Visits are $1 for up to 3 dogs at a time. A membership is $35 per year for Fayette residents, or $45 per year for nonFayette residents. The park is open from dawn to dusk, seven days a week. It is located in the McIntosh Trail Recreation Area. For more information, visit ptcdogpark. com. n Skateboard Park An all-concrete skateboard park is one of the newest activity additions to Glenloch Recreation Complex. The 4,050-square-foot park’s concrete ramps are designed to flow better, making them more playable to all skill levels. BALL FIELDS n Peachtree City Athletic Complex This 86-acre athletic complex has 6 soccer fields, 9 lighted baseball fields, the lighted Field of Hope, 4 concession stands, and 4 restrooms. There is also Mountain Bike Park, a 3-mile, single-track and multi-use natural trail system. n Jim Meade Memorial Park Meade Park has 7 lighted softball fields, 2 lighted lacrosse fields, concessions, and restrooms. n Riley Field Ballfields Riley Field was one of the first ball fields in Peachtree City. Amenities include a 6-lane track, 1 lighted football field, 1 lighted multipurpose field, a covered picnic shelter, concessions, and restrooms. Riley Field is located next to Peachtree City Elementary School on Wisdom Road. TENNIS FACILITIES The Peachtree City Tennis Center serves everyone in the community from the youngest juniors to the oldest seniors with developmental programs, high-performance programs, summer camps, and drop-in drills and play. This nationally recognized USTA facility has 24 courts (12 hard, 6 soft and 6 covered) and is open seven days a week. The center hosts numerous regional and national tournaments and has a fully-stocked Pro Shop complete with shoes, apparel, racquets and stringing. It also offers pickle ball. For more information and hours of operation, visit The center is located at 10 Planterra Way. Peachtree City also maintains a number of public tennis courts, including 4 lighted courts at Glenloch Recreation Center, 2 courts at Pebblepocket Park, and 2 courts at Braelinn Recreation Complex.

For more information visit: or call 770-631-2525.

| | SPRING – SUMMER 2019 | 35

>> shopping FOR ALL




s we celebrate the 60th Anniversary of Peachtree City it is hard to imagine the effort it took to just buy the essentials by driving on a two-lane road to Fayetteville or Newnan, or even to Union City to go to the Shannon Mall. Now thanks to the original concepts and plans we have everything we need in almost every village. Peachtree City always has focused on bringing convenient shopping to its residents. Braelinn Village on Peachtree City’s south side calls itself “the most golf cart friendly shopping center in Peachtree City,” providing plenty of golf cart parking and charging stations to encourage residents from

all across town to come and stay a while. Braelinn offers shopping and dining and is a stage for community events. July 4th, Easter, and Christmas draw big crowds who want to celebrate, dine, and shop at Braelinn stores, such as Kroger, Card$marT, Dollar Tree, Ichiban, Vitality Bowls, El Ranchero, UPS, TCBY, and Crosstown Grill. Kedron Village Shopping Area on Peachtree City’s north side is home to large national chains like Target, Kroger, Ross Dress for Less, Bed Bath & Beyond, Sally Beauty, and Kirkland’s as well as locally owned boutiques. Scattered in between Braelinn and Kedron are smaller shopping Continued on page 38


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WHERE FASHION TAKES YOU ASHOPPINGDESTINATION Your one stop shopping experience for the entire family. Find your perfect accessory or outfit to celebrate Peachtree City’s 60th anniversary at The Avenue Peachtree City. Text SHOP60 to 444222 for a chance to win a $250 shopping spree. Contest runs April 1, 2019 - September 30, 2019 American Eagle | AT&T | Banana Republic | Bath & Body Works | Books-a-Million | Chico’s | Fab’rik Francesca’s | GameStop | Gap | Ici Paris | J. Jill | Jos. A. Bank | LensCrafters | Loft | Music & Arts The Nest | Palm Beach Tan | Parisian Nail Salon | Pure Barre | Rack Room Shoes | Simply Mac | Sleep Number Soma | Talbots | Victoria’s Secret | White House Black Market | Williams-Sonoma | Yankee Candle Subscribe to receive recurring promotional offers and discounts from our various retailers/businesses via our mobile club. Send keyword SHOP60 to short code 444222 to join. By texting SHOP60 from your mobile device, you agree to receive marketing text messages generated by an automated dialer from The Avenue Peachtree City to your mobile number. Message frequencies varies. You also agree and understand that consent is not required to make a purchase. Message & data rates may apply. For information, go to

239 City Circle | Suite 1050 | Peachtree City, GA 30269 770-486-6587 |

Continued from page 36

>> shopping FOR ALL

areas each offering a mix of service businesses, boutique shopping, restaurants, and unique markets. In its own category, The Avenue Peachtree City on the west side of town is a gathering place for the town as well as a destination shopping center for the area. This upscale, open-air shopping center offers everything from national chain stores, like The Gap, Victoria’s Secret, William Sonoma, Books-a-Million, Talbots, and Simply Mac to familyowned boutique shopping, like The Nest and Ici Paris. The Avenue also offers an ever-growing calendar of events, such as the Summer Movie Series, July 4th, and Thursday Night Out events. Golf cart charging stations encourage residents to gather from all over town at The Avenue for a fun time.

Peachtree City also enjoys a variety of thrift stores and consignment shops. Encore Interior Consignment is a retail store selling quality preowned furniture and home decor items at an affordable price. Other bargain stores in Peachtree City include Clothes Less Traveled, Wellspring Treasures, and A Better Way Bargains. A well-loved Fayette County store located just outside the city limits is Smith and Davis Clothing. Since 1965, the family-owned store has carried top brands and the latest fashions in outdoor, athletic, lifestyles clothing and accessories. They are also known for their great selection of shoes and boots and the expert training of their staff to ensure a proper fit.

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GIFT CERTIFICATE GIVEAWAY! Did you know that you can win a real Gift Certificate worth $20–25 every week? We have already given away over $15,000 in our Great Gift Certificate Giveaway – make your requests today!


