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Good Body Mechanics Are Learned Best in PT
The Back Bone’s Connected to the Hip Bone… The hip bone’s connected to the thigh bone. Have you ever experienced back pain after enduring a knee injury? You’re not alone! It is not uncommon that other parts of the body feel achy and painful when the injury occurs in a different location. The old children’s song whose lyrics sing, “The thigh bone is connected to the knee bone,” is more useful than you think. Everything in our bodies is connected, making it clearer that other body parts can be indirectly affected. This is commonly made evident as we move about in our daily lives, feeling the effects of an injury or joint dysfunction of some type.
At OSR Physical Therapy, recognize and address poor body mechanics as a primary aspect of patient evaluation and care. Pain-free movement involves the entire body working together, therefore, rehabilitation and preventative care doesn't end simply where the injury occurred. Think of it this way. 1. You sustain a foot or ankle injury. 2. Soon, you develop a limp you develop a limp to reduce the amount of weight on the injured ankle.
How To Practice Proper Body Mechanics A licensed OSR physical therapist will teach proper body mechanics as part of every treatment session. The common sense tips below are simply reminders. Be sure to see your physical therapist for more direct help if you experience any type of pain with movement.
When Walking: Keep your back straight When Sitting: Use a pillow or rolled towel to support your lower back. When sitting for a long time, raise one leg higher to keep from getting tired. Use a footstool! When driving, adjust the seat and steering wheel to a comfortable distance. When Lifting An Object: Your feet should be apart, in a standing position. Remember to bend from your hips and knees. Do NOT bend at the waist. When Carrying An Object: Hold object close to your body Keep an eye on the weight. If an object is too heavy, ask for help.
3. The limp essentially creates extra stress on other joints, creating an irritation from poor body mechanics. 4. Persisting poor body mechanics , resulting from the ankle injury, leads to a greater frequency of knee, hip, or low back pain, , combined with loss of function.
Our team specializes in rehabilitation and injury prevention. For the best advice and honest conversation about your pain or prevention concern, talk to an OSR physical therapist today! Try Us for Free - Click Above To Schedule Your OSR FirstStop
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