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The Celebrated MYSTERY

...wherein we hide (with fiendish cleverness) a simple word. All you have to do is unscramble the word (found on page 12), then find it concealed within one of our ads. Click in to the contest link at www.AugustaRx.com and enter. If we pick you in our random drawing of correct entries, you’ll score our goodie package!
SEVEN SIMPLE RULES: 1. Unscramble and find the designated word hidden within one of the ads in this issue. 2. Visit the Reader Contests page at www.AugustaRx.com. 3. Tell us what you found and where you found it. 4. If you’re right and you’re the one we pick at random, you win. (Winners within the past six months are ineligible.) 5. Prizes awarded to winners may vary from issue to issue. Limited sizes are available for shirt prize. 6. A photo ID may be required to claim some prizes. 7. Other entrants may win a lesser prize at the sole discretion of the publisher. 8. Deadline to enter is shown on page 12.
Considerations for Selecting Hospice Care
The number of new agencies offering hospice care is increasingly competitive. My friend, Lucy, a nurse, recently went into hospice care. She advises that you research your options before being suddenly faced with pressures to get hospice. Gather the information you need to make an informed decision about when to enroll in hospice and which hospice agency to select. As part of your decision-making process, interview a nurse that provides the services rather than speaking only with a sales representative. Discuss your assorted options with family members and make a plan. Delineate a schedule for caregivers.Ascertain what hospice services and equipment are provided. Most importantly, decide how to respond and whom to call when an emergency arises. A helpful resource

“Dying Well – the Final Stage of Survivorship” is available from the National Coalition for Cancer Survivorship at canceradvocacy.org/resources/cancer-survival-toolbox/ dying-well.
What Jimmy Carter Reminds Us About Dying
Cancer Information and Awareness: augusta.edu/cancer/community

Augusta University provides palliative care services. Learn more at augustahealth. org/palliative-care.

Other places to learn about palliative care and hospice care are the website for the National Institutes of Health at nia.nih.gov/health/whatare-palliative-care-and-hospice-care and references for this edition of The C Word.
“The C Word” is a news- brief of the Georgia Cancer Center at Augusta University. For cancer information, visit: augusta.edu/cancer/community. To request exhibits or speaking engagements, contact Christine O’Meara at comeara@augusta.edu or 706-721-8353. Arrange for virtual presentations in order to follow Coronavirus precautions.
1. American Cancer Society (ACS) Cancer Facts & Figures, 2023. cancer.org/research/cancer-facts-statistics/all-cancerfacts-figures/2023-cancer-facts- figures.html
2. Retirement Guide: Hospice Care vs Palliative Care retireguide.com/medicare/services/ hospice/hospice-vs-palliative-care
3. Statement on President Carter’s Health. The Carter Center. Feb. 18, 2023. cartercenter.org/news/pr/2023/ statement-on-president-cartershealth.html#:~:text=ATLANTA%20(Feb.%2018%2C%20 2023,family%20and%20 his%20medical%20team. #102 6/2023
— MedPage Today