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> shopping FOR ALL

The brands you love from the people you trust. Since 1965.

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770-487-4183 1552 Hwy 54, Fayetteville

Stay Connected! Download the FREE “The Peachtree City App”!

Peachtree City Magazine

PC Magazine

r You



H me

Here is how you can win a certificate too! Just use "the Peachtree City App" and choose Giveaways. A new game starts every Tuesday. Winners are chosen by Google Random Numbers and are announced on the Peachtree City Magazine & App Facebook page, and on every Thursday. Winners can pick up their Gift Certificates on Friday.

| | SPRING – SUMMER 2019 | 39

>> dining AROUND TOWN


Let's Dine!

hether you are planning a special dinner with a loved one, or a family meal with a lot of little ones, you won’t have to look far to satisfy your needs! As we are celebrating the 60th Anniversary of Peachtree City, it is hard to believe that for many years there was only one

place to get some home-cooked fried chicken at Pac-a-Chick, or a pizza at Partners Pizza. Now variety and quality food are the rules and not the exception. From fast foods, to fancy menus our city has food to fit every taste and

Mon-Fri: Create Your Own Pasta Mon-Thurs: Drink Specials Mon-Sat: Dining (French & American Cuisine)

Delicious American Cuisine with a French Accent Outdoor Patio Dining

770-632-0112 40 | PEACHTREE CITY MAGAZINE | SPRING – SUMMER 2019 |

Lunch: Mon-Fri 11AM-2PM Dinner: Mon-Sat 5PM-9PM Westpark Walk 217 Commerce Drive, Peachtree City

G G “Like us” on the Peachtree City Magazine & App facebook pages | G G


WHERE FOOD IS LIFE ADININGDESTINATION Celebrate Peachtree City’s 60th anniversary with your hometown dining destination. Text DINE60 to 444222 for a chance to win a $250 VIP dining experience. Contest runs April 1, 2019 - September 30, 2019. Atlanta Bread | GiGi’s Cupcakes | Great American Cookie | Highland Bakery Joe Muggs Cafe | Marble Slab | Moe’s Southwest Grill | Starbucks | Ted’s Montana Grill Subscribe to receive recurring promotional offers and discounts from our various retailers/businesses via our mobile club. Send keyword DINE60 to short code 444222 to join. By texting DINE60 from your mobile device, you agree to receive marketing text messages generated by an automated dialer from The Avenue Peachtree City to your mobile number. Message frequencies varies. You also agree and understand that consent is not required to make a purchase. Message & data rates may apply. For information, go to

239 City Circle | Suite 1050 | Peachtree City, GA 30269 770-486-6587 |

>> dining AROUND TOWN

live music

Every Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday from 7pm 1 0 0 N . P e a c h t r e e P w y, P e a c h t r e e C i t y, G A , 3 0 2 6 9 Continued from page 40

pocketbook. From high end steakhouses to ethnic menus you will find something here.

Italian, Indian, Mediterranean, Mexican, Pizza, Sandwiches, Frozen Treats, Coffee/Deserts.

The best place to start looking is to use the Peachtree City App and click on Categories and then on Dining. You will find all of the restaurants in Peachtree City organized as follows: American, Asian, Fast Food, Fine Dining,

Don’t miss the opportunity to visit our advertisers: Big Shots, Chin Chin, City Café, Due South, Pascal’s and the restaurants of the Avenue and the Braelinn Shopping Center. d

OPEN KITCHEN FULL BAR Carry Out & Delivery in Limited Area Always Fresh & Cooked to Order

Open 7 Days a Week

Sun-Thurs 11 am-10 pm, Fri-Sat 11 am-10:30 pm


2100 Hwy. 54 East • Suite 107 • Peachtree City, GA 30269 42 | PEACHTREE CITY MAGAZINE | SPRING – SUMMER 2019 |

Magic is back and Jazz is here to stay! Peter Morrison’s, Georgia Magic Theater is now monthly at Due South! The popular magic show is scheduled for monthly shows – check the website for dates and tickets: The evening begins 90 minutes prior to showtime with an optional dinnertime meet-and-greet with close-up magic at your table. At 8pm, the night continues upstairs in the 50-seat theater with a 75-minute interactive stage show featuring worldclass sleight-of-hand, mind-blowing mentalism and jaw-dropping illusions. Jazz lovers take note! Georgia Shrimp Company has three nights each week devoted to live jazz. On Sunday evenings 7-9:30pm Neal Wauchope plays piano and sings classic Jazz and Blues; On Tuesday evenings 7-10pm Leonard Julien III plays his Jazz Saxophone, accompanied by Neal Wauchope on piano. Julian sings classic soul music; On Thursday from 7-10pm you can enjoy the jazz sounds of “The Bet That’s Taken: Groove Trio + Friends”. No admission fees on any night.

G G “Like us” on the Peachtree City Magazine & App facebook pages | G G


! h c n u r b r o f s u in


Bar: 11am-3pm Kitchen: 11am-5pm

WWW.BIGSHOTSPTC.COM • 102B GUTHRIE WAY, PTC, GA, 30269 • (770) 629-5591

>> dining AROUND TOWN

LIVE ENTERTAINMENT VENUES Azul Tequila Taqueria & Cantina 100 Lexington Circle Peachtree City, GA 30269 770-632-0099

City Café & Bakery 215 S. Glynn Street Fayetteville, GA 30214 770-461-6800

Authentic European Atmosphere

Georgia Shrimp Co. 100 N. Peachtree Pkwy. Peachtree City, GA 30269 770-631-9114

German and Continental Cuisine

Intimate and Casual Patio Dining Easter Brunch

April 21, 2019, 11 a.m.–3 p.m.

Mother’s Day Brunch May 12, 2019, 11 a.m.–3 p.m.

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Monday through Saturday 11 a.m. – 2:30 p.m.


Wednesday through Saturday starts 5 p.m., closed Sunday

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Here is how you can win a certificate too! Just use "the Peachtree City App" and choose Giveaways. A new game starts every Tuesday. Winners are chosen by Google Random Numbers and are announced on the Peachtree City Magazine & App Facebook page, and on every Thursday. Winners can pick up their Gift Certificates on Friday. Stay Connected! Download the FREE “The Peachtree City App”!

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2808 Ga Hwy 54 Peachtree City, GA 30269 770-486-2696

Los Mariachis

2882 Ga Hwy 54 Peachtree City, GA 30269 770-629-4218

Tavern on 74

288 Ga Hwy 74 Peachtree City GA 30269 770-631-1980

Y-Knot Sports Bar

216 Northlake Dr. Peachtree City, GA 30269 770-487-9111 r You





Always confirm with the restauran or sports bar for up-to-date entertainment.

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A Special Event Center in Peachtree City, Georgia THE LOFT at Due South combines the celebrated cuisine of Due South Southern Cuisine with a polished elegance that fuses perfectly for your special event. Our venue supports Rehearsal Dinners, Corporate Events, Wedding Receptions, All Day Meetings, and Family Events. THE LOFT at Due South is comprised of 3 separate rooms, The Main Ballroom, The Augusta Room (a/v equipped), and The Savannah Room (a/v equipped). Two seated balconies offer a very unique perspective on the surrounding area.

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>> fitness & HEALTH




s the weather switches from cold to warm, don’t forget to transition your skin care routine as well. While the spring and summer months bring longer days and lots of beautiful weather, they also bring harmful heat, humidity, and sunlight, which can cause skin issues like clogged pores, age spots, dry skin, and even skin cancer if you are not vigilant about protecting your skin.

2. Protect Your Skin From the Sun Remember to choose lotions, creams, and chapsticks that have an SPF rating of at least 30, apply liberally, and reapply often, especially after swimming and sweating. For best results, choose sunblocks, lotions, and creams that offer protection for both UVA and UVB rays. Often times, these products state that they offer broad or full-spectrum protection against the sun.

1. Switch to a Light Moisturizer Thick moisturizers are needed in winter to combat the cold, dry conditions, but often you don’t need those same moisturizers in the summer. In fact, they can sometimes lead to oily skin and clogged pores. Instead, transition to a light, oil-free lotion that will keep your skin hydrated without causing breakouts.

4. Consider Using Acne Facial Cleansers and Spot Treatments An increase in sweat and body oil can cause clogs in your skin pores, which can lead to acne. To keep acne at bay, consider using a good acne facial cleanser and spot treatments for breakouts. Acne still there? Your dermatologist at Avail can help.

3. Keep Your Skin Exfoliated Choose hydrating body washes and facial cleansers that also remove dead skin cells. This can help keep your skin looking fresh, smooth, and hydrated.


5. Remember to Take Your Skin Protection With You To keep your skin looking great and protected from the sun, remember to bring your lotions and sunblocks with you. We recommend purchasing the travel sizes of your favorite SPF creams and lotions so that you can reapply as needed throughout the day.

Get More Skincare Tips from Avail Dermatology If you have a chronic skin condition, like acne, eczema, rosacea, psoriasis, or another skin condition that makes finding effective summer skincare products difficult, our dermatologists can help. For more information and to schedule an appointment at our Peachtree City location, visit Call: 770-251-5111

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Healthgrades named Piedmont Fayette Hospital one of America’s 50 Best Hospitals for a fifth straight year. High Five! We’ve always known our employees and physicians are the best. Now America does too. Because of their hard work and dedication, we’ve been recognized as one of HealthGrades’ America’s 50 Best Hospitals for the fifth consecutive year. Learn more about what makes us the best.

©2019 Piedmont Healthcare 08240-0219

>> fitness & HEALTH

Recent Honors Show Piedmont Fayette among Best Hospitals in Nation Named among the top 10 percent in the nation for treatment of stroke (2014-2019) Recipient of the Healthgrades 2019 Pulmonary Care Excellence Award Named among the top 5 percent in the nation for Overall Pulmonary Services in 2019 One of Healthgrades America's 100 Best Hospitals for Critical Care in 2019 The announcement of being named one of America’s 50 Best Hospitals came soon after the news that Piedmont Fayette had earned its redesignation for Pathway to Excellence by the American Nurses Credentialing Center. As a Pathway to Excellence designated organization, Piedmont Fayette is committed to iedmont Fayette Hospital recently announced “This award is important because it demonstrates creating an environment where nurses excel and that it has achieved the Healthgrades 2019 the difference we make in the lives of our patients,” feel valued as integral members of interprofessional America’s 50 Best Hospitals Award. It was the fifth said Piedmont Fayette CEO Michael Burnett. “It health care teams. The honor encourages other consecutive year the hospital has been named to the shows that we have been able to achieve better nurses to join their colleagues in this desirable list. They have also earned the designation as one outcomes for our patients consistently, year after environment. “Our nurses worked hard to secure this of Americas Best hospitals for 11 consecutive years year. I believe this is because we have created a designation three years ago and they have (2009-2019). The distinction places Piedmont culture committed to high-quality, patient-centered done a fantastic job of continuing to meet the Fayette in the top 1 percent of more than 4,500 care focused on safety.” Piedmont Fayette was also recognized by high standards to earn this recognition and of hospitals assessed nationwide for its consistent, year-over-year superior clinical performance as Healthgrades for the following clinical achievements consistently searching for ways to improve,” said Piedmont Fayette Chief Nursing Officer Merry measured by Healthgrades, the leading online in 2019. resource for comprehensive information about Recipient of the Healthgrades Stroke Care Heath. “Although this designation states that we are an excellent place to work for nurses, I Excellence Award (2014-2019) physicians and hospitals. believe that it is also shows that we have a great work environment for all staff. This designation is possible because of the entire team at Piedmont Fayette.” 770•719•2288 Piedmont Fayette is one of 168 organizations w w in the world to earn the Pathway to Excellence designation and the only one in Georgia. They the information needed are also the only Georgia hospital named one of to make an informed choice... America’s 50 Best Hospitals by Healthgrades for pregnancy testing 2019. “The physicians, nurses, staff members, ultrasound and volunteers are committed to excellence and All services are free, conpregnancy and parenting fidential, and available for consistently finding ways to improve on the care all regardless of age, race, resources we provide,” said Burnett. “We’re proud when we religion, financial position, or marital status. peer counseling receive awards and recognition like this, but our focus is on making a positive difference in every life Contact the Center we touch. It is our commitment to that purpose that Volunteers Needed! for information. drives Piedmont Fayette’s success.” G G 48 | PEACHTREE CITY MAGAZINE | SPRING – SUMMER 2019 | “Like us” on the Peachtree City Magazine & App facebook pages | G G app




Something about Somerby sparks happily ever after. Carole and Phil found a new freedom with Independent Living at Somerby. Now, they don’t worry about keeping a house or driving all over town to find activities. That let them find something a bit unexpected – each other. Somerby is Full of Life. What will it spark in you?

Call us today to learn more or schedule a personal visit.


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>> senior LIVING LIVE


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Retirement Life is Good in Peachtree City


t took Peachtree City about 30 years from the time it was incorporated in 1959 to start building its first neighborhood for empty nesters, with Ashley Glen being the first assisted living facility, which opened in 1998. Today, Peachtree City is known throughout Georgia and the nation as one of the best towns for retired people, ranking high in a number of retirement-focused metrics, including “percentage of residents 65 and older, access to healthcare, healthcare affordability, weather, amenities and low crime rates.” Various communities offer seniors a variety of housing choices: independent living residences, consisting of both spacious apartments and villas


with incredible amenities and a full calendar of social activities; private assisted living and memory care residences; and short-term respite accommodations. The county-operated Fayette Senior Services (FSS) provides residents aged 50 and up with social and life-enhancing services, like its Meals On Wheels program. Two of FSS’s activity centers—The Gathering Place and McIntosh Place—are located in Peachtree City. For more about the advantages of Senior Living in our area, contact our advertisers—Somerby, Ashley Glen, Monarch House, and Christian City. d

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There’s Still a Lot of Life to Live. Come Live it with Us!

When was the last time you read to a 5-year old? Played pool with your daughter or pinball with your grandson? When was the last time you stayed up late for a movie and popcorn? At Monarch House Assisted Living in Newnan, you can do all of that and more, all in the same day! Monarch House Assisted Living holds the proud distinction as Georgia’s first Intergenerational Program for seniors and children. Our neighbors at Caterpillar House Early Learning Center come almost daily to provide valuable social interaction that both children and seniors need. Our unique design offers a place where families can come and spend time enjoying each other, while playing pinball, skeeball, pool or having an ice cream cone at our vintage ice cream shop. At night residents and family can enjoy a movie and popcorn or watch a Sunday afternoon game on our big screen in the theater.

You can take a virtual tour at or better yet we would love for you to come by and meet our staff and tour our unique community!

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299 Bullsboro Dr., Suite 100, Newnan, Georgia 30263

>> homes SPOTLIGHT

Photo courtesy of Cresswind® Peachtree City


or 60 years, Peachtree City has been building new homes. In the early years, neighborhoods—usually built by one or a couple of different builders—often presented a singular style or exterior material. Wood, brick, and stucco were all popular in town, although cedar exteriors dominated for many years.

old, promising years of life and beauty. Homeowners can find numerous choices in exterior siding and roofing. Furnace and air conditioning units are more compact and energy efficient. Design options for kitchen and bath tile as well as flooring seem unlimited. Paint, wallpaper, and fabrics for upholstery, bedding, and window treatments in new materials and colors reflect a homeowner’s personal and unique style.

Today, there are approximately 13,500 homes in Peachtree City. New neighborhoods and homes are still being constructed, while re-builds and Whether buying, selling, remodeling or renovating, please consider renovations are on the upswing. New building materials are replacing contacting our advertisers as part of your plans. 52 | PEACHTREE CITY MAGAZINE | SPRING – SUMMER 2019 |

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>> homes SPOTLIGHT Lady Dianne’s

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The Barnett’s are local REALTORS® dedicated to providing you with an exceptional real estate experience.

THE BARNETT GROUP SCOTT, JENNIFER & CAROLINE BARNETT c. 404.583.3313 | o. 404.237.5000 |

Top Producers, Company-Wide Top Producers, Fayette County Board of REALTORS® ©MMXVIII Sotheby’s International Realty and the Sotheby’s International Realty logo are registered (or unregistered) service marks used with permission. Each Office Is Independently Owned And Operated. Equal Housing Opportunity. Equal Housing Opportunity. Artwork by Jill Steenhuis used with permission.

| | SPRING – SUMMER 2019 | 53

>> homes SPOTLIGHT IMPORTANT NUMBERS: Water: Fayette County Water 770-461-1146 Electric: Coweta Fayette EMC 770-502-0226 Georgia Power 888-660-5890

Natural Gas Providers: Georgia Natural Gas 770-850-6200 Atlanta Gas Light 770-994-1946 True Natural Gas 770-502-0226 Scana Energy 888-962-7033 Infinite Energy 877-483-4684 Constellation 877-997-9995

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Sanitation: CLM Sanitation 770-305-8300 Republic Services, Inc. 404-792-2660 Integrated Waste Solutions 678-854-8169 Waste Management 770-719-1183 Cable TV: AT&T U-Verse 1-844-355-0131 Comcast 1-888-211-4309 DirecTV 1-855-795-5783 DISH 1-855-496-3449 Xfinity 1-866-945-3341 Drivers License Office: 749 W Lanier Ave #102, Fayetteville 678-817-5250 – call for hours. Fayette County Tag Office: 770-461-3611

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>> style DECOR




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| SPRING – SUMMER 2019 | 55

>> homes SPOTLIGHT Permits for updating and renovating homes Peachtree City homeowners getting ready to update and/or renovate their homes need to check with the Building Department in Peachtree City prior to starting construction. Homeowners are required to obtain the same permits and meet the same building code requirements as a general contractor. Hand-crafted luxury lighting.

Residents who live in subdivisions with home owners associations (HOA) or architecture review boards (ARB) must have approval from those boards prior to submitting an application for a building permit. Permits may be submitted, but will not be released prior to the Building Department receiving the (HOA) or (ARB) approval. Permits are also required Photofor: by Dan Nelson Decks, Fences, Sheds or Accessory Buildings, Pools, Basement Finish, Retaining Wall, and Reroof.


30 Barnes Street, Suite 101 | Historic Downtown Senoia | 770.727.9010

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The Building Department is located at 153 Willowbend Road, and office hours are Monday – Friday; 8 AM- 5 PM. When in doubt about a permit requirement, contact Building Department, at 770-487-8901 or

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678-464-8480 Monday-Friday 9am-5pm 253 Tiger Way, Peachtree City 56 | PEACHTREE CITY MAGAZINE | SPRING – SUMMER 2019 |

We Work on Most Major Models & Makes of Golf Cars

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>> homes SPOTLIGHT Getting your kids registered for school To enroll in Fayette County Schools, the student’s parent or legal guardian AND the student must be a full-time resident of Fayette County. Fayette County Schools must have ALL REQUIRED documents upon registration for students to be registered and to receive a schedule. Entering Kindergarten and first grade: According to Georgia law, children must be 5 years old on or before September 1 in order to enroll in Kindergarten and six years old on or before September 1 to enroll in first grade. Entering first grade through twelfth grade: Please bring a copy of your child’s transcript to include grades and test scores. If registration is after the school year begins, please bring a withdrawal form from the previous school. A copy of the child’s certified birth certificate must be supplied at the time of enrollment. Who may register the student? The biological or adoptive parent should enroll the student. If the student is not living with the biological or adoptive parent, a temporary guardianship form must be obtained from the Probate Court or the guardian must have a court order to allow the student to register. A photo ID will be required for parents and guardians. All enrollments occur at the Enrollment/ Records Center located at 205 LaFayette Ave., Fayetteville, GA 30214, 770-460-3990 ext 362. To learn more, visit and click on Enrollment & Records Center. Directions to Department of Education, Enrollment/Records Center from the Peachtree City Visitors Center. Take GA54 traveling through Peachtree City and into Fayetteville. Watch the speed limit signs. Speed will reduce to 35 mph as you enter Fayetteville. Highway 54 will split with an island between the east and westbound lanes. Immediately past this split, turn left at the traffic light onto Tiger Trail. Go one block; cross Hwy. 54 westbound. Go another block to LaFayette Avenue. Our complex is on your far right-hand corner. Building C is located in the center. Park in front of Building C in the Enrollment/Records Center parking spaces.

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Ky Dickerson CLU, Agent 240 Commerce Drive Peachtree City, GA 30269 Bus: 770-632-8882

Peggy Crayton, Agent 267 Hwy 74 North Peachtree City, GA 30269 Bus: 770-487-6274

Joe Dion ChFC CLU CASL LUTCF, Agent 2004 COMMERCE DR N Peachtree City, GA 30269 Bus: 770-460-0132


Clay Van Meter Ins Agcy Inc Clay Van Meter, Agent 262 S. Peachtree Parkway Peachtree City, GA 30269 Bus: 770-487-5060

Tarcia Troup, Agent 211 Prime Pt Peachtree City, GA 30269 Bus: 678-788-7650

Mark Gray CLU CPCU, Agent 66 Eastbrook Bend Peachtree City, GA 30269 Bus: 770-487-8561

Samuel Morris Jr CLU LUTC, Agent 113 Ebenezer Road Fayetteville, GA 30215 Bus: 770-487-3552

State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Company, State Farm Indemnity Company State Farm Fire and Casualty Company, State Farm General Insurance Company Bloomington, IL

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PC Magazine

| | SPRING – SUMMER 2019 | 57

>> Anniversary CELEBRATION


Mayor Vanessa Fleisch serves cake to Peachtree City’s 1st First Lady, Geri Cowan

Rebecca Watts, Speaker; Vanessa Fleisch, Mayor; Mike Nelson, President



his spring the citizens of Peachtree City took time out to celebrate the 60th Anniversary of the signing of the Charter, which made Peachtree City an official Georgia city. The festivities began on February 28th by the Rotary Club of Peachtree City. The special celebration meeting was attended by 120 members and guests to hear Rebecca Watts, co-author of “Images of America-Peachtree City” give her slide presentation of some of the highlights of the founding of the city and a video welcome message from Joel Cowan. Invited guests included all mayors and spouses from the early years, as well as early pioneers to include the pastors, firemen, and residents. The present mayor, Vanessa Fleisch, and the Peachtree City Council were also in attendance. Margo & Jimmy Booth, Publishers of early Newspaper “This Week in Peachtree City”; Tray Baggarly, Editor of the Guide, 1994. Sherri Smith Brown. PR Director, Garden Cities 1979-81; Editor in chief 20 South Magazine

Brothers Jim and Tom Fulton, lived in first house on Lake Peachtree

Rick & Marie Schlosser, Rick was VP Sales, PCDC; and Jerry Peterson, Land Planner, PCDC

Chip Connor, 3rd Mayor and John Weber 1st Pastor of Lutheran Church and volunteer fireman

Frances Meaders, City Clerk and Director of Administrative Services, (1973-95). Marcia Cole, Rotarian, Brownie Jones, wife of 2nd Mayor Ralph Jones (1966-69), and Iola Snow, life partner of 6th Mayor Fred Brown (1982-91) G 58 | PEACHTREE CITY MAGAZINE | SPRING – SUMMER 2019 |


Mary Chapman, Edgar Chapman, and George Martin, Rotarians; Mike King, City Councilman

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>> Anniversary CELEBRATION

The Convention and Visitors Bureau (CVB) held “An Evening of Conversation".

First mayor, Joel Cowan and current mayor Vanessa Fleisch

7th Mayor Bob Lenox (1992-2001), Bob Truitt, businessman L to R: 8th Mayor Steve Brown (2002-05); 3rd Mayor Chip Connor (1970-71); 11th mayor, Vanessa Fleisch (2014-present); 1st Mayor, Joel Cowan (1959-65) 9th Mayor, Harold Logsdon (2006-10)

Joel Cowan and family


Chip Connor, Janet Moon, Chief of Police, Joel Cowan

The city and the CVB put on an exciting public festival. This event focused on families and young children. With a carnival-like atmosphere, a large crowd enjoyed the rides and concert throughout the day. | SPRING – SUMMER 2019 | 59


Marie and Steve Swope – Serving Together


Marie and Steve Swope are sponsors for the annual Drive & Dive Event benefiting Christian City Children & Family Programs. Photos by Larry Regier

hroughout their 41-year marriage, Marie and Steve Swope have served together. “We serve within the context of our church, our community, our family and our friends. That’s one reason Marie and I have such a strong connection; we both have the same mindset about service,” says Steve. “That’s how we were raised, and we tried to raise our kids the same way.” The Newnan couple believes the best way to make a positive impact on the community is by giving financially and getting involved. “Everything we do is for ourselves or for someone else,” says Steve. “When you do something for someone else, it involves sacrifice, because you could be doing something for yourself instead.” Marie has been volunteering with the GED and Literacy program in Newnan for 17 years. The couple enjoys tutoring students at a Title 1 school as well as many other service activities in the community. Last year, the Swopes became familiar with Christian City Children’s Village. “These children could be on the streets or living in abusive or neglectful situations. Christian City gives these children the chance to break the negative cycle that has sometimes endured in their families for generations,” says Marie. The Swopes are sponsoring the annual Drive & Dine event benefiting Christian City Children & Family Programs. For more information about supporting the April 27 event at Porsche Experience Center, visit or call 770.703.2636.

Just call him, Manny.


e’s a man for all seasons—or at least, a manatee for all seasons! His name is Manny. From his home at the corner of North Peachtree Parkway and Walt Banks Road, Manny watches over McIntosh High School students traveling to and from school and folks traveling the Parkway to and from home. And Manny does it in style! He is always dressed for the season or the event— raincoat, swimming gear, cap and gown, Trick or Treat, St. Patrick’s, and even Santa, coming out of a chimney. Owned by Richard and Sheila Bearden, Manny has become a welcome site for residents. The Beardens hope Manny brings a smile to passersby as they wait their turn at the four-way stop. G 60 | PEACHTREE CITY MAGAZINE | FALL 2018 – WINTER 2019 |


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REAL LIFE CENTER ~ Real Help. Real Hope.


Providing Necessities for Living ~ Equipping People for Life

he Real Life Center has gone back to its roots by moving into a new building on the Dogwood Church campus on Highway 74 North in Tyrone. From this new building, the local nonprofit will continue its work of helping individuals and families in the Fayette County area navigate through the unanticipated challenges of life. Founded by Dogwood Church (formerly Braelinn Church) in 1998, Real Life Center offers a “hand-up versus a hand-out” to struggling families. Its program is designed to help bridge a gap and to connect families with vital resources. Through its staff and volunteers, Real Life Center helps people achieve long-term change emotionally, spiritually, relationally, and financially.

Families are held accountable for their own progress but are guided through a year-long program where they have access to food, educational classes, financial budgeting, and career assistance. Real Life Center receives grants and is supported by businesses, individuals, civic groups, schools, and churches. It also operates two upscale thrift stores in Fayetteville and Tyrone. The organization’s Orchard and Garden Project provide much needed nutritional produce to client families. Real Life Center’s new home will provide ample space and be a special place for the organization to continue providing hope and help for those in need. For information: • 770-631-9334.

Fayette PRC offers Free Services

We offer the information needed to make an informed choice...

Fayette Pregnancy Resource Center is a faith-based, nonprofit organization offering physical, spiritual, and emotional support to women, men, and families facing an unplanned pregnancy. They serve anyone regardless of age, race, religion, and financial or marital status. All of their services are free. Fayette Pregnancy Resource Center can provide you with free medical-grade pregnancy testing, limited ultrasound, confidential counseling, and basic necessities for babies. Schedule an appointment, or if you need help urgently we may be able to take you as a walk-in for a pregnancy test. Contact the center at 770-719-2288; website • Volunteers Needed!

| | SPRING – SUMMER 2019 | 61


>> social services & SUPPORT A Better Way Ministries Supports men ages 17-55 through struggles with drug and alcohol addictions, or other life controlling issues; 678-251-0713 Al-Anon Family Groups Support groups for those affected by another’s alcohol problem Alcoholics Anonymous Self-help sobriety group. A twelve-step program Alzheimer’s Support Group Help for victims of Alzheimer’s and their families/caregivers 1-800-272-3900 • American Legion A veterans and community service organization Post 50, Peachtree City, 678-472-8485, Jose Cuevas - 706-616-7400 Post 57, Newnan: 770-251-6949, Post 105, Fayetteville: 770-815-9253, Angel’s House Provides a safe, nurturing home for teen girls in crisis; 770-251-7050; Boy Scouts of America - Flint River Council Builds character, trains boys in the responsibilities of good citizenship and develops physical fitness 770-227-4556; Breast Cancer Survivors’ Network Provides assistance, education, and support services to women throughout their diagnosis, treatment and recovery 770-487-4396; Business Women of Fayette & Coweta Professional organization for businesswomen who wish to give back to their community 678-472-1199; 62

Camp Southern Ground Over 400-acre facility in Fayette County to serve children of all abilities; 404-941-3480; Caring Paws Group that provides animal therapy to locations including hospitals, nursing homes and schools; 770-252-5303; Christian City Non-denominational organization ministering to the needs of families, particularly children, the aged and infirm 770-964-3301; Civitan Club—Fayette County Service organization that builds good citizenship through serving individual and community needs, with an emphasis on helping people with developmental disabilities Fayette County: 770-460-1119, Clothes Less Traveled Thrift Store Thrift store offering gently-used clothing, household items and furniture; all proceeds are donated to local area charities. 770-486-8517; Daughters of the American Revolution A lineage society dedicated to patriotism, historic preservation, and education Fayette Starr’s Mill: Susan Morrison, 770486-8641 General Daniel Newnan: James Waldrop: Dixie Wing of the Commemorative Air Force (CAF) Fleet of historic aircraft used to recreate, remind and reinforce the lessons learned from the defining moments in American military aviation history; 678-364-1110;


ExceptionalOPS Advocates for people with developmental disabilities and their families, with a focus on promoting the improvement and expansion of support and services 770-631-1035; Fayette County Animal Shelter Provides assistance for homeless, injured or abused animals while preserving public safety; 770-631-7210 Fayette Pregnancy Resource Center Offering free services, confidential and available to all in need. 770-719-2288; Fayette Senior Services Promotes positive aging through support services and enrichment classes/programs 770-461-0813; Girl Scouts of Greater Atlanta For ages K-17; builds young women of courage, confidence, character and service 770-702-9100; Griefshare Support group for those recovering from the death of a spouse, child, other family member or friend; Guitars Not Guns Works to help stop youth violence by providing guitars and lessons for foster children, at-risk youth and others; Healing Bridge Clinic Provides routine, non-emergency medical and nursing care to the uninsured in Fayette, Coweta and South Fulton counties 770-681-0157; Healing4Heros Dedicated to assisting military service members and veterans lead healthy, productive lives by connecting them with certified service dogs; 678-364-9993; HeroBox Provides useful and morale-boosting customized care packages for deployed members of the armed forces 866-999-4376;

Humane Society of Fayette County Providing care for pets until they can be adopted out; 770-487-1073; Jobseekers of Peachtree City Non-denominational ministry designed to assist unemployed individuals with their job transition; Keep Peachtree City Beautiful Helps make communities cleaner, greener, safer and more livable through education and collaboration with businesses and the public; 770-632-3195 Kiwanis Clubs Service organization dedicated to changing the world one child and one community at a time Kiwanis Club of Fayette County: Kiwanis Club of McIntosh Trail: Kay McInroe, 678-570-0717, Metro-Fayette: Lekotek of Georgia, Inc. Conducts play/learning sessions in which adapted computer and educational materials are loaned to help infants and children with physical and/or cognitive disabilities 404-633-3430; Lions Club Service organization dedicated to meeting humanitarian needs, encouraging peace and promoting international understanding Newnan-Coweta: Peachtree City: Marine Corps League Clyde Thomason Detachment #1325 Veterans and community service organization comprised of Marines and FMF Corpsmen 678-827-1325; Midwest Food Bank - Georgia Division Food bank ministry distributing food at no cost to social services agencies 770-486-1103

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>> social services AND SUPPORT MOMS Clubs Support group for at-home mothers, mothers who work part-time, and mothers who work at home Fayetteville: Peachtree City North: Sharpsburg: Narcotics Anonymous Support group and recovery program for those suffering from chemical addictions Holy Trinity Catholic Church: 770-487-0175; New Neighbors League Helps new residents adjust and find their place in Peachtree City 770-486-9116 Optimist Clubs Service organizations that seek to “bring out the best in kids” by providing hope and positive vision Peachtree City Optimist Club: Senoia Optimist Club: Peachtree City Community Garden Kelly Drive, Peachtree City Peachtree City Dog Park Association Non-profit organization run by volunteers who maintain and manage the dog park located on McIntosh Trail; 470-219-8066;

Peachtree Wind Ensemble A non-audition, community band that rehearses regularly and performs throughout the Southern Crescent region;

Sons of the American Revolution— Marquis de Lafayette A lineage society dedicated to patriotism, historic preservation, and education

Pedal for Pets Raises funds and food for area animal shelters as well as low-cost/no-cost spay and neuter surgeries;

Sons of Confederate Veterans A lineage society dedicated to historic preservation, and education LaFayette McLaws Camp William Thomas Overby Camp #715:

Promise Place Comprehensive domestic violence services for Fayette County; 770-460-1604 The Real Life Center Helps those facing life’s unanticipated challenges; a variety of programs such as counseling financial assistance, food pantry/ clothes closet and career help 770-631-9334; Rotary Clubs Service organizations that work to combat hunger, improve health and sanitation, provide education and job training, promote peace and eradicate polio Rotary Club of Coweta-Fayette (Senoia): Rotary Club Fayette Daybreak: Rotary Club of Fayetteville: Rotary Club of Newnan: Rotary Club of Peachtree City: 678-884-9556,

Southern Conservation Trust Saves greenspaces for people and wildlife, owns and/or manages 1,600+ acres, including Flat Creek Nature Area, Line Creek Nature Area, Morgan Grove Nature Area, Sams Lake Bird Sanctuary and The Ridge Nature area 770-486-7774; Southside Support Offers connections for families with special needs children through social media, parent education and community outings 404-823-7943; Southwest Christian Care A non-profit organization providing services for the terminally ill, medically fragile children, and senior adults, all at no cost. 770-969-8354; 2

V Fostering change one youth at a time. Serving ages 13-23 through mentorship, leadership, education and community service. 805-710-6080 or 678-379-9591

VFW (Veterans of Foreign Wars) A veterans patriotic/historical/educational organization Post 9949, Peachtree City: 678-633-9996 Coweta Veterans Club, Post 2667, Newnan: 404-981-2667, Walk to End Alzheimer’s of the Southern Crescent Raises funds for programs/services supporting Alzheimer’s patients and their families, and for research into treatments and a cure Snapper Freeman, 404-728-6049; Wellspring Treasures Thrift Shop Supports Wellspring Living, which confronts the issue of childhood sexual abuse and exploitation through treatment, education and advocacy programs for girls and women Store: 770-632-1788 Volunteer: 770-631-8888;

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| | SPRING – SUMMER 2019 | 63

>> important NUMBERS Airport Atlanta Regional Airport— Falcon Field 7 Falcon Dr, Peachtree City 30269 770-487-2225 Amphitheater Frederick Brown Jr. Amphitheater 201 McIntosh Trail, Peachtree City 30269 770-631-0630 Community New Neighbors League 770-486-9116 Library Peachtree City Library 201 Willow Bend Rd, Peachtree City 30269 770-631-2520 • Peachtree City Offices City Hall 151 Willowbend Rd, Peachtree City 30269 770-631-7657 Peachtree City Fire Dept 770-631-2526 Peachtree City Police Dept 770-487-8866 Peachtree City Public Works 770-487-5183 Peachtree City Convention & Visitors Bureau 244 City Circle, Ste. 2000B, The Avenue, Peachtree City 30269 678-216-0282 Recreation Glenloch Recreation Center 601 Stevens Entry, Peachtree City 30269 678-364-6602 Kedron Fieldhouse & Aquatic Center 202 Fieldhouse Dr, Peachtree City 30269 770-631-2525 Peachtree City Recreation & Special Events Dept 202 Fieldhouse Dr, Peachtree City 30269 • 770-631-2542

Peachtree City Tennis Center 10 Planterra Way Peachtree City 30269 770-486-9474 Schools Fayette County Schools 205 LaFayette Ave., Fayetteville 30214 770-460-3535 to access school system and individual school sites Elementary Schools Braelinn Elementary 770-631-5410 975 Robinson Rd. Peachtree City 30269 Crabapple Lane Elementary 770-487-5425 450 Crabapple Lane Peachtree City 30269 Huddleston Elementary 770-631-3255 200 McIntosh Trail, Peachtree City 30269 Kedron Elementary 770-486-2700 200 Kedron Dr, Peachtree City 30269 Oak Grove Elementary 770-631-3260 101 Crosstown Dr. Peachtree City 30269 Peachtree City Elementary 770-631-3250 201 Wisdom Rd, Peachtree City 30269 Peeples Elementary 770-486-2734 153 Panther Path Fayetteville 30215 Middle School JC Booth Middle 770-631-3240 250 South Peachtree Pkwy. Peachtree City 30269

Starr’s Mill High School 770-486-2710 193 Panther Path Fayetteville 30215 Private Schools The Campus (1-12) 770-632-1710 300 Tivoli Gardens Peachtree City 30269 Landmark Christian (K4-5) 770-306-0647 777 Robinson Rd, Peachtree City 30269 St Paul Lutheran (PK2-8) 770-486-3545 700 Ardenlee Pkwy. Peachtree City 30269 Higher Education Clayton State University—Fayette 678-466-5000 100 World Dr, Ste 100 Peachtree City 30269 Point University–Peachtree City 678-593-3100 800 Commerce Dr, Ste 200, Peachtree City 30269 Senior Facilities Assisted Living Arbor Terrace Peachtree City 201 Crosstown Dr. Peachtree City 30269 770-632-5823 Ashley Glen Senior Living & Memory Care 441 Prime Pt. Peachtree City 30269 770-631-0205 • Christian City 7300 Lester Road Union City, 30291 770-964-3301 •

Rising Starr Middle School 770-486-2721 183 Panther Path Fayetteville 30215

Heritage of Peachtree 1967 Hwy 54 West, Peachtree City, 30269; 770-631-3461

High School McIntosh High 770-631-3232 201 Walt Banks Rd. Peachtree City 30269

Monarch House Assisted Living 299 Bullsboro Dr. Suite 100 Newnan, GA 678-552-9867


Somerby of Peachtree City 200 Rockaway Rd. Peachtree City 30269 770-487-1900 Other Services Home Instead Senior Care 2011 Commerce Dr N Peachtree City 30269 770-461-1290 Southland Health & Rehabilitation 151 Wisdom Rd. Peachtree City 30269 770-631-9000 Southland Christian Care 7225 Lester Road Union City 770-969-8354 Fayette County County Offices 140 Stonewall Avenue, Fayetteville 30214; 770-305-5400; Fayette Animal Welfare & Control 1262 Hwy 74, Peachtree City 770-631-7210 Fayetteville Department of Driver Services, 749 W Lanier Ave #102, Fayetteville, 678-817-5250 Tues – Fri 8am-6pm, Sat 8am-Noon

Fayette County Environmental Health 140 Stonewall Ave W, Ste 200, Fayetteville 30214; 770-305-5415 Piedmont Fayette Hospital 1255 Hwy 54W, Fayetteville 30214; 770-719-7000 Senior Services Fayette Senior Services Life Enrichment Center; 4 Center Drive, Fayetteville 30214; 770-461-0813 The Gathering Place (Senior Center) 203 McIntosh Trail, Peachtree City 30269; 770-631-2553 McIntosh Place (Senior Center) 191 McIntosh Trail, Peachtree City 30269; 770-461-0813 770-461-0813 • Membership dues: $30/year resident; $90/year non-resident State of Georgia 1-800-GEORGIA (1-800-436-7442) Georgia State Patrol Post 24 serves Fayette & Coweta counties 517 Turkey Creek Rd. Newnan 30263 770-254-7201/7202 United States 1-844-USA-GOV1 (1-844-872-4681);

Fayette Fire & Emergency Services 770-305-5414

National Weather Service; 770-486-1133

Fayette Sheriff; 770-461-6353

US Passports 1-877-487-2778

Humane Society of Fayette County 770-487-1073; Business Fayette County Chamber of Commerce; 600 W Lanier Ave, Ste 205, Fayetteville 30214 770-461-9983; Fayette County Development Authority; 200 Courthouse Square Fayetteville 30214; 770-461-5253 Health Fayette County Health Dept 140 Stonewall Ave W, Ste 107, Fayetteville 30214; 770-305-5416

US Postal Service 770-486-6802 1-800-ASK-USPS (1-800-275-8777) US Social Security Administration 1-800-772-1213; Stay connected! Download “the Peachtree City App” for free.

